The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 05, 1912, Image 1

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    mouth Statural.
NO. 11.
Gatheaing Is Addressed by Prof. Keeser, Prof. Howard and Ex
Congressman Pollard, on the Enlarging of the Apple Industry
in This Part of the State.
Prom Friday's Dally.
The fruit growers of eastern
Cass county held an interesting
locting at Goates' hall yesterday
afternoon, which was addressed
fcy Prof. Keeser, Prof. Howard
and ex-Congressman E. M. Pol
lard. About fifty apple-growers
took advantage of the opportunity
f hearing three of the practical
rchardists of the state, and all
three made very practical and in
structive talks.
Prof. Keeser informed the
fruit-growers that the value of
lands in their community could
be doubled by proper attention to
the orchards. Me ventured the
assertion that he could take five
acres of land in this vicinity and
put the ground in apples and get
more returns in net cash than
anv farmer would get from twenty
acres planted to 'ordinary crops.
The speaker then took some time
in discussing the way an orchard
should be cared for, and how to
moke it profitable. One of fhe
important tilings dwelt upon was
the care of the soil in which the
trees were planted, and in all
eases where the lav of the around
would permit it, he would advise
cultivation. Where the ground
was too rolling to be cultivated
it should be sowed to some good
wrchard grass, such as clover or
alfalfa, something that would not
form a sod and would at the same
tine prevent the washing awav of
the soil. Another important thins
brought out by Prof Keeser was
tbe pruning of the trees. He ad
vised the careful pruning of the
wrrhard as economical in one way
and another; it produced larger
and better flavored apples and put
the tree in share so that it could
lie spraved to advantage. Another
thing dwelt upon was snravjnp.
and Prof. Keeser said be would
Iopvc the discussion of 1bi phase
f the question to Prof. Howard.
Prof Howard spoke at some
kmgth on the necessity of the ap
pie-growers of Nebraska getting I percent of the apples with worms,
their fruit in better shape forMr. Pollard Ihen mentioned the
irarkel. and said that when the t name of a factory where any kind
proper interest had been develop-!
ad and the quality of the fruit free
from worms is produced by the
Nebraska growers a market would
be found right at hand for all the
fruit that could be grown. The
thing that keeps the price of the
apples down, and I he- cause for
western fruit being shipped into
this territory that ought to be
supplied from Nebraska grown
fruit, is that our people do not
are for their orchards and the
apples grown here do not go 1o
market in marketable shape. Prof.
Keeser had with him a sample
box of Winesap apples, grown on
the Larsh 20-acre orchard near
Weeping Water, under the charge
of Ihe stale horticultural depart
ment, which were very fine. The
orchard had been pruned, culli-
Tated and sprayed as the speaker
advised to be donp in this locality.
Prof. Howard then gave an in
terestingialk from a chart con
cerning spraying, when to spray,
what lo sprav for and what lo use
and how lo do the work. His talk
was first directed to fungus
growth or scab, and then to the
coddle moth that causes the
worms to lake possession of the
apples. The speaker advised the
use of the Bnrdeau mixture, and
with ruts of apples blossoms,
small apples and leaves illustrat
ed the lime the spraving should
be done to be effectual. For the
Bordeau nu'xfure he used a for
mula of 4--f0. that is, pounds
of ropner sulphate, pounds of
stone lime and 50 gallons of wa
ter. The copper sulphate is mix
ed wifh twentv-tlve gallons of wa
ter, Ihe stone lime with twenty
five gallons of water and the two
poured together. This is applied
with a force pump. Large or
chards with gasoline engine
power, a small orchard with bar
rel and hand pump. The first
spraying should be done when the
buds begin to open; this is at no
set time; as the seasons vary,
some earlier, some later. The
second application when the
netals pee-in to fall and the third
two or three weeks later.
