The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1912, Image 3

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Poultry Wanteds
wants a car load of Poultry to be delivered at the B.
&. M. depot, in Plattsmouth, on
JANUARY 6th and 8th, 1912
for which we will pay the following prices, either in
cash or trade: (craws to be empty)
Hens 10c
Pullets. ...10c
Ducks 10c
Geese 8c
Old Roosters 5c
Young Roosters 8c
Clarinda Poultry, Butter Egg Co,
January 1, 1912, Ends the Fiftieth
Year of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Eikenbary's Wedded Life.
Name 3 of the Methodist School
Officials for the Ensuing
The following oflicers and
teachers were elected last Sunday
afternoon at the annual meeting
of - the Methodist Sunday school
board to conduct the affairs of the
school for the year 1912:
Pastor Ward L. Austin.
General Superintendent C. C.
. Assistant Superintendent Don
General Secretary Maldon
Enrolling Secretary Andy
Librarian Charles Carlson.
Treasurer A. L. Henry.
Birthday Secretary Lillian
Choisler Zelma Tuey.
Organist Hazel Tuey.
Doorkeeper Geo. H. Becker.
Superintendent Intermediate
Department E. C. Hill.
Superintendent Junior Depart
ment Mrs. R. M. Hayes.
Assist. Superintendent Junior
Department Dora Will.
Superintendent Primary De
partment Mrs. M. Howland.
Assistant Primary Department
Miss Edna Morrison.
Organist Primary Department
Miss El ha Crabill.
Superintendent Cradle Depart
ment Miss Alice Tuey.
Superintendent Home Depart
ment Mrs. Emily Morrison.
Assistant Superintendent Home
Department Mrs. Cummins.
Senior Department,
Wililam Wynn.
Thomas Glenn.
It. D. Dalton.
Mrs. Cowels.
E. II. Wescott.
Edna E. Wescolt.
Intermediate Departments
Margaret Mapes.
Don York.
Leona Ilrady.
Virgie McDaniel.
Mrs. Cummins.
E. C. Hill.
Junior Department
Mrs. Ed Tut I.
Mrr Clarence Ttahlnf t.
Goldie Noble.
Mrs. Mae Morgan.
Clara Austin.
Mrs. Charles Carlson.
F. M. Phebus.
Clarence Babbitt.
Primary Department
Mrs. Copenhavor.
Mildred Balser.
Rertha Jackson.
Alice Tuey.
Margaret ltishel.
Heuinners' Department
Zelma Tuev.
Mrs. E. C. Hill.
Mr. Jas. McCall'ery, Mgr. of the
Schlilz Hotel, Omaha, Neb., re- Ihev
commends Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound, because it cures in
every case. "I have used it my- j
self and 1 have recommended it to
many others who have since told
me of its great curative power in
diseases of the throat and lungs." ,
For all coughs and cold it is
speedily effective. For sale by
Fricke & Co.
IK 1
After Having Been Afflicted From
a Paraletlo Stroke for
Ten Days.
From Wednesday's Dally.
After a brief illness of but ten
days, Mrs. James C. Williams
died at her late residence on West
Pearl street this morning at 1
o'clock. Mrs. Williams' maiden
name was Miss Artimisa Lang
filte. She was born in Wirt coun
ty, West Virginia, in 1857, and
was in her 55th year at the time
of her death. She grew to wom
anhood in her native county,
where she was married to James
C. Williams, and came with her
husband to Plattsmouth in 1873.
where they have resided ever,
since. i
was a devilled iiumiiImm- f llu,
Christian church and a loving wife 1 w . '." ? "'
and mother, a kind neighbor and a i
faithful friend. Mrs. Williams! 15:2
The marriage record in the
ollice of Judge Heeson of fifty
years ago. the same being yellow
with the elapse of half a century
is the record of the marriage of
Henry Eikenbary and Miss Eliza
beth M. Arnold. The record states
that the ceremony was performed
January 1, 1802, by II. M. Clark,
probate judge, at the house of
Moses Stocking, in the presence
of Hon. Samuel Maxwell. A. Tult
and others.
The fiftieth anniversary of tl'is
marriage was celebrated New
Year's day at the residence of
Henry Eikenbary and wife, the
bride and groom of tlfty years ago,
a number of their relatives and
friends being entertained in honor
of the event. Mr. Eikenbary was
born January 10, 1835, in Union
county, lmdana, and lus wile was
born August '.), 18i'i, in Kalama
zoo county, Michigan. After their
marriage, January 1, 18(r, Mr.
and Mrs. Eikenbary moved to their
home south of Ibis cily, where
have resided since. Five
children were born to them as fol
lows: Mrs. Charles A. Vallcry of
St. Joseph, Mo.; Mrs. Joseph J.
Johnson of Denver, Colo.; Miss
Emma Eikenbary; two sons died
in infancy. In their early married
life they endured many hardships
during the war, and were depr ived
of many of the luxuries which
they now enjoy. In 18G0 Mr.
Eikenbary 'freighted across the
plains to Denver with oxen.
Among those present Monday
to assist Mr. and Mrs. Eikenbary
in the celebration of their golden
wedding were: Oscar Gapen and
wife, Floyd Gapen and wife, Geo.
Snyder and wife, Winlleld Swan
and wife, James Piltman and wife
A. W. White and wife, Frank
Moore, Miss Mary Moore, Mrs
Maria Gapen, Mrs. Fannie Eiken
bary, Mrs. Mallie Wiles, Mrs
Jacob Vallcry, jr., and Mrs. Edith
Donelan. The out-of town guests
were: J. C. (Grnf.l Eikenbary,
Lincoln; Charles Mover and wife,
York, Neb.; Dr. and Mrs. Harris,
Auburn; Mrs. J. C. Thygeson,
Nebraska Cily; Sarah Lai la, Lin-
'coln, ami Lydia Kenton, York, sis
llrrs of Mr, Eikenbary, could not
i at lend. Mrs. A. W. While of this;
, city, Mrs. Maria Gapen of near
iMnard, sisters, ami J. C. Eiken
j bpry of Lincoln, brother, were the
ni; near collatfer m relation mat
could a f ( One grandchild,
Joseph Henry Johnson of Denver,
The following lines
xrdaii! themselves:
The following section of a J
law regarding the disposi- 4
lion or placing of legal ad- 4
vertising in newspapers was 4
passed by the Nebraska J
legislature of liXiy, and we J
desire the friends of the
Journal to make a note of
its provisions and govern
J Mhemselves accordingly:
"That from and after the
passage and approval of this
! act it shall lie the lawful
I right of any plaintiff or
I petitioner in any suit, ac
I tion or proceeding, pending
or prosecuted in any of the
district courts of this state,
in which it is necessary to
publish in a newspaper any
notice or copy of an order,
growing out of, or connected
with such action or proceed
ing either by himself or his
attorney of record, to desig
nate in what newspaper
such notice or copy of order
shall be published. And it
shall be the right of the
widow, widower, or a ma-
jority of the heirs-aUlaw of
legal age, of t ho estate of
any deceased intestate or
J the widow, widower, or a
majority of the legatees or
! devises of lawful age, of
I the estate of deceased
' teslalem to designate the
newspaper, in which the
notices pertaining to the
! settlement of the estates of
such deceased persons shall
be published. And it shall
be the duty of the Judges of
the district court, county
Judges or any other officer
charged with the duty of or
dering, directing or super
Intending the publication of
any of such notices, or
copies of orders, to strictly
comply with such designa
tions, when made In ac
cordance with the pro
visions of this act."
We want the friends of
the Journal throughout Cass
county to understand that
when they have district
court notices or county
court notices to publish they
are empowered with the
right to designate the paper
in which such notices shall
J be published.
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an order entered in the fore
going entitled cause on the 4th day of December 1911, by the District
Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, I the undersigned, sole Referee ap
pointed by said Court, will, on the
9th Day of February, 1912,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the South door of the Court House
in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the
highest bidder, for cash, the South half of the South West Quarter of Sec
tion Twenty-Six (26) and tl e East half of the North West Quarter and
the North West Quarter of the North West Quarter of Section Thirty-Five
(35). all in Township Twelve (12) North, in Range Eleven (11), East of
the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, excepting: the right of way
of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, and known as the Theodore
Boedcker farm, lying South of Louisville, in said County, containing 200
acres, loss railway right of way.
Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., January 4. 1912.
Byron Clakk and ) ...
Wm. A. Robertson, llrils-
JOHN H. LEYOI, Referee.
Meeting of Insurance Company,
I In- annual meeting of the!
Ktii merss' Mutual Fire and Live j
Mock Insurance company of Cass
oinily. Nebraska, will be held al
tibe Heil school bouse in District
No. 88, tin Salurday, January Gib,
at. I:;t0 o'clock p. in., for the pur
pose of the election of officers for
tti coming year and to transact
rfiirh business that may come
"gaily before I he meeting.
J. P. Falter, Secretary.
will be greatly missed in a large
circle of friends and neighbors,
who will sincerely mourn her
She had been in her usual
health until shortly after mid
night Christmas eve, when she
suffered from a paralytic stroke,!
which affected her left side, de-1
priving her of muscular power to
Mrs. Williams leaves beside her
husband, one daughter, Mrs. T. H.
Sherwood, of Plattsmouth, and
one son, A. L. Williams, of Chi
cago, to mourn her death. She
move either hand or foot. Since
the first attack Mrs. Williams re
mained in a semi-conscious state,
at times recognizing her relatives
and near friends. She grew
gradually worse until death came
to her relief early this morning.
The funeral will occur Friday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the
Presbyterian church, Rev. L. W.
Gade conducting same.
Charles Durham, Lovington, 111.,
lias succeeded in finding a positive
cure for bed welting. "My little
boy wet the bed every night clear
through on the floor. I tried
several kinds of kidney medicine
and f was in the drug store look
ing for something different to help
him when I beard of Foley Kidney
Pills. Afler he had taken them
two days we could see a change
and when he had taken two-thirds
of a bolllc he was cured. Thnl is
about siv weeks at-'o and he has
not v.ct in bed since." For sale
by Fricke & Co.
Don't forget! The Journal
office is prepared to do all kinds
fancy Job work. Give us a trial.
Foil SALE Marred Hock
Cockerels at ?I.(ll( each. Impure
of Mrs. John Yardley, Route 1,
Plallsnioiilb. Neb., or call Murray
'phone H-K. l-l-3lw.
Just fifty years have passed away
Since you and I were wed.
How swiftly since that bridal day
The fifty years have sped.
God providence on us bath shone,
His gracious hand hath led,
And ne'er in before his throne
We've said our daily bread.
Together struggling up the hill
Of Ljfe's uneven way,
Our hearts are knit more closely
We've reached this golden day.
We've known the bliss which joy
Life's raptures and its tears;
Hut God has let us youthful
Mring into ripened years.
In children God to us hath given,
We love our youth anew;
Some wait for us today in heaven,
They all to us arc true.
And yet, by silvered threads en
Among Ihe threads of gold,
And furrows down our cheeks we
That we are growing old.
Just fifty years ago we wed,
Just fifty years today;
We two are one the preacher said,
And so we've held our way;
The ties of love which bound us
Today are golden thread;
And Ibis will never break till
We're numbered with the dead.
Sister Lydia E. Kenton.
December 28, 1911.
'Wedding at Elmwood.
On Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 28, al 5 o'clock, at the nome
of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. H.
Siekman, near Eagle, occurred the
marriage of Miss Lizzie Nickel to
Mr. Lloyd Eidenmiller, both of
(his cily. Rev. Gunim of the
I Eagle M. E. church performed the
ceremony, which was a strictly
private affair. Mrs. Eidenmiller
is a daughter of the late Mrs.
Mary Nickel, and is a young lady
of many graces of mind and
character. The groom is classed
among Elmwood's best young
men. He is the eldest son of John
Eidnmiller and is now very
profitably engaged with his father
in the blacksmith and wagon
making business here. Leader-Echo.
C. D. Clapp of Elmwood was a
Plattsmouth visitor today, looking
afler business matters in the
county court.
5 (Special Correspondence.) !
Donald Sheffer has had a very
severe cold this week.
Mrs. Pete Mockenliaupt is suf
fering from influenza.
Al Etheridge is here visiting his
mother, Mrs. Etheridge.
Homer Kimmerer was unfor
tunate enough to lose $10 whilo
in town Saturday.
The watch services at the M. E.
