The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1912, Image 8

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u ww
World i Pure
The wonder of bilk
ing powders Calumet.
Wonderful in its raising
powers its uniformity,
its never failing results, its
Wonderful in its economy
It costs less (han the high-price
trust brands, but it is worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and big can kinds
it is worth mure. lint proves its
real economy :' ' - Inking.
Ui CALUMI . Jern
Baking Powti.
At all Grocers.
.j. Courier.
Miss Anna Slander has return
ed from a visit with her sisler at
Miss Mary Arvidsou left Thurs
day for Baynard, Neb., for an ex
tended visit wilh her sister, Mrs.
John Kilgnro.
F. If. Ossonkop lias been ap
pointed village clerk to fill the
vacancy canusrd by the resigna
tion of Mike, Tritsch.
Mr. and Mrs. John Croup have
relumed from an extended visit
with relatives in Wisconsin and
Minnesota. They report an ele
gant lime, but found I ho. weather
vcrv cold.
The dance af I lie opera-house,
Thursday night, was not very well
attended on account of the cold
weather, Those, .who attended,
however, report a Jolly lime. An
other dance will be given in two
weeks. The Jacobs' bunch of mu
sicians put up good music.
Mondav evening District Deputy
(Irand Master Wm. Ihdlv came
up from Plaltsnioiilh and install
ed I he new olllcers in Louisville No. 18'., F. (). O. F, The
officers installed were: A. J.
Hoover, nuble grand; John Davis,
vice grand; Ev ('.line, secrolary;
F, II. Nichols, Ireasnrer. All the
appointed oll'rcrs not be inn- pros-
sent will bo installed at some I
. i
Iiilnro meeting. Alloc tlie insia
lalion ovsloi's were served in Itiei
hall and a most enjonhle evening
was spent. j
Ever sineo Mr. and Mrs. Cam
Sovbert moved into their new
homo on (Iherrv Hill, the lloval
Neighbors, of which Mrs. Sovborl
is a mi'ieber, have boon thinking
of e i i'l'J' tier a house warmin'-r, so
last Wednesday eveninu' they
came upon her verv unexpectedly,
laden wilh substantial rcfresh
ments, ami dressed a-la-hard
limes. Mrs. Sovbert was verv
mueli surprised, but it was not,
lorn;- until she herself was clad
suitable to the occasion. The
evening was one of much merri
ment, every guest contributing to
the M'oL'ram, which consisted of
vocal and insl ruinonlal music,
recital ions, dialourucs, etc. Prizes
were awarded and at a late hour
the miosis departed.
H !
J Ecader-Eclio.
! ;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yogi arc
the happy parents of a bouncing
baby boy, born Wednesday, Jan
uury 10.
Miss Nellie Slolz of Milford if
enjoying a visit at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Emil Bornemeier.
An expert was down from Min
neapolis Monday to overhaul the
burglar alarm at the First Na
tional bank.
Ulil ho llosencrans of Platts
monlh rclurnod home Saturday
after a sohrt visit with F. A. Ma
ker and family.
Mrs. F. W. Ilohb and daughter
of Yerdon came Wednesday for a
visit, with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson.
F. J. Filch started the first of
the week for Eilllelon, Conn., af
lor Mrs. S. S. Johnson's brother,
who will spend I he winter here.
.VI rs. Marie Mvarls came down
From Omaha Saturday evening
for a visit of several days with
F.I in wood friends and relatives
and to transact business matters
.At the meeting of the stock
holders of the First National bank
of this oily on January '.). W. S
Water was elected president and'
Edward Jeary cashier.
'Tnele Sam" has established a
postal saving bank at Flinwood
ami Hie same will ho open lo e
posilors on next Thursday, Jan
uary IS. I'osl master Sargent will
furnish information covering the
various phases of the syslem lo
aiivone upon application. Tin
l.cider-l'cho will cover every
thing in d"lail in an early issue.
I,. W. Meyers nf Wilsey, Kas.,
has been hired as pastor of Hie
t'.liri-l inn church and will lake up
In'- new duties here at the close
of Hie revival meetings, which are
being conducted by Flder Bick
nell. Flder Myers comes to us as
an earnest exponent of Iho gos
pel, and as such wo welcome him.
Ilis family is composed of a wife
and two children. They will oc
cupy Iho DeWill residence norlb
of the now school building.
I Deacon.
Homer Clements of Ivlgac
visiting friends and relatives
Ibis place.
C. C. Henner visited his daugh
ter at Walton between trains
Thursday evening.
Chas. Allen of Lincoln, spent
the week's end with Ilis brother,
Joe, of this place.
Worthy Meyers of Yermilliou, ;
Kansas, is visiting with his broth
er, i. L. Meyers.
Ossie Stall of Lincoln, visited
Willi mends ami relalives m and
around Fagle from Wednesday
until 1- riday.
Miss Lena Spahnle, Mrs. Mey
ers and Mrs. Fred Spahnle and
daughter, Mildred, were Lincoln
visitors Thursday.
Misses Ollio lleillor and Mayme
McAllister of Lincoln, came down
Wednesday afternoon and visited
a few friends, returning Thurs
day morning.
Chas. Hoof, Jr., purchased an
eight-horse power gasoline en
trine, a four-hole half cylinder
sheller and a thirty-two inch and
a Ihirlv-four inch circular saw
from nichard Wozzel last Mon
day. The Deacon this week is late
in getting to the subscribers,
and lacks the usual amount, of
news, but on Tuesday morning of
this week we wore called (o Union
on a very sad mission by a tele
phone message announcing the
death of our mother, Mrs. C. L.
fi raves.
A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride.
To Warn people of a fearful
forest lire in Urn Cat sk ills a young
girl rode horseback at midnight
and saved many lives. Her deed
was glorious, but lives are often
saved by Dr. King's Now Discovery
in curing lung trouble, coughs and
colds, which might have ended in
consumption or pneumonia. "It.
"tired me of a dreadful couch and
1 n i ! ir disease," writes W. U. Paf
'erson, Wellinglon, Tow, "after
rour in our family had died with
"onsiimpl ion, and I gained 87
nounds." Nothing so sure and
afe for all Ihroat and lung
''otibles. Trice fine and Sl.00.
''rial bottle free. Guaranteed by
''. (I. Fricko & Co.
Quite a Number of Represent
atives From Cass County
Will Attend.
From Tuesday's Dally.
County Commissioners M. L.
Friedrieli and C. F. lleebnor left
Ibis morning for Lincoln, in com
pany with T. II. Pollock, president,
and J. P. Falter, director of the
Plaltsmoutb Commercial club, to
attend tin; slate good roads meet
ing at Lincoln. The commission
ers are guests of the Commercial
club and I heir expenses to the
meeting will be defrayed by tin:
The object of the meeting at
Lincoln is to plan for the im
provement of the main thorough
fares of the slate loading from the
principal towns of the slate to the
slate capital, as well as the coun
ty roads loading to the county
seat towns from the interior of
the county. Nearly all of the
stales in the Missisippi valley
have recently passed laws looking
toward the improvement of the
highways of the state, and it has
come to be the opinion of the
business interests of the state
that the money paid in for taxes
can be spent in no better way than
improving the moans of com
munication between the towns and
the country, and thus facilitate
the transportation of farm pro
ducts to market.
..j..j..?..t. ,-..... .'..'.vv'. ?..?.