The loss from worms is more
important than from scab, and
spraying an effectual preventive
of wormy apples. From 50 to 80
per cent of the apples on unspray
ed orchards are wormy, while on
the sprayed trees only per cent
" ill be wormy. The cost of spray
ing a 20-acro orchard is about 2i
cents per tree, after the snraying
apparatus is paid for. A different
"'Mure is used for spraying for
the coddling moth than for the
scab or fungus. Prof. Howard
said that he would come to Cass
counlv nnd assist in the spraying
if sufficient of the apple-growers
"ould tret together and have fhe
in" ('one. lli salary is paid
'-' the lnle end all be would ask
"-ps a rlnee In sleep and some
I'M'nrr to rpt. Prof Howard also
volunteered hi services to show
the Cas count v growers how to
prune their orchards.
Mr. Pollard followed with a
verv pppeijeal talk on apple or
nhnrd frd liow to make one pav.
He called attention to bulletin No.
110 of the slate horticultural de
nart'"cnl. containing an address
bv Prof. Howard at the last ses
sion of the Nebraska Horti
cultural society, and said that the
bulletin was a mine of informa
tion, and veil worth the perusal
of any one who, owned or was in-
terested in an apple orchard, and
that it wa the best article on the
subject of spraving Mr. Pollard
had yet seen. He then told of the
manner in which be handled his
H-acre orchard, and with a power
spra' er. v i I h his force of hands,
?0 acres of the orchard was gone
over in a (lav. fn shipping out
the fiftv cars of apples from this
orchard after spraving much af
ter the manner described by Prof.
Howard, there was a very small
of spraving machine could be pur
chased, it being fionld's Manu
faclurv, Seneca Falls. N. Y. Mr.
Pollard then dwelt on the soil and
climatic conditons of the river
counties and staled that nowhere
in the. world could apples of the
flavor and quality be grown as
(hey could on the banks of the
At the close of the meeting
Prof Howard look the names of
all orchard men present, so as to
place them on the mailing list, to
receive bulletins as Ihey are is
sued in future. Tt is verv proh
able that vesterdav's meeting will
be the beginning of an apple
growers' association being formed
in this county, which will mean
better apples, better quality and
better markets.
J. H. Tarns, superintendent of
the county farm, has been spray
ing the county orchard, and had
some very fine apples of different
varieties present. These were of
fine flavor and free from worms.
A Most Fn'oyable Meeting.
From Friday's Dally.
.The Ladies' Aid society of the
M. E. church held their regular
meeting yesterday afternoon in
the church parlors and this time
the ladies were entertained in a
most delightful manner by Mcs-
dames Luella Lcesley, Emily Tuey
and J. E. Thompson. At the
usual hour the business session
was held, after which an hour or
two was most enjoyably whiled
away in various amusements and
social conversation. A delicious
luncheon was served, which the
ladies thoroughly appreciated
The attendance was very good
ana an pronounced Mesoames
.eeslev, Tuey and Thompson royal
For Typewriter ribbons call at
the Journal office.
The Proper Thing.
State Superintendent Delzell
has sent circular letters to boards
of education of all accredited
High schools in the state, urging
them to send superintendents of
High schools or a member of the
High school faculty to the depart
ment of superintendence of the
National Educational association
and several of the allied divisions
of education which w ill hold their
annual meeting at St. Louis Feb
ruary 27-29. lie states that many
schools will pay only the car fare
and ask the superintendent or
representative to pay other neces
sary expenses.
Report of Librarian for Months of
December, 1911, and Jan
uary, 1912.
At the monthly meeting of the
library board of the Plattsmouth
city library last evening, Miss
Jones, librarian, submitted her
report for January, 1912, which,
compared with the report of a
ear ago, is quite encouraging.
Through the kindness of the
board we submit below the re
ports lor Decemiter, r.ui. ami
January, 1912. The report for
each month is compared with the
same iiionlh twelve months ago:
Number of books exchanged,
1911, 1.38H; 1910, 1,00 i; number
of men borrowers, 1911, 13; 1910,
22; number of callers, 191 1, 5,526;
1910. i.010; number of books do
nated, Rev, Sieger, 11; Nora Liv
ingston, 3; total, 17; number of
hooks for use of city teachers, 31;
co'inly teachers, 22; number of
hooks condemned, 1 1 i ; magazines
donated to county patrons, 32;
total number of borrowers, 1911,'
2.035; 1910, 1,811. .
