The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 08, 1912, Image 6
GOD'S INFINITE WISDOM AND LOVE Th3 Creators Note! Gills to Humanity. HE THAT SEEXETH FBBETIL Pastor Russell, In Hit Address at the Missionary Inspection Committee Welcome at Shanghai, Expresses Sympathy For the Chinese Holds Out the Hope of the Gospel For Them The New Testament Has a Message of Salvation For All People. Shanghai. China. Jan. 7th. - China's hundreds of mil lion of patient. In cessant worker have 1 1 iid my syui pathy from child hood. The philoso phies of childhood wo often as correct lis hose of mat ure years - sometimes more so. Well I re rnemlier us n child Inquiring what would he the fale of Hie ticiithcii. mid the answer that 1 pot. mimely. that only through faith In Jesus, the Redeemer. Is there any salvation. Then 1 queried. What Is the prmilti of their Ignorance of the Only Name given under henven or amongst meu whereby we must he saved? The answer was the usunl one of all of our "Orlliodox creeds:" tliat they would upend eternity In a hell of unutterable anguish. How tny heart went out sympathetically toward every missionary movement on behalf of t ho heathen! Then canio mature thinking and I said. Like others 1 flm Imperfect In very way: tny sympathy and love, therefore, cannot be as great as that of our Creator. How la It possible that God. with all the force of the Universe at His command, could look calmly on and see the operation of Ilia own laws carrying thousands of millions to eter nal misery and yet refrain from giving those creatures the necessary Informa tion? I said, there Is something wrong with the Itlblc and with our creeds which we have built upon It. I threw all away and hepm to reason-but. thuuk God! not along Irrev erent lines. I rensoneil that He who made the Universe also made mini: that whatever noble qualities 1 could find In humanity wero the work of the Creator. I said, Mnn'a noblest qualities are Justice and love, nnd hence the Creator must possess these unlimltedly I bowed In worship before Ood, Infinite In Wisdom, Justice. Love and row er. He That 8eeketh Findeth. I said. Oh, great, Almighty God. al though unknown to me, 1 worship Thee! I adore Thee! My whole being cries out for the pleasure of more Inti mate acquaintance with Thee, that I might know Thy will regarding me and Thy purposes respecting human ity. I said. Assuredly, as God Is All Wise, He must have an All-Wise pur pose, of which I need not be ashamed! So surely as He Is Just and loving, all of His plans and purposes must accord with these qualities; and having made tint u capable of appreciating these qualities. He will surely be willing to bestow the Information which 1 desire information as to how I can best please and serve Him nnd as to what His purposes unci Intentions are re specting mankind. My prayers convinced nie the more that there must be n Divine Revela tion somewhere In the world. I thought that I had searched the Bible faith fully and proved It unreasonable nnd contrary to every conception I could have of a Divine Creator nnd Ills pur poses; hence my eyes turned toward this I '.a st em land and your sacred books. I studied them for a time, only to tlnd them far less satisfactory to my Intellect than the Bible 1 had al ready east aside. I returned to the Bible. I asked my self. Might you have been prejudiced when you examined it before? Al though I thought not, I made n fresh Investigation, because I felt there must be a Revelation from the true God somewhere, and because the Bible thus far gave the best testlmouy. It. in deed, told of a God of Love, ns no other religious books do. yet Its teach ings respecting the future of the non elect staggered nte. for I was sure that they were not flcdllke. but the reverse Proving the Bible Reasonable. Disregarding the Old Testament 'Scriptures entirely 1 begun with the New I said. Was not Jesus a most wonderful Character? Is It not true that "never man spake like this Man?" Both heart and head answered, Yes! Ills teachings are the noblest found on earth! His example fully comports with Ills teachings) I asked, Cau I rely upon the evidence? My mind re plied. Yes. If Just such men today told you their observations you would bellve them implicitly. These men eonfesspj that they