.j church were given up on account
J. of the very severe weather.
Mrs. Robert Kyles mother, Mrs.
llager, from Murdock, is here
visiting relatives and friends.
Last Friday evening a reception
was held al the M. E. church in
honor of Rev. Reynolds and his
bride. i
The Southland Jubilee Singer
quartet will be at Ihe Christian
church Saturday evening, Jan
uary (').
Mrs. P. L. Harper of Lincoln
and her mother, Mrs. Stewart of
Chariton, Iowa, are visiting rela
tives here.
Dr. Jones and family spent Sun
day in Ihe country with Mr.
Zeigler and family, it being the
celebration of Mrs. Zeigler's and
Mrs. Jones' birthdays.
Pearly Clymer had the misfor
tune to lose a valuable horse this
week as n result of being cut on
Ihe barb-wire wihle fighting the
horses in an adjoining pasture.
The dentist, Dr. Lamb, did not
make his regular visit, this week,
as during the preceding night his
office in Lincoln was robbed. Tho
extent of the robbery is not
known. He will be here next
Wednesday as usual.
Mr. Elwood went to a dentist's
in Lincoln Saturday morning and
had a couple of teeth extracted,
which caused a severe hemor
rhage. Upon returning to Green
wood he was obliged to call upon
Dr. Jones to stop it for him.
Our Reputation and Money
Back of This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine
used during the trial, if our rem
edy fails to completely relievo you
of constipation. We take all the
risk. You are not obligated to us
in any way whatever, if you accept
this offer. Could anything be
more fair for you? Is there any
reason why you should hesitate to
put our claims to a practical test?
A most scientific, common
sense treatment is Rexall Order
lies, which are eaten like candy.
They are very pronounced, gentle
and pleasant in action, and par
ticularly agreeable in every way.
They do not cause diarrhoea,
nausea, flatulence, griping, or
other inconvenience. Rexall Or
derlies are parlciularly good for
children, aged and delicate per
sons. We urge you to try Rexall Or
derlies at our risk. Three sizes,
10c, 25c and BOc. Remember, you
can gel, Rexall Remedies in this
community only al our store The
Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke Co.
William Tlornemier, a promin
ent young farmer of near Elm
wood, was a county seat visitor
today attending to business mat
i lers at the court house, and he
dropped in at the Journal office
and entered his name on tho list
of the Journal family. Mr. Dorno
meier is a pleasant gentleman to
meet and has made a lino success
of farming and slands high in the
community in which he lives.
. t
i At a session of the county
board of commissioners Tuesday
James Robertson filed the ap
pointment of his daughter, Miss
Jessie, to be deputy clerk of the
district court, and the board fixed
I her compensation at $800 per an-
For Typewriter ribbons call at num, to bo paid out of the fees of
the Journal office. the office.
Jamnmairy leairaimce
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boig!il
Signature of (fMttf(
When given as soon as the
croup cough appears Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will ward off
an attack of croup and prevent all
danger and cause of anxiety.
Thousands of mothers use it suc
cessfully. Sold by V. G. Fricke
A Co.
Mr. Burner, the Nehawka mil-'
ler, has been a business visitor in
Ihe city for the past two days.
We start with this first week of January to clear the
decks for the new Spring season. To do this the first thing is to close out all left
over lines of Winter goods and as it happens this year it comes at a time when these
goods are most needed. Everything in the house not contract goods and belonging
to winter stocks, will be closed out at genuine reductions. All middlemen's profits
are entirely eliminated in this sale, and you buy goods right here at your door for
less than manufacturer's cost. We aie busy arranging these stocks and getting
them in convenient form for quick selling, but here are a few items that will indi
cate the low prices which prevail:
Msn's Cverccafs $5, 7,9, 10 and $12
Men's Winter Suils in good reliable fabrics and well made... 7, 9, 10, 12 and $14
Hen's Fleece Lined Underwear 39c
Men's Fine Jersey Cvershirfs 50c
Men's Flannel Shirts with collars attached 95c
Hen's Fine Wool Sox gc
Men's Pants in strong durable fabrics $1.90, $2.25 and $3
Men's Fleece Lined Coals- $3,90
Watch our
Space for further
Items and prices.
0. I.
Men's Fur Caps