The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1912, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
r published Seml-Weeklf at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CZD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Man wants but little hero "be
low" j.,ut lie is pelting a whole
Tlie council has fixed upon a
ton-year franchise for tho water
To I lie "Larger
finals may venture more, ltut little
boats should keep near shore."
:o :
F.very lime Teddy says any
thing now il calls for a large new
Hass to he initialed into the Au
anis clnh.
:o :
Fnme men are so contrary that
Miry might Kick if they knew their
monuments would he a "put-up
:o: '
"Income lax upheld by Wiscon
sin court." That will he all right
if the citizens can uphold their
incomes lo I he point where some
thing will he left after the tax is
This 'way-below-zero weather
is severe on tho mail carriers,
also on the policemen, tho fire
men, paper carriers, teamsters,
street car crews on everyone,
indeed, except the Turkish bath
:o :
It is said ihat a checkmate pro
vision against the domination of
Wall street will be added lo the
Aldrieh plan of a national reserve
association. If Wall street could
he cut out of the association al
together the country would feel
Just at present it does little
good to sit in a pew and sing
"llescue the Perishing" with
great unction. The better way is
to provide the perishing with
food, fuel, warm clothing and
"Rumblings of war worry all
Lurope." The bark may be worse
than the bite. There's a war go
ing on in China and one in Tri
poli, but they haven't turned the
world topsy-turvy yet.
The "turkey trot" and "grizzly
bear" dances have been barred by
the city council of Des Moines
That citv evidently prefers to
keep its animals in the zoo in-
T.,fi it wi.iw.iu ironir 1 stead 01 looKing auer uieiu in
. ..
home the Haeon from Pans. nance nans
II. take a lire in a lire-proof -iuiougu ine democratic con-
building to bot her the firemen vein ion is 10 ne nei.i ai uaiuniore,
nowadays. 't ('(MS no' follow that all the
:o: delegates will live on terrapin.
riii I.. hit eol.l snell will not I he principles of jellersonian
have been in vain if it develops democracy can he exemplitied by
hat the ground-hog was frozen ordering flshballs.
lo death. -o.
o: Not withstanding the direful
Tin. Dm. ! :nw heinir made to prediction mat Hie automobile
realize Ihat July is a much better
month in which lo be poverty-stricken.
II' a man thinks In; knows il all
we can t neip teeimg sorry lor
individual who undertakes to
convince him Ihat he doesn't
would drive out the horse, the
census shows that, there were
('.',!) 80 more horses and colls
in the Toiled Stales in 11)10 than
in UMiO.
:o :
salaries, to create new positions
with big salaries attached and so
on down the list. Only few com
munities are directly benefitted by
the money paid out for the enum
erated purposes. Hut almost
everv community is directly bene
fitted by the money paid out for
pensions. We are in favor of the
Sherwood pension bill and hope to
see it become a law.
Every once in a while we re
ceive copies of metropolitan jour
nals in which appear marked ar
ticles against the Sherwood dol-
lar-a-day pension bill. The
writers of these articles, we will
bet our last dollar, never fired a
musket in defense of the liberty
they now enjoy, and if they were
living during the trying hours of
the great civil war, they were loo
cowardly to serve in defense of
their country. They are the kind
of people who oppose giving lilt
old soldiers their just dues.
have anything to learn about the
importance of planting only good
eed, but it is proposed to en-
ourage them to test all seed this
1 1
coming spring, and experts win
locate the sections of the slate
where weather conditions were
such that good seed corn in large
quantities was matured.
Toward that end the railroads,
implement dealers, the banks, the
reanieries, grain dealers and
slock yards of Omaha are com
bining to encourage the movement
for guaranteeing the use of only
seed corn the coining year. There
could be no greater or more im
porlant movement to promote the
prosperity of Nebraska, and it is
quite probable that Omaha men
will not be required or allowed to
do the work alone. Lincoln Star.
A very prominent republican of
this city remarked to the Herald
last week that John H. Morehead
is the strong democratic can
didate for governor up to date
and that there is little doubt but
Wal street oraclically s onned nicnt I. hrouirhout Nebraska, mid' that he will lie the nominee, as
business during the Equitable he is spoken of most favorably for M hings look now. "lie is a good
fire, showing (here is no great tins position of state treasurer. ! dean, strong man and the demo
loss without some small gain. There is no belter man in the
:o: stale for the place.
