The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1912, Image 8

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    Childrcfa Cry for FZetclier's
IT .J L.
f.'i f
tWCV V.'-wVvV- '.'.vV.v-A. ....
Th Kind You Have Always Jioujvlii, and v.h!ca
In for over ;; years, lias l.orno Itoi s::t'- "-''
. jmkI lias been made im lcr 1. -Mn:il
sunorvlsioi) since II; L-':': -'.
iCCsZtii Allow no oiso t, leclv5 you ri C
All Counterfoils, Imitations ami ".Tust-as-goo 1" Juv h.-it
I-:xMriiiK'iitH that trii'lo uilh n:l t ndati,"' r ; lira!:!, oi
lufai'.ts and CMltU-en F.xfH rioneo aaint Kvperiiovi.t.
What is CASTOR A
asloiia Is at harmless substitute for Castor Oil, J'ave
tforie. Drops and Sot (liin Syrups. Ic is Pleasant. It
ooiifiiiiS m-Hhrr Opium, .Alorpliino nor other X arc-olio
Mihstatiec. Its iigo U its guarantee. It destroys "Worn.;,
and allays I-v-vishiioss. It euros .Diarrluea and Wkol
Colic. It relieves Teething TronhloK, euros Constipation
end I'k.tuleiiey. It assimilate the rood, regulates iho
Ftetiii.-Ji and Uoxv is, (riving healthy and natural tsleun.
Tho C!iilfli-eii'M Panacea- The 31 other's J'rioiid.
i Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Tor Over 30 Years
Meeting to Organize Veterans of
the Civil War and the
Spanish War.
On February 12, a I. the oily hall
hi Omaha, at 2 p. in., will be held
a meeting of Hie (1. A. H. delega
tions from Hie posts from six
Bounties in Nebraska, viz: Doug
las, Washington, Hurt, Dodge,
Sarpy anil Cass, and three coun
ties in Iowa, namely: Mills, Pot
tawatomie and Harrison, for the
purpose of forming a district vet
orun association for holding an
nual reunions of the old soldiers
of the war of the rebellion, as
well as the Spanish war. This
matter was agitated last year to
some extent at a meeting of vet
rans hem ai i-ioeeneo in .ugusi.
Commander of the I'latlsmouth
post, Comrade Edxvin Hates, has
received a eoniinunicat ion calling
attention to the importance of the
movement, and retpiestiug him to
take the matter up with his post
and send one or more delegates
to the meeting of February 12.
It is the idea of those promoting
the organization to have a county
organization in each county, with
constitution and by-laws, and
make it non-political and non
sectarian. The matter will be
discussed at a meeting of the
post next Saturday night.
In urging Commander Hates to
take the matter up and have his
post act upon the matter, the
nommunical ion recites: "Now we
all too well know the fact that
our ranks are thinning fast; that
many of the (. A. II. posts in the
smaller towns of tins and other
slates for want of comrades to
hold post, meetings are closed.
The soldiers of the civil war
should have some organization,
something that they feel as home;
that is I heirs, and that will live
after the G. A. R. posts have died
Shocking Sounds
in the earth are sometimes heard
before a terrible earthquake, that
warn of the coming peril. Na
ture's warnings are kind. That
dull iiain or ache in I hi! back
warns you the kidneys need at
lention if you would escape those
dangerous maladies, Dropsy, Dia
betes or Height's disease. Take
Fleet eic Hit lees at once and sei
backache 11 y and all your best
feelings return. "My son received
irreat benefit from their use for
kidney ami bladder troublt
writes Peter Hondy, South Rock-
wood. Mich. "It is certainly a
itrenl kidney medicine." Try it
50 cents, at F. G. Fricke & Co.
How Parcels Post Will Effect the
Towns and Benefit Mall
Order Houses.
William Allen White, one t.f till!
abli'.-t editors in the wot, at a
recent convention in Kansas, do-
lixered an address in which he
paid special attention to the parcel-;
pus! sy.-leni. He showed how
that system attacks business, in
dividuals and eoininunil ies. His
words are worthy of eonsideral inn
by all whether friend or foe of the
system. In regard to parcels post
to the small towns he said:
"The preservation of the home
trade to the home town oaeeies
with it, the preservation of many
of our American inslilulknis. II
seems to me that a lot of good
things in American life will pass
if the country town passes, and
it will pass, just so surely as
centralization of retail mail order
business in cities continues. The
American country town preserves
heller than the crowded city, and
belter than the lonely ranch and
isolated farm life, the things that
make America great. Here in these
country towns the spirit of rieigh
borliness is the prevaling spirit.
