J When Buying a j Baking I Powder I I I For tli is is g the baking powder that g 'makes the g baking better." g It leavens the food g U evenly throughout; j puffs it up to airy I lightness, makes it g delightfully appelir j ing and whultsume. Remember, Calumet f is moderate in price highest in quality, Ask your grocer for fl Calumet. Don't take a substitute. I -1 0 MAKING POWDER), CfT MADE BY THE TRIr? mm IV'T baking rat A .J. NEHAWKA. V News. ! Mrs. K. A. Kirkpatriek lias been .sick Hit' past week. Jess Allen nf Hossville, Kansas, i r : .:i ;i 1. Kami' in luesnay ior a nu his sisler, Mrs. T. L. Fullon. Miss Maria Seyblom, who has been visit inn at John Wunder lieh's for the past few las, loft for Avoea on the evening train Saturday. Mrs. L. C l'ollaid left on I ho early train Tuesday morning on her way to Pawnee Cily, v hero she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Johnson. Henry (Iruher llnished pla-ier-ing Iho'Kimo house last week and I hey have kept, (he, furnace roar ing ever since in order to 'oep (he plaster from freezing. John Whitman and v.ne re turned Saturday from their visit to Oskaloosa, Iowa. They were accompanied home by Mr. tr.nl Mrs. C. W. Foster of McOrew. .Ne braska, who will visit with them for a week or two. Mrs. Foster is a sister of Mr. Whitman. Nineteen consecutive mornings witli the thermometer below zero establishes a record for this part of Nebraska. There has been win ter days in the past when it pot lower, but we doubt if the record holds anything to approach it fur sustaining zero weather. The expense of keeping an automobile for the past month has been very reasonable. Some of the owners around here have been keeping an itemized account since the first of January and they find that it does not cost any more to keep a car than it does to keep a New Year's resolution. Miss Isadore Hall returned from Seal tin Saturday night and expect s to visit home folks for a while. We are informed that on the way home Miss Hall had a long talk with I he weather man and Dually persuaded him to warm things up a little bit, on her arrival here. Hence the raise in tempera! uro the last few days. bridges along the river when the ice goes out in the spring. The entire draining belt of the Platte is covered with an unusual amount of snow and much will lepend upon the condition of the weather when the ice begins to move. 100 HG AT HOLY ROSARY GHUBGH A Hero in a Lighthouse. For years J. S. Donahue, So. Haven, Mich., a civil war captain, is a light-house keeper, averted awful wrecks, but a queer fact is, he might have been a wreck him- elf, if I'.leclric Hitters had not prevented. "They cured ine of kidney trouble and chills," he writes, "after I had taken other so-called cures for years without boned!, anil thev also improved my sight. Now, at seventy, I am feelinur line." For dyspepsia, in digestion, all stomach, liver and kidney troubles, they're without equal. Only 50c at, F. (i. Fricke & Co. Children Cry for Hatcher's Wedding of Albert A. Janda and Mi S3 Clara Jirousek Occurred This Morning. Krcmi Tuesday's Daily. At the Holy Hosary Catholic church this morning at 10 o'clock j occurred the marriage 01 Amen Anthony Janda and Miss Clara Jirousek, the llov. Father John Vlcek, pastor of the church, officiating at the ceremony. The ceremony was a beautiful double ring form of celebrating the inar liage, and coupled with the solemn rites of t lie Catholic church, was very impressive. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mario Jirousek and Miss Anna Vctosnok. The groom was accompanied by Lester J. -l S-NT "V- .! I 11 K -ZA A VS. Sr -i 1:11 m I w & Vttf hieb Las T.eci of Thft Kind You Iliivti Alvvavs 1 .ou'.a., r.: -.1 v. In nsA for over :iO vears. has ijovno tlio birrnatr.ro and lu9 been raawo under 1:1 .1 ikt sonal supervision tdnon Its ir.ricy. A"ow no ono docclvoyou in tli'.s. All Counterfeits, IniKatit.ns and ",Tnst-nn-;;ool" r.ro hut lxporlmcnts that tilflo ivlth u:!d Infants mid Children-F,xiKrien'.'0 lllavac and Lloyd L. Sansula, both ,jj?j..J..JJj.A.tJJJ..JJ..JJJ. of Lawrence, Neb. The bride was gowneu in wnite lawnsuown irim med with ball fringe, and carried EAGLE. ! lleucon. (irandina Wright has been very sick the past few days, requiring the services of a physician. Chris Heed and wife of Pal myra came up last Sunday and .Spent Die day with (loo. He i tier, jr., and family Our good friend, C. A. Aronson, was in town last Friday after noon and made tins ollice a very pleasant call. llov. J. W. Imvis came up from Klmwood Tuesday morning to conduct the funeral services o the alto Mrs. Waleh. Julius HaolVner of