The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1912, Image 4

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    The- Plattsrnouth - Journal
r- Pubtlshed Semi-Weekly at Plattsrnouth, Nebraska c -ra
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsrnouth, Nebraska, as second-class
to t tin
The egg is beckoning
buller to hit the lobogan.
11 must have been a cold day in
England when 51)0,000 coal
miners wenL on a strike.
Reports from Chihauhau, Mex
ico, indicate that the lawless dogs
of war have been loosed again.
You may as well reconcile your
self to the certainty that March
has come to stay until April 1.
:o :
Food prices are soaring in Eng
land as a result of I he st rike. The
food appears to regard the coal
strike as a raw deal.
When a man quotes history and
it strengthens his argument, re
member thai, there is plenty of
history on the other side.
Jo your bones ache? Have you
dull pains in the back? If so,
don't rush to the doctor. It only
means that you have shoveled all
the snow oil" your sidewalk.
Since the federal court jury in
SI. Louis decided that Mr. Kim
inel isn't Kimniel, he may ask that
the jury be sent back with in
structions to report who he is.
Congress may investigate to de
termine whether or not post
'inasters are being coerced to work
for Taft. A great many post
masters, of course, don't have to
be coerced.
Let's make some elTort. to have
t he snow banks in I ho streets re
moved before we are visited by a
"gully washer" rain and warm
weather. If il, should go off sud
denly there can't help but be some
lamage done,
:o :
When (be third-term subject
was discussed after Mr. Me
Kinley's second election, be said
"I not only am not and will not
be a candidate for a third term,
but would not accept a nomination
or it if it were, tendered me."
A Philadelphia magistrate has
just decided a wife has a right to
ritle a husband's pockels while hi
sleeps. As usual, Philadelphia is
many laps behind the rest of the
world, where the practice is law
Xul ai;t' common.
:o :
Secretary Hoyce of the slal
banking board, in bis recent re
port, says the state guarantee law
is working very satisfactorily and I
will perhaps recommend some
changes in the law nt the next
session of the legislature.
, :o :
Mike Harrington wants Champ
Clark pulled down in Nebraska as
a presidential candidate. Har
rington always did like to do
something out of (lie ordinary,
and he is now trying to do some
thing that will be an utter impos
"Kive million settlers could llnd
homes in the south without
crowding any of the good people
now there," says an exchange. It's1
no more than fair to remind the
writer of this squib that there is
plenty of elbow room right here
in Nebraska.
John E. Parsons, 82 years old,
legal adviser to the sugar trust,
is on trial in New York for viola
tion of the fcherman law. Indica
tions are that numerous other de
fendants will also be 82 years old
by the time they are brought to
the bar of justice.
Thus far Teddy has found no
fault with President Taft's set
ting aside of next Sunday as re
lief day for the starving millions
in China, but Mr. Roosevelt has
been awful busy the last few days
explaining his third term posi
tion. Lincoln Star.
Mike Harrington said the other
day in Lincoln that Chris Gruen
ther is the greatest political man
ager in the state. That he was
managing the Harmon campaign
in Nebraska, and cautioned the
Wilson supporters to "get busy"
and make a desperate effort to
head off the Harmon boom, as, in
the hands of Chris Gruenther,
there is no telling where it will
Many of our farmer friends
have called at the Journal ofllce in
the past few days, and every one
of them speak in the highest
terms of Julius Pet, as a candid
ate for county commissioner
One old republican said: "Let
the Journal keep on booming
Julius I i t z for county commis
sioner he is a good man and
there will be hundreds of repub
licans vote for him because they
know he is competent for the
place and is honest."
The following bets are offered
in Denver pool rooms on the next
president of the United States:
I'aft will be nominated, 125 to
10; Harmon will not be the next
president, 150 to 50; Roosevelt
will not be president, 200 to 100;
Roosevelt will not get the ma
jority of delegates of bis own
slate, New York, 5 to 50; La Fol-
elte will not be nominated, 50 to
; Champ Clark will not bo the
next president, 300 to 100; Taft
will not be the next president,
150 to 100; Wilson w ill not be the
next president, 150 to 50.
