The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1912, Image 6

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The Petition Recites a Case of Cruelty, Desertion and Non-Support,
and That Defendant, Without Just Cause or Provocation
It any oftlte nailers of the Journal know of a uncial went or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail tame to this vjice it tcill appear under this htadin
Tc teant all items of interest Editor Jour wi.J
of Plaintiff, Willfully Deserted Her.
Murray Department
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CIIAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Wc Solicit Your Banking
SOur Debits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
You Can Pay Your Taxes Here
Hurry Creamer is reported
.nnong I tin Kick Ibis week.
James Chalfanl; has been num
bered with I he .sick for Hie past
few (lavs.
I). C. Ilhoden was over in Iowa
Mondav of Ibis week looking aflep
some bay.
"Mini" Maldwin has iieeeiiled a
position will) l. C. Ilhoden in I he
livery barn.
Miss Dovcy Marklmrst. spent,
Saturday nnd Sunday with ber
parents al Union.
I). A. Young and son, Ilex, were
looking afler some business mat
ters in t tit oounly seat Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark White were
in Murray Wednesday, spending
Hit; day wilh Mr. While's parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Niek Friodrioh
spent a few days I his week wild
Mrs. r'riedni'li's parents at Fight
Mile Ornve.
James (irnlier was n Platls
inonth visitor Wednesday of this
week, making Hie Journal olllee a
pleasant rail.
CRllrle-' lMtrilWMVIed'lll Kl'l-!
lav Klr lMlnittJ,'ftv,i-l... 'w'rMV'iU'
reiilr-VPa'THrWftfr thTOinYitgni-'
im Mild 'will inako his home.
Henry Long, who fell and
broke bis leg a few weeks ago, is
gelling along nicely al this time,
hut is still routined to bis bed.
Mrs. Mark While returned home
from Sidney, Iowa, Monday of this
week, where she had been spend
ing a few days with her sister.
N. O. Pitman u'imI home Hint
himself" 'uiirt Mrs. Pitman are
unending a groat winter in Texas.
Thev aro now nl Monla Christa.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford
ame down from Plattsmouth
Wednesday of lafcl week to spend
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W.
P!. null.
Mrs. John Lloyd of Fairbury,
Neb., is the- puCHt Of Mrs. D. C.
Ithoden: also attending the Til-son-Vallery
wedding Wednesday
Margaret, Uie daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. August F.ngelkemeier,
jr., has boon quite sick for tho
past few days suffering with
pneumonia fever.
Mrs. Alva Long returned homo
from the hospital al Omaha Mon
day morning and nor condition at
win lime is very ravoranio ror a
permanent rwovw-y.
The entertainment to have been
given by the Dickorinann enter
tnlnors last, flaturday evening was
postponed for u few weeks. The
dale will appear later.
A new baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. James McCulloch on
Wednesday morning of this week.
Moth the mother nnd little one are
doing nicely and Jim is happier
than Granddad Ohlenhausen, who
yelled for joy when be heard Hie
news of tho now arrival, firand
ma Ohlenhausen took the first
train for tho homo of her daugh
lor. Miss fMtio Terryberry came
down from near Plattsniouth
Wednesday morning to remain
wilh Mrs. WnOulloolt for a row-
Harry Creamer has been listed
wilh Hie sick.
Hoy Moedeker was visiting in
Nehawka Tuesday.
Miss Willa Moore spent Sim
day with home folks.
Miss Bur-la It Sans has been suf
fering with the grippe.
Kd Midcalf was calling on Mur
ray merchants Monday. Nickels was called to Ne
hawka Monday on business.
Mrs, John Chalfanl has been
seriously sick for the past. week.
Etta M. Nickels was attending
to business in Nebraska City
K. V. Cole and wife spent Tues
day in Plattsmouth looking after
Claude Hosletter of Omaha is to
visit with his mother Mrs. John
The little son of Walter Sans
has been seriously .sick for the.
past few days.