Frank E. Schlaler's record es
county treasurer of Cass eounlv
has received a great deal of com-
llemeiiiber the date of the Lady
Minstrels Wednesday night,
January 2v at the Parmele of the insane asylum again. In
theater. They are all home girls, view of the tremendous services
:o: to mankind which Ilarr yis ren
What about that democratic dering by staying in his present
banquet? It is pretty nearly time position, wet rust he consents to
something was doing in that di- remain in the hands of his
rcclion if we are to have one this friends.
crats will have some of their very
best material at the head of their
ticket in Mr. Morehead," said tin
Harry Thaw is trvinir to tret out i local politician, to which the
Herald cordially acquiesced.
Lincoln Herald.
From the numerous candid
ales' petitions received at this
office it looks like the democrats
of Hie state were not lacking for
Pastor Hichcson is to be
electrocuted for killing Avis Lin-
ne by quick poison, but. the
newspaper reporters who arc
worrying his fiancee, Miss Gert
rude Kdniands, to.death by inches,
will no doubt get an advance in
Only eight more days until the I nalurv.
great event of the season the
ady Minstrels. lon't forget the
late Wednesday night. Jan
nary -'i.
Public Auction
The friends of Frank H. Schlaf
fr in Cass county will be pleased
lo learn that the proposition of
running that gentleman for slate
treasurer is meeting with much
favor in various quarters of the
slate. As yet no one has filed for
that posit ion.
Paul Clark and W. A. Kolleck,
the two republican candidates for
congress are working like beav
ers for the nomination. Well, the
odds should he in favor of Selleck,
because he is a well known resi
Henl and business man of Lincoln,
while Clark's home has been in
I h west until he returned on a
visit and found a line opportunity
to run for congress.
Evidence in the trial of tho
Chicago puckers is lo the cffci
that in H02 they violated court
injunctions by secret meetings
When the idea prevalent among
the American people to the cftect
that law regulating business is
something to be got around in
stead of obeyed is changed, then
we will have a law enforcement
hep somewhat equivalent to flint
which England enjoys.
ramuel llinkle, the present
major of llavelock, has filed for
I he democratic nominal ion for
railway commissioner. Sam is an
old Plallsmoulh boy, and pus
scshcs nil the essentials to fill the
hill II.1 is a genuine good fcl
low and has a large number of
friends in this section who wil
support, him. "Co lo it," Sam
and this paper will stand by you
until victory crowns your efforts
or you go down in deefal, and then
we will be with you still.
One of the greatest difficulties
o encounter in supporting a
family is the amount of time il
lakes to read the articles on the
Cost of Living."
:o :
Chairman Stanley says that the
steel magnates are defying his
oininittee. One cannot be a trust
magnate and say out of (he defy
ing business long. x
Heaven lielp the man who im
agines he can dodge enemies by
trying lo please everybody! If
such an individual ever succeeds
pass him over this way that we
may have one look at his mortal
remains ere he vanishes away,
for surely this earth caitnol be
his abiding place.
The item printed on the first
page of the Journal yesterday in
reference to Frank E. Schlater
was taken from the Lincoln Her
ald. We neglected to give credit
lo the article, but are reprinting
These frigid nights are rather it with the proper credit today.
enjoyable, on the contrary, to the We always like to give credit
old-fashioned man who takes a where credit belongs,
couple of healed llatirons, wrap- :o:
ped with limine!, to bed with him. Wetern Kansas papers are so
:o: loyal lo that part of the state that
It takes five days now for a fel- they even, deny the stories that
low lo get a marriage license in jackrabbits are chasing the bull-
Massachusetts, and if at the end (logs out of their kennels and cat-
of that lime he wants lo amend tie out of the feed lots. Hut they
by substituting some other girl, do not go so far a tos attempt a
he has no redress. denial of that one about the
:o: prairie dogs attacking sleighing
Make up your minds to attend parties.
the Lady Minstrels at the Par- :o:
mele theater Wednesday night, There is a little ring of demo-
January 2i. II will be one of the h'rats in Nebraska which never
grandest entertainments ever ''' anything for the parly that
given in Plait smooth. always has one of its members up
:o: on- some oiuce. in tune we wi
Lorimer testifies that lie spent hae more to say about this mat-
ery little money lo procure his ''' i""! Ihen the party workers
elect ion. This may be true, but throughout the slate can see what
evidence has shown conclusively 'hey are and who they are. We
that it was the money of Big Busi- believe jp rewarding worthy
ness that elected him. democrats, but we do not believe
:o; in encouraging gratters ot any
Andrew Carnegie is lo be do- soil, who are up for any and
pieted in a statue representing everything in sight. We must
him in the act of handing out a root them out. They are leeches
book. We hope the book is some upon the leaders of the parly.
real enduring classic
baseball guide for 1012.
like tin
Tho "grizzle bear" and "tur
key trot" dances are bad enough,
but at least tho dancers wear
clothes, which is not tho case
with the stage dances that are
supposed to be high art.
