M Y LAY OF T1H1E SOUTH vsL - j'f' -v,r tester if ISiiPli P iXwi A 1FdM4I1si Ammwawy War-Stary ISy E AMD) ALL IPaBURDSM COPYRIGHT, 1909. BY A. C McCLURG & CO. Blnfoiiienr. 111 oiio seu.ie I tun your prisoner, yet. hud I cboseu to do so. I CHAPTER VIII. 1 FACE FATE. STIE did not scream as she saw me, but her face went Instantly white, and her bauds were sud denly fluug out lu startled sur prise. "tou you here? You have been in there--In my room?" Is this your room?" Ye. Why did you go there?" "Merely because It was the first door I found unlocked." "But It was not unlocked. See, I hnve the key here In my pocket." "Yet you must have been mistaken, for the door was certainly unlocked when I ciime, even stnndh.fr very slightly ajar." From the expression of her fare I dou'tted If she believed me. 1 felt bilged to continue speaking. hl was endeavoring to escape, but bow hnve decided otherwise and ask you to aid me. 1 feel that you sym pathlze with me. that you still have faith In my statements. A few mo ments ago I overheard you attempt my defense In the library." "1-1 do not think 1 defended you." the color coming buck Into her c heeks. "What Is It you do ask?" "That you will go with mo now di rectly to those gathered In the library. I want to tell them my story and let them judge as to its truth. We hnve not known each other long, and 1 am a Yankee, your war enemy, yet 1 sin cerely desire your good opinion. I vinnot run away, leaving you to be Meve ine a coward or worse." "1-1 do not quite understand," she admitted at last, almost reluctantly. You must not do this believing that I can help you or or that I am even icllned to do so. It was my trick which Imprisoned you." "That has left no sting. Miss Dens tow," 1 returned. "That you outwit ted me was natural enough, and I bold no malice." My mind was full of a strange con flict as I followed her to the lower hall. Circumstances pointed directly at me as the murderer of that man above, and I 'realised how exceedingly weak was my defense. Yet this vol untary surrender would surely have weight, eveu upon those prejudiced mhids. and I had faith-strong abid ing falth-that Jean Denslow would believe the truth of my statement. Somehow Just then to retain the con fidence of this girl meant Infinitely more to me than all the tost. Step ring softly within the library and drawing slightly to one side so as to ureal me standing erect in the door wy. she announced clearly: "Lieutenant King." I caught It all In one swift gliinon tt book lined walls, the glass frnu' trf tho cases reflecting back the g'ov f Hie tTuafiTefl'iTTslHiVOiIWTrniii o celling; the heavy tualingany cen ter table; a wide sofa, with n man mil n v.'omnn seated upon It. Itli wit Ii irk eyes and hair and sironnly re sembling ciK'h otlir. th" man wearing a Confederate uniform. Hie woman in tfved In sonic cliniuu brown ruttorinl; behind the table, sun's low down with in hN cu"hlonod cluili'. hN deep sunken twos staring across ;;l nie as if lie saw I n vNlnu. wits ,lml:.o I Minn, while to his rtglit another man- bitr. burly, his hair ; closely cropped and Iron gray - leaned forward as if to spring. Kvou us th eiidy weapon flashed deadly In the Hglit I spoke, my bauds held up. ' I am not hero as an eiie;iiy. gentle ould have been well out of your hands by now. 1 am a Federal ollicer. de tailed upon the staff of Ceueral Rose crans and temporarily in command of scouts. But a short time ago I was ordered to take two men and examine this neighborhood for the purpose of discovering. If possible, the rendezvous of a guerrilla leader known to us as Big Jem Douald." I gazed directly Into the eyes of the giant, who was now leaning back In his chair. "Are you the ninnV" "You may assume so for sake of nr g"ment. ilnim." 'Tnderstanding that Judge Dunn had some connection with this hand of raiders. I left my men asleep this morning and ventured here alone, hop Ing to discover opportunity for Investi gation. In the shadow of the grape trellis I unexpectedly encountered young lady, who offered to penult my searching the bouse. While prosecut ing that search I was suddenly locked into a storeroom and made prisoner" The deep voice of Donald Interrupt ed with a question. "Who were the men with you?" "Two scouts. Daniels and O'Brien." "That Is why we have doubted your purpose." he explained shortly. "Will, lief ire yon p on I will tell you son e thing about Bill Daniels." the vol c low. (U'ot. convincing, "something (lift possibly may justify our action lowa.v'i yon, If we are guilty of any mistime. Daniels was born into a feud that has ?ursed this mountain region for many j :. Mv father was Involved In it. ana I; cost him his life. When I grew up to manhood I made every effort lu my iower to reach a Just settlement of the difficulty. I refused to go armed; 1 refused to retaliate for injuries done my property. I appealed to the courts Instead of fighting it out with the rltle. But those fellows couldn't understand that sort of thing; they held me a coward and started In to drive me out of the country. This Daniels was the leader, and he had with him a lot of midnight assassins. Before I learned the uselessness of courts my house was burned, my crops destroyed, and my wife, weakened