The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1912, Image 8

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    uunr?;; try
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The- Kind You Have Ahvay Bor..-;M, tm ukicL li'.:s :
In ilso for over 250 years, has borne the ;!;:v;;t: -;
p and. has boou made undoi 1.1 1 !.:-
fir sj&-fyf , somil .supervision ulnco Its Lr.i:i .".
WuzSyy, -Clic.VL.. Allow Jo ouo tn deceive you i:j
All Counterfoils, Imitations and ".Tust-ns-goo 1" ar Jcii
Hxiiorinionts that triflu -with ar.d eiidar.jfo? tLo Iu-altii mi
luiunts and Children Kxpcrionvo against Kxporliiii.".''..
C!as(orJ;i is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and ,So-.(l:i Hyreips. It is Plcusai; t. 51
contains n -ftlicr Oidnm, tUorpblwi nor other Xuri"ii
Mibstaiiee. J(s hjo I.h its guarantor. It dcstrojs."Yon
and allay m J'cverisljness. Jt euros .Diari-lura, and YlTiu.l
Colic it relieves Teethin!;- Trou'.dos, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It aKiiiinllates tho Food, regulates tho
.Stomach and Uoueis, ".!'. lay healthy ami natural hlccn.
Tho C1i!Mrn Panneeul "'ho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tlie FJimI Ycii Have Always Bought
S rs Uss For Over 30 Years
Burned to the Ground Wednesday
Night as the Result of a
Defective Chimney.
Aiimil, iiii)4' o'clock Wednesday
fivoniiiK fire was discovered in tin'
upper part of I lie home of (lie
lion. (1. K. Xoyes, aiionl Iwo
miles southeast of l,otiis ille.
When discovered the lire had
(rained such headway as to pre
clude all possibility, of exl hmuisli
infr same with such facililies as
were available. There was no one
in the immediate vicinilv at the
time except Mr. Xoyes and his
aped inolher. his wife beini; at, Nehr., w hen.' she has been
visiting for some linn1.
The lire originated in the roof
of the house at a point where Hie
oliimney passed Ihrniiiih same,
and Mr. N'oycs ami his mother, be
iiiK downslairs, were not. aware of
its existence unlit il hail Alined
Kreal headway in I be upper part
of l.he house. II was then too laic
to even save I lie furniliire from
the upper purl of Ihe house and
this with Hie entire house was
doslnned. Most of Hie furniture
in the four rooms downstairs
was saved.
, Mr. Noyes, brother, Hollie, who
lives near by, was al Louisville
with his family in attendance at
tlio theatre as were also most of
Ihe nearby neighbors, and this
unfortunate siliinlion caused con
siderable delay in pdlintr needed
The house was a seven room
structure, erected about twenty
years apt, ami tlie loss is esli
mat.ed by Mr. Noyes at, about
Sri.llOO partly covered by insur
ance. The loss is a severe one and Ihe
family feel Ihe aflliclion most
keenly, (irandina Noyes, who is
about, HO years of urc, is prostrat
ed and Mr. Noyes was seriously
all'ecfed as Ihe result, of his exert
ions. The family extends its sin
cere thanks to all who rendered
asislance. The host of friends of
Ihe family llirouliout (lass
county will join us in extendins
heart fell sympathy to Ilieni.
,otllsile Courier.
Goes to Falls City.
Harold Williams, who lias liecn
in the employ of Hie llurlinton
for some time has resinned his
position here and accepted a K'ood
position with Ihe M. 1 al Kails
City. Harold has made food, use
in pr his spare lime improving his
clerical ability by lakinn' a cor
respontlance course, and will 111) a
place which pays him an even
hundred per month. We are Klad
lo note his success ami hope he
may continue lo climb up in rail
way service.
For Sale.
An excellent unimproved H0
acre farm, all under cultivation,
II miles from Murray. No waste
land. I'rice 8120.(10 per acre. Ap
ply to A. 1,. Uaker, Murray, Neb.
Sections of the Ordinance Govern
ing the Rental of Hydrant and
for Residence Use.
The water franchise is before
the city council to be threshed out
as best they can, ami for the
lieuelil of the readers of the
Journal the following ipiotations
from the oi'dianre proposed are
piven that lliey may be informed
wilh Ihe water company's pro
position, and have an opportun
ity lo speak their sentiments on
the tpicslioii. Sec. i covers Ihe
hydrant rental ami reads thus:
"The said cily of l'lallsiiioiilli
shall pay for the use of the pre
sent eighty hydrants and ad
ditional hydrants, thai may here
after be located, during the period
of Iwo years an annual rental of
rtWI.lH) fur each hydrant payable
ipiarlerly lo be levied and paid
each year by taxes assessed and
levied" etc.. for Ihe purpose and
kepi in a separate fund.
Section eijiht provides for tap
ping l.he main and recites "That
said Water company shall put in
all pipes, laps and conneelions for
private consumers from the water
mains In the lot line for private
consumers from the waler mains
lo the lot line for the sum of $8.
"0, which said water laker and
private consumer shall pay lo
said water company, and there
after said water company shall
maintain said services to said lot
line al il s own expense.
Section LI is lo Ihe c fleet. Ibat
"Any person found using the
water of said company without
lirsl applying for the same, or
who is found using the same
without authority, or any person
or persons who shall destroy or
injure its properly shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
Ihe penally is from one to twenty
five dollars line.
Seel ion fourteen controls waler
rales to private consumers as
follows: "Dwelling house, not ex
ceeding six rooms used by one
ramily (').00, lirsl bathtub )?i.(iu.
each additional hath tub
first self regulal ing water closet
:.0i, each additional one 82.00,
boarding houses same as private
dwelling: with 81.00 additional for
each boarder, inealer or lodger r0
Offices Willi set bowl 85.00, oc
cupauls of offices having use of
sink ami waler closet in common
8".00, private stables, for one
horse, washing carriage 83.00,
each additional horse; 82.00, cows
each 82.00, automobile washing
85.00, baud hose wilh nozzle for
use on premises of taker only not
exceeding four hours per day, be
fore 8 a. m. and alter i p. in.,
The under rates are as follows:
The company will attach a meter
at its own expense when the an
nual meter hill exceeds 810.00 per
annum. Kor houses, stores and
ttfllces, for the first It, 000 gallons
per moiilh, 30 cents per thousand
gallons. All excess of 3,000 gal
lons per month 25 cents per thou
sand gallons. In case Ihe con
sumer does not use 81.50 for '.
months, the charge shall be 81.50
Ihe minimum for three months.
No discount, will be made for
vacant premises unless the waler
is shut off by the 'company.
Count , Nebraska.
In tl.c .Matter of the Kttato of Lena, Deceased.
Nutic'- Is l.erehy Kivpn that In pur
su;iiiee uf an oriler of Hon. Harvey D.
Travis, JuiIku of the District Court of
lass County, Nebraska, made on this
until day of January, for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter de
serihed there will be sold at the front
door of the American Exchange Hunk
in the Village of Klmwood, Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 2 1st day
of t-ehruary. l'Jli, at 1 o'clock I'. .M.,
at public vendue to tho highest bidder
lor cash, the following described real
estate to-wlt: The Northeast yuarter
of Section 12. Township 10, Ratine 10,
Hast of the titli 1'. M., In Cass County,
Nebraska. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Dated this '.'2nd day of January, 1312.
Kxocutor of Said Kstate.
D. O. DWVKIt, Attorneys.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the sale
of real estate advertised to take placo
at 1 o'clock I'. M., on the 21st day of
February, l!tl2. at the front door of
the American Kxchantre Bank In the
Village of Klmwood, Cass County Ne
braska, posted and published as a'bove,
was by the undersigned, executor, at
said time and place adjourned to and
said sale will take place on the Cth day
of .March, .11)12, at the hour of 1 o'clock
I'. M., on that day at the same place.
1 1 K I : M A N LI ' K T C 1 1 K N S,
Kxeeutor of .Said Kstate.
css- gin
i.iiu.W, xotici:.
In the District Court of iimx County,
Frank K. Schlater, Plaintiff,
Abraham llurkholdor, et al
I leleiuhints.
To Abraham Hurkliolder, Matilda llurk
hohler, D. N. .Smith, (lirst name un
known) Ceo. W. Ityrkit, .lerod N.
Uandle, Jared N. Handle, the unknown
heirs or devisees of Jared N. Handle,
deceased, Altazarah Handle, the
Mreapolis Company, a corporation;
the town of Orca polls, a municipal
corporation, of Cass County, Ne
braska; I.oudon Mullin. the unknown
heirs or devisees of I'.oudon Mullin,
deceased, liarbnra K. Mullin, (ioorKC
l.oomis, tlie unknown heirs or de
visees of Ceorne l.oomis, deceased,
Kvaline 1'. l.oomis, Sylvlra K. Smith,
widow of Anseimii li. Smith, de
ceased, Warren M. Smith, Mathilda
M. Smith, Myrtle li. Pratt, Noah
H. Pratt. Klmci- ,. Smith,
Louise A. .Smith Lois Smith
McClnnls, Hubert ' I,. McCinnis,
the Ansrlmo It. Snillh Invest
ment Company, a foreign corpora
tion, the unknown heirs or devisees
of Jason ('.. .Miller, deceased, Mary P.
Miller, Alfred I.. Drown, the unknown
heirs or devisees of Allied H. Hrnwn.
deceased, Catharine .1. I'.rown. David
M. Kelsev. the unknown heirs or de-1
vi -ees of David M. Kelsev, dei eased
Mrs. David M. Kelsey (Hist real
name unknown), William Fitch, Wil
liam Feieh, the unknown helm or
devisees of William Kck-h, deceased,
Mrs. William Folch Hirst real name
unknown), Hush Children, Hush Chll
snn, the unknown heirs or devisees
of Hush Chllson. deceased, Kmille
A. Cliilsnn. Kmilio T. Whit", the un
know heirs or devisees of Kmille T.
White, deceased, William Hcnn John
Cloedt. Samuel II. Jones, Ceorire V,
Hamsey, Pheebc Ann Ihimsey and li.
P. Kennett (first name unknown),
trustee for J. J I. Maxim, defendants:
Vimi and each of you will herebv Dike
notice, that on the :ird day of Feb
ruary, 1 1 1 2, Frank K. Schlater, Plain
tifr in the foregoing entitled cause,
tiled his petition in the District Court
of Cass County, Nebraska, against you,
the object, prayer and purpose of which
Is to obtain a decree from said Court
removing clouds from and Mulcting
the title of record of the Southwest
Juarter and Oovornmcnt lots Six (6)
and Seven (7) nnd all that part of
Hovernment lot Three (3) lving North-
ei'sterlv of the right of way of tlie
Hiirllngtnti & Missouri Hlver Uallroad
nnd South of the bridge or culvert 1m
modlatelv North of Swallow Point all
In Section S1n (ID. nnd 0:iv
eminent lot One (1) In Reel ion
Seven (7) all in Township Twelve (12).
Vorth. In l'nnge Fourteen (II). Kast of
the Sixth Prlnelenl Meridian, In Ciiph
ouiitv. State of Nebraska, excepting
right of way of the Hurl i nirl on &
COLUMBIA. This is the general basis of colonist fares, March lat
to April 15th.
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride,
through scenic Colorado.
Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi
pal northwest destinations.
Special dates of sale in each month, commencing April, at $38
round trip, with every day round trip rate of $G0 the greatest
railroad journey in the world and low rates for it. Plan now.
. More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this summer f
Reeky Mountains, .Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts,
the Black Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none
too early to be making your summer vacation plans.
HOMESEEKERS from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin
and other localities West and Northwest.
R. W. CLEMENT, figent.
L. W. wmir. General Passenger Agent, Oiniha, Nell.
1 irinrri ri i iwn i.
Missouri IMvet- Hailrend Compnnv, In
venraslta. or Its grantees and ns
sl"nees, In Plaint Iff. as ngalnst you,
nnd to exclude nnd enjoin vimi and I
e.ieh of yon from ever asserting or I
claiming miv right, title or Interest
therein, or lo ntiv part thereof, adverse
to elalatPT. and for mieh other and
farther relief as may he just nnd
( 'iiiitahle.
