The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 29, 1912, Image 6

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We're Selling Suits and Overcoats now for
Ernst Bassermann,
Who is Now Made More
Commanding by Election.
Cuslofcn in Eivw'ew PcrX z
Uxh Gored ta D:a!!).
LeeCersin Ecuador's Latest Rey-
o.u.Ln LynchsJ.
While Working in Buffalo Pen the En
raged Bull Rushes Upon Aged Man
From Lehind Before He Can Escape
Over Fence.
Omaha, Jan. l!'J.-Nela P. Anderson
war fconu to death by an infuriated
bufla.o bull lit Kivcrvlew park. Ho
died within an hour niter he was ut
tacked by the enraged animal.
Anderson, who was advanced In
yeiirn, was the keeper of the zoo in
the park, and ut the time lie was gored
he was (HurUir a hole In the giotini
to he filled water for the unimals.
And'.'ifon iid nut know of the ap
proaeh of the buffalo bu'.l nnt'l lie
heard tne. In llnwlng bull behind him
Tin runs around (iitickly he Haw the an
inial (ominf? toward him at a furious
pace. Propping his tools, Anderson
started to run lor the nearest part of
tho fince. I'o had renched the south-
west corner, when ho slipped.
The ureil keeper bad hardly recov
ered his footing when the buffalo was
upon him With lowered bead and a
terrific bellow, the enraged hull sunk
its horns into Anderson's thh;liH. The
horns went through the Iurs and rnme
out n'-ar the jro'n. In some manner
the nnn extricated himself, but t
bull wns upon hhn itguln. This time
the heni't's horns did not enter the
llesh, but Its bead was Jammed Into
the p't of Anderson's stcmiach. For a
while Anderson lay as if (lead, and
the animal not seeing hini stir, slowly
moved away.
When the bull had din'ipneni'"(l over
a Hindi hill Anib'iKin slowly drn -a" il
himself over Ihe fence. He fell lion
the ton of the fence to the pound
lie d'ed from loss of blood and inter
n:'.l injuries before a loi lor arrived.
(' j
I .. &,. if
I v v r
Three Alfaros and Paez and Serrano
Meet Death at Hands of Mob Re
volt Began After President Estra
da's Death a Vear Ago.
Guayaquil, Kcuador, Jan. 29. A
mob broke Into the Quito penitentiary
in spite of a double guatd and lynched
G'lieials Klroy Allaro, F.avio Altaic
Mcdiirdo Alfaro, U. Paoz and Manuel
S.'iiano, imminent revolutionists.
'I he revohit.on, although it had been
u long time brewing, began in reality
a few days I'o lowing the sudden death
O'l 22 1.-st. of President Estrada.
The first of the drastic measures
lali'i) by tli.'-iu' who opposed the revo
lt:! on wns ian ie;l into effect last w el;
tit (l.i.'.yaqii'l win n General Petbo Mon
tcro, wl o was prccla in- d president by
the troops iifur the di .it h of Hotrada.
was sli 't ai.'.l iieiKicvi uy a muu
which lat'-r h.irned his body.
Klroy Alfaro was proclaimed presi
dent by the pojaihue in llidii, when he
hc.d defeated the novernnirnt troops.
that arc worth from $1 5 to 30
The men and young men of this community know from experience that our
advertisements do not exaggerate. They're proving their confidence in our meth
ods by investing their money in these rare "January Clearance Sale" values. If
you are still among the number that has not taken advantage of this sale, take
our advice and come soon.
$1.50 and $1.75 values, now $1.15
$2.00 and 2.50 " " $1.40
SUtxon Half
MtiitlmKun Shirt
deoinces child slavery
Dean Sumner Addresses Charities and
Correction Conference.
Onuihu, ,iuli. :!'.. ah timpmlilled,
inert. ii:oS deiiuncilil ion of CliuO lln.oi the opining session o,
tho iseurautvii Conference of Cnarllies
and toiie(.i,on ut the lloyd theater.