by the exposure, died. I was twice shot from ambush, and three men allied with my Interests hal treacherously been done to death. It was then I became a fighting man. It took three years to rid those hills of their vermin; it cost blood and money, but when we were done those moun tain roads yonder were safe to travel over. This mnn Dnnlels was con demned lor murder, with Judge Dunn here on the bench. The atrocity of his crimes was almost beyond belief, and he was sentenced to death. In some way he escaped from prison nd dis appeared. The war broke out; but, knowing hint to be alive, knowing tho threats he had made nnd that the peo ple here required my protection, know ing there still remained In the region those who would, through ties of blood, harbor him If lie returned and eveu assist In his vengeance, 1 durst not volunteer Into the Confederate service. Influence gained me an Independent command In this section, thus enabling me to serve both country and friends at the same time. I am Jem Donald, but I n mi not n guerrilla; I am n com missioned otllcer under the Confederate government." I bowed silently, Impressed by the man's earnestness. He hud not fin I. bed. "Not until yesterday did I know Dan iels had nctuallv returned. Ills pres- ly, "and one worthy of a soldier, sirs Denslow. I do not really moan to question what has been said, but should fool better satisfied to hear your corroboration. Is this story true?" "It Is perfectly true." she said sim ply, "only Colonel Donald has tdd but a small portion of it." "Thou, colonel. I feel greater confi dence In relating the remainder of my own tale. I have absolutely no con nection with Daniels except that of command, nor have 1 any sympathy with lawlessness and murder. You were about to proceed to whore I was supposed to lie still Imprisoned, but first one of your number, a young of ficer. I judge, went upstairs to ptocure his revolver." I paused as though in question, and Judge Dunn sMd grulllv: "A friend of my son's. Lieutenant Navarre, and he Is a long while about It." "When this oflioer disappeared I sought in vain for some available exit from this floor. Finding none. I has tily decided to slip up the stairs after him and try a drop from one of the second story windows. Just beyond the head of the stairs one of the rooms was lighted, nnd 1 supposed that to be where he was. I turned to the right and tried the first door. I stepped In side; the window was wide open; on the floor nt my feet lay the dead body of Lieutenant Navarre." 1 could see them leaniug forward staring at me with suddenly blanched faces; I heard a sharp cry s Miss Dunn dropped her head upon the arm of the sofa: a bitter oath from the Hps of Calvert Dunn as he leaped to Ids feet, his dark face fairly black from passion. "You liar!" he shouted, rage choking his utterance. "This Is your work! You klbed him!" I thought he would spring nt me, but even as I drew bii"k a slng'e st T f'ir bPt'er defense Jean Denslow came between us. "No. not that. At least give Lieu tenant King a chance to tell his story." "Ave. be still, boy." And Dona d rose to his feet, a massive figure of a man, "You found him lying dead, you say? "Yes, resting upon the floor, huddled upon his left side. I turned him over on his back, seeking the wound. It was a knife thrust in the throat, but the blade hud been withdrawn. There are murks of blood on the window sill, from whence the assassin must have dropped to the ground." I sought to read the expression on tho face of the girl beside me. but her hands wore pressed to her eyes, her form trembling. Then Donald stepped to the open doorway, block ing the only ogress from the room. "Calvert." he said In stem tone of command. "Co up stairs and verify this story. Lieutenant King will re main where he Is until your return." As young Dunn hastily left the room I turned to meet the deep set eyes of his father. "Why didn't you g? o:.i' that wlu dow also?" lie asked bluntly. "You could probably hnve escaped." "Yes." I answered, "and you would have relieved forever that I was the nmrd'-rer." "That wouldn't liie hurt you any; the kililu;: of one of the enemy by a scout in ilvic o" w.ir I - not considered iiiiiidr. Yon:' eria; wnr.'.l I'i've pro tected you." "1 am not tha! kind of man. Judge Dunn." "1 don't know what sort you may of the Federal army." and his black eyes blazed into mine with angry lu soienee. "that you. and you only, are the murderer of Lucius Navarre." I saw the flash of a revolver In his hand: I felt the Iron grip of Big Don ald's fingers clutching my arm. yet I have uo recollection of moving so much as a muscle. I know the Judge spoke and that Donald answered him: 1 dimly remember that Calvert Duun demanded that they Immediately take the law into their own bands; some one counseled delay: I saw Jean Dens- low's face full of appeal; 1 think she spoke nnd that I attempted answering some question. Yet It was all like a dream, a delirium. In which- I ap peared to hnve no real part. Suddenly the animal in me returned to life: I could uot think, but I could light these devils. I struck oul 'reilessTy nt Till vert Dunn, maddened by those black. threatening eyes. I felt the thud of my blow, heard the discharge of his