were Ignorant and unlearned men, telling of their own weaknesses lu a way that Impostors won d not do. Their Message abounds hi "good tidings of great Joy for all people," and not merely for their own nationality. My heart began to take toin-nge. I began to feel that I had foimd a footing for my faith and that the Bible Indeed differed considerably Iroiu tbu wrlous and conflicting creeds 'MSICV. tfUSMtL) - which rial 31 It as their support and Authority. However. I suddenly remembered that much of the N'cw Testament is composed of paiwwges from the Old Testament and coaimenls thereon. Alas! I said, for 1 cannot accept the Old Testament Scriptures. Hut the more I studied the matter tiie mure convlu'ed 1 was that If Jesus and the Apostles were at all what they claim ed to be the Old Testament must he as true as the New as St. Peter declared. "Holy meu of old spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." Then I began a more critical at tidy of the 0!d Testament, and to my Joy. as I sought. I found, as I knocked the door of Truth opened for inc. I found the Bible teaching very different from what I had supposed it to be, very con trary to that of all the creeds. The latter. Indeed, each and all. contain truths taken from the Bible, but truths Incrusted with various human creduli ties and misconceptions the Bible mes sage as a whole divided amongst many creeds and made to contradict itself. The Bible Hell Is the Key. To my surprise found the presen tations of the Bible not only more log tcal than anything else 111 the world, but absolutely the only logical presen tation on eni'ih. As Interpreted by It self, and not by the creeds and theo ries of the I lark, the Bible tells one beautiful, reasonable. Iinrmouloiis story, from d'eue-d to Bevelatlon. It le'is nothing of a fiery hell manned by lire-proof demons, and supplied with fuel for all eternity, to which Adam and his race were sentenced on ac count of sin On the contrary. It tenches that "the wages of sin Is death." It tells that "the soul that slnneth. It shall die;" and tells that Adam sinned and cainc under this death penalty and that all of his race by the laws of heredity are subject to frailty, weak ncss, mental, moral und physical ami that these have triumphed In a reign of sin and death for now six thousand years. It tells that this death is the death Into which Adam and all of his race go nhrol, the hell of the Bible, for all mankind, good and bad. It tells that there Is no pain or suffering there, no knowledge, no work of any kind. It tells that nil, both good and bad. lcvp, awaiting the resurrection of the dead. It tells that mail's death would have been nn extinction as complete as that of the brute lieast had Ood In His Wisdom and Love not urranged for human redemption and a resurrection of the dead, Isith of the Just and un just. It tells that the Divine arrange ment whereby Ood could be Just and not repudiate the rulershlp of His own Court and yet recover man from the death sentence, was nrrnnged for. The iiM-nnmiinunt ivna ttint .Tnana Mhr thli grace of God. should taste dentil for ! every man;" that "as by a man came death, by n Man also should come the resurrection of the dead; for as all In Adam die even so all In Christ shall be made alive, every man In his own orders-Hebrews II. 0: 1 Cor. iv. 21. 22. First the Elect Bride. With God "n thousand years are as one duy." (II Peter III. 8.1 He hns therefore arranged that six of these great days shall constitute man's peri od of battling with sin and death and shall be the Day of Messiah, the Sab- j bath or Rest Day to the world, lu which Messiah, as the Divine Repre sentative, shall lift up nil the willing and obedient, opening their blind eyes, unstopping their deaf ears and causing all to know the Iird. from the least to the greatest. As a result, some will refuse nnd die the "Second Death" utter destruction. No more than a century of trial Is to be granted, because we read. "The sin ner a hundred years old shall be cut off'-a child a century old In sin shall be aeeursed-to the Second Death. (Isaiah lv. 20.1 But all who will ac cept Divine favor may then be brought to full, human perfection, similar to that which Adam enjoyed at the be ginning, plus the knowledge of good nnd evil, which he