Kenninglon,, Kas., departed for his home Mon day, after having visited for several days with leorge Heittei jr., and family. The wrestling match between Kid Hope ami James larrow at the hall Monday evening did not draw a very big house, although if is said they put up a very in foresting match. Tuesday evening about thirty o Miss Ollio Johnson s young friends went to her home and gav her a very pleasant surprise. The young folks enjoyed tun evening in playing games, and at the ap pointed time refreshments were served. At a late hour the guests dpparled for their respective homes, voting Miss Ollio lo lie. a royul "entertainer. Last Sunday morning while walking from Alvo to F'agle to spend the day with his parents, Valley Trunible, encountered two wolves near (he home of Waller Hardknock that were inclined to interfere with his progress. Val ley immediately brought his shotgun into action, and when the smoke had cleared away one wolf was dead and the other was crip pled. Valley admits that he was prelty badly scareilv 'but did not propose to lot llieni run over him and possible severely injure him. A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride. To warn people of a fearful forest tiro in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deed was glorious, but lives are often saved by lr. King's New Discovery in curing lung trouble, coughs and olds, which might have ended in onsumplion or pneumonia. "It ii red mo of a dreadful cough and nng disease, writes . n. rat- son, Wolliimton, Tex., "after our in our inmily had died Willi onsumplion, and 1 gained 87 pounds. .oining so sure and life for all throat, anil lung troubles. l'rico &0e and 1.H. rial bottle free, (luarantoed by . (i. Fricke & Co. fl. V. Pickwoll of Murdock and Frank Hose and Harry Thompson of Louisville arrived today nnd will ntlend district courl this week. LOUISVILLE. ! ! Courier. ! Horn To Mr. and Mrs. John Koop, Thursday, January 18, a boy. The slork also loft a bright lit tle baby girl al the homo of our friend, John Hournoinan, Mon- lay, January 8. We are sorry to report the serious illness or Mrs. i . it. Nichols, which has continued for the past two weeks. Mrs. O. .M. Malleld was taken to Springllold on Tuesday of last week, whore she is being treated bv Dr. J. A. Peters. Amos Keiser has sold his land in Aiiieria, Canada, at an advanc ed price, but ho has not, fully de cided where he will locale. A bov was born to Mr. and Mrs Charles lla.en Monday, January 8. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackman, Monday, January 8, a boy. Mrs. C. S. Ilringman mine up from Atchison, Kansas, Monday morning and will nurse little Pearl Mayllold through his siege of scarlet fever. Our old friend, Con. Hlngo, lias moved lo Louisville from his ranch in Sarpy county. Mr. Hingo will build a new residence here in the spring and become a perinan out fixture. John A hi will move his family lo town this spring. They have rented the Kraft house on Main street, whore I hey will reside until they decide lo build on their lots on Cherry Hill. Fred Wegner shipped in n car of horses anil two cars of cattle from his western ranch this week and drove thorn to his farm south east of town. The continuous cold weather has made feed scarce on the range and Hie stock ship ped in showed the effects of it Ice in the Platte river is frozen to an enormous depth and fears are entertained that there will be great damage to the numerous UNION. ! Ledger. 4" I. J. Decker and wife arrived last Friday from Ohiowa, Neb., to spend a few days with A. C. Tul ene and wife, returning home Sunday. Fred Patterson, county survey or, came down from Plattsmouth on Tuesday and went over east of here lo do some work for the Henry T. Pell estate. Mrs. Myron Lynde went up to Omaha Wednesday morning to meet her sister, Miss Mao Clink onboard of Dos Moines, who came for several days' visit. John McClaflin and wife arrived last Friday from Harlingion, Neb., to spend several days visit ing with their relatives and Hum orous menus in and near mis village. A report reached here that Will Niday, who moved from here to. a farm near Coleridge, had a dre one day last week and lost all his household goods. Further par ticulars could not be learned. Marvin Halfour of Walthill was vis! ing several days with relatives and friends in the Swift, neighbor hood, and departed Tuesday even ing for Columbus. He has boon engaged in the real eslalo busi ness in Walthill for some time, and we are informed ho is doing well. W. (i. (ilasirow went to Platts mouth last, Saturday evening to attend to some business for the Ledger, and spent his