The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1912, Image 2

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Present Structure is Far Too Small
Daily Travel From This Place
ravel From This Place
More Liberally by the
Will tin- ureal M. & M. railway
oorporution, wliii'h lias made so
many valuable and modern im
provements in its local shops
liore, keep pace with I he business
houses of the city and the spirit
of improvement now abroad in
the, air, and build a new and mod
ern passenger station al I he foot
of Main street, to accommodate
the trade which throng their
small depol every week and al-
msl every day of the week?
In the present condition, on
many occasions, there are not
.seals for half of the patrons who
purchase tickets, and the good
citizens are forced to stand hud
dled in the center of the room,
oftimes almost suffocating in I he
dense atmosphere, or walk I he
platform outside, where the air is
purer, although chilly. The
ladies' and gents' wailing rooms
arc alike in point of accommoda
tion, and there arc as many wom
en standing in I heir room as men
in their's.
Tlie accommodation furnished
the public are not in comparison
with the trafllc. and earnings from
this point, as the company, at all
seasons of the year, do an enor
mous passenger business from
this point. There is not another
town in the stale of Nebraska
having the population JMatts
mouth has, doing I hi; amount of
travel the citizens here do each
week, but have commodious, up-
H-J I-W-M 'M-M-M-M -W-I
f (Special Correspondence.)
Dr. Jones reports the Taylors
as being convalescent.
Mr. A 1 1 s I in of Lincoln bought
two carloads of while seed corn
from James Murkes, which he
shipped lo his nephew in Furnas
county. Mr. Murkes moved
Miss (Irace Wilson of Ashland
was married Tuesday evening to
Mr. Means of Cambridge, Neb.
Flio, has a host of friends hero
who extend coiigrnl illations lo Ihe
young couple,
As it is Washington's birthday
Thursday there will be no school
in Ihe afternoon. The seniors,
accompanied by Prof. Lehman,
will visit the shops at llavelock
anil uie university in Lincoln on
Mrs. Mary Abbott died at. Ihe
home of her daughter, Mrs. .1. C.
Stevenson, Monday afternoon. The
funeral services were held Wed
nesday morning at 10 o'clock. Her
many friends extend their sym
pathy to her relatives in their
While wailing for a freight
train lo pass her, last Thursday
evening. Mrs. h. I Talcoll was
knocked down by a team of horses
at (lie railway crossing. The
horses knocked her away from the
wagon, so she was not seriously
Impure blond runs vou down
makes ou an easy victim for or
ganic disease.. Burdock Blood
Hitlers purities the blood -cures
t he cause .- builds you up.
arncr's FLvist-Proof Corsets
jv v "
Cor. ner. Sixth and Main
ft in BUR-
to Accomodate the People Who
and City Should Be
Railroad Company.
and City Should Be Treated
to-date waiting rooms, with mod
ern conveniences, filled up with
lavatories and toilets in the men's
wailing room, as well as the
women's, furnished by the cor
porations serving the people.
Under existing conditions at the
station the' men and women have
but one toilet in common.
Along wilh the numerous im
provements contemplated, as well
as those already completed and
others in process of completion
by private parlies at this lime in
I he cily, it, would be a graceful
thing if the public- service cor
porations doing business here
would also catch the fever and
make their properties cor
respond with those of private; in
dividuals. If I he railway com
panies would make the improve
ments that they should and such
as their business here in dollars
and cents would justify, it would
be a long step in the direction of
a neater and more beautiful city.
Many persons who have busi
ness in Omaha and reside in
I'lallsnioulh, have spoken of the
exceedingly poor facilities for ac
commodating the passenger traf
llc at the station of-this cily. The
accommodations here have been
compared wilh those furnished in
cities of this class in oilier
localities in the stale, and the
comparison is mil at all favorable
lo Ihe I'lallsnioulh (raveling
His Seed Corn Good.
Our old friends, L. II. Mrown
and Jack MeXnlt, from down near
Old Kenosha, were in the cily
Monday of this week, and in con
versation with them Lig lells us
I hat he has been making a pretty
thorough tesl of his s I corn and
I hat it is proving a good quality.
Last fall before Ihe freeze he se
lected a number of good ears and
hung Ihem up for (his purpose,
and out of 1(18 grains selected
from a number of ears, only two
have failed lo sprout. It is true
that Mr. Hrovvn says I hat the ears
were favored and given a little
better nllenlioii than the general
run of seed corn.
Will Move to Crelghton,
Adolph Wescli, who has been
living west of I'lallsnioulh for the
past year, was in the city today
making arrangements for bis do
parlure soon for Creighlon, Neb.,
where he will make his future
home, lie expects to move next
Monday, having rented a farm
near Creighlon. The Journal re
grets to see such excellent young
fanners as Adolps Wesch leave
Cass county, but al, the same lime
wish him unlimited success in his
new home.
"lioau's (liniment cored me of
eczema Unit bail annoyed me a
long lime. The cure was perman
ent." Hon. 8. W. Wallhews,
Commissioner Labor Statistics,
Augusta, Me.
Kd Trilsch and Will Ktilin, from
near Cedar Creek, were in the cily
laM Salnrdav. ami while here
paid Ihe Journal olliee a briel
call. Thev were here looking af
ter some business mailers.
Wc show today only one of the many
styles in Warner's Corsets that we
carry. It portrays a pleasant outline
for a well-developed iiiiure. The bust
is low, the corset almost "topless" in
effect; still, the figure is perfectly sup
ported. It is a thoroughly eomfort
ahle model guaranteed so also not
to rust, break or tear. Let us show
you our new styles, of which this is
Style 536 Covitillc
Stylo 636 Batiste
Price $2.00
St. -ri
iki r. wit 4
I'.. Nulniaii
was a Nehawka
isilnr Monday.
liuv your stork food anil dit
a I
Copes' drug store.
A Hn-i-t Casper lias I - F I fur his
home in Talmage.
Airs. H. C. Maniuardf has ir-
turned IV Html ley.
. I. .Ma-i'iiiaii anil family
isiln al Syracuse Sunday.
.Mrs. T. W. Malcolm was at,
Weeping Water Wednesday.
O. A. .Malcolm was at Tabling
Stimla.v visiting his parents.
Rev. ,J. M. Kokjer and wife wen
Weeping Water visitors Monday
The Ixt'ord hotel is dishing tip
meals thai are good when you are
Fred Kiihenn and Lloyd (ira
bani arrived homef mm Lincoln
Sal urday.
Austin H. Lewi on did the carv
ing ad at I lie meal market t he
llrst of Ihe week.
M. M. Slraub, Adolph itnmerer,
Vincent and have Slraub were tit
Lincoln Sunday.
Harmon Brothers orchestra
furnished music for a dance al
Mauley Mondaq night.
John Schmidt, and (ins Mohr
were in attendance at the auto
show at Omaha this week.
Several of the Odd Fellows al
Icnded ii district meeting at
Weeping Water Wednesday.
There is not a vacant house in
town to rent. We would suggest
that some of our aristocrats get
busy and erect a few nice resi
dences. Say, don't you know I hat Avoca
is oik! of the best towns in the
slate to do your trading at? If
you haven't been doing so turn
over a new leaf.
The stockholders of the new
opera house held a meeting Tues
day and decided on Ihe location
of the same. They selected the
corner lots vvesl of the Christian
Ora F,. Copes, the druggist, has
just received his new slock of
wall paper and paint. Before you
buy go and see his line. The most
complete, slock in town to select
Miss Mal.lie Nul.inaii entertain
ed a number of her friends al her
home sotileasl of town Saturday
evening, that date being her lHlh
birthday. An enjoyable time was
reported by those present.
It is about time U begin talk
ing about baseball for the coining
season. 'Let a live wire put his
shoulder to Ihe wheel and push it
along. We have some good talent
here which is capable of pulling
pp some classy ball.
Manager Rassmussen of the
Pinochles stales that he has
signed Tell't and Henry Kiihnhcnn,
two of the 1 .(( stars. II, is said
that they were two of the best
players that ever wore a uniform,
and we must congratulate the
manager for securing them!
We understand that there is lo
be a big wrestling match pulled
oil' here March 2. The big event
will be Smarderer of Louis
ville and Frank Doty of Weeping
water; also some preliminary
bouts between some of our local
boys. All lovers of Ibis kind of
port should be on hand.
The Condition of Success.
