The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1912, Image 2

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Everything New in Shapes and New Shades of Colors!
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Wednesday is Gouvcnicr Day, and everybody visiting the store on that day will be presented with a handsome carnation.
Our Spring Opening provides many new attractions. Gathered here throughout the store, isthe pick of fashions and most famed styles.
Each is authentic, correct in every detail. Fashions that arc certain to appeal to people of discrimination and good taste. We are confident that
you will be satisfied with both the goods and their making. All we await now is your inspection.
It is style that costs in a hat. Our hats have undeniable style. They are correct, beautiful and becoming. Fine in quality and skillfully put to
gether, yet they cost no more than is ORDINARILY asked for the ORDINARY production of the ORDINAY milliner. Let your new hat be one
of distinction a hat which will prove an important asset to your appearance; a hat which will make its wearer, in an assemblage, as a woman
of superior taste in dress.
Anything that you buy here and it is not entirely satisfactory, your money will be gladly refunded.
AMk d4taUfMMfcAL'4t&ll
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.j. union.
J. Ledger. 'V
W. I). Wl I.t of lluck HluITs
precinct made a short stop al I his
place Tuesday forenoon, and
went In Lincoln on business.
William and wife of
Weeping Water changed cars here
Tuesday, reluming from Omaha,
where Mrs, spent several
weeks in a hospital.
Misses Annie, McCarroll, Leola
Barton and (irace Mougry, wlio
are nttendinK' 1 1 i K ti school in
1'lallsniiMilh, came home yester
day for a few days' vncation.
Mrs. Charles Wolfe- came home
Sunday from Hock HluITs pre
cinct, where she had been visit
ing for a few days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. (J. V. Shrader.
Mrs. Myron Lynde departed on
the Tuesday morning train, going
lo llushville, Neli., to interview ft
new grandson which recently ar
rived al the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Frriburghouse.
Da1d I'itlman or Murray
changed cars here Tuesday, on
his way to Hastings to attend a
meeting of delegates from Nc
hraska Modern Woodmen camps
for a discussion of the rate
Mrs. Fannie Kikenhary, I he- ac
commodating local manager of
the IMatlsniniilh Telephone com
pany nlllre. is somewhat proud of
I he rooms" she occupies, on ac
count of the improved appear
ance, due to the very artistic in
terior nainl ing done bv Tom and
Ralph Sherwood.
Mill's Chilcott has sold his farm
northeast of town and will have n
public sale March 29, to dispose
of his personal properly. Soon
ns he can w ind up business affairs
here he and his wife will move to
Boyd county to make their home.
W. C. Hopkins, the barber, was
niade happy this week by the ar
rival of his daughter, Miss Edith,
and his sons, Claude, (ilenn and
Harold, who have been making
(heir home with relatives in Grand
Island. They came to make I heir
permanent home here.
(Seorge W. Olsen was a busi
ness visitor to the county seat
Tuesday. Mr. Olsen is one of our
hustling insurance agents, and
has decided to seek the demo
cratic nominal ion for represent
ative in the legislature, and if he
should succeed in being nomin
ated and elected no doubt, be will
make a record as a lawmaker.
! Leader-Echo.
Misses Katie and Maggie Mei
singer of near Cedar Creek visit
ed l'latlsmoutb this morning,
coining down on No. i to look
after some shopping.
W. II. Seybert of Cedar Creek
was an over night IMaltsnioulh
visitor, having come down from
Omaha last night, where he wit
nessed the go between Frank
Golch and an Omaha athlete in
an exhibition match. Mr. Seybert
left for his home on No. 29 this
Mrs. E. K. Monroe and daugh
ter, Miss Ruth, of Pacific Junc
tion were in the city for a time
this morning, doing the week
end shopping.
Ciuy Morgan and Miss Dorris
Nelson, who have been visiting
Miss Nelson's parents south of
the city for n few days, departed
for Glenvvood yesterday afternoon
Waller Schneider and wife ar
rived from Cedar Creek on the
morning train today and visited
friends .in this city for a time.