Von are Heoulred to Answer Said
Petition on or before the ISth day Tf
March 11)12. or the allegations con
tained In said petition will be taken ns
true and a decree rendered as prayed
for therein
Dated: Fehrnnrv fith. Hll"
F1MW k. SfllH TKU, Plaintirr.
Hy JOHN M. I.KVDA. Ills Attorney.
Msmouih Auto and Wagon
Bridge Company
F(K)t passengers $ .05
Horse and rider 15
Motorcycle and rider 15
One horse, vehicle nnd driver 20
Two 25
Three 35
Four 50
Horses or cattle hauled or driven, each ; 10
Calves, sheep, goats or hogs, hauled or driven, each 10
Maximum rates per wagon load 50
Fruit, grain or hay, per load, with team and driver 50
Huckster, patent medicine, grocery peddler, junk dealer, live
poultry, each with wagon and driver 1.00
Emigrant wagons with driver 1.00
Automobiles with chauffer . . . .50
Earh additional person in any vehicle 05
Thresher, seperator, team and driver 2.50
Corn shelter, team and driver 1.50
$10 and $5 Coupon Books al 25 lo Dis
count for Gash!
Buys Blair Stock Goods.
From Saturday's Dally.
.lolin Leiichlwcis who has
clcrkcil for II. M. Socnnicliscn for
a number of years went, to Hlair
this week where he purchased the
(ieo. ( iillierlson grocery stock and
lakes immediate possession. John
or as lie was lainilliarly called
".Johnny," returned last night and
this morning he and Mrs. I.euchl-
weis returned to IMair, where
dwellinir has already hern rented.
They have a host of friends here
wlio will wish tlicni success in
their mercantile venture. John is
a man of strict honesty nnu a
genial disposition, and always
deals on the square, and hits in
his makeup the elements which
go lo make a successful business
man. His friends predict for him
a successful business carreer, and
the Journal joins with them in
wishing" Mr. Leuchtweis the suc
cess to which long business ex
perience will surely win for him
Mrs. Goodman III.
From Saturday's Dally.
(I. W, (loodmun went to Lincoln
this morning to spend Sunday
: wilh bis wife who is quite sick at
Ihe home of her parents, Mr. ant
Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. (loodman went
to Lincoln about two weeks ago
to visit her parents and has been
l sick almost all of I lie lime since
0'l l( i: TO ( 111 DITOItS.
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Kstato of Thomas
W. Shryock, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby Klven that the
creditors of snid deceased will meet
Peter C. Stander, administrator of said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass Count v, Neliniskn, at tho Counts'
Court Hootn in I'lnttsmoutli. In snld
'ounty. on tho 2Tlh day of March. IDH'.
and on the HOtli dnv of September 1912,
at 10 o'clock A. M on each day, for
the purpose or examining, adjusting
and allowing such claims ns may he
on (lie nt such time.
Six months tire n'lnwed from the " i t li
dnv of Fehrnnrv, 1912, for the creditors
of said deceased to file their claims
in this Court. I. c. nil claims against
said estate should ho on tile on or he-
fore the ITith dav of September, 1912.
lie said odmlnlstrntor Is hereby given
one year from the 2Stli day of Feh-
uarv, 1912, In which to settlo said
Witness mv hand and the senl of the
County Court at I'lnttsmoutli. Nebraska,
this 2Jth day of February, 1912.
(Seal) A HI. K.N J. BKKSON,
County Judge.
1"). O. Attorney.
lvlilor Omaha Daily News: I
lliink the Nebraska fanner will
come out 'right side up with care'
in spile of those fellows that are
Inking- such a lively interest in
the farming business. It is
humiliating1 to us farmers and
gelling irksome lo see the papers
lllb'd up wilh uncalled for advice
about selecting seed, ft puts me
in mind of a story.
One time a practical farmer
raised ;v large family of boys.