lacked. Of these willing nnd obedient ones It Is written. "Every kneo shall bow and every tongue coufess, to the glory of God." Many of you Chinese, doubt less, will then be bowing before tho great King of kings and Lord of lords. whom then you will know completely; for "the knowledge of the Lord shnll fill the whole enrth as the waters cover the great deep." And your forefathers. whom you reverence, will be there, too; their eyes shall be opened and their ears unstopped, ns It Is written, "All the blind eyes shnll be opened and all the deaf ears jdiall be unstopped." What a great re-unlon time that will be for the Chinese hundreds of mil Hons! Yes. and still more! As the Scriptures declare, all the families of the earth sh all be blessed similarly edge of Ood aud with a with a know I full opportunity for rrfifMf.)ii to all that was lost In Adam to all that was redeemed at Calvniy.-Aets HI. 1!-21. Do you say to mo. This news Is too mon-v wl,n 011(1 everlasting lire, good to be true? Do you say. No mis- inml uow "mnv ""worthy will be de slonary e-er told us of such a gracious 1 Ntroycd In the Second Death, tiod. who (lod and such a uilgbty Savior! Had lms elected these kings, priests ami we heard such a Knicous Message It JutItM. ,1!,H apixdnted a Day In which ... 41 .... I II.. I.. . i would liave attracted our hearts long ,l,ie- ,mss- insiruer. juuge go. for our gods are non-sympathetic mankind In general. It will be the -they are urent, powerful nnd vicious! 'thousand years of Messiah's Kingdom. P.ut we thought as we heard the nils- , ,,r "" 'ay with the Lord Is ns a thou slonarles' message that the Chrlstlau isnnJ .vears."-(II. I'eter III. 7. 8.) Ood must be even more ferocious than ours, for the awful, burning hell of which we have heard through Chris tians Is terrible beyond anything wo heathens bad ever heard of before or conjivturcd for ourselves! Satan tho Cod of This World. Alas my dear friends, I know this very well and the Illble explains the whole mattr. It tells us that we havo been believing "doctrines of de irons" (t. Timothy iv. D. These vicious doctrines lu the past, when more liter ally believed than today, led sotno no ble Christian people Into most atro cious conduct. We are all awaking from this sad bllndnes, thank Cod: We are emerg ing slowly from the darkness of the past. We are in the very dawning of the morning of Messiah's Kingdom, which is to bless the world. The ris ing of the Sun of Righteousness is to bring the New Day of emancipation from Ignorance, superstition and death. The more awake we become the more clearly do wt see the beauty of Ood's Word and the ridii ulous inconsistency of things we once believed. St. Paul explains to us why Satau strives to put darkness for light and light for darkness. He explains why ,.... . Ltn.,.1 .i n w nnivnl tt du nil .e,.8 u.u.w.. light and endeavors to besmirch the Divine character and to make Ood the very personification of wickedness and Injustice! It is a part of his general endeavor to thwart the Divine Plan, to mislead those who are seeking to know God. Heaken to the Apostle's words "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not. lest the glorious light of God's good- ness,as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ our Lord, should shine Into their hearts." ill. Corinthians, Iv. 4.) In proportion as humanity miscon ceives Ood's character and His Word, In that same proportion they will shun the Bible and its God, and thus net nwnv iron. H,p fnlth mid hone revealed In the Bible. As I have told you. 1 had f,0,u Cim,on' w,:o lroubt w ilh my own bitter experiences along this 30 n,'w '"agaz'ne rifles. It is estl- llne. How I thank God for the "eye- '"'ltul tlu,t tU' publican forces now salve" mid for the glorious vision of nni0,mt ,0 ronslderuMy more than 3:.- the Divine character and Plan which 000 "u'n- with '":u'y batteries r mod- now stands out so distinctly before the ern aM B"ns !,n,i Plent' of amnu- eyes of my understanding! r.'?"'