revolver ns he went down, and strug glod desperately to break loose from the grip of tho giant who held me. It was all the work of a wild moment The next 1 lay unconscious on the floor 1 came to myself confused by my surroundings, but with mind comparu tlveiv clour I was lying on some binnkots in one corner of the collar Through a small barred window a bit of daylight streamed in, enabling nic to perceive something of the desolate Interior My head throbbed from (lit1 blow that hud felled me. anil was bound about with a linen napkin Drops of perspiration beaded my fore head as I thought of those accusing facts point Ing so directly toward uie. 1 was held a murderer; the word seen i eii to mini Into my brain us though formed of tire; even Joan Den slow could believe In uie no longer not with all that crushing evidence dragging mo down to iufumy Her name lingered on my lips In dread as 1 bowed my head lu my hands; then some way it came back ns an lusplru tlon. I sat staring Into the darkest corner of tho cellar, yet seolug uothlng ex cept the, vlsjpti of thai oung lrl her slender figure, her bright, eurnest face, her light fluffy hair, ber gray blue eyes shining beneath the long lashes. She was my wife, my wife the law said so, and yet 1 could acarcely persuade myself of the truth It had never seemed very niuob to me before, but It did now. the blood ting ling through my veins as the recollec tlon returned. Perhaps she would hate me If she kuew; beyond question ihe despised me already; yet to me the meniorv was like a flame. I would not yield to this fate; there was chance for tight ing yet. aud I wanted to live, to clear my name for her sake. All at once It dawned upon me like a revolution that I lovodber; that no other woman In all this world could ever take her position In my heart Now I must prove to her my lunocence of crime There was but one way-escape and Ihe running down of tho real murder er. How it iiiMi noon accompiisneu i could not even guess, but I hnd one name In my thought Daniels. (To He Continued.) Sale on. Woolen - Underwear! Ladies. Gentlemen and Children if you can't keep warm try some of our nice underwear. We think we have a remedy for this weather. We are showing the best line ever shown in Plattsmouth. ZUCKWEILER LUTZ SUDDEN DEATH men. If I wore I could have easily ,,,.,, Wotild not be so serious, but my shot first from ttio hall. 1 merely wish.i ,.omniUi u lust now badly scattered. and ho comes backed by a force of to tie beard, and as evidence of good fnlth I will deposit my weapons on the table." Kone among them uttered a word, although the Judge was' sputtering as If endeavoring to gain control of his language. "No. gentlemeu." 1 said. "I have come to you voluntarily to make n Federals." "If 1 hnd my way." broke In the of ficer on the sofa. "I'd hung this whole scouting party nnd have done with It." I turned nnd looked nt him. Instant ly recognizing the voice. Ho was Cal vert Dunn. "A. kindly thought," J returned cold- be." he returned slowly, "but In this case It seems to me you are either a fool or ii wise knave, and there Is not a very wide difference between the two Yon evidently expect ibis volun tury surrender will clear you of all suspiclou." "No; It simply means I intend to re main nnd face the susplclou. The mau upstairs wns killed by a knife turust; I possess no knife. The one who killed bim dropped from the win dow, leaving his bloody finger marks on th hIII. The morning will re veul bis Imprint on the ground be neath. My uct Is neither that of a fool nor that of a knave; I prefer being a prisoner rather than to have this foul crime charged against me." We must buve waited there for ten minutes, no one speaking, the Judge gazing full at me, as if 1 were a pris oner before his court, the big frame of Donald completely blocking the door way. Miss Dunn was crying softly, and I thought Jean was beside ber. but I did not venture to glnnce towurd them. Suddenly Calvert Duun came down the hall, holding in his baud a lighted lantern. "Lieutenant Navarre Is lying dead in Jean's room." he said shortly, evident ly striving to speak calmly, yet with trembling voice. "He was stabbed In the throat with a knife and npparent ly given llttie opportunity for defense, as there ure no evidences of struggle. There is a light still burning In his own room, further down the hall, and 1 believe Navarre was In there, seek ing bis revolver, when ho board some noise In the front of the house, caus ing him to investigate. The bidden as siissin must have sprung upon him in the dark " "Ynu found other evidence?" omparaiiveiy little, l bore nre marks of blood on the sill of the open window, not linger marks, merely splashes. The roadway Is below, and a man dropping from that height would leave no Impress on the packed ashes. I found this knife In tin bushes, whore It could easily have been thrown from the window." 