The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1912, Image 7

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oraay yornin
I Oth, 1 2th, 13th and 14th of
This sale is given with the intention of closing
out our surplus stock of Fall and Winter goods for
Men, Women and Children.
We do not believe in running sales on discounts,
but give people guaranteed merchandise for a price
which cannot be equalled elsewhere. We don't cut
our goods into remnants neither, but sell them from
the bolt cheaper than when they are put into rem
nants, and as many yards as you want. If the
goods don't suit you bring it back to us if it does
tell your friends.
Embroidery and Laces at a Very
Low Price!
Men's heavy fleece lined Underwear, also rib
bed, worth from 50 to 75c, will be sold at. . . 35c
Men's Union Suits, fleece lined and ribbed,
worth $1.25 and $1.50, for 80c
Men's Work Shirts for 39c
Men's Dress Shirts, worth up to $1.00, at . . . . 40c
Men's Overalls, sold all over for $1.00, during
this sale.... 75c
We have a few Sweaters to close out, worth
J 50 to 75c, will be sold at 35c
A fine grade of Men's Outing Flannel Night
Shirts, worth $1.50, sold, for 70c
Men's Flannel Shirts, worth $1.25 and $1.50,
will be sold for , 80c
A better grade, worth $2.00, will be sold for. . 98c
A few Jersey Shirts, worth 75c, goat 38c
A better grade of Jersey Shirts, worth $1.25
and $1.50, will be sold for 69c
We have a surplus lot of dress and work shoes,
worth up to $2.60, will be sold during this
sale at $ 1.40
Another lot extra fine shoes, Good Year Welts,
button and lace, worth up to $4.00, for. .$ 2.19
Also a few Suits and Overcoats and Fur Coats
will be sold at less than cost.
Shirt Waists at a Big Sacrifice!
. Setsnug Underwear, worth 50 to 75c, during this sale . . 38c
Ladies' Union Suits, worth $1.25 up to $1.50, will go at ... . 80c
A few Misses' sizes in Outing Flannel Gowns, worth 65c, for 39c
A small lot of Misses' and Ladies' Sweaters will be sold be-
.low the actual cost.
Ladies' Corsets, worth $1.00 and $1.25, will be sold for.... 79c
Corsets worth $1.50, sold for 98c
A Regular 50c seller Corset for 39c
Messalines, all colors, worth from $1.25 up to $1.50. will be
, sold during this sale for 95c
Best Pillow Tubeing, worth 20 to 25c, sold for 16c
Best Sheetings worth 35c, sells for 25c
Best grade Outing Flannels will be sold 3 yards for 25c
10c Hair Nets, with elastic, will be sold for 5c
We have left a few Blankets and Comforters which will be
sold at a very low price.
Remember our Coats, Suits and Skirts they are all sold at
a very low price. Come in and examine them as we want the
people to be convinced once forever that we give you an honest
sale. We want your confidence and then you will appreciate a
sale of this character when we give it.
We handle a large line of Ladies' up-to-date shoes lace
and button, tan gun metal and patent leather. We sell them at
a very low price.
Anything that you buy here and is not entirely
satisfactory your money will be gladly refunded.
Fanger's Department Store
"The Home of Guaranteed Values!"
News. !
Mrs. K. M. Pollard entertained
Wcdnesdav afternoon m honor of
Mrs. Lottie Shotwell.
Miss Froiiia Kiine loft yesterday
for a visit to friends and relatives
in Horkport, Mo.
Mrs. John Hatt has been here
this week from Plattsinouth visit,
ing friends.
rirandina Carper was surprised
yesterday anernoon, uie occasion
being her birthday.
Mrs. V. II. Porter and daughter,
Letha, are here this week from
Union visiting friends and rela
Henry (iruber had business of
mllicient importance in Weping
Water Monday to risk life and
limb in a round trip over the Mis
souri Pacillc.