The writer first met. Champ
usage, inasniucn mat, snouia a
president consent to be a candid
ate for a third election, I trust he
would be rejected on this demon
stration of ambitious views."
Too often a politician will keep
on the sharp lookout for an issue
so he will be prepared to dodge it.
Did you ever notice how some
men will give a dollar with one
hand and grab two with the other?
Many of the adult workers in
the Lawrence, Mass., woolen mills
who received only ?5.10 a week
would hardly recognize them
selves as the sleek, stalwart,
happy American working man
usually depicted by the cartoon
ists as the tariff beneficiary.
The wise democratic voter will
take into consideration the past
records of the various candidates
before casting his vole at the
primary election April 19 for his
As of course you can't cut ice preferences. There is a big dif-
wilh any comfort in cold weather, ference in a true democratic, one
Hie price of ice will no doubt be who supports the party all the
higher next .summer. time, and one who votes the ticket
:o: oniy wnen ne ieeis so uisposea.
After serving a few weeks as a :o:
juror in York state Mr. Roosevelt An old bachelor told us the
may also become an advocate of other day that the reason he
never married was because bv so
doing- he could only make one
the recall of verdicts.
A coal miners' strike means, of haPPy an1 niake nia"' unhappy,
course, a coal shortage. A.. gas Thal reminds us of a bachelor
"strike," on the contrary, is al- wh tiuti and lpft a w" he
ways regarded as lucky, as it 'luealhing all his property to the
girls who bad rejected him, for
"lo them I owe all my earthly
means more gas.
The ways and
nmans com
mittee of the house now proposes
to transfer the tariff tax on sugar
to silk. Well, that ought to help
the poor cuss some.
If instead of a gem, or even a
(lower, we could fast the gift of a
lovely thought into the heart of a
friend, that would be giving as
the angels innl give.
Perp Morgan is regarded a
great financier because he can
cash bis check for a million. Itut
the man who is raising a family
on $9 a week i a greater
II is estimated that two Fiun
dred eggs are used' in this coun
try every year for ach man,
woman and child.. Poultry and
eggs are the most vamabti prod
ucts of America.
Clark in the Missouri legislature
of 1889, and our opinion of the
speaker, at that time a member
of the legislature, has never
changed. We became a friend of
him from the very start. He had l,,,, I larlMl at Nashville to study
Ilial genial, whole-souled way
New York state makes uvuely
nine out of every humkel collars
and cuffs worn in thi country.
Connecticut makes about sixty
live out of every hundred clocks
A vole for Senator Hitchcock
for delegate-at-large to thi Ftalli
more convention is n vot cast for
a man who will adl credit to the
slate of Nebraska umoiig the
leading democrats ot the nation.
:o :
A sociological (congress has
There will be some great voting
at the primary election. The
masses of the democratic party in
Nebraska are not going to vote as
I he bosses- would have them do,
but are malting a deep study of
the various candidates, and will
support thosi who are deserving
of support a democrats and at
the same time possess ability that
will insure a successful admin
istration if cleeOiiI.
Speaker Cla-rk. . celebrated his
sixty-second buMMay Thursday.
In eulogizing Mr.. Clark, former
Speaker Cannon added his testi
monial uy declaring, "Ao one
would be more fconcfdil in the
White house thaw Clark. At times
I felt his opposition! keenly, but
his is a manly contesB; he always
strikes above the bwtt."
:o :
lion. John 11. lYLouHhcau, can
didate for the dcmociruiU', nomina
tion tor governor,, is winning
Iraise in every community be
visits. The voter eatutol help
self seeks to supplant his friend,
bis supporter, and his devoted
follower in the presidency. He
gives no reason whatever for his
astonishing change tow'ard Taft.
It is not a square deal.
Former President Diaz says he
has no idea of returning to Mex
ico. No one else who has left the
distracted country desires to re
turn, either.
March J 9 one week from next
Tuesday is the last day for filing
nominations. You will have to
"toss your hat into the ring"
pretty soon, or forever hold your
Old men remember the state
ments of General Hancock that
the tariff is a local issue; and how
the general caused a laugh by his
statement. Today in profound
seriousness every opportunist
politician agrees with the gen
eral's idea.
