The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1912, Image 3

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Discourses on Arabia, tiiaMe
of Mankind.
Land Where Our First Parents Had
Their Trial, Lost Divine Favor and
Were Condemned to Suffer Penalty of
Sin Day Draws Near When the
Great Deliverer Shall Lift the Curse
and the World Be Dlessed.
mankind from the reign of sin and Christ-will not be the Chief Resur
denth was made, not publicly, not to rectlou. to spirit nature, spirit bodies,
all of the nu-e. but merely to one man etc. Those Ancient Worthies will
the friend of God Abraham. To him
t'oine forth from the toml after the
it was disclosed as a secret Hint the coiujilctiou of the Church, after her
great Creator, although pcrmlttinii Jus- establishment In glory. Thv will
tlce to hold full sway in a relentless C0iIle forth perfect men. of humau na-
exhibition of Divine wrath against the ture. the linage and likeness of God
'sinner, had a loving punse in His (1 the flesh, as was Adam. Great will
'heart which would yet find expression K. tm,r degree of honor as they shall
.and include all the human family in K. soti 0f Messiah as "princes lu all
jthe blessing it would bring. How as- tne earth." for the blessing of Israel
tonlshed we are to learn of such mil all of every nation, people, kln-
"A wlJeness In God's mercy, i dred and tongue.
Like the wldenesa of the son!" j Abraham's Seed the Elect.
Hut God gave Abraham words only. I5ut Ai,r:ihaiu was to have a still
"Wonderful words of life" that In ! higher Seed, numerically less, for It is
him and iu his posterity eventually all written. "Thy Seed shall be as the
the families of the earth shall be ,stars 0r heaven, and as the sands of
blessed. ISut there was not a sign or , t)u. seashore." That superior Abra
Railroad Men Hold Conferences
to Protect Property.
f J
t ' U ill
Mid - Ocean.
March 24.-On the
Atlautle. speeding
homeward, the
Foreign Missions
Investigation Com
mittee Is in com
munication by
wireless. It Is un
derstood that ar
rangements hove
been made for a
public mass meet
ing In New York's
largest auditori
um. The Hippodrome, next Sunday
afternoon, to hear the report of this
Committee respecting Its findings. A
full report of the same will be given
In these columns. Pastor Russell's dis
course today was reminiscent of Ara
bia as the Cradle of our Race. Ills
text was: "As all In Adam die, even
so all In Christ shall be made alive:
every man in his own order." I Corin
thians xv. 22. 23.
The Land Where Man Lost Life.
Arabia is accredited with being the
ancient Eden, eastward in which was
the specially prepared Garden where
In our first parents had their trial not
for a reward of heaven or a punish
ment of eternal torment, but for a re
ward of everlasting life under perfect
earthly conditions, or for a penalty of
death. Hero man, created very good, In
the linage of his Creator, sinned and
became subject to the penalty of sin
"The soul that slnneth, it shall die."
Here also Is Mount Aararat, on which
the ark rested after the flood, and
from which came forth the family of
Koah to people the earth afresh. Thus
was Arabia twice the Cradle of man
kind. Here Is the fertile Mesopotamia,
which Father Abraham left at the Dl
Tine Invitation, to sojourn In Palestine
to the north, under promise to become
the heir of Divine favor, the father of
the faithful, whoso now glorified Seed,
the great Messiah, has already redeem
ed the world and is yet to take the
Throne of earth and, during the thou
sand years, conquer sin and death and
lift up from degradation and the grave
Adam and his race.
This Is the same Arabia made fa
mous by the tales of the Arabiun
Nights, and where also Is the tomb of
Mohammed, whose followers rival In
numbers the followers of Jesus and
still trust in a promise made to Abra- j
ham. and, like the Jews, wait still for
the glorious appearing of Messiah.
Like the Israelites they are blind to the
fact that, before Messiah could bless
and heal and uplift the world, it was
necessary that He redeem them with
His own ilfe, and select from amongst
men a spiritual class to bo His Bride
and Joiut-heir In His glorious King
dom. And now as the day draws near that
the curse shall be lifted from the
world, when "the wilderness shall blos
som as the rose" and "the solitary place
fchall be glad," we behold this land of
the most ancient civilization awaking.
