The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1912, Image 3

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I Wrest
I Praok
0 150 pound Champion
f Cnss Count v
uuui uitob vuiiivjio
'7 a t A 11 1
I esung. ah lovers oi sucn
h JoeS
Mr. Myers, the undisputed 180-pound champion of Omaha and Douglas coun
ty, will be present to challenge the winner. Also the
Burnes will be present to referee the matches.
$J All Seats 50c, except
Watch It Grow.
Knights and Ladies or 5e
curity 550.00
. E. O. Society 35.00
H. H. Wcscott, G. A. Mar
shall, FA. Glen Rawls,
Floyd Partridge, John
Hatt, jr 50.00
O. B. Gould, John Crabill,
II. A. Bates, J. P. Sattler,
Thomas Wiles, Leland
Brings, T. II. Pollock, C.
F. Mayfleld, II. D. Travis,
E. Weyrich, W. Clement,
II. F. Goos, M. S. Briggs,
' Robert Rebal, G. L.
Farley 150.00
J. II. Kuhns, Jennings
Reivers, E. C. Hild, Ed
Lutz 40.00
. K. Staats, Floyd Mc
Daniel, B. A. Rosencrans,
A. J. Beeson, Joe Peters,
W. D. Glock . . . . G0.00
f.. G. Fricke, II. M. Socn
nichsen, E. V. Cook, Har
ris Cook, C. H. Smith,
Tom Stokes, A. J. Sny
der, John Bauer, jr 80.00
K. Wurl, J. M. Roberts., R.
M. Schlaes, Jesse Perry,
Henry Perry, Hallic
Perry 00.00
Miittsmoutli Improvement
Society 13.50
S. Austin, Ed Zuckweiler,
H. N. Dovey, George
Bovey, J. II. Haldeman.. . 50.00
A. Rawls. T. P. Living
ston, Fritz Fricke, Paul
Moriran. Arthur Troop. . 50.00
h. F. Moore, Fred Mann,
Dr. Frank Cummins, Wil
liam Baird 40.00
A Friend. A. O. Moore,
Robert Newell, Will
Adams, Frank Gobelman,
C. C. Wescott, Woodmen
of the World 70.00
Hugh Cecil, R. F. Patter
son, John Hollstroin. . . . 30.00
F. Andrews, Joe Iliher.... 20.00
W. Hild, N. C. Abbott, E.
L. Richey. Ed Rralner, T.
M. Patterson, James
Mauzy, C II. Warner, C.
S. Johnson 80.00
Heo. Fall t. AV. A. Hubert- !
sun. Ii. A. McFlwain, J. P.
Falter. C. C. I'armele,
Pollock Parmele, It. B.
W iiidliaiu, Allii'ii Cla
lirtiiuli, Joe McMaken, 1).
B. Smith. L. W. Gade, D.
C. Morgan. lr. J. S.
Livingston 130.00
J. M. Roberlson. C. II. Tay
lor. George Becker, W.
H. Newell. F M, Ilichey,
J L. Riehey, J. K. Pol
lock. F. A. Powell 80.00
Ndt. Marl m. Truman
Waunh. Jess Warga.
Fred McCaulcy, James
Birnie. William Brink
man, Robert Hayes 70.00
R. Travis, John Falter,
Carl Dalton. A. I.. Tidd.
Grant Welenkamp 50.01)
E. Wiles, II. A. Sch
neider, L. V. Copenhaver,
3 FTifnN
nr a r
llklllllbl f 1 Ff I-V1 If ft ft LT
yii yum u
Heavyweight Champion of Cass
- - vs
Heavyweight Champion of the Northwest
pence vs Jack
aiu vijf tvtni). niaitiitu anu
i i ii . , i
sport snouia not miss uiese
Clarence Beal, W. L.
Austin 50.00
R. R. Hunter, Frank Shel
don, .Dewey Zuckweiler,
C. D. Quinton, Burdett
Briggs, George Poisall . . 00.00
Byron Clark 50.00
C. L. Stull, Henry Tee
cotter, J. W. Sage 30.00
Lady Minstrels 100.00
II. S. Barlhold, L. L. Wiles,
W. C. Tippens, Guy
Reese, Clarence Staats, (.).