Number of books circulated for
home use, 1.020; number of books
for use of city teachers, 37 ; coun
lv teachers. 18; callers, estimated,
(i.rtOS; books rebound, 98; maga
zines. 3; number of new borrow
er. 19t I, ?8; 1912, 21; number
of books circulated, 1911, 1,009;
1912, 1,020.
"The Chorus Lady."
From Friday's Dally.
The Journal always delights in
praising worthy entertainments
that visit our city, and must say,
without the fear of successful
contradiction from anyone who
had Ihe pleasure of witnessing the
rendition of "The Chorus Lady"
last night, that it was one of the
finest plaja ever presented to a
local audience during our ten
years' sojourn in Plattsmouth.
The play is one with a fine moral,
and the beauty of it is I hat every
member of the cast is a first-class
artist, and while it is impossible
for us lo mention each character,
we must say that miss Grace
Aylesworlh as "Patricia O'Hrien,
is an actress of great force and
one that simply captures her
auditors in the very first act. A
few first-class companies and
piays line "ino Giiorus i,aay, in
succession at tho Parmele would
soon establish a reputation at the
home theater that would soon
restore its old-lime popularity
and patronage.
Chicken Pie Supper a Success.
From Friday's Dally.
The second chicken pie supper
of the season, given by the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Presbyterian
church, in the church parlors last
evening, was fully up to the usua
standard in every particular and
was very largely attended. The
chicken pic and its acconipani
ments were as good as ever and
most thoroughly relished by the
large number present. These oc
casions have become very popular
in social functions, as many tarry
after supper has been served
visning wun neigniiors and
friends and making new acquaint
ances. The ladies are much
pleased over the results of the
H. L. Mauzy departed for Oma
ha and later for Denver this aft
ernoon, afer visiting his parents
for a few weeks.
Evidence About All In and Argu
ments Will Be Mad 3 as Soon
as Completed.
'rom Friday's Dally.
The trial of George Lytic, the
third man accused of being im
plicated in the safe-blowing and
robbery of Mike Tritsch's jewelry
store, which occurred last Sep
tember, and for which two men
have already been convicted, pro
ceeded yesterday quite rapidly.
Mr. Tritsch was sworn first and
showed the conditions of bis
stock, safe and the building of
Mr. Nichols, which ho occupied.
Many exhibits, such as jewelry
pads, boxes and articles of
iewelry, were identified. The pads
had been picked up along the track
and the jewelry was found on the
persons of MoCann and Lytic. A
watch, which was identified by
Mr. Tritsch as one he had in
stock, was found on George Lytic
at the time of his arrest. The
walch was positively identified by
Mr. Tritsch, although the num
bers on the outside of the inside
case bad Icvti scratched off. the
numbers on Ihe inside of Ihe
works had been overlooked. A
screw wiurri Mr. intsen nan
made and placed in Ihe watch,
was idepl i"ed by him.
The evidence of the three men
being seen nt South Ueml on the
lh of September and their
identification bv the witnesses
there was prarlicallv Ihe same
that the readers of the Journal
a'-e alreadv familiar, with. The
evidence concerning the finding of
(tie pads along Ihe Hock Island
o 'Mi of P'rinbt. and the finding
of Ihe bicvele car belonging lo the
',.,rlinglon coo'panv and near the
p;,.ls on the Rock Island, was all
if I., II,,.
T T I ' - " 1 1 Ml 111!" Jill V, IMIV Mill, II
more speedily than in Ihe former
There were several witnesses
f'-o'p Louisville who positively
(Vplp'ed Ivtle as one of the
three men who were in Louisville
on Ihe 281 h of September nnd
loitered about Fred Ossenkop's
elevator all afternoon of that dav.
''red Oisenkon positively identi
fied Lvfle as the man to whom be
sold a bar of Snnda Morula sonn
about 10 o'clock of the morning
of he.?8th of September. One
half of the same bar of soap was
found in the Tritsch store where
the explosion was pulled off. The
slate also proved the finding of
the walch identified bv Mr. Tritsch
on Ihe person of Lvlle when ar
rested. Lvtle was the last of the
three men arrested.