Dr. Thomas had an attack of
the grippe last Sunday and Mon
day, and scorning his own treat
ment, as doctors sometimes do,
spent the two days at Memphis,
Neb., where he could suffer un
disturbed and submit to "mother's
H. A. Halverstadt of Leetonia,
Ohio, and D. S. Halverstadt of
Oxford, Kansas were here Friday
and Saturday visiting Mr. and Mrs
George Switzer. They are cousins
of Mrs. Switzer and were former
residents of Weeping Water and
vicinity, where they had been
visiting for a time.
Perry Neel of Thurston county,
Hon. R. B. Windham Addresses
the Pupils of High School on
lion. II. H. Windham spoke for
forty-live minutes at the High
school convocation this morning
on he topic, "Patriotism." Mr.
Windham has traveled over the
I'nited States a great deal and has
visited the places of national in
terest and the places made
famous by history during the
struggles of our people, both in
the revolutionary and civil war
periods. Hunker Hill, Mount Ver
non, Yorktown, Washington, D. C,
and the balllellelds of the civil
war have been visited by Mr.
lie impressed on the minds of
the students the personal re
sponsibility of every citizen rosid
ing under the protection of the
(lag to cultivate a love of country.
He dwelt at length on the growth
and development of the United
States as a country, and its proud
position in the family of nations
of the earth, to which it has made
its way in so short a space of
Mr. Windham spoke without
notes, and his address was listen
ed to with the closest attention
Twice when he assayed to cease
speaking the students would not
And Which Will Be Submitted to the Voters of the State at the
Primary and Also at the General Election, and i Source
of Some Discussion Calls for Board of Control.
allow him to do so, but insisted
Nebraska, and William Newan of on him going on. He was allot
Sterling, Colorado, came in on the ted twenty minutes, but occupied
11 o'clock train Wednesday for a about three-quarters of an hour,
short visit with relatives and old At the close of his address ne
The meaning of the proposed
constitutional amenumeni caning
for a state board of control, which
is to be submitted to the voters of
the state this year, both at the
lime friends in Ibis community.
The gentlemen have a host of
friends around here Ibat will , be
pleased to know that they are both
making good where they live and
are getting scandulously rich.
was warmly applauded.
Duke of Wellington.
The Duke of Wellington care
fully inspected the food given to
his soldiers during the war. He
knew that plenty of food makes
healthy, strong men and that no
underfed army can face such men.
This teaches us a good lesson, to
give great care to the quality and
quantity of our food. If our body
refuses to accept or digest enough
rood, we should at onco use
Triner's American Elixir of Hitter
Wine. It will give proper
strength to the digestive organs
and it is a great remedy in dis
eases of the stomach, the liver
and the intestines. It quickly rc
lieves constipation and all
troviDies connecteu witti, or re
sulting from the same, headacne,
rheumatic and neuralgic pains.
eructations, heart burn, nausea,
morning vomiting and many fe
male ailments. It strengthens
the whole body, so it can do more
work without fatigue. At drug
stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-1339
So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
V. ZUCKER, Manager
4 Courier. . 4
Scott McOrew went to Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, Monday where ho
will go on the railroad braking
Misses Stella Garten and Myrtle
Suiter visited relatives of the lat
ler at Hewitt over Sunday.
Arthur Kimblom went, to Plaits
mouth Wednesday fo accept em
ployincnl with the Hurlington.
Mrs. (,. S. Briugman relumed
U Alehi son Tuesday, after hav
ing nursed Pearl Maylleld through
his siege of scarlet fever.
Floyd 'Pennant, aner a month's
visit here wilh re a lives and
friends, left for his home at
Wibaux, Mont., Monday.
Conrad and Kmil Helming visit
ed at the home of their uncle.
Vugust. Colilrush, at, Ithaca over
Sunday. The latter has sold out
and will move to South Dakota in
the spring.