Men come to know one anolher,
and xvhen any two human beings
come to know1 each oilier in Hie
one xvho is intelligent and wise,
respect, always arises for the
other. To know one's felloxvs al-
xvays is to sympathize with them.
Neighborlinessy spells fraternity.
The American country town with
its circle of friends, with its close
homely simple relations neixveen
men, with its spirit of co-opera-
lion and with its economic status
that permits the creation of no in
decently rich and no abjectly poor,
the American country town, it
seems to me, is the most hopeful
of our American institutions.
The mail order house, therefore,
becomes a menace to this country.
The mail order house unrestricted
will kill our smaller towns, creat
ing great cities, wilh their ter
rible contrasts of life, with their
cruel social relations, with their
inevitable caste feeling that comes
from the presence of strangers
xvho are rich and poor living side
by side. Croat cities give much in
alms but little in justice.
The molto of the mail order
houses every man for himself and
the devil ' lake the hiiideniinsl
ami you bet the devil will.
He Won't Limp Now.
No more limping for Torn Moore 1 1
of Cochran, (in. "I ha da bad sore
on my inslep that nothing seemed
to help till I used Hucklen's
Arnica Salve," ho writes, "but
Ihis wonderful healer soon cured
me." Heals old, running sores,
ulcers, boils, burns, cuts, bruises,
eczema or piles. Try it. Only 25
cents, at F. i. Fricke & Co.
The undersigned will sell at his farm, five miles south
west of Mynard, and a quarter mile north of Eight Mile
Grove church, on
Death of Leonard Jennings,
merly a Resident of
:: - , .,..--1, v -VV-- V-'iY
Kinm XY't'ilnexdiiy's Pally.
The sad news of the death of
Leonard Jennings, formerly of
Ihis fit v. hut for the past, live or
six years a
reached his
('reen, and
nings, early
resident of Auburn,
sister, Mrs. I. H.
brother, Tom Jen
this morning. I. I(.
Croon and Tom Jennings left for
Auburn on the 'morning train to-
85 HEAD -5 Tried Sows; 30 Spring Gilts and
50 Fall Pigs
There will be in this offering five tried sows sired by Glenn's Critic
day to ascertain the cause of y4oJ and out oi granddaughters of Kant 13e Beat, former world s chan
death and arrange for the funeral, pionboar, and bred to "Commodore B. & C'sCol." 89803, a show hog at
JennillgS had liot been sick, tho Tllinnia Tnu;o onH Nohrncta Qrotn
Thirty gilts sired by Commonore B. &. C's Col. and bred to "Crimso
so far as his sister and brother
Iwipik L-miw !iml smlilim lonlh
is a great' shock to them. The Model" and "Chief Again," boars of the large, growthy, heavy-boned type.
deceased leaves a widow and live Fifty fall pigs sired by Commodore B. &. C's Col.
small children. He formerly re-
:.. Ttuii ii, ......
ployed in the Hurlinglon shops, TtKIYIb Or bALb! -All sums of $20 and under, cash; over $20,
but live or six years ago removed a credit of twelve months will be giv n, purchaser giving good bankable
to Auburn, where he was em- paper bearing eight per cent interest from date.
ployed ny mo Missouri I'aeinc
All property must be
settled for before being removed.
Ilailway company. The cause of
death is not definilely known, but WM. DUNN, Auctioneer
is thought, to have been a com
plication of bronchitis and meas
les. The deceased xvas born in
Iowa and xvas about 'ii years of
age. His friends may take his
remains to the old home for in
terment, although that, had not,
been determined today.
E. G. DOVEY, Clerk
V. L PERRY, Owner
This is the season of the year
xvhen mothers feel very much
concerned over the frequent colds
contracted by their children, and
have abundant reason for it as
every cold weakens the lungs,
lowers the vitality and paves the
way for the more serious diseases
that so often follow. Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is famous
for its cures, and is pleasant and
safe to lake. For sale by F. 0.
Fricke & Co.
We Guarantee to Relieve Dys
pepsia. If We Fail the Medi
cine Costs Nothing.
Purchased Residence.
