The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1912, Image 7

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    T5ie Avoca Department
News Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
For that cough use A. D. S.
ough syrup.
Clyde (iraham was here several
days this week.
V. II. IJi'tts, jr., was at Omaha
Tuesday with ealtk
Clyde Jenkins was down from
Manley Tuesday evening.
Therou Malcolm and wife visit
d relatives at Cook last week.
William Wulf was visiting rela
tives near Nehawka last week.
John Bogard returned Tuesday
from a visit with Iowa relatives.
E., was a Ne
hawka business visitor Tuesday.
Matthias Meyers has been under
a doctor's care for the past week
Orlando Teil't was a north
bound passenger Tuesday morn
ing. Miss Loia Malcolm of Tange
mnn visited Miss May Bogard over
Miss Marie Sealbloom of Stock
ton, Kaa is. visiting friends in
Cass county,
Pete Jorgensen was on the
Omaha market Wednesday with a
ar of cattld.
The two "Johns" Schmidt and
Busch are all smiles on account,
f the cold weather.
Joseph Secat has purchased the
seventeen-acre farm of George
Westlake, north of town.
Miss Emma Marquardt left last
week for Brady, Neb., where she
will teach in the schools.
Mrs. Hoy Combs of Lincoln
visited her sister, Mrs. Ora E.
Copes, a few days last week.
Prof. Brannigan froze one of
his ears last Sunday evening while
driving over from Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver and
little daughter, of Washington
are visiting at the W.' A. llollen
berger home. Mrs. llollenberger
and Mrs. Weaver are sisters.
A card from Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Rowland to friends in Avoca
slates that they are living in tents
at Cenler Point, Texas., on ac
count of Mrs. Rowland's health.
for nearly two weeks.
Miss Pearl Harmon, the accom
modating lady clerk at Ruhgc &
(iillen's, was unable to attend to
her duties at the store Tuesday
on account of coming suddenly in
contact with the edge of the lid to
a dried fruit bin, making some
ugly abrasions on her forehead
and lip.
The 500 club was entertained
at the home of Mr. Tell't last
Monday evening, and in spite of
the cold, all members repurted
present. A very delightful even
ing was spent. Light refresh
ments were served. B. C. Mar
quardt's luck deserted him and he
was credited with one lonesome
Mrs. O. E. Copes entertained
the R. N. A. Kensington last Fri-
English Aviator Who
Will Give No Mors
Flvinq Exhibitions.
." - v
f t 14
1 V.l
Peter Jortrensen has purchased !, lay afternoon, but it was so cold
one of the stock yards at Weeping
Water and is now prepared to buy
hogs and radio. Mr. Jorgensen
has placed I. N. Hunter in charge
of the same.
Eugene Spencer and son, Ber
nard, left Monday for their home,
at Huntley, Neb. Mrs. Spencer
and baby will slay until she is
able to travel, having been sick
that only two of the ladies
brought their work. Those pres
ent were: Mesdames Robert
Nickle, Marsh Wollen, Ous Ruhge,
Louis Rirhge, jr., Cbas. Jacobsen,
Henry Behrns, W. A. llollen
berger, James Dunbar. Refresh
ments, Consisting of sandwiches,
salad, pickles, coffee, nabiscos
and mints, were served.
To Select Foremen of Hcse Carts
and Their Assistants New
Members Taken In.
The members of the lire com
pany had a very interesting meet
ing Tuesday night at I he council
chamber. Six new members were
voted into the organization and
four or live others have applica
tions in the hands of the com
mittee oh membership. One of
the important matters disposed of
was, that of the foreman of ant
hose cart acting as nozzleman and
Vying hose. As the foreman is
the only member of the hose carl
company who gets a salary, for
Successful Hunters.
Ed Barker, junior member of
the sporting firm of Streight'&
Barker, was called to Omaha on
business for the (Inn this morn
ing. Mr. Barker was quite jubilant
over the results of their last duck
hunt "up north," from which the
linn had just returned. "The
mush ice is a great place to kill
ducks," said Mr. Barker, and if
the thermometer had not got so
busy they would have done much
better. The firm starts south
next week in quest of mud-hens,
All Trains Late Today.
On account of a wreck of a
freight on the Burlington main
line between Waverly and Green
wood, No. 6, due at 7:50 a. m.
from the west, arrived four
hours behind lime. No. i was
I made up in umana and arrived
i half an hour behind the schedule
time. A derailment east caused
No. 1, due shortly after 0 a. m.,
to be six hours late. The Rock
Bluffs special, which is famous
for being on the dot, was ten
minutes late today. One man said
0 ir--
If , 'ff$
V ........ . Hi
H. N. Isbell Experiences a Close Call From the Overturning of
His Mail Wagon and Horses Run a Considerable Distance
With the Overturned Vehicle and Hot Stove.
Pimm bv A-ncrlciin 1'rcsn Association.
and if the cold wave does not beat! U was due to a frosted rail, while
them to it, a 'successful campaign another thought it was because
is anticipated. John Wynn had to push.
Will Cease Fly!ng erd Will Make Fly
Ing Machines).
New York, Jrn. 11. ClmrJo Grahcmo
White, tie English aviator, will g ve
up exhibition flying and devote his
time to the manulacture of aeroplanes.
He has boisht a license of the Wnglit
brothers and is now fne to fly and sell
Osprallcn is Keyncto of Cm
terjnee al Omaha.
N. II. Isbell, rural carrier on
Route No. 1 out of IMaltsmoulh,
met with an accident Tuesday
while making his rounds which
he will not want repeated, as he
had a very close call for his life
and narrowly escaped being cre
mated alive in his mail wagon.
Mr. Isbell had reached about the
half-way place of his circuit, near
which he feeds his team at noon,
when his team shied, throwing
one side of his wagon unon a
bank, overturning it, and the'
horses ran, dragging the wagon
on its side, in which was Mr.
Isabell, a hot stove with lire in it,
and the mail in the pigeon holes.
Be could do nothing to stop the
team, nor could he get himself in
position to open the side door
above him.
Mr. Isbell realized his grave
peril, and knowing the road
thoroughly, anticipated that he
would be inslanllv killed when a
certain stump in the road about a
quarter of a mile ahead, was
reached. When the wagon struck
this obstruction it tore the top
away, spilling Mr. Isbell, mail ami
stove out and scattering them
along the route for some distance.
On gathering up the remains of
I he wreck some of the letters and
papers were found to he charred
and there is little doubt that had
not the slump intervened when it.
did and knocked the cover oIT the
wagon, Haines would have re
sulted from the charred paper and
Mr. Isbell would have been burn
ed to death. As it was, ho
escaped with numerous bruises,
but no serious ones. His team
was captured some distance away
from the place where Mr. Isbell
and the stove were thrown out.
The wagon was so badly wreck
ed that he cannot use it without
considerable repair. Today he
secured the wagon of one of the
other carriers to make his rounds
and will use this until his own
wairon is put in shape. Mr. Isbell
feels that, his escape was a very
narrow one, and his position in
the wacon with the stove and in
flamnble material was a most
perilous one.
Observe Week of Prayer.
At Ihe Methodist church the
week of prayer is being observed
and good congregations meet each
him to take hold of the nozzle and i night in the parlors of Ihe church
prevent a fireman from earning' and will meet Thursday and Frl
the nozzleinan's wages, was eon-I day nights. Everybody is invited,
sidered not right. Accordingly, a j Rev. Austin is progressive in
motion was made and passed fix-'church work, and as this week is
J. B. Cotner In Town.
J. B. Coiner, a former Cass
county citizen, arrived last night,
on No. 2 to visit his sons, Lee and
John, and their families. Mr.
Omaha, Jan. 11. "Cooperation" and
"home patronage' the keynotes
of the fii&t session at the Rome or
the joint convention of the Nebraska
Farmere' congress, the Nebraska rural
life commission and tl... Farmers'
incr Ihe rule that no foreman is. to
hold a nozzle or draw pay for dry
ing hose.
In the selection of otlieers for
the different hose cart companies
there was almost a complete
hange in all of the companies.
Following is a list of the officers
elected: While hose cart, W. II.
Mason, foreman; Ray Henry, as
sislant foreman; Paul Wolfarth,
eaptain; red hose cart, P. H. Kin
nannon, foreman; Henry Lahoda,
assistant foreman; Gus Carlson,
captain; Wideawake cart. S. N.
Gochenour, foreman; William
Mendenhall, assistant foreman;
Frank Koubek, captain; West
Main street cart, A. D. Standley,
foreman; Joe Kanka, assistant
foreman; Ed Kruger, captain;
hook and ladder wagon, A. F.
Braun, foreman; C. P. Richards,
assistant foreman.
being observed by all churches
everywhere, he has not allowed
the frigid weather to interfere
with his arrangements for the
week of prayer.
New Barber at the Riley.
Floyd Smith, a genial young
gentleman of Aurora, Neb., has
accepted a position with Perry
Thackslon at Ihe Riley barber
shop and will be found at his post
at all times. He is a skilled
workman in his line and those
patronizing the shop will be
pleased with his work. Mr. Smith
will bring his wife to Platlsmouth
as soon as a suitable house can
he rented.
Coiner met with a serious acci- Grain
ilmW hcl Mnv in wliiidi hie ifr t.Oll.
was broken, and he is now just!
beginning to gel around with
comfort. Mr. Coiner is 78 years
of age and for a man of his years
has remarkable vitality and re-;
covered nicely from his injury.
and Live Stock State assucln
Thp rpndlne hplow nre token at th
Rurllnirtnn di'imt. wliorp tli ther
mometer Is iilnceri timler ennilltlnn
slmllnr to those nserl by t tie I'nlteil
Ktntes wenther luriui:
Temperatures In Plattsmouth.
H a. in. . . 1(1 1 p. m. . .10
Id a. m. . . to 2 p. in. . . 10
Indicates below zero.
For Nebraska Snow Thursday,
continued cold. Fridav, unsettled.
Receives Nice Picture.
Charles Cook reports having
received from William llesser of
Long Beach, California, a line
family group of Mr. llesser and
his wife and son and a fine pair
of twin boys. Charley was well
pleased with the picture and
said the folks all looked natural
except lh( twins.
Saturday night, January 27th,
is the date of the dance to be
given by the Burlington Band,
and Coates' hall is the place.
Everybody invited to come. A
good time is assured.
LlVes Phttsmouth Laundry.
George Ballance of Lincoln, on
Januarv 10 wrote F. E. Pierson of,
the Neilson laundry of this city I
that he hail compared the work of
the Plaitsmmith laundry with
the same kind of work he had
done in Lincoln and that the work
done ill Platlsmouth is just as
good as the Lincoln laundries
can do.
A health man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy man is
an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood
Bitters builds up sound health -keeps
you well.
Mrs. II. E. Becker Is spending
the week in the city, a guest of
Mrs. John Bauer and family. m,mm ,-mlI rim, iiiiiiniwi ..i. i.n.-m n-.m. i i, i ,JCi
i i i i ii t mm i mm I I i tmm i i I
Time, tide and opportunity wait for no man; you
know it; you never had an opportunity wait for you;
this one won't. If clothes quality is what you want, here's your chance to get
the best, and save from 25 to 50 per cent of the regular price. Finer goods you
never saw; and such prices for them were unheard of before:
buys Suits or Overcoats which sold at
$15 and $16.50
buys Suits or Overcoats, which sold for
$18, $20 and $22.50
buys Suits and Overcoats which sold for
$25, $27.50 and $30
Sonif'thlng over 200 men attended
the opening meetings. The cemvt n
Hon will continue to Siturduy noon.
O. O. Smith of Kearney, president
of the Farmers' Cooperative Grain
pud Lhe Stoik State association, pre
sided. .
David Co'e, pn's'ihnt of the Coin
nieictal club, cave tho delegates two
surprires In his welcome on bet-alf of
the club, first by ca'llng them thieves
find second, by telling them not to
send trelr money to Omaha to buy
goodsi, hut to buy in their home town.
"I hi've seen Nebraska land ad
vance In price from $10 to $125 an
are," he si'd. "hut it produces now
Iofs than It did at first, for you have
kept racing corn year after year, Im
poverishing your soil. You have vlo
lnted thf. commandment. 'Thou shall
not steal.' Crop rotation should be
pr'-.rtit ed.
"Whn yen want to spend a dol'ar
for somfhlns, don't send it to Omaha.
Pnv from vour home merchant. Home
tiado will build up your town and the
better vour town Is the greater will
be the vnlue of vour property when
you come to se:i u.
Klnkald Present Sworn Statement
From Scottsbluff Club Head.
Washington, Jan. 11. Representa
tive Klnr.aid appeared before the
surer trust investigating committee
nrd laid leror" Chahmr-n Haruwick aj
Bworn statement sent to him by C. A. i
Morrill, piesldent of the Scottsbluff
Commercial club, regarding conditions
of the sugar beet industry In the
North PI? tie valley.
The point made by the statement
which was offered to controvert form
er testimony In which the Scottsbluff
people ohj-cted. Is thnt the sugir beet
rroweri are treated fairly by factories
handling the'r product and that they
consider them n3 very beneficial aid
profit able institutions of the commit
Parker Expedition Ready to Start.
New York, Jan. 11. With the sum
mlt of Mount McKlnley as Its goil. an
expedition, bended by Professor
HnrKPliel C. Parker, will have New
York within the next few days. The
expf ditlcn w'll have as Its statlcn for
Bnpplles n trading wt on the Sus'tna
river, MO nillrs from tho mountain.
Cowell Offered Omaha potmastershlp.
Washington, Jan 11. Robert Cowe'l
now Ins tbe arcopttnre of the Omaha
rotmaslemhlp befcro lilm. He has
hi-cn tendered the appointment by
Senator Prown. win Is supported i.i
bn efco'cc by Postmaster Oneral
IIU henek.
Not Quito So Well.
Colonel II. O. nlcMuken, who
has been conllned to the house for
several days with a had cold and
coniilical ions incident to his age,
i has not been quite so well for the
itvr.... n.,.,1 f,.,.m ..,. iwl wo cl s y and has kent to his
Bin IV, drove in against the biting
north wind today and looked after
business at the stores. Mr. Heed
says that the farmers in his
neighborhood put up . their ice
lasl week, ami secured the finest
kind of ice, eighteen to twenty i
II. J. Taylor and wife of F.stcv
er, Canada, who have been guests
or K. G. Hill and family for a few
days, departed for Iowa this
morning, where they will visit
indies thick and clear as could be. I relatives for a I ime.
y A Few Pay-Day Specials
During Our
Price S
New Sweater Coats at 39c
Men's Fleeced Lined Underwear 38c )l
" Flannel Shirts 90c
" Men's Wool Pants $1.85
Fine Jersey Shirts 43c
Children's all-wool Bradley Sweaters 39c
Ladies' Wool Sweaters sold at any price in order to
close them out.
As we do not care to carry over any of our Win
ter stock we are going to offer these goods at the low
est possible price during this sale.
Knit Goods, Sheep lines Coats, Hats, Caps, Un
derwear, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Over
shoes and Rubbers, must be closed out during the
month of January.
We are also carrying a large lino of Suit Cases.
Valises and Trunks.
Come in and let us show you ournumerous
lines of goods and prices that we are making on them.
SIcIhidi lints
Mnnhntliin Shirtn
R. O. Richard. Announces Candidacy.
CentervlPo, 8. D.. Jan. 11. Rlclmrd
Olscn Richards nt a public meeting
held here nnnounccd himself n pro
gressive cnndldnto for United StutfS
! senrtor In tho Republican p-imary to
be held next June.
!nairf)irafi! hm
V. ZUCKER, Manager
I ' m ' ji ii urn ii ii mini Fmmm t '""' I ' S I "" I
S ii ii i Iwm motWmV S i ii WiiMwa. x,.ub Vim i S t tm 11X