The ruins of its ancient cities, Nineveh
and Habylon. are yielding to modern
research the records of thirty-five hun
dred years ago, while modern engineers
and modern capital are at work upon
vast irrigation schemes costing mil
lions of money, which they tell us will
make that hnul fruitful nnd fertile as
the Garden of the Lord. Are wc .not
thus witnesses of the beginning of the
long-promised "times of restitution of
all things which God hath spoken by
the u.outh of all tho holy Prophets
since the world began?" Acts ill. 19
21. Redemption by His Blood.
When could we more appropriately
oouslder the Divine provision for our
race than when considering this land,
the Cradle of our Race, where the fall
took place, where the ruin began which
has tilled the earth with sin. selfish
ness, sorrow and dying? Ah. surely
fce greatly erred when we supposed
that a greater penalty for sin was
needed jr htendd by our Maker than
the penalty we are experiencing. What
more could man lose than our race as
a whole has lot7 Cru-ited in relation
ship whli C id ns a son and heir of the
appropriate blessings of the Almighty
Fattier. Adam and his race lost that
precious r I i. unship lost Divine fa
vor. Divine communion. Divine care,
and were plunged Into death condeni
nation as strangers, aliens, convicts,
tarrying In life merely to fulfil the ver
diet. "Dying, thou shalt die."
How sternly Divine Justice held to
that verdict: How relentlessly, how
pitilessly the forces of nature were al
lowed to play havoc with man In
earthquakes, drouths, famines, pesti
lences and hereditary diseases! For
more than two thousand years the
great Heavenly Parent showed man
kind only Ills Justice and miught of
His Love. And then the first declara
tion of the Gospel-the first mention
that Divine favor would yet rescue
change so far as the Divine dealings
were concerned. Sin and death were
still allowed to reign, and their reign
has continued century after century
since Abraham's day. Doubtless it
was because God foreknew i lint ap
proximately four thousand years would
Intervene before the blessing or tne
world that He added Ills Oath in cor
roboration of His promise. Saint Paul
tells us that He so did in order that
by these two Immutable, unchange
able things -the Word or Gou anu tne
Oath of God we. who by faith are be
come the spiritual Seed of Abraham.
might have strong consolation we
"who have fled for refuge to lay hold
upon the hope set before us" In that
Gospel Message which God gave to
Abraham. , ,
"Israel Hath Not Obtained."
Centuries passed. Abraham and
Isaac and Jacob, to whom that prom
ise was successively made, all died:
hauiie Seed, "as the stars of heaven,
a spiritual Seed, must le developed
and glorified tirst. before the blessing
cau come to his earthly seed.
Saint Paul, explaining the situation,
nays that the Law Covenant was add--ed
to fill up the time between Abra
ham and the proper time for the spir
itual Seed. The Christ. It "was added
because of transgression" because sin
had abounded in the world and so do
graded humanity that It was necessary
to lift up as a standard of righteous
ness the Law of the Ten Command
ments, to take the place of the Di
vine Law which was originally written
In Adam's character. When he was
created In .the Image and likeness of
God Adam needed no Tables of Law
to teach him right from wrong, even
ns God needs none.
Saint Taul explains further, saying.
"Israel hath not obtained that which
jhe seeketh for. but the election hath
' obtained It. and the rest were blinded."
anu Jacoo ou ... (Romans xl. 7.1 Israel desired to be
down the gracious Inheritance of the Messlah-to have the very
wonderful promise o his . twelve ; ".! Wc wWch Qq6 hnd tQ
who there became the nation of Israel. . l8rne thflt 4Q fl jM
TU6 IOUnaauon oi irnei uuiu ua u , nrrnnr,a thirefnr Tim
nation la that promise made to, Abra
ham, In which they still trust. The
spectacle of a faith triumphing for
four thousand years is a glorious one.
and It will shortly have its rewnrd.
In due time, at Mount Sinai God en
tered into a Covenant with the chil
dren of Israel, by which He agreed to
bless them and to fulfil in them the
Abrahamlc promise that they, as Abra
ham's seed, should bless all the na
tions of the earth. The only condition
connected with the promlso was that
they were to show their fitness to be
the Divine channel of blessing to the
world and their obedience to the Di
vine Law which was delivered to them
on two tables of stone. Full of Joy
and faith the Israelites obligated
themselves thus.
Ah! much they knew not. ,They did
not realize their own weakness and
Iiniterfeetlon through the fall and their
Inability to fulfil the Divine require
ments, the spirit of the Law of their
Covenant. They soon found that while
tho Law said. "He that doeth these
things shall live." they were not able
to do those things; and therefore they
were al! dying like other men. Had
God deceived them and cutrapped
tliL'iu? No. God's proposition was
simple enough. Ho was merely teach
ing them n great lesson that sin ns a
disease had taken bold upon humanity
and that, however willing they might
lie. all were weak and perverse In the
flesh and unable to fulfil their good
Israel's Promised Deliverer.