Ft la M. Nickels was transacting
business in Plattsiuoutli Tuesday
and Wednesday.
.las. Lnughridge and Chris Mil
ler were Plattsmoulh visitors
Tuesday evening.
Harmon Meek was looking afler
some business mailers in Platls
ninulli Wednesday.
Oliver Lloyd accompanied bis
sifter, Miss Pearl Itayler, to
I'lal Isinoiil li Saturday.
William Mice and daughter,
Lucile, w ere Plat I snnuil h visitors
Tuesday of this week.
Charles Anderson and wife have
been visiting with Levi Slagle and
family the pasl few days.
Miss Pearl Havlnr, who lias been
a guest, of Mrs. Prank Ithoden I he
pasl few weeks, returned o her
home at ( llenwood, Iowa.
Mrs, Lucile Young departed
Wednesday morning for Lincoln,
where she has secured employ
ment and will remain for a few
Hubert Slirader and family de
parted Sunday evening for their
home near Hendley, Neb. Mr.
Slirader and children have been
here for the past few weeks while
Mrs. Slirader was taking treat
ment in the hospital at Omaha.
Mrs. Slirader has almost, entirely
Win. Puis, sr., Alfred (lanse-
iner, Charles llerreii and . M.
Puis are a number of the west of
Murray farmers who performed
an evor.-lasting'Ja'vor for. the, pen-,
pie bf.lhjs section bust Sunday. On
the toad immediately west of
Murray and extending a distance
of about three miles the snow
drifted from six to eight feel deep
during the storm last Saturday
evening, which rendered the
righj-of-way almost impassible.
These gentlemen came to the
rescue and removed the, unow
Mrs. Chris Murray has been on
the sick list for the pasl few days.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. (loo.
Meisinger has been ipiile sick this
George Morrow and wife spent
Sunday with William Fvcliuo and
Wallers Jenkins froze bis face
itiile severely last Saturday while
nit driving.
Harlan Sans, son of Walter
Sans, has been quite sick for the
past few days sufl'ering with pneu
monia fever.
Miss Agnes Kennedy, teacher
in Hie Cedar Creek schools, was
home Sunday In spend the day
with her parents.
Leona, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jidin Farris, was quite badly
burned a few days ago by falling
against the stove.
Owing to the cold weather a
number of our little people have
been unable to attend school for
I he past few weeks.
Onurge x'irtiid,i OhCiir I ShVadiM?
il'i'.ivd, (tnldilv., , up. Jimtii-id Nehawka
'SiUurnUiY iHImI..P''U iSnndny'wilh
iV. W. Slirader and family.
Willis, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
II. C. Creamer, was quite badly
burned upon the hands this week
by falling against a hot stove.
Honnclt Chriswisser of Platts
moulh was in Murray Wednesday,
and in company with his son,
Charley, drove to.PUUsinoulh in
the evening.
1)1' It 1'" Itremlel iinenmnnrmwl
W. E. Dull to Omaha Wednesday WM. R. YOUNG
evening, where they went to con
sult a specialist in regard to Mr
hull's stomach trouble.
Paul Swan, who should have
represented district No. 13 in tho
mental arithmetic contest at
Union last Thursday, was unable
to attend on account of sickness.
Cieorge Wallinger and wife,
from near South Ilend, were in
the city today trading and looking
after some busienss matters
While hero Mr. Wallinger paid the
Journal office his annual call for
tho purpose of renewing his sub
scription. They returned homo
this evening.
Men Meckman and crew of
workmen did a valuable work over
in that district which is traveled
by the mail carrier, last Mondav
morning after the heavy storm
I hoy got out and removed tho
snow and made it possible for the
mail man to cover the route,
which would have been out of tho
question otherwise. They deserve
a great deal of credit for their ex
rollout work.
ni. u. i.nuroniii has quite a
curiosity at his place at the pros
out time in tho shape of a number
of newly-born pups, the mother of
which is a full-blooded Nebraska
coyote and the father a flno full
blooded Shepherd dog. Tho pups
are very prelly and Mc says they
will develop into tho most intel
ligent kind of a dog. Tbcro is one
thing sure, you will And tho
mot her protecting her young if
you go near them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tult were
Plattsniouth visitors Tuesday
L. I. Piatt was visiting with
home folks in I'latlsinoulh Wed
nesday evening.
