The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1912, Image 8

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    Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias beet
In uso for over 30 years, has bonio tlio sirynaro of
and has been made under L.3 por-
?j?-f- Bonal supervision since its Infancy.
-CCiCU4A Allow no ono to deceive Ton In tl:!s.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-us-goo'l" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i3 Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo
fiubstanee. Its ago Is Us guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVlnd
Colic, ft relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural slec.n.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
I Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Big Improvement.
The completion of - the Jones
livery barn adds wonderfully to
tho appearance of fjie block in
which it is situated and Mr. Jones
was very fortunate in letting tho
contract to Thomas Isner, who,
with his competent help, pushed
the carpenter work through dur
ing all kinds of weather; also
John Hall, who placed tho iron
sheeting on the outside, having
pushed his part of the work in
spite of the disagreeable weather,
and today it is lire-proof on the
outside. Mr, Jones is very for
tunate in securing Mr. Man
speaker as a tenant. He has had
charge of the barn for the past
eight years before the fire and no
one tried harder to suit his
customers, and now, with new
horses and rigs, he can accom
modate them belter than ever and
wo predict for him a good busi
ness in the future. Mr. Jones has
done a good thing for himself and
tho city, lie has as much faith
in tho future of his homo town
as any of our citizens and we all
think and hope he may get good
returns on the money he in
vested. ' A Citizen.
Report of Supt. Tarns Shows That
It Is In Better Shape Than
Ever Before.
J. H. Tains, overseer of the
county farm, has just made his
annual report to the county com
missioners and the farm has
never been on a better footing
than at present, and by careful
management Mr. Tains had an
average of eighteen people and at
times as high as twenty-three
, persons being fed and cared for
i bv him at the county house during
the year, and this, too, without
calling on the county for any
Mr. Tains' receipts from the
sale of cattle, hogs, grain and
fruit between March 1, 1911, and
March 1, 1912, aggregated the
sum of $1,191.58. lie paid out
for necessary provisions and re
pairs and harvest and threshing
the sum of $1,100.88, and the
items making the total of ex
penses are: Groceries and meat,
$501.06; clothing and shoes,
$G8.50; mattresses, beds and
springs, $47.75; drugs and paint,
$01.00; hardware and lumber,
$71.55; implements, harness and
blacksmith repairs, $80.50; fuel,
$209.08; expense male hog and
chickens, $18; threshing, ico har
vest and butchers, $00.24.
The following property is on
hand: 200 bushels of wheat,
worth $175; 800 bushels of corn,
$375; 150 bushels of oats, $00;
1,200 pounds meat, $100; 40 gal
lons lard, $30; canned fruit, $15;
40 bushels potatoes, $20; 8 tons
bridge company to use more than hay, $100.
ordinary caution this spring to
prevent trouble by an ice gorge.
The floods of 1881 are recalled
by bridge men along the river.
Condition Unchanged.
Clerk of the Court James nob
orison received a letter recently
from the Englesido authorities at
Hastings informing him that the
condition of Ellen English, a Cass
county ward, was unchanged. Mr.
Robertson was not aware that
such a person was on the list from
this county, and went back over
the records thirty-three years to
September, 1879, before he found
the. record, which at that time was
not very complete. iho com
plaint had been signed by Dr.
Schildknoct and Dr. ft. R. Living
ston was a witness in the case.
Tho age or details of the woman's
aliment were not given. The
authorities report to Mr. Robert
son that the patient eats and
sleeps well and is doing nicely;
Remove Ice at Bridge.
Prom Wednesday'! DalU.
Mr. Pollock and a force of men
worked yesterday at the Pollock
Duff bridge removing the ice' from
the Platte river under the bridge.
They found the ice frozen about
the piling to a depth of four feet.
This was sawed away and floated
out on tho open water on the
north side and down the river. Mr
Pollock is preparing to break up
tho ice with dynamite in a short
time. Tho great amount of snow
and heavy ice will cause the
The following live stock is on
hand: Three work horses, 0
cows, 5 young cattle, 1 short horn
bull, 37 hogs, Poland-China
breed, weight from 100 to 200
pounds, and 100 Plymouth Rock
Tho above is tho best showing
made by any overseer for many
years, and considering that last
season was not an average crop
season, except for the small
grains, the showing is exceeding
ly flattering for Mr. Tarns. His
salary last year was only $900,
and out of this he had to pay
whatever help was necessary for
him to have on the farm and in
the house, so that the margin af
ter his living expenses aro de
ducted, is very slim; in fact ho is
about the only county official who
is underpaid.
la the Dlatrlct Court of Caaa Coo7,
Frank K. Schlater. 1'Uintirr,
Abraham Burkholder, et al..
To Abralium Burkholder, Matilda Burk
holder, L). N. Smith, (first name un
known) Geo. W. Kyrklt. Jerod N.
Handle, Jared N. Handle, the unknown
heirs or devisees of Jared N. Handle,
deceased, Altazarah Handle, the
Oreapolla Company, a corporation;
the town of Oreapolis, a municipal
corporation, of Cass County, Ne
braska: Loudon Mullln the unknown
heirs or devisees of Loudon Mullln,
deceased. Barbara K. Mullln, George
Loom Is, the unknown heirs or de
visees of George Loomls, deceased,
Kvallne P. Loom is, Sylvira E. Smith,
widow of Anselmo B. Smith, de
ceased, Warren M. Rmlth, Mathilda
M. Smith, Myrtle B. I'ratt, Noah
H. Pratt, Klmer L. Smith,
Louise A. Smith. Lois Smith
McGinn Is, Robert ' L. McGlnnls,
the Anselmo B. Smith Invest
ment Company, a foreign corpora
tion, the unknown heirs or devisees
of Jason G. Miller, deceased, Mary P.
1 Miller. Alfred L. Brown, the unknown
heirs or devisees of Alfred L. Brown,
deceased. Catharine J. Brown, David
M. Kelsey, the unknown heirs or de
visees of David M. Kelsey, deceased
Mrs. David M. Kelsey (first real
name unknown), William Fitch, Wil
liam Fetch, the unknown heirs or
devisees of William Fetch, deceased,
Mrs. William Fetch (first real name
unknown). Hush Children, Hush Chll
son, the unknown heirs or devisees
of Hush Chilson, deceased, Kmilie
A. Chilson, Kmilio T. White, the un
know heirs or devisees of Emlllo T.
White, deceased, William Henn. John
Cloedt, Samuel H. Jones, George W.
Hamsey, i'heehe Ann Knmsey and H.
P. Bennett (first name unknown),
trustee for J. It. Maxon, defendants:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 3rd day of Feb
ruary, 1912, Frank K. Schlnter, Plain
tiff in the foregoing entitled cause.
tiled his petition in the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska, against you,
the object, prayer and purpose of which
Is to obtain a decree from said Court
removing clouds from and quieting
the title of record of the Southwest
Quarter and Government lots Six (6)
nnd Seven (7) and all that part of
Government lot Three (3) lying North
easterly of tho right of way of the
Burlington & Missouri Hlver Railroad
anil South of the bridge or culvert lm
mediately North of Swallow Point all
In Section Six (6), and Gov
ernment tot One (1) In Section
Seven (7) all In Townshln Twelve (12)
North, in Hange Fourteen (14), Last or
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Cass
County, State of Nebraska, excepting
the right of way of the Burlington &
Missouri Hlver Hailroad Company, in
Nrthraskn, or "Its grantees and as
signees. In Plaintiff, as against you
and to exclude and enjoin you and
each of you from ever asserting or
claiming any right, title or Interest
therein, or to any part thereof, adverse
to plaintiff, and for such other and
further relief as may be Just and
You are Required to Answer Said
Petition on or before the 18th day of
March 1912. or the allegations con
tained' In said petition will be taken as
true and a decree rendered as prayed
ror therein.
Dated: February 5th. 1912.
By JOHN M. LEYDA, His Attorney.
COLUMBIA. This is the general basis of colonist fares, March 1st
to April 15th.
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride
. through scenic Colorado.
Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi
pal northwest destinations.
Special dates of sale in each month, commencing April, at $55
round trip, with every day round trip rate of $60 the greatest
railroad journey in the world and low rates for it. Plan now.
More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this summer U
Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts,
the Black Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none
too early to be making your summer vacation plans.
HOMESEEKERS from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin
and other localities West and Northwest.
Burled In Snow Eight Hours.
From Wednesday's Dally.
E. O. Furlong and wife and
t tint sho is in a Rood ward and children departed for their home
there, is no change in her mental
Troubled With Rheumatism.
From Wednesday's Dally.
M. H. Pollard of Nehawka was
a Plattsinouth visitor this morn
ing for a lime, being en route to
South Omaha, where he intended
taking the sulphur baths for
rheumatism. Mr. Pollard has
been troubled with this painful
disease for some time and hopes
to get relief from the baths.
.Mrs. fl. V. Livingston came in
from her home this morning in
time to catch No. 1T for Omaha,
where she looked after business
matters for a time.
A S long as these bargains last
we've got to keep talking
about them.
Suits and Overcoats, worth $15 to $16.50 jj Q
Suits and Overcoats, worth $18, $20 and C1 A
$22.50, now Spl
Suits and Overcoats, worth $25, $27.50 (tjQ
and$30,now H IO
As soon as you're ready to se
lect your Spring things to wear we'll be glad to
see you and show you. Suits for men and young
men; new weaves, new models; new colors and
patterns. New fresh ideas in Manhattan. shirt
patterns. New shapes in John B. Stetson hats;
new Heid caps.
at Steamboat Springs, Colorado,
yesterday afternoon after a six-
weeks' visit in Nebraska and
F'lorida. Mr. Furlong and family
had an unpleasant experience on
their way east. About seventy
miles west of Denver their train
ran into a snow-slide and their
car was buried in the snow for
eight, hours until the men could
dig them out. The engine was
uncoupled irom I lit? passenger
coach nnd tho heat cut off. Fires
were built in the Paker heaters,
and there being no outlet for
smoke the coach filled with it and
almost strangled the passengers.
Mr. Furlong opened a window a
small distance and got his wife
and children to sit near this so
they could breathe the fresh air.
This plan would not work and the
women and children were then
placed in the dining car and beds
made on the tables and they were
covered up there and kept, warm
in this way until dug out eight
hours later.
In Count? Court.
Cass County, s.
In the Matter or the Estate of Thomas
W. Shryock. Deceased.
Notice In hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
l'eter C. Stander. administrator of said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court Itoom In l'lattsmouth, In said
County, on the 25th day of March, 1912
and on the 30th day of September 1912
at iu o ciock a. al, on eacn any, tor
the purpose of examining, adjusting
and allowing such claims as may be
on file at such time.
Six months are allowed from the 25th
day of February, 1912, for the creditor!
of said deceased to file their claims
In this Court, I. e. all claims against
said estate should be on file, on or be
fore the Zhtn day or September, laiz
The said administrator Is hereby given
one year from the 2Hth day of Feb
ruary, 1912, In which to settle said
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 24th day of February, 1912.
County Judge,
D. O. DWYEU, Attorney.
Slm n. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
SSSI I. W, WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Lands for Sale.
440 acres in southeast Green
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance tlnest native prairie grass
(limesoil). Fair 5-room house
stabling, etc. Some bearing or
chard. Lots of fine living water,
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
with timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
440 acres; no trade taken on this.
Has a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet three years to run. $4420 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Real Estate
Broker, Fall River, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
4 Insure your farm property 4
4 in the Farmers' Mutal Fire
4 and Live Stock Insurance f
Company of Cass County, 4
Nebraska. Limited to Cass
4 county only. Incorporated 4
4 in 1894. Only one as- 4
4 sessment of 2 mills made 4 '
4 during the entire time. 4
4 Amount of Insurance In 4
4 force $1,303,955.00. Amount 4
4 of money in treasury. $4,- 4
4 857.69. Membership fee 50 4
4 cents per hundred for 5 4
4 years. For particulars 4
4 write 4
4 J. P. FALTER, Secretary, 4
Plattsmouth, Neb. 4
James V. Kaspnr will take notice
that on the 26th day of February, A.
!. 1912, the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, In Its Justice
Jurisdiction, Issued an order of at
tachment for the sum of one Hundred
Six and 92-100 Dollars, In an action
pending before said court, wherein the
l'lattsmouth State Itank, a corporation,
is pialntirr, and James v. Kaspar is de
fendant, that property of the defend
ant, consisting of one Chopie gasoline
engine, seven piles of wood, 10 sacks
of rye Hour. 98 lbs. each: 19 sacks Sun
klst flour. 98 lbs. each; 17 sacks Forest
Hose Hour, 98 lbs. each; 30 sacks Ne
hawka flour, 98 lbs. each; 6 sacks Gold
Medal flour, 98 lbs. each; S sacks Ilelsel
Hour, 98 lbs. each; has been attached
under said order. Said cause was con
tinued to the 18th day of April, A. D.
