The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1912, Image 8

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' of the
J. M. AlfnnI arrived Friday kop, wife and son, Marion; Henry .
from Chicago and will visit this, Ossonkop, wife and three sons;;
week willi his relatives ami I Mrs. Kdith llncheford and Miss;
' m m JJi
Is Vi-iy I'lainly Si en lo Ito a (iasolinc Cngine.
No mailer what I in' wi.rk is that oii ha , wIicIiht il. be pump
ing water, saw in - win id, riniliim l' id, making elect ric lights, etc., tin'
gasoii 'iiriii'- M'1-.v i-iipnlly Hiking tin- place of any other power
for Hi is class of work.
w i' 1.1,11 1 in In e II. ere t .1 person in lliis eoiiiiimmly thai would
send avuv IVr uu ppine, ii he nidii'l lliink lie could save money. ou
will i -' i 1 1 v 1 1 : v i ii. i t .til.l- in i'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr a ehi'aii imgine it priee is
what, ou are looking Tor, ami
it you will look them over carefully,
take nole of I he lev. pieces llial I hey pul. on I hem lo operaie tin.' me
chanism, wiu can very plainly sec why I hey are cheaper. The fact is,
if Ihey put more parte- '.- 1 im ii engine they certainly would have to
Kct more moi.ev. '1 lure is i:n p;.lenl on I he device of simplicity (as
it is so called, , (-D cheap engine.-, il is ,jus, simply making an engine
just ae- cheap as possible in order In undersell his compel flor. If
ou ever have a.i opportunity just take a look at the machine shops,
railroads, large power plants, l ., and see if you can llml anv cheap
grades of engines in Iheir, use. They cerlainly ought to he good
judges of engines.
We are agents in IhU part of the eounly for I-airbans-Morse
j-n-Hnos ai.d would only l,c loo glad lo show you I he difference' be
tween this engine and nn engine of inferior make and cheaper price
aiid show ou where Ihev ipakc the ililleri nee in price.
This i utiine can lie had in anv horse-power from 1 II. P. lo fiftn
II. 1'., and upi iphl or horiw nlid, and can also he had lo hum any kind
of fuel, such as illuminating gas, natural gas, kerosene, naptha.
gasolit ", clc.
lie fore von f ii 1 1 v (ieciie to liny you had heller see (lie rairhans
Morse and if vou don'l Ih ink il lietler lhan the rest, we cannot then
exp"d yo.i lo liny this make.
rile h' call for a C-.j-piino catalogue and prices.
: zezs raw rr w. tu : risiatsza
ly of I. in
lis parenl s
J llepuhlieaii.
Mrs. .1. M. Lcythi and daujililer,
Klleii, canie over from I'lalls
moulh Wi'dni'Mlay lo visit a few
Jesse liavis has lieen on Hp
sick list, Hie past few days which
has kepi lii ii i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 lo Hie
liay .1. Pool and fa
coin came down la
ami ha e I n isil hi
the past week.
Waller Philips, who came in
from the Mililary school al Cul
ver, Intl., lo visit his grandfal her
and old friends, returned Tuesday
Mrs. Mars Wolf and damHiler,
iSlauehe, wi'iil to Central City last
Siiluiilay lo spend the glad .New
Year's day with Fred Wolf and
David Mitchell and family of
Miildlev ille, Mich., arrived last
Tuesday and are visiting al I he
home of Mr. and Mrs. .lames
II. P. llaslam, who has been
carpentering out in Itougla.
Wyo., came home last Thursday,
expecting to remain ahoul a
month, lie said Ihey had less
snow I Here man Here. :
Miss Henrietta Muller went In
Herman Saturday and spent !
New Year's with her sisler, Mrs, I
Charrie Johnson, in (lie fine new1
house the Johnsons have re-!
cenllv huill.
II. (i. Cli.he's condition has not
changed much I he past w eek only
that the chanue has lieen against
recoer. His throat tills up and
in ti i x weakened condition he al
most chokes lii-fore he can
clear il,
Frank J
Omaha Monday to he operated
on. and il was thoughl he was
sull'ering from a tumor on llu
lirain. Word was received Wed
nesday morning lliat he did no
survive Hie operation and died at
T a. m. Mrs. Harnes and daugh
ler, (iwennie, were called lo Oma
ha Tuesday.
J. T. Croier has cont racled for
lllie purchase of I ho confeel ionerj
I stock of J. 1. Corky, and as soon
j as an invciee is taken will lake
icharue. Mr. Corley has always
tcomliieled a successful husiness,
I and Mr. Croier is enterprising
; mid a host er, and will no donhi,
succeed, he has a host of friends
' und eyperinece of years in store
'work. Mr. Corlev eypecls lo lake
gooii long resi irom nu-onoss.
friends, lie is a lirolher of A. J.
and llohert Alford and Mrs. Klha
I lllllsllU.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Kirkpatrick
were ureal Iv pleased Monday on
receiving cards announcing thc
marriage of Iheir son, Hoy, to
Miss Nellie Cornelia Anderson, al
Ocosta. Wash., on I lecemlier 21.
The young folks will douhtless pi
to housekeeping at once as Hi"
groom owns a line home in Ta
conia, where he is in the employ
of the Northern Paeillc Hailroal
A reinoiisl ranee was being
circulated here Wednesday
against the issuance of a pardon
to John Clarence, who was re
cently taken lo I he penitentiary to
begin a Iwo-years' sentence for
the killing of one, Thacker, down
near I'nion a few years ago.
Clarence's senlence has been
uradually cut down until it was
tinally fixed by Hie supreme courl
at two years and there are a good
many people who think he ought
lo be made lo serve Hie full time.
John Hat-hep became ovepcon-i
in church Sunday morning just as
services betran and it. required
several minutes to revive him
sull'icienllv so that he could be
taken home. Some of I hose who
were sill in'-' near him noticed
that snniethinur was wronir with
him, bul at. first, it, was Ihoufdil
that In- was asleep. However, an
nllempl to arouse him failed and
Hie doctor was called, but by the
time the doclor po Ihepe be was
sulUcienlly pecoveped to walk
Harold, Hie little .'t-year-ohl son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. flose, died
suddenly about :i o'clock Thui
dav mornmir with inemtiranons
croup. He bad been sick with a
bad cold ever since Mondav, but
his condition was not Ihourbt to
lie serious until Wednesday, when
he was taken suddenly worse, and
in seile of all thai tvedieal skill
and loviiif-' hands could do. passei
awav as slated above. The fun
eral was held fi'o'n tin- residenci
Friday at 1 o'clock.
:thel Hathbun.
A Hero in a Lighthouse. j
For years J. S. Donahue, So. j
Haven, Mich., a civil war captain,!
as a lirhl-house keeper, averted
awful wrecks, but a queer fact is,
he mirht have been a wreck him
self, if Kb-ctrie Hitters bad not!
pi-evented. "They cured me of
kidney trouble and chills," ho
writes, "after I had taken other
so-called cures fop years without
benelit, and they also improved
my siVhl. Now, at seventy, I am
feelinix line." For dyspepsia, in
digestion, all stomach, liver and
kidney troubles, they're without
equal. Only Hop at F. H. l'ricko
A Co.
?1C0 Pep Plata
wns paid al a hnnquel to Henry
Clay, in New Orleans ip ftV2.
people ever where use Dr. Kind'-"
Mivhlv costly for Ihose with slonu
iich I I'onbb-or iniliu'i'sl ion. Today
New Life Pills for those troubles
as well ts liver, kidney and bowel
disorders. F.nsv, safe, sure. Only
'.'ae al F. (.. Frieke & Ho.
A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride.
To warn people of a fearful
foresl lire in the Calskills a youn
"ill rode horseback at. inidnirhl
and saved many lives. Her den
was plorioiis. Imt lives are often
saved bv Dr. Kind's New Discovery
in curintr bind I rouble, coiidbs am
colds, winch inidhl Have ended in
consun pl ion or pneumonia.
eiireil n-e ol a (treailtiil coudii am
Ion'-- disease." writes W. it. Pal
lerson, Welliiidlon, Tex., "afle
four in our family had died wit
consumption, and I dained H
Pounds. .Nollund so sure am
safe for all throat and Inn
I roubles. Price Hue and si. 00.
Trial bollle free. Ciiiaranleed by
F. (i. Frieke & Co.
Miss Lena Deltnian spent Hi
week with relatives in Lincoln.
Lide droves of near Holdrede,
leb., was visilind old friends
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Jeary and
laiidblep, I lila, wepe Lincoln pas-
sendeps iMoiuiay.
dpandma Dunkle and di'and
hildren returned lo Iheir home in
.incoln Monday after a visit with
Mrs. Dunkb-'s daudbter, Mrs. Wiil
Win. Husler was down from
shland Monday and Tuesday
visit i nar ins many Mmwooa
friends. From here he went lo
Nebraska City lo visit an old-tine?
friend, Captain Fnyarl.
President L. I-'. Landbopsl went
o Omaha Wednesday to assist in
Hie arranaemenl of the nrodram
for the Nebraska Ilelailers' con
vention, which convenes in Oma
ha March F 13 and li.
Winifred Slu-ai'i'i- was in lown a
few davs. Mr. Shearer has iusl
recently relurncd fpotn a trip lo
Holland with a friend. He is now
i-akind heaibniarlers at his old
home town, Randolph, Neb.
Mrs. Turlev Wall -was taken to
Omaha Tuesday, whore she will
underdo an operation at the St.
Joseph's hospital. She was ac
companied bv Mr. Wall and her
mothep, Mrs. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Oldham of
Alberta. Canada, eann- in Sumbn
for a visit v il'i lip- hitler's par
ents, Mp. and Mrs. (',, W. Worlev.
Tln-y left Tuesday fop olhi'P Ne
braska points lo visit oilier rela
tives and friend-: and will return
to Flmwood later for a more ev-
lenileil visit befori
Miss Hessie lie
entertained at cards
nidht al Ihe Deles
in F.asl Flmwood.
J News.
Olio Carndl, wife and lillb- Rit-I,
returned yesterday from a week's
visit to friends and relatives in
Mevieo, Mo.
Tin- J. S. ltoiidh and M. Wolph
voiind folks, who are allcndim;
scbool at Crete, relttrned lo their
duties Tuesday.
Miss Isaore Sheldon left Tues
day evriiimv for Knowille, 111.,
where sin- will ndain lake up her
studies. Mrs. Sheldon aeeoni -Harnes
was taken loipanicd her as far as Omaha.
You can d' Hu re over a very atlriu'live route one of sunshine,
low i Hilmles and mild climate. You can d' Iturlindlou-Santii l-'e, via
D mvei- to Pasiideu: and Los Andeles in personally cnnducled tourist
slei pets, leav nm Omaha every Tuesday n ip lit . train No, '.; and Denver
every Widnet-dav evi nitid. Ilxperienced conductors are in chaj'de of
these i M'ureioiis: -on will en joy your ride to California over these
two Pi sl-class railroads. If imt conyeiuenl to connect with No. v en
ron I-1 Ihrouh Ni braka, use any of Ihe Iturlindton I ruins into Denvor,
an I h i tm secure a Ihrounh berlli fop von. lo be taken al Denver,
Then I l.j re is the scenic way lo California v ia Denver, Colorado,
and Sri! I i-ke, with standard and tourist sleepers to Denver and from
Denver lo the t.oast.-
I bis is helu at Denver January lalh lo LMHlt. Kyj-ryone gouid
will receive a bid wi-leoine in Denver the city of sunshine and
hosp-'ialil v.
Hr nu sf-eh rs FxrurBlon Tickets to tho Biq Hrn Bisln, al90 to
the v'et. ji(i ai.h S"k"st. Wintor tourist Rites to Southern
pod C Rosorts, Cities, etc.
-I I X I X- -M-I-M !HH- IH-!
. Courier. !
I-!"W! 'I!-"!"!"! !,!H'! !!!!'
Henry Ahl has returned home
from an extended visit with rela
tives in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Harriet Cletnenl of IMatts
inonlh visited Miss Kallierine
Hichi'v over New Year's.
C. M. Seyberl moved his family
into their new residence in Hie
west part of town this week.
The New Year's ball al tin
opera house was a social and
tlnancial success. Over 75 num
bers were sold.
Dick McDonald returned lo
fowa Monday, after a visit al Ihe
onie of his dranilfal her, C. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Berl Arnislrond
and Iwo children of Fldiu visited
al Ihe homo of Fddar Pankonin
last week.
Miss Maude Kuhney of Plalts-
moulh visited with Mrs. Lnla Mil
ler Mondav and attended Ibe New
Year's ball.
Mrs. Fd Fiddock of Flsie, Neb.,
and Mrs. I'd Seiver of Marquardl
are here al tho bedside of Iheip
father, Thomas W. Shryock.
Miss l.ollio Koop returned lo
West Point Tuesday, after spend -ind
Ihe holidays with her parents.
Sin- is leaehiiid Ihe tlflh di'ade in
Ihe West Point public schools.
Frank DePow and wife have
returned lo Nebraska from Min
nesota. Frank has diven up farm-
ind and will open up a barber
shop when lie llmls a suitable I
local ion.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Pankonin
entertained a lardi
re I ii ni i u '-T
'S Depniep
New Yeat-'s
Dopnier home
Tip- alTai'1 wa s
a vep- enjoyable one, and the
tiiiesls were enleptainoil ridhl
rovally. A two-course luncheon
of very palatable delicacies was
served. Vocal music was fur
nished by Itessie's father.
CbsSdren Cry for FSatchor'G
m. wjm KJh lrA v $ M
Tho. Kinl Ti mi Have Always 15: , '.'., r.:vl v;!i!rh li;-s 7n -r;
In u.sti for ovor ( yiars, lias l-on-.a tl;y si."n;,.;-.:r. r
. t.n?l Jias lu-on mailo vr.tler 1.' !;'
( , ' "nal Bierisioii iJtioc it i;. : .
iOti-S no oco ty (ti'ivhP 3 ou in I ':?.
All CjHiiiterl'cU.'i, IniUathms anil ftT:isjas-od" av? hnl
Exjierlnieiits lliat tritlo villi a:si cn :'.; h tho le:iU!; i
lui'Uiits and CiiilJreu Excrie?K-o against IIxperLutiit.
Oasioria is a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, larc
yorie,, Drops and Sot-tiling Syrups. It Ls I'lcasant. It
eoiiTaiiiS iu;itlicr Opiiun, .lorphino lr Other Narcotic
substance. Its a;?o la Its guarantee. It destroys AYonriN
and ull.iys I'everisliness. It euros Diarrhoea ami YrSail
Colie. It rj'Iievea Te-thing' Trjiul.les, cures Constipation
e.:i(l ntuleiK'v. It as.siniilates tho FojxI, regulates tho
- :o,;( i and Ijvels, 'iiijr healthy aad natural s1ccj.
':. !;e ''jiMivn's I'aaacea- Tho mother's Friend.
CASTOR I A alwav
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Former Ciss County Citizen In
vents Burglar-Proof
Door Lock.
.Mike Seliwarl.liscber, one of
Ihe substantial Herman farmers
nf Prairie Valley township, ha
jitf-l. secured letters pal jti I ui a
new burlar-priiiif jlnur Iock
a h ii li is designed In full the ai
lemnl nf Hie cleverest hand al
nickiiifr links. The bull of Mr.'
VlKvurllisrlior's luck is prnvided
.illi six levers, which can oniy j
lie made to work by a specially)
iimlrucled key. Mr. Schwartz-,
liM'hrr very modestly reiuesled
that his invent ion be jiiveu a
lillb- publicity as possible when
sei n by the Minstrel man, but
v. e deem the device possesses
-iii'icient merit lo receive more
I iiau mere menl ion.
Mr. Schwiirllischer has also
applied for a patent on a four
horse evonor, which he claims
v. ill be found more perfect and
practicable than any now on the
market. Minco (f)kla.) Minstrel.
Plattsmouth Gains Family.
The population of l'lallsmoutli
has lieen increased vvilhin Hie
last week by the addition of an
olher family. The small lown
over in the center of Ihe county
will be preen with envy-at this
statement, but Ibe Irulh must be
told, and Ihere is no use to try
to keep a frond lown down when
people flock in in families. Tho
last addition lo l'laltsmoulh was
our pood friend County Surveyor
Fred ratterson, and now that he
has taken the step retiring from
Hie farm and movins to a pood,
I live town, we feel sure thai lie vill
not repret this step, and when
spring opens he will si ill remain
a cil ieu of the county seat.
Frightful PcUr Winds
blow with lerrilic force al Ihe far
north and play havoc wilh Ihe
skin, causing red, rough or sore
chapped hands and lips, lliat need
nuckb-n's Anica Salve lo heal
them. It makes the skin soft and
snioolh. Unrivaled for cobl-sorcs.
also burns, boils, sores, ulcers,
cuts, bruises and piles. Only 25
cenls at 1'. H. l'ricko &. Co.
Mr. Swarl.llscher is a former
resident of Cass county and went
to Oklahoma about two years ago.
Heing a resident in Ibis county
for many years, he has many
friends here, who extend con
gratulations, wilh Ihe hope that
!he will make a million out of his
two invi-nl ions. Mr
H-'tt A Son Dd the Business.
The Halt Produce company
shipped to Chicago Saturday aft
ernoon twenty .crates of line
country poultry. This linn is
Hie business with, bolh feet and
are having Ihe trade on produce
which briutrs Ihe poultry to this
city for shipment. Several thou
sand pounds were shipped out
lasl week and more will follow
this week. A market in IMalls
nioulh for farm produce is just
what has boon needed for a long
time lo bring the money this way,
and Ihe Halt Produce company
seems to be tilling this long-fell,
Card of Thanks.
I wish to extend my heartfelt
thanks to my neighbors and
friends who kindly assisted my
Swartzlischer family during my recent illness.
is an excellent gentleman and Ihe Let me add that Ihey will not lie
Journal hopes his i-IVorts will beiforgolten very soon.
crowned wilh great success. C. II. Lewis.
Fire Near Avoca.
Mike Slraub, who lives near
voea, nearly lost his big house
and Ihe conlenls by tire about i'
o'clock last Monday evening. The
woodwork behind one nf Ibe
sluvj's cauj-'bt lire, and before it
was noticed the lire had run up
between Hie wall and was burning
almost lo the rafters, l'ete Trudo,
who happened lo be Ihere, secured
a crowbar and running up slairs
nroke tnroupn tno watt at tin
head of the lire, where a few well
placed buckets of water ex
tinguished it. Peter should have
a medal for his presence of mind,
as no doubt Ihe house would have
boon burned up if il had not been
for his timolv action. The dam
age done to Ihe building was in
sU'iiillcnnl, bul it was a close
call. Nehawka News.
'Inn .
I) R. W. CLEMENT. Tiskel Az2i
L W WAKELY, JineinlPaoiniir Agent, Omaha, Neb
Notice is hekedy given, That by virtue of an order entered in the fore
gjiing entitled cause on the 4th day of December 1911, by the District
Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, I the undersigned, sole Referee ap
pointed by si ll Court, vi!!, on the
9th Day of February, 1912,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the South door of the Court House
. . . , . in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the
Grandma Weichel Doad. I , , , , , ,' .... ' . . , ...
....,., ... highest bidder, for cash, the South half of the So.ith West Quarter of Sec
Mrs. John W eiehel died 1 ues- ' ,lV1, . . , . t. ...
number of day afternoon, January 'J, al llu- i iwnuyoiA v.umi l c uii um. ui uic nuuu ..cai WUMm mm
friends al Ih.ur hoxniiable bom ; home of her dauuhler, Mrs. J. 11. the North West Quarter ot the Nortn West Quarter ot Section llnrty-tive
on Now Year's dav. A sumptuous llarnsboi Kor, in this city. Hrnml- (35), all in Township Twelve (12) North, in Range Eleven (11), East of
dinner was served at noon. Tho ma, as site was familiarly called, the Oth P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, excepting the right of way
afternoon was passed pleasant ly , had 1 n failinu for some time ()f thr Miss()Uri Pacific Railway Company, and known as the Theodore
in music and conversation, and am her nemise was not nnex- . . T . .. . . , . .
tho ladies were treated with a ported. Funeral services were IWdeker farm, lying South of Louisville, i.i sa.d County, containing 200
.! ; ii. t. e
Herman l .vangelic- acres, less railway riiu oi way,
Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., January 4, 1912.
sh-ii;h ride. An elegant super was held from Ihr
served al (' o'clock. Those pros- al church yeslonlav afternoon and
out were: John Hssenkop and intornienl made in the I'.lmwood
two sons. Trod and Toward; Will eomelery. Klmwood Leader- Bykon Ci.ark and ) tinrMIB IflHN M I P Yfl 1 PpfOTDP
Pankonin and wife, Will Ossen- I'.cho.
W M. A. RoilUKTSON, j