DAIRYMEN ELECT KEW OFFICERS Omalia f.'ai Gliassi to K:aJ Slats Association :or Yecr. BEEF AM DAIRY TILJ3 TO RU3 Nebraska University Professor An nounces the Institution Will Make Educational Campaign In Nebraska. Bill to Aid State Fairs. Lincoln, Jan. 20. The state dairy iu;n elected the following officers: President, Charles Sehwanger of Omaha; vice president, Proiessor E. M. Little of Central City; secretary treasurer, S. C. Ifassott of Gitbon; ill rcctorp, E. T. Rector of Omiiha, K. L. Kcdfc.rn of Lincoln, J. H. Vogel of Nor folk, E. VV. Frost of Central City, and professor J. II. Frandson of Lincoln. Resolut ions welcomed to the state university ttaff Professor Frandsen, expressing appreclalion of the services of Professor II R. Smith and regret tin;? his departure; "deploring the death of Food Commissioner Jackson; expresslni; regret that Professor A. L. Haccker had resinned from the uni versity faculty, and asking the legis lature to appropriate money for a dairy building at the school of avjiicul tare adequate to the needs of the ed partinent. Dairy Cattle Breeders. The Fairy Cattle Breeders' associa tion, which held Its meetings in con Junction with the dairymen, reelected all the old oflicerB for the ensuing year. The list Is as follows: Presi dent, II. C. Young of Lincoln; vice president, H. C. Gllssman of Omaha; secretary treasurer, B. W. Frost of Oulral City; directors, Professor A. L. Haecker of Lincoln. W. R. Wood of Cmaha. Alex Sneddon of Eaglo and P. c. Hunter of Raymond. Resolutions wore adopted asking that a cow test lug association be formed under tho supervision of the state university. BUI to Aid State Fairs. Secretary Mellor of the state board r nirrlr-iiUni-e lisiH received word that the bill prepared by him and reeom ' l',e vxml n "'Hrenient to Jchol, al w.nded bv the American Association , th"Kn tm'' dl(l ot Bl,Bfi(:St a'ter- of Fairs has been Introduced In con rrncu it nmviilcR mi atinronrint len ..i t. a i i, mil,, ii, r itin i tl I'l'V"' IU II HIT llll U UIIIUII VI.U ' ulales maintaining state fairs and to be usi f(H- erection l' hJilliHnss for agricultural and horticultural pur posen, the federal government reserv-ii-c 2n per cent or tho space In such buildings for Its own displays. Dairy Train Over State. Professor Pugsloy of the slate uni versity announced that In March and April the university would run a beef entl'e nr.d dairy train over the varl 'ins railroads of the state to carry the ei'urufional cnmpalr.n home to the farmers. Dr. L. M. Sterns of Kearney has been arpolntcri doctor of the tubercu loids hospital nt that place. The sal ary is to be $50 per month. Lincoln Man and Still. Collector of Internal Revenue Dor Kan would neither affirm nor deny that h's amenta had conllsculed a miniature still found In the possess'on of a Lin coln man. It was not charged that the product of this still, which 1b of two gallon capacity, was sold, but simply , r , that the owner had failed to register i It, as required by law, ASKS ABCUT GREEK RIOTS Attistant Secretary 'of 8tate Again Writes Governor Aldrlch. Lincoln, Jan. 20. Huntington Wil son, assistant secretary of Btato of the United States, has written Govern t;r Aldrlch to ascertain what steps hnve been taken to punish the parties concerned In the antl Greek riots In Ho,iUi Omaha In l!M!). In his commit- nlcition the federal olllclnl sayH that failure on tho part of the state to prosecute would strengthen the clnlniB for reparation against the federal gov i-rnmcnt. These claims amount to 24-L'KlO and were originally filed with the state, hut aro now being pressed with the redcrul authorities. The gov ernor will furnish the state depart ment with sll the Information It has, but so far as ascertainable It has been Impossible to fix the responsibility for tho nttacks on anv particular persons In cither criminal or civil actions. Tho attorney general Iuih ruled that flu re was no liability on the part of tho state. State Poultry Men Elect Officers. York, Neb., .Ian. 20. The state pou'try nun elected the following of fibers: V. E. fhlrlcy of Central City, president; A. M. Hadley of Doniphan, l(0 president; A. II. Smith or Lin coln, secretary; I L. Lyman of Minn-ti-ve, treasurer. Following are tho names' of the board of managers: E. R. wers or lliailshaw, W. A. Irwin, ('. c Cottle of Edgar, J. C. Wolf of Tiiemu'h and Claude O. Hudson of York Fm-d for Hunting on Sunday. Uct'''re. Neb., Jan. 20. Frank ;.! 1. I rnest Leach, Mayhem Sails jlvcr i l Charley Winkler, four farm--rs 1 1 . i i the south part of the county, plen'!j'l 1'iillty In the county court to hui.t'n .' '"n Sunday and were fined $1 and re:.!-, each, which they uald. Tho t:omi)l.i rt wan died by 8. A. Kinney of Kinney. Neb. K. Hi He Has Been Elected By Mississippi Legislature To Succeed Senator Percy. EI!D OF MAN Gil J DYNASTY IS NEAR tal Fails to fates Geld to ?z) Scliicrs. Peking, Jan. 20. The princes of the imperial dan, a number of leading Maiichu ollk ials and several members of the government had a protracted conference with the empress dowager at the palace, but again separated without arriving at a decision on the question of abdication. The leading princes favored an unconditional abdi cation of the throne. Three of the young princes, together with Tien Liang, tho former Tartar general at Nanking, would not, however, agree to net! vo, There was considerable efl'erves I'eklnn throughout the day cence In among both foreu residents and Chi nc-se. There were many rumors of tho piobabllltv of a iManchu outbreak, wh'ch, however, appears unlikely. The ex regent, Pr'nce Chun, and the former premier, prino Chlng visited Premier Yuan Shi Kul and had a long conference with him. It appoira that the court has not produced the gold It promised .o provide and . the Im perlal so'dlers do not show any anx iety to tight for plnrv, PROGRAM IN CUBA HIT 5 SN'G President of Veterans Cenies Made Pact With Gomez. Havana, Jan. 20. A possibly serious obstacle In the program for the unifi cation of all factions of Cubans with the purpose of reconciling pn'itiral (inferences In the face of the threat of Intervention by the United States arose. This was when General Emlllo Nunez, president of the Veterans' as sociation, issued a statement denying tbn rrPctn,- of the official note glv DA out nl thi iinlneii fillAiiliur o nnn en out at the palace following a con ference of the president with the prominent men of all factions, which announced that Nunez had given his pledge to President Comer, that agi tation by the veterans would Immedi ately stop. General Nunez Is still dis posed to preserve the veterans' or gnnlzntion and affirm the coustltu tlonul rights of the army. TURKS LOSE FIERCE BATTLE Large Party Attacks Column of Ital lans Near Tripoli. Tripoli, Jan. 20. A terrific attack was made by a large body of Turks j and Arnhs on an Italian column, which was on the march, about ten miles from the town of Tripoli. The Italians Immediately took up a position and threw up Held Intrenchments. The enemy continued Its attacks through the day, but finally retired Italian destroyers seized the French stenmer Manitoba, bound to Tunis from .Marseilles. It was carrying twen ty nine Turkish nurses, belonging to the Red Cross, who, the Italians say aro Turkish officers In disguise. GREATiATTUrirTECUADOl Army of Rebel Troops Is Defeated Near Yaguache. Guayaquil, Ecuador, Jan. 20 Over 1,0 0 men were killed and wounded In a battle at Yaguache, to the northeast of this city. An army supporting the Quito gov ernment, under the command of Gen einl Julio Andrade, formerly Ecua dorean minister to Colombia, attacked and defeaied an army of Guayaquil , troops supporting the provisional gov- eminent proclaimed by General Men I tero, under the command of General j Flavlo Alfaro, who was wounded dur ing the tight, which was very severe. Two Steeplejacks Fall to Death. Philadelphia. Jan. 20. Two steeple jacks fell 130 feet to death when Her- , man Greenwald tried to save his com- panion, August Johnson, who had lipped from a ladder on top of th Broad Street Presbyterian church. i ' " A I ') SOLID GOLD RINGS Some Are Stamped Out With a Die, Some Cut From Tubes. CUT MOST OF THEM ARE CAST As a Rule, They Are Formed In Molds of Cuttle'ish Bone, Into Which the Pattern Sinks as Though Pressed In to Wax Making the Molds. Cuttlefish bone Is familiar to most people, as It Is seen thrust between the bars of a bird cage for birds to peek at. P.ird.s clean their beaks on It. anil they like to eat It. But cuttlefish bone has other and more Interesting uses. It is used in the manufacture of tooth powder and of polishing powder and in the making of a prepared food for birds, but perhaps the most interest lug of its uses is in the making of molds in which to cast gold rings. Some gold rings are cast in tiny flasks containing molds of fine sand: others are stamped out with a die. Wedding rings are made from a drawn tube of gold in which the rounded out er shape of the ring is produced on a mandrel, the several sections thus formed being then sawed olT even when finished and polished to form a perfect ring. IHit of the vast number of soil, I gold rings prulucod by manu facturing jewelers, including rings to be ununited wllh stones, 7."i per cent, are cast in cuttlefish bone molds. Such a mold can be used but once, and so the manufacturing Jeweler uses a lot of cuttlefish boue. The molds may be made iu two. three, four or five parts, m cording to the elaborate ness of the ring to be molded. Tho bone serves both as Husk and as mold ing material. Suppose the molder Is to make for a ring comparatively simple in shape a three part mold. He sits at a bench on which lie has brass patterns of the rings to be molded. The manufactur ing jeweler has hundreds, many hun dreds, of these pattern rings, to which ho is continually adding designs. Handy by tho molder has a box of cuttlefish bone. Only bone of the finest quality and finest texture is used, nnd such bone serves for this purpose ad mirably. Under pressure of an object upon It this bone breaks down perfect ly and with no surrounding fractures or fissures. It takes an Impression prac tically as perfect as a plastic mate rial would do. while a, tho same t line It stands up perfectly around the im pression made. The molder takes a cuttlefish boue In its familiar oval shape nnd with a little sharp toothed saw saws oft the tapering sides and the ends, leaving a keystone shaped or an oblong block. Then straight across he saws off one end of this block about a quarter of its length from the end. nnd then the larger piece he saws through from side to sldu midway of Its thickness. Now he has the original blink of bone di vided Into three parts. He rubs the face of ench of thee parts perfectly smooth on a metal plate set before lilm conveniently In the bench, nnd then the material is ready for use as a mold. The molder turns one of the two bigger blocks over on the bench with the smoothed surface up and picks up the model ring, and with a deft, sure touch he presses this model down for half its thickness all around Into the delicately fragile but evenly textured bone this in the case of a three piece mold at one end of the block, leaving the head or cap of the ring projecting beyond the end edge. Next he picks up the other half of this block, turns Its smooth face down and presses that down upon the ring as It lies with half its thickness projecting above the surface of the lower block, and now he hns a mold of the ring complete except for the pro jecting head. At this stage be picks up that end piece of the bone that he had sawed off and presses 4hat with Its smooth face down upon the ring's head, so tak ing an impression of that, and then he hns tho mold complete, but with the model ring Inside of It. Now he scores lightly this model out side, across Its side edges, and he scores lines from the top block to the sides, so that when ho hns taken the mold apart he can put it together again pre cisely as it should be, and then he opens it nnd takes out the pattern, and If anywhere the molded form should require n touch of smoothing he does that, and then, beginning small and opening out wider, lie cuts out In the Inner sides of the two halves of the big Mock from the bend of the ring mold out to the end of the block an opening, the gate, through which the molten gold will be poured wlieu the ring Is molded. Then he puts the pieces of the mold together again and binds them with soft wire, and there's your cuttlefish bone mold perfect and complete. Sometimes they bind half n dozen or a dozen of such molds together and cut little channels Inside from the gate to each one of the separate molds with in, and then when they pour the gold they mold half a dozen or n dozen rings nt once.-New York Sun. Craft Wins. "How did you ever uiannge to get on the good side of that crusty old uncle of yours?" asked Fan. "Fed him the things lie liked when lie came to visit ns.' replied Nan. "The good side of any man Is his lnslde."- Chlea Tribune. uratitune is a auntie rorni of re- Tenge. The receiver of a benefit re rovers his superiority In the effort to be grateful.-John Davidson. SPEED CF BATTED BALLS. In Hard Infifld Hits TVey Go at ths Rate of Sixty Miles an Hour. Ask any fan how fast an r.vernge grounder travels dnrins Its first lain dred feet from the bat, and his answer will be anywhere from 20 to 200 miles an hour. Split second watches and careful timing of many ground balls have established the fact that the average speed of many ground balls that Is. those struck by the bat of the batsman from a fair pitched ball, which strike the Infield before they land in a fielder's hands go at the rate of almost sixty miles an hoar. Sixty miles an hour is eighty-eight feet per second. The bases are ninety feet apart. A man who can run 100 yards In eleven seconds, which Is fast ruuning for any one. but particu larly so for a man with baseball stves nnd uniform on. can run ninety feet in 3.3 seconds. Is it any wonder that a ball which Is fielded In Us first, 100 feet of travel usually reaches first base ist a fraction of a second before or lifter the runner sets foot upon it? Every fan knows that the many close decisions at first base form one of the fascinations of the game. The speed of a batted ball, the spied at which a fielder can travel from his position to the point where he can meet and fle'd the batted ball, tho speed with which he can stop the ball, pick it up. set himself for the throw, make the throw. the speed of the ball across the dia mond from bis throw and the speed of the traveling runners are so nicely balanced that it is always a question of whether or not the funner will pet there in time for the crowd to see the umpire's hands go down or whether he will face n thumb over a shoulder Indicating that he is out. Technical World Magazine. THE STORE PROPERTY ROOM. Holds Articles For Use In Window and Special Displays. Every one has. heard of the theat rical property room the place where storied artificialities are laid carefully away to be ready for the call of the next emergency. But few persons know that every big store has Its property room. too. nnd that its won ders are even more entrancing than those of the funny cupbonrds "back stage." Tho shop's property room is filled with articles used for window display and Rpecial decorations, nnd, 'while the theatrical property is largely Imita tion, the store's property Is real. Rare old tapestries are laid away In the dim hidden chamber, to be used when occasion requires as back grounds for Paris hats In the P.rond way or Fifth avenue windnws. as draperies hung beside n choice collec tion of new band bugs or slippers or fans. Priceless vie.es from Italy. strange carved chests, wonderful screens all these lend enchantment to the background of tfie window dis play or bring n renl lutrinsl' loveli ness to the salon wherein is shown the season's newest millinery. Many n fashionable New York shop decorates Its windows now and then with but one hat. one costume, one piece of furniture. The rest Is decora tion, background, "property." The property room Is almost always In some queer, faraway corner of the store, u room badly lighted, well nigh Inaccessible, l'.ut It Is full of treas ures. It calls back the atmosphere of medieval romance. It Is comparable only to an undent English attic. New York Times. Why There Was No Tip. In n downtown restaurant which Is usually crowded during the midday meal time n waiter took pains to se cure places at oue of his tables for two men who hnd been waiting for some time. The waiter received the thanks of both men nnd attended to their wants In n highly satisfactory manner. When the check was presented one of the men paid, received the change and left nothing on the salver for the wait er. "ou rorgot to tip the waiter,' said bis companion. "No. I didn't. He's my landlord." New York Trib une. Bessie Wasn't That Kind. "I wouldn't drink out of that cup." said little Johnnie to the well dressed young stranger, "that's Bessie's cnp. and she's very particular who drinks out of it." "Ah." said the young man as be drank the cup dry. "I feel honored to drink out of Ilessie's cup. Bessie is jour youngest sister, isn't she?" "Not much! Bessie is my dog." Ladles' Home Journal. Real Need. "nere's a soap, madam, that will not Injure the finest fabrics," parroted tho house to house canvasser. . "Fine." exclaimed the genial woman "Now. if you'll throw In the same va riety of laundress with each package I'll be a steady customer." Cleveland Tlaln Healer. Caught. Merchant (to stranger) I thank you sir, for helping my clerk throw that book agent out. Now what cau 1 do for you? Stranger I'd like to sell you the "Life of Washington." Boston Transcript. Untamed. "What makes you so sure that was a wild fowl?" "The way It acted when I was try ing to carve It."-Washington Star. Well Recommended. nousewifo Have yon a reference from a former employer? Housemaid Yes'm; I have eighty-six of 'emt Jndgt. Molly's Test And How He Lover Stood it BT A. R. SI ANBURY I loved Molly and wished ber to be my wife, but she seemed In dread of making a mistake; was always talking about the horror of marrying a man who didn't love ber as she would wish to be loved. I considered this ridicu lous, for I kuew and told ber that if anything should happen to deprive me of her I should go mad. One day when I was pressing her to settle the mutter in my favor she said: "Not for a year yet" "Oh. my dear, why do yon tantalize me?" "I have a fault that I wish yon to discover " "I have discovered it already. You are absurdly afraid that I don't love you." She smiled, but said nothing to this "Well, what Is it?" I asked "An Inherited taint that has come down to me from my grandfather " "Your grandfather: I suppose he drank a good ileal of wine and got the pout. This he transmitted to you. and when you get a twinge you are ready to break up the furniture." She smiled again and shook her bead. I begged hard, but got littie sat isfaction Finally she agreed that If I didn't discover her failing within three months she would confess Within two weeks after this conver sation I made the discovery. Molly nnd I were at a house party. I came in from a trump with some of the fel lows and, feeling tired, went to tnv mwiiii n u 1 I Itniiirhr fnr it rwf Ittifnro dinneV. It was quite dark, and the hall not being lighted I got into the wrong room. When I awoke a full moon was shining in at the wludow. and I saw some one a woman In the room. She walked softly to a bureau and picked up a little box made to hold a finger ring, opened It. shut It. put It In her pocket nnd gilded noiselessly our of the room. While she had stood for a moment with her face toward a wlu dow I recognized Molly. Now. why Molly should come to my room to take anything away with her I could not conceive: but. getting up and looking about me. I saw that-I was not In my own room at all. I got out as quickly and ns noiselessly as possible. Rut Molly! As soon ns I knew that sue nan gone io stim" mip piw nmiu i ...i i .... t,,. , . u..-..-,. . ui in or ner uaving ni-cuscu nerxe'i m an Inherited taint. She was a kicpto- maniac. I hnd never had any use for the word kleptomaniac, preferring that of thief Kleptomaniac I consldere I .1 I.UI. I ,1 ll,lA, n. ii'till,. ' Ull- I1IM1U- nil lllf.ll l.n-u HII.-.1-. . . , , . , hicf war the Drtme for those of low I'., gain time to consider my future ireatment of Molly I endeavored to net loward her temporarily ns If I was I'.'iier.int of her vice. I found It Ira possible The little endearments I had given ber fell fiat What's the matter with you?" she said to me. "You are acting strangely lowaro me .uie.y i.as yo r ram y oeen rurneu (owara any . u.e "ht girls here.' Fortunately. I could deny this with fervor, but I conldn t change my bear- ins toward ner i nreaueu to near that some one In the house had missed lewclrv. and the secret wns a terrible imrden to bear Hut a week passed mid no one reported a loss, or If one was reisirted It was not given to the guests. Although I could not treat Molly as before. I could not bear to give her up. She was Immensely pop ularIndeed, wns the life of the party I believed that If I should make known what I had seen not one In the house would believe me. When we broke up nnd went home 1 was a changed man. 1 felt thnt my life wns blighted 1 lost spirits and flesh nt the same time. Nothing could Induce me to marry a thief, but in glv- Ing up Molly I gave up all hope of married life, for I felt that I would never recover from my disappoint ment. I bore it as long ns I could, then told Molly thnt our engagement must be broken "You have discovered my fault?" she said "1 have.'' "When and where?" I told her of my getting into the wrong room when with the house pnr ty and seeing her steal u Jewel. "And you wish to be released?" "1 must be released, for my life with one possessing your fault would be terrible." "And without me?" "It Is blighted." "You are now talking common sense Instead of romance. You would be n fool to marry a thief. I had been wateblng for some lime to teach you this lesson and nt last found one. I nv yon go by mistake Into the wrong room nnd went In later that you might nee ine take an empty ring box. You were In Hollle's room, and Dolllc will con firm my story." I caught her In my arms and cov ered ber face with kisses. Now that Molly has become a set tled married womnii she looks buck upon what she calls her folly wllh regret However, she lays the princi pal fault ut my door, saying that In stead of applying n test of the strength of my devotion she wns really Intend ing to show up the folly of my pre tending that I couldn't get on without her. Perhaps could then, but not Dow. If I should lose her who would run the house? MENDING A FAUCET Kn Easy Job That Mr. Gimp Tac kled With Confidence. IT GAVE HIM A BIG SURPRISE. When He Got Through, or as Near Through as He Was Permitted to Get, He Was Rather Subdued The Plumber's Comment Was Quite Brief. Mr. Gimp came home from the city the other day and burst into his house ! with au air that meant business. He smiled when the maid told him bis wife was out, laid a parcel on the stairs, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, took his parcel nnd weut up o the bathroom, where be oiened the package. It contained a monkey wrench, a screw driver, half a dozen assorted rubber washers and a p.pe wrench. "Thank goodness, my wife's not home!" said Mr. Gimp. "If there is anything upsets a man it is the foolish questions a woman asks when he is trying to do u job. Plumber! She'd ;et a plumber to meud a leaky faucet, would she? I'll show her that a man of intelligence can do u job iu five min utes that a plumber would take all day to do and charge .$.". Now!" -Mr. Gimp turned the faucet. Not a drop of water came out. He turned the other, it was dry. They were the bathtub faucets, and the far one had been leaking for a week, while Mr. Gimp promised day by day to attend to it. "Well." said Mr. Gimp as he saw that no water came out of the faucets, "that's more sense than I thought that lTTJ "J .v.. vim nuv I A1U1I L IITI II IUU Ull UilJ when there was no need of it, hey? Now!" Mr. Gimp took the monkey wrench in one hand nnd the pipe wrench in the other and climbed into the bath tub. Then he sat on the edge while be studied the faucet. "Lemme see!" he said. "You take off that handle, and you unscrew that top dingus. That's what you do." So he did that. Twice the monkey wrench slipped and he skinned three knuckles, but he got the handle off. nnd he un screwed the cap and pulled out the rod that held the washer. Then he peered down Into the remaining portion of the faucet nnd looked at the washer. The washer seemed In good condi tion, ne peered Into the faucet and ran his finger around In it, accumulat- :lnir iron rust on it If the washer was not broken what could be the matter I with the thing? There must be some thing the matter deeper down. He sot his pipe wrench around the pipe nnd grasped the faucet with the monkey .,.,.!, rn,,n ,. l,.., ,. .i 1 1- i.v ii, x uc itimri hihi imt; uiiui ( . . h .. . . w, , .' . . ... " i"c liiueri fiuc nt Mini ii joive ; suddenly, and Mr. Gimp fell over the side of the bathtub nnd landed with a hump fhnt 8,look Uj(, n up again in a minute nnd in the bnth I tub. The faucet was badly marred i where the wrench hnd dug into its , oft bn)ss fln(, mw Qf u j twHtl awry, but the faucet was off. tt inn1r thn ,,,, t ,,,,, i ! Btnde(1 u E t fop fhe da , Llld done ,t thpre notb, h ; m,,,, Wjtn t i ..SolJle f(M), ymWrr Ba(, Mr 0, , ..i,0 tlf u . .mr. mil wiling ntfi i ui washer into this faucet. That's what's the matter, and that's all." ne picked out a different sort f washer and put it oa the plunger. It was not a good fit, but it was a change anyway. "Now." said Mr. Gimp, nnd he climbed bnck into the bathtub. He j humped himself down on his knees and looked into the water pipe on which be had to screw the faucet. "Now." he said. As if that had been the signal, n strong, vigorous stream of water shot j out of the ppe nnd BtrUfk Mr 0Jmp in the eye. He gasped for brenth and tumbled backward. But the stream pursued him.. He got up and grap pled with the stream. Unless you have tried to grapple with a stream like that you cannot even faintly imagine tho difficulty f giving it a good, self satisfying grap ple. A stream like that will not fight fair. If you put your hand over the pipe the stream will squirt out In forty-two directions. Some of them hit the celling. Most of them hit Mr. Cimp. He wrestled silently until the linthroom wns well sonked nnd he wm well sonked. and then he decided It wns better Just to let the stream spurt. It spurted Into the bathtub nnvwny. Bo lie got out of the tub and dripped on the floor nnd pawed water out of his lmlr nnd wiped water out of his eyes. And Just then the plumber came up Klnlrs again. He bad leen down cel lar to turn on the water after he had fixed the fnucet. and It wns quPe nat ural that he should come up ngnln to see If the faucet was well fixed. So he came up. and he looked Into the Imthroom. nnd he saw the faucet ly ing In tho bnfhtub nmong wrenches nnd wafer, nnd he saw the water spurting heartily. Anil all he snld wns. "Well, I'll he durned!" .lust like thnt-"Well. I'll be durned!" Thnt was all he said. Ellis Tarker Butler In Judge. Didn't Want Too Muoh. Amateur Nlmrod Can you show me any bear tracks? Native-I kin show you a bear. Amateur Nlinrod-ThanXs awfully, old chnp. Trucks will suf-flce.-New Orleans rtcayune.