As a consolation God assured Israel
that He would send the Deliverer,
One still greater than Moses who had
delivered them from the Egyptian
bondage. This greater Deliverer would
deliver them from the greater bondage
of sin aud death, so that they would
be able to obey tho Divine Law and
be used of God In blessing and lu
structlug other nations. This Greater
than Moses they were assured would
Inaugurate a New Law Covenant,
based upon better sacrifices than the
blood of bulls and goats, and He was
known to them as Messiah, the Mes
senger of the New Covenant. In Him,
therefore, they came to hope; for Illm
they waited; in the prospect of His
coming they delighted.
But although the Law Covenant
made nothing perfect although It did
not accomplish the thing Israel had
hoped. It did accomplish much. It
served to lift that one nation, reli
giously, high above all the other na
tions of their day. so that when the
time came for God to send Ills Son
Into the world to be man's Redeemer
to die. the Just for the unjust, for
"elect" obtained It a remnant of Is
rael, numerically small as compared to
the whole, were found upon test to be
'Israelites Indeed In whom was no
guile:" and these became the nucleus
of Messiah's Bride class.
Gospel Preached First to Jews,
That every Israelite Indeed might bo
found the Gospel Message at first was
exclusively theirs, and the first (Jen
tile convert. Cornelius, was not admit
ted to Divine favor in this respect un
til three and a half years after the
cross. Yea. still later, when the Apos
tles preached the Gospel to every crea
ture, to people of every country and
nationality, as well as to the Jew to
whom It was originally confined, they
still gave the Jew the preference up to
the year A. D. 70. when the Jewish
polity perished. St. Paul declared this
publicly to the Jews, saying. "It was
necessary that the Gospel be preached
first to you, but seeing ye count your
selves unworthy of the grace of God
lo. we turn unto the Gentiles, for thus
It Is written In the Prophets."
We see. then, that the nucleus of the
elect Church which should become tho
Bride of Christ at His second coming
was .Jewish, and that God's favor to
the Gentiles was His permitting of
them to come in and fill up the foreor
dained number of the elect Church,
though only after all worthy Jews had
been called and accepted. And now,
ns .lesus foretold, the Gospel or good
news of Ills coming Kingdom Is being
preached In all the world "for n wit
ness." to gather from every nation,
people, kindred and tongue the saintly
ones to be sharers with the Jewish nu
cleus In the great honor of becoming
Messiah's Bride aud Jolut-heir. We are
to clearly distinguish between the icf
ncssing of these matters amongst all
nations, for the gathering out of an
"elect" few. and the blessing of all
nations under the Kingdom which
will come later on. A fuilure to see
this has caused confusion In many
Heirs of the Promise.
We must never lose sight of the ker
nel of this Gospel Message. The ulti
mate blessings of the Messianic King
dom, through the Seed of Abraham,
will be to all the families of the earth.
but, previously, the Divine work Is tho
calling of the Seed of Abraham, which
Is to do that work of blessing. The
promise wus not made to all the fami
lies of tho earth but to Abraham and
h! Seed. Hence the heirs of tho prom
ise are not nil the families of the earth.
but the Seed of Abraham.
To the saints of Galatla. who had
been Gentiles but had accepted Jesus
aud were trusting to become joint
Washington Reports Indicate Warm
Weather Is Coming Dynamite l
Sent Ahead to Break Up Ice Gorges
at Points Along Railroads.
Omaha, March 25. Grave conditions
ronfioni who have destructible
property in the west. Homes, laims
and railroads are going to bo seriously
damaged by a Beething rush from tho
Railroad officials In Omaha held hur
ried conferences to study tho flood
situation and every report from the
west was eagerly consumed.
The roads have dispatched dynamite
to points along their lines beyond the
Missouri valley,-and It Is being used
freely to break up tho gorges. Prac
tioally every bridge in the west is in
danger of destruction.
Fears are based primarily on the
general supposition that the cold
weather cannot much longer prevail,
and this Is backed up by confirming
reports coming from Washington. In
the forecast for the coming week,
weather with temperatures slightly be
low normal are forecasted.
