The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 08, 1912, Image 2

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Rfeygy Pry
If you have not been in to see us you cannot realize how well-equipped we are to take care of your wants in
our line. Our Prescription Department is complete. Every ounce of energy, every particle of ability, every bit of scientific knowledge and every minute of years' ex
perience is turned to account in catering to your wants, pleasures, satisfaction and safety.
. You will find class, quality and courteous service without extra charge.
"Our business is to compound scientifically the medicine your doctor orders." Bring your prescriptions to us for results.
Come in
Land sec Us
mitu & mmzY dru
We will not keep
D You waiting ft
torn of InUrett to Journal Reader Will 8e Received at the Do Store
for your
to Omaha
Drookfield Smoke
icats, at Drug Store
n. A. Stone went
Wednesday evening.
T. N. Hobbitt returned homo
from Lincoln Tuesday.
Fay Parsell of Lincoln visited
friends in town Sunday.
Dorn To Mrs. Elmer Barrett,
January 31, t12, a hoy.
Dermal Lotion for chapped
hands and face at drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ritzcl
went lo Platlsmouth Tuesday.
Henry Snoko was in Lincoln
Wednesday and Thursday.
Miss Until Dreamer, who has
kail rheumatism, is getting along
nicely. .
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and two of
their children have been very sick
Charles M. Jordan went to Lin
coln Saturday to have, dentaj work
Mrs. Ed Stone went to Lincoln
Friday, reluming home Saturday
on No. 0.
F.d Stroemer went lo Lincoln
Saturday evening, returning Sun
day on No. IB.
Mr. nicking shipped a car of
hogs and a car of cattle to South
Omaha Tuesday .
Mrs. Klla Peterson and child of
Haveloek came down Tuesday to
visit home folks.
Miss'Hild Itriiikniau went lo
Platlsmouth Saturday lo visit
home folks over Sunday.
Miss Grayco Klliotl and John
nie Klliolt were passengers for
Lincoln Tuesday morning.
Henry Olapp, jr., of Klmwood
and Miss (irayec Mailey were
guests of Mrs. Jesse Maker Sun
day evening.
Mr. Delhunly of Lincoln came
down Saturday lo visit William
Casey. lie returned home Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Clyde lloyles of Lincoln
ame down Saturday to visit rela
tives a few days. She returned
home Monday.
Charles .Suavely shipped Ihe
furnishings for a pool
(Special Correspondent.)
burial in the Dunker cemetery be
side his wife.
Clayton Leibhart of Lincoln
came down Wednesday and ac
companied his father, George
Leibhart, who is sick, to his home
in Lincoln Thursday morning
Friday morning Mrs. Liebhart was
summoned, as Mr. Liebhart was
reported not so well, and she went
up on No. 85. At this writing
Mr. Liebhart is no belter.
A number of neighbors and
friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Ncw
kirk gathered at their home the
other evening for a farewell parly.
They went unannounced and it
proved a complete surprise.
Among those present were: Mes
srs. and Mesdames Do Jarnelt,
Klmer Klyver, Jesse. Stone and
family, Chris Hoffman and fam
ily, John Mullen and family, Jien
Swanson, Miss Anna Hanson,
Henry Hanson, Miss Minnie drove,
John Hanson, Miss Horquct, Jack
(irovc, Uay Armstrong, Art Klyver
and Tom Stout. Oysters were
served and a big lime reported.
The Women's Heading club
icave a parly at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Parscll Saturday
night in honor of Mrs. Karl and
Mrs. Reefer, who, with their fam
ilies, will move away this spring.
They were presented with sou
venier spoons. Those present
were: Messrs. and Mesdames
Long of Willow, la., J. E. Parsell,
W. Copplc, M. C. Reefer, W. E.
Casey, H. A. Kuehn, Oeorge Hall,
J. E. Casey, J. L. If ail, E. M. Stone,
S. C. lloyles, Mrs. Daniels of
Nashville, Tenn.; Miss Winters of
Lincoln, Mrs. Clara Prouty, Mrs.
Claudia Parsell, Mrs. Charles
Suavely. Miss Winters gave three
readings and Mr. Long gave two
readings, which, with music and
games and an oyster supper com
pleted the evening's entertainment.
Is not for those suffering from
hall at kidney ailments and irregularities
Rogers, Neb., Monday, where he is I The prompt" usco f Foley Kidney
putting one in.
Miss Ella Weaver, who has been
spending a few days with her
ousin, Mrs. Shaffer, returned to
her home at Smith Mend Saturday.
Orion Maldwin has resigned his
position in Dreamer & Cashner's
til ore and is visiting his brother,
Charles, in Weeping Water, who
h quite sick.
Mrs, William Casey and her
mother, .Mrs. Daniels, .were visit-
Big in Lincoln tin- taller part of
hist week, having returned home
ii No. IK Saturday.
Word was received here. Mon
day thai llev. J. M. Heckler had
died at the home of his son at St.