P. Newbranch '. . 'tiO.OO
Additions to subscriptions
already made C. C. Par
mele, J. p. Falter, T. H.
Pfdlock, E. (i. Dovey &
Son, Ed P. Lutz, E. H.
Wescott, C. C. Wescott. J.
M. Roberts, J. H. Halde
man 190.00
Robert Will, W. J. White. . L'0.00
A. T. Moore, Gene Brady.
Nelson Jean, Cash iO.OO
W. C. T. U 15.00
Builders' Class of Presby
terian Sunady scho(d
W. A. Roberlson, Ben
Windham. Sam Wind
bam, Joe Chapman,, Carl
Schmilinan, Dwight Pat
terson, Major Arrms, Don
Arries, Byron Arries,
Ralph Larson, Leland
Briggs, Evan Noble,
Edgar Sleinhauer, Reu
ben Saxon, Marion Dix
on, Norman Dixo.ii, David
Kbersid, Wallace Hun
ter, Elmer Frans, Roy
Miller 'J00.00
This compleles Ibe amount of
subscriptions necessary to in
sure the organization of Ibe Y.
M. C. A. at l'lallsmoulb, and in
the near future notice will be
given naming Ibe time and place
for a meeting of all the sub
scribers, at which Ibe organiza
tion will be perfected and work
commenced immediately to put
Cnalcs' hull in shape for the use
or the Y. M. C. A.. Immediately
upon the organization all sub
script ions will be due and payable,
excepting those subscriptions"
wnicn nae nxeii dales lor nav-
inenl, which will become due as
agreed upon. The lirst payment
of those subscript ions to be paid
monthly will become due and pay
able upon organization and all
subscribers will be notified after
organization is complete. There
will be entertainments from time
! lime in the interest of n y.
M. C. A., which will be announced
as they cotne.
The members of Hie eommillcc
desire to express their trralitude
and good will to all who have
come to llu-ir aid in establishing
Ibis organization in Platlninouth.
which will mean so much to the
young i i or our city; not for
get lint; also to remember kindly
all those whose hearts were with
the movement, but were unable at
present to assist.
The members of the committee
I -"II If 11 II kl
i I m i in i fmwm I I i
g Matchl
. u
Tolliver (j
pound Champion of
Douglas County
iiuuiu piuvc VCiy unci"
ii , W
excellent matcnes.
great and only "Farmer'
Seats Reserved at Riley Hotel J
also wish to take this oppor
tunity of thanking the papers for
their friendly assistance, and
especially the Daily Evening Jour
nal, which has so generously
opened its columns lo us Ibrougb
oul the cut ire campaign.
C. A. Rawls.
M. S. Briggs,
E. II. Wescott.
Carl Fricke,
Charles C. Parnicle,
J. P. Falter,
Robert Hayes,
Wei and chilled reel usually af
fect the mucous membrane of Ibe
nose, Ihroal and lungs, and la
grippe, bronchitis or pneumonia
may result. Watch carefully, par
ticularly the children, and for lh
racking, stubborn coughs give
Foley's Honey ami Tar Compound
II sooths' the inllainined mem
branes and heals the cough quick
ly, rake no substitute. For sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Moving day at Hand.
J. II. McMaken has His dray line
on the go trying lo keep up wilh
bis orders for moving. Charles
Green has moved from his former
residence in South Park lo the
west pari of the city.
Mr. Parker has moved from his
residence, formerly occupied by
him on South Sixth sired, lo Ibe
Adam Wolfe properly on Maiden
Lane, which Mr. Parker recently
Amos McNamee of Union was in
the city yesterday looking after
some business matters, and while
here called at Ibe Journal, office to
enroll his name for a copy of the
paper for one year.