The disclosures in the steel
trust .show that it was steal from
start to finish. And yet we find
stupid men who are in favor of a
tariff tax on steel. These same
men would no doubt be in favor
oi admitting diamonds tree in
order tec help the poor.
The lumber trust is said to be
prospering in this country, and it
will continue fo prosper so long
as the big concern has the tariff
protection it now enjoys. The
infant has grown too large to be
allowed tiv continue on milk diet
Let it shunTl'e awhile for itself.
Thf, average democrat, when
viewing the scrap among the lead
ers, would' be justified in singing,
"Ev'ry time I com t' town I find
'em kickin1 my party aroun'. Ain't
no diff'rencc if it's out and down,
they gotta quit kickin' my parly
aroun'." Will Man-pin's Weekly.
Nebraska is one of the best
slate in the Unjon and could bo
made a great deal better if the
people, will work with a will to
make it better.. Every community
Two Plattsrnouth Young Men
Depart for Their Future
Home In Texas.
From Saturday'a Dally.
B. A. Rosencrans, junior mem
ber of the firm of W. E. Rosen
crans & Son, and Ed Scotten, who
for a number of years has been
invoice clerk in the office of Chief
Clerk C. A. Hartford at the Bur
lington store house, will depart
from Omaha tomorrow afternoon
at 4 o'clock for Portland, Oregon,
with a few days' lay-off at Salt
Lake City. From Portland they
will go by boat to San Francisco
and Los Angeles, visiting the
Plattsrnouth colony at Long
Beach for a time. March and
April will be spent in the coast
cities and vicinity, and on June
first they will arrive at San An
tonio, Texas, where they have ac
cepted good positions with the
Los Angeles Heights Improve
ment company and will engage in
a genera! real estate business.
Both- young men are hustlers,
and Mr. Rosencrans has had two
years'' experience in the real
estate business with his father,
and we predict for both success
in their new location. San An
tonio is a growing city and full of
young and thriving business men
and Messrs. Rosencrans and Scot
ten will' add two more to the num
ber who believe in pushing busi
ness along legitimate lines and
will give their customers always
a square dear. We are sorry to
lose them from our midst, but are
pleased to note their having been
called to places of larger useful
ness. May the greatest of suc
cess crown their efforts and en
ergy in the sunny south.
but note in him oa'tlr! sight a can do some good in making such
man of noble bearing and also one J improvements as will forge Ne
of great ability. HV i just the braska to the front as the best
man for the democrats lo noin- slate in the Union
inate if they expect success. No
one will ever have cause to regret
voling for John H. Morchead.
about him, and while of noble
bearing, was one great magnetic
spirit, thai was ever pulling new
friends lo his side. His heart is
one that expands to the limit and
when you meet him you will see
a great big broad smile as you
approach. If nominated for presi
dent and elected the people can
soul hern condition. We don't
just know what they can do on
this subject, but they might start
a night, school for tin congress al
:o: :
The price of meal is expected
lo go higher than ever Ibis year,
partly because the winter has been
unusually severe on the livestock
depend upon having an able and I,ml l)ai'l,v l''eaus ' indicted
We note that our old friend,
Hon. Henry Gerds who has
served the people of nichardsun
counly numerous terms in the
house of rcpreswitiatives, has filed
for state senator in that district.
Henry Genles i one of God's
noblemen, and has always proved
faithful to the constituents he
represented. Ifaving served about
six terms in the house, he de
serves to go up higher. The
democrats should nominate him
for the senate and the people will
do the rest, because they know
conscientious man at the head ,,f beef packers in Chicago have been ,,im , m a p(M(, lnan
the government.
.leiierson not only declined a
third consecutive term, but he
also declined a third term after
an interval of four years. In
1812, after four years in retire
under heavy legal expense
several months.
We would like lo see the demo
cracy of Nebraska united and
a third harmonious. But it appears al
Congressman: Dies of Texas, in
a speech in the bouse the other
day, classed W. J. Bryan, Teddy
Roosevelt and Congressman Ber-
ger as being- among the foremost
enemies of free government in
America today. But," really, is
the gentleman from Texas really
competent of judging?
