The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 22, 1912, Image 8

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South Omaha Man AMsr Cst
l.'eotJ UsaMore to.
No Need to Raise Kind of Stack With
Which Market Is tuLtuJ hru.t
ftitn Favor "Blue Sky" LuW or..
vent'on or' Dairymen.
Lincoln, Jan. 11). Bruce McCul
htinii ui! Simla Oinaiia auuressiM l..e
euu.tiutu ui tat . ir im t'i.iio i.cic. uj
6H.U tlii.t if the beet i, woaia
put llii-.r Uu:i.n. s.i on a .5 iiioiUiiau.y
itii h the r'ibUiia wo.i.d be mom tory. Ho Oiiuuilei'iteu tut;
packing industry ab tau m st oioiiu'.Ail
iuuutitry in the world. - lie also haid
tlie taimirs, us a rule, did not l-ay
enough attention to market cohU.uns,
feut raited bo many cattle (nJ o
many hogs each year, retard it as of
conditions, and in many instances did
their marketing la the samo uubckjii
Mflc manner'.
11. H. bni'th of the stato farm spoke
OQ methods of selecting cattie for
feedinpr and also on methods of leed
tag. In hiii talk he mado a plea for
wore funds to carry on the experi
mental work nt the state farm.
Famine in Seed Corn.
rrofossor Pugsley in an address to
10 torn growers predicted a laminu
in really good seed coin anil asked all
farmers and others who had corn
which they really thought would ger
minute to bi nd it to tho state larm au
thorities that it mlnht ho tested and
all need that was really good thus
Wiade nvollnhln to fanners. lie wild
that s already indicated that,
much socd which the owners thou -lit
ns rood, In real'ty was not and mi
le the greatest nrocUutloim wero
talon the 1 1) 1 2 crop was hound to be
cut short.
Fruit Men for Sky Law.
Tho hortieu turlsts at their final ses
sion passed unanimously a resolution
indorsing the "bluo sky" lav, the
tjachin? of all branches of agricul
tural subjects lu the schools, and the
witabllthtiient at the university or a
icpartiiviit to Investigate cio condi
tions. At the Instance of E. M. Pol
Inrd. the society nlso adopted a n so
tut Ion asking tho university to ap
point a man to devote all his time to
vnri"u organized agricultural sod
titles. Feed'ng Dairy Cows.
JVffcssor 1. V. Fnindsen was the
prli'f !j n' speaker nt the moiii'iii; si s
slon of the Slate iJaiiynien's associa
tion He dwell on the scientific meth
od!' of feeding dairy cows in order to
Ret the largest production of cream,
n,nMnr the assertion that a row line
be feil 1'ioie than enough for her sus
tenance or she wl'l not yield any
pri nt aiiio'int of rich erentn. The aft
rirroon sesslen was devoted mainly to
a discussion of the silo.
Big Corporator I'n't In the Crusade
to Tcrt Seed.
Oinphii, .It, ii. . .,. ii..ius, railroads,
en niii'-rcs nud implem nt coaipanies
Of OmaliH and the newspapers ot tho
stuto have rallied to the support of
tie Commercial club In Us campaign
for the testing of seed corn by lame
Tho CI'Mirlng House association,
through more than DUO banks In the
state, will call attention to the critical
Hftuntlou as regards seed corn. It wi!l
send to the bunks posters urghv; the
testing of seed and bearing Instruc
tions for home testing.
1 be NorthW" stern, Un'on Piiclflr,
Hock I'hunl, Purllngton and Missouri
I'mlile will nind posters to ml their
tii'tion agents in the state with lu
Htruitlons to post them conspicuously.
The (Hvmer'cs will work through
heir country stations.
Processor (' V. I'ugsley of the Unl
vt-rsity of Nebraska, who lias now
mad" tests In thirty co inties says tho
Rood corn sltunt'on Is even worse than
at first anticipated. He has foind
tlr't the proportion of corn In these
counties that will germlirte strongly
runs from in to CO per cent, and only
In rare Instnncen has ho found corn
Unit will tent 50 per cent.
Ten Years for Hamann.
Kidney, Neb., Jan. 19 Richard Ha
mnnn, who was charged wHh n statu
Ury rrlmo upon his sl-tcen year o'd
Htendaiighter, whs found jtul'tv and
fnfrnced to the penitentiary for ten
years. He will bo taken to Lincoln
nt once.
Burlington Depot Burns at Da'ton.
Sidney, Neb., Jan. 19. The Hurling
ton depot nt Dalton was totally do
Btroved by fire and tho agent barely
escrjed with his wife and child. The
flr started under the plntform.
Albert Raabe Insane.
Clay Center. Ncb Jan. 19. Albert
Itnnhe was adjudged Insane by the
board of insanity commissioners and
sent to Hastings. His residence is In
South Dakota.
Heyde Hangs Himself In York Jail.
York, Neb., Jan. 19. Adolf Heyde, a
Ui'lor, hanged himself in the county
jflll. P hHd been a steady drinker
of aloohol.
PHONE M:R3ER now a go
6tatn Dismiss' Injunction Proceed,
irg That Acted as Bar.
Lincoln, Jan. 19. The supreme court
made a formal order in the i'latts
niouth telephone case, formally dis
missing the injunction proceedings,
saying that action was taken by con
sent of all the parties to the lit. gat ion.
This removes the last legal obstacle
to the rons'on of the so tal.etl
telephone merger.
The at lion was originally brought in
the !i uji" of the elate by AltOiii y
Genu al Th' nil son to restrain the Hell
romi.'iiiv from purh-:slni? and control
ins' the P!.:lt.-'.!!io Mil plai.t, the ale a
tlon being ir.t'de that such (ontiol
wo.ihl practica'ly break up the inile
pendent syst' m in the S'Mth P'atte
country. When the deal was made by
v l.ii h the (icll people were to retire
from t-o Smith Matte louiitry and
the liu'ep, nd nfs fieri tho North
I'l'l'.e. the action sttr d In the wiy,
(oiiM'irieet'v all p'irties asl.ed to have
the action dismissed.
The pi'' ii"nt attorney' genTnl In-fo-
tut f' the tourt that tee sn e jmver
was th? real y.rrtv tT the 1it'""t,rn
and t' nt. ) 'ail no objection to the
proposed action.
II L Goyjs cl i:c:Js
SLte Issocli:!:.';.
Kearney, Neb., Jan. 19. The No
brasKa slcte Volunteer tMienuns a3
r.oclation elected the folio .ving Oi'.lcer.i:
Trtsident, II. L. Hoje.i oi;
first vice preshh nt, W. C. riidell oi
AMIanrc; settuitl vice j r. sithnt,
Guornt' Howe of Fremont; sttrilaiy,
K. A. M lit r of Keirnev; trtM.-nii t r
Ilerman Vmt r of Norfolk; hoard of
(onttol, V. I". McCure of NonolU,
Iit J. finlley of ColirnbiH, .lacoh
Goehrlng of Seward, Toy l'n;:-t oi
Stanton I ce Cory of oi k. North
riatt" u.'ts the conventi' n ne-t year.
The convent'on closed w lb a ban
qnet served by the wo ecu of t''e Hjils
copal tulld. One of the features of
the I'PllTiet wes the iird"l-ht etl't'on
of the Kearney I)nlly H 'h which In
eluded th" whole story of the
t'on, Inflating the beneu 't delivered
to t' o baiiipu tors r.t the close of tl'.c
KNrC'( F01 rVOlTG-'G: LAW
County Assessors Ack Ua'sliture to
ftepeal It.
Lincoln, Jan. 19. 'Ihu county cs
sensors completed their laboiS mil ad
journed. Ihe mol ini.oi tant at toa
taken was the passage of a resolution
requesting the next session of tlie
legislature to repeal the law regard
111" t'-e taxutlon of real estate mort
gaged .lu.-r nt the windup a move wan
Made to reconsider the vote tint the
resolution might he chunked so as to
reques't the legislators to repeal only
I that portion of the law which terinit-
' ted, throufli a clause Inserted in tho
mortgage, the throwing of all the la
on the owner of the mortgaged laud.
This was di'fe"itd by a decisive vote,
H was manifest tho sentiment r
"efisos was against the rnt'ro
m's of Hall ro inty asserted tho
w would decrease tho assessment of
Hall rounty by $1 000.000 and of tho
entire stnto nt least $20,000,000.
Northwestern Railroad Is to Be Made
Beautiful In Nebraska.
Omaha, Jan. 19. Henceforth, on tho
right of way of the Northwestern In
Nebraska there wl'.l bo no rank growth
of weeds. A space thirty feet
wide on either side of the track Is be.
lug leased to farmers owning the ad
Johvng hind. They pay fl J ist for tho
purpose of making the lenso legal. The
lessor Is ltipilnd to plant the ground
to nlfa'.fa or some other kind of grass.
The growing of grain Is barred.
The ground of more than two thirds
of the right of way has been leased.
Stock Yards Sued on 23-Hour Law.
Omaha. Jan. 19. United States At
torney Howe'l has filed suit In the
federal district court nga'nst tho
Union Stock Yards company of South
Omaha to recover tho pc unity of J.'iOO
provided for In the ad of congress
which legulates the number of hours
cattle may he kept In transit without
food, water and exercise. The stock
yards company Is alleged to have kept
813 head of cattle In cars for over
thl-tv six hours without unloading
Wolf Hunt at Lorton.
IiOrton, Neb., Jan. 19. About 300
men and boys with guns surro inded
a number of miles of the Nemaha val
ley between Irton and Tnlmngo and
man hod toward the center, alio it two
miles south of Lorton. The fruit of
their hup was four wolves, many rab
bits, a few of the largo variety, and
other gr.nie. Many of the crowd met
In Taliniige In the evening nnd were
furnished a big feed by the losing
Troops Are Ready to Move.
Omaha, Jan. 19. Warlike prepara
tions are In progress at Fort Crook In
anticipation of a demonstration In
Cuba. Two biiHalluns of tho Fourth
Infantry quartered there have been
ordered to pet In readiness to move
within tbioe days.
F:r;in Legations Prepare lor
R s;ni ii Etae Capital.
Abdication Is Discussed at Meeting of
Impenal Family Premier uan Sa.d
to Ee forking to Secure
Power for Himself.
Peking, Jan. 19. The foreign lega
tions aie pnpaied lor truuuie in re
kii.g tod ly. 1 lie quc&iiou oi tne aucii
taiion of tne tuiono is oe.iig u.oeiiaoeJ
by the o.nprtss dowa0-r uuU lue
princes. 1'iuiiier iuu Sni Kal uiu
lot take paa in the cou.eieues.
A ,u tne mpital has been
looiied lor ni..ny thins in the last lew
niOiit'is aiiU pit'tuui.oiii nave oeeu
tUM.ll lU UlltlCl)aL10U oi il littdleasiy,
however, ami t.,e outoreaK may not
ocur. Uut it has bteu long expected
that the Maucha irreionci.iauku wou.d
umto in a iuassatie wntn all hope lor
the administration had vanished.
A placard posted today indicates
that the Manchu tnreais may be lul
filled. It calls on all loyal Manchas
and Chinese to resist the abdication
of the emperor to the death.
The street near the office of the
Chinese lorclgn board, at which Yuan
Shi Kal resides, is heavily guarded
by the premier's own men, of whom
it is said there are 3,5 0. Many Chi
nose who have not yet deserted the
city are preparing lor flight and prom
Inent fol.owers of Yuan are taking ref
uce outsk'e their own homes, hoping
that In event of a massacre they will
not be found.
Charges Against Yuan.
Charges that Yuan Shi Kai has been
disloyal to the Manehus, although
pn tending to support them, are at
tract. ng tho attention of foreigners as
well as Manehus and Chinese. Some
of the revolutionaries have long been
saying that he is working for the
overthrow, not tho salvation, of tho
dynasty. Hut it has been thought that
this charge was leslgi:;d to discredit
tho premier with the Manehus. Others
accuse Yuan of working for his own in
terests :nd saying he intended to be
come die tutor. If ho did not assume
the throne.
American Troops Reach Chnia.
Peking, Jan. 19. The United States
troops from Manila arrived on hoard
the transport Logan nt Chlnwr.n'.tao
t'lday. Captain J. II. Reeves, military
at tat he of the United States legation,
has gone to Chiuwaugtao to meet them
and will accompany the main body ot
the Kift'ciilh infantry and other de
tails to Tientsin. A detachment of 1(10
nit n will proceed direr t'y to act as
guards nh'iur the American section of
the Pd;'ng PiHivi.d lr"iii Tanirshan to
Kim bow, whjeb has h'thorto been pa
trolled by Hrltish troops.
w:ll stay out Or t cs
Cuban Veterans Promlre Loyal Sup.
port to President Comez.
Havana, .Inn. 19 With the assur
ance made to rreshhnt Gomez by
leaders of the veteran movement that
agltrtlon would cease and that veter
ans would loyally support the admin
Istrption In bringing all Cubans togeth
er In patriotic accord and in removing
the faintest excuse for American Inter
vention there appears to be no doubt
that the crisis In Cuban affairs has
been successfully passed.
While the necessity of un'on and co
operation was recognized on all side's,
there was one discordant note In the
attitude of tho leaders of tho veterans
who seemed reluctant to surrender the
fruits ot their hen tofore triumphant
campaign, but who finally surrendered.
Premier polncare Formally Asks Re
lease of Vessel Carrying Areoplanes.
rails, Jan. 19. Premier Polncare
announced that ho had Instructed the
French ambassador at Uouie, formally
to request'tho release of the French
steamer Carthage, Which was nrresUd
b) an Ilullan warsiilp nnd taken to
Cagliarl, Sardinia, because it was car
rying two aeroplanes ou board, whicti
were regarded by the Italians as cou
irahnnd of war. The French ambus
Bailor has been to d to intorm Italy
that Franco reserves all Us rights lu
reference to an Indemnity.
Bancroft Divorce Suit.
Wilmington, Del., Jan. 19 Proceed
lugs in the divorce case of John Dun
crolt. Jr., against his wife, Mrs. Mad
ellno Dupont lluncroft, were resumoJ
In the superior court here behind
closed doors. The plaintiff and his
father were on the Btand, both being
examined concerning letters alleged to
hsvo been received from Max Helb
lor, Jr., of Munich, who figures in the
coso as a corespondent.
Father McCovern Appointed Bishop.
Rome, Jan. 19. The pope hag rati
fied the decision of the conslstorlal
congregation appointing Denote J.
O'Connell, auxiliary bishop of San
Francisco, as bishop of Richmond,
Vh., in succession to Augustine Van
Do Vyver, and Patrick Louis McOov
em of Omaha as bishop of Cheyenne,
Vyo vice James J. Keane, who has
been made archbishop of Dubuque.
E. V.
American Dipiomat Who
Has Been Promoted to
Ambassador to Brazil.
Copyright by j. furdy.
tl.v.N V. r.UtfGMJ nur.iuiEU
PreeHer.t Taft Names Him for Am.
bassador to Brazil.
Washlng'on, Jan. 19. President Tr.ft
ha.s nomi': ted Edwin V. Morgan of
Nt w or to be ambassador extraor
dinary v 4 minister plenipotentiary to
M33E LAND Ti) Be
S3.".a!ir Gamm a's D 1 oi Irdi
tn Trails FaioraJlj Rspaitel
Washington, Jan. 19. Senator Gam
ble set ureu a report from tne coni.nit
tcc on Indiana artairs on bis bias to
o,Rii the remaining unallotted lands
on the Cheyenne Itlver and Stanuing
hot k Indian reservat.ons in So.itli Da
kola and North Dakota.