Commissioners c. ji. Junari
and C. E. lleebner, from I he Sec
ond and Third districts, were here
Ibis week attending the regular
meeting of Ibe commissioners,
and paid the Journal ollice a brief
call. In addition lo renewing
their own subscriptions, Mr, Jor
dan sends a copy to Jonathan Mc
Dowell at Cairo. Neb.
Ileie is a message of hope and
good cheer from Mrs. 0. J. Mar
tin, Boone Mill, Va., v ho is Ibe
mother of eighteen children. Mrs.
Martin was cured of stomach
trouble and constipation by
Chamberlain's Tablets after five
vears of suffering, and now re
commends these tablets to the
public. Sold bv F. G. Fricke
Fop Sale.
Some good lirsl-class prairie
bay, on farm eight miles west of
R. L. Props!,, Mynard.
Characteristic Snapshot
Of the Secretary of State
Who Is Ready For Big Trip.
Photo by Aniei icun Tress Association.
News of Ospina's Action Kept From
Colombian Public.
PoKota, Colombia, Feb. 22. The ac
tion of General Pedro Ncl Ospina, Co
lombian minlKter to the United Slates,
in notifying the state department at
WuHliington that the visit to Colombia
of Secretary of State Knox would bo
inopportune has not become known to
the general public.
The Colombian government has the
matter under consideration, but either
the newspapers nre Ipnorant of the
occurrence or else comment has been
COSTS $7,000,000
Hundreds cf Ihusss and Many
' Factories Are Burned.
Houston, Tex., Feb. 22. In the
wake of the most destructive fire In
the history of Houston, smoldering
wreckage today covers nn area
one and one-half miles in length nnd
VHryhiR in width from 20(1 ards to
one half mile in the northeastern sec
tion of the city. More than u dozen of
the city's most Important Industrial
enterprises are in ruins, 2'i:i or more
dwellings and store buildings are in
ashes nnd approximately 1 .) persons
arc homeless
An accurate Mitcmcnt of the mone
tary loss Is not yet possible, but the
niont conservative Is lhat It will reach
at least $7.0fio,i)(io. The insurance
carried will not exceed 40 per cent.
Kxcept for a few who sufTered minor
burns and bruises, no casualties at
tended the fire.
Robber Bands Are Operating Without
Interruption in Several Sections.
Washington, Feb. 22 Advices from
Mexico to the state department indi
cating widespread anarchy south of
the Rio Grande, caused much uneasi
ness in odlclal circles. Several cities
nnd towns are reported to be In the
hands of rebels, protests by Americans
ngainst robberies are multiplying and
robber bands ure operntlng without
apparent Interruption throughout the
It is feared here that all that Is
needed to plunge Mexico Into civil
strife Is the appearance of a leader,
who con harmonize the factions and
bring the rebellious elements together.
Head Consul Talbot's Camp Has Dele
gate at Minneapolis.
Minneapolis, Feb. 22. Prepared to
make n strenuous fight against the so
called Mobile bill nnd Its Increase In
rates recently adopted bv the Modern
Woodmen of America, scores of d lo-1
gates from all parts of the I'nited,
States arrived here lo attend the na-'
tional Modern Woodmen assembly,!
which begin:; today.
Among the "insurgent" delegates
who are here are F. F. Priest of LIn-j
coin. Neb., representing Lincoln camp
No. !Ki9, of which A. It. Talbot, head,
consul of the Modem Woodmen of
Americn. Is a member.
Iowa has sent the largest number of
delegates of any one state.
Convict Runs Cuantlet of Bullets.
Leavenworth, Feb. 22. II. C. IOgan
a convict at the state penitentiary,
ran unharmed through u hall of bul '
lets In an attempt to escape, only to'
be recaptured by an unarmed guard,
after lie had readied cover. Igan'
eluded guards in the prison hospital,
where he was confined with a broken
right arm, mid bid behind a shack
near the west gate. When the gate
was opened he made a dash. I
Reply Mads lo Friend Who Asks
if He Is Candidate.