Chicago has 125,000 idle men
and bow to- relieve them from im
pending starvation is a puzzling
question-. Republican organs
gleefully point these starving men
to our protective tariff and tell
them it was devised and designed
for their benefit. But in spite of
it they are starving. Look at the
real beneficiaries of our tariff and
note their condition. Any of them
starving? No, no. They are roll
ing in wealth and the poor dupes
who vole for the system that
makes their masters rich are an
swered with a sneer at the de
mand for living wages.
March Records Broken.
From Saturday's Dally.
Last night the mercury dropped
lower than it has done in the
month of March during the last
thirty years. One the iowa side,
where the riprap gang is located,
the thermometer registered 19
below at f a. m. At Fred Ramge's
home at' 6' a. m. it showed 10 be
low, at' Fricke's store 11 below
and at' the Burringfon station al
a. m. it was 6" below.
Operation for Ear Trouble.
J. T. Reynolds went to Omaha
Tuesday morning from' his home
near Union, accompanied by his
son, where an operation was per
formed upon the young man's ear.
He had been suffering with an ear
trouble, for some time, and it is
hoped that the operation may
give him relief.
Ships Stock From Nlynard.
From Friday's Dally.
W'.. T) Whcerer, George Snyder
and Will Fight loaded and ship
ped stock to the South Omaha
market from Mynard Tuesday
evening. We are informed that
they were fortunate and met with
a good market.
Grant did not desire
term, for he said so in plain Eng- most an impossibility, with men
lish, and added: "I will not ac- in the lead who are determined to
cept a nomination unless it were rule or ruin. If you do as they
incut, he replied to friends who tendered under circumstances want you to you are alright, but
desired his re-election, per- such as to make il imperative if you don't see matters as they
emplorily declining. lie cited circumstances not, likely to arise." do you are all wrong. There
many instances from history of :o: never was a time in many years in The high cost of living largely
elective offices having become life Lou Genung, the eminent at- Nebraska when some bolters did caused liy tlie protective larill as
i .
or hereditary offices through re- lorney at Glenwood, refuses to not attempt to run the party and far the lulled Slates is con
election, and declared that he had become a candidate for the demo- 'lone so to such an extent as to reined, not only produces starva-
wished the term to be seven vears era! ic nomination for governor
with ineligibility to re-eleclion. of Iowa. The democrats of the
He thought the practice belter, Hawkeye stale are making the
however, of "allowing his (the mistake of their lives in permit
president's) continuance for eight ling Mr. Genung to withdraw
years, with the liability of being lot-
dropped at half way of the term,
Ittql Bates,
8 Miles South of Plattsrnouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
Wf'All orders promptly filled, and
also solicited.
defeat the stale ticket. That kind ti and riots in Lawrence, but is
jof democracy does not find any forcing thousands of boys and
sympathy from the writer. girls out or scnooi. l ne super-
:o: inlendent of the schools in Elgin,
The aposlle of the Square Deal Illinois, declares that 158 chil
is no mere preacher, for he will dren in the eighth and ninth
The American Woolen company practice what he preaches. Or grades of the schools were forced
making that a period of nroba- of Lawrence. Mass., is also found be should, lie asked Mr. Taft to to leave and go to work, because,
lion." He then said: "The ex- I" have charged ils child em- put aside his ambition lo be Chief as the parents informed him, they
ample of four presidents volun- ployes ! cents a week for drinking Justice f the I'nilcd Stales and were not able to keep them in
tarily retiring at the end of their water, whether they drank any of t" stand for the presidency. Re- school on account of the high cost
eighth year and the progress of it or not, and it was canal water sponding to a high call to public f living. The "system" which
public opinion that the principle at that. By means of this, and duty, Mr. Taft consented, and be- the republican party has created
is salutary, have given it in prac- Schedule K, the mills were enabled rame president. Colonel Roose
tice the form of precedent and l P" large dividends. veil now repudiates him and him-
in its many years of government
is a war upon children.
lerman Greeder,
Graduate Vetincary Surgeoi
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Phone 378 White, Plattsrnouth
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, lleb.
Dates made at this office or tha
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable