The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 11, 1912, Image 1
mouth ourna VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912. NO. K H A A . 5 HE CITY BUHL PUTS IN VERY BUSY III si S S 901 liS Colorado City, Colorado, Fire Department Has Fine Fire Team That ft OffW. for $403-Mjih Discmsion Over Transferinfir ! City Funds From First National From Tue.silny's Puily. All councilineii were present last night at I he call of the roll, and after the reading and ap proval of I hi; minutes of the previous meeting: communications were taken up and read. A letter from the chief of I. ho lire depart- meal, of Colorado City, Colo., to Councilman Lushinsky was read relative to a fine lire learn which the city in Colorado had to sell. The team was represented as 7 years old, well broke for the business and were offered lo the City of Plallsiuoulh for $100. The communication was placed on file, to be taken up when the city had more money. A communication from W. I). Jones asking the council to grant dim permit to repair and rebuild the barn destroyed by fire during last November and agreeing to cover the outside of the building with galvanized iron was read. After some discussion the permit was granted over the protest of Councilman Neuman. A list of the ofl'oers of the fire department elected at a recent meeting: to hold during the year 1912, the same as that printed in ! s I dinar should bo done at once. the Journal immediately after the! Ho was opposed to anv frano'uso election, was read, and on motion himself, but ho thouehl that of Councilman Neuman, chairman those on the boio'd who were in of the lire and water commit too, favor of one should hustle around the ollicers as elected were con-j ami do business, firmed, (lie motion for eonlirma- A report of the liuhl committee lion being seconded by Council- j v as ""ado in writ ins: rceo'umend rnan Shea. jmr I ' 1 n I the ni"'il police lake an A report of the finance com-j jnvenlorv of I li lamps everv miltee on llio. audit f I lie. books ,.j .lit and fake this in wrjibv-r In of the city clerk ami city troas- the cliief of police, indioatinar the urer, I'mlinor all correct, was read. I Ijirdls which were iml on to con- and sitrned bv Councilmon Dovey, Weber and Dwyer. Chief Haim-v reported sixteen arrests during December. Clerk Wurl reporled $(5 col lected from occupation taxes. The Standard Oil company had been noliPed concerniim their lax sev eral limes, but had not responded. The mailer was referred to the cilv al torney to draw a resolution for the council to' proceed lo cnl- locl the occupation lax from the , men Weber and Dwyer. a maior Sfandard Oil company, bv suit or itv of the linance commil lee, slal olherwise. City Allorney Tidd be- im-r in substance Ihal the former inur present immediately drew a resolution and I ho same was pre sented bv Councilman Dwyer and adopted by U10 council. The city treasurer's report was then read and referred lo the finance committee. The report showed funds paid out and bal ances as follows: Warrants Balance Fund Ceneral Building . . Road Fire Depl... Library . . . Park Police .... Fire llyd'l.. Lighting . . Interest . . . Cemetery .. Dog.. . .'. . . Business Tax .... Sinking . . . Ceneral School . . Teachers' .. Paving Dist No. 3 Reg Warrant.. Paid. . on Hand. 3D3.D0 $ 88i.8f) 55US ,r)88.iO 83. id '(li. 00 r.8.75 l-.Ti.OO 170.10 2, 105. JO 37.50 350.73 105.75! 2 (i 1.5(5 50.01! 300.15 ! 1,017.11 I 503.05' 2, 881). 71 130.12 110.01 358.38 1,128.01 '015.08 13.08 801.57 1,817.50 1,870.37 175. M,021.1!) Loss Overdraft ...... 12,008.28 015.08 Balance on hand.. . $12,353.20 A report from the streets, al leys and bridges commil tee, sin ed by Coiincilinen Weber, Shea ami Will, showing condition of paving in District No. 3 in good shape, recommending release to M. Ford of I ho balance of 10 per cent of his contract, whic)i bad been retained for guaranly of vork, with interest al 5 per cent, as contract reipiired. The re port was approved by I he coun cil and I he warrant for sl,0un or more directed to bo issued in favor of M. Ford. A report of (he street eominis- II to Plattsmoulh Stite Bank sinner of tools and implements belonging lo the city was read and placed on tile. ,Mr. Ncuman of the tin; and Water committee reported that an electric light had been