They, wilh one cxceplion, turned
out to be successful farmers,
bought large tracts of land, built j
line bouses, stocked up their!
ranches and enjoyed life. One
son, the youngest of the family,
made a botch of everylhinp' that
he undertook, did not amount, to
much, could never learn to get,
good results from his labors,
could not gel interested in his
calling, lie unit his job in disgust,
went to town and went into the
business of running an agricul
tural paper, telling his brother
bow lo select seed, gather pump
kins, etc. T suppose he now holds
a job in some department, of the
rural life commission, probably
general manager.
Now. Mr. l-ldilor, f take your
paper for Ihe news, and I don't
care lo be made so lired reading
so much tommy-rot Dial I can't
enjoy your olherwise interesting:
paper of which I am a subscriber.
1 suppose if we farmers succeed
in raising a bumper crop Ibis year
that that traveling oullit will
claim all the credit. Thank good
ness I here is a source from which
every blessing comes I hat we can
rely on, and f, for one, will give
him Ihe thanks if I succeed in
raising a crop, big or lillle. Pro
spects g'ood for crops in western
J'ronlier county. (',. A. TKKL,
Quick, Neb.
Insure your farm property I
J- in the Farmers' Mutal Fire l
! and Live Stock Insurance !
J Company of Cass County,
' Nebraska. Limited to Cass
county only. Incorporated
! in 181)5. Only one as- J
sessnient of 2 mills made
! during the entire time.
! Amount of insurance in 4
force $1,303,955.00. Amount J
J of money in treasury. $4,-
S57.69. Membership fee 50 !
! cents per hundred for 5 J
years. For particulars J
J wrile J
J. P. FALTER, Secretary,
Pl3ttsmouth, IMeb. !
Lands for Sale.
5ifl acres in southeast Green
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rick
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest naiive prairie grass
(limesoil). Fair 5-room boune
stabling, etc. Some bearing or
chard. Lois of .tine living water,
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
with timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just I5 1-2 miles from
ranch lo town; a nice well im
proved country all the way, For
quick sale ?18 per acre buys this
i'i0 acres; no trade taken on this,
lias a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet t hree years to run. 84420 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
you don't want tnc, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Real Estate
Broker, Fall Hiver, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
For sale bills and all other kinds
of Job work call at the Journal
For Sale I
Team of mules, harness and
wagon for sale. Good mules and
harness and wagon new. Address
Alex Campbell,
lloule I, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Misses Mary and Nora Hoses -crans
and Miss Margaret Iionelan
left last evening on No. Misses
Hosencrans for Klmwood and
Miss Iionelan for Weeping WaUr,
to visit friends over Sunday.
Horses and Mules Wanted.
The undersigned will make the
following towns on the dates
given below for the purpose of
buying horses and mules:
Klmwood, March 11th.
Manloy, March 12.
Louisville, March 13.
Murray, March 15.
Plattsmouth, March 1G.
I will buy all good fat mules
nnd horses that are ready for the
market. I especially want some
good big mules. Will also buy old
horses and mares that are fat.
Bring in your stock and let us
have a deal.
Frank Anderson,
The Veteran Horseman.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Two - year - old White-face
heifer, about December 1H, 1DI1
She is a perfect type of the
While-face breed. Any informa
tion will be thankfully received by
telephoning Line 4-11, Plaits
'Phone, or address, Guy Keiser,
Mynard, Neb. 3-1-1 f-wkly
Blue Porcelain Enameled
JNURABILITY and cleanliness are the
special features of the Quick Meal
Blue Enameled Steel Ranges.
This ranie is entirely coated with eu
amel on a specialy prepared steel body and
is fused onto the steel at a temperature
of 2,000 degrees Fahernheit in such a way
that the enamel becomes a part of the
steel itself, therefore it cannot corrode or
become rusted by acids.
These ranges have triple walls the
outer wall (made of special steel) is cov-
castiron emj w-t1 a coat Qf enamei on sides.
BLUE ENAMEL anj m ajj,tion to this has an extra coat
of blue enameldotted with white on the outer side.
Next comes a sheet of asbestos, the best heat retainer made, ami
then another sheet of steel enameled on lioth sides.
The beauty of this range can hardly be appreciated until you have
seen the range itself.
r. . .,:3ft
U qmwel q