spare lime in the Journal ollice. watching the machine manufacture and set the type, lierl savs bo considers the machine one of lb" creates! in ventions known, and he's right. Otis Holmes, a former resident of this vicinity, now located near Harlingion, arrived Wednesday to look after some business mailers ami visit his friends. (!us stated that ho has thus far dodged the mali'imonial noose, but Ibis being leap year he can't bo sure what may happen to him. A deal was made some lime ago hv which Moss McCarroll is to be F. F,. Thomas' successor in the mercantile business. The date for change of ownership has not yet been definitely llxod, but it, will be some time next month. We are informed that Mr. Thomas has al ready purchased a grocery store in Nebraska Cily and will move there as soon as Mr. McCarroll is ready to take possession of the store here. dowers. Miss Marie Jirousek wore a gown oi pink silk and car ried pink roses: Miss Votcsnek wore blue silk. The groom wore the customary black. Only rela tives of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. Hoi h the groom and bride arc well known and popula'r Platts mouth young people, the groom being the son of former Street Commissioner John. Janda and wife, a young man of dne char acter and high standing, and for the past two or three years has resided near Lawrence, Neb. The bride is the accomplished daugh ter of John W. Jirousek of this cilv and a young lady of many ex cellent qualities, having a host of young friends who will be pleased at the announcement of her mar- i riage. Ttolh the groom and the bride have grown up in this city and possess a largo, circle of warm friends here, who will re gret that they have decided to locate near Lawrence, where Mr. Janda will engage in farming. A reception for the happv young couple was given this afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents in South Park, to which the relatives were invited. Mr. and Mrs. Janda will depart in a few davs for Lawrence. The Journal joins wilh the hosts of friends in wishing them a long ami prosperous ine. a:::;o? t::o hiK' ;aiti.st I'xpcrlmt ui. What is CASTORS A 'JasUnhi Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains nc'thei Opium, .Morphine nor other Narcolit; substance. H tio Is its guarantee. It destroys "Woriim and allays reverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and IJowcls, giving1 healthy and natural slcc.iv. The Children's Panacea-The 31 other's Friend. CASTOR I A alvvay Sears the Signature of em The Kind You Have Always Bought 30 In Use For Over 30 Years THC CCNTAUft COMPANY, TT MURMAT STRCCT. NCW YORK CITY. I P?r Phta was paid' at a bannuet, to Henrv Clav, in New Orleans in 18'r?. people evervwhore use Dr. King's Mitrhlv cosllv for those with sloni fi f 1 1 I rruil'r ui' indi'roslion. Todav Xe.W T ife Pills fur those I roubles ns veil )s liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Fasv. safe, sure. Only 5r al V. (',. Fricke & Co. Frightful Pclir Winds blow wilh terrific force at Hie far north and plav havoc with the skin, causing rod, rough or sore chapped hands and lips, that need Hncklon's Anica Salve lo heal Ihom. It makes tho skin soft and smooth. I'nrivali'd lor cold-sores, also burns, boils, sores, ulcers, cuts, bruises anil piles. Only 25 cuts at V. (1. Fricke & Co. M?rrld hv Judne Beeson. From Wednomlii v'h Pnlly. Henry 1-nrnofT and Miss Clara (labelmann were married at Judge Heeson's ollice Ibis after noon at 1:30, the Judge officiating at the ceremony. Mrs. Mike Lutz, Miss Louolla KalTonborger and Kdward (lahelmann witnessed the ceremony. The bride was quite beautiful in a white wedding gown w ith slippers to match. The groom wore t no conventional DiacK. ine groom and the bride are well known Cass county young people and have a large circle of friends in the east end of the county, who will wish them happiness and suc cess in their journey through life Mr. and Mrs. Fornolf will reside on a farm near. Cedar Crook, and departed for their home on the Schuyler this afternoon. 