Joseph, Mo. The body will lie
hrought to .vo Wcdnesdav for
Pills will dispel backache and
rheumatism, heal and strengthen
sore, weak and ailing kidneys, re
store normal action, and with it
health and strength. Mrs.-M. F.
Spalsbury, Sterling, III., says: "I
suffered great pain in my hack
and kidneys, could not sleep at
night, and could not raise my
hands over my head. Hut two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills
cured me." For sale by F. 0.
Fricke & Co.
Feel languid, weak, run-down?
Headache? Stomach "offf"
Just a plain case of lazy liver.
Itnrdock Mlood Milters tones liver
end stomach, promotes digestion,
purifies the blood.
Matt Thimgan was in Ashland
Mrs. F. 0. Meall was shopping
in Omaha last Friday.
Uichard Stohr of Omaha visited
friends here this week.
Thomas Stout of Alvo was on
our streets Wednesday.
John Amgwert was laid up with
the grippe Sunday and Monday.
George Gramlich went to
Sarpy county on business Monday.
Max Goehry and Edgar
Mooniey were in South Mend Mon
day. James L. Dovvd of Omaha is
conducting an auction sale at
Martin & Tool's.
Miss Alice Lare had the mis
fortune to fall and dislocate her
elbow on Monday.
Mrs. John Scliaal of Springlleld
was an over Sunday visitor of
Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Ileall.
Grandma Thimgan returned
Friday from a three mouths' visit
in Kansas and Lincoln.
Hobert Neitzel of Moise, Idaho,
arrived Monday evening for a visit
with relatives and friends here.
F. 0. Meall's father and mother
came Monday from Oklahoma and
will make Murdock their future
home. .
Lee Do Ford returned from
Lincoln last week and his many
friends are glad to see him look
ing so well.
Max and Erhart Goehry went to
Nehawka Tuesday for a short
visit with their sister, Mrs. Emma
Rough and family.
Misses Clara and Margaret
Miner of Wahoo, Neb., were
week-end guests at the home of
their sister, Mrs. Emil Miller.
Amid I he snow-storm of last
Saturday two robins were seen
flying about. We don't know
whether they were hunting a place
lo build their nesl or merely a
place of shelter.
Miss Mabel Coder gave a
inusicale at Ihe A. J. Tool home
on Monday evening, the program
being given mostly by her pupils.
Mrs. II. P. Long sang and Erhart
Goehry furnished some delight
ful music, which helped to pass
a very pleasant evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fmil Miller enter
tained on Thursday evening in
honor of Mr. Miller's 201 h birth
day. Various kinds of parlor
games and social conversation
was I lie evenings entertainment
At I lie usual time a dainty two
course luncheon was served.
About Ihirlv were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hickli were
surprised at Iheir home on Tues
day evening by about forty
friends and neighbors. All kinds
of games helped lo pass the hours
all loo quickly. At Ihe usual
lime an elegant oyster supper
was served, with Tour kinds of
cake. At a late hour all departed
for Iheir homes, wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Hickli many happy years of
wedded life.
George Brae.eale was at Tal
mage Saturday.
Before you buy your wall paper
see Copes, the druggist.
Mrs. 0. E. Copes visited rela
tives at Cook last week.
J. W. Morley was at Omaha
Wednesday on business.
Carl Schroeder is under the
doctor's care at present.
W. L. Gillin was a business
visitor at Lincoln Tuesday.
Clyde Graham has a position
as state engineer at Lincoln.
Hev. J. M. Kokjer occupied the
pulpit at Springfield Sunday.
Artistic valentines and valen
tine post cards at Copes' drug
Mrs. W. A. Hollenbergcr enter
tained the U. N. A. Kensington
club last Friday.
J. ll. r. Kongo nas neon en
gaged to manage the elevator for
L. J. Marquardt.
Orlando TelTt and Henry Kuhn-
henn were at Louisville Monday
looking over Ihe new opera house
You can hear some, lovely
music free at Mehrns & Mase
man's. Henry will sing or whistle
for you at any time.
Simon Hehmeier, proprietor of
the Oxford, reports business as
being good in his line of late. If
you want to enjoy a good meal
try the Oxford.
A good many of our citizens
thought Jack Melts had left town,
but he has only shaved off his
hunch of lilacs.
Dr. J. W. Uremic! and wife
entertained Ihe 500 club last
Monday evening. A very pleasant
evening was spent by those pres
ent. Sam Johnson and Mrs. W.
A. Hollenberger won the greatest
number of games.
That was the caso with Mrs. V.
S. Mailey, McCreary, Ky. "My
wife was taken down with a se
vere attack of ,1a grippe, which
run into bronchitis. She coughed
as though she had consumption
and could not sleep at night. The
first bottle of Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound gave her so much
relief that she continued using it
until she was permanently cured."
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
(Special Correspondence.) 4
Eva Helms is up and able to
be around now.
Mr. James Stevenson is im
proving slowly.
Mrs. N. II. Meeker is suffering
from a bad cold.
Mrs. Earl Howard, who is very
sick, is improving some.
Mr. John Penn's son is sick
with a bad cold this week.
