Vim 11 m ' , '.fc2c -S-l' an v W ur .LCOIIOL, 3 PEH CENT. AYcgu'liiUcI'TTCrtfon for As siirsilai;n5i;icu!,)i,'aniIRc!jui3 linpc Siaxcis aitfLWisr Pre mu ! c n Di dc s iior. .C'vTifj ari &?.!.'C(mlains 0 pi 1 .in .Ms."-?! its nor J lincraL KCV.sAIJCOTIC. S'x..':-:a r-i!:,!!t IlirmS-.-J-r-n!wtS:rr. 'ita,jiiui J fcr:r Aperfccl Remedy forConsilpa t Ion . Sour Stoitiacli.lJiarrltoa Worms .Convalsions.Iwcriih ncssandLosSOFSLtEP. FacSir.v.!c Signature of NEW YORK. 1 rati mtwvui lor JnfcM3 jChi Idren The Kind You Have Always Bought Bcara tio Signcturo 01 NOTlt K OF SALE. IN THK lMSTItlCT COURT OF CASS j l -2rj Guaranteed imrlT Exact Copy of Wrapper. l.l ft 1 ffTSl wis 4F lip , Hi' has dcriili'il to locate in Louisville. (Mires ami resilience at the Hotel Drake. A farewell party was Riven at the home of Mrs. William Thomas ! Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Kula Mayliehl by a number of her , , ,, , i ,. ,,1.,. ,.,,, ttcriliwl tlii'w win I) A 'i phNisaiH. Uie Am,.rU.;i evening was spent. Mrs. L. 1. Grundy returned to her home at Ilulo, Nebraska. She I had 1 n at the bedside of her i sister, who has been very low for the past month, but is improving nicely al present. liert Stevenson lias resigned his poxilion as engineer at Murphy's quarry and lias purchased the i pump and repair business of Kdgar I'ankonin. lie. has rented Mrs. r.ulforth's building on lower Main street to use as a shop. n 38 For Over Thirty Years 01 TMl OIHTAUII OOMFM, NIW VOK CIT. Shocking Sounds in the earth are sometimes heard before a terrible, carl hquake, that warn of the coining peril. Na ture's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need at tention if you would escape those dangerous maladies, Dropsy, Dia betes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Hitlers al once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return. "My son received great benefit from their use for kidney and bladder trouble," writes I'eler Rondy, South Rock wood, Mich. "It is certainly a great kidney medicine." Try it. 50 cents, at F. G. Fricke & Co. Count v, Nebraska. In tlx Matter of tlit Kstate of Lena I Weisipeil, iieceawej. Nutire Is hereby given that In ur stiunee of nn order of Hon. Harvey I). Travis. Jmle of the District Court of ; (ass Countv, Nebraska. mal on this; jath ilav of January, 1H12, for the sale : of the ' real estate hereinafter tie- i seriheil there will he sold at the front ' in KxclianKO nanK in tiie Village ot Klmwood, Lass Ciuintv, Nehraska, on the 21st day , of Fehruarv. lUl:'. at 1 o'clock P. M.. I at public vendue to thii highest bidter i for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: The Northeast Quarter of Sec tion K", Township 10, Kan;e 10, i Kast of the 1'. M., in Cas t.ounty, i Nebraska. Said sale will rmain open j one Injur. Iiated this L'nd day of January. 1912 1IKK.MAN LUKTCII KNS, Kxccutor of Said Kstate. c. s. ai.iikich ; 1 1. (i. DWVEl:, Attorneys. i MITICH !!' AU.IOl HMIKXT, Notice In hereby wlven that the sale ; of ron I estate advertised to take place , at 1 o'clock I'. M., on the 21st day of i''ebruary, 1!I12, at the trout door or I lie American KxchanKe Hank in the VUlii.ta of ICImwood, Cass County Ne braska, posted ;ind published as aliove, was by the under.sittnod, executor, at said time and place adjourned to and said wale will take place on the fith day of March, at the hour of 1 o'clock i; M., on that day at the same place. HUH M A N LI : !: TCI I I'.N S, Kxecutor of .Said Kstate. e ? .f m .J. NEHAWKA. h 4 News. J i-H-I-H-H-W'W-W-M-H-I Ferra Stiirni was quite sick for wveral days last week, but is re overing. The stork left a line baby girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (. K. Campbell the first of last, week, and they are both very proud or it. The epidemic of chickenpox lUal has been raging here for the. last two weeks is still going. No body very sick, but the most of Iho children are having it. Fred Rurdick ami 0. D. Keltner are. Ilnishing