placed at the central hose house, and the jjrnt company would furnish the current iree 01 cnarue. a similar, request lo the telephone com- panv h,'d been met with the state- K,,pp & Barllelt. election sup-i fo1' a I""- lime; the music was property of the Hell in Cairo, ment thai the railway commis- pj,.Si ?). ',0; n. Bavlor. coal furnished by the M. YV. A. or-' York, Adams, Cass, Otoe, Nuck sion would not allow anv free and a1n h. $15; F. M. Richey, ' Hioslra and consisted of some of oils, Pawnee, Richardson, John telephones, nor any deviation lumber and films, 9228.30; Ne-'11"' best selections this popular son, Nemaha. Lancaster, Sannd- froni the mercantile schedule of per monlli. I tu council do- 01. led lo nave llio. cilv at torney , communicate wild (lie commis- j sion and ascertain if a 'phono j could not po had lor tlie resi dence rate. Mr. Neuman also sucrcrosled Hint a 1 i 12 1 1 1 should bo placed in position to Irrhl (do viaduct un der the Burlim-Mon bridse. The mailer was so vol oil by I do council. Mr. Neuman a No reminded the council that something should be done about the water franchise; that but three moulds vol, re mained of the obi franchise and Ir.ict. and Hint monhv report made no from 1 I I lie ni'-'-lil police, oil vonld have Ibe chief (Mo a with the council ie dn iv cuoi'l s of so thai the eimn- so"o (lif'mitc in- formnlioti lon the I i came for paviiv for li"bt. and that the company bo nnid onlv for lights actually furnished. The mailer was approved bv the council. I'mler the head of new business a resolution signed bv Council- clerk had failed to make a record of I lie resolution of the council conslitutinur Ihe First National bank of this city a depository of the city funds, in substance as follows: "Resolved that such resolution bo now entered on the record and that such bank be continued as Ihe cilv depository until llio end of the present quar ter." Remarks were made by dif ferent members of tlie council. Cilv Treasurer F'ricke was present and llio mayor called on him for a statement. Mr. Fricke informed the council Ihal he was now connected wild Ihe Plalls niouth Stale bank and desired lo have the city funds under his own control and deposited in this bank. He also staled that Ibo Slate bank would pax Ihe same rale of interest which lud been paid bv the Firs I Nat ional. Mr. Kurtz spokojui the resolu tion lo Ibo effect that Mr. Fricke was the treasurer and responsi ble for the money and should bo allowed to place u whore he (Mioso. Mr. Dwver objected to this, saving Ihal il was a part of the consideration of the payment of 2 per cent on the daily balances bv Ihe First National bank Ihal Ihe bank should be the deposilory of (he cilv for Ihe full year. The roll was called on the resolution, and those voting aye were Dwyer, Dovey, Will, Lush insky and Shea; I hose voting nay were Weber, Kurt, and Oravilt; llalNtroiu and N'euman passed wilhoiil vol inur. Before ad inurnment the ing bilN were allowed: Bales, printing, s 11.75 Filpatrirk, salary nivhl follow R. A. John police, I0; F. Neuman for assisting slate lire warden, S1.80; W Ihe B. Rishel, road work. $1.70; Henry Lnhoda. R. W. Toogood, P. II. Kinneiuoii, R. Ilenrv, nozlenioii al (ireen lire, each l.50; Will I i company, hvtlranl rental for year, .WOO; Chief Manners, as-I sisling stale tire warden, $1.8(1;' ("lass county, hoarding city prisoners, $0.30; library expense, $2.20; Olive Jones, salary for Do- com her. S .1 : ' a snion 111 e o- pi,,,,,,, company l.r0; M. Archer, salary for December, $30; Ne- brnska Li'-Mit company, light for cilv council, :t.r cents; P. Harri son, road work, St; Nebraska Light eompanv, liiihl at library, jj.., )0; Nebraska Light company, litrliling si reels, .'ll' 5; Nebraska Light company, $1.40; Weyrieh lladraba, supplies lo night nnlioe ,lrr Hen Ilninov tnlnrv. PC. 5; Henrv Trout, salarv, sR50; James Donnelly, library fund, S . r 0 . T1( following claims were re- f,.,T,,(i n il0 claims committee: 1,,-aska Light company, 2.r0; fl. ' j( j.'ni.i,,y) agent, rent for council ,., f(. f(Mlr ,non1Si jsof) Connoil tden adiourned. The E, FUL SERVANT Frank E. Schhter Rstires From omce With Credit to Hirr.sMf and His Friends. F.x-County Treasurer F. E. Sehlaler last week completed bis report covering the numerous funds required lo be kept in the