1 PLACE STREET LIGHTS A New Law Places This Burden Upon the Railroad Companies. Operation of the new law re lating lo the compulsory lighting of railroad tracks within the limits of any village or city as re quired by I he board of trustees or the city council thereof has not caused any great number of changes insofar as members of the state railway commission have hoard since the law wont into effect. The measure, which was enact oil during trie last session, was in troduced by Senator Placek of Saunders cuiinly and was brought before I ho lawmakers in re sponse to a demand from the sen ator's home county for legislation along this line. The law sels out that the company shall follow the proscription of the village or city authorities in the placing of their lights and that in the event of failure to do this, the cily can do the work and require payment therefor afterwards. The ex pense thus assessed against the company is made a lien upon such of the railroad's real estate as lies wit li in the limits of said village or city and may be col lected in the same manner taxes for general purposes. as Despaln Keeps Team. Don Dospain, who has been in Chicago for some days looking for backing so that be can hold onto I he Lincoln baseball team, wired friends at Lincoln yesterday thai through the co-operation of President O'Neil of the Western league, he had arranged for funds lo slraitrhten out the financial trouble brought on last season. The receivership applied for by George F. Truman will now prob ably be dropped. The signing up of players for this year will bo commenced at once. KSTIWATH OF FVOKMSH FOR CASH corvrv for tiih vk.mi una An MiiiIo liy Hie llnnnl of County ('oniiiiiNxlitiirrM of l'n County! January II. 11I1-". Court House expense $ 12,000 00 CommisFloners' wilarv 2,500.00 County Superintendent's milary 1,600.00 Assi-Kslnff county 3,500.00 Miiklntr lux list 700.0(1 IliiokH, lilnnks and Biipplies.. 2.000 00 Klpi-tlon expcnH a. 2.300.00 Fuel 1.500.00 Jail expense 1.000.00 I 'nil pi-1-8 nnd poor fnrm 2,000.00 Countv attorney's salary .... 1,200.00 Uridines 32 000.00 Honda SO'.OOO.OO Incidental 5,31000 Soldiers' Ilellef 1.000 00 Court Kxpense 13,000.00 Sliei-IITn Snlnry 1. 750.00 Countv Clerk's salary 1,650.00 Deputy SherllT'8 salary 540.00 Total $115,550.00 . C. MORGAN, County Clerk. Don't foigetl The Journal office Is prepared to do all kinds of fancy Job work. Give us a trial. Formerly of Plattsmouth. From Monday's Dally. William J. Stitzer of Havolock has applied for a divorce from his wife, Minnie M. lie relates that they wore married in Plattsmouth in 1802 and that n year and a half later his wife left him and went to California. Last July be pre vailed on her to return to him af ter the absence of eighteen years. She only lived with nun one month, during which time, he alleges, she kept him on the Jump with her nagging, scolding and quarreling. After trying the martial existence I he one mont h, Mrs. Stitzer left her husband a second time nnd returned to the west. Lincoln Journal. Moves Barber Shop. Oscar Wilson, the popular (South Sixth street barber, has temporarily moved his shop to the south side of the store room of S. Hall's cash store. The car penters are tearing I he building down where Mr. Wilson formerly had his shop, and until the build ing is remodeled and again ready for occupancy Mr. Wilson will oc cupy space in mr, nans store. Copper Clad Malleable Range! This range has a perfected and patented rust proof copper lining. This is beyound question the greatest advance step made in range build ing. The body and flues are not subjected to contract with rust produc irg damy asbestos, as is the case with all other ranges, as our one piece copper lining is placed between the asbestos and outside body and a dry air space is formed between the copper and body by a series of bosses )i inch in height, reserving the body in a perfectly dry state. Here are the desirable and distinc tive features of the Copper Clad Malle able Range: -- 1 TAR FOLEY'S HONEY AND COMPOUND is a reliable family medicine. Give it to your children, and take it yourself when you feel n cold coming on. it chocks ana cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneu monia. For sale by Fricke & Co. The Journal office carries all kinds of typewriter supplies. Constipation causes headache nausea, dizziness, languor, heart palpitation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Lilian's Regulets act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Ttia Kind You Have Alwap Bo'iglil .eK ' '-.'.n 'J vr- " va :.y lis ;.y n mma A very beautiful design and finish ,'l!uu hidden hinges and catches. Back flue made entirely of malleable iron. Large perfect pouch feed. All nickle plated parts are of a plain oval design, absolutely devoid of rivets, bolts background or scroll. Square ornamental closet pipe. - Weighted oven door, requiring noun- sightly catches. A perfect contract resivoir adjustment. Combining the above valuable improvements with material and workmanship of the highest quality, we offer theCopper Clad Malleable Range as the highest grade range ever produced. Bears the Signature of JOHN PLUMBING! eMJE HEATING! HARDWARE! r I