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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1912)
Murray Department. I'KKI'ARriD IN Til E INTKKRSTS OK THE PtiOPLR OP MUltKAY AN I) VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. u.y of the mukrs of tht Journal know of a nodal ewd or an item of inUrett in this vicinity and tcill mail sum to this office it mil appear under this headin t want a'l items of intercut. Editor Jour ial. DC 0 Murray State Bank MURRAY, NEBRASKA 0 Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 n CHAS. C. PARMELE, President F. L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President , VV. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier Wc Solicit Your Banking Business toiTOur Deposits are protected by tlie Depositor's Guaran tee Fund of the State of Nebraska. ft You Can Pay Your Taxes Here 3 can Pay your Ihxoh a I. the Murray Slate Hank. II'iiry Kugclkciucicr was in Murray Wednesday. Don't forget the bargains at the store of M. H. Davis. F)r. H. F. Hrcndel was in Omaha Wednesday of this week. Special sale on nil dry good at (lie I)avis' store in Murray. Mr. Saddler of Omaha was an over Sunday visitor al I he Mmwn home. Mrs. Will Hakes, living near Union, has heen on the siek list this week. The lillle hahy of Mr. and Mrs. luy Keiser has heon on Ihe sick Tint this week. Fnuelkcmejer and were in Anifiisl daunliler, Miss Lena, Murray Wednesday. Rock mull's and Ml. precincts may pay their Hie Murray Slalo Hank. Pleasant taxes at Miss Klsie. Stokes has accepted a position at (lie telephone office us assist mil. at the swilch hoard. H. O. Young, from Canada, ame in Wednesday nighl of last week to spend (lie winter v'tli home folks. Mrs. C. A. Ilawls of Plattsmouth was visiting with renliives and friends in Murray Wednesday of this week. The Clearing Sale has boon u record-breaker. Honest goods, honesl prices at the M. II. Havis' store, Murray. Mrs. Frank (loltelman of Plallsmoulh was in Murray Wed nesday, a guest at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. While. Miss Lena Young and Mr. Kd win T.vinan spent Sunday with Miss Young's parents. Mr. Lyman left for Deadwood Monday. Thomas F. Jamison of Weeping Water was in Murray last Sunday, visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Hrendel. Miss Clara Young and Ogla Minford relumed to their schools a I. Weeping Water Monday, nfler spending the. holidays with home folks. S. O. Pitman and wife write to home people that they are enjoy ing a very pleasant lime in Whar ton, Texas, but they are having some w inter (here, too. Rerrembcr that M. H. Davis Is now maVIng a genuine clearance snlo. Anyone looking for bar gplm n good goods at bottom prlcrs will profit by buying now. The Hig Clearing Sale is still gf.inrr on at. (he store of H. M. Iai. and there are still many bargains in store for you. The line of goods must be cut down. Have you been securing nny of those bargains that are being offered at Ihe Davis store in Mur ray? If not it is your own fault. They are being taken up everyday. Mrs. A. L. linker was in Omaha on Wednesday of last week. James Tigner was calling on Union merchants Saturday. John Lloyd and daughter, Lora, were in Omaha Wednesday. W. (. Hoedeker was a Platts inouth visitor Tuesday evening. James Hatched was looking af ter some business mailers in Omaha Tuesday. Mr. nml Mrs. Warren Fleming entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mut last Sunday. 11. II. Nickels and Robert flood drove to Plallsiuouth with a load of chickens Monday. Joseph Cook was looking after some business matters in Ne braska City Wednesday. Miss Fdilh Lallue spent a few days in Nehawka last week, Ihe, guest of Clara Rutherford. Itarley and Lovcll Massie, who have been visiting in Custer coun ty, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. (i. Churchill al tended the funeral of Mrs. (raves in Union Wednesday. John llohscheedl, jr., who has been spending Ihe holidays in liurlington, Iowa, returned Monday. Walker was in days this week relatives and Miss Margie Omaha a few visiting with friends. Mrs. Ross Williams returned home Wednesday from Omaha, where she has heen for the past two weeks visiting witli relatives and friends. The nianv friends of Mrs. F. M. Young celebrated her 07lh birth day anniversary Wednesday of Ibis week in the way of a post card shower. This excellent ladv received nearly 100 postals dur ing Ihe day. The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. William Rice Wednesday afternoon. The meet ing was largely attended and a most pleasant lime was had. The members were conveyed to Ihe place of meeting, in bob-sleds. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. II. Heck, on last Saturday, n bounc ing nahy liny. Harmon is ttie happiest, man in this locality be cause it is a boy, and they all say that he looks just like bis daddy. Holh mother and little one are doing nicely. Walter livers, the new road overseer, west of Murray, re ceived bis initiatory road woik this week, when Hill Haker and himself put in most of the niuht Tuesday shoveling snow to open a roadway for the travelers nnd the mail man, where it had drift ed very badly. J. W. Holmes has taken the agency for the Hurg Auto com pany, with a territory extending over southeastern Nebraska and southwestern Iowa. The Hurg company make a very flno car, six-cylinder, and one of the best on the market. Mr, Holmes looks for the demonstrating machine about the first of March. Mr. Walker commenced putting nil ice Wednesday. H. C. Creamer has been filling his ice house this week. JelT Lewis and wife were visit ing in Ibis vicinity Thursday. Mrs. E. R. Queen has heen on the sick list the past few days. James Yost was called to Plattsmouth on business Tues day. Steve Copenhaver was having a hog killing at his house Wednesday. Miss Mae Lewis spent Sunday with her brother, Kd Lewis and family. Steve Copenhaver and wife visited Will 1'ortcr's, near Union, Monday. Miss (trace Porter is spending the week with Jim Porter ann family. Henrv Osl and wife of Nehawka spent Sunday with Etta and Lee Nickels. Charles Sschwab was tilliii'jr his big ice house Monday and Tuesday. E. R. Queen and family were Sundav visitors with L. F. Filch and wife. E. V. Cole and wife spent Sun day with the former's parents at My n a rd. Fd Lewis and Lee Nickles were Plallsnioulh visitors Wednesday of this week. Calvin Suavely nnd wife spent Mondav with Steve Copenhaver and family. Ci. E. Young nnd wife were tmesis of Creed Harris and fam ily Thursday. Ci. H. Nickels left Fridav for the northern part of the state to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. W. C. Hrown left Mondav cw-nmif lor a "ecu s visil Willi Her parents at Villisca, la. j. j. I'll man is storing aw av bis ice for the season. The ice is thick and of a fine quality. dames una nop riicri were in Murray calling on friends and looking after business Thursday, Mrs. . F. Moore returned Fri day from Narka, Kas., and other points, where she has been visit ing relatives. William Carey and Lee Hutchi son were looking after some busi ness matters in the county seat last Saturday. Harry Todd moved his family in the house on D. J. Hitman's farm, which he will occupy until he builds one of his own. Oeorure ounor and wife and Meek Davis nnd wife and Mrs Oeorge Carroll were entertained bv Prof, and Mrs. Asch at dinn. r Wednesday. iur. ami nirs. . Dull were Omaha visitors' Wednesday Thursday ami Friday of this week Mr. Dull went up to attend a con vention of grain men and Mrs Dull to visit relatives and do some shopping. rranK iinoocn ami wire were passengers to Omaha Wednesday morning, where they went to con suit Dr. Clifford in regard to Mrs Rlioden s eyes, which have been civing her considerable trouble the past six weeks. O. E. Wiley was looking after some business matters in Ihe county sent Monday, cnllintr nt the Journal ofllre to renew for his father's paper, nnd also for Ihe one goinff to his sister, two copies that William Wiley has taken for years. D. S. Yost Here. I). S. Yost of Traer, Kas., was visiting with old Cass county friends and relatives a few days this week. He arrived in Platts mouth Monday and was met by II. C. Long, driving to the Long home, where he was a guest dur ing his brief slay. Mr. Yost paid the Journal office a brief call Monday afternoon, renewing for his paper, and in conversation with him he tells us that the feed question in his locality at the present time is becoming quite serious to solve, as they are pay ing $17.50 per ton for alfalfa. This is brought about by the total failure of crops in that locality ast season. The recent snow aces them in more favorable circumstances lor next year, ami will almost assure them a wheat nnd alfalfa crop next year, and ere is a vast, acreage of both these crops in his pari of the slate. Anniversary Celebration. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes in vited Dr. and Mrs. O. II. (Jilmore, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hrown, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, Pauline Oldham, Albert Young and A. M. Holmes Friday, January 5, to help them celebrate their fourteenth wedding anniversary. The day was the coldest of the winter so far, but it did not hinder the mirth and enjoyment prevalent at this party. Dinner was served at 2 and lunch at 7. Cards was the entertainment of the evening. The day will be long remembered by those present, and the wish of the day was that Mr. and Mrs. Holmes will celebrate many more an niversaries in just the same way. We Have It for You! Just What You Want Ycu need it! Ceme to us for it! Business Increasing. In conversation with Mr. Davis this week, he tells us thai his business has been steadily in creasing every day since lie came to Murray a few weeks ago. This is indeed very gratifying to the Journal publisher, for we believe that a man who conducts his business as Mr. Davis does, it hould continue to grow. It is true that he has been selling some goods on a very close mar gin and in some instances below osl. He had but two points in view and ttiev were to secure Ins hare of the business in this community and to reduce the ock to a lower llgure. He has been successful beyond his most anguine' expectations, and we nredici liiai Hie nusiiiess ot nils nopular fradinu point will eon- iniie (o grow under the manage ment of It. M. Dav is and his son, F.arl. They are both excellent uent leineii ami are deserving oi success in the fuffe( term-. FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folks Should Be Careful in Their Selection of Regulative j Medicine. I We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is particularly adapted to the re quirements of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who sutler from constipation or other bowel disorders. We are so cer tain that it -ill relieve these complains and give absolute satis faction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guar antee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails to substantiate our claims. This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies. llexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy, are partciularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive loose ness or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weak ness, ami aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes, 10c, 25c and ijOc. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke & Co. WHAT? nzn the c i Guaranteed not to sag. It is cheaper than steel and will last fully as well. Come and get one. EDMUNDS Murray, Nebraska Announcement. Miss Kiltie Cummins has hce appointed resident instructor in Pianoforte for the University School of Music for Plattsmouth and vicinity. Students wishing to register with her as associate pupils of the University School of Music may do so now for the term ending March 20th, 1912. Here after pupils studying under the direction of Miss Cummins will receive their credits and certi ficates of proficiency through the University School of Music. To Whom it May Concern Editor of Plat I mouth Journal Recognizing William Rev Young to be an able ami thoroughly competent auctioneer in every re- pert, from my experience with him in Ihe sale ring. I hereby heartily recommend him as an up-to-date auctioneer. Anyone contemplating bidding a public sale can safely engage Hrotber Young, as he is a reliable young man in every respeel. In my fourteen years' experience as an auctioneer I have never had a man work with nie that took more interest in Ihe sale than Mr. Young. Col. I. A. Morris, Carlyle, Montana. Horses for Sale. I still have several head of extra good horses for sale at a price thai is right if taken soon. I have moved llieni to the August Steppat farm, two and one-half miles west of Plattsmouth, just west of the county farm, where I will be on every Monday Thursday to show the slock quote prices. These horses all well broke and good stuff, and will be sold al a close price if taken soon. Frank Vallery. For Sale, Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male pigs. V. E. Perry, Mynard, Neb. FOR SALE Barred Rock Cockerels at $1.00 each. Inquire of Mrs. John Yardley, Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb., or call Murray 'phone 3-K. i-4-3tw. Glenn Hawkenbery has accept ed (lie position made vacant by I lie temporary absence of George Hecker at the Streight & Streight undertaking establishment and will be found ready for business and ; w hen occasion demands. and are Sochi Dance at Murray. The Murray Dancing club will irive another one of their social dances at Jenkins' hall in Murray on Saturday evening,. January 20. The music will be furnished by Ihe Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha. There will be a good lime in store for all those who wish to attend. Mrs. O. C. Dovey and Miss Carrie Adams were passengers to Omaha on the morning train to day, where they looked after busi ness matters for a few hours. Cird of Thanks. 1 wish to express my apprecia tion of the interest and co-opera tion manifested bv the members ami friends of the congregation during I lie past year, and escpei- ally during the recent meetings. Aside from the additions, I feel that the meeting lias strengthen ed the work and bettered the com munity. This coming year ought to be the best in our history. We ask an earnest support in every way and extend a cordial invita tion to all to attend all the serv ices. In our bible school, which meets nt. 10 n. m., nnd is super intended by Mr. Lee Kniss, there are classes for all. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects for January 14: In the morning, "Does Christianity Pay?1' In the evening, "Where Am I; What Am I?" Ross Williams, Pastor. SPECIAL I 120 MINUTE SALE on the following lines Saturday, January 6, M. tl DAVIS' STORE BEGINNING PROMETLY AT 2:30 All Outings; per yard GJic Calico, per yard 4Jsc 50c Underwear. 35c 35c " 20c Wm. Wiley Doing Nicely. We arc pleased to nolo that our excellent friend, Uncle William Wiley, who has been so ill for Ihe past, summer, is once more gaining strength ouito rapidlv for one of his aire. His son informs us that he is able to look after a great deal of the chores about the farm and came very near journeying to the county seat Monday, but the weather was just a little too cold for him. Up From Near Nehawka. ,1. A. Donehty nnd wife and daughter, Miss Nellie, from near Nehawka, were Plattsmouth visit ors last Saturday, driving up to look after some business matters nnd do some trading. Mr. Doughtv paid t he Journal ofllce a brief call, renewing for his paper for an other year. John never forgets the printer when in the county seat. Mrs. Jacob Domingo and Miss Anna Christiansen of Weeping Water arrived last evening and visited Mrs. Domingo's daughter, Mrs. S. Ray Smith, over night, de parting for Omaha on the morn ing train today. Mrs. Smith ac companied her guests to the me tropolis for the day. Mrs. E. O. May field of South Omaha was in the city between trains today, looking after busi ness matters. Mr. Mayfield is im proving, bul slowly, and hopes to be on his feet again soon.. His numerous friends here will be pleased to know that he is on the way to recovery. WM. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Leave orders at Murray State Bank. Address either Plattsmouth or Murray. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all the neiorhbors and friends who so kindly gave assist ance and svmpathy on the night of Janunrv 3, when our home was destroyed bv fire. Mr. and Mrs. II. (5. Todd and Family. Teachers' Examlnitlon. The regular teachers' examina tion will be held nt the county superintendent's oWee in Platts mouth Fridav and Saturday, Jan uary 1(1 and 20. l-tt-2ld-2tw. W. J. OTtrien of 0 rein a was in the city today looking after some repairs on the slate II sh car. Mr. O'Hrien says the present cold snap beats the record for the past twenty-five years. DO YOU KNOW THAT -J. H. COOK- carries a full line of FRESH and CURED f&i n era T n n y l J. S. Hall and wife nnd Mrs. L. Hannard of near Murray were Omaha passengers on Ihe morn ing train today, where they look- 9 Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies! S Also a nice line of Con fectionery and Cigars. ed after business few hours. matters for a KcDaniel Old Stand MURRAY, NEBRASKA