treasurer's ofllce and extending over a period of six months, and the result is very gratifying to Mr. Sehlaler, as well as the lax pa' ers of I he county. The rnonov on band in all of I lie funds, amounting lo .'J0, 302.7 1, was accounted for lo I lie board of county commissioner-; and turned over to Ins successor in the presence of the board last Thursday morning. The county is cb ar of id hi. with a balance on hand, as above slated, and a further gratifying feature of I lie report is that not a precinct, in the couny has one cent of indebt edness. The ofllce has more than paid its salaries and clerk hire and Mr. Sehlaler turned over ex cess fees for Ihe year of 1011, the handsome amount oT ? 1,221 .02, and for I his splendid show ing Mr. Sehlaler is entitled lo the com mendation and appreciation of his constituency. The principal funds from which the balance is made up are: The stale general fund, $0,707.01; university. ?1,308.10; county gen eral fund. 0,151.30; county road. 10,323.77; dislrict, road. t 1.010.85; dislrict school, $35, 007.51; district school bond, $1, 075.40; teachers' school, .0, 881.00; Cilv of Plallsmoulh, $3, 800.83; Cilv of Weepinur Water, s 1. 012. 13; permanent road, 1, 530.1 i. The amount Mr. Sehlaler will turn over to the state treasurer for Ihe year of 1011 is $12,- 1L70. This is a handsome showing for the county, and Mr. Sehlaler has denionsl rated Ihal I'm voters of the counlv made 110 mistake when limy elecled dim to Ihe important position of county treasurer. Mr. Schlalor's train ing previous to taking the olllce was of a nature to peculiarity adapt him lo Ihe needs of Ihe olVeo. And iml content with hav iuir Ihe work done entirely by as sistants, he looked after the de tails of llio olllce and had every department of it thoroughly in hand. The olllce has been con duelid under Mr. Schlalor's ad ministration with one less clerk than formerly, enabling him lo save a greater surplus of foes lo be turned into the county each year. Hero is one of the ihs qualified men in the stale for Ihe posit ion ot staii ireasurer, and ins manv friends should push him for Ibis important ollee. Bo is compet cnl and reliable and a llrsl-rlass man in every respect, L. F. Banniek, who has been visiliiiir the Hans Seivers' homo for some lime, departed for his homo at Coleridge Ibis morning, M a sun. nozzlomaii ami ilry in huso, 3; Plattsnioulh Wale WELL THOU GOOD AND B:G EVENT AT THE T. J. S0IOL HI1L ItSI SIMDM The Annual Grand Ball at T. J. Sokol HbII Saturday Night a Big Success. The annual grand hall given by the Z. C. B. J. at the T. J. Sokol hall last Saturday night was a big success, socially and finanei allj. The dance was preceded by a one-act play, in which the act- "ig was done by local talent, and ''very pari was well played. The I't'i'fornianro evoked much ap- phi'ls,! indicating that the audi ence apprcciah d the ellorts of the home folks to put up a good entertainment. I The dance after (lie play was One of the best given in the hall 0110 of the best given in the hall organizal ion can produce. Lunch w served up-stairs and a gen- oral jolly good time eniovod bv all present. The ball is given annually bv the society named above, and has come lo be one of Ihe events of the winter, looked forward to wild a great deal of anticipation, and Ihe members of the social set and their friends (urn out lo enjoy lion of Ibo year. llio social func- Lcst His Wedding Clothes. J. II. Sneed of Putnam, Okla., while on his way lo Sioux City, Iowa, lo git married, met with a peculiar experience when he reached this city Sunday evening. W hile Mr. Sneed was silling in a smoker a Plallsmoulh young lad.'i's young man picked up Mr. i-'necd's grip, which conlained $30 worth of weddinur clothes, and carried the grip from Ibo train nm! handed it over to the Piatt s mmilh bark driver, who brought I In ,-!j,ly and her two Brim, ".p town. When Mr. Speed gol through smoking and went lo gel his grip to odam-'o cars al Omaha he discovered il had departed. Be then got busv wild lolographinir and located the missing grip in this city. He came down on the morning train and got his prop erly and departed for Sioux Cilv on the fast mail. Mr. Snood would like to know bow the mistake oc curred which cost him some trouble and expense. Another Wreck. From Monday's