. ... . . I l'he imperialist troops in the neih Cood TidinSs of Great Joy. I horhood, under the command of Gen The Gospel of the Bible, the Message ,.ral chnnRi are not ,t , bc,evcd of the great God. Infinite In Justice. n,,arly R0 Blron? numorcany aa tne Wisdom. Love and Power, is a Mes- le)lli,iican8 ail(1 although many of sage of grace, of mercy, as has em- ,hr,m are BoldlcrB traincd on the Eu. anated from no other quarter-such as ropt!an BVBteni tnere are a i:irge num. no other religious book in the world ,)er of nntraiIU,d and undisciplined presents. And what else should we ex- troops )n thRir rani8 pect than that the great Supreme Be-1 General Chnns, It is sald. com ing would be a Fountain of grace, of maml8 the entire northern section of blessing to Ills dependent creatures. tJje Tcutsln peklng railway and occu lt should not surprise us. then, to find pic8 BeVeral towns on each side. The the Bible clearly teaching that the God revolutionaries, on the other hand, of all Grace has in store for humanity , hod the 80uthern section of the rail great blesslngs-"tlmes of restitution way and have the advantage of pos of all things spoken by the mouth of 8esslng the sympathy of the popula te tne noty rropneis since me worm began." (Acts ill. 10 21). Another Message should not surprise us; it is the message that was sung by the angels on the night of Jesus' birth. "Behold, we bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall be unto all peo ple" the thousands of millions of the Chinese Included! It Is a Joy to me to be permitted to tell this gloric is Message to such as havo the ear to hear It. It " n fur,l,r Jov to e that l ,up nl vine arrangement the time Is coming when "all the deaf ears shall be un stopped" and when the clear knowl edge of God's goodness shall fill the earth as the waters cover the deep. God first told this Message of nis benevolent designs townrd humanity j about thirty-six hundred years ago. i when He declared to His friend Abra ham. I Intend to bless all the families of the earth, and this shall be done through your posterity "In thee nnd In thy Seed shall the families of the ert4hl The natural seed of Abrnhnni was first developed und Instructed, and consequently uplifted, under a Law Covenant. This arrange ment prepared the natural seed of Abraham more thau others of the world's peoples to receive Jesus; hence, when lie presented nimself. and when afterward His message was proclaimed by Ills twelve Apostles, approximately sixteen thousand Jews became Ills footstep followers, were begotten of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and after, and thus became members of the Spir itual Seed of Abraham. The Number In the First Resurrection. But this number was short of the Divine lntentlon-"a huudred and forty-four thousand." (Revelation xlv.) Hence. In due time, the Mes sage of grace and the privilege of be coming members of the Spiritual beed of Abraham was extended to one na tion after another to the Jew first but also to as many as the Lord our God hns called, of every nation, people, kindred nnd tongue. This "elect" num ber of splrlt-begotten followers of Je sus will very soon be completely chang ed by the glorious First Resurrec tion, when this mortal and corruptible shall put on Immortality. All those found faithful will be made partakers of tho divine nature, far above angels, principalities and powers associates with the Redeemer. (Epheslnns 1, 21.) Then the Seed of Abraham will be completed and qualified for Its great j W0Ik wr blessing tne race. St- 1,,ul1 declares, "Know ye not that th ",lnt 8h,Ml JJKe tho world?" (I. Corinthians vi. 2.1 The Judging will be i ln th 'Utro f h trial or tcsttiiR to tle- lernnne now many or uuinanity can be helped up to human perfection and liar 1 It affords me great pleasure to have the opportunity of delivering this Mes sage of the grace of Cod In this, the Chinese Paris. May the Lord bless it. U'Jt oily to the Chinese, but to all who have benrlug ears and hearts appro- 'dative of the Divlrje character. May It assist some in making their "calling and election sure" to membership In tho "little flock" to whom the Kingdom is soon to lie given. May It favorably influence others that they may walk nobly, reasonably, and be the better prepared to receive the Kingdom bless- (lngs and earthly restitution. ARMISTICE ENDS IN CHINA Fisp-blM Troops Frapare ti j Hav3 Toward Pekinj NANKING IS SCENE OF ACTIVITY Fouf Tnou8and Me Come prom Can. ton, Bringing Thirty Thousand New Magazine Rifles Have Plenty of Ammunition and Field Guns. Nanking, Jan, 