The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1912, Image 2

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The Accident Occurred at His Home a Few Miles Southeast of
Union Yesterday About 1 1 O'clock, and Died Last Even
mg About 8 O'clock Skull Fractured.
As a rt'sult of a distressing '-
ident which occurred about 11
o'clock yesterday, Andrew F. Tay
lor, brother of County Attorney G
II. Taylor, died last evening about
8 o'clock. When the accident oc
curred Mr. Taylor, with his broth
er, Will Taylor, were chopping
down a free in tin? limber at his
home, a few miles .southeast of
Union, and in falling the tree
Struck Mr. Taylor on the head,
fracturing his skull and otherwise
maiming him. Medical aid was
summoned, but to no avail. He
never regained consciousness and
died about the lime stated above.
Mr. Taylor was a native of Cass
county, and a son. of the late,
Henry Taylor of near Union. He
grew to manhood on his father's
farm and was educated in I he
schools of this county and was a
progressive young farmer and
business man of that vicinity. He
was married about ten years ago
4o Miss Mary Kendall, a daughter
of Frank Kendall of that locality,
who survives. Mr. Taylor is also
survived by one daughter, llaehel,
about 8 years of age, and also by
his mother, Mrs. Marbara Taylor
of Union; as well as by two broth
ers and seven sisters. His broth
ers are C. H. Taylor of Plalls
moulh and W. I,. Taylor of Union.
His sisters are Mrs. Jesse Pell,
Mrs. A. L. Meeker, Mrs. C. F. Mor
ton, Mrs. Joe Manning and Misses
Flsic and Hal lie Taylor, all re
siding in or near Union. One
married sister resides in California.
Mr. Taylor was a son of one of
the pioneers of Liberty precinct
and was a young man who stood
very high in the estimation of his
neighbors and aemtainlances. He
was a kind and devoted husband,
a loving parent, an obliging neigh
bor, an honorable and upright
citizen, and he will be greatly
missed in the community in which
he lived.
No announcement- has been
made of when the funeral will oc
cur, but it will probably lake
place tomorrow (Friday).
Journal Gets Contract.
The Journal was awarded the
contract for furnishing supplies
to the county for the ear 1912,
the contract covering books,
blanks and stationery and every
thing needed for the use of the
county in the stationery line ex
cept the record books. In com
petition with the Journal for the
contract were the York Mlank
Mook company of York and the
Smith-Premier Typewriter com
pany of Omaha.
Many of Our Ice Men Are In a
Quandry as to How to Secure a
Good, Clean Quality.
(Jood, clean, pure ice is a neces
sity in summer, and without an
artificial plant the supply must
some from nature and the Mis
souri river. The unusually low
water last fall, or some other
sause, has intervened lo make tin;
ice to be had from the west bank
f the river and anywhere con
venient to the cily, very poor, and
too full of sand and dirt to be lit
for use for any purpose.
Yesierday afternoon Carl Kuns
niuiiu, John Schippiacasse, I'1. !.
Egcnberger and (ieorge Poisall
made a search for ice on the river
and located a line Held of about
twenly acres of clear ice in a
jtockel on the Iowa side. If
rangemenls can be made lo
tlie ferry loose ami gel, the ice
ver lo this side of the river a nice
lot of it can be put up.
Tin1 city is up against the
proposition oi imiiiy needing an i
arlilirial ice plant. II, is said $12,
00 would llnance the enterprise,
and the plant would employ at
least half a dozen men all the year
round, and the community would
secure good, wholesome ice for
use at all seasons of the year.
There is no douhl but the plant
Mr. Green's Loss Settled.
Heslon Green, whose property
was damaged by lire on New
Year's day, had his loss satis
factorily adjusted, Wednesday,
January 3, by the Phoenix of
Hartford Fire Insurance company.
The adjuster, John F. Dale of
Omaha, arrived yesterday on No.
i. and at once set about ascer
taining what it would reipiire lo
place Mr. (Sreen's property in as
good condition as before the lire.
In company with (Ieorge Sayles,
the company's local agent, Mr.
Dale found a contractor, who
made an estimate of what he
would do the work for and furnish
everything necessary, and on Ibis
basis a sell lenient was soon
agreed upon. The dwelling was
insured in tin; company for $700,
and I he loss was estimated at
Hi 1. 70, the amount the carpenter
said he would do the work for. Mr.
Given received a check for I his
amount and was satisfied with
the settlement. The company and
its agents, Messrs. Dale and
Frank Libershall Serves His Time,
Three Years of Which as Sec
retary of the Department.
At the annual meeting of the
members of the lire company the
following ollicers were elected for
the year 1912: President, J. C.
