The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1912, Image 6

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    Surra y Department
fSZ"! frTi fl ff Pa Fs-n H Rasa rv n
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U V " dl -,
U H li H B sa n I -a Vto
it tn;i of theruida-g of the Jiiurnul know of a xiidal ercnt or un item
M r ii-ii til nil items of interest. Editor Jour ml.
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
H CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
S F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
Wc Solicit Your Banking
iKtf'Oiir Deiosits are protected
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
,1 .',
You Can Pay Your Taxes Here
I). J. Pitman .shipped a car
load of corn Wednesday.
II. (i. Toilri was on the South
Omaha market Tuesday with a car
of hogs.
Mrs. Levi Ituslerhollz has heen
numbered with the sick for the
past. week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. (',. Brown at
tended the. dance in IMaltsniouth
Monday niglil.
The roads, are in very had con
dition, and almost impassable in
some places.
Mrs. Nix, who has been quite ill
with pneumonia, is on the im
prove somewhat.
'jileu I., llhodcii shipped a car
load of cattle to lie South Omaha
market Sunday evening.
Mrs. Peter Sunt li, who lias heen
sick for the past six weeks, is
feeling Mime heller the past few
Andy C,
list, hut
I '.ainplicll,
implicit, is
son of
on the sick
of a serious
Paul H came in from .Vess
City, Kansas, last week, and ex
pects lo remain here during the
coming season.
David Murray's little child,
which has heen quite ill with
pneumonia, has heen on Hie im
prove for several days.
Miss Marie Davis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Meek Davis, has
been quite ill with a threatened
attack of pneumonia, hut is up
and around again.
Elmer ltoedeker and lieu Dill
were in Lincoln Tuesday looking
after the purchase of a threshing
machine for a company of farm
er in I heir vicinity.
Miss Fay Oldham spent a week
with her uiinl. Mis. Dora Moore,
in I'lattsinmilh, while her uncle,
firorge Oldham, attended the fun
erul of his lirolhcr at Heaver
City, Neh.
ieorge '. Merger, who spent
the greater part of the winter in
Murray ami vieinilv, returned to
Ness City, Kansas, Sunday uighl.
lift also shipped a carload of
hedge posts to his farm for the
purpose of leucine..
Mis Ethyl Jlanie of Plalls
moiilh has accepted a position in
the Murra Slate hank as an as
sistant lo Cashier ltoedeker, and
has cnlered upon the discharge of
her duties. She is a line young
lady and yit eoinpelenl for the
When iiu look at the photos
which you can see smiling at yon
I'roin every shop window in town,
it. no doulil reminds the youngst
ers of the town ihal this is leap
year. And it I hose photos don't
draw a crowd, there is no use in
advcrlisitiK. Don't forget the
daliN Manli J and don't forget
the price of admission 'J! cents.
ml. also, don't forget the dance
after Hie eiilerl aiiiinenl. Cents'
tickets lo Hie dance, 'J.r cents;
ladies free. And. tnosl of all, don't
forget, fo mine.
by the Depositor's Guaran- U
Mr. V. A. Kennedy is among the
sick this week.
W. C. Hrown was an Omaha
isilor Thursday.
Mrs. Alva Long has been slight
ly ill for several day s.
Considerable sickness .in this
vicinity at the present lime.
Miss Elsie Stokes was visiting
in Lincoln a few days last week.
.lames Loughridg'e has heen
numbered with the sick the past
few days.
Miss Mary Moore came home
from Cedar Creek lo spend Sun
day with her parents.
Miss Lena Young of the Cedar
Creek schools, visited over Sun
day with her parents.
Ray Davis and family of Eight
Mile (iroe were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. o. A, Davis Wednesday.
Lorine, the little J-year-old
daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. James
Hatched, has heen quite sick for
a few days.
Charley Spanglcr and .lames
Hatched went to Omaha Wednes
day evening to take in the auto
mobile show.
A. M. Holme;, relumed home
Tuesday, after a few days' visit
Willi his daughter, Mrs. C. A.
Haw Is and family, in Plallsmoulh
Miss Clara Young was honn
Iroin Weeping Water lo spend
Saturday and Sunday with her
parents, Mr. ami Mrs. D. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tison re
lumed home, after a week or ten
days' visit with relatives and
friends at Plainview and Col
eridge, Nebraska.
II. R. Manspeaker, living three
miles southeast of Murray ex
peels lo remove next week to An
derson county, Kansas, near dar
ned, the county seal.
Mrs. Hauniaster of I'lalts-
inoulh is spending the week with
Mrs. W. E. Dull and assisting in
the care of Mr. Dull, who seems
to not gain strength as fast as he
Deminie Iliall, of the llrui of
Iliad iv. Tail, is suffering from a
sore.neei, which lias lieen a
source of considerable annoy
mice, lie kept to his room Wed
iiesilay in consequence.