6. The armistice ter minated this morning. The republicans have moved a larse Quantity of rail- way stock across the river to Fukow, where It Is expected the advance "o.tavva.d will bein today Winter clothing for the republican army arrived here In carloads and toe (soldiers tru being rapidly equipped In preparation lor their march on Pe king. The revolutionary commander re- ,('iv('1 rcln.orccment of 4.000 men tion SUN WRITES NOTE TO POWERS Head of New Republic of China Is cues Manifesto. Shanghai, Jan. C Dr. Sun Yat Son, provisional president of the Chinese republic, Issued a manifesto to the foreign powers, In which he explains the public aims and policies of the re publicans In China. In it he says Hint the present situation has be?n i forced on China by Manchu mlsr.ile, which was iurapah'.e of remedy with out a (-"volution. "We row protliim," he says, "tho i CHiiltant overthrow of despotic sway and the establishment of a republic" The munlfWtn f.ets forth in detail thp wrrr;;s of the Chinese people nnd promise's strict adhoience to all trea ties, obligations and lor.cesslnns un dc rtnken by the Chinese government. It give? an RFsurance of the safety of the persons and property of foreigners in China and pledges equal treatment of the Mamhus and the establishment of a stable government. It declares that It will abolish aU restrictions on trade and that It will undertake the revision of all laws and will Insure religious toleration. It concludes: "With this message of peace and good will the repub'lc of China cher ishes tho hope of its admission to the family of nntlons, and Its future co operation In the great and nob'e task of building up the civilization of the world." The manifesto is signed "Sun Yat Sen, president." TRIBESMEN BEATEN BACK Moroccan Rebels Make Fierce Attack on Garrison at Sefrau. ' Tangier; Morlcco, Jan. 6. A large force of revolting Moroccan tribesmen, according to a wireless dispatch re ceived here from Fez, attacked the town of Sefrau. The garrison o the town, which is under tie command of French officers, offered a gallant defense, beating off the fanatical tribesmen again and again, although they were far outnum bcred. The tribesmen continued to carry out wild rushes, but after eight hours' fighting the llttlo garrison final ly succeeded In repulsing them and making them retreat to the desert, leaving fifty of their number dead on the field. Tho garrison lost five killed and fifteen wn'inded. Major Rreniond leaves For with reinforcements from tho sultan's army to assist tho garri son of Sefrau and to go In pursuit of the rehel tribesmen. United States Will Walt. Washington, Jan 6. Although Min Inter Calhoun at Peking has made "sotno suggestion nnd asked some questions" ubout the send'ng of Aimr lean troops to China for the protection of the railroads from Peking to the set, It was stated emphatically at the state department thnt this government would not dispatch any soldiers there until the powers immediately con ccrned In Chinese affairs had been thoroughly consulted and the depart ment had more information from the scene of the trouble. Russians Hang More Persians. Tabriz, Jan. 6 The hanging of Fldals by the Russians continues. Three Fldals wero hanged and their bodies displayed on the gallows. ff - Mnflr mill .-. M ,y H..i. . u....H " - eral houses of Fldals and Nationalists, have been blown up. HEAVY LOSSES CN RANGE 1 Considerable Suffering Among Settlers in South Dakota. Omaha, Jan. 6. Wi'h the continued j cold come re ports of heavy losses to ; the cattle and sheep men. Numerous ! sec tions report that the hay has all J been fed and that it is impossible for Btock to get through the heavy snow that is covered with a hard crust and get at the dead grass beneath. In many localities, all that cattle and sheep have to eat Is the dry and dead . Ease brush. Reports coming to the railroad of fices Indicate that there Is likely to be considerable suffering among the . sett'ers who have located in the newer I sections during the last year. This is especially true in South Dakota. There a great many of the settlers are illy provided for winter. Their houses are simply of hoards, furnishing hut little protection from the wind and a far be low 7ero temperature. Cold weather records for