Nb Stale Historical S oc moutb jour VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSrYlOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1912. NO. 13. . 1 if H urn. THE WRESTLING MATCH ftT LOUISVILLE PRONOUNCED BEST EVER HELD THERE About One Hundred Attend From Plattsmouth and al! Pronounce the Event a Great Success, and They Speak in Glowing Terms of Their Hospitable Entertainment There. From Friday's Dally. The wrestling match that took place in the city of Louisville last orcning was a grand success from overy standpoint. Owing to the untiring diligence of the manage ment and its friends in advertis ing the event, it was hy far the best attended of any similar con test ever held in Cass county. All the events were interesting, and tery man of the one hundred or more who attended from Platts mouth agreed that he received the oatire worth of his money. The evening's entertainment opened with an exhibition of wrestling as an art, by Farmer Burns, former champion of the world, and Pete Rooney, an Oma ha crack wrestler. Farmer Burns also addressed the audience on the benefits and advantages of the game, giving some explanatory remarks concerning technical points. The preliminary match con sisted of an hour's hard milling n the part of Joe Spence, the Louisville amateur, who was matched against Kid Terry of Ne braska City. Terry appeared to be stalling throughout the strug gle, and allowed Spence to as sume and maintain the offensive entirely. The latter made a game ofTort to throw Terry, but the Ne braska City boy was too skillful on the defensive. At the cjid of the hour the match was declared a draw by Referee Cullwan of Mis souri Valley, Iowa. In the main contest of the evening Frank - Sehmarderer of Louisville defeated Albert Doty of Weeping Water in three straight falls, the match listing only about ten minutes. Doty, who was con Idcnt of success and had been 11 HOT RENT A POSTOFFICE BOX? People Should Be Slow to Critize Postmaster, When Does Noth ing to Lessen Troubles. Not so very long ago a prom inent business man of Platts mouth whose economical business tiothods preclude the rental of a kox at the postofllco, had busi ness at a distant city, and left an rder al the postolllee to forward all mail to his address in the city, where his business called him temporiarily. In the hustle of the general delivery business the clerk of the local office relumed to the gentleman a letter he had himself written to his wife, and at the end f a three days' stay, when Ins re tarded to Plattsmouth, the gentle man had hard work explaining to his wife his cold indifference in ever writing her a word during his absence. And feeling some what peeved, the economical gen tleman hurried to the general de livery of the postofliee and pro weeded to roast the department and its manner of serving the public and especially the afore said IMatlsmouth man. If the Journal had its way a good, honest democrat would be dispensing the mail at the Platts mouth office, but we believe in Riving the "devil his due," never theless, and if our friend would take into consideration the various duties of the. postmaster and the difficult position he oc cupies and the trying ordeal with all sorts and conditions of humanity to try to please, he would "haul in his horns," and save his criticism for some fel fow who has more time to listen. Uo might also lessen the troubles of the department if he would se cure a box in which his mail mat ter could be deposited to await his oming, and thus save some of his wn valuable time, that is sonic times taken up hy having to line touted as a winner by some authorities, was badly outclassed by Sehmarderer, the latter hand ling the big fellow with ease and showing the effect of the careful training Farmer Burns had put him through. Doty had only re ceived about four days' training before the contest and was in no such condition as his opponent. There is no doubt but what Louisville has a coiner in the person of Sehmarderer. About one hundred sports boarded the train that left Platts mouth at 6:30, including Terry and his backer, Dolf Kuhlman, and a number of adherents from Ne braska City. The Cass county court house was well represented, nearly all the county officials be ing present. Altogether, it was a good, clean match, and Louisville is to be congratulated upon the way it was conducted. The attendance of a large crowd from Plattsmouth and the excellent treatment they were accorded surely does a lot to promote good feeling and good fellowship. We hope it will not be long before Plattsmouth can offer something in the athletic line. A Jew live wires like T. 14. Par meel, who by his untiring efforts in like enterprises, should be greatly appreciated by the people of Louisville. Those who enjoyed the sport last evening from this city are indebted to him for se curing the special train, as well as the royal manner in which they were entertained. Tom is a hustler when he undertakes an event of this class and nothing but a suc cessful end proves satisfactory to him. ! up and wait window. for his turn at the In Honor of Eleventh Birthday. From Friday's Dally. Yesterday marked the eleventh birthday anniversary of little Miss (trace Beeson, and in order to properly celebrate the event she had invited thirty little girl friends to come to her home after school, at which time she enter tained them al a Valentine parly. For the occasion and in deference to the Valentine season, the pretty parlors of the Beeson home had been very attractively decorated with ropes of little red hearts The little girls spent a very happy afternoon All kinds of games and amusements which the girls like to play were indulged in and which created much merriment and frolic. At 5 o'clock the little girls sat down to the elegant birthday supper prepared in the dining room, and not the least of the many templing danlies was the big birthday cake, which stood in the center of the table lighted with eleven candles, marking the number of years (he little hostess had passed. The little girls all agree that this "eleventh birthday party" was the happiest one they have participated in for some time and wish Grace many more as happy birthdays. She received many pretty gifts, which will be constant reminders of this oc casion. T. E. Parmele Buys Farm. From Frlday'B Dally. At the referees sale, conduct ed by J. M. Leyda at the south door of the court house today, the Theodore Boedeker farm of about 200 acres, lying south of Louis ville, was sold to T. E. Parmele, the Louisville banker, for $10,200. Mr. Parmele's bid was the second placed on the land, the first bid der refusing to raise Mr. Par mele's bid, and the land was knocked off after the sale was open an hour. Miss Lizzie lleil is in the city, the guest of Mrs. fieorge Weid man. daughters and other friends. Falter Sale a Good One. "rom Friday' Dally. The J. 1'. Falter sale, hold at his farm, west of Plattsmouth yesterday, was a great success. There were over i00 persons present to buy and look on. Mr. Falter attempted to furnish lunch for. the crowd, but his supplies gave out before all were accom modated The sale was conduct ed by Col. Bob. Wilkinson, the veteran auctioneer of Dunbar. Hogs, cattle and horses were of fered and all sold at good figures. Mr. Falter was well pleased with the success of the sale. DEATH OF ANOTHER (KENT Joseph Koubek Passes Away at His Home in Plattsmouth Early This Morning. From Friday's Dally. One more old and highly re spected Plattsmouth citizen has answered the last call, when at an early hour this morning Jos eph Koubek, who has resided in Plattsmouth for the past twenty seven years, died at his late resi dence in South Park. Mr. Koubek leaves surviving his wife, one daughter and three sons Anton of Omaha, Frank and Joseph of this city. Mr. Koubek was born in Mora via seventy-two years ago, where, he grew to manhood, and twenty eight or twenty-nine, years ago emigrated to America, stopping for a year or so in Chicago Twenty-seven years ago he came to Plattsmouth, where later he was married. Fbr a number of years after locating in this city Mr. Koubek was an employe of the Burlington, working in the local shops. He has been enjoying his usual health until a short time ago, when he became ill with stomach trouble, which would not yield to the treatment of his physician. Mr. Koubek was highly esteem ed by all who knew him He was an accommodating neighbor, al ways ready to do a kindness; devoted husband and indulgent father and he will be greatly missed in the community where he has dwelt so long. Woodman Building Progressing Joe Peters and C. P. Richards, the carpenters having the job o remodeling the Woodman build ing, are making progress pretty rapidly, considering the character oi i ne woainor we nave iiatl re cently. Inside partitions in the second door have all been torn out and the material nicely pile up and will be used in the further const ruction of the work. The basement has been leveled up and concrete piers put in for the pil lars upon which the floor will rest There was a great deal of work to lie done m the basement to put it in shape to be used laler. The windows of the basement have been bricked up and a line bin for coal walled up under the concrete walk on Hi.- south of Hie building As soon as the weather will per mil Hie cornenlers will begrin on thi outside, though for the pres ent there is much thai, can be done on the inside of the building. A Fine Picture. W. K. Rosencrans & Son have had framed and hung in their office a tine picture of San An tonio, Texas, that is very at tractive. The picture is eight feet long by two feet wide, and pre sents a line view of one of the oldest cities in the United States. The old mission edifice of native stone, erected about A. D. 1600, still stands and is one of the places of interest shown in the picture. There are large hotel buildings eight stories in height, with roof gardens on top, and mammoth business blocks arc also shown. The neat frame and glass on the picture were fur nished by Wyrieh & Hadraba, Ihe Main street druggists. The pic ture, without the frame, cost Mes srs. Rosencrans $10, and it is worth your while to drop in and take a look al this panorama of a beautiful southern city. Fresh candies of all kinds Bookmeyer & Maurer's. al URPRISED ON HIS TWENTY-FIRST 1 Friends of Roy Holly Tender Him a Magnificent Reception at His Home Last Evening. Roy Molly, director of the M. W. . orchestra, reached his twenty- first milestone, yesterday, and to suitably commemorate the event his friends planned a complete surprise for him and carried it out in fine style. About twenty couples assembled at tho resi dence of William Holly, Roy's father, about 8:30, and were on hand to greet Roy when he came home from the store about 9 o'clock. For a time the young people amused themselves with various games. Refreshments consisting of oysters, sandwiches, coffee, cake and fruits, were served by Mrs. Holly, assisted by her charm ing daughters, and proved a most pleasing feature of the evening's enjoyment. The B. & M. band, of which Roy is a member, came over from their rehersal and gave the young voter a serenade, after which the entire company repair ed to the T. J. Sokol hall and en joyed a fine dance. Tho music was furnished by an orchestra select ed from ihe Hand, and the num bers played were right in keeping with the spirit of the occasion. Roy is one of the bright young business men of the city, of genial disposition and has hosts of friends to congratulate him on reaching his majority. He is a splendid musician and one of the best violinists in the city, having been the leader of tho M. W. A orchestra for a number of years Those present to enjoy the celebration last evening were: Messrs. E. H. Schulhof, Anton Ba jeck, James, Ptacek, Anton To man, Tim Kohoutek, Tom Orado ville, Anton Kanka, John Speck, Julius Kalasek, Cyril Kalina, Frank Janda, Charles Hadraha, Henry Brinkman, Charles Hula, Emil Lorenz, Frank Ashenbren ner, Adolph Checkel, Henry Hess, Frank Smith, John Cloidt and Robert Rebal; Misses Mario Fitz gerald, Opal ' Fitzgerald, Gohlio Noble, Velm'a Knott, Teina Bird and sister, Mildred Stukett, Helen Trility, Georgia Matous, Mary Oradoville, Marie Svoboda, Bes sie, Alma and Elizabeth Holly. L. M. L. Hold Meeting. From Friday's Dally. The local lodge of the Loyal Mystic Legion held a session last night at their hall in the A. O. U. W. building, and initiated a tine class of new members. K. W. Thomas of Omaha, district deputy for the Omaha district, and J. W. Doran, slate manager for the order, were present and delivered nice talks on the good of the order. Refreshments wer-1 served and a .general social evening en joyed by the membership. Mes srs. Thomas and Doran, while in the rily last evening dropped in al the Journal ollice for a social chat with William Mathews, who is a cousin of Mr. Thomas. Mr. Doran took occasion to remark, regard ing his company, that taking into consideration Ihe amount at risk, the L. M. L. had more reserve for the benefit of policyholders than any order of its kind doing busi ness in Nebraska. The order is a Nebraska enterprise, having its headquarters at Hastings. Warning to Subscribers. The Falls City News gels off this one: Ten cents straight will be charged for all obituary notices to all business men who do not advertise while, living. Delinquent subscribers will be charged 15 cents per line for an obituary notice. Advertisers and cash sub scribers will receive as good a send-off as we are capable of writing without any charge what ever. Better send in your sub scription, as the hog cholera is abroad in the land. All For Sale. Some good first-class prairie hay, on farm" eight miles west of Plattsmouth. R. L. Propst, Mynard. Meet With Ml3d Windham. From Friday's Pally. The Social Workers of the M. K. church were delightfully onler- liiined at the home of Miss Ilermia Windham . esterdav a f I - rnoon There w.u quite a large number of the ladies present. I' he business session was held at the usual hour, after which Hie ladies pent the time in a very pleas ant way, indulging m social con- wisalion, sewing and the like. A delicious luncheon was served. DEATH OF EX-MAYOR The Deceased Passed Away at His Home In Lincoln Thursday Morning. Ex-Mayor Robert B. Ciraham died suddenly at 0:50 a. m. Thurs day at his home, 311 South Four teenth street. Ho was ill with grip just one week, but he was not known to be seriously ill until a few moments before his death. Re was nearly 70 years of age. Mr. Graham was born in New York state in 18 42. He received his schooling in the common schools and later in the Baptist college at Burlington, Towa, from which he graduated at the age of 19. Coming to Nebraska in 1809 he settled in the northeastern part of Lancaster county, where tie built and operated a grist mill, at tho same time being en gaged in farming. In 1881 he was elected to the house of represent alives, and a year later to tho office of county treasurer. There he served for four years. Upon moving to Lincoln he was elected to the city council in 1887, and at the expiration of his term was elected mayor by the largest plurality ever given a republican aspirant for the, ollice up to that lime. He was a methodical, pninstak ing executive, always modest and unassuming in manner, and al ways kind and sympathetic in nature. Upon retiring from politics he became a cement con struclion contractor and the hoa of a local cement firm. Although never asking for a public ofilco again, he kept up his interest, in civic, problems until the last. A widow and four children sur vive him. The children are: Mrs S. A. D. Shilling, Mrs. M. F Meads, Mrs. C. A. Tucker and Dr John H. Graham, aU of Lincoln Mr. Graham was a member of the G. A. R. and of lodge No. 51, A. I and A. M. The funeral arrange ments will be announced laler. Lincoln Journal. The deceased was a hrolhcr-iu law of Mrs. E. II. Boolh of this city and was here several days during tho dealh and funeral Mrs. Booth's husband. Will Buy Stock. From Friday's Dally. G. W. Chrisweisser, from i hawkn, was in the city a few hours yesterday and this morning remaining over night, a gnesl al, Hie home of his parents, Mr. am .Mrs. iiennei r.ririsweissor. (, hurley made this ollice a brief call Ibis nionii.ig for Ihe purpose, of re newing his subscript ion, aud'i conversation with I'iin he lolls 1; Hill lie has engaged in the slock ! us'iiess al Neh;'.v i.a. lie has n cenlly installed new yards end 11. -w scales and is ready to buy al kinds of stork, and is paying 111 sen highest market, prie,. al all limes. We know thai Charley Chrif-weisser is a man thai viil deal fr.ir with :erybody, anil should receive 11 goodly share o the live, slock business of Hi community. He will buy ar.j thing you have in the way of slock. He relumed home this morning. Buys New Hack. K. Manspeaker has purchase a rew hack and new horses for his livery ham and will soon have the r-ame in slock al the old stain 1 he barn is rap'dlv nearing coin plelion and wilt lie larger nn more convenient than before, with more room for the accommodation of the I raveling public. For Sale. 3(io split buroak posts, carriago and buggy. Seo Lloyd Gapen, ad ministrator of F. M. Young estate 6 1 RACK SHOTS TRY OUT MARKSMANSHIP Some of the Plattsmouth Sports Enjoy a Shoot at James Terryberry's. On Wednesday of this week, at is farm home, twelve miles west and south of Plattsmouth, James lYrrybcrry celebrated his fiftieth birthday by inviting about sixty of his friends to his home, where a great feast was served to them by the hospitable host. A shooting match was arranged ty Mr. Terryberry, as a means of nlertaining his guests. Fifteen hundred bluerocks had been pro cured by him and the company was given an opportunity to show their skill at marknianship. The ules for bluerock shoots were observed and none of the guests exhibited more skill or got more marks to his credit than Mr. Tor- yberry himself. All of the sup plies for the sport, including re freshments, solid and liquid, were furnished by the host, all the visitors had to furnish being their shells. It was a great day for sport. The match began about 10 a. m. and continued until about 12:30, when the birthday dinner was served, which consisted of every viand and delicacy which Mrs. Terryberry ouly knows so well how to prepare'. After the dinner was served and the guests had enjoyed a good cigar, the match was resumed and continued until the bluerocks were ex hausted. Those in attendance from Ibis city wero: Ex-County Trensurer F. E. Schlaler, John Bauer, Fritz Fricke and T. M. Patterson. The Plattsmouth representat ives went from Mr. Terryberry's homo to Louisville to witness I ho wrestl ing match, and returned on the special. Stranger Suffers From Frostbite. From Saturday's Dally. Last night John Fitzpatrick, night watchman, found a man on the street with a frozen foot and suffering much pain, and who staled that he had been sent to Plattsmoulh from Louisville for proper care, t he policeman took the unfortunate man to the jail, where he was given a bed. J.. ft. Denson, who is on guard al night during the slay of George. Lytlo, shared his supper with the stranger. During the night the man had a very bad I urn, suffer ing with his frozen foot. He claimed to have had employment, on a ranch in Colorado, where he got bis frost-bile, and is Oil his way easl, where lie lias mom s. Receive Substanial Prize. lion. It. II. Windham is in re ceipt, of a letter I'roMi Nalioiial President Kirkpalrick of Topeka informing him that Plalte Coun cil No. 37'.' of the Kit u bis and Ladies of Security of Platts moulh stood eighth in I he point of growth during the quarler ending December 31, KM I. and in addition to receiving Ihe district banner, taking the same from Lincoln, Neb., the I'laltfonoulli council is the winner of the eighth prize, being !!8() in cash. A check for Ihe amount has been received by (!. L. Farley and hy him tinned over to C. II. Smith, local treas urer, and Ihe amount will go into the treasury of Platte council. Water Soaks Wescott's. From Saturday's Dally. About 3 :30 a. m. C. C. Wescoll was routed out of his downy couch by Night Watchman John Fitz patrick, who informed him (bat the water pipe at the store "was broke" ami water was dripping down on some of tho goods. Mr. Wescott lost no time in getting to the store, where he. found that a faucet up stairs had bursted and the water was running down on his Stetson hat boxes, hosiery, Manhalten shirts aud notions. Considerable damage was done before the water could be stopped. John Hansen ami wife and babe of Irwin, Iowa, who have been visiting Mrs. Hansen's parents, Frank Grant and wife, for several weeks, left this rtflcnioon for their home.