The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1912, Image 1
rrrCV A. mourn oucna VOLUME XXXI. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1912. NO. 2. .If AM Plane OF F. Ill R. CLUB GRAND SUCCESS The Hall Beautifully Decorated, Many of the Youth and Beauty of the City Being in Attendance, Besides a Number of Out-of-Town Guests Were Present- The New Year's ball given by kho F. M. R. club at Coates' hall Monday was a brilliant social success, the ball room being rowded by the youth and beauty f the city and the gallery thronged with spectators. The financial aspect of the ball was mot up to the social side of the function, but the club has the pleasing sensation of having pre sented the finest program of the winter. The ball room was a beauty, decorated with red, white and green colors. A canopy of the colors in fringed paper extended from one side of the galleries to the other, with Christmas bells suspended from the intersections, making one of the prettiest dec orations ever swung out in the hall. The grand march was led by Bruce Rosencrans and Miss Marie Donnelly, who handed the neat program containing nineteen lances and ornamented with the initials of the club and red ber ries anil holly, the. foliage of the spason. The music, was given by the M. V. A. orchestra of four pieces, with I he following finished musicians laking part: Roy Holly, THE MASK BALL II filjffl SUCCESS Given by the Dancing Trio at Coates' Kali Last Satur day Evening. The mask ball given by the Dancing Trio last. Saturday even ing at. Coates' ball, proved one of the most, pleasant occasions of the season. The weal her being very cold and bluslry the attend ance was not expected to be large, but here is where Ihe promoters of Ihe affair were very agreeably surprised. There were a goodly number of costumes and the at tendance was quite large. There . whole was left in the hands nf the were a number of good characters ! secretarv. A gentleman who paid very neatly costumed, especially taxes for 10H nnd lias since the winner of the first gents' prize, moved out of Ihe school dilrirl, Henry Tinuns, who appeared as was of Mm impression thai he the great and only Mull, who has ought not o nav (nil ion. hut a let been the winning number of the tcr from the state sun i iulendenl funny paper issues for the past indicated that free seh.m nllem! few years. This prize was a very, ance is ha-cd under the hov pure, neat shaving outfit. The first P on residence nnd has nnt"ing at ladies prize was captured by Miss "II to do with Ihe payment of Ella Neuman, whose costume was taxes. that of Ihe (ioddess of Liberty, the prize being a handsome toilet set. Percy Fields was there as the mimical Dutchman and landed the second gents' prize, a collar and cuff case; anil Mrs, George Ilruhl took the second ladies' prize, a handkerchief and gove box, in the haraeter of a colored lady. Ac cording to those in attendance the prizes were properly awarded, as the winners look great pains and had prepared excellent costumes for Ihe occasion. The judges were Edward llv olt, Frank Smith and John Falter. The music for Ihe oc casion was furnished bv the old reliable M. W. A. orchestra, which was up lo Ihe usual high standard. Eats Turkey In Plattsmouth. Henry Meisinger of near Springfield arrived Friday after noon to spend the New Year and at turkey with Mrs. George Weid man and family. Mr. Meisinger makes an annual visit about this season of the year and always ar rives in time to kill the turkev; In fact, he comes a riav or two ahead of time for that purpose. Hold Annual Meeting. From TuPFi1y' Dally in.: wmoii i-noio macnine Manufacturing company held its annual meeting last night for Ihe -lection of ofrccrs. The following olllcfrs were re-elected: pvesi- dent. G. R. Olson; vice president, T. H. Pollnck; secretarv and treas- . urer. Dr. K. W. Cook; business iianager, i. i.. mm. violinist; Ed Schulhof, cornet ist; Tom Jandu, traps, and Miss Marie Fitzgerald, pianist. Fruit punch was served throughout the evening in the ball room and a two-course lunch, consisting of sandwiches, pickles and coffee, and brick ice cream and cake, were served in the dining room by Misses Lillian Dwyer and Emma Cummins. The out-of-town guests were: Jack Patterson and Derwood Lind of Union, Waller Ravdinsky of Nebraska City and Frank Per kins and his sister, Miss Marcia, of Fremont, Ihe last two being guests of Ihe H. N. Dovey home. Everyone fortunate enough to hold an invitation to the New Year's ball and who availed