' ' ' WEF"'NC ,TTFR. ' '
$100 Per Plate
was paid at a banquet lo Heurv
Clay, in Now Orleans in 18i2.
people everywhere use Dr. King's
Mighty costly for those w ith stom
ach trouble or indigestion. Todav
Frightful Pclar Winds .,.w j,jf(, pns fnP tt,US(, t i-ckiIiIos
blow wilh terrille force at the far as well Is liver, kidney ami bowel
norlh and play havoc wilh Iho, disorders. Fasv. safe, sure. Only
skin, causing red, rough or sore -f"' at F. G. Fricko & P.p.
chapped hands and lips, thai need
Bnrklen's Aniea Salve lo heal For a mild, easy action of the
Ihom. II makes the skin soft and bowels, a single dose of Doan's
smooth. Pnrivaled for cold-sores, Hegulels is enough. Treatment
also burns, boils, sores, ulcers, cures habitual constipation. L'.n
cuts, bruises and piles. Only 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist
cents at F. G. Fricko & Co. for Ihom.
II. T. Fischer, of lnola. nkla.,
M-arived bil Saturday, ami is vi
lintr Trends here.
Mr. H D. Wolcol' leaves to-
'av for ManufiM, (V, lo send
"i ' haiam" of the winler visiliinr
clalives inol friend -s.
Mrs. Wallick and children ro
''ifiii'il l,o'"e from Albion Friday
neniun, whore Urn ,- have been vis
Ping r ' l two wo"k;..
Mrs. Sarah Frost of Omaha ac
'ompanied Miss Fmma Clizbe
down from Omaha Saturday and
'Headed Iho funeral of Mr. H. G.
"lizho. Mrs
W. II. Lyman and family of
'lohoko, Colo., arrived last week
ind have boon spending the heal-
d season with his parents, Mr.
mod Mrs. W. 11. Lyman and rel
tl ivos.
Miss Anna Carlson returned
asl Saturday from her homo near
Minneapolis. She said Iho day
he left homo on Iho south porch
n the sun the thermometer regis
ered 111 below nolhinir.
Mrs. L. C. Wisuer returned to
ior homo in Iowa last week.
Passes Good Examination.
In conversation with Mr. II. T
Iialten, bo informs us that he has
received his papers from the Gov
ernment showing the examination
and the grade percentage, at Hie
time he made application for Iho
position as fireman at Iho now
posloffieo building. Mr. Dallon
passed (his examination almost
perfect, hi spercenlago being
800, only two points short of
perfect. As yet there lias boon
no appointment made, and as Mr.
Hal Ion has every reason lo be
lieve that bo has passed a boiler
evaininal ion than Iho oilier ap
plicants. In1 thinks there is a
chance of his securing I lie per
manent position. Mr. Mallen has
had a great deal of experience as
fri-ivan. havim; been employed in
io H. i; M. shops hero for soy-
I oral years, and we helievo ho has
given excellent satisfaction. Wo
jure informed lhat Iho permanent
appoint menl w ill be mad-- wil bin
a few davs.
Children Crv for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always BouI-'. , r.n.l v.hioli hr.3 Ix-ct.
In use for over 30 years, lias bcr:io tlic rfjrnatr.rc vi
- and hos been r.?alo nailer Li s i
, J-CtCfLi. Al'.oy jio or.o to deceive you ir Ci's.
AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jtist-as-jvood" ar la.t
Experiiiu'iits that trifle xvltU and riulan;: the liealtli ;i
lufunls and Cliildren I'xpirii'itw against i:.perincnl.
What is CASTOR i A
Casioria Is a harmless snhstituto for Castor Oil, l'avo
Ifurio, Drops and Soithin Syrups. Ic is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other JS'ureoGe
Mibstance. Jt.s ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fevrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVial
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhles, cures Constipation
nnd Ilatuleney. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and IJowels, giving Jiealthy u;sd natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea- Tho 31 other's I'rieud.
l Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years
County, Nebraska:
In the muttor of the estate of Adam
IriRnim, dcceunod:
TIiIh cnuHH rume on for hearing upon
tho petition of Kdward Ingram, admin
istrator of the estate of Adam Ingram,
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the west half of the northwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter In section 19, township
12, range I:', in Cass county, Nebraska,
or a sulllcient amount of the same to
bring the sum of $250.00 for the pay
ments of debts allowed against said
estate and the cost of administration,
and also to pay the expenses of these
proceedings, there not being mifflcient
personal property to pay such debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered thnt all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me at mv oltioe In the court
bouse, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on
the 0th day of .January. IftlJ, at 10
o'clock a. m to show cause v.hv a lic
ense shsould not lie granted to such' ad
ministrator to sell so much of the above
described real estate, or all of the same
of said deceased as shall be necessary
to pav said debts and erenses.
It Is further directed that this order
lie published for four snc iovHve weeks
tho- to snld day in the i'lattsmouth
Siml-Week! v Journal, a in'wsna ner
tmhlb'hed nt Pin 1 1 vmout b, Nebraska
and of general circulation in said Cass
onnt v.
Dated this Itli dnv of December 1911.
Ti.iin-e of the District Court.
D. O. Attorney
Land r for Sale.
ViO acres in soullieast r.reen
mkh1 county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; NO acres of rich
creek tiollom land in cultivation,
balance linesl native prairie prass
(liniesoil) , Fair r-rooni house
si aid in?, etc. Pome bearing or
chard. Lots of line living water,
frost is a cousin of j which is furnished by a large
I creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirled
wilh timber; callle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best little stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road lo
town. Just T 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
U0 acres; no trade taken on this,
lias a mortgage of .$3500 that has
yet three years lo run. $ 'i 420 buys
Sheilhe equity. Nothing heller for Ihe
'iad been attending her aunt, Mrs. ! money. C.ivc me lo your friend if
". A. Wade, who bad been verv 0,1 " 1 1 m,,sl
-'irk. but left her some belter, al
OKDI it to snow cm si:. j
County, Nebraska. !
In the Matter of the Kslate of Lena
Welsbelt. Deceased.
the petition of Herman laietchens, ex- , till
ecutor or the estate ol l.ena welsiieit.
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the northeast quarter of Section 14,
Township 10, Range 10, Knst of the fitk
I'. M., In Cass County, Nebraska, or a
sullicient amount of the same to bring
the sum of $1,200.00, for the payments
of debts nllo'wed against said estate
and cost of administration and special
devises in the will of said deceased
there not being sulllcient personal prop
erty to pay such debts, expenses uni
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me nt my olllce In the Court
House at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the
20th day of January, 1912, at 10 o"clock
A. M., to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell said real estate as above de
scribed of said deceased or as much
thereof as may be necessary to pay
such devices, debts and expenses.
It is directed that this order be pub
lished four weeks prior to said date II
Ihe I'lat'smouth Journal, a newspaper
published seml-weeklv at I'lattsmouth.
Vehreska. and of general circulation
In said Cass County.
Dated this rah dnv of December, 1911.
I! V'VKY D. Ti: WIS.
Jud-e of the District Court.
D. O. DWVKi: Attorney.
C. S ALDKICH, Attorney.
The Bis'ictball Game.
The High school basketball
learn went to I'lal Ismoiil h last
eening and were defeated by the
home team by a score of 23 lo 55.
A Her the game was played lh
Plallsmoulh boys gave a dance il
honor of Ihe visitors and saw
lh;'i Ihev were well cared for un
til it was lime for them lo lakr
I rain home. Nebraska City
1 hough unite, weak.
On Friday, January ti, a dance
vill be held in the Manlev hall,
"iven for the benefit of I'd. Kel
ler. Mr, Kelley is in the St. .Tos-
w. a. iNcison, ueai r.siaie
Hrokcr, Fall Hivcr, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
Tho PowBr of the far!
Gets Contract.
Tho enntrnel for ulneinir Ihe
"Ph's hospital and has incurred iiL,,,,,,,,, al , new pnBloni. has
leavy expense in treatment for in- ,)(1(in n () stl.oiplll & strcijrht,
lines suslained while shelling , nn(, wj hunK jus fls soon as
"orn las fall. II is hoped thl ; (he firm can do so. The curtains
mere win ne a good alto nuance.
You can p (here over a very attractive route one of sunshine.
I . ) 1 ' i . . I ....... 1 . I' 1 t .v .. -
iow t iiMKies ami mini ciimate. au can go iiurlingloii-Kaiua Ke, via
iMier to nisi'.uciiri aim i.os Angeles in personally conducted tourist
siecpers. leaving timana every j tiesday night, train No. D; and Denver
every YWiiuosiiay evening, hxpenenced conductors are in charge of
these excursions; ou will enjoy your ride to California over these
two ft i s 1 - lass railroads. If not, convenient to connect wilh No ti km.
rt)ul through Nebraska, use any of the llurlirigton trains into Denver,
an i ici. me secure a iiirougn nerin ior you, lo he taken at Denver.
Then ll.t re is the scenic way to California via Denver, Colorado,
and Salt 1 nke, with standard and tourist sleepers to Denver and from
Denver lo the Coast.
This is held at Denver January 15th to 20th. F.veryone going
will receive a big welcome in Denver the city of sunshine and
HcmcsfloKt'i's' Excursion Tickets to tha Big Horn Basin, also to
the West, South and Southeast. Winter tourist Rates to Southern
" "- Pesorts. Cities, etc.
R. V. CLEFAEHT, Ticket Agent
L. W WAKELY, General Patieimer Aflent, Omaha, Neo
Workmen finally arrived and are
"drking day nnd nittht to place
Hie elcctpc light plant. II nec
essitates culling off Ihe water
nipnlv while lowering the pump,
as there is not enoiiuh waler in
Ihe reservoir for the use of Ihe
town during the time il, will take
to make the change. The water
in the reservoir will he cut off
and saved for fire protect ion.
Mrs. Fmma C. Reed, living on
the Seymour Heed farm, was tne
victim of an accident last Friday.
She fell down Ihe stairs and sus
tained a broken collar hone, dis
loeal ion of one shoulder and some
serious bruises. She was taken
with a dizv spell when she fell.
Mrs. Heed is 00 vnears old and
Ihe injuries will disable her for a
long time. It has later develop
ed that she suffered a paralytic
arrived yesterday and are a fine
lot, of olive, green and of the best
make obtainable.
warn pis
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
Is Very Plainly Seen lo Be a (iasoline Engine.
No matter what the work is lhat you have, whether it be pump
ing water, sawing wood, grinding feed, making electric lights, etc., the
gasoline engine is very rapidly taking the place ol any olhcr power
for tins class of work.
We don I leli ve there i:, a person in mis community mat, woun
send awry IVr an t ngine, if he didn't think he could save money. Yot
will certainly have no l-'oubl'- nt finding a cheap engine if price is
what you are looking for, and if you will look them over carefully,
take note of the few pieces lhat they put on I hem lo operate the me
chanism, you can very plainly see why they are cheaper. Tho fact is,
if I hey put more parts to their engine they certainly would have t
get more money. There is no patent on the device of simplicity (as
it is so called, on cheap engines, it is just, simply making an engine
just ay cheap as possible in order lo undersell his competitor. If
you ever have an opportunity just lake a look at tho machine shops,
railroads, large power plants, t Ic, and see if you can find any cheat
grades of engines in their use. They, certainly ought to bo good
judges of engines.
We are agents in this pari, of the county for Fairbans-Mora
engines ant would only be loo glad to show you the difference be
tween this engine and any engine of inferior make and cheaper price
ami show you where Ihev make the difference in price.
This engine can be bad in any horse-power from 1 II. P. to 5fi
II. P., and upi i2ht or horizontal, and can also be had to burn any kind
of fuel, such as illuminating gas, natural gas, kerosene, naptha,
gasolit.'1, etc.
Before you fully decioe lo buy you had better sec tho Fairbans
Morse and if you don't think it better than the rest, we cannot thea
expect yo.i to buy this make.
Writ" c r call for a 0.rpage catalogue and prices.