Pally. Missouri Pacific train No. lol, due at Plallsmoulh al 10:07 a. 111., soul h-bound from Omaha, met with a wreck this morning be tween Avery and Albright, where I lie M. P. uses Ihe U. P. tracks for quite a distance. The M. P. passenger collided with a U. P. freight, demolishing Ihe way car of the freight and knocking Ihe pilot and smoke-slack off ot the M. P. engine and otherwise doing- damage lo Ibo engine. Fortunately no lives were losl. The fault was wholly with I lie I'. P., as il was running ils freight 011 Ihe passenger lime and had slopped its train of four cars on Ihe I rack without having sen: anyone back lo flaur Ihe ouconn'u'jr passenger train. The accident oc- t eurred on a curve and could not have been avoided by Ihe M. P. crew. The online, although damaged, look ils train on to Kansas City. Riv. W. L. Bolder Returns Home. Rev. W. L. Bolder of Lincoln. Held secretary of missions of Ihe Christian church in Nebraska, re lurned lo his home from Plalls moulh Ibis mornimr, having Tilled Ihe pulpit al Ihe Christian church yeslerday. The Christian church of Ibis city will iml be without a pastor much longer, as arrange ments have about been completed whereby Rev. Zink, who formerly occupied Ihe pulpit of the Chris tian church here, will relnrn and lake charge again. Rev. ink is one of the strong young preach ers of this church and was verv popular with all people, young and old The coiiureual ion will be fortunate to have him with them again. Litf Brown and (Men Tucker and wife of Kenosha were in Ihe rily lookinu afler business mailers Ibis afternoon. Messrs. Brown an.) Tucker paid the Journal nflloi a pleasant call. LINCOLN TELEPHONE UD TELEGRAPH COMPANY BUYS OUT BELL INTERESTS Bell Company Wiihdraws From South Platte Territory and by the Agreement the Independents Withdraw Plants From the North Platte Country. (Special to The livening Journal Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 8. The Ne braska Hell Telephone company has disposed of nil its interest in the South Platte territory to the Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph eompanv, and will with draw from this seel ion of I he slate. Included in I is Ihe I Included in the transfer ers. Polk, Butler, Seward Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Fillmore, Clav, Hamilton and Webster counties. The purchase price is S2.205, ?r0, the same beinir (he physical valuation of Ibo properly. In ad- dih'on (lie Bell turns over to Ide Lincoln company its maioi'ilv slock interest in (he Plallstnouth Nebraska City, Coldon Rod ami Boiler countv companies, In dependents winch the Bell pur chased in recent months, makin'Jr a total of $".500,000 worth of pronertv transferred. By Ihe same n'-rroenionl the f in coln company sold lo I'm B"ll its mamrilv slock interests in Ide Independent nlanls al l-'remnnt. Crand Island ami in Howard ' counlv. and wiihdraws Iherebv from nil of the territory north of the river. '''In present status of Ihe other Tndooendenl companies in the North Platte territory re mri"s unchancred. The acrreomenl entered into be tween the two companies nrovhb's for an 1nterchan"e of toll busi ness ami for physical connec tion wherever necessary. All connect ion contracts now in force will bo continued. FvciilmMlv all of I'io Hiilenemlenl telephone companies in hjs section of Ihe stale will be able to offer uni versal service. Some of Ihe largo Independent Another Howl From Olive. After failing to secure a ma - jority to vole bonds lo build a new jail at Plallsmoulh, and after failing lo get the courts lo de clare Ihal Ihe majority was nol legal, I hey have finally received an informal call from Ihe deputy stale lire commissioner, John C. Troiilen, escorted him lo Ibo 1 Timinr bei hive, shown him everything inside and out ami just how a lire might bo staiied. John has condemned the jail. He says il is a lire leap of Ihe llrsl magnitude. Whether it is a nuisance, or dangerous, . The Journal says it is in a dilapidated condition, and a $500 fine might follow failure lo build a new jail. When John Troulen condemned Ihe jail he also condemned a few oilier Iniiblinirs Hpto. lie did not condemn Ihe new postollice be cause it has sellled only 0 inches. Curious, isn't il, a man is con demned by sociely and laken lo .tail, he is condemned by the court and taken to Ihe pen, and oven the jail is condemned where ho is eonlined. Plallsmoulh wan Is a new jail ami they are willing lo go any lenglh lo secure Iheir ends. They waul every! hing they can gel free, and oven willing lo pay a til I If if someone will donate Ihe balance. Why not have Judge Beeson line Ihe connly and Ihen lurn Ihe fees back into the coun lv? Plallsinoiilh iniahl have had a jail al the time the vole was laken, but Ihev wauled a palacf and trot it, in I ho neck. There is a difference between a $5,000 jail and a $20,000 criminal hotel Weeping Water Republican. Will Buy Young Cattle. From Monclny' linlly. Councilman A. S. Will went to South Omaha lo look after the cattle market for a few hours to day, wilh Ihe expectation that the severe winter weather and short feed in some localities may cause some good bargains to be placed on the market. Mr. Will has room for a few more head of good young entile. companies in (ho territory cover ed by the Lincoln company will consolidate their properties with il, while others will continue business as heretofore. Tin? primary impulse to this peace pact was given in 1010 by At torney ficncral (Irani Martin. when ho filed suit, at Ihe instance of Frank II. Woods, then presi dent of Ihe National Independ ent Telephone association, lo prevent the Hell from disrupling Ihe Independent system of Ihe slate bv purchasing strong In dependent plants hero and there. The Lincoln company owns ex ehaiu'es at four points and has large slock interests in companies operatinir twelve oilier exedances. When its purchase is comnlole il, will onoralo 15.000 telephones. Cnnsolidal ion with Ib-ll evchauues just purchased will be etTecleil in l'oo cities and towns where Ihe 1 Lincoln company now has ex- changes, fn llio other places it is evpecled that in lime the two telephone nuisance will be elimi'i aled. and a unified service tiven. where in the past il. has been a divided service subscribers lo one bt'intr without, pmans of coiumunicalimi to another in , community. with subscribers bo same town or ' Application was made lodav lo the slate railway commission by the Lincoln company for permis sion to issue s3.000.n'n of pre- I ferred slock and $350,000 oT com. ; mon stock. The latter issue "Ml ! be Sold for Vie purpose of 'le'iuir. I incr I'io properly of associate In dependent companies; while of lllie former, which is a 5 pee cet, ; nori-v ot imr slock, $2,205,750 will be paid I'm He for its pronertv, , Control (if the upair rests in i 11... .1 . .,.1. .el I III' I II'"" 'I Ml S ' I 1 1 i , III- '- mission has indicated ('ml il will give Ibo necessary permission. ill. Express Apprccl?tl;in. A. Bales, F.lilor Plallsi -ulli I laily Journal. Dear Sir: Tlie Commercial club, al its annual meelim,r last evening, instructed Ihe secretary to convey lo you a written expres sion of appreciation for the sup port ami eo-operal ion which you have, through the columns of your paper, given the efforts of Ihe club during Ibo last year. As a club, they feel the benelit of such a course upon Ihe pari, of your paper, which has been "on the job" every day during the year just closed. Permit 1110 lo say, personally, that as secretary for the past three years, 1 have most surely appreciated the ready response and liberal Irealmonf always ac corded requests made by me. The year 1012 pi'omi'.es to be ope ot act ion ami di vclopmenl 111 Plallsmoulh, and one essential element siippbunenl inu the ef - forts of Hie Commercial club musl be the hearty co-operation of the press. Bv Ibis sign wo shall "See Plattsmoulh Succeed." Yours very Iruly, Plallsmoulh Commercial Club, K. II. Wesroll, Secretary. Burlington Official Here. D. B. Weeks of Lincoln has been in the city for a collide of days, having some repairs made on his special car. Mr. Weeks is engaged in going over Ihe C, B. & 0. properties in Iowa and making Ihe pdvsioal valuation. While out on this mission he had a break-down of his car and brought il lo Ihe Plaltsnioulh shops for overhauling. Blrj Dance the 20th. The Cosmopolitan club, recent ly organized in Ibis city, and composed of young men, have de cided to give a dance al Coalos" ball Saturday eveninu', Januarv 20th. They should have a good allendanco Ibis lime and also al Iheir inasiiuorado on Saturday, February 17ld. 1-8-1ld.