The Missionary Society met
with Mrs. W. S. Smith Fridav of
last week. The weather was bad
hut there was a good attendance
After the business session daintv
refreshments were served.
Mrs. E. M. Hurger returned
from Long Pine, Hrown county
.Nenrnsiva, Wednesday morning
wnere sue weni 10 visit tier
daughter. Mr. Hurger was taken
sick there and was not able to n
turn with his wife.
The person who swiped I he lap
robes from a buggy at the barn
of Mr. Hrown will save some
trouble by returning them. Th
parly who look them is well
known, nud if returned nothing
will be said, but if not, then loo
in this vicinity and n ill mail same to this
Walt Nailery returned from
Kansas (lily Wednesday morning,
where lie Went to ('(insult Dr.
Minor in reference to his ail
ment. The Doctor diagnosed his
eae and sent him home very
much eneoui'aced as to the slate
of his uilmenl.
(lien Davis returned to his
home in Wolhack. Nebraska,
Tuesday evening, after hushing
up his husiness in this town and
vicinity. (Jlen was quite popular
in this town, and there is said to
lie more than one y.oung lady that
regretted his deiai'liir'.
Saturday evening, March Mr.
Dickerman will likely accompany
his pupils here, as he is anxious
that they do their best in this per.
formance. Miss Sass is giving
recitals in most all of Ihe
diuretics m Omaha and her abihtv
is a reader is above the average.
Miss Lucas sings beautifully, and
o hear her will be a treat to all
of us. At the Jenkins' hall, Sat
urday night, March J. Admission
price is only 2a cents. Don't
fail to he I here.
Death of J. G. Oldham.
Mr. L. II. Oldham returned from
Heaver City Tuesday morning,
where he was called on account of
Ihe death of bis brother, J. (i.
Oldham, who passed away Friday,
morning, February D, Ml 2, at
his home in that city.
Jackson (loodnian Oldham was
lorn in Charilan .county, Missouri,
January L'3, IS J,'), coming to Mis
souri and Cass county in 18li(,
where he lived for a number of
years, and about seventeen years
igo removed to Heaver City. His
lirst, wife, the mother of Mrs. II.
Snyder, formerly of this city,
lied a number "of years ago, and
he married again. To this last
union was born several children,
ill Ihe children of both unions be
ing present at the funeral, In-
gelher with his two brothers, L.
II. and deorge Oldham. The de
ceased was also a brother of Mrs.
Dora Moore of this city, who was
unable lo adend the funeral.
The funeral occurred last Sun
day and was one of the largest at
tended that ever occurred in
Heaver City, which was a demon
stration of the high esteem in
which Ihe deceased was held by
his neighbors and those who know
Ihe worlh of his excellent citizen-
hip. He was known in Cass
county for his many good qual
ities, and was highly esteemed by
all who knew him. The deceased
was at one time a business man
in Pladsniouth, where he was
oved as a good citizen and honor
able gentleman.
The Journal will endeavor to
give a more detailed account of
the life of Ihe deceased in some
future issue of this worthy gen
tleman, who lias passed over to
e dreal Heyond.
Family Reunion.
M. d. Churchill, wife and little
laughter, Clara; Mrs. Frank Wiles
and Mrs. Thoniason went to Lin
coln on Thursday morning of last
week lo attend a family reunion
at Ihe home of their sister. Mrs.
Minor. The gathering was in
honor of their I wo brothers, David
and Albert Churchill, the former
living al Central City and the lat
ter at Davenport, Neb., and they
soon expect to make their homes
in other stales David in Twin
Falls, Idaho, and Albert in Los
Angeles. Cal. The family were all
present except one brother, John,
who lives in the state of Wash
ington. This is the llrst. lime in
nine years Ihal Ihe brothers and
sislers have all met together in
family reunion, and it is proper to
remark that it was a gathering
long lu be remembered and one
where joy and happiness reigned
supreme. The Journal hopes they
may live lo enjoy many more such
happy events.
Serious Accidont.
frank Millery, who was quite
seriously injured by being jerked
out of a buggy by a mule he was
leading, one week ago last Mon
day, and who was thought to he
dangerously hurt at the lime, is
improving. Mr. Nailery, in being
jerked from the vehicle, lit on
his head and shoulders, causing
temporary paralysis, which caus
ed his relatives and friends con
siderable uneasiness for several
days. The Journal is glad to learn
Ihal Frank is much improved and
ofice it will atar under litis tieadin
is in a lair way to permanent re
covery. It was a very narrow
escape from instant death.
Platte River Booming.