Colder weather is expected in the
northwest about Thursday, but in the
meantime It Is expected that Old Sol
will have a handicap that hardly can
be overcome.
Colonel Welsh, director of the local
weather bureau, believes that floods,
or at least extremely high Btages, are
inevitable. "We are bound to have
high water on account of the heavy
snows and the great depth of Ice," he
declared. "The expected Inundation
will be greater or less according to
the whims of the elements. If, by a
natural condition, the temperatures
go up gradually from the south, the
damage will be lessened, but should
a warm spell strike the headwaters
In the north there is no telling what
the destruction will be."
uii SCiiuuum
We have just received our large and complete line &
of Spring and Summer
Kirschbaum Clothing
For years the Kirschbaum standard has been f$
ft the highest clothes value standard obtainable. The ft
Great Buying Public is no longer the "Easy Boss"
it that it was a few years ago. They want to buy a
nunureu cenis worm lor every dollar. Now is the
m time to buy that new Easter suit. Get the Kirsch
ft baum Style and values.
j. The Germans have a proverb, "Durch, und Diirch Gewis
i senhaft," which translated is, "Through Through and Through."
V Such is the motto of the Kirschbaum Clothes. Get them at
Fanger's Department Store
V. ZUCKER, Manager
Executive Committee Perfecting Plan
of Insurgency.
Hastings, Neb., March 25. The exec
utive committee elected to carry out
the program formidatcd by the' state
insurgent convention of Modern Wood
men of America met In Hastings to-
day-The details of the adopted plan
of Insurgency will be worked out at
this mooting and probably another
conference will be held In Omaha or
Lincoln a week later preparatory to
the making of formal demands on the
head officials of the order.
The resolutions adopted by the con
vention commit tho insurgent Wood
men to the following line of action:
1. To secure tho submission of the
rnte queptloa to the entire membership
for a referendum vote.
2. Failing In the first, to endeavor
to secure a m"etlng of a newly elected
head enmp for a reconsideration of the
rate nuestlon.
3. FVIlIng In the first and second, to
Institute legal proceedings to prevent
the enforcement of tho new rates pend
ing consideration of the question by
ilie next regular head camp.
4. Failing In all these, to call an
other convent'on to take such artlon
as the clrcumstnnces may require.
man's reconciliation, as the Atonement' heirs with God's dear Son in Ills Mes
for his sln-at that time there werei
a few thousand saintly Jews who
waited for the consolation, the com
fort, the blessing which God had
promised them through Messiah re
lease from the bondage of sin and
Thus the T-nw was n pedagogue, a
servant, to lead the Israelites to the
Great Teacher; and at Pentecost and
subsequently several thousand of them
thus led entered the School of C nrlst
to he His disciples, to walk In Ills
steps, to suffer with Illm and later on.
In due lime, to reign with Him.
Moreover, during the sixteen centu
ries between Moses nnd Jesus a saint
ly class was manifested, all of whose
names are written In the book of God's
remembrance. It Is not theirs to be
the Bride of Messiah: It Is not theirs
to be counted lu ns members of the
Body nf Christ, which Is the Church,
for those inemlK-rs will follovr the
Fiend, none of them precede Hint.
These Ancient Worthies were not
begotten of the Holy Spirit to n nev
nature, to be new creatures In Christ,
but "they had this testimony that
they pleased God." They have tho
Scriptural testimony, therefore, that
they shall be accounted worthy of "a
better resurrection" than the remain
der of mankind, although their resur
rection will not be with the Bride of
slunk' Kingdom as members of Ills
Bride Elect, Snlnt Tnul writes, "If ye
be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's
Seed, and hcln according to the prom
ise." (Galatlans 111, 29.) How strange
that we should have lost sight of this
great Inheritance! With our Lord, as
Abraham's Seed, we shall inherit the
earth; ns It Is written, "1 will give Thee
the heathen for Thine inheritance, and
tho uttermost parts of the earth for
Thy possession."
No wonder the Apostles frequently
reminded the brethren of this great In
herltance which God has In reserva
tion for the faithful. No wonder one
of them writes. "All things are yours.
for ye are Christ's; nnd Christ Is
God's!" Adam and his entire race
are to be turned over to Christ Jesus
the Redeemer purchased by Ills pre
clous blood. Then we. as His Bride
Consort, are to share with Him that
great Inheritance, and to colnbor with
IILm In bringing order out of present
confusion. Satan Is to be bound; all
the forces of darkness art! to be over
thrown and restrained. The light of
the knowledge of God. ns a glorious
Sun of Righteousness. Is to arise;' and
Its healing beams are to flood the
earth, carrying with them Ilfe. peace
Joy, rest-to the Jew first, but eventual
ly to every nation, poo-" ....(ired and
La Follette Will Come on April 3.