Muring the year ending July 1,
HM1. 3R.313 old soldiers died. As
i lie years advance they will pass
aw ay si ill more rapidly. Now
about extravagance. Congress
men will stand up and vote mil
lions of dollars for needless bat
tleships, to increase their own
In the campaign proposed to
prevent Nebraska farmers from
Msi.ig unproductive seed corn one
discerns one of the advantages o
the stale encouragement of asni
cultural education, for to Hi
authorities of Hie agricultural
college is due not only the. dis
coery Ihal much ' of the corn
raised in this stale last summer
is had for seed, but also the con
certed llloeiileiil for stale-wide
care in securing corn for plant
ing that will proe productive.
Through an address deliered
lie lore Hie Omaha Commercial
club recently. Prof. O. W. Pugsley
of the I'niversily of Nebraska has
enlisted that organization in a
movement toward aiding the
farmers in securing good seed
corn. He told the members of
the club that the last crop of Ne
braska corn is poorer than has
been raised here for years. Tests
have been made by Prof. Pugsley
and his assistants of corn raised
at various points in the state, and
much of it has been found totally
unfit for planting. A test made
at. Farnam showed that but 10
per cent of the corn there was fit
for seed. One made at Upland
showed similar results, while at
Chadron 10 per cent was found
good. Tests at Central City,
Genoa, Beatrice, Virginia and
Fremont disclosed very low per
centage of good seed corn.
- Prof. Pugsley attributes the
low grade of the corn to the long
cessation of rainfall in the sum
mer, which stopped the growth,
and the rains in late August,
which started growth again, but
caused late maturity, so that a
hard freeze when the corn was
still full of moisture killed the
germ. Most of the corn appears
to be all right from an outward
inspection, and Prof. Pugsley is
quoted as saying that many farm
ers will be unwilling lo believe
that it is unfit for plaint ing.
II is just the kind of corn that
would have fooled the farmer of
a few years ago inlop hinting il
without suspecting that he was
indulging, in a sheer waste of
Out of the address of Prof.
Pugsley has developed a move
ment among large interests in
Omaha for the devotion of con
siderable time and money toward
urging upon fanners the neces
sity of care in the selection of
their seedi corn. It hardly seems
possible thai intelligent fanners
The undersigned will sell al
Public Auction at his farm, four
miles west and a half mile north
of Mynard, or eight miles south
west of Plattsiiioulh, Neb., on
The following property, to-wit:
Eleven Head of Horses.
Gray horse, 10 years old.
Black mare, 7 years ol.d
Iron gray mare, G years old.
Bay mare, 5 years old.
Gray mare, 7 years old.
Bay mare, 3 years old,
Two 2-year-old colts.
Three yearling colts.
Two good milk cows.
One heifer calf.
Farm Machinery.
One Deere 2 -row machine.
One eight-foot binder.
One Badger cultivator.
One Avery cultivator.
One two-shovel plow.
One three-section harrow.
One Meering riding lister.
One walking lister.
One 2 -row slalk cutter.
One stalk rake.
One hay rake.
One single corn drill.
One Oshorn Bumper disc.
One sod stirring plow.
One 11-inch stirring plow.
Two lfi-inch stirring plows.
One 2-row corn planter.
One broadcast seeder.
One wheel scraper.
One slip scraper.
One cider mill.
One set of work harness.
One Meadow elevator and horse
One carriage.
One buggy.
One bob-sled.
On set of sled runners.
One hay rack.
One pair shafts.
Terms of Sale:
All sums of ?10 and under,
cash in hand: over $10, a credit of
Iwelvc months will be given, the
purchaser giving good bankable
paper bearing interest at 8 per
cent from date. No property to
leave the premises until settled
for. Lunch will be served on the
grounds at noon. Sale to begin
at 10:30 o'clock a. m.
Win. Dunn, Auctioneer.