The state rested its case in
chief at Ihe adjournment of court
last night, and the defense began
the introduction of testimony this
The brother of the defendant,
Al Lytic, of Omaha, was sworn
and explained to the jury con
cerning the walch that was in
troduced in evidence. The witness
swore that he had owned the
watch before it came into the pos
session of George Lytic; that Ihe
witness purchased it from a party
in Peterson's saloon nnd traded
it lo his brother, George, for an
Ingersoll movement; lhewatch he
got Ihe the Peterson store was an
Elgin works.
Just before the court look a re
cess for the noon hour County
Attorney Taylor called the court's
attention to the sentence to be
pronounced on John Doud. Judge
Travis then made an entry in his
docket and told Doud to stand
up. After informing the convict
ed man of the action of the jury
in finding the defendant guilty, he
was asked if he had anything to
say why sentence should not be
passed on him at this time.
His counsel, Mr. Hrill. repjied
for him that he did not know sen
tence was to bo passed at this
time and that before the motion
for a new trial was overruled ho
would like to argue the matter to
the court. The court then said
that the matter would have to be
taken up very soon, as he would
not be in Plattsmouth after the
conclusion of the present trial for
some time. Mr. Hritt then stated
that he would be ready to argue
the motion at the conclusion of
the Lytic trial.
After the noon hour evidence
was resumed by the defense in
the Lytic trial and will probably
be completed and the matter
argued today.
Looks Very Encouraging for the
Extension of the Postoffice
i-'rom Friday's Dally.
President of the Commercial
Club T. H. Pollock is in receipt of
a lengthy letter from Postmaster
H. A. Schneider, in which Mr.
Schneider tells of his efforts to
have the site of the postoffice
building extended, and the letter
has a tone of encouragement. The
postmaster has interviewed the
advising architect, Mr. Talor. He
has also talked the matter over
with Mr. McCuire, congressman
from this district, as well as Sen
ator Hrown and Postmaster Gon
Tiil Hitchcock.
The postmaster general is
much interested in the mailer and
both Senator Hrown and Con
gressman MeOuire have signified
Iheir willingness to use their ef-
,orts m securing I lie necessary
additional appropriation, and as
congress is now in session the
matter can be definitely settled
.vilhin a short time.
Major Creamer and Mr. Heah!
ire both favorabe to securing the
lddilional ground, and the re
moval of the building to a firmer
foundation. To Mr. Schneider the
"'alter looked very favorable for
the plan of additional ground and
extension of Ihe site. The suc
cess of the plan w ill depend large
lv on the postmaster general,
Congressman Mcguire and Sen-
or Hrowp.
Largely Attended by Neighbors
and Sympathetic
From Frldiiy'H Dally.
The funeral of Mrs. Peter Carl
son occurred yesterday afternoon
at the residence and was largely
attended by neighbors ami friends
of the deceased. The servio was
conducted by llev. W. L Austin,
who spoke words of comfort to
the bereaved husband and chil
dren. The floral tributes I mm
the frater'ial societies of which
the decca-tid was a mcmhe" and
from the Fled Men, the car work
ers in the Hurlington shops, the
Swedish Aid society and from the
numerous friends of the family
were many and beautiful and were
t-ilent tokens of the esteem and
great respt el in which the de
erased ladv is held by those who
knew her best.
The choi" nang "Hock of Ages'
and "Nearer My God to Thee,''
livmns which were fa wiles of
the deceased Inlermeiu was
luade in Oak Hill cemetery. Tilt
pall-bearers were: Cna.'les lly-
berg, A. Vieslrup, O n Itunan
lohn H. Hallstrom, A Nelson and
Gus Johnson.
The out-o'-town friends at
tending ih funeral were; Charles
nnd John Ticrgmark, brothers .if
the deceased, Phelps. V. h.; Gus
Molin. brother of Mr. Carlson.