John Halt. Jr.. member of the
Plattsmouth Produce company
has recently purchased the resi
donee properly formerly owned
and occupied by August (Jorder,
situated on North Third street,
and will shortly remodel the same
and lake possession. Mr. Halt at
neesenl resides in the Second
xvanl, but has decided that In
would as soon live in the First,
and be closer to his place of busi
Almost Lost His Life.
S. A. Slid of Mason, Mich., will
never iorget ins terrible exposure
to a merciless storm. "It gave ine
a dreadful cold," he writes, "that
caused severe pains in my chest,
so it was hard for me to breathe.
A neighbor gave me several doses
of Dr. King's Nexv Discovery,
xvhich brought great relief. The
loclor said I xvas on the verge of
pneumonia, nut to continue with
the Dissovery. I did so and txvo
bottles completely cured ine." Use
only this quick, safe, reliable
medicine for coughs, colds, or any
throat or lung trouble. Price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottle fre
Cuaranleod by F. G. Fricke & Co.
You E
J Leader-Echo. !
Your Neighbors
nzzzzz3 and Why?
These advertisements cost us good money and their value can
not be denied, but THEY ARE NOT DUECE HIGH with the words
of approval YOU will use with your NEIGHBORS in speaking of
We can take your car and give it the same skillful attention
the manufacturers do. We would clean it, burn it off, scrape it,
sand it, fill it, rub it down, paint it several coats, stripe it or decor
ate it, varnish and revarnish and polish, polish anil polish until
you will wonder if you are getting the same car back. All these
processes if we think the car needs it or such as we deem
necessary. Sometimes a LITTLE VARNISH is a BIG HELP.
To please you and set you to telling your neighbors that's
the idea.
Renew Your Car for the Coming Season!
iWe have the experience and skill
to back up this advertisement.
Old Timers' rail.
the Old I liners' Han, given
last Sal unlay night at I ho T. J
Sokol hall, in xvhich the old-time
Hohoinian costumes wore much in
evidence, was a grand success
socially and otherwise. This
pleasing function has groxvn to be
an annual alVair, and affords one
of the llnost of occasions for
amusement. The music xvas fur
nished by the Hurlinglon band
and refreshments xvoro served
during the evening. A largo
crowd xvas present to participate
in the festivities. The grand
march xvas led by Chief of Police
Hen Itainoy, xvho was disguised as
an obl-lime soldier.
Blamed a Good Worker.
"I blamed my heart for severe
distress in my left, side for two
years," writes W, Evans, Dan
ville, Va., "but I know noxv it xvas
indigestion, as Dr. King's Nexv
Life Pills completely cured me."
Host for stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles, constipation, head
ache) or debility. 25c, at, F. 0.
Fricke & Co.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Visits His Mother.
V. O. Holder and wife departed
this afternoon for Scribnor, where
they will visit Mr. Gobbler's
mother for a short time. Mr.
Colder has boon suffering from
blood poisoning in his left hnnd
for some time, and ii few days ago,
xxhile working with Mr. Ebersole
at the blacksmith shop, got hurt
xvhilo shoeing a fractious horse,
and lie fools like taking a few
days' rest, hence his trip to
Mrs. Angie Proper of llan-
dph, .el., came riday evening
to bo at the bedside of Philander
Hud Conner is reported as be
ing under tne weather, not Hav
ing been out of doors for the past
two weeks.
Clayton Iloseucrans of Platts
mouth xvas in town Saturday
scraping faces in the absence of
his uncle, F. A. Raker.
A. J. Hox shipped txvo cars of
cattle to the Omaha market Tues
day morning. One of these cars,
according to J. F. Hoover, I he
local stock dealers, is the best
bunch ever shipped from this
A baby boy was born to Dr. and
Mrs. Neely Tuesday, January JO.
Don't know whether the cigar the
editor smoked signified anything, 1
but thereon was inscribed in gilt
letters these xvords, "Little Hob-
lliehard Deles Dernier left on
Tuesday with his family for Winl
ford Harbor, III., xvhere they will
visit Mr. Deles Doruier's mother,
xvho has been quite ill for some
time past. They will also visit
Peoria and Chicago.
The First National bank of
Elmwood, Noli., has not only been
designated a postal savings bank
depository for a portion of the
deposits received by the postal
savings bank at Elmwood, but
also reserve agent for the legal
reserve kept on hand by the post
master. Frank linker returned Wednes
day noon from his trip to Texas
with W. E. Rosencrans of Platts
mouth and a party of land-seekers.