1912, at 9 o'clock a. m.
Buys Home In Town.
From Tuesday's Daily.
P. H. Danniher was in town
yesterday looking around for
property to purchase, having two
or three places in view. Mr
Danniher Anally purchased the
Alice Eaton property on the cor
iter of Ninth and Locust for a
home for his mother, who will re
move to town just as soon as pos
session can be given. It will be
remembered that Mrs. Danniher
and son sold their farm recently
for $12,000, and "Batty" thinks
his mother is entitled to a quiet
life the balance of her days, and
free from the arduous labors in
cident to farm life. It was a cash
Children are more likely to
contract the contagious diseases
when they have colds. Whooping
cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever
and consumption are diseases
that are often contracted when
the child has a cold. That is why
all medical authorities say beware
of colds. For the quick cure of
colds you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It can always be depended
upon and is pleasant and safe to
take. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Two - year - old White-face
heifer, about December 18, 1911.
She is a perfect type of the
White-face breed. Any informa
tion will be thankfully received by
telephoning Line 4 -II, Platts.
'Phone, or address, Guy Keiser,
Mynard, Neb. 3-1-tf-wkly
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
tas won its great reputations and
extensive sale by its remarkable
cures of coughs, colds and croup.
It can be depended upon. Try it.
Sold by F. fl. Fricke & Co.
Jesse Brady Accepts Position.
Jesse Prady, who has been em
ployed at the Burlington shops
for some time, resigned his posi
lion a few days ago and has ac
cepted a position with F.. fl. Dovey
Si Son, taking the vacancy made
by the resignation of Paul Mor
gan, who will take a trip to the
Pacific roast.
You judge a man not by what
he promises to do, but by what he
has done. That is the only true
test. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy judged by this standard has
no superior. People everywhere
speak of it in the highest terms
of praise. For sale by F. fl.
Fricke & Co,
Cass Land Company Meets.
From Wednesday'. Dally.
Colonel Andy Sturm, Hon. F. L.
Nulzmnn and F. P. Sheldon of
Nehawka came in last evening to
attend a dicetors' meeting of the
Cass Land company, which was
convened last night.
For Sale.
Some good first-class prairie
hay, on farm eight miles west of
R. L. Propst, Mynard.
Spent Sunday at Papllllon.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Patterson
and little daughter went up to
Papillionlast Friday evening on
a combined business and pleasure
trip. They spent Sunday with
relatives iu that city, with II. I.
Patterson, county surveyor, and
Will Pattersoun, county clerk o
Sarpy county. Last week the
former Mr. Patterson was here
assisting Fred in the work on t lit
new automobile road, and to
complete the figures and reports
Mr. Patterson was compelled to
make the trip to Papillion. They
returned home Sunday evening
You can say goodbye to con
stipation with a clear conscience
if you use Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many have been perrmanently
cured by their use. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
For Sale I
Team of mules, harness and
wagon for sale. Good mules and
harness and wagon new. Address
Alex Campbell,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Stetwn JIata
Manhattan Hhirts
Many sufferers from rheu
mat ism have been surprised am
delighted with the prompt relic
afforded by applying Chamber
Iain's Liniment . Not one case of
rheumatism in ten requires any
internal treatment whatever. This
liniment is for sale by F. fl
Fricke & Co
f fl T.ini1in P(tinniiuuii)nnr
from the Third district, canto in I Forest Rose Flour. The next
I i n t
yesterday to deliberate with tho time you noon a sac oi iiour try
.iiw,. i,i.iminr of Mi. lionr.t over a sack. You will find it the best
I county business. on the market
Plattsmouth Auto and Wagon
Bridge Company
Foot passengers $ .05
Horse and rider 15
Motorcycle and rider ' . . 15
One horse, vehicle and driver 20
Two " 25
Three 35
Four " 50
Horses or cattle hauled or driven, each 10
Calves, sheep, goats or hogs, hauled or driven, each 10
Maximum rates, per wagon load .50
Fruit, grain or hay, per load, with team and driver 50
Huckster, patent medicine, grocery peddler, junk dealer, live
poultry, each with wagon and driver 1.00
Emigrant wagons with driver 1.00
Automobiles with chauffer 50
Each additional person in any vehicle 05
Thresher, seperator, team and driver 2.50
Corn sheller, team and driver 1.50
$ 1 0 "and $5 Coupon Books al 25 o Dis
count for Gash!