up a barn for Henry Gruber. It is 2(1x28 and will be big enough to give Henry's old black mare plenty of elbow room The little lK-inonlhs-old son of p. and Mrs. 11. II. Ingwerson, who bas been so sick for the past ten days, is gradually recovering and in now considered nut of danger Miss Olive Whilenian, who was perilled on in an Omaha hospital two weeks ago for appendicitis, was brought home Wednesday, having made a remarkably quick recovery. Quite a bunch of young, old an middle aged men and boys went out to the country Monday even ing with guns, bells and other means of making a noise to chari vari Charley Hull. It is almost lime to get the old family road drag out, clean the. axle grease off (he mouldboard sow on a few buttons, reudjust the arburetor and have the. hired man take a few lessons at the sleering wheel. Mrs. Robert Mrucc Stone had the pleasure of entertaining 8vral grandmothers and one grandfather at dinner Tuesday. I'he invited guests were: Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. Carper, Mrs. II. F. St. John, Mrs. L. C. Pollard and M. Stone. WhWK-M-H-HKW-4 EAGLE. v Beacon. 4 .1..Hj.4hM:-W-I-'H-MI' Almost Lost His Life. S. A. Slid of Mason, Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure to a merciless storm. "It gave mo a dreadful cold," he writes, "that caused severe, pains in my chest, so it was hard for me to breathe. A neighbor gave me several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery, which brought great relief. The doctor said I was on the verge of pneumonia, but to continue with I he Dissovery. I did so and two bottles completely cured me." Use only Ibis quick, safe, reliable medicine for coughs, colds, or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, (luaranteed by F. G. Fricke & Co, Jj4 I- LOUISVILLE. J Courier. J frJJJ Horn Monday, February 10, to Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Piers, a girl. George Wheeler is here from Norfolk visiting his brother, Frank and family. II. A. Funke was called to Atchi son Thursday, on account of I he serious illness of his mother. Mrs. O. M. Maylleld and daughters, F.ula and Meryl, left for their new home at Linwond, Kanass, Thursday. John Alii is moving his house hold goods in town from his fram this week. He will live in the Kraft building on Main street un til he builds his new home. Louisville is to have another doctor. Dr. Robert P. Jensen of Omaha, physician and surgeon, A deal was made last week whereby Dan McCurdy disposed of 40 acres to George Westlake of Avoca. A. L. McDonald, the real cstatt man, reports the sale of Nels Jep person's farm to Ed Doran of Lin coln, the price being 8100 per acre. Mike Lee returned home Mon day afternoon from Lincoln, where he had been taking treat ment at the hospital for injuries received by being kicked by a mule a few weeks ago. Ilerl, Dopp and sister arrived home last Friday morning from Florida, where they had spent two months visiting and attending lo some business, matters, ltert says Florida is a pretty good country, but that Nebraska is a little bit belter. On Tuesday of this week a deal was made whereby C. C. Price be came owner of the old Venner store building at the upper end of Main street. Mr. Price expects to move his business into the new location the first of next week, and wishes lo greet his old custom ers. Mrs. Jerome Hurdick was taken to the Fsther hospital in Lincoln last Friday evening, and on Sat urday morning she was operated on by Dr. I. C. Munger and Miss Peters of Eagle. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely. Joseph Sack finished loading his household goods Tuesday aft ernoon, and with his family left for Carroll county, Missouri, where they will make their future home. Wo regret very much to lose Mr. and Mrs. Sack from our midst, but join their many friends in wishing them prosperity and contentment in their new home. l.KGAI, XOTICE. In the DlMlrlct Court of Cnx County, elirnMka. NOTICE. Frank K. Schlater, Plaintiff, vs. Abraham lUirkholder, et al., Delendants. To Abraham Burkholder, Matilda Burk- hobler, 1). N. Smith, (first naino un known) Ceo. W. liyrklt, Jerod N. Handle, Jared N. Handle, the unknown heirs or devisees of Jared N. Handle, deceased, Altazarali Handle, the Oreapolis Company, a corporation: the town of Oreapolis, a municipal corporation, of Cass County, Ne braska; Loudon Mullln the unknown heirs or devisees of Loudon Mullln, deceased, Barbara 10. Mullln, OeorKe Loomls, the unknown heirs or de visees of OeorRe Loomls, deceased, Kvnline V. Loomls, Sylvira K. Smith, widow of Anselmo B. Smith, de ceased, Warren M. .Smith, Mathilda M. Smith, Myrtle U. Pratt, Noah H. Pratt, Klnier L. Smith, Louiso A. Smith Luis Smltii MctJinnis, Robert L. McOlnnls, the Anselmo 15. Smith Invest ment Company, a foreltcn corpora tlon, the unknown heirs or devisees of Jnson (1. Miller, deceased, Mary P. Miller, Alfred L. Brown, the unknown heirs or devisees of Alfred L. Brown, decensed, Catharine J. Brown, Ijavld M. Kelsey, the unknown holrs or de vlsnes of David M. Kelsev. deceased Mrs. David M. Kelsey (first real name unknown), William Fitch, Wll llam Felch, the unknown heirs or devisees of Will lam Kelch. deceased Mrs. William Felch (first real name unknown). Hush Children, Hush Chll son, the unknown heirs or devisees of Hush Chllson. decensed, Emilie A. Chllson, Kmillo T. White, the un know heirs or devisees of Emilie T. White, deceased, William Henri. John Cloedt, Samuel II. Jones, Oeorke W. Hamsey, Pheehe Ann Hnmsey and II. P. Bennett (first name unknown) trustee for J. H. Maxon, defendants: You and each of you will hereby take notice that on the 3rd day of Feb ruary, 1(112, Frank K. Sc.hlator. Plain tiff In the foreKoini? entitled cause, filed his petition In the District Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska, against you. the object, prayer and purposo of which Is to obtain a decree from said Court removlni? clouds from and ijuletlnv the title of record of the Southwest Quarter and (lovernment lots Six (61 and Seven (7) and all that part of C.overnment lot Three (3 1 lvlnx Nortb ensterly of the rltrbt of way of the BurllnKton & Missouri lilver Railroad and South of the brldse or culvert im mediately North of Swallow Point all In Section Six (0), and Gov ernment lot One (1) In Section Seven (7) all In Township Twelve (12). North, in nature Fourteen (14). East of the Sixth Principal Meridian. In Cnss Countv. State of Nebraska, except ins rne riRht or way or the IturlinKton ti Missouri Hlver Railroad Company, in :veirnsKu. or its irnintees nnd as signees, In Plaintiff, us against you, unit to exclude and enjoin you and each of you from ever asserting or claiming anv rlirht. lltle or Interest therein, or to any pnrt thereof, adverse to plaintiff, and f.or such other and further relief us may be just and e 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 ) 1 e . Von are Reauired to Answer Said Petition on or before the 18th day of March 1912. or the allegations con tained In said petition will he taken as true and a derree rendered as prayed ft'.1 therein. Lnted: February nth. 1911. FRANK E. SCHLATER, Plaintiff. By JOHN M. LEY DA, Ills Attorney. i ' m acre Mr- a T3 CAirca?!;. UTAH, MOTOR, WASHif!STC. ORIGAN, BKITiSS. COLl'MSfA. This is the eneral basis of colonist fares, March lat to April 15th. TCUGli TC.ST SLEEPERS. Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight rkke throu.'i H-enic Colorado. Evt:ry ti -y via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all princi p; 1 northwest destination?. tmm Exsusaca nass of the pacific ccast. Special t'r.tis of sale in each month, commencing April, at $SS rour.d tir, with ("very day round trip rate of SOU the greatest rcnl.o-ii jouraey in the world and low rares fo: it. Plan now. SS.1E8 Tii'jrtlaf RATES. More attractive excursion rates than ever before, this si mnier U Focky Mountains, Yellowstone Park, Big Horn Mountain resorts, the Bhu:I: Hills, the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast resorts; it is none too early to be making your summer vacation plans. FOWSivF.KERS from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Bot-u and other localities West and Northwest. liijjlil iiqni-l liUUII ill! la R. W. CLEfrSEKT, Agent. L. W. WiKELY, General Passenger Agent, Cmaha, Neb. FINAL CLEAN UP THIS WEEK all Suits and Overcoats selling reg ularly from $15.00 to $30.00, now A SMALL LINEOFSILK LISLE Hose famous Gordon full fashioned quality, regular price 50c, this week 25c; shades navy, tan, gray, wine and green. New Spring goods arriving every day. Blamed a Good Worker. "I blamed my heart for sovero distress in my left, side for two yenrs," writes V. F.vans, Dan ville, Va., "lint I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. Kind's New Life Pills completely cured me." Best for stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, constipation, hend aelie or debility. LTie, at F. O. Fricke & Ho. OTICK TO CREDITORS. In Connty Court. STATU OF NEBRASKA, Cass County, nn. In the Matter of the Kstate of Thomas W. Hhryock, Deceased. Notleo is hereby Riven that the creditors of said deceased will meet Peter C. Htander, administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Cass County, Nebraska, at the Countv Court Room In Plattsmoutli. in said County, on the 2Rth day of March, 1912, and on the 30th day of September 1912, at 10 o'clock A. M., on each day, for the purpose of examining, adjusting and allowlntr such claims as may be on tile at such time. Six months are allowed from the rth dRy of February, 1912, for the creditors of said deceased to file their claims In this Court, 1. e. all claims against said estate should be on file on or be fore tho 25tn day of September. 1912 The said administrator Is hereby given one year from the 2Sth day of Feb ruary, 1812, In which to settle said estate. Witness mv hand and the seal of the Countv Court at Plattsmoutli, Nebraska, tins zun nay or fenmary, 12. (Heal) ALL ION J. BF.ESON, County Judge, I). O. DWYRH, Attornoy. .J. ELMWOOD. Lcader-Fxho. -S-M-v Miss Kit tic Worley of Omaha visited her parents over Sunday. Howard Saxlon of Pender, Neb., spent Sunday with his parents here. School is dismissed today to al low the work of moving into the new school building to take place. Robert Gamble arrived Friday. evening from Colorado to be at Iho bedside of his uncle, Aaron Gamble, who is quite, low. Henry Frisbe and . family of Raymond and George Adams and family of Murray visited with Geo Frisbe and family Sunday. The residence of the late Phil lander Williams will he remodeled and occupied by Harry Williams ami family, Grandma Williams living with them. Mrs. Frank Ttoyer left Saturday for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to join her husband. They expect to locate there, as Frank has a good posit i m and is well pleased with the location. F. J. Fitch is moving his fam ily and household effects this week into the residence property of Hie lale Mrs. Grace Stapley. (ieortre McFall and family of P.i'iinswick, Neb., arc to occupy Hie residence vacated by Mr. Filch. llomar Davis, while riding a lorse vesteniay witn uari tunnel er, had the misfortune to have both bones of one. of his legs broken when the animal fell. His injuries wert immediately attend ed to and he is resting as easy is can be expected. William J. Schick, jr., and Miss 'lora L. Hall were united in mar riage at Lincoln saiuraay. me happy couple are well known to the readers of the Leader-Echo, liaving been raised in this vicinity, the two families which they rep resent being among our oldest and most respected citizens. They go to housekeeping on the Hall eighty two miles west of town II D GOURS E Fast Being Realized by Platts moutli People. A little backache at first. Daily increasing till the back lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly fol low; Dropsy and finally BrigMY disease. This is the downward course fcf kidney ills. Don't take this course. Platta niouth residents should profit hy the following experience. Mrs. Nettie Woodrow, Vine f$k,, Glenwood, Iowa, says: "I was al- flicted with backache and oft when I got up in the morning I felt languid. A relative insisted on my taking Doan's Kidney Pills.. and as I had previous been u able to obtain relief, I procure! this remedy. In a short time it. relieved me and I now have cause for complaint. I shall ner tiro of making the merits tf Doan's Kidney Pills known." For sale by all dealers. Pri& 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co. Buffalo, New York, sole ngutK for the United States. Remember the name Doan'r? and take no other. JJJJeJ? Insure your farm property in the Farmers' Mutal Fire and Live Stock Insurance Company of Cass County, Nebraska. Limited to Cass county only. Incorporated in 1894. Only ono as sessment of 2 mills made during the entire time. Amount of insurance In force $1,303,955.00. Amount 4 of money in treasury. $4,- 857.69. Membership fee 50 cents per hundred for 5 years. For particulars writo J. P. FALTER, Secretary, Plattsmouth, Nob. JJ...J JJ.JJ...J JtaJ. StitHon Hat" Manhuttiin Shirts For Sale. Some good first-class prairie hay, on farm eight miles west of Plattsmoutli. I. T.. Propst, Mynard. Moves to Blair. From Wednesday's Dally. Edward Steppatt, son of our esteemed townsman, Martin Step pall, loaded his farming iniple ments and household goods into a Burlington car yesterday am left, for Blair, where he will en gage in farming this season. His parents, Martin Steppatt and wife, left for Blair this morning and will reside with Edward this summer ami look after the house keeping for him. He Won't Limp Now. No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I ha da bad sore, on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bueklen' Arnica Salve," he writes, "but Ibis wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running sores ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises eczema or piles. Try it. Only 25 cents, at F. G. Fricke & Co. For sale bills and all other kinds of Job work call at the Journal William ('leghorn of l.ouisvill came in on No. i this niorningg lo look afler matters of business for a time. For sale bills and an other kinds of Job work call at the Journal A Seed Corn Pointer. It has been established by ex perience that seed corn which m grown near home does much bel ter than corn that has been brought in from another state. Farmers are often sold corn by persons at a great distance, bt experiments at the state nni- versity show that, other thinnf being equal, native corn does bel ter. It is said that several year are required to get the corn a climated. Good seed can bo had which has been raised in tbft county, and the chances of ane cess with it arc better than tr seed from another state is used. Beatrice Sun. Ted Wiles was a South Omahn visitor this morning, where bft went to inspect the stock markiW?. QUICK MEAL Blue Porcelain Enameled STEEL RANGES :- AN ORNAMENT FOR TiDY HOUSEWIFE -:- rURABIUTY and cleanliness are the special features of the Quick Meal Blue Enameled Steel Ranges. This range is entirely coated with e amel on a specialy prepared steel body and is fused onto the steel at a temperature of 2,000 degrees Fahernheit in such a way that the enamel becomes a part of tbe steel itself, therefore it cannot corrode or become rusted by acids. These ranges have triple walls the notpr wnll fmnde of snecinl steel) is COTC- Q nickel OCAsriR0H ered with a coat of enamel on both sides. clue enamel and in addition to this has an extra coat of blue enamel dotted with white on the outer side. Next comes a sheet of asbestos, the best heat retainer made, and then another sheet of steel enameled on both sides. The beauty of this range can hardly be appreciated until you haw seen the range itself. ;C V :v JOHN BMP PLUMBING! HEATING! HARDWARE!