Tho unuif,unicnt of society lor Butler
Inir tho at ion of child Ubor wai
niado by In an Walter T. 8vniner
tno cutliedial of SH. Peter and ."in.! ul t (J)( c()ntry
lllKUJiO, KUJMnuicuueui oi enj uim
simm mid ehalrmiin of Ihe Chicago
vice commission. He pleaded for tne
PHKKUSO or the hill pending in eon
urenn, provldinj? lor the mention of a
new cabinet olllcer, whoso business it
would bo to superintend the eonserva
lion of children, being assisted by tne
president and the other members ol
tho cabinet.
"Poverty is ugly and repelhint," de
clared Ucan Sumner, "and It falls heav
iest on the children. The greatest
cursn of poverty is child labor."
A resolution, diawu by Judge How
'iid Kennedy, president of the Nobras
ka Child Labor league, was presented
by Misa Luetic Haven of the soclolog
lent department of tho University ol
Nebraska, and unanimously approved
Tho rt solution uwh the passuso of
Ihe new law, which MIhh Haves ex
plained a committee had been working
Industriously lo promote for Hip last
live years, and was wired at once to
I bo national child labor committee,
which Is meeting in Louisville, Ky.
Chancellor May Dissolve Body and
Appeal to Country.
Berlin, Jan. 29. Thought! ul G r
mans are concerned over the astound
in? predominance won by the Soe'.al
Lomocrucy in the relchstaR elections,
which came to an end last week. The
party which the government has pil
loried throughout the enmpnlvn as
the "nreh eneniv of the stato" enteiH'i
the new reicliKtaii with 110 meiuberH
and is now the strongest Individual
body in parliament. It d'sp'aces
from that position the hitherto in
vineiblo Catholic (N-uler. .
The National Liberals will hold the
balance of power, and Heir Hrnst f!:is
nermann the leader of that party, wi'.l
ho a coinrnandlni? figure.
Tho kniser has sumnioniMl tha new
reichstaot to convene on Feb. 7. but it
would not surprise political observers
if tho imperial chancellor's first ap
pearance In tho house were to be
marked by tho read'nn of an Imperial
. I order dissolving parliament ior me
Of' l.l.. n ffttuh ami, Mil in
Clnlhinj sj Zapat.stas.
Forty-two Scnr.tors Make Up New
Chinese Senate.
Nanking, Jan. 29 The armistice
winch has hern in operation lor sever
al weeUa has explrtd, bat no definite
steps have been taken for its renewal.
Neither Tan;; Shao Yi, the representa
tive of Preml.T Yuan, nor Wu Tins
Hal iK. tlie rrpublunn minister of jus
tin , expects serious ll'Oit.n'j. Dr. Wu
said in this connection: ' There is no
one to milt; all are o ir friends."
Clans llsi'ii, commander of the im
perial troop;, has his cential base at
Suclowfu in the northern part of Kl
nm-KU piovliue. I'nder his direct com-;
maiiil are S.'iun of all sorts of nood
righteis. inured to the winter. The!
revolutionists' (enter is at l.inbawai,
about SOU miles from Nankins. The,
revo'utionists number la.ono lin n, eag
er for fiKhtlnc, but not acclimated.
It is believed here that abdication
will come when Premier Yuan Is sat's
tied that the Chinese troops in Peking
are sufficient to control the Mancnus.
The new state senate was Inaug
urated here. It is made up of forty
two senators, who appeared in foreign
dress. President Sun, in his speech,
urged unity. He said that. It was pro
posed bv the new regime to build up,
not to destroy.
At the dose of the president's ad
dress there wns an impressive scene,
the members rising In a body and giv
ing thr;e (brers for the republic.
President Sun has sent a telegram
to Yuan Shi Kai Informing him that if
abdication Is Imminent he would hold
back the republican troops for two or
three days.
Thursday Night, February 1, and
It Is a Grand Production in
Every Particular.
Vaudeville skelclics depict itiK
-.(cues lieliiud Ihe stiie, have utii- i
ersally met wilh success when '
! presented upon an American J
slaue. The I lien I ei'-Koin' public,!