Politician at Cleveland Demands Di
rect and Immediate Reply Colonel
Makes Four peeciiea n Ohio Reit
erates Belief In Progressive Policy.
Cleveland, Feb. 22. "My hat Is in
the ring."
That is what Theodore Roosevelt
b.i id here when an admiring Cleveland
friend sought to learn whether ho was
u candidate for the liepublicvn nomi
nation tor the presidency.
During' the brief stay of Colonel
Koosee!t in Cleveland W. F. Kirkk,
well known locally in politics, greeted
the former president, whom he knew
"I want a direct answer. Colonel,"
said Mr. Kirkk. "All your friends want
to know and want to know now
whether you are to be a candidate."
"My hat Is in the ring," replied Colo
nel Roosevelt. "You will have my an
swer Monday."
Makes Four Speeches.
Relief In the political doctrines of
the "progressives" was reiterated by
Mr. Rooseveit, who made lour speech
es In Ohio. It was his flrflt trip of the
kind since the series of journeys short
ly alter his return from Africa in 11)10.
A mixture of snow and rain fell
steadily, but Colonel Roosevelt was
welcomed by crowds wherever he
On the train between Columbus
and Cleveland Colonel Roosevelt con
ferred at length with a number of poli
ticians leading the Roosevelt move
ment in this state. Among them were
A. 1 Oarford of Klyrlu, member of the
Roosevelt nat'onal committee; Nath
aniel C. Wright of Cleveland, club
man of the Roosevelt national public
ity committee, nnd Judge R. M. Wana
maker of Akron.
.lames It. Garfield, secretary of the
Interior in the Roosevelt cabinet, nnd
Frank C. Knox, chairman of the Re
publican stale committee of Michigan,
also talked with Colonel Roosevelt,
and in Columbus he saw Walter
Urown, chairman of the Ohio Repub
lican st:Ue central committee.
Here Colonel Roosevelt was asked
what he tlmught of his reception In
"Bully, by George," was the reply.
Addressing the constitutional con
vontlon, lie several times turned aside
from his prepared speech long enough
for an epigram or two. When he
came to the subject of control of cor
porntions, he said:
"Ilig business always shudder!'
slightly when I speak of It."
The colonel's speeches In the ro
tunda of the cnpltol and In Gallon
were were devoted largely to an ex
position of his well known views upon
the baby question. At Cleveland he
piad his compliments to the wife ot
the "average American," saying that
though lie thought highly of the mnn
he thought more highlv of the man'e
Packers Scold Branch Managers Over
Wire for Poor Prices.
Chicago, Feb. 22. Scores of tele
grams alleged to have been sent by
Louis H. Heyinnn, nionnger of thr
dressed beef department of Morris &
Co., urging eastern representatives tc
obtnln higher prices were read in the
packers' trial.
The objoct of the government in In
iroduclng the telegrams was to show
the test cost, the basis used by thr
packers in fixing the selling price.
In one messnge sent to Ronton, I ley
man said: "What are you trying tc
do, put ua out of business with your
low selling prices?"
One telegram addressed to a New
York representative read: "This If
awful and we cannot stand for It
Hold beef for better price, if yon
don't sell another carcass this week.'
Another message to a New York
agent read: "If you don't get prlcei
up we will have to reduce your ship
ments." Takes Fourth of the Bank's Deposits
ls Angelea, Feb. 22 Fail Stand
ard, the. missing bookkeeper of the
American National bank ol Pomona
whose alleged defalcations wero fo;iml
to amount to $119,0110, is said to be in
hiding here, Ills arrest Is expected
soon. The entire surplus and half the
capital stock of the bank nre said tc
A.avo been swept away by the short
:ige, which amounted to one-fourth ol
its total deporlts.
Jealous Negro Wounds Two.
Waterloo, la., Feb. 22. James
Brown, a negro, shot his best girl
Miss Myrtle Thornton, nnd stabbed his
rival, Ulysses Williams, with a pnpet
knife because his girl danced the "tur
key trot" with the rival. Roth vie
tlnis mny die. lirown is under arrest
Earthquake Is Cabled From San Jose
.Washington, Feb. 22 Senor Cnlva
the Costa Itican minister, received a
cablegram from San Jose with u sin
gle word, "carthcpiake," In It. lie
fears another eatastroplio has taken
Euy Your Oranges at Home.