Henry Sanders and wire came
in from their home Ibis morning
on No. i and looked after busi
ness matters at the county seat.
Harry l'rall went to Gretna yes
terday afternoon for a visit with
Mrs. F. A. Raker relumed Tues
day night from a visit with Lin
coln relatives.
Word was received from New
Bremen, Ohio, this week that Ed
Langhorsi, is very sick.
Henry Miller went to Lincoln
Monday evening lo see his new
grandson at the home of George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles West went
to Weeping Water Tuesday to at
tend the funeral of Mrs. Norman
Coon, stepgrandniother of the
J. 11. Rogge and J. E. Olsen left
Tuesday on a business trip to
Hastings, .veil., tlie lormer being
a delegate ,i be stale meeting of
I lie Modern Woodmen.
Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Lorenz
and child of Council HluITs, Iowa,
have moved here and will make
their home with William Lorenz
southwest of town.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Robb of
Verdon arrived Tuesday ' for a
visit with the latler's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Tyson. While
"killing'' time al Lincoln on their
way here Mr. Ilobb witnessed the,
return to the penitentiary of Con-;
vicl Morley, with his dead com-,
rades, who were captured Monday,
afternoon near Gretna.
Slirz & Lorenz have sold their
hardware and implement busi
ness to A. .1. Johnson ot Avoca,
possession being given Monday.
Mr. Johnson recently purchased
the entire stock of the Avoca
Supply company at Avoca, and
the name of the firm was there
after changed to Johnson Hard
ware, rurniture and implement
company, which also now applies
to Mr. Johnson's business in
Roy Klunt, the young man sbot
Monday afternoon during the
capture of the three escaped con
victs from the slate penitentiary,
near Gretna, was a cousin to Mrs.
John Lean of this place. Con
sidering tin manner of death and
the fact that Mr. Hlunt was a hus
band of only two months, makes
the tragedy doubly sad. When
ever the story is told much sym
pathy is expressed for the loved
ones of the young man. Mrs.
Lean and her sou. Roy, left Tues
day morning for Springfield to be
in attendance at the funeral.
J Beacon. !
I have arranged to get a rate
of round trip to Dermott,
rkansas, on the second dav of
May, where we have 15,000 acres
of fine farm lands for sale. Those
buying land while there will have
their railroad fare returned. For
runner particulars apply to or
T. L. Amick, Mynard, Neb.
See the exhibit at J. L. Russell's
Riley Hotel Bar.
Frank Smith of the Journal
force was an over Sunday visitor
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Claud Everett, near Union.
For Infant i and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Leu Hurdick lias been quite
sick I he past week, but is slowly
We are glad lo note that there
is great improvement in the con
dition of Hen Hoot.
ChCarles Rentier and family re
lumed Sunday night from St.
Louis, w here I hey bad spent a
week seeing the sights.
Mrs. Henry Ruhga has return
ed to her home at Weeping Wa
ter, after spending a week visit
ing with her parents and other
relatives and friends.
Mrs. A. W. Norris arrived home
on itiursday or last week from
Temple Hill, Kentucky, where she
was called several weeks ago by
the death of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen are
the proud parents of a brand new
son, which arrived at their home
Friday morning, and the little
man informed them that be had
come to stay.
division Superintendent Russ
and Engineer Sickert of Falls
City, and .Roadmaster Hell of
Omaha were here last Saturday
ami Sunday overseeing the work
of clearing the Missouri Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. William Finke
were made happy last aiurnay
afternono by the arrival of a baby
dauVhter at their home, but like
a tender bud withered in a frosty
atmosphere before a season of
sunshine should develop it, the in
fant sank into endless sleep
Monday morning and on Tuesday
the liny form was laid to rest
below the snowy sods of earth.
In their hour of sorrow the grief
stricken parents have the pro
found sympathy of the entire
L tiniBi,iil " 9.
j racnnvvAH. v
J News. I
Two of the Kearus families
loaded an immigrant car Ibis week
and shipped their effects to some
point in Kansas.
Miss Hael Rowland, an old
schoolmate of Mrs. G. S. Sheldon,
came in Monday night for a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
George lUihnian, who will hold
n public sale tomorrow in Ne
bawka, expects lo leave Sunday
for Hitchcock, Oklahoma, where
he will make his future home.
Martin Van Huren of Amster
dam, New York, a brother of Rev.
Van Huren, is here on a visit of
several weeks. Mr. Van Huren is
on bis way from Oklahoma, where
he has been on business.
E. A. Kirkpatrick was a pas
senger to Plattsinouth Tuesday
evening, where he went on busi
ness. 1. Rufl'ner, who has been
here for I he past ten days, picked
the strawberries for Ed during his
J. M. Stone and M. G. Kiine
went to Lincoln Tuesday evening,
where they were participants in
the Bryan birthday banquet. No
more loyal admirers of the great
commoner could have attended
friim this place.
Wes Kivelt, who works for Ern
Young, was kicked on the breast
by a mule Tuesday evening, and
although no bones were broken it
was feared he was injured inter
nally. The doctor was called, but
is unable to say yet just how
seriously Wes was injured. The
next few days determining
whether there is any internal in
jury. The Fiddlers' contest Saturday
night, given under the auspices of
the local Commercial club, was
one of the most pleasing enter
tainments held in Nebraska in
many a day. The railroads were
blocked, many of the country
roads were impassable and yet the
house was packed with a good
natured audience that gave liberal
applause to each number.
L. C. Todd and his two boys
came to town Friday w ith a home
made snow-plow and a four-horse
team and broke a good road from
here lo his place north of town.
It was an A-sbaped contrivance
made of heavy bridgep lank and
cleared a path about nine feet
wide, leaving a good road behind.
Mr. Todd said they had all four
of the horses down at one lime
ami had lo shovel several of them
Courier. !
H. (i. Hoover went to Atchison,
Kansas, Saturday evening.
Mrs. John Borhnman is report
ed seriously ill with heart trouble.
August Ossenkop shipped a car
of horses to South Omaha Mon
thly. Ed Hester of Cherry county
left for home Thursday, after a
ten days' visit with friends and
relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers
have presented their daughter,
Annie, with a tine organ which
they purchased of B. G. Hoover.
Ed Heil is suffering from an
injured heel, having stepped on
a nail. Blood poison set in and
he may have to go to the hos
pital. Mrs. Edith Rochford has re
signed her position with Ossen
kop Brothers and will leave next
week for Los Angeles, where she
will spend the summer.
Miss Hulda Youngblade of Lin
coln, formerly of Louisville, was
married recently in Lincoln lo
Charles Anderson, a contractor
of that city.
Mrs. Cam Seybert entertained
the Woman's club very pleasant
ly Thursday afternoon. After
the regular business session ice
cream, strawberries and cake were
Through an oversight we
neglected to mention the birthday
surprise parly given Mrs. George
Meyers a week ago Sunday by a
large number of friends and rela
tives. A very pleasant time is re
ported by all present.
Misses Anna Johnson and
Agnes Sundslroni came down
from Omaha for an over Sunday
visit with the latler's brother,
Helmer Sundslroni and family.
They returned Monday, accom
panied by Mrs. Sundslroni and
little daughter.
Rue I'ians, one of the IMalls
inoiilli lliuh school basket ball
players, spent Sunday with his
parents al 1'nion, returning on
the belated M. I. train last evening.
Precinct Assessors to Meet.
County Assessor II. M. Soen
nichsen has called a meeting of
the precinct assessors to meet at
his olllce at the court bouse Fri
day, March 20, at 1 o'clock, to
go over the valuation of tho per
sonal properly in the count v.
Mr. and Mrs.
Louisville were
city Saturday.
lenry E. Heil of
visitors in this