Mrittian; vice president, William
(iravett; secretary, R. E. Sawyer;
treasurer, H. L. Kruger; chief,
C. M. Manners; assistant chief,
II. W. Toogood.
Frank Libershall, the retiring
secretary, has served in that
capacity for three years, and next
March will have served the re
quired five years to entitle him to
a certificate of retirement. Hi9
record for the past three years
shows that in 1909 the city had
twelve fires; in 1910, eighteen,
and in 1911 the same number.
January of last year had one fire
on the 9th, February had two, one
on the 2('ilh and one on the 27th.
May had three, one on the 4th,
one fin the 1 1 1 It and one on the
l.llh; April, June and October had
no fires; in July there were two,
August, Ihree; September, one,
and November, three, occur
ring on Hie 2d, 23d and 2ith; De
cember bad one, on the 22d. The
fire on November 21 was that of
tin; Manspeaker livery barn, in
which the loss was between $2,
000 ami $3,0(10. The total losses
for tin; year by fires are roughly
estimated at $5,000 in the city.
-Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale-
You should attend our Clearance Sale for the sav
ings it affords. Never before have we placed on sale
so large a quality of desirable clothing at such a ridiculously low figures. We
are clearing our stocks of Fall and Winter goods:
$-1 f buys Suits or Overcoats which sold at
VP $15 and $16.50
$1 A buys Suits or Overcoats, which sold for
$18, $20 and $22.50
$4 Q buys Suits and Overcoats which sold for
O $25, $27.50 and $30
!S Sip latm Hills ' If,., .),,.,.,, k.'
m - - - - - a f. i i a it. f , kjiii I to
ar" .Sayles, certainly deserve credit for
1 1 be rapid rate at which the claim
I was adjusted, as scarcely forly-
etgni. nonrs ciapscn net ween tne
lime Hie fire occurred and the lime
Mr. (Ireen received his check. If
there is a company in town I ha
can beat this record it should re
port at once, as Mr. Sayles claims
the distinction of making the
diiickest adjustment, on record in
George Young Visits Plattsmouth.
(ieorge Young of Alva, Okla., a
tould find a market for its pro- former ('ass county citizen and
duct, as the cily itself would use ex-counlv cotntnisisoner of Ibis
a large iptantily and the rale un
doubtedly would be much lower
than I he consumers have been re
quired to pay under existing conditions.
county, wtis in I he cily today
shaking hands with bis friends.
Mr. Young and his wife and his
sisler, Mrs. Carroll, arrived front
Oklahoma, a couple of days before
Christ mas and have visited rela-
II. F. (Sansenter of the vicinity lives near Murray for ti week. Mr.
of Mynard was al lending to busi-i Voting is looking rugged and not
ricss mailers in (his cilv Tuesday a ''1,v older than when be left Cass
and look time to call at Ibis office 1 county eight years ago.
and slarl the new year right by
renewing his allegiance to the Old flood barn for rent. Call on
Reliable. , -lie Journal for particulars. tf
Items of Interett to Journal Readers Will Be Received at the Drug Stoie
Miss Vera Prouly was in Lin
coln Friday.
Mrs. Frank Davis went to iLn
coln Monday.
C. It. Jordan went to Platts
mouth Saturday.
Harvey Hasp was a passenger to
Lincoln Sunday to visit friends.
Horn To August Clemme and
wife, January 2, 1912, a son.
has purchased the interests of
the Stroenier Lumber and Grain
company here. Mr. Murty for
merly owned the business. When
his family arrives they will re
side in the late Henry Hardknock's
Miss Nellie Dreamer of Lincoln
came in on No. 18 Sunday to
spend New Year's with her broth-
wvm. mm m
Saturriay Night, January 13, 1912
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
Six Big Prizes Will Be Given!
LADIES 25c $
Henry Miller wa sin Lincoln to
visit a sick (laughter Salurda.
Will Foreman of Havelock was
visiting home folks New Year's.
Charley Suavely has purchased
I he pool hall from Win. Newkirk.
John Newkirk returned Satur
day from Ansley, where he has a
Farley Young of Lincoln visited
at the. home of L. M.
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley Vancleave
visited Sunday with Ghas. ("'.uod
ley and family.
Mr. Emerson wen' to -Lincoln
Saturday on business, lie return
ed home Sunday.
William Newkirk went lo
Sreenwood Monday morning, re
turning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer went
lo South Ilenil on No. 18 Sunday,
returning on No. 17 Monday.
J. A. Shaffer attended the chick
en show of the Lincoln Poultry
association at Lincoln; Fridav.
Miss Estella Grifl'n of Nelson.
Neb., visited Mrs. E. M. Stone from
Thursday till Saturday last week.