' a-! a rule, have an intense Innfrin i
and peculiar desire to see Ihe in-
side workings and lining liehind ;
Ihe scenes. James Forbes, ln !
aniline of "The Traveling Sales-i
tlie t aunmulrrs, re
value of a da of this
w hen he wrole "Tlie
and ils ahilily In
s of lliealcr-w'oers
ci in n I ry
County, Nebraska,
(u the Mutter of the Estate of Lena
Welnhoit, liecensuri.
Notice Is l.oreliy Riven that In pur
suance of nn order of Hon. Harvey D.
Travis, J ml km of tlie District Court of
( iiss Count v, Nebraska, made on this
IMUl) day of .lanuary, 1J12, for t ho sale
of tlu? real estate hereinafter de
scribed there will be sold at tlie front
door of the American KvchanKO Hank
In the Village of Klmwuod. Cnss
County, Nebraska, on the 21st (lay
of February. 1H12, at 1 o'clock I M.,
at imbllc vendue lo the highest bidder
for cash, the following described real
estate to-wlt: The Northeast Quarter
of Section 12, Township 10. Itautte 10,
Kast of th' i;th I'. M In Cass County,
Nebraska. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Hated this L'.'nd dav of .lamiarv, 1912.
iii;i:m n u-ktchkn's.
Kveentor of Said Kstate.
D. C IiVVI-:K, Attorneys.
Chorus Ladv,'
please all classes
in every seel ion
has proven thai
fascinal in; allrac
sessed by few
plays. In fact
realistic and h:
istic Aiiiencuii
years. I
slory o
with Ihe
it cnntains
iveness pii
(if the
Tri-Stato Land Company Was Defend
ant In Action at Cering.
tiering, Neb., Jan. 29.Ju(lge Ho
hart, has banded down a decision In
the salt of the L'ntcrprlBO Canal coin
puny the Til State land com
pnijv la favor of the plaintiff.
Tliis was a case br.ic-ht nominally
hv the Kateri.ils' Canal company to
(K t i nline Ihe prior rlubt of the re
sptKiivo Irrigation canals of the North
Platte vnllov to Ihe wider from the
North Platte river.
Arrayed nualnsl Ihe Tri State Land
i-ompi iiy was found not only the Kn
terprlM Canal company, but nearly
every of nay coiiHeiptenee from
North Platte to the Wyoming atate
line. The case Involved tho water
right if over 15(1,00(1 acres of the fin
est lrrl..'nt(d land In the Pulled States.
Judge Hobart based IiIh decision up
on the long established principle ol
irrii'Rtlon law (hat the best water
rUht Is dependent tip'm the actual
application of the water to the land
within a reasonable time alter the np !
plkntioii for appropriation la made.
The supreme court has held that ten
years Is a reasonable time to com
plete the ditches und bead'Mtes of n
canal. Tho Trl State did not complete
itq in twenty years.
Husband of Abbie Rica Dies.
Crawford, Neb., Jan. 2!).-I'Tx Ser
geant Irving Klce, recently discharged
from tho Twelfth cavalry, died of
unoiinv-nln. Deceased wan the di
vorced husband of Mis. Abblo ltice,
who was mixed up In Uio Bhootlng of
T)r. limit In of Omaha Rome time ago.
Connaugbts Back In Ottawa.
Ottewn, Out, Jan. 29. Tho Duko
and iiMchtis of Connaught nnd tho
Prim ess FatrlcU nrrtred frem New
Puebln, Mexico, Jan. 20. Ixsft In
possession of n big touring ear, but
Hlrlpped of nearly every stitch of
clothing and robbed of money, jewelry
and arms, was tho predu anient In
which Macedonia Olvera, his two
daughters and two young men were
placed by Zapatistas.
Olvera, who, with his daughters,
Rebecca and Umlsa, Is visiting friends
In Puebln, Invited the two young men
to accompany them on an nutomob'le
ride. Near the city their car was
htopped by a band of Zapatistas, who,
with guns leveled, forced the mem
hers of the party to deliver their per
sonal possessions. One of the bandit
then suggested that their clothing
would make a desirable addition to the
loot and the occupants of the car, all
members of the better class of bo
clety, were forced to disrobe.