Ihe area to be opt nt cl in the Chey
enne River Indian rvation is 1,21)9,
0(1 1 aires r.nd In the Standing Rock'
Indian reservation 1,131,280 acres. The
b'!!s include a provision for the ex
teiu;To;i o;' tho Unit, d Slates statutes
agein: ! inlrcj tlon of liquor on In
dian resrviitiocs Icr a pi riod of twen
ty five years on the a:'1 a o;i' nod; n!sn
n provisi' n for the gr.intin ; to the
states of North Dakota and South Da
kota of se-tiers 1G and o'f in each
township u.r school pui;oses; a':o a
provision Tor the setting aside of ten
acres in eirh government townsite for
school, park and oU er rl,,'Ic pur
poses; and, further, thiit 20 per cent
of the proceeds of sa'es of town lots
shall he expended in the construct'on
of school and other buildlntrs In the
towns where the lots are located.
Th? lands will he appraised by a
commission appointed by the presi
dent, consisting of one member of the
tribe a citizen of te state and n rep
resentative of the Interior department.
Steamer Wistowhall Strikes Rocks!
Off Aberdeenshire. I
Aberdeen, Scotland, Jan. 19. The!
British steamer Wistowhall was '
wrecked on the rocks off the coast of ,
Aberdeenshire. Fifty three of the '
crew were drowned. Thirty five of
them went down with the ship and
others clung to the wreckage, but only
three of them succeeded In reaching
The seas were so huge that it was
Impossible to launch a lifeboat. The
lifeboat crew of the village of Rollers
trletl several times to put out to sea,
but their craft was hurled back onto
tho shore. j
Cartaln Stoddard of the Wistowhall, I
one of those rescued, snys his crew I
numbered fifty six. Only three Las
cars and the raptaln rearhod the
shore, so fifty three were drowned.
Tho captnln snys that the Wistow
hall drifted helplessly for hours before
a terrific ga'e. Its fires were extin
guished, ns the seas had flooded tho
engine room during the night.
Ex-Convlcti Charged With Murder.
St. Joseph. Mo., Jan. 19. William
Steffen8 and Enos stoner. ex convicts,
have been arrested by the police for
the murder of Farmer Lyklns, near
here. Steffens, who was wounded by
Lyklns' companion, has confessed nnd
says Stoner fired the shot.
Taft Goes to New Haven.
Washln&ton, Jan. 19. President Taft
began his 1912 travels today, with a
trip to New Baven to attend a dinner
of the chamber of commerce and a
meeting of the Yale corporation. He
will return to Washington by way of
New York.
Irish Women Fight Home Rule.
Belfast, Ireland, Jan. 19. Fifty thou
nnd women members ot the Ultei
Unionists' issorlatlon Issued a flerv
manifesto to their sisters In Qrcat
Britain to aid them In 'defeating the
home rule bill.
;;v. . ' " :
r ; 7
m Povm
Cm ii '
Is Yei-.v Plainly Seen to Bu a Gasoline Engine.
No mailer what Hie work is that you have, whether it be pump
ing w-ater, saw in;-' wood, t-Timlma feed, making electric lights, etc., I lie
gaso hm: cnpim- is very rapidly taking- I lie place of any other power
for this class of work.
Wo don t lielit ve I here i r ,i person in this community that would
send awry f.-r an ( ngine, if he didn't think he could save money. You
will certainly have no t.-inilk n, llndinp a cheap engine if price i
what you are looking for, and it you will look them over carefully,
lake note of the few pieces I hat they put ou them to operate the me
chanism, you can ery plainly see why they are cheaper. The fact is
if I hoy put more pari? to ttieir engine they certainly would have l
pel more money. There is no patent on the device of simplicity (as
it is so called,, on cheap engines, it is just simply making an engina
just a? cheap as possible in order to undersell his competitor. If
you ever have an opporlimily just take a look at the machine shops,
railroads, large power planls. etc., and see if you can llnd anv cheat
grades of engines in their use. They certainly ought to be good
judges of engines. "
We are agents in this pari of the county for Fairbans-Morst
engines and would only be too glad to show you the difference be
Iween this engine and any engine of inferior make and cheaper pric
and fdinw you where thev make the difference in price.