Mrs. Uobcrts returned from her
week's visit in Omaha Tuesday.
This is the closing week of the
auction sale at Melcalf's west
Mr. and Mrs. Jeary are out
again after a serious attack of
Mrs. Frank Nichols was called
to Creston, Iowa, on account of
the serious illness of her father.
Dr. Jones had Dr. Ramey of
Lincoln down in consultation on
Ihe Taylor cases Monday after
noon. W. Pailing, Will Dowd and Van
Conn went to Lincoln Wednesday
!r attend the Threshers' associa
liie m. r,. churcn clioir were
entertained at the home of Uev.
and Mrs. Reynolds last Thursday
Earl Howard buried his infant
son Monday. They have the sym
pathy of the community in their
Mr. Recce's condition remains
about the same. We understand
that Mrs. Recce is also suffering
from the grippe.
The meetings in progress at
the Christian church are being
well attended and a great deal of
interest is shown in them.
An effort is being made to have
all stores closed between the
hours of 7:45 and 9 p. m. on nc
eount of the protracted meetings
at the Christian church.
A. C. Taylor is very low with
pneumonia. Mrs. Taylor is much
belter. Miss Elizabeth Taylor is
thought to be out of danger. The
other members who were sick are
up and around.
A program will be held Monday
afternoon at 2:30 by the High
school, with a little outside home
talent, in honor of Lincoln's
birthday. A cordial invitation is
extended lo all lo attend.
The monthly Epworth League
social will be held at the homo of
Mrs. Lyman Mowery on Friday
evening, February 9. The young
people will meet at the churcl
and go together from there U
Mrs. Mowery's.
This has been a very healthfcl
winter in this vicinity, but the last,
couple of weeks there has been I
great deal of lagrippe and soma
pneumonia. There are at pres
ent four trained nurses in our
Mrs. James Jeffery, who has
been suffering from a cancer, died
Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock
She was one of the early settlers
hero and leaves to mourn her
death her husband, a son and
threo daughters and also numei
pus friends.
A spelling contest is being held
in the intermediate room at the
school, which will continue until
the close of school." Mabel Stona
leads in the fifth grade, Inet
Wcidman, Marjorie Wachtel and
Ola Sayles in the fourth, and
Eleanor Jones, Eva Vogel and
Donovan Walling hold the sama
place in the third grade.
We have selected from our stock every remnant
and short end, on which we are giving a liberal re
duction. Goods on display, so you can make your
selection easy. Call and see them.
Is sweeping over Ihe town. Old
and young alike are affected, and
Ihe strain is particularly hard on
little children and on elderly peo
ple. Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound is a quick, safe and relia
ble cure for all coughs and colds.
Contains no opiates. For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Insure your farm property
in the Farmers' Mutal Fire -and
Live Stock Insurance
Company of Cass County,
Nebraska. Limited lo Cass
county only. Incorporated
in 1894. Only one as
sessment of 2 mills made
during Ihe entire lime.
Amount of Insurance In
force $1,303,955.09. Amount
of money in treasury. $4,
857.69. Membership fee 50
cents per hundred for 5
years. For particulars
J. P. FALTER, Secretary,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Wet and chilled feet usually ai
fect the mucous membrane of the
nose, throat and lungs, and la
grippe, bronchitis or pneumonia
may result. Watch carefully, par
ticularly the children, and for tha
racking, stubborn coughs give
Foley's Honey and Tar Compounds.
It sooths the inflammed mem
branes and heals the cough quick
ly. Take no substitute. For sala
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Two-year-old White-face hell
er, about December 18, 1911. Sha
is a perfect type of the White
face breed. Any information wiB
be thankfully received by tele
phoning Line 4-H, Platts. 'Phona,
or address, Guy Reiser, Mynard',
Foley RidneylMlls will cure any
case of kidney or bladder troubla
not beyond the reach of medicine.
No medicine can do more. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Harry Smith was called to Pa
cific Junction on business this
afternoon and went over on No. 2.
Mrs. Cummins Returns.
Mrs. I. N. Cummins, who vva9
called lo Ransns several days ago
on account of Ihe fatal illness of
her mother, returned to Platls
mouth the first of the week. Mrs
. . .i
v.uiomiiis oiouier passed away
one day last week. After attend
ing the funeral of her mother
Mrs. Cummins visited elsewhere
in Kansas before returning home
Avoid taking cold if your kid
neys are sensitive. Cold congests
the kidneys, throws loo much
work upon thorn, and weakens
Iheir action. Serious kidney
trouble and oven Bright's disease
may result. Strengthen your kid
neys, get rid of Ihe pain and
soreness, build I hem up by the
timely use of Foley Kidney Pills
Tonic in action, quick in results.
For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co.
Given by
A. II. Vallery, the champion
wrestler of Eeight Mile Grove pre
cinct, went to Omaha Ibis after
noon, where he has a match with
a parly at Ihe Y. M. C. A. rooms.
Saturday Evening, February 17th
You know the good time he Eagles have, so make it
a point to attend.
Music by the M. W. A. Orchestra