Lady Minstrels Go to Louisville
The Lady Minstrels will go to
Louisville Saturday, January 10
which is one week from tomorrow
night. There will doubtless be
a large number of Plattsmouth
people go up to attend Ihe show
Arrangements will probaby be
made lo have No. 10 stop at
Louisville, which will make the
Irain service from Plattsmouth to
Louisville and return very con
Overcoat Lost or Stolen.
The traveling man for Mc
Laughlin's coffee house, while at
the lliley hotel taking dinner, had
his heavy gray overcoat switched
or stolen, he was unable to say
which. Landlord Dunbar was at
I ho fast mail to see if anyone
boarded the train with the coat
m mm
on, but it did not show up there
After Almost Recovering From
Operation at Omaha Hospital,
Passes Away.
From Saturday's Dally.
I I rich Inhelder of Cedar Creek,
who was operated on at an Omaha
hospital a short lime ago, died ab
the hospital last Thursday. He
had undergone the operation and
had recovered from the same and
was able to sit up, as well as to
dress himself, but was very weak,
and while stooping over to tie his
shoe ruptured a blood vessel,
which caused his death very soon.
Mr. Inhelder was about 77
vears of age, was born in Switzer
land, coining to America and Ne
braska when a young man. He
leaves surviving a brother and
two sislers Henry Inhelder of
Cedar Creek and Mrs. George
Shoeman and Mrs. Frank Hushe,
sr.. of Plattsmouth. The funeral
"ill occur tomorrow at Cedar
Creek, at the home of John Gauer,
with whom Mr. Inhelder has lived
for some years.
All Sign Petitions.
If anybody -desires to run for
Ihe democratic nomination for
the presidency and makes signs
as though he would caue trouble
if he is not permitted to enter the
race let him write to the demo
crats of Falls City. Down that
way the democrats are so greatly
inclined towards peace that they
erv gladly sign Ihe petition put
ting anv democrat of good stand
ing in the president ial race. So
far they have entered Judson
Harmon nnd Champ Clark, and
Ihey announce that, not consider
ing their signing a pel it ion bind
ing in anv respect, they will glad-
a(,'x their names lo a proper
petition. Which,, bv the vav. is
lenr enough to make a man won
der if the right of pel il ion and I lie
ballot ought to be given to in-
lividuals of such supineuess of
haracter. A democracy that isn't
militant, that hasn't principles
ami men lo fight for and defend,
but that is willing lo take iinv.
hodv who comes along, regard-
ess of what, he represents or
who he is, just so he bears the
right partv label, isn't mind you,
to our liking much of a demo
crat or anything else. Lincoln
And to our notion the News is
about right. If a man cannot
consistently vote for a candidate
If nominated he should not sign
petition for him to become suck
candidate. It is not right for
any voter lo do so, and (herein is
another weak point about the
primary law.
Five Weeks' Quanntlno.
Was you ever quarantined for-
a contagious disease? If not you
havo missed one thing that will
give you a lino on your friends.
The editor's home was quaran
tined on Christmas morning nnd
for live long weeks a scarlet fever
sign occupied a conspicuous
place in our front yard. Some of
our friends turned us down and
would take the other side of the
street when they saw us coming,
while others were kind and sym
pathetic. If you want to know
who your friends are a five weeks'
siege in quarantine will reveal
things lo you thai will como in no
other way. Tho sign was toru
down Sunday evening, however,
and wo are back homo again
happy in the realization of Ihe
fact that po serious results come
from the disease. A queer old
world, is this Louisville Courier.
For Lack of Funds.
South Omaha Drovers Journal
Stockman: "Every man who is in
terested at all in the agriculture
of Nebraska cordially agrees wilU
Dean IUirnett in hoping that tho
time Is not far distant when the
school of agriculture will not havo
to be continually parting with its
very best men because of lack of
funds. Losing four high-class
professors in one year because of
inadequate salaries is a record
that Nebraskans should uot bo
proud of."
Miss Kate Sydenstricker visited
the metropolis this morning, go
ing on tho first train.