This engine can be had in any horse-power from 1 II. P. to 50(1
II. P., and uptight or horizontal, and can also be had to burn any kind
of fuel, such as illuminating gas, natural gas, kerosene, naplha.
gasoln.", elc.
Before you fully doc too to buy you had better see the Fairbans
Morse and if von don't think it better than the rest, wc cannot the a
expect yo.i to buy this make.
Write or call for a ("-.'j-page catalogue and prices'.
Public Auction
The undersigned will sell at
Public Auction at his farm, four
miles west and a half mile north
of Mynard, or eight miles south
west of Plaltsmoulh, Neb., on
The following properly, to-wil:
Eleven Head of Horses.
lray horse, 10 years old.
Black mare, 7 years ol.d
Iron gray mare, (' years old.
Bay marc, 5 years old.
firny mare, 7 years old.
Bay mare, ;i years old,
Two L'-year-old colls.
Three yearling colts.
Two good milk cows.
One heifer calf.
Tarm Machinery.
One Deere 2 -row machine.
One eight-fool binder.
One Badger cultivator.
One Avery cultivator.
One two-shovel plow.
One three-sect ion harrow.
One Deering riding lister.
One walking lister.
One 2 -row stalk culler.
One slalk rake.
- One hay rake.
One single corn drill.
One Osborn Bumper disc.
One sod stirring plow.
One ii-inch stirring plow.
Two 16-inch stirring plows.
One 2-row corn planter.
One broadcast seeder.
One wheel scraper.
One slip scraper.
One cider mill.
One set of work harness.
One Meadow elevator and horse
One carriage.
One buggy.
One bob-sled.
On set of sled runners.
One hay rack.
One pair shafls.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of $10 and under,
cash in hand: over $lo, a credit of
twelve months will bo given, the
Containing samples of grain, grasses, fruits and vegetables grown by
farmers in the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley, will stand at the
Burlington Depot, Llnloln, Neb., Until February I Oth, 1912
You are especially invited to come to this Exhibit Car and talk over wkk
me the various opportunities to. acquire farm homes and to establish
mercantile business institutions in these two rich irrigated farming districts.
Come Any Day.
cfihe loud
purchaser giving good bankabla
paper bearing inlerest at 8 pes
cent from dale. No property
leave Ihe premises until set I led
for. Lunch will be served on Ilia
grounds at noon. Sale to begia
at J 0:30 o'clock a. m.
Win, Dunn, Auctioneer.
C. O. Fricke, Clerk.
i:stivt': f rvnin von cash
covvrv I'iui tiik v i:it nirj
h Mmiv hy the llonril of Cniinly
'iuinlMUiiif-rN of Cii County,
In ii ii itr - l l!r.
Court Tlmisp expense 12,000
("ommisj-loners' salarv t 500.
County Superintendent's
Hillary l.filO.M
yVsscyslnrr county 3,r,00.0
Mukliitf t;iv list 70o'fl
Hooks, Mnnka ant! supplies.. 2 Ooo ft
Klt'rtloii expense 2.300.01
Fool j son rt
.Till expense 1.00t).
J "miners nnd poor farm 2. out) 01
C'nuntv iittonipy'd salary .... 1.200 n
Hrliin-ea .r 000.01
1 loads 30.(100 n
Inclili'iitnls 6.31011
Snitiiprv iipiief rnno
Court Mxponse 13,000
SliprtT's Snlnry i'tii Af
Cnunlv Clerk's snlnrv 1,(550 II
Deputy Sheriff's salary 5tn.0
Total $m.r.r,o.M
l. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Good Land for Salo.
Forty acres of good botlora
land, near small town, $40 per
acre, cash, if taken soon. Als
150 acres second bottom land at.
$35 per acre. Call or address,
A. II. Ostrorn, Max,' Neb.
Do You want an
If you do, tret one who prs
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, lieb.
Dnttrs marie at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Petes Reasonable
Open Evenings E
D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska