The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1912, Image 2

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    r. , v r x n -v r n ra n n r- n ra r" P2s n -"v i3 -ess -. n &
3 m i r?h
never in the history of this store have we had a more successful sale. The people of g
Plattsmouth and vicinity are simply snapping up these wonderful bargains. Why? Be-
w . ..... ... m j i s- if
cause they know values and realize that we are selling our entire siock ot
1 ca
9 A
H n J!
k vrv hb r
T A 7
i. rv ri ii k it r,r mm u k ,. ki n ci t - - n f r ut lwtik. r arin
1 Petticoats and Children's oats at SPriceS
p In Our Men's and Boys' Clothing Department we offer you any suit in the
4 house for
I Any Overcoat in the iHoose at Just PrieeE
YX ft
j When wo say that we arc closing out these iines at price we mean i, and not 1. This
& sale is now going on and the month of January will be the bargain month at this store. So
ft don't miss this wonderful opportunity to dress fashionably. It costs practically nothing.
Waists, i
Sf 1
! (Special Corn'spoiHlcncc.) !
I'liitlHinotith, Ni?l., .Til n n ii ry 8. 1912.
Iliiiuil met In n-Kiiliii' hchnIciii. I'ros
nt M. I.. Ki lcclrldi, (;. II. .lordim anil O.
K. Ilnclmo r, Coimly CiiiiinilHHloni'rn; U.
C. Mdrnan County Clerk.
MlniilrH of iHi'VloiiK Ki'MxInn rend and
6)pl nVC ll, VI llt-n Hit- follow ItIK llllHllH'HM
whh I in ii s n i-t imI In ri'Kiilnr form:
County t rcnuiirc r fllril Ktntfinont of
rorclplH nnil illsliiii'Hiiiii'TitH rioin July
IhI. 1!HI. to .In it tin iv .', 1 1) 1 2.
County .Indue IHeil fourtli iuiirter
rrjoitH, 1D1I.
Ilomi (1. V. I'eteison, Justlfii of tho
pi-nee Tipton Preclnet, npproved.
Neliiimkii State HoNpltnl returtiod
deiii'i ill 1'iinil wiirniiit No. 7. iHMietl
jHiiuniy 1!. I 111-, for elotliinK for
(Mihi'Ikh AnileiHiin, on nii'ount of An
diMson lii'lni a pntlent from IhiurIuh
con ii I v hihI not from i'hhh.
Ileceipt In roll from Mm. 0. A.
ilem of Knirlo fur riiro of lumlel Jli
Jutly received and placed on lllc.
pplli ii I Ion from tint Hunk of vocu
to lieconie ii count v ilepoxllory, lilildlnn
2 per cent, received iind Hie bank
ilerllKnuteil iin ii ilcpoxltory.
Hlierlff tiled reoorl of forelKIl feiiH ,
inrueil for year 1!D1.
KlierllT tiled report of feeH earned for
year mil. I
County Biipei inteiident l'iiueHtid tlie
bon nl to make koium ullowancn with
reference to clerk hire and travelltiR
exeiiHc under .SuIhIIvIhIoii 7, Section 2
of I I'D tatutex. The name wim re-
(ieuiKe N. I.allue appointed inem
hor of hoIiIIcim' relief continlNHlon.
Ir. Albert C Welch was thlH day ap
pointed County riivxlclun for the year
I'JIJ, the conipeiiNiitloti nhnll be $."i.00
per day and mileage not to exceed
9X0.00 per 1ii v. nor xhall tho total fee
fixoeed $ fiOH.tM) per year.
Hoard of health ot'Kiinty.cil with M. I..
Krleilrlch, chairman; C. It. Jordan, vlco
i.'bnlrinan ; )r. Albert C. Welch,
phvMlchin, and l. Moi'Kiin, necrelary.
County Clerk InHtructi-d to call for
Mils for year I it 12 bh follows:
County printluK.
Iliirlel of pauper poor.
County plivNlclaiiN for the vurioim
IiIivhIcIiiii (tlMtrlctx.
IXnilate of cxpeiiHe for year 1!H2: '
(!ourt lloone cxpenxe t 12,01)0(10
CoininlHHlonerK' xnlarv 2 fiOO.OO
County Superintendent n
Hillary l.tiOO.On
AKHesHinK county ;i,rii)0.00
tlukliiit las list 701) 011
HonliH, bliinkM and Hiipplled. . 2,000 00
K'eellon expense 2.:lKI.00
Fuel 1.500.00
Jn II epens( 1.000.00
I'Hiii'ci N ii ml poor farm 2.0'iH.OO
Ooiinlv altornev'H milnrv .... 1,200. no
Hrlib'.crt 32 000.110
IJoiiiIh llO.llinini)
IneldentnlH Ti. 310110
Middle tV l!ellef 1.000 00
Court KxpeiiKu i:i,ni)').oo
H'-erl'Tn Snliirv 1.7.ri0.00
County Clerk'H Halnry 1,050. 00
Ieoty SherltT'H Hillary 510.00
The following cIiiIihh were allowed
on the ('enernl fund:
C. It. Jordan, Halnry $ 2(1.00
Klooii tb lliirtlett, HtalueH and
NHeHHOlV booliH 116. GO
A. (1. Much & Co., merchnndlNp.
In count v 29.00
jptMixt Kohertnon, Stato vh.
McCiiiiii 1.75
Me-"Bret While, State vh. Me-
Cnnn 6. 80
Li'"v llnddoii, Snlale vh. Mc
dum 5. SO
V. !. Kilcke &. I'd. dniKd to
count v farm 15.55
O. I. gulnton, JJaller fees, 1911
("er.iHeill 516.00
V., 10. Ileehner, Hillary and mlle-
ko 16.75
K . H. Shopp, work at court
bonce 5 (jo
CI'ph. WaniHat, wood to court
limine r 00
M. I,. Krleilrlch, Hiilnrv 16.00
The I'liitiHiiioutli Journal, print-
Inr nnd Himnllen 31 36
lr. H K. Hrcidel, et al., feeH
lane cHe Marv I'aviier .... 47.20
Tie foUoicliiu clnlniH wero nllowed
un the t'nnd fund:
.1. K. H'tcK, return of poll tnv
recount overcliai'KO ltoad
HlHtrlct 'o. 1.1
.lol'ii M. HoMche road work.
Pond lltlrct No. 2 32.50
Hoard pi'l'iurooil to meet Wednemluv,
Janiinrv 17th. 111!.
I). C. MOUOAN, County Clerk. Kllii'l McDowell is .sull'tT
iiiK from an nlircss on llm forc
liiiRt'r. Mr. Atli'llii-rt I.t'f.sly has been
uihIit IIic weal her for I tic pasl
(ins McXni'lin rclnriit'd to his
lionit' in IIic wt'sliM'ii part of tin;
.stale Tuesday.
Mr. Farmer ami family, from
Kansas, are visit inj,' relatives
here ami at Ashlaml.
The (bid Fellows installed their
olllcers Tuesday eveniiiK and
had a line private supper after
ward. Frances Connelly and friend,
: Miss O'Connor, from Wallace, arc
ivisilint,' his brother, John, and
' oilier relatives.
Hob Hles, who was so severely
injured a couple of months ao, is
able to be up most of the time now
and can take a few steps.
I Mrs. ('unniiiKham and son,
who have been visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. llarr,
relumed to their homo at Ne
braska City.
Mr. McDonald is tilling the ice
house this year, lie is shipping
the ico from Memphis, which will
insure cleaner ice than wo have
been having.
Misses Mamie and (iussio llo-
ham visited the school last Friday
and Dr. Houston Join's on Mon
thly. We are always glad to
have our friends and parents of
the children visit tho school.
An interesting program was
rendered Thursday evening, Jan
uary i, at tho literary, after
which a ilebato was given. The
ipiestion was, "llesolveil, That
Women Should Have t ho llighl of
F.tpial Franchise iWlh Men." It
was decided unanimously in favor
of tho alllrinalive. Wo may ex
pect to have Nebraska added to
the list of woman suffrage states
after this debate.
Mr. Jas. McCall'ery, Mgr. of the
Schlitz Hotel, Omaha, Neb., re
commends Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, because it euros in
every case. "I have used it my
self and 1 have recommended it to
many others who have sinf-o told
me of its great curative power in
diseases of Ihe throat and lungs."
For all coughs and cold it, is
si lily effective. For sale by
Frieko & Co.
.C. L
Funeral Yesterday Attended by a
Large Number of Sympathetic
Neighbors and Friends.
is a reliable family medicine. Give
it to your children, and lake it
yourself when you feel a cold
coming on. It checks and cures
coughs and colds and croup and
prevents bronchitis and pneu
monia. For sale by Fricke & Co.
Elmer Mayfield of Ashland and
Miss Ada Moore United
in Wedlock.
Charles Durham, I.ovingtou, HI.,
has succeeded in llndinga positive
cure for bed wetting. "My little
boy wet tho bed every night clear
through on the tloor. I tried
several kinds of kidney medicine
and I was in the drug sloro look
ing for something different to help
him when I hoard of Foley Kidney
Pills. After ho bail taken them
two days we could see a change
land when lie had taken two-thirds
Inf 11 lwifllo lui u'lu eneoH Tlml
........ , ...I, II, I(1 .-T
about six weeks ago anil lie has
not wet in bed since." For sale
by Fricke & Co.
(Special Correspondent.)
F. O. Meall was in Omaha Mon
day. Ice harvest is the order of the
Mrs. Jacob (Soehry is confined
to her bod.
Miss Anna (Soehry came home
from Lincoln on No. 18 Monday.
Wo are sorry to note that Merle
McDonald is not so well as usual.
Little Miss Virginia Schewe
was quite sick a few days last
Lacoy McDonald, who attends
school in Lincoln, was homo over
Mr. and Mrs. Kuehn were
guests of Will Schewe and fam
ily Sunday.
F.d Jumper returned home
Tuosdav. after having served
four jears in the navy.
Henry (iakomier returned from
Chicago Saturday, where lie spent
the holidays al the home of his
Miss Thorpe and Miss Oiesekor,
our charming school teachers, re
lumed Sunday from their holiday
Miss Threasa Kelly returned to
her homo at l'lattsmoulh last
Saturday, after a visit with rela
tives hero.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anigwert and
daughter, Marvel, spent Tuesday
evening at the Paul Schewe home
east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Haymond West
lake and daughter, Mary Flor
ence, ate Sunday dinner with
jonn Aingwon ami iamny. i
llayinoiKl Wosllako is again
seen behind the block in tho
butcher shop. Ho is. an old hand
at the business and hero's wish
ing him success.
i A ice J. (leaves was horn in
I March, i K((, in Carroll county
i Missouri, and came to .Nebraska
! during 1887, and on. December 18,
I 1887, in l'lattsmoulh, was mar
ried to Charles L. Graves, Hey. W.
i 1 1 i ti ..:.. i w ; 1 1,
in. .wcAiiimi r mm i.uiiih. miiu D,,t.,m,,k I ,j0.i MU.1,,.1, ,l
her husband she shortly after;
their marriage moved to F.iion, m 1 the Parmel8 Theatep Wednes
this county, where she has re- day Night, January 24.
snieii lor I no pasi, iwomy-iourj
voars. Three children wero born
to Mr. and Mrs. Graves Harry of
F.agle, and Misses Verna and
Loola at home, who, with her hus-
Yesterday afternoon Elmer
Maylield of Ashland and Miss Ada
Moore of Centervillo, Iowa, ap
peared before County Judge Beo
son and procured a permit to wed
and prevailed on tho judge to lie
the knot before I hey left the court
house. The happy young couple
left on tho afternoon train for
Ashland, where they will make
their homo.
Miss Moore is the young lady
composing who wav separated from her par
ents from childhood, and only re
build, are left to mourn her un
timely death.
Mrs. Graves had been in poor
health for a number of years, her
last illness being of about thir
teen weeks' duration. She was
first attacked with pneumonia,
followed by other complications,
which would not yield to treat
ment, although all that medical
skill could do was done in her
Mrs. Graves was a kind and
obliging neighbor, a loving wife
and mother, and had a great
many warm friends in Ihe com
munity in which she was best
known, and to evidence their groat
esteem ami respect for the do
parled the Baptist church was
crowded at her funeral, which t c
currcd Wednesday afternoon.
Standing room could not be
found for all who desired to show
their regard for Ibis estimable
lady. Tho funeral was conducted
by Hev. W. A. Taylor of Union.
Mrs, Graves was a mouther of tho
Haplisl church" and also a mem
ber of tho Hoyal Neighbors of
John Corey, of this city, rep
resenting the Hod Men lodge, of
which Mr. Graves is a member,
attended the funeral, bearing a
wreath of bountiful (lowers for
Ihe casket of Mrs. Graves. The
Journal extends sympathy In tho
bereaved husband and children in
this sad hour of their great
i Ibis organization are rehearsing
(almost every night now and are cent ly discovered the whereabouts
preparing to surprise the l'latts- of her realtives. Mr. Mayfield'
mouth people with one of the bride is well known to a large
greatest and most interesting circle of Plattsmouth acquaint
entortainments over given in the ances. The groom is u fine ap
city. Tho company is under the pouring young man, though a
direction of Prof. II. S. Austin, stranger to most people in Hub
who understands just how such city. Tho happy young couple re
enlorlainnients should lie given to ceived the congratulations of the
bo successful I judge and w itnesses, who wished
Tho ladies will appear in black (hem a smooth and prosperous
face, and with their places on the voyage through life.
stage in the overture, with end i
ladies, interlocutor etc., and the'
Do not allow your kidney and
lil.nlilop li'iiuhlo In ilovolnn liovnnd
usual iokes will be propounded, : , m, r(a,h ()f n,ldicjne . Tako Folej
songs and dances, quart ots, duets, KW pjlls Th pive ick re
and in fact everything in Ihemin-i ,. n, . c. lni,ilimi tvilS
ti i i n tiivi ot vj; ii.h
slrel line will be carried out to
Ihe letter. They are sparing
neither labor or expense to make
this one of the most enjoyable
events, and as a portion of the
proceeds will be given to the Y.
M. C. A., they should be greeted
by an overflowing audience.
Our word for it, if you don't
sav. after it is all over, that you
never laughed so much in your
life at one entertainment, we will
irive our old pale for a foot ball.
Dear in mind the date Wednes
day night, January 21 and bo on
hand to enioy yourself and hear
some of Ihe finest sinning you
ever listened to, and all by local
surprising promptness,
by Fricke & Co.
For sak
Harsh physics react, weakra
the bowels, cause chronic con
stipation. Doan's Hogulet
I operate easily, tone the stomach,
i cure constipation. LTe. Ask
i your druggist for them.
Forest Hose Flour. The next
lime you need a sack of flour try Hand, Saturday
sack. You will find it the best '27th, al Coalos' ball,
an Mm market. I be good music.
Announce Marrie.
Mr. ami Mrs.' Joseph Wright
Johnson have issued cards an
nouncing tho forthcoming mar
riage of their daughter, Huth
Floannr. lo Mr. John Wilson
Remember the dale of the dance I Chapman, which will occur at the
lo bo given by the Burlington Johnson homo Tuesday afternoon.
night, January . January Id, at 3 o'clock. They
There wil
will bo at homo In their friends
after March 1, at Sioux City, la.
always give satisfaction becaust
they always do the work. J. T.
Shelnul. Bremen, (in., savs: "I
have used Foley Kidney Pills with
trroat satisfaction and found more
relief from I heir use than from
any other kidney medicine, and
I've tried almost all kinds. I can
cheerfully recommend them to all
sufterors for kidney and madder
trouble." For sale by Fricke &
Is its fata tendency to rmeti
monia. To cure your la grippe also solicited.
coughs take Foley s Honey and
Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher.
Washington, Kas., says: "I was
troubled with a severe attack of
la grippe that threatened penu
monia. A friend advised Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound and 1
irot relief after faking Hie first
few doses. I took three bottles and
my la grippe was cured." Get the
trenuine, in the yellow package,
For sale by Fricke & Co.
I rei Bates,
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
Atl orders promptly fil'ed, and
"SulVered day and niuhl the
torment of itching piles. Nothing
helped me until I used Doan's
Ointment. It cured mo perman
ently." Hon. John R. Garret t,
Mayor, Girard, Ala.
Herman Greeder,
Gradual Vcl'ncary Surgccn
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Agricu ture)
Licensed by Nebraska State
Cats Answered Promptly
Phiro 378 White, Plattsmuuth