Miss Alice Kellogg left last
(ek for a visit with her sisler,
Mrs. Dora Shaffer, at Minneapolis,
Mrs. F. H. Gaudy and children
relurned home Friday from Il
linois, where they had been visit
ing for some time;
Miss Ida Penn of Waverly came,
in Thursday on No. 1. lo visit
her sisler. Mrs. Arthur Hird. She
returned home Friday.
Miss Flo Maylos and hndhcr.
Dale, relurned lo the stale uni
versity on No. 17 Monday, afler
spending the holidays at home.
The Mnrdock basketball l.eam
played the Alvo team Monday
evening in the Alvo hall, winning
(he game by a score of 2-1 lo 12.
Miss Hazel Foreman relurned
Tuesday from her visit lo Have
lock and Davey. Steve Foreman
accompanied her and will remain
some time.
W. S. Jordan and Win. Kil.el
shipped a mixed car of slock lo
South Omaha Tuesday. They!
and Chas. Ayers accompanied Ihe
Aunt Hing Kilzcl entertained al
supper Tuesday evening Mrs.
Waugh, C. E. Roper and Hev. Ein
brev of Lincoln and E. M. Stone
and family.
Mrs. E. M. Stone and Miss Pearl
Keefer relurned from Plat I s
t'oulh Thursday evening, where
Ihev were in ullendance at the
Johnson-Cole wedding.
Miss Frances Myers entertain
ed about thirty young folks nl a
New Year's party Monday evening
al her home. Refreshments were
served and a genuine pood time
was had.
Mrs. W. W. Lvtb- end children
and her niece, Miss Fitzgerald, of
Tecamah, who have been Msiling
593; cily mortgages tiled, 115,! Miss Lylle's sister, Mrs. Charles
amounting to $92, 377; cily inorlg- Kirkpalrick, for several ibys, lefl
aires released, 110, amounting lo for their home Saturday.
?82,970. John Murty of Verona, Neb.,
Klmer Dellman is liome from
Denver visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maker and
children of Crete spent Christmas
with John Gonzales.
Mrs. Bertha and Harold Mryan
visited F. L. Wooleoll. and family
Ihe lirst of the week.
Mrs. Ilerllia Walch of Fairbury
came Wednesday for a visit with
Miss Hannah Dellman.
Stephen Hnlllsh of Wabash is
reported somewhat improved in
health at this writing.
Merlha Merger returned home
from Farnam, Neb., last week,
where she was visiting her broth
er, W. II. Merger.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Slander of
Louisville spent Christinas with
Ihe hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
(i. L. Merger.
Major Hall and family and Ran
Minford and family of Murray
were Christinas guests at Ihe Win.
Minford home.
Fred Mueller came tip from
Maileyville, Kas., Saturday to
spend Christmas and Ihe holidays
with his parents and Elmwood
friends. Fred is looking con
siderably dilTerent than when he
last left Elmwood after a siege
of typhoid.
Little William Mueller had Ihe
misfortune lo break the radius or
outer bone of the right forearm
while coasting with some play
mates on Christ mas day. His sled
skidded lo one side of the walk
which was being used by the bovs
and precipitated William against
Ihe trunk of a tree.
J. D. Fenliman came to town
Fridav morning with a load of
rabbit s, 155 in number, and made
Ihe editor a present of n fine
voting cottontail. The game was
batrired by Hay Fenliman, Chas.
Will and Albert Fleischmann and
Lass Shepherd, the Ihree shooting
Ihe least number furnishing an
oyster supper for Ihe crowd. The
ovslers were on Charles and Will
Fleischmann and Less Shepherd.
Mr. Fentinian barreled Ihe rabbits
for shipment lo a commission
er, Fred and family. She return
ed lo Lincoln Monday on No. 17.
Walter Ilolderness sold his
barber shop to Mr. Hall of Heaver
Crossing, who look possesison
Monday. Mr. Ilolderness will visit
his folks in Ohio in the near
Grandma Weichel died Tuesday
at the homeo f her daug!h?r. .Mrs.
Appleman i Harnshcrger, at Elmwood. The
: funeral will be held al Elmwood
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
She leaves two sons, John of Alvo
and Albert of Elmwood, and two
daughters, Mrs. Walker of Lin
coln and Mrs. Harnshcrger of
Elmwood, who have the sympathy
of all.
Take Your Time and Read This-
Do You Want to Buy? Do
You Still Want to Pay Rent?
Do you want to buy a farm, or
do you still want to pay rent for a
farm and give everything yos
raise to the other fellow? If yoo
want to buy call on me, and if
there is anything that can be dons
for you it shall come you way.