them selves of Ihe privilege of being present, pronounce Ihe dance one of the best of the winter. The promoters of the pleasant func tion are three young business men of the citv and their energy and ellort in Ihe direction of present ing a first-class ball is alwavs crowned with success. Messrs. Falter, Morgan and Rawls leave nothing undone which in anv manner adds to Ihe comfort and pleasure of the invited guests. Schocl Board Meets. From TiiPSflnv'd Pally. The school. board met yesterday, although it was New Year's day, and transacted the business for Ihe .month of December. The M'eetir. was held at 10 o'clock in the morntmr so'lTs" iiVT lo inter fere with varion the evening. Hoi engagements for ine mailers were I all Uat cfi'ne nn. There was the usual grM of hills allowed, and the superintendent's renoi re ceived. Nothing nf snerial im portance erwve nn in Ihe monthly report, as things have tune flung verv soolhv find Ihe ill lemhnce has been practically th" same as for (he month of November. Mr, .Md'olt nr.1 in brought nn the iat- er of medical ineneclion end the Fnrrllv Raunlon Dlnnr. Frank Janda, jr., and wife entertained al a familv reunion dinner Sunday and a large turkey, roasted lo a palatable brown, and Ihe accompaiiM'ng dishes lo em bellish Ihe fee) were placed be fore their guests. The afternoon was spent with games nml music, and en lovable conversation. The turkey for Ihe dinner was sent by George Koehnkc and wife of Hay Springs, who sent their regrets at not being able to be present. Those who participated in the din ner wre: Ex-Councilman W. J. ltookmever and wife and son, Ray- , mond; Charles Janda and wife and daughter. Ruth; J. J. Svoboda, sr., J. .1. Svodoba, jr., and wife and three children, Frank Janda and wife and son, Rapheal; Tom Svoboda and wife and Miss Mary Janda. From Nature to the Home, A beautiful picture representing the gathering and shippinar of herbs in one part and of crapes in another pari of the world, the combining of them into medicinal preparations and Ihe distributing of these preparations lo the i " Homes 111 uiiiereni conniries, win be mailed to you for 1 0c in coin or stamps, by Jos. Triner, 13.11-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. III., the, manufacturer of Ihe celebrated ! Triner's American 71mr nf Dilterl Wine and Triner's Angelica Hitler' Tonic. To this picture is attach-1 , d a calendar for 1 1 2. Return From Blue Hill. Lee Coiner ami wife ami chil dren relumed from Blue Hill Sat urday evening, having visited Mr. Cot ner'.s parents for a week. W hile there Mr. Coiner enjoyed a fino hunt and secured some line specimens of jack rabbits. The weather was fierce, one of the had western Nebraska bliazrds rasing for some time, and the thermom eter registered 1) below zero." DEATH OF i OLD UNO RESPECTED CITIZEN Edward Stokes, Aged 80 Years, Passes Away at an Early Hour This Morning. From Tuesday's Dally. Edward Stokes, an aged citizen of Plattsmouth, died at the resi dence of his son, Albert, this morning at an early hour. Mr. Stokes was born in North Carolina eighty years ago Ihe 10th of last December. lie grew to manhood in his native state, where he was married to Miss Elizabeth Davis. Alter iiis mar riage a few years Mr. and Mrs. Stokes emigrated to Indiana and , . , ... i about twenty-eight years ..... , , iiiini u in turn i iiiuii, tuiu TM'iiiru on a farm a few miles south of Plaltsmouth. After moving to Nebraska Mrs. Stokes survived about seven years, dying about twenty-one years ago. Mr. Stokes leaves surviving him six children, four sons and two daouhters. His sons are Ed Stokes j of Plainview, Neb.; Will Slokes of Calgary, Canada; Albert Stokes and Tom Stokes of this city; the dauelhers are Mrs. Alice Creamer and Mrs. Laura Johnson of Mur rav. 'Definite funeral arrange ments have not yet been made, but it is thought that the funeral will occur Thursday. Coe3 to Plattsmouth State Bank. Carl G. Fricke, who has 1 u connecled with the Hrst National bank of Ibis city for Ihe past sevenlecn years, ami assistant . I ion. cashier of this institution for nj Mr. Green is al a loss to tell number of years, has severed his!. just how Ihe lire started. A few connection with the First National i minutes before he noticed the ami accepted the position of as- blaze he had been thawing out a sistanl cashier of the Plaltsmouth water pipe extending from his Slate hank. Mr. Fricke was ten- ' cistern lo the house. II is sup dered Hie deputy county Ireas- posed that this is the way the lire irer's