W. K. Shepherdson was looking
after some business mailers in
Omaha last Friday.
Mr. A. M. Holmes and daughter,
Mrs. W. S. Smith, were Platts
niouth visitors Wednesday even
ing. M. A. Hoot, who was attending
the funeral of Mrs. John Faught
in Lincoln last week, returned
home Tuesday.
Ed Nicholson, general agent for
the Columbia Fire Insurance com
pany, was in Murray Monday look
ing after the insurance business.
Miss Minnie Henrich came down
from Plattsniouth Wednesday
morning to spend the day with
Mr. and Mrs. Tult and L. D. lliatt.
Mrs. Warren Wiley and little
daughter returned to their home
near Plainview Wednesday even
ing, after a few weeks' visit with
home folks. They were accom
panied as far as Omaha by Mrs
Lloyd Capon.
Miss fda Moedeker returned
homo from Coleridge, Neb., last
al unlay .evening, where she has
been visilinwr for the nasi few
weeks with ber sister, Mrs. J. I
Young and family. The younge.-
child of Mr. and Mrs. Young has
been quite sick with pneumonia.
II. (. I odd is making arrange
ments for the erection of bis new
house, which will be started in
I he early sprint. A car of com cut
and a car of crushed rock has
been received for the foundation
work. The new structure will be
placed on Hie sje of I lie one re
cently burned.
11 it was started in tho dis
trict court last week in a divorce
proceedings which will be of in
lerest to many of the citizens of
the east end of the county. The
case is entitled Lucile oung vs.
William Hex Y'oung", and recites
a story of cruelty, desertion ami
Paragraph one of the petition
recites that the parties to the
litigation were married in Cass
county, Nebraska, on the 25th day
of August, 1909. In the second
paragraph, plaintiff alleges in
substance that shortly after their
marriage the defendant became
quarrelsome and without pro
vocation on her part, controverted
with her over (rival affairs and
would frequently become angry on
the slightest excuse and would on
no provocation refuse to speak to
her. On one occasion, in March.
1911, defendant without any pro
vocation on part of plaintiff, told
her that "she did not have a bit
of sense," and from the date of
their marriage to the 10th day of
June, 1 1 4 1 , made her life nearly
On -or about the loih day of
June, recites the plaintiff in her
petition, the defendant, without
any excuse or provocation on her
part, willfully deserted the plain
tiff, telling her al the time that
he would never return to live with
petition in the district court, tle
defendant has contributed noth
ing toward the support or main
tenance of plaintiff, although he
was well able to do so.
For the above causes the plain
tiff was compelled to return to the
dwelling of her parents, where
she has been since the 10th day
of Juno, 1911, when the defend
ant deserted her and left tier
without means of support. At the
time of their marriage and since,
defendant was able to and did
earn $75 per month and was well
able to furnish suitable food,
clothing and maintenance for his
wife, and at the present time po
seses personal property of the
value of $1,000. Mrs. Young fur
ther states in her petition that
she has no moans with which to
prosecute her action, or to sup
port herself while the suit is
ponding. The, defendant has not
provided her with an moans of
support since the date he left,
and gave her nothing at that time
except the household furniture,
worlh about, 8150. She allege
that her maiden name was Lucile
Hire, to which she desires to he
restored, and further stales that
j no children wore born to I hem.
I The prayer of-the petition i
jlbat the bonds of matrimony ex
listing between plaintiff and dc
! fondant may be dissolved and 1 hat
j be be granted a divorce and that
tier, and a pari of the time since she be given a reasonable lom
said dale defendant has resided J porary alimony as to the court,
with his parents and a part of thej may seem just and equitable. Tho
lime in places unknown to the! plaintiff is represented by Mat
plaintill'. And for more than six j I hew Coring and the defendant by.
months prior to the tiling of horj.f. M. Leyda.
Harris. John
Art bur Hanson.
Ilolisclieidl ami
Leave orders at Murray State Bank.
Address either Plattsmouth
or Murray.
carries a full line of
Fresh Bread, Cakes
and Pies!
Also a nice line of Con
fectionery and Cigars.
McDaniel Old Stand
Surprise E. V. Colo and Wifo. j
Thursday evening was a repili- i
lion of Hie good j:i:is known In'
Lev, islouians, who have I n j
spending an occasional evening at j
the homes of friends and neigh-;
bors. This lime Mr. and Mrs.. Karl j
Cole were the pb asarl inlcrlniu-
Ors. II- was planned by .lames
Tigntr and !'!!'. rl Queen to sur
prise Mr. Cole (thinking it best
to let Mrs. Cole ii: the sccre't ' ,
but he was too wise for them,
having observed bow "the boys"
who were shelling corn for K. (i.
Lewis were nil gelling shaves and
hair cuts. . lie also noticed his
wife making 'extra preparations
about the homo and made in
quiries, but obtained no informa
tion, so he proceeded to do the
"tonsorial stunt" in order to bo
in line with the boys. The "sur
prise" was not complete, but that
did not arrest tho pleasure of the
evening, tor the entire company
voices the sentiments of the
writer when we say a more pleas
ant evening could not be spent.
Various games and amusements
were participated in by all pres
ent. The game paramount was
the old-lime chrades, the com
pany being divided into opposing
sides and each strove to score
more points than the other. Miss
Etta Nickels and Mrs. Frank Rho
den were captains of the com
panies, but owing to Mr. Hhodcn's
injury, sustained somo weeks ago,
they wero unablo to be with u",
whereby Mr. Queen took charge of
Mrs. Rhoden's artillerymen. The
writer happened to bo on the op
posite side, and, am sorroy to say,
was with the losing company, the
score being 11 to 6 in favor of
Mrs. Rhoden's line, cx-offlcio E. R.
Queen. At a convenient hour
dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess, assisted by several
ladies present, after which the
time, for deparluro soon arrived
and all went away feeling gratefu
to Mr. and Mrs. Cole for the
pleasant evening and kind hos
pitality shown them. Mr. nnd Mrs
Colo aro soon to move from our
midst, which is sorely regretted
by their many neighbors and
friends. We do hope they will
drop in and neip us surprise
the other fellow." Those present
wore: Messrs. and Mesdanies
Sieve Coponhaver, E. R. Queen
Mrs. J. I). Tigner, Arthur Copon
haver, Misses Etta Nickels, Pear
Mayler, Ella Harris, Clare Copen
haver, Margarel Moore, Pear
Dugay, Vera Moore, Myrlle Copen
haver, Francis Moore, Honnie
Coponhaver, Hessio Coponhaver
Messrs. Frank Dugay, Wavne
Lewis, James Tigner, Pea Hostel
tor, Wesley Coponhaver,- Fritz
Tigner, Ooorpo Coponhaver, Vance
ars a
Goes to Hospital.
William Dull ,fnr tin
twenlv-live or Ihirtv v.
prominent citizen of near Murray,
vent In Omaha yesterday with
Dr. Mreiulel to consult a special-i.-l
and In enter a hospital for
lernlmonl and maybe for an
opiralion. Mr. Dull.. has been
(emluet ing the Farmers' elevator
at Murray for the past two years.
hut tor several months past has i ulensine
..... , , '
icon in poor health and a week
ugn last Saturday was not able to
go down In his office, and has not
been strong enough to work since.
Just the . nature of. .his trouble
whs not apparent when he loft, for
Omaha yesterday, but his trouble
seems In affect his stomach and
everything he eats, gives him
great pain. Mrs. Dull and her
brother, John Rutherford, went
to Omaha this morning to ac-
enmpany Mr. Dull to a hospital.
Tilson-Vallery Wedding.
The spacious homo of Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Yallery was the scene
of a pretty wedding Wednesday
evening, when their daughter,
Leona Lillian, was 'married to
Thomas Tilson, son of Charles
Tilsou, a highly respected citizen
residing a few miles west of Mur
ray. A few minutes before 7:30,
the appointed hour for the cere
mony. Miss Maude RuslerholU -took
her place at the organ, when
Mrs. (iion vallery sang, m a very
manner, "I Love You
A Coming Pugilist.
Mark White has received a copy
of a Toledo, Ohio, paper in
which there is an announcement
of a scheduled boxing contest, in
which a young comer by tho name
of Kid Graves is tho playing
favorite. Kid Graves is the 19
year-old son of Shared Graves, an
old resident of this section, and
one time a resident of Platts
mouth. Mr. Graves will bo rcmcm
bcred by a great many of tho older
citizens of this county. While tho
boy is very young in years, ho has
acquired a great deal of experi
ence in the boxing ring and is
rated as a comer in the great
game in the state of Ohio.
A Slight Error.
Tho Journal has been apprised
of a slight error that we mado in
our last issue over tho quarrel
among the school boys over in the
Todd district. It seems as though
tho younger brother of Clarence
Fahnstock had been accused of
the damage to tho buildings
which he denied, and it ended in
the trouble. It has developed that
Clarence had taken no part in the
damage done to the buildings at
all, and was simply defending his
younger brother in the trouble.
Truly." As soon as the strains
of the melody had died away and
tho notes of the wedding march
sounded, the minster, Rev. Ross
Williams, entered the parlor,
whow-the altnp -was-furnied KYf'tfuf
iiijwMif vTtT,,bvkglIf.lVld'1)falfte''-!'f',!,1
... ... .1 ..I.I It ... ...... ...
toons and trendies of green, tot-
owing the minister came Percy
Wheeler with Miss Ruth Vallory
of Fremont, Neb., gowned in a
beautiful costume of light blue
chiffon over blue silk and carry
ing pink roses. Then the groom
and his attendant, William Sey-
bolt. The bride, attired in a white
net over white satin and carrying
bridal roses, entered, accompanied
by the matron of honor, Mrs. Wil
liam Seybolt, wearing a pretty
gown of pink chiffon over ptnlt
silk with pink roses, taking their
places at the alter, where Rev.
Williams pronounced the words
that united the lives of these two
young people.
After the ceremony the bridal
party repaired to the dining room.
The bride's table was decorated
with a hugh wedding cake oad
the color scheme was blue aad
white. Here a two-course suppr
was served to over 100 guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Tilson left fo? a
number of weeks' visit with rela
tives in northern Nebraska, after
which they will be at home to
their friends on a farm a fw
miles west of Murray.
For Sale.
.100 split buroak posts, carriage
and buggy. See Lloyd (lapen, ad
ministrator of F. M. Y'oung estate
"I suffered habitually from
constipation. Doan's Regulels
relieved and .strengthened tho
bcwels, so that they have been
Tegular ever since." A. E. Davis,
giocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex.
For Typewriter ribbons call at
the Journal office.
Stocking Up Store.
L. D. Ilialt, the Murray mer
chant, boarded the early train
this morning for the jobbing dis
tricts of Omaha. Messrs lliatt &
Tult are slocking up the Murray
store with a good class of goods
just as rapidly as they can ascer
tain tho demands of the trade in
that vicinity
D. Juckneis of Omaha, who has
boon a guest of his son for a few
days, returned to his homo this
afternoon. The Doctor accom
panied his father to the train, it
being the second time ho had been
out of tho house for four weeks,
having boon confined to his roem
and his bod wilh typhoid fever
For Typewriter ribbons call at
the Journal office.