Lincoln, March 25 Senator La Fol
'.t'tto will come to Nebraska April 3
and will remain In the state for sev
oral days, campaigning for votes at
the Republican primary, April 19
when he will contest with Colonel
Roosevelt and President Taft for tha
sixteen Nebraska votes in the Chlcagr
convention. A telegram to F. A. liar
rlson of Lincoln announced the sena
tor's positive determined to rnakf
April 3 the beginning of his Nebraska
Cattle Break Through Ice.
Nebraska City, March 25. Henrj
Holtgrew, a large stock raiser, lost
thirteen head of fine cattle In a pe
culiar manner. The Little Nemaha
river was nearly bnnk full and the cat
tie got out and attempted to cross tha
stream on the Ice. They broke through
and were drowned. Part of tho re
mainder of the herd wa3 following, but
when the Ice begun to give way they
retreated to the shore and escaped.
Urges Assessors to Use Care.
Lincoln, March 25. Henry Seymour,
secretary of the state board of equal!
zatlon, Is sending out a letter to each
of tho county assessors In tho Btate
urging them to use the utmost care, as
the assessment of property this year
Is an unusually Important matter
There Is to he a reassessment of all
real estate and this will necessitate
readjustment of values of all classe
of property.
Mclninch Wins Suit Over Auto.
Auburn. Neb.. March 25. Tho case
of Mclninch against Kvans resulted I
a verdict for the plaintiff. The plaint
iff replevlned an nutomobllo and th
defendant claimed right of possession
on the ground that he had a verbal
.-hattel mortgage. This case was tried
two years asra nnd went to the bu
preme court, where It was reversed.
Enjoyable Event at Home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Morgan
Saturday Evening.
One of the most enjoyable
social events of tho season was
that which took place at the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. D.
C. Morgan on Saturday evening,
at which time the Melchesedecs
were entertained by Misses Mil
dred Johnson, Esther Larson and
(iertrude Morgan in a delightful
Those in charge of Hie enter
tainment bad planned some verv
nteresliiig features, the first be
ing a guessing contest, in which
arloon pictures were distributed
nnd each had to guess the names
of those represented. In this
contest Miss Elsie Theirolf guess-
d the largest number and was
awarded a pretty cup and saucer.
This was followed by another
contest, in which a list of ques
tions, which were lo be answered
by Iho name of some article found
n a kitchen, were distributed.
Miss Edna Shopp succeeded in
capturing the, prize offered for
this contest and was presented
with a tin cup. The next was one
which tested the artistic ability
of the guests and was a source of
nterest and amusements, as each
had to draw a cartoon picture of
someone present. Mrs. Gade
proved herself the greatest artist
and won the prize, a picture. De
licious refreshments were served
at this time.
The guests tarried for a few
moments and participated vt
music, conversation and other
stunts and then dispersed, pro
nouncing Misses Johnson, Larson
and Morgan as most excellent
entertainers, and extended (heir
warmest thanks to Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan for their kind hospitality.
For Representative.
We are requested to announce
the name of George V. Olson as a
candidate for state representative,
subject to the choice of the
democratic voters at the pri
maries on Friday, April 19th.
Surveyor Fred Patterson was a
passenger to Omaha on the fast
mail this afternoon, where he
went to get a blue print of the
new rifle range,, which he recent
ly surveyed.
We mix chop to suit you. Our
chop is always fresh, as we grind
every day. Give us your order for
Wheat, Oats, Corn and Chop!
Ind.. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go.
Big Department Store ft
Fashionable Wearing Apparel R
For WomenS s
Our opening display of wearing apparel shows
all of the favored styles authorized by Paris and
New York. Correctly Tailored Suits, beautifully
finished: Dainty Dresses, fashioned from Spring's
prettiest fabrics; Coats, practical but unusually
handsome, all are here in great variety. The
models are so numerous and distinctive that your
$4 preferences will soon be satisfied.
Everywhere you go in this store you are greeted with
fresh Spring goods, and no matter what you may desire, we
sure can please you.
Our new line of Muslin Underwear, embroideries
and laces is the finest ever shown in Plattsmouth.
"The Home of Guaranteed Values!"