Mrs. l.eda McCain, who had
been here visiting with her sister,
Mrs. F. II. Nichols, returned to
her home at Scults Muff Satur
day. Her brother, Frank floss, ac
companied her as far as Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wendl
of Helinont, Neb., arrived in town
Tuesday for n short visit at the
home of his brother, William,
They were on their way home
from Texas, where they went to
spend a two weeks' honeymoon.
Mr. Wendt is a prosperous mer
chant of Helinont.
Mrs. W. K. (less had the mis
fortune to fall on the sidewalk
north of Frater's drug store last
Monday evening. She was ren
dered unconscious and was taken
inlo the drug store, where re
storatives were administered, hul
she was unable to get. home alone,
so she was carried Ihere. We are
glad to slate that she has almost
fully recovered from Hie accident.
Deacon. !
Wayne Swart s arrived home
last Sunday from Edgar, where he
had spent several weeks.
Charles Kennery went, to Mur
ray last Friday afternoon to make
an over Sunday visit with his parents'.
Mrs. L. F. Langhorst of Elm-
wood made a visit with Dr. I. G.
Munger and wife on Thursday of
last week.
Joseph Edwards departed last
Friday for his home in Irwin, la.,
after visiting for several days'
with his sister, Mrs. John Peterson.
Mr. Nagel and daughter, Bertha,
arrived last Saturday from De
fiance, Ohio, and arc visiting with
William Oelschlager and family.
Attorney William Delles Der
nier of Elmwood was in town Mon
day afternoon attending to some
legal business and meeting his
numerous friends.
Dr. I. C. Munger departed on
the noon train Wednesday for
Olwein, Iowa, having received a
message announcing the serious
illness of his mother.
, Miss Celia Peterson departed
Monday morning for Defiance, la.,
where she will spend two weeks
visiting wilh her friends and
Mrs. A. Herman, residing live
miles northwest of town, was
brought home Monday from Lin
coin, where she had underwent an
operation in one of the hospitals
Her many friends will be very glad
to learn that her condition is
p really improved.
primary election and the general
election, is the source of some
In addition to this amendment
the people will vote amendments
to the constitution providing for
the initiative and referendum, bi
ennial elections, an increase iu
the pay of legislators and an
amendment permitting cities of
5,000 inhabitants to make their
own charters. If the amend
ments receive a majority of the
votes of any political party at, the
primary election they become
party measures and at the general
election will carry with them all
straight party votes, or voles that
are not cast directly against them.
A majority of the votes cast at the
general election is necessary to
make an amendment a part of the
The board of control amend
ment, if adopted, will create a
board to have control of state in
stitutions. This board is not
elective, but is to be appointed by
tho governor. Three persons, not
more than two of whom shall bo
members of one political parly,
are lo be appointed by tho gov
ernor and to have control of all
slate institutions which are not
educational. The schools for the
deaf and tho blind are included in
the list to be under control of the
The amendment provides: "Tho
powers possessed by the governor
and board of public lands and
buildings with reference to tho
management and control of the
institutions herein named, shall,
on July 1, 1913, cease to exist in
the governor and board of public
lands and buildings and shall be
come vested m a noarii oi eoia-
missioners of state institutions,
and the said board is on July,
1913, and without further process
of law, authorized and directed U
assume and exercise all the
powers heretofore vested in or
exercised by the governor, noara
of public lands and buildings
wilh reference to the institutions
of the state named herein, but
nothing herein contained shall
limit the general supervisory or
examining powers vested in the
governor by tho laws or con
stitutions of the stale, or such as
are v.ested by him in any com
mittee appointed by him.M
Whether or not the amendment
deprives tho governor of the right,
to appoint heads of state institu
tions, now vested in him by
statute, is not made clear. As
the commissioners who will form
the board of control will bo ap
pointed by the governor, it is not
likely that they will dispute with
the appointive power on any ma
terial point. The amendment
states that the commisisoners
shall "comply with all regula
tions that shall be established by
law." This is construed to mean
that their duties can be more
clearly defined by laws enacted by
the legislature. The amendment
also stales that tho commission
ers shall have "full power to
manage, control and govern"
stale institutions, subject only lo
such limitations as shall be
established by law.
In describing whal powers shall
descend to tho board of control
the amendment mentions the
powers possessed by the governor
and board of public lands and
buildings, but failH lo mention
the board of purchase and sup
plies which now awards all con
tracts for supplies for state institutions.
Many a Plattsmouth Read Will Be
When people read about I ho
cures made i a medicine en
dorsed from far away, is it sur
prising that they wonder of the
tatements are true? But when
they read of cases right here at
loine, positive proof is within
their reach, for close invest iga-
ion is an easy matter. Head
Plaltsmoulh endorsement of
Doan's Kidney Pills.
J. S. Hall, So. Sixth St., Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "In 1898 I
strained my back and soon after
that I began to suffer from kid
ney trouble. I had severe pains
across the small of my back ami
on this account it, was difficult
for me to sloop or arise from u
chair. I Iried several remedies,
but to no avail, and finally, when
had the good fortune lo hear of
Doan's Kidneys Pills, I procured n
Work on Barn Progresses.
The carpenter work on the, W
D. Jones barn, to be occupied by
E. Manspeaker with his new livery
stock, is rapidly approaching
completion. The front portion, to
lie occupied by vehicles and oflict
has been enclosed for several days
and the door in the south portion
to be occupied wilh the horses
has been laid and the frame work
erected. Before thirty days have
gone by the building will be ready
for occupancy and Mr. Man
speaker, fitted out with new build
ing and new slock, will be ready
for business at the old stand.
A New Boy.
Have you seen Lou Hussel to
day? Well, did you notice that
happy smile over his faco and die
you notice that it was Just about
twice as broad as usual? Just
step around and sec him this
evening and we venture the a?
serlion that you will be able to tc
the cause almost immediately.
is an eight-pound boy and it ur
rived at his home about noon to
day. Both mother and little one
are getting along nicely. May th
little stranger live to be a source
of as much happiness lo Mr. am
Mrs. Hussel in I heir old old age as
he was today.
Within forty-eight hours after I
took the first dose I fell better.
Since then I have always kept a
supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in
tho house, finding that they bring
the best of results." (Statement
given June 0, 1900.)
Two and a Half Years Later.
On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall
said: "I cheerfully renew my
former endorsement of Doan's
Kidney Pills. I know that this
remedy is a reliable one for kid
ney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Tlemember tho name Doan's
and lake no other.
Soothes itching , skin. Healf
cuts or burns t without a scar.
Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum,
any itching. Doan's Ointment.
Your druggist sells it.
Mrs. W. II. Nelson and daughter
were passengers on the fast mail
box at, Hynolt & Co.'s Drug Store, for Omaha this afternoon.
Important S
DBcial Offer!-
We will send The Lincoln Daily Star (reg
uler price $3.00) to any address for one year,
and the Lincoln Weekly Star, "The Farmer's
Family Paper," (regular price 50c per year)
to any address for three years. If preferred
we will send the weekly to two different ad
dresses for one year each. If desired the
daily and weekly will be sent to different ad-
Think of it $4.50 worth of papers for $3.00. The Lincoin
Daily Star for one year and the Weekly Star for threeQQ no
years, all for OdiUU
For the Daily and Sunday Star, with the above Oil nn
offer on the Weekly, the price is OHiUU
The Lincoln Daily Star is Nebraska's Best Newspaper, In
dependent, Fearless, Truthful. No political enranglement9 or
The Lincoln Weekly Star is an interesting and valuable
farm paper.
Remember this offer is good only until March 15th. Act
quickly. Send all remittances to
Tho Star Publishing Co.,
Lincoln, Nebraska
W. I). Ilosenrrans and wife are
reported sick with hard colds.