position, but after duly con- ; slarled, although Mr. Green savs sidering all phases of the work Iderided to accept the position with the Stale bank. This banking in stitution is fortunate in securing a careful, painstaking accountant, a good business man and a gentle man who speaks German fluently and has hosts of friends who are proud of his business career. v Right Arm Badly Sprained. From TiicBdny's Daily. J. T. Lambert arrived from Omaha loday and will visit Mrs. Mary Smith, his sister, al Hock Blull's for n few days. Mr. Lam bert is employed by the Union Pa cific and had Ihe misfortune a few davs ago lo sprain his right arm and shoulder in such a manner as lo cause him several days' lay on". His arm is carried in a sling ami he is unable lo use it. The ac cident occurred while Mr. Lambert M as in Ihe act of unloading a tele phone machine, weighing 500 pounds. The machine was thrown against him. catching his arm between Ihe freight car door and Ihe machine. The injury was quite serious, but might have been worse. Terms of District Court for 1912. Judge Travis has announced the dates for holding court, in this district for 11)12 as follows: Sarpv county, February 2(5 and September 23. Cass county, May 27 and No vember 25. Otoe county, April 15 and Octo- ' her 21 I The terms are nil jurv terms, (and instead of holding three terms in Otoe and Cass, as has been the custom in Ihe past, Ihe terms have been cut down to two in each of Hi.. n i hi ii i i n in i illlllOIff the district. Sarpv countv being added lo Ibis district bv the lale leeislature. makes Ihe work more arduous than ever for Ihe presid- ing judge. Trv n sack nf Forest Rnse Flour the next time von need flour." Ask your dealer what ho thinks nf it. GO AWAY FROM HOM E TO GET THE NEWS i Mike Trltsch Appointed Deputy County Treasurer, Unsolicited by That Gentleman. The following from the Louis ville Courier is like going away from home to get the news, but the Journal will have to acknow ledge that this item we should have had several days ago, which 'ai informal ion was promised just as'1'1' soon as the appointment was made. So it is really no fault of the Journal: County Treasurer-elect Kelly Fox has appointed Mike Tritsch of this city as his deputy. Louisville people will regret to lose Mr. Tritsch, as he is an excellent citizen and for a number of years has held responsible positions in our town. He is the present vil lage clerk, is clerk of Ihe local Woodman camp and secretary of the Odil Fellows' lodge. While all regret lo lose him from our town, yet we feel a decree of pride in having this unsolicited honor con- fnll'fwt IllWtn tlllA nf Ill t , t r . ir.iw, ' , ... Treasurer lox made no mistake " n i ' m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 miif Tritsch as his deputy, as there are few men belter qualified in Cass ronii tv for the position than Mike Tritsch. Mrs. Tritsch and the children will not leave us until after the closing of the spring term of I SCHOOL Fire Record Starts Early. The lire record in Plallsmout h ; stalled in with the first day of the new year, when lire broke out at the home of lleslon Green, located at the south end of Sixlh street. The lire alarm brought out Ihe tire company and wilhin live min utes after the alarm sounded the central hose carl was on ! mvnmi r,.r miim.a ti... ' flames were burning oul al I he lop of the roof, but a stream of water soon had the fire under sub.jec- it did not originate in I hat wav, as he was careful not lo allow the blaze from his fire to approach Ihe wood. The indications are that Ihe fire caught at the sill below and ran up Ihe side of the building lo the i f and there spread, eat ing its way through the roof in a short, lime. Fortunately, nothing was scorched in the room below, as the fire did not penetrate with in the plastering. The damage to Ihe building is estimated at from $150 to $200. The building was formerly owned by Charles Hell. The value of the property is placed al, about $1,000, with .800 insurance on Ihe same and 8200 on the household goods. The damage tut the residence has been placed at about $300. The fire men did some excellent work in saving the properly. Manager Durnie of Ihe Plallsnionlh Water company was on the ground as soon as the lire company lo look after the water supply, test Ihe uressure and see that every de mand was taken care of for Ihe protection of the property. Mr. Hemic takes this method merely as a precaution, not as a neces sity, as they are always prepared for lire protection