The IMalle River has been ris
ing very rapidly for the past, few
hniirs. and is now out over Ihe
hot loin land nearby. The new
residence erected by the Platte
Uivcr Auto and liridge company is
entirely surrounded by wafer at
the present time, but is not in any
danger. The bridge is all safe at
this time and every ell'orl 'is be
ing exerted to remove the ice
gorge below, which is the cause
of the high water. Mrs. James
Tipton will come to Pladsmouth
this evening to remain until the
water moves. She will visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sleinhauer. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton
live in the bridge company resi
dence ami Mr. Tiplon looks after
the bridge.
Big Pricc3 fop Stock.
At the sale near Union of M.
d. McQuinn, held at his farm, cat.
lie, hogs, horses and mules sold
at high prices. A large crowd was
in al tendance and Ihe bidding was
spirited. One 5-year-old mare
sold for X2 id, cows as high as .(5
and hogs considerably above the
market price. The total amount
of the sale was nearly 8 5. 000. Mr.
McQuinn will move to his resi
dence in Union and shortly there
after he and his wife will make an
extended trip. Mr. II. Fahlander,
from near Council HI nil's, Towa.
hough! the farm about a month
ago and will inimedialely lake
possession. Nebraska City News.
For a sprain yon will llnd
Chamberlain's Liniment, excellent.
It. allays the pain, removes the
soreness, and soon restores the
parts to a healthy condition. 25
and no cent hollies for sale by F.
fS. Frieke & Co.
Social Dance at Murray.
The Murray Dancing club will
give another one of th"ir social
dances at Jenkins' hall on Satur
day evening, February L'i. The
music will he furnished by the
popular Jacobs' orchestra of
Omaha and a good lime is as
sured! all who attend.
Do you know that more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any other of Ihe minor
ulinenls? The safe way is to
take Chamberlain's Cough Item
dy, a Ihoroughly reliable pre
iiaralion, and rid yourself of Ihe
:'old as quickly as possible. This
remedy is for sale by F. O. Frieke
& Co.
Leave orders at Murray State Bank.
Address either Plattsmouth
or Murray.
-J, H. COOK-
carries a full line of
fUl a til!
Fresh Bread, Cakes
and Pies! 3
Also a nice line of Con
fectionery and Cigars.
JcDanisI Old Stand
t n n
u I
We are showing a full line
them out on tables so as to make
leceion easy. We offer a 45-inch
ing in 4n yd length just enough for a "
full embroidery dress at Per Pattern!
Bands to match at per yard 15. Also a 21-inch swiss flouno
irg at per yard GO these are extra good values.
Our 10c line of Embroideries are the best ever offered to . the
trade of Piatt smouth. See our stock of i ibbon roses.
PROCEEDINGS OF THE, Ni1., Keli. 20, 1912.
Hduril mot pui'siiunt to adjournment.
Prt'sent, M. Kiit'ililch, C. li. Jordan
anil C. K. llecliniT, County Commis-nlout'1-x;
JJ. C. Morgan, County Clfirk.
uilnutcs of previous session read and
approved, when tin; following ImsineHH
wan trun.Hauted in regular form:
Contract entori'd into with the Coun
ty I'hyxirianH in six l'liyslclans' Dis
tricts, and their bonds approved.
County Clerk Instructed to notify
lioad Overseers to ko over their dis
trict and make report on condition of
all county bridges needing heavy re
pairs or to he rebuilt. In connec
tion with this, when Koinjf over the
precinct, show the location of every
county bridge needing heavy repairs or
rebuilt on one of the plats enclosed
nml indicate each and every bridge lu
your precinct on the other plat en
closed. The following claims were allowed
on the (Jeuenil fund:
M. I.. Krleiliich, salary and ex
pense $
Mike Tritscli, State vs. McCann..
I'lattsmoiit ) Journal, printing..
C. K. Ileebner, salary and mile-
C. H. N'old Lumber Co., coal to
C. It. Jordan, salary and mile aRe
Allen J. lieeson, State vs. Henry
2. SO
C. 1 1. i.juintcn,
Fred O.ssenknp,
1 loud
I'M KKonberKi't-
State vs. Henry
State vs. John
, Administrator,
coal to Court
Zuckweller ,V- Lilt., merchandise
to poor 3.00
Klopp H llartlett Co.. supplies.. S4.ti'.i
.1. W. Johnson, salary, 1911,
Soldiers' Kcllef Commissioner 13.10
Joseph Mullen, assigned lo W.
I. Knx, Soldiers' Kelief Com
missioner 13.10
(leoie N. l.aKue, salary, 1911,
Soldiers' Itelief Commissioner 13.10
lr. o. 10. I.iston, fourth quarter
salary Count v I'livsiclan, Dis
trict No. u 12.50
The I'liiversity I'ubllshliitf Co.,
Studies in KeadiiiK. County
Superintendent 1.92
V.'m. Mrinknian and Win. Sea
Kiaves. assigned Hans Slevers,
cleaning snow 1.00
Clodie kilrell. State vs. John
I oud 5.40
.1. I. Crunch, assigned C. K.