At a worklnmnau's home a few
pieced of clothing wero obtained.
Uses Phonooraph to Remind Him of
Venice When He Feels Homesick.
Rome, .Inn. 23. The pope gave nn
audience to a friendly parish priest of
his native town of Rlesto, whom ho
told of his remedy for homesickness
The pope snid he had last April sent
to Venice for an unused phonograph
disk and hnd arranged to have an Im
nresslon made of the sounds of the
bell when It rang out from the reroiv
titrurtod Campanile of Santa Marii
The pope remarked to the priest, as
the phonofraph was started:
"Close vour eyes and hear the so'ind
pf the bel'B. and you will feel that you
are back In dear Yer'eo."
Pope Plus was formerly patriarch
of Venice.
St. Loulf Telephone Fight Is Ended
St. I.O'ils, Jan. 29 The light be
tween the local stockholders of the
Hell Telephone company of Missouri,
who control 20 per cent of the stock,
did the American Telephone and Te'e
graph company, majority owners, end
ed with an agreement of the local
I ..f.l.lx.lil.ira Ift cull Hw.ti hnblllina
General Marries Colonel'a Widow,
New York, Jan. 29. Rrlgadler Gen
eral David S. Oordon. U. S. A., re
tired, who has Just passed his eightieth
year, and Mra. Hollo Fleming, widow
of Colonel Robert I. Fleming, were
married here at tho homo of tht
bride's daughter, Mrs. L. S. Corea,
Textile Workers' Struggle Promises
to Be Bitter,
Lawrence. Mass.. Jan. 29 The
strike of approximately 20,000 textile
workers in this city which has been
n force more than two weeks seems
llkolv to resolve Itself into a long
Representatives of the various mills
Issued it statement In Hoston that they
will have no further negotiations with
Josenh J. Rttor of New York, the
strlko lender, and that the demands of
the strikers cannot be granted
On the other hand, tho strikers
committee voted not to confer with
the mill agents again until the latter
ure ready to talk business.
So ninny days have passed since tne
strikers have received any pay mat
the loss of the money Is fe't keenly
in hundreds of families. Tho soup
kitchen, which was started recently
by the strikers committee, has been
patrouiv.eft well during tho last lew
days by the hungry.
Quiet prevailed In the city and the
mtlit In men on duty hnd little to vary
tho monotony of guard duty.
il is Ihe most
!':'-sl character
da v vrillcn in
is a inrs! iulereslitiK
in a K'rippinR manner,
ahuiidaiice of comedy
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of t ho Kstate of Adam
liiKiam, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby Riven that in pur
suance of an order of Hon. Harvey D.
Travis, .indue of the District Court of
said Cass County, made on the 20th dav
of January, 1912, for tho sale of the
real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold nt the south door of the
Court House, at l'lnttsmoutli, Nebraska,
on Ihe :'::rd day of February 1912, at
1 o'clock 1". M., at public vendue, to
the highest bidder for cash, tho fol-
liiodern ! lowing described real estate to-wlt:
i ne west nun oi uie norinwesi quarter
and the southeast quarter of tlie north
west quarter. In Section 19, Township
12, Range 1-'. In Cnss County, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated tills 2:lrd day of January, 1912.
Edward Ingram,
Administrator of Said Estate.
D. O. DWYKi:, Attorney.
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of tlie Guardianship of
liny Ruby, Ross Ruby, Teddy Kuby
and Helen Ruby, Minors,
Now, on tills ziitli day of January.
1912, this cause came on to be heard
upon the petition of Martin 1.. Ruby,
uuanlian, praying therein for a license
to sell the Southeast Quarter of See
lion Twelve (12), Township Eleven
(11) llama' Twelve (12), situate la
Cass County, Nebraska, for the purpose
of maintaining and educating said
It Is ordered that the next of kin of
said minors and all persons Interested
In said matter, appear before mo at the
District Court Room at I'luttsmouth, In
Cass County, Nebraska, on the 2Sth dav
of February, 1912, at 10 o'clock A. tt.
to show cause why a license should not
he granted to said guardian as ubore
set forth.
That notice of teli time and place of
above healing be given to the next kin
of said minors and nil persons In
terested by publishing- a copy of this
order in the Weekly Journal, a news
paper printed and of g-enoral circula
tion In Cnss County, Nebraska, for
three weeks prior to tho said day ef
11 l!Vi:V D. Tit AVIS,
Joel"- of the District Court.
D. O. DWVKR, Attorney.
Adam Meisinfier of Mynaril was
a I'latlsniinit!) visitor Saturday
looking after business niatlers for
a time.
Ira Bate?
(the Old Martin Farm)
McCarthy Asks $150,000 of
Philip Sullivan.
Wayne, Neb., Jan. 29. Miss Mary
McCarthy, a school teacher of near
Forest City, la., has filed suit In
Wnvne nu'ilnst Phllil) Sullivan for
$150,000 for alleged breach of promise
In marriage. Sullivan Ih a wealthy
Btoclunnn, rated as being worth $."00,-COO.
Miss McCarthy claims Sullivan In
duced her to come to Way no to marry
h'.tn. She has been here several
months In constant expectation of tho
wedding, hut cays Su'llvnn now re
fuses to keep bis promise. Recomlng
convinced that he had no Intention of
r'olng so. she filed the suit. Sullivan
Is about fifty years old.
Superior Judge Enjoined.
San rrnnclseo, Jan. 29. Superior
Judge William P. lJwler temporarily
wns enjoined from proceeding with
tho bribery cuses against former May
or Hugeno E. Schmltz. An affidavit
charging; bias and prejudice was filed
In the appellate court and will be ar-
Kiied tomorrow. Meanwhile trial of
the caso has been discontinued.
hid) each act contains, and it !
forms one of Ihe most pleasing
periormance imaKinanie. i
The plol of the play involves g Miies Southofpiattsmouth
Ihe I'orLnnes of two daiiKhlers of
,i !,,i-i i.t- I'lift-iomi t'lnn v i ni
of ihe dauKliliTs is playinK wilh a has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
Ihealrical company in New York, and is prepared to furnish hard luro
the oilier, a self-willed creature ; ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
without any experience in world-j wood.
ly affairs, seeiiiK Hie success that ar All orders promptly filled, and
her sitser lias made, wants to go also soiicited.
on the slane also. Unable lo
persuade her sister to give up the.
idea (be chorus lady finally lakes
her lo New York and secures a
position for ber at the theater;
from Ibis point the story of the
play coininences.
The dressing-room scene In
tlie second act has been proclaim
ed as one of the most realistic
stage scenes. presented; it is true,
to life and depicts the scene bo
hind the stage when a roomful of
chorus girls are preparing their
make-ups. There is plenty of
"stage talk" in the play, plenty of j
comedy and plenty of tragedy.
The author has woven a story of
impelling interest and many
strong situations develop. "The
Chorus Lady" will appear at the
Parmole theater for one. perform
ance, only, next Thursday, Feb
ruary 1, and promises to bo one
of the besl attractions to be seen
here Ibis season.
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray Stat6 Bank.
lUtes Reasonable
Feb. "0 1
Horses for Sale.
I still have several head of
extra good horses for sale at a
price that is right if taken soon.
have moved Ibem to Ihe August
Stennat farm. I wo and one-hair
miles west of Plattsmoulh, just
west of the county farm, where I
will be on every Monday and
Thursday to show tho stock and
ipiote prices. These horses are
all well broke and good stuff, and
will bo sold at a close price if
taken soon.
Frank Vallery.
I'OH SALE Barred Hock
Cockerels at 91.00 each. Inquire
of Mrs. John Yardley, Route 1
Platlsmouth, Neb., or call Murray
'phone 3-K. i-4-3tw
Mrs. Lucile Young of Murray
was a Plattsmouth visitor today
and dined at the Perkins hotel.
By Special Arrangements with
Mr. Henry B. Harris
The Greatest Comedy Success in Years
Author of "The Traveling Salesman," "The Commuters," Etc.
3 WITH r
and a Superb Cast and Production.
I PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
(150 Seats on 1st Floor at 75c)