'the full meaning of all this hurst upon my mind In horror. Instead of clearing uie of suspicion, everything tended rather to bind closer the chains of guilt. "Do you mean" "I mean this, Mr. I N CALIFORNIA Hu3band of a Former Cass County School Teacher Dies Very Suddenly. REPORT A MOST EXCELLENT MEETING Plattsmouth Representatives Are Highly Elated Over Interest Taken in Good Roads. From Wednesday's Dally. President T. 11. Pollock nnd Vice President J. p. Fuller of tho Commercial club and County Commissioners Friedricli and lloclinpr returned last evening from Lincoln, whore they attend ed the slale meet ing in the. in terests of good roads. These gentlemen report a good and in- leresling meeting. Addresses were made by prominent men in terested in good roads from Kan sas and Iowa and also addresses were made by some of the Ne braska university professors. V. 15. floarharl, slate highway engineer, of Kansas, made a very instructive address on highways, and especially dwelt on tho con si ruction of culverts nnd bridges. In his state there is a fund of $3, 000,000 set apart for Uie high ways of the slate. Two millions are devoted to Ihe construction of culverts and bridges and one mil lion to the upkeep of the high ways. Mr. flcarhart went into the question of bridge building and showed by actual figures that con crete culverts and bridges are cheaper to construct than steel, nnd are practically unlimited in lime of duration. S. T. Harrow, chief engineer of Ihe Hurlinglon, gave a practical lalk on tho size of Ihe opening for a culvert. Prof, fleorge R. Chat burn of the universily and Prof. Chase of Ihe agricultural school gave addresses on good roads, and Prof. Kordrca, the, soil specialist, lold of the construction of dirt roads, and offered to consult with commissioners and road men from any part of Ihe slate where road-making was contemplated and advise with them as to what lo mix with the soil to make a good road for the different sec lions of Ihe state. The stale engineer offered alsb to furnish specifications of bridges to coimnisisoners for the nominal sum of $10 and $1 for a blue print of any bridge needed. Commissioners Kriodrich and lleebner were well pleased with what Ihey heard and spoke very highly of Ihe courteous manner in which Ihe Commercial club olllcials looked after their comfort and entertainment during their visit at the stale capital. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is most effectual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harmful drug. For sale my F. fl. Fricke & Co. Married In Omaha Sunday. Charles Cobb and wife and daughters, Misses Fay and Nylo, were in Omaha Sunday where they attended a double wedding at the home of fleorge Ostler, tho con tracting parlies being Arthur flrow, or Elk City. South Dakota, and Miss Hoe Ostler, and TI. Cobb, also of Elk City, and Miss Ella Ostler. The ceremony was per formed by Hev. Savage of tho Peoples' church. Directors Meet Last Night. From Tuesday's Dally. The directors of the Platts mouth Independent Telephone company met at the company's oflioe in this city last night and declared a quarterly dividend of one-half of one per cent. Tho directors from out-of-town at tending the meeting were If. A. Talcolt of Greenwood and M. II. Pollard of Nehawka. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cought, relievos the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have instilled to its superior excellence. Sold by F. O. Fricke & Co. Friends of Miss Flora Moreley of Upland, Cal., have just received a letter from her in which she writes of the sad death of the husband of her sister, Lucy, which occurred suddenly on Christmas eve. The good man had preached, as usual, to his people twice that day, and after the even ing service assisted his wife in distributing the gifts in tho chil dren's stockings, and had laid down on a divan for a few min utes' rest before retiring for the night, when he was attacked with heart failure and died within five minutes. The bereaved woman's maiden name was Miss Lucy Moreley, and she formerly was a teacher in the schools of this county and has many warm friends hero who will sympathize with her in her great sorrow. When given ns soon ns the croup cough appears Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will ward off an aflack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it. suc cessfully. Sold by F. fl. Fricke & Co. CLEARANCE SALE OF REMNANT and Odds and Ends! You practice real economy by getting some of our remnants and odd lot bargains. Remnants of all kinds and of the most desirable goods and patterns on display at attractive prices. Departs for the South. From Tuondny'8 Dally. Dave Amick will depart for Hot Springs, Ark., on the midnight M. P. 1 rn in tonight, where he will lake Ihe baths, with a view of rc cruiling his health. Dave has not been feeling himself for a inonlh or more and has lost, about twenty pounds in weight. Hefore re. turning he will look after his real eslale interests at Monticello, whore he owns a fiine piece of land which he purchased a few weeks ago. The Journal office carries Kinds of typewriter supplies. all Dress Skirls al Sweaters and Stock- $5.00 Shirts now. . . .$2.50 ine' GapS al i 6.00 44 44 .... 3.00 25 and 35c caps now.. 15c 8.00 44 44 .... 4.00 50c caps now 25c 11.00 44 " .... 5.50 25c mittens and gWs, 10c 12.00 44 " .... G.00 50c golf gloves 25c Upton's Coffee We are agents for Thos. Lipton's Coffee. If you have trouble getting a good cup of coffee try the best. r PER POUND 40c " I Co rit Sixth and Mai n St. Piones