C. G. Fricke, Clerk.
Give Them Help and Many Platts
mouth People Will Be
'Throw Out the Life Line"
The kidneys need help.
They're overworked can't
get the poison filtered out of the
They're getting worse every
Will you help them?
Moan's Kidney Pills hare
brought thousands of kidney suf
ferers back from the verge of de
spair. Plattsmouth testimony proves
their worth.
J. W. Hickson, Oak St., Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "I shall never
ecase to praise Doan's Kidney
Pills, as they proved of great
benefit to me several years ago.
For some time I was caused much
sud'ering by attacks of lumbago
that came on without the least
warning. The simplest move
ment was painful and I was also
annoyed by irregular passages of
the kidney secretions. I read so
much about Moan's Kidney Pills
Ihal, I finally procured a box
from Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store.
1 was so gratified with the results
of their use that I publicly re
commended them in 1906 and at
this lime I willingly verify that
statement. I hope that other
kidney sufferers will profit by my
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. F'oster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Good Land for Sale.
Forty acres of good bottom
land, near small town, $40 per
acre, cash, if taken soon. Also
150 acres second bottom land at
$35 per acre. Call or address,
A. II. Ostrom, Max, Neb.
John A. Chopieska, proprietor
of tho Chopie factory, departed
t his morning for Adams, Neb., and
locality, for a couple of days'
business trip.
I ra Bates,
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
her of all kinds, posts and chunk
A11 orders promptly filled, and
also solicited.
! News.
Mrs. Silas Munn returned last
Tuesday from a visit to relatives
in Iowa.
Mrs. D. I). Adams is recovering
very slowly from her long spell of
Charlie Cunningham has been
wrestling with an attack of grip
this week.
Ern Young was in Tuesday set
ting up the cigars and blowing
his head off over the arrival at
his house Sunday night of the
hampion trap shooter for 1933.
Glachs West was brought home
from Nebraska City last Friday-
sick, and it was feared for a time
Ihat she was in for a serious ill
ness, but is now improving rapid
ly and will soon bea bio to return
to school.
Mrs. Robert Dore received a
telegram Sunday morning an
nouncing the death of her 16-year-old
niece, the daughter of
her sister, Mrs. J. C. Taylor, liv
ing just north of llavelock. The
young lady died very suddenly
and we did not learn the nature of
her complaint.
The sale this week of the
Woodman Fire Insurance com
pany of Lincoln to ttie Etna of
New York, is significant locally
because of the fact that quite a
wad of the stock was owned by-
local capital. The investment
was made about a year ago and
they will clean up nearly $10,000
on their investment.
Mrs. W. L. Stuck, who has been
hero from Iliff, Colo., for the last
two months on account of her
mother, Mrs. D. D. Adams, being
sick, left Saturday evening for her
home. The main line that even
ing was something like seven
hours late, and if she had the
same kind of luck all the way her
trip would be a tedious one.
Henry Heebner, who has been
manager of the Farmers' elevator
for a long time, has resigned his
position and will engage in other
business. His place has been
taken by Ben Tucker, who is
succeeded at the mill by Forest
Cunningham. Henry has a host
of friends, who will miss him at
the elevator, but he probably feels
that, he can heller himself, and his
friends wish him success.
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Vctincary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
rhone 378 White, Plattsmouth
cwniiTi; i'k ri'i:si: von cans
Mil NT Y l-'OK T1IK 1 K.KH HI CI
An Miaili by the Munril of Count)
niimiNalnm-ra of I'nxn 4 Oil ill ,
Jniiiuiry I). ICI.
Court House expense 12,009 00
Commissioners' salary 2 500.00
County Superintendent's
salary 1,(110.00
Assonslnir county 3,500.00
MnkliiK tnx list 700.00
Honks, tilankH nntl RiipplioM. . 2.000 00
Kleellnn expense 2. .'100.00
i"'l 1.500.00
.lull expense 1.000.00
Calipers uml poor farm 2,()i0.00
County attorney s salary .... 1,200.00
"ridKes S2 000.00
linatlH 30.000.00
Inrltlenlals 6,310 00
Soldiers' Kellef 1,000 00
Court Kxpense M.AHO.OO
SherUT Salary ', 1710 00
County Clerk' nulnry lCOOO
I'eputy Slierllt'a salary 640.00
Totnl Til6.550.00
!. C. MORGAN, County Clerk.
Park Chriswisser of Dunbar
was a lMattsmouth visitor today,
looking after business matters.