Frank xvas so well pleased
wilh San Antonio and the coun
try surrounding that ho purchas
ed a lot in the nexv addition to
that city as a speculative invest
ment .
To umpiosl ionably prove to the
people that indigestion and dys
pepsia can be permanently re
lieved and that llexall Dyspepsia
Tablets will bring about this re
sult, xve will furnish the medicine
absolutely free if it fails to give
satisfaction to anyone using it.
The remarkable success of
llexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due
lo the high degree of scientific
skill used in devising their formu
la, as well as to the care ox-
: ... i :.. ii...:.. r.w.i ......
ci i iseii in iiit'ir iiiiuimiiii tin r, i
whereby the well known prop
erties of Hisinuth-Subnilrato and
Pepsin have been combined with
Carminatives and other agents, j
Hisinuth-Subnilrate and Pepsin
are constantly employed and
recognized by the entire medical
profession as invaluable in the
treatment of indigestion and dys
pepsia. The Pepsin used in llexall Dys
pepsia Tablets is carefully pre
pared so as to develop its greatest
elllciency. Pepsin supplies to the
digestive apparatus one of the
most important elements of the
digestive fluid. Without it the
digestion and assimilation of food
arei nipossiblc.
The Carminatives possess prop
erties xvhich aid in relieving the
disturbances and pain caused by
undigested food. This combina-
Lands for Sale.
5 40 acres in southeast Green
wood county, Kansas; fenced ani
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rick
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native prairie grass
(limosoil). Fair 5-rooin house
stabling, etc. Some bearing op
chard. Lots of fine living wate,
xvhich is furnished by a large
Vreek xvhich runs through norti
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
with timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stoek
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road tt
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to toxvn; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale J? i 8 per aero buys this
U0 acres; no trade taken on this.
! Has a mortgage of $3500 that hae
yet three years to run. 1120 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
you don't xvant me, I must sell.
V. A. Nelson, Real Estate
Broker, Fall River, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
Do you know that more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any other of the minor
ailments? The safe way is U
take Chamberlain's Cough llem
edy, a thoroughly reliable pre
paration, and rid yourself of the
cold as quickly as possible. Thi
remedy is for sale by F. G. Fricke
Co. '
Seed Corn Special.
The seed corn special, maneai
1 by specialists in agriculture from
lion of these inerodionts makes a the slate university, will arrivfl at
remedy invaluable for the com- j the Hurlinglon station at U o'cloeW
pleto relief of indigestion and a. m. February 1!C. A lecture e-f
dyspepsia. I thirty minutes will be given by i
We are' so certain or this that ! 'xl''r 011 s 1 cw"- '
,., II..V..H hv. 'and those interested should kfM
1 ill t t jmi Ml II.. 1 1' ..nil
pepsia Tablets on our own per
sonal guarantee. Three sizes, 25
cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Re
member, you can obtain llexall
Remedies only at our store The
llexall Store. F. (i. Fricke & Co.,
Union Hlock.
the dale and hour in mind.
County Attorney C. H. Taylr
was called lo Elmwood on-tin
morning train today, xvhoro
went to look after business fov
Cass county.
There is no better medicine
made for colds than Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It nets on.
nature's plan, relievos the lungs.
opens the secretions, aids ex
pectoration; and restores the
system to a healthy condition.
Foe sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Through Sleepers to California
ThrouKh HleppoiH uie now opemteil to California , via Dcnx-er. Scewtc
Colorado and Suit Lake City.
Kvcry day throuKh Tourist Sleepom. Daylight ride through Spam
Colorado with half day stop-over In Halt Lake.
Kvery day through Tourist Sleeper service with pemonully conducted
through ulreprra to l.oa Angelra Tuesdays. Thursdays and SundM.
Daylight ride through Scenic Colorado and Rait Lake.
Through Tourist Sleepers every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, vift
Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake and Feather nivor Canyon.
TO l,0i AMittl.KS VIA SAXTA FE ROl'Tlii
Personally conducted through Tourist Sleepers every Tuesday via Den
ver, Santa Fe route.
Kvery duy through Standard Sleepers via Denver, Halt Lake (uJ
Southern Puclllc. Daylight ride through Scenic Colorado.
Let mo tell you about our through sleeping cars to California,
lo all Northwest territory vln Billings, Mont.
R. W, CLEMENT, Apnt,
W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
The Journal office carries
kinds of typewriter supplies.