A representative of the Journal
notice. I a stranger in the city
willi a wuu'oii-lnnil f oranges Ibis
morning;. I lie city special prine
kiinl. that are usually placed ot
Hie wholesale markets for what
tliey will liring. They are usually
culls from a larjre or over-shipment
received by the commission
men of the city am! leavings
from what cannot lie shipped out
f Ihe city awa in. This individual
will probably make the rounds of
the city tomorrow wilh this slock
of fruit ami oiler ihem to yon at
a very low price, which a I. the
same time will he no less than
what you can buy a hotter quality
from the home dealer. We have
firms in the cily offering a pood
vrade of Hie popular Sunkist or
anges as low as 15 cents per
doen, and even lower in (uaut,if.y
lots. When fhis slrane in
dividual calls on you tomorrow
give him the go-by until you see
your home dealer and pet his
price. You will he heller satisfied
with Ihe quality or the f mil. and
the price also.
Avoid taking cold if your kid
neys are sensitive. Cold congests
Hie kidneys, throws loo much
work upon them, and weakens
I heir action. Serious kidney
I rouble and even llrighl's disease
may result. Strengthen your kid
neys, gel, rid of the pain and
soreness, build Ihem up by the
timely use of Foley Kidney Pills.
Tonic in action, quick in results.
For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co.
County, NoluuHku.
In the Muttttr of the K.stnte of Lona
Welshed, llt'crused.
Notlro Is hurotiy Klvcn tlint. In pur
suance of mi ordiir of Hon. Jlarvoy D.
TravlH, J ml go of tho District Court of
( iimm County, Nebraska, luado oa this
Jilth day of Jummry, Jill:', for tho sale
of the coal cHlato hm-ulnnftor de-nci-UhmI
there will ho Hold nt the front
door of thn American Kxchanne llaak
In thn VIlhiKP of Elmwood, Cans
County, Nuhnixku, on the 21st day
of I'Vhruary, JUH, at 1 o'clock 1. M.,
at piihllc vendue to the hlKhcHt bidder
Tor cash, tho followlnx described real
PMtatn to-wlt: Tho Northeast guartnr
of .Section 1L', Township 10, Kuhkb 10,
Kast of the tilh 1 M In Chhh County,
Nebraska. Sulil nalo will remain opnn
one hour.
IXited this 22nd day of .lioninry, 1912.
Nxecutor of .Said Kxtnte.
C. H. At.IUIlCll
l. O, PWYKIt, Attorneys.
Notice Ih hereby given that tho sale
of real estate advertised to take plann
at 1 o'clock P. M., on thn 21st day of
February, 1!I12, at thn front door of
the American Kxchungn Hank In th
Village of Klmwood. Cass County N
briiska, posted and published as above,
was by the undersigned, executor, at
said time nnd place udjournod to and
hi Id Hale will take place on the fit h day
of March, 1!U2, nt tho hour of 1 o'clock
P. M., on that day at thn sumo place.
Kxecutor of Said ('Mate.
The Slow
Did you ever hear your tele
phone bell ring and ring again,
when you were busy nnd did
not answer?
If you did the operator prob
ably finally reported to the
party calling you, "They do not
answer." (Note she never
says, "They are not there.")
Then she disconnected your
Perhaps five seconds later,
just six seconds too late, you
answered. You got no reply.
You, no doubt, exclaimed, "My
bell rang."
Yes, your bell did ring, but
you did not answer promptly.
Your delay caused either the
loss of a customer or inconveni
ence to a friend.
Our constant endeavor is to
give the quickest ami best tel
ephone service that human in
genuity can devise.
Your attitude in calling or
receiving calls will hinder or
aid our best elTorts. Wtn't you
help us?
Telephone and
Telegraph Go.