Johnson, (fiiard at jail . ....... 10.00
I;. W. Clements, ntfent, ticket to
Western Compound Co., sweeping
comiKiiind 4.00
";itt K- Son, merchandise to poor 16.75
Kobert Sherwood & Son, mer
chandise to noor (1.65
)r. J. I'.. Martin, fourth ouarter
salary County I'hvslcinn, Dis
trict No. 1 57.50
James Koheitson, State vs. Henry
Morrows 11.36
C. D. tjuhiton, State vs. Henry
Ilurrows .85
V. A. Hobertson, dclVndinu
Henry Uurrows 35.00
Allen .1. Hccsou, approving
olllclal bonds and recordinK
same 10.05
Nebraska State i'enitentiary,
keeping tJeorKe Lytic 18.75
N. D. Tnlcott, M. D., County
Physician's salary fourth quar
ter. District No. 5 15.00
John C. York, barber work at
farm 1.80
J. li. Denson, Kuard jail 66.00
The following claims were allowed
on the Komi fund:
John Knot, poll tax receipt 1903,
I toad district No. 26 t 3.10
C. K. Ileebner, labor. Inheritance
Tax 4.20
M. I. Frledricli, labor, Inherit
ance Tax 8.20
J. A. Whltenian, road work, Itoad
District No. 12 10.00
Mike I.utz road work, Hoad
District No. 1 10.80
J. . Scboenian, ilrnKKliiK roads,
Road District No. 3 11,25
John IliiJ!, road work, itoad Dis
trict No. 1 4. so
Win, II. Itush, road work, Iload
District No. 7 11T.0
John (Jauer, use of land for road i
purpose, lioad District No. 2.. 15.00
all Suits and Overcoats selling reg
ularly from $15.00 to $30.00, now
Hose famous Gordon full fashioned
quality, regular price 50c, this week
25c; shades navy, tan, gray, wine and
New Spring goods arriving every day.
St.ton lint.
of Embroideries and have placed
your se- jTl 3
flounc wVa '
Hen Heckman, road work, Koud
Kistrict No. 10 18.G
The following claim was allowed
tin- Commissioners' lioad fund:
Win. T. .Sack, (lraif:ins road,
Commossioners' l-'und, Hoad
1'istrict No. L'fi Id.W
Hoard adjourned to meet TuHd,
March nth, 1!I12.
D. C. MoKUAN. County Cle-rk.
Too Late for Last Week
.Miss Mcrllut Nickels wsu
I'lallsinoiilli visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. K. li. Queen has been MbI
ed with I he sick the past few day.
Mrs. Frank Ithotlen is suffer
ing wilh a heavy cold and hoarse
ness. Miss Jessie
Union Sunday
Drosl drove U
lor a visit witk
I.. F. Filch
spent Sunday
and family.
ami wife of Uniou
with K II. Que.Mi
J. I). Tijrner and wife and Jas.
Tinner spent Sunday with Frank
H linden and family.
J. F. Lewis ami wife were
nuesls of F (i. Lewis and wife
Saturday and Sunday.
Frank Hhoileii was a passenger
for Omaha Thursday, where he
had his limit looked after.
C. K. Wiley of Lincoln arrived
Sunday for an extended visit wilh
his sister, Mrs. Lee Allison.
Lee and (ieorge Nickels were in
Plaltsinonth Saturday huying
household fronds. Looks', rather
funny, hoys.
Miss Herlha Xickels -pleasantly
entertained a company of friends
and neifdihnrs Saturday evening.
Music and games were the prin
cipal amusement. The charades
company came out even. Dainty
refreshments were served at a
lale hour. Those present to enjoy
Miss Nickels' hospitality were:
Messrs. and Mesdames V. H.
(iood, A. Wilson and Levi Slagle,
Esther Ray, Vera Moore, James
Tifrner, Francis Moore, Arthur
Hansen, Margaret. Moore, Guasie
flood, Annahel Moore, Frank
Heed, Willa Moore, Etta Nickels
and Fred Tipner.
For Sale.
An excellent unimproved 80
acre farm, all under cultivation,
'.i miles from Murray. No waste
land. Price .$12(1.00 per acre. Ap
ply to A. L. Maker, Murray, Neb.
Registered Cull for Sale.
One thorotifrhhred registered
Holslein bull, three years old. Ap
ply lo Hotel Riley, Plattsmouth.
F. II. Dunbar.
Try a sack of Forest Rose Flour
the next time you need flour. Ask
your dealer what he thinks of it.
Manhattan Shirts