Land this side of North Platte at
$5.00 per acre, in 010 acre lots,
where you can go into cattle rais
ing and keep all the chickens yot
want. Wake upl go to flgureing,
and find out bow much you was
worth 10 years ago, and then look
at. yourself at the present time.
You will find that a change be
comes necessary for your better
ment. I have land from the grat
ing land to the best alffalfa land
in the state. I will be in Platts
mouth for a week, and if you ars
interested 'phone 13 E., or writs
. Brady, Neb.
Mortgage Record In Cass County.
The following is the report from
the office of the register of deeds
showing farm and city mortgages
filed and those released during
the year of 1911: Farm mortgages
bled, 220, securing a value of
$785,375; farm mortgages releas
ed, 200, securing a value of $580,
Mrs. Amelia Mobbitt, wife of
Theodore N. Mobbitt, at 11:30 a.
m. Sunday, December 31, 1011, at
Ihe home of (heir son, Charles E.
Mobbill, at Lincoln, Neb. Mrs.
Mobbitt was bom in Iowa and lived
there until a year afler her mar
riage in 188 to Theodore N. Mob
hilt; when they came to Nebraska
and settled on their homestead
south of town, where Ihe young
est son, George P., now resides.
They lived there until Ihe spring
of 1005, when they moved into
I heir new home in East Alvo.
About seven weeks ago Mr. and
Mrs. Mobbitt went lo Lincoln to
visit their sons, L. E. and C. ti.
and families, when Mrs. Mobbitt
look seriously ill at the home of
C. E. Mobbill and was unable lo
rally sufficiently lo return to
Alvo. She Suffered with cancer of
Ihe liver and was tenderly cared
for by her loved ones until the end
came. She had almost reached
the age of f(i years. Sh is sur
vived by tier husband and four
sons, L. E. of University Place, C.
V.. of Lincoln, W .N. of Tekamah,
and George D. of Alvo. who have
Ihe sympathy of many friends.
The remains were brought lo
Alvo Monday afternoon and Ihe
funeral was held at the M. E.
church Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, and burial was in Alvo
cemelery. The services w te con
ducted by Rev. Fmbrey of Uni
versity Place, presiding eitbr of
Ihe Lincoln dislriel, who was
pastor of Ihe M. K. church al this
place fifteen years ago. The pall
bearers were: Fd Ca-ey, R. V.
Stewart, George Hardknoek, Geo.
Sutton, S. C .Moyles and.C. C.
always give satisfaction liceaust
they til ways do the work. J. 1.
Slielnut, Mremen, Ga says: 'f
have used Foley Kidney Piils witb
great satisfaction and found mors
relief from I heir use than from
any other kidney medicine, and
I've I t ied almost all kinds. I caa
cheerfully recommend I hem to aU
sufferers for kidney and bladder
trouble." For sale by Fricke' A.
s a reliable family medicine. (Jive
il lo your children, and take it
yourself when you feel a cold
'nixing on. II checks and cures
"rihs and colds and croup and
m'evenls bronchitis and pneu
monia. For sale by Fricke & Co.
J. M. Nichols of Omaha arrived
No. 21 and departed for Union
'ia loam and sleigh this aHcr
In County Court.
Judge Meeson today was em
gaged in final settlement of the
estate of Klaus Fanders, a well-to-do
farmer, who recently dies
near Flmwood. Mr. Fander's only
heirs were his two daughters,
Misses Kate and Gertrude Fand
ers, who enjoyed their first rid
on the cars in coming to the cout-
ty seat today to attend the hear
ing at Judge Meeson's court. Their
neighbor, William Mornemiet,
accompanied the yojing ladies ts
Plallsmoulh. Also C. D. Clapp of
Elmwood and Attorney William
Delles Dernier of the same city
were in attendance assisting the
young ladies in getting Ihe estaU
finally settled.
Is ils fatal tendency to pnem
moniu. To cure your la gripps
coughs take Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher,
Washington, Kas., says: "I was
troubled with a severe attack f
la grippe that threatened pena
monia. A friend advised Foley
Honey and Tar Compound and I
got relief after taking Ihe first
few doses. I took three bottles and
my la grippe was cured." Get the
genuine, in the yellow package.
For sale by Fricke & Co.
Referee's Sale Postponed.
On account of an error in the
referee's sale notice in the malter
of Thomas E. Parmele vs. Charles
V. Moedeker, et al., the sale has
been postponed from the 10th day
of January to the 9th day of Feb
ruary, 1912. All parties interest
ed will please take notice.
Do not allow your kidnev and
bladder trouble to develop bVvond
Ihe reach of medicine. Take Foley
Kidney Pills. They give ouick re
sults and slop irregularities with
surprising promptness. For
by Fricke & Co.