I Miring the Indian war Major
llodson wrote lo a friend: "If I
succeed in India, it, will be due to
n sound digestion." He under
slood that perfect health is the
most valuable aid lo success. Al
most daily wc can see men whose
career was ruined by poor health,
bv poor digestion. Allow us lo
remind vuo here of Triner's
American Ktixir of Miller Wine,
which is one of the most depend
able remedies for indigestion and
all oilier ailments resulting- from
Ihe same. I'se it as soon as you
Will notice .-.oiiie change in vour
i usual appetite or strong! h or
i weight. H will give new slrenulh
to I he exhausted organs, will tna
I lerially assist digestion, relievo
' eonipat ion, headache, gas-colic
ami allacl
si ren'ji h i-
in and
hi ami
of the
is good lor j
s. loss of weii
and diseases
stomach ami the
drug slorcs. ,los
I :;:!! so. iiiand
nl 01 ines.
Triner, l.'i.'
vo t'.liica
Visits With His Father.
C. .1. Meisingor. from near
Ceilar Creek, vas in the oily Tues
day spending Die day with his par
ent, and while here paid Ihe
Journal olliee a brief call, renew
ing his subscription for Ihe paper
for another year. The Journal
has only one complaint to make
against Mr. Meisingor, and thai is
he does not come to l'lallsnioutli
as often as wo would like to see
him. This is his llrst irip here
for several months.
g You will be surprised when you see the Beautiful Pat- $
terns we can
Fifty Patterns to Select From!
Items of Interest to Journal Readers
Sam Casbtiei
Henry Snoke
went lo Omaha
went lo Douglas
Mr. Baird of Lincoln
was in
Alvo Monday.
S. M. lams of Lincoln was in
town Monday.
Verl Linch spent Sunday
the home folks.
Ir. L. Muir and wife were
Lincoln Tuesday.
Sam Jordan was home over
Sunday with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. McKennon were al
Mrs. Minn Kilzcl's Sunday.
Mrs. (ieorgo Foreman, jr.. was
shoping in Lincoln Friday.
Randall Stone, who has been
quite sick, is almost well again.
Mr. Snooker of University Place
visited at the homo J. H. SI roomer
Miss Anna Murkhobler of Lin-
. i , ,i i ir.. . l T : 1 I ..
coin visitoti ;ir. aim :urs. iiiiuei
Miss Mable Murtey of Weep
ing Water visited Miss Joseph
Miss Stella Sbeesely and sister,
Mrs. Lyda Howe, were in Omaha
Mrs. S. C. Movies and sister,
Mrs. Clara I'routy, wore Lincoln
visitors Tuesday.
Miss (lladys Appleman came
home Saturday from Lincoln, re
turning Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Keubn
and daughter. Alice, visiled rela
tives in Aluidock Sunday.
(iavl Bird has been very sick
since lasl Friday, bid is geltiuu
ahum- nicely al this writ inc.
Orion Baldwin was here Salnr
dav on route to Sail Lake City.
I tah, where be has a posjiiuu. j
l'lta Mower and Mrs. Anna Aus-
tin of Lincoln visited Sundr.v w ilb j
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schall'er. j
('.has. II. Jordan visited tn j
dau'-hler, Mrs. John McDowell
and tamih . al Cairo. Nob.. Iat
Mrs. Fred I'rouly went to
Kokoley Sundav evening to visit
her sister. Mrs. Charles Campbell
and family.
Blaine Sloan, son of Conuress
inan Charles II. Sloan of (leneva.
Nebraska, came down from Lin
coln last Wednesday with hale
Movies, visiting wilh him until
Thursday. They returned on No.
C! lo their studios at the stale
university. Congressman Sloan
was in a railroad wreck in l'enn
svlvania last week, but being in
I ho roar car, which was not de
railed, escaped unhurt and con
snow you in our iuc
Will Be Received at the Drug Stor
tinued his journey lo Washing
Ion, 1). C.
Isaac Wolfe is on the sick list
this week.
Morgan Curyea is on the street
again after a sick spell.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond West
lake and daughter, of Murdock
spent Sunday with James oFrc-
niiiii and family.
Mrs. Warren Bock returned to
her home at Bethany Tuesday af
ter visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Thomas.
Ed Slroonier and family relum
ed home Monday on No. til from
Clarinda, Iowa, where they have
boon Ihe past ten days visiting
Mr. ard Mrs. John Oroen of
Mil ford, Nebraska, who litis been
visiting their brother-in-law,
(loorge Leibharl and wife, relum
ed to their home Tuesday.
Morn To Mr. and Mrs. William
Aullhotise, February S. 1U12, a
son. Also lo Mr. and Mrs. Loin
Foreman of Fort Worth, lexas,
February r, 1!M2
boon christened
, a son, who has
(loorge Charles
About young folks surprised
Leo Prouty on his I7tli birthday,
... i . i
i w Ii KM i occurred tenruai u.
11U' by gathering al his homo,
north of town, in the evening. Re
freshments were served and a
very pleasant lime was reported.
Firends and neighbor of Mr.
and Mrs. John Mullen gathered at
their home Mpndav evening for a
farewell parly, a s Mr. and Mrs.
Mullen will leave in ihe near
fill lire
the Mi
for their new home in
n enjoyable evening was
W. t'l. Movies ciilerlainod ,
lern priscillas la! Wed-j
in p!:u f Mrs. Applelon,
w ho w as .prev enleil
ness from having t Ii
home. Fauev work
through ill- :
- ladie al her
;'urnilied oc- j
I ion and diversion. The next
ing will be wilh Mrs. I. B. j
.:.- - Lincoln Stale Journal, j
yoitnu woman, w ho gave her
as Oorlv Carlson, srof oil i
A y.i
of No.
lo Mr
uorl Ii
n. I , lal I luirsdav and ran
Mary Skinner s home,
of the denol. She had a
for I ii In. Hie acted so
ev that Dr. Muir was call
t ranu
ed, and alter conferring w ilh Ihe
Y. W. C. A. at Lincoln she was
cared for here until Fridav morn
ing, when hr. Muir and Mrs.
Skinner accompanied her lo Lin
coln, where she was exvaininod
and subsequently soul to (he slale
hospital. '
f P
W. K. Xcvvkirk left Sunder
evening for Eagle.
(ieorge Kamm wan in Linoo-to
Saturday on business.
(J. II. Wolfe was a businHK
visitor to Lincoln Saturday.
Charles Rulofsz was on Uie
sick list a few days Ibis week.
Miss McIIugh of South Omaha
is visiting her niece, Mrs. Will
The Ladies' Reading club met
Wednesday with Mrs. Chris
Mrs. Aaron Paling of (ireeii-
wood was visiting home foli
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson id
son, Robert, were in Lincoln Mon
day to have dental work done.
Mrs. Lucy Armstrong of Pern,
Neb., who has been visiting willi
friends and relatives here, depart
ed for her home Monday n
No. ft.
A son wits born Monday to Mii.
ami Mrs. Harlan, hut only lived a
short time. The remains warp
laken Tuesday to Olenvvood, lowm,
for interment by Mr. Harlan, wb
was accompanied liy W. L. Hayw.
Is no) for those sutl'ering fru
kidney ailments ami irregularil ies.
The prompt nsoo f Foley Kidney
Pills will dispel backache and
rheumatism, heal and slrengtnen
sore, weak and ailing Kidneys, re
store normal aclion. and with it.
health and strength. Mrs. M. F.
Spalsbury. Sterling, III., says: "I
sulVerod great pain in my back
and kidneys, could not sleep at.
night, and could not raise my
hand. over my head. But two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills
cured me." For sale by F. C.
Frieke - Co.
Work Begins cn Front.
I'eler Itieliavds began work
vclcrdav on Ihe new lioiii for tt.
I'. Wcsroll's Sons. I lie outside
slairwav having been lorn ;vay
preparatory o polling in the (date
gla.- and copper. The slairvvny
will bo reversed and Ihe ascent
made front Ihe south instead r
as formerly from t be in il l h.
That was Ihe case wilh Mr.. W.
S. Mailey. MeCreaiy. Kv. "My
wife wa taken down with a se
vere attack of hi grippe, which
run into bronchi! is. she coughed
as though she had consumption
and could not sloop at night. The
llrst bol tie of Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound gave her so nntfli
relief (lint she continued using it
until she, was permanently cured."
For sale bv F. O. Fricke it Co.