The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 15, 1912, Image 6

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Rcvisin cl Iran ScIteCub Given
Precfenc3 Cv:r WccL
Panama Canal Control and Manage
ment WW Figure In Hearing by
House Committee on Commerce.
Toils to Be Arranged.
Washington, Jan. 15. A caucus of
the bouse Leumcratg on ttie iron and
ateel tnnff scliedd.e is likely bcioie
the end 01 this week. Tio ways and
means committee, as soon as the al
ready completed pension appropriation
but is piuried by the housu, will be
ready to lcport the Iron and stee.
schedule revision to the caucus lor ap
proval, particularly with a view to
giving steel tho right 01 way in too
tariff proceedings In the house.
liven the chemical ttthodiiic bids fair
to precede the wool tariff revision, lor
wool Ims been switched to Lt steel
revision proceed. 'Ibis is a virtual
aed'i lance ot the change of William J.
T!rynn who during the extra session
ascribed to Democratic leader Under
wood personal : lives In putting oth
er revisions ahead of steel.
Three Trusts to Ee Probed.
A threefold probe Into glg.'intlc
trusts will be started by the lo ise
ro.inn'ttei s on rules todav, when the
first of n series of hnarlngs, lasting
several days, will cover tho activities
of the "money trust," "shipping com
bine" nnd the International Htrvester
eoirpnny. The three are to bo consld
ered together with respect to the
rules committee's consideration of the
question of reporting reso'titlons Vik
ing to thorough congressional Investi
gation of these trusts.
The financial interests of New York
are lnrgelv Interested In tho matter.
Attorney general Wickersham, Secre
tary of Commerce and Labor Nagel
and Snmrel Untermyer of New York
have been asked to appear before the
committee for explanation regarding
the alleged shipping combination
wMrh If alleged to control transoce
anic traffic..
Most of tho Democrats and several
of the Republicans on the committee
have expressed themselves in favor of
a sweep'm investigation of tho flnan
HnJ control of American industries
nrd commercial affairs.
In the meantime tho sennte comm't
too on Interstate commerce expects to
wind up this week its series of hear
ings on trust problems, without nnv
wtnlnty as to the reporting of n bill
on the ut.Ject.
ll tli's week rmwmn canal control
and rmnn-einent will fl-ure In hear
ings bv the house committee on Inter
Mnto nnd forelirn commerce, which Is
to report legislation at this session
fixing to'ls nnd remain Hons.
Mlerourl Democrats Will Hold State
Convention at Joplin, Feb. 20.
St. Louis, Jan. 15. The breach be
tween the loreos of Speaker Champ
Clark and former Governor Joseph V.
Folk, wiio are striving tor the Missouri
delegation at the Democratic national
convention, was widened by the Demo
ratlc state committee selecting Fen.
20 as the date for holding the state
convention at Jopllu, The Folk ad
herents tought tor a date in Mami
for holding the convention.
Fo.k s malingers, atter the meeting
adjourned, announced that the com
mittee had called a "sivip convention."
Speaker Clark's representatives on the
committee wero in unison In declaring
that the date for tho convention whs
the unanimous action of the committoo.
The Missouri Democratic league,
which favors tho former governor,
contended that the voters would not
have sufficient time to becomo no
quainted with the Issues If the state
oonventlon was held before March. In
a statement, the leaguo announced:
"We wish it understood that we are
not responsible for bringing about
this snap convention. Hut we are go
tog to ftght to tho last ditch."
Speaker Clark's friends believe that
he will obtain the Missouri indorse
met and that the holding of tho con
vention In February w ill enable the n
to go to other state conventions later
tu February and secure their delega
blames Follow Du6t txplOBlon In Mine
Near Sedalia.
Seda'.la, Mo., Jan. 16. Fred Dutch
r rial Donald McArthur, shot flrers,
were entombed In (lie Dowen Conl
company's coal initio at Windsor,
twenty miles from Sedalia, following
en explosion of initio dust. The mluo
enngl t fire and efforts to subdue the
flHtrv'S wete umuiccossful.
Mine officials say tho Ilowen plant
was equipped with safety devices and
are nt a loss to account for tho acci
dent. Thirty minutes before tho ex
plosion 250 miners finished their work
and left tho mluo.
Pasjrnger-Loadcd Steamers Icebound.
Chicago, .Tan. 15. Fifty five passen
gers remain icebound on two lako pas
senger steamers five miles out of the
Chicago harbor, eighty two hours after
they ran afoul of floating loo, which
made further progress Impossible,
Gentleman Jockey
And Polo Player Who
Is Sued For Boarri Bi'l.
riioto by jt.nerlcun l'resa Association.
FuXHALL hhtrit lb bJtL)
Hotel Company Claims J3C37 Balance
Is Owed by Noted Polo Player.
New York, Jan. 13. Foxhall Kesne,
gentleman Jockey, Intel national po.o
player and son of James It. Keene, has
been sued by the Waldorf Astoria com
pany ior $S 037.07, the alleged balance
of a bill for bed, board, liquors and
Business Cu l;ok Belter Thai
Indicated by Sta islics.
New York, Jan. 13. R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says:
The business outlook Is better tnan
indicated by the current statistics of
bank clearings nnd railroad earnings.
That the demand for Iron and steel
has been heavier than generally sup
posed Is Indicated by the gain of over
942,000 tons in the unfilled business
of the Unltod States Steel corporation
during December, and the aggregate
of orders Is the largest since the end
of March. 1910.
In dry goods, while the movement
continues on a conservative basis,
and with an absence of any specula
tlve expansion, thcro Is nevertheless
a notable Influx of buyers from all
parts of the country and both the do
mest'c and export demand for cotton
is good.
In wool wnres orders are being
placed, but buyers are more numerous
In tho New Kngland market. The
prlco question plnys an Important part
In checking trade.
There Is n Btendy trnde In tho hide
markets. They are firm, especially so j
considering thnt tho quality Is stead
ily deteriorating.
Bradstreet's Trade Review.
Bradstieefs savs: Trade In the
larger lines remains quiet, first, be
cause of the very cold weather that
has prevailed over a wldo area, thus
preventing roadmen from getting i
about, and secondly, because inven
torles still pecupv more or less at
tentlon, Inrlilenta'ly traffic on the
railways has been hampered. Motive
power efllrlency, especially in the
west, has been reduced 30 to 50 per
cent, wh'le te strive of louKsoremen
at Boston nffects shipping at that port.
General Carter Testifies Before Houae
Military Committee.
Washington. Jan. 13. A statement
that there were 35,000 formor Japa
nese soldiers In Hawaii who would
support Japan if that country and the
United States went to war, created a
deep impression on tho house commit
tee on mllitnry affairs when Major
General William II. Carter, assistant
chief of staff of the army, made tho
General Carter snld the United
States must gn ntly enlarge Its mill
tary force or dispose of some of Its
Insular possessions.
The strengthening of forts and tho
enlarcernent of tbe stnndlmr nrniv In
Hawaii and tho Philippines must bo
continued to n point where an enlarge
ment of the nrmv w'll be necessary,
he said. Under tho reserve system of
Japan tbe former soldiers come Into
Btrvlco nt one If needed.
He urged the creation of nn Amer
ican army reserve.
Shercliffe's Fate Up to Governor.
Denver, Jan. 13. Whether Sherman
W. Morris, alias Frank fTo, will
bo freed from the penitentiary nt
Cnnon City, where he Is serving a
term for murder, depends upon tho ac
tlon of tho governor. When the par
don board mot. two members favored
granting the pardon, while ono stood
out agninst the proposed action. Gov-
ernor Shafroth is said to be opposed
to releasing Shercllffe nnd, It is grn
erally believed, will doolies t Issus
th pardon.
.... . ,, , ,
Kortr.w2stern l.earini Ccv3.o:s
' ,
Trn Ifr'ajs to Ke:j EooScs.
mim gets i:i t;;e pace.
Lancaster County Member of Legisla
ture Lccidet to Make Kace for Lieu
tenant Governor of Nebraska En
dowment tor V. tsityan.
Lincoln, Jan. 13. Ihe state railway
commission neaid tae teoi.mony ot
George V. H.a.d, engineer oi the
Not thwestcrn rawway, who was put. on
by tne company to controvert tiie fig
ures of Mr., engineer lor tne
state, en ti.e cost o. s..usidjnce an i
auaplut.on of new r-ad. Not on y did
the nulioud engineer place the cost oi
items-, u..t insisted that nianyi
things si.oiud be charged to that ac
to.iiit Mr. Hunt insisted werei
simply nic.t.ters o:' maintenance or op )
cratirm. Anion; tluse m.ght be nun '
lioiud chrnges In water courses anu whb-li opcrat on snowed
was nod ssi.ry, but whiih was not tore
he n by tuo engineer who la.d oat the
It was finally agreed that both Mr.
Hr.nd and Mr. Hurd shoul.l submit in
tabular form ti e ue.iis enter. ng Into
their f stlinatcs of cost for purpose
nnd what ach b;:d allowed for each
Item. In this way it Is hoped to get a
reel rompa-lson between the estimates
of the two.
McKelvie Submits FUi.ig.
S. R. McKelvie made his filing as
Repub'ican candidate for liejtenr.nt
governor. Mr. McKelvie was a mem
ber of tho last legislature lrom Lan
caster county. This is the first actual
filing for this office on either ticket,
I though It Is known there are several
wto intend to enter the primary con
test. Endowment for Wesleyan.
A conference of Methodist minister
and Iriends of Wesleyan university
was held at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms and it was decided
to open the campaign for a $500,001
endowment for the Methodist univer
sity. The movement' will he launched'
formally at a banquet at the Audlto
Hum, Jan. 23. At that time the plan'
will be out'lncd and a concerted move
made in all parts of the state.
More Cases of Typhoid.
Nine additional cases of typhoid
were reported to the board of health,
making a total of ninety e'ght since
Jan. 1, all but one of which is in the
so called Infected district in the north
eastern portion of the city. Charles
Kobler, a student at the university,
died, making the second fatality. Hfi
was taken from here to his home at
Mllford, where he died.
Quarter 6ection in York County Sells
for $147 Per Acre.
York, Neb., Jan. 13. A quarter sec
tion of land lying Just east and south
of the city was so.d at referee sale.
The price paid was $147 per acre.
This land has nover been cultivated
The owner, Samuel McCandless, came
to York county In 1872 nnd bought tne
laud from the IJurlington Railway
company, paying $5.60 per acre for it
and then returned to his native home,
Ireland, where a few years ago he
died. Tho money received from the
sale ($23,520) will be divided among
the heirs.
Merrick Board Sells Old Court House.
Central City, Neb., Jan. 13. The
Merrick county board of supervisors
upproved the surety bond of Ellen
berger & Co., the contractors who will
oroct the new structure, and let tho
contract for the removal of the old
Btnicture to Joe A. Hays. He Is to pay
$156 for the old building and move It
away before tho specified time, Feb. 20.
Bureau for Testing Seed Corn.
Omaha, Jan.' 13. The Omaha Grain
exchange has taken up the seed corn
campaign started by the Omaha Com
merclal club and will open a testing
bureau as soon as arrangements can
be completed. Any farmer in the state
may then send his seed corn and got
It tested.
Warmer Wave Ends Cold's Grip.
Omaha. Jan. 13. A warmer wave
started cast from the Rocky moun
tains nnd tho central states, which foi
Moro tnnn a ween nave ueen seeing
', PoH weather records broken, aro bask
Ing in a eompnrntlvely genial ntinoa
McCool Schools Are Closed.
York, Neb., Jan. 13. Scarlet fevei
Is prevalent at McCool to such an ex
tent that the schools have closed fo1
n time and all the churches and other
public, places of meeting.
Coal Land Holders Must Stand Trial
New York, Jan. 13. T. Frank Welln,
Wllbeiforce Sully, Rufus J. Ireland
- i snd George W. Dally must stand trial
- ' In Wyoming on Indictments charging
thetn with conspiracy on Juno 1, 19.ifl
to defraud the government by obtain-
Ing 1,760 acres of coal land belonging
to tho United States. The federal dr
- i cult court of appeals ro ruled, thereby
reversing the order of the circuit court
sustaining a writ of habeas corpus.
Red Tpi and a Murderer.
This la a tale irf a self confessed mur
derer who wished to be arrested, as
related by a wrlier in Le Matin. Paris.
Some time ngo a man mimed Heroes
was stabbed to death at Algiers. Three
men were arrested on suspicion, but
as they proved their inixs-ence they
were released nnd the mutter
called at the otlice of the local in
were released nnd the mutter was
commissary nnd said to that official:
"My name Is Marlus Yvorra. I killed
Beiges, and this Is bow i did It"
The commissary listened to tbe
man's confession and said:
"You had better see my secretary."
Tbe secretary also listened to tbe
man's eonfesslob and after a little re
flection said:
"Now. look ber-;. my good man; this
Is not tbe way to get arrested. Ynu
must write us a letter confirming tbe
oral statement made to us. Then we
shall be able to ipend to you. Now,
get along."
The mun left th offlre. and perhaps
because he was nit a good writer he
has not been seen dinee in Algiers.
Wu Ting Fang's Good Cheer.
Among the most Intimate ot the Chi
nese friends of the late Mr Itotiert Hart
was o hlg'i otllclal. Yu Ting Ftiug,
who prided himself on bis alert man
ner, wblt-ti made tii'ii appear muib
younger t tin o be was. and boasted that
he Intended to live 'JIN. years, lie once
explained now this text wus to lie lie
compilslied. "The tlr.;t thing, natu
rally, is diet." snld be. "The man who
would client Time sliou (I live on nuts
like the squirrels. Cudir no condition
should be toiiiti suit, tnd lie should
begiu and end earn mei.1 with a tea
spoonful ot olive oil. i mire tiling
scrolls lu tny bedroom." V u Ting w-eut
on to explain, "with these senteix-es
written Umui theui In Knglrsli and Chi
nese. 'I am young. I am bealtliy. I am
cheerful. Immediately I enter the
room my eye falls upon these precept
I say to myself. 'Why. of iCarse I nm.
nud therefore I am!" -London Cbron
Ont View of the "TerribM Turk."
Speaking of the Turk, un Kngllsb
resldenl in Turkey writes: "The man I
like is'st Is the pure, tineontauiiunted
Turk who has never seen Kurope. lie
Is wonderfully hospitable, amazingly
kind, essentially a man of pem-e and a
fervent religionist He Is a Moslem,
bus been reared in Mosleiuisrn and be
lieves iu his religion, fie Is honest
and straightforward In bis business
dealings, nnd his word is his bond. I
do not suggest that every Turk pos
sesses all these U:illties which I have
attributed to tbe race, nir am I paiut
lug hliu iu too rov a color. I have
made tunny voyages ln'" the Interior
of Mai etlotiin and Asia ItHror: I have
entered Turkish villages u.h'ii up on
the snow, siockuded ngiiiiist tlr.- ln-.irs
where the liih.'ibltiints had never seen
a Luropeun before, and my trust In ihe
kindness and Itospit-iiity ot those men
has uever tailed me ' Loudon (jnipli
Suspended Animation.
As we descend in the some of nulinnl
life we find Hint what kills the higher
animals does not Injure the lower. ut
n polyp In two and you have two liv
ing polyps Instead of one dead polyp
Break off a lobster's claw nud another
will grow. You may. It bus bceti said,
freeze a fly. but you caunot freeze It to
death. There are iulusoriu called
"wheel animalcules." These rotifers
have mnuy curious qualities, among
which Is that of suspending uuinintlon
for an Indefinite period without ceasing
to live. Colonies of rotifers may tie
desiccated nud rendered apparently
lifeless, and iu this coudltlnn they may
be kept for months nud years and pos
sibly centuries. A single drop of wu
ter will restore them to life, and the
wheel iieurers will instantly resume
thir functional activity precisely at
tbe point where It was broken off.
Bank Checks In Austria.
Banks of Austria are exempt from
liability for payment of checks and
bills of exchange to parties who may
have acquired unlawful possession of
the same and forged tbe Indorsements
thereon. Tbe banks are not couiilled
to Identify the dearer, and Instiiiioes
occur of such commercial paiiers Isdnx
stolen nnd cashed with forged Indorse
ment, leaving tbe owner w It bait re
dress. A check or bill of exchange.
therefore, though partible to order nnd
not Indorsed Is a dangerous form for
the remittance of money. Liability
for payment on a forged Indorsement is
Incurred by n bauk only when It Is pre
sumed to have knowledge of the
payee's signature, us In tbe tuse ot
well knowu clients.
Real Estate Enterprises.
nere Is one way n piece of land may
be made profitable:
Find a clay bote and mnke bricks on
of the clny.
Cut the lee In the hole In the winter
If you run get nvvny with It.
Gel uionev from the city to fill t hi
hole us it dumping ground.
Put ii top soil over nil nnd sell tbe
lot for u manufacturing slto.-Chlciigi
The Drone.
Poo What kind of n mnn Is n drone,
papa? Father tine who stands tu
revolving door and walls for souie one
else to push it h round so be cuu get In
my son. Judge.
Mean Thing.
MaybelleSee the beautiful enence
ment ring Jack gave me Inst night
Estelle (irnclous! Has thnt Just got
around to you '-Toledo Blade.
Pellhernte with caution, but net with
decision: yield with cradousness or
oppose with firmness
Children Cry
yy t. i ( v-s wJ i m
1 1
1 f7N Ml
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beer
In use for over 30 years, has borne tho sinattiro of
- ftnd has beeit made under his por-
jCJ&ffi'?&fi sonal supervision since its infancy.
WctffV JtCCSU14 Allow no one U deceive you i:i this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants und Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, .Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its nge Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms,
und allays Pcverishness. Jt cures Diarrhoea nnd AVlnd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency.' It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy und natural sleen.
Tho Children's Panacea- The Mother's Frieud.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use Fop Over 30 Years
The Fighting Turk.
Tbe Turk in a :ieiit hunting man.
perhaps the best lu the world Unit is,
on land, tor as a sailor lie Das uever
shone. He is a treat ftuhter twuuse
be is physiruily a strong man. the
Turkish I'ciisHinry. from whom tbe
nrni) is recruited, have to work nard
for a lime living, and there Is do
room niiioiiu them tor wenklinirs.
Therefore ihe Turkish soldier Is capa
ble of irtTnendoiis feats ot endurance
and can live on not limn or next door
o it. I'lieii he is ncriisiotued to tlht-
lnu almost rrom tmhyhood. On the
frontiers und In the country districts
ot Turkey there is always trouble
H"Iiik on
I leatli in liatfle has no- terrors for
tilui. for by bis reilclon it assures blui
ot paradise.- London Answers.
Question For Quation,
I slum (iisi-iiiiiKe our butler." said
Mr I'uuirox
' What's I lie trouble?"
'Me doesn't show tne proper defer
ence. When I nui paying a man llher
ally I roiisidiT It bis duty to laucb at
uiy Joke "
"And won't he?"
"I don't think be can. He's an Eng
lish butler When In a spirit of Kentle
and condesceudtiiR badinage I said to
blm, 'Hawkins, can you tell me which
anie tJrst. the chicken or the en'?' he
aid. 'Whli-h did you order first, sir?' "
Art and Science.
"What a beautiful picture of an nu
pel!" snld the Indy who was visiting
the urt pallery.
"Yes." replied, the aviation euthu
Blast, "but between you and me those
wings aren't practical." Washington
Never Despair.
lie who despairs wants love, wants
faith, for faith, hope and love are
three torches which blend their light
together, nor does tbe one shine wPh
out the other. Metastasis
Notice is hereby given, That by
going entitled cause on the 4th day of December 1911, by the District
Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, I the undersigned, sole Referee ap
pointed by said Court, will, on the
9th Day of February, 1912,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the South door of the Court House
in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the
highest bidder, for cash, the South half of the South West Quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-Six (2G) and tl e East half of the North West Quarter and
the North West Quarter of the North West Quarter of Section Thirty-Five
(35), all in Township Twelve (12) North, in Range Eleven (11), East of
the Gth P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, excepting the right of way
of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, and known as the Theodore
Boedeker farm, lying South of Louisville, in said County, containing 209
acres, less railway right of way.
Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., January 4, 1912.
w-.Tto, ! . JOHN H. LEYDA. Referee.
for Fletcher's
Signature of
M Connoitaeur.
A great painter was asked by bin lit
tle son, "Father, what Is a couuuls
seurV" "Well, my son." the father answered,
"did you notice that tall, white haired
geutleman at uiy studio tea yester
day?" "The one with the sable lined over
coat, father? Oh. yes. I noticed him."
"Well, my son, he Is a connoisseur"
"Hut how do you know bes a con
noisseur, father?"
"By his actions, my son."
"Hut. father, he acted like every one
else ut t tie tea, didn't lie?"
"Certainly uot. uiy son! Certainly
not! The others drank my Russian
tea. ate my foie grns sandwiches and
took leave. Hut he- be bought a pic
ture!" Declined With Thanks.
Tbe Duke of Wellington, who bod a
taste for anything thnt Napoleon had
liked, applied to David, the artist, who
bad painted Napoleon's portrait, re
questing David to execute one of bin
self. "FUr." replied David, "1 paint only
historical characters." -Life.
He Began to Talk Business.
"1 shall make you love me yet," de
clared Mr. Stlnjay determinedly. 1
shall leave no stone unturned."
"Ah, that sounds something likeT
exclaimed tbe fair girl. "It the stone
weighs uot less than a carat and to
pure white you tuuy Interest me,"
Taking His Meets Out.
"And do you take your meals ontV
ask the village prone, who is garner
ing Information from tbe former real
dent who Is home from the city for a
few days.
"Not until after I have eaten then,"
wearily responds the unwilling vtctia.
Judge's I.lbrarv.
Better Kept Quiet.
ratlent angrllyi-The size of ?
bill makes my blood holl. Doctor
Then that wilt be $20 more for sterllta
hg your system-Boston Transcript.
virtue of an order entered in the fore