the year, and, in many instances, for many ears, were broken In the territory Mthin a 1 000 mile radius of tiie great iskes. Death rode in with the Increas lcs; cold and benn a harvest in sev eral states. More deaths were ex pected, because of the Inability of "poor" agents to reach necdv fern ll'es and becauso of the lnabil'tv of c!tv police ant municipal lodging houses to provide sufficient shelter. OMAHA COUPLE FOUND DEAD 111 CELLAR Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Krtlle Die i.i a Pecu'iar Manner. Omaha, Jan. 6. Husband dead from heart failure and the wife from a fall downstairs, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Krelle, 1819 Van Camp avenue, were found by their son, F. William Krelle, a draughtsman. Mr. Krelle was sixty one years old and his wife fifty-nine years old. The opinion of a physician who ex amined the bodies is that Mr. Krelle went down the cellar to look after the fire and died of heart failure; that his wife, anxious over his prolonged ab sence, started down the cellar after him slipped and fell to the bottom, sustaining injuries from which she died. The bodies were found lying in the cellar near the foot of the stair way. Beatrice Council Stands by Its Mayor. Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 6. The city council rescinded Its action of a week ago In allowing a claim of $3,500 filed by the Matthews Construction com pany of Kansas City for work on the new water plant. The company threatened to bring action against Mayor Griffin to compel him to sign the warrant, but he refused on the ground that the company had failed to file an Itemized bill. The council, in order to stand by tho mayor, reversed its former action in allowing the esti mate. Merrick Sells Court House Bonds. 'Central C'.ty, Neb.. Jan. 6. Work on Merrick county's new $90,000 court house will begin as soon as the ground can be broken In March. The board of cocifitv supervisors completed the sale of $95,000 of the bonds, the purchaser being N. W. Ila'sey & Co., Chicago. As soon as the transfer on the bond3 is made the contract with the Chicago contractors will be filed, calling for the building of the court house com plete with nil the furnishings for a price of $01,959. James Pontius Discharged. Lincoln, Jan. 6. James Pontius of Indianola, who has been belore the federal court on the charge of sending obscene matter through the mail, the same being printed ln a newspaper, was discharged, tne opinion being that It would be difficult, if not impossible, to show that the matter ln question whs obscene within the meaning of the law. Track Walker Killed by Train. Nebraska 'City, Jan. 6. Gottlelb Sheeley, a Missouri Pacific track walk er, was caught by the northbound pas senger ns he was trying to get off a bridge ahead of the train and serious ly injured. He was taken to Union for medical treatment, where he died at noon. His body was brought here for interment. Three Charged With Bootlegging. Holdrege, Neb., Jan. 6. For the first time since the erection of the new Phelps county court hoaso the Ji) cells are tenanted, the occupants being three local young men arrested oft a charge or bootl"eging. The pris oners are Mlio Wl'.liaiiis, Etnil Cub tavson nad Frank Zellers. Stcrarje Wanted for Grain. Dulnth, Jan. 6. Inquiries were re ceived here lrom Winnipeg as to tho extent of the facilities at Duiuth and Superior for the storage of Canadian grain. It is understood that tho grain elevators' capacity of Fort William and Port Arthur will be exhausted Feb. 1, and there will be millions of bushels of Canadian grain yet to be Bhipped. Jackson's Chief Scout Cead In Virginia Richmond, Va., Jan. 6. Captain John Cussons Is dead at his home, Glen Allen, In Henrico county, where he had a house of 100 rooms. Captain Cussons was chief of scouts under Stonewall Jackson and General Iee and ,fttw gaJncd fame , the we8t R8 , . . ARTER FILES BRYANPETITICN Nebraskan Formally Plased h R2C3 lor President. NAME ON NEBRASKA BALLOTS. Petitions Also in Circulation to Plaoe Lincoln Democrat's Name on Baliot For Delcgate-at-Large Teachers to Select Convention City. Lincoln, Jan. 6. The name of WiM iam Jennings Dryan was formally ca tered in the presidential race when a petition hearing twenty five names was filed ln the secretary of state's of fice. The petition, being in regular form, was accepted and the name wil go on the primary ballot. All the signatures are of men from Douglas county. A. A. Arter made the filing. , Petitions have been in circulation for over a week in the different con gressional districts of the state ask ing that Bryan's name be placed on j the ballot as a candidate for delegate ai large, wr, uryan s menus intend to push the securing of signatures de spite the ruling of the secretary of state that a name can appear on the primary ballot but once. Arter Sends Dispatch to Bryan. The following telegram was sent by Arter to W. J. Bryan at Washington: "Have Just filed you for president without your permission. Consider you the original progressive. Of course Clark, Wilson, LaFollctte and Roose velt are good imitations, but why sub stitute. Firmly believe the people de mand the original. American people Just beg'nning to realize old party to dominated by politicians for revenue only. Hence awakeping of progressive movement throughout the country." W. J. Bryan, according to a letter received from him by his brother, T. W. Bryan, had an intimation that hte name might be filed as a presidential candidate, and it was to assure hte Nebraska friends that under no cir cumstances would he be a candidate that he woto the letter. In his com munication to his brother, Mr. Bryan Gaid he fc-nrd the effort to launch him as a candidate for the presidency might affect his candidacy for dele gate to the national convention, for which place, he savs, he Is still an arplrant. but for nothing else. Aldrich Would Be Delegate. Governor Aldrich indicated that he desired to be a delegate to the Re publican convention. In this matter he is up against the same proposition which confronts W. J. Bryan since the filing of the latter's name for presi dential preference. The secretary of state has construed the law that no name can go on the ballot twice for any office and that this includes dole gates. The governor is of the opinion, however, that a delegate to a conven tion Is not an office within the mean ing of the decision of the supreme court on the ballot law, and probably will ask the attorney general for an opinion- cn tho question. Date for Patterson Hearing. After a conference with Attorney General Martin, Auditor Barton agreed to fix a date for hearing on the claim of Sam Patterson for two years' sal ary as secretary of the banking board. The auditor said: "There Is no doubt whatever in my mind as to our decision, and unless you feel this Is a necessary step it would he a waste of time, but if you desire to do so. let me know what dat will be convenient and we will arraagt the hearing." The bank examiners met in the of flee of Secretary Royse of the banking board and mapped out the work for the year. Donovan Opposed Deal. J. F. Donovan, one of the retiring directors of the Union Fire Insurance company, who was paid $2,000 on re signing, said that at no time was be In favor of the transfer of the company and that he contested the move on the day the organization disposed of hta office without his consent; that Ms name Is not on the contract, and that be never consented to the deal, hut that after the transaction was com peted he felt that, under the present arrangement, be could be of no further" service to the Union and took tho $2, 000. Teachers to Select Convention City. A new ballot will be sent each mem ber of the Nebraska State Teachers' lissoclat'.on who casts a Vote for the next convention city. This -decision vas reached at a meeting of the exec utives committee. The new ba'.lots trc to be ready by Jan. 18 and will he canvassed Fob. 2. The convention city Is selected by referendum vote. Oma ha and Lincoln are In the race for the next mee ting of the tenchers. Union Pacific Valuation, The state railway commission set Feb. 5 ns the date for hearing ou the physical valuation of the Union Fa ciflc road Tho Northwestern hear ing, which has been partly held, will be taken up again Jan. 9. Mlnden Firemen Will Go to Kearney. Mlnden, Neb., Jan. 6. The Mlnden fire department held Its regular meet ing at the city hall and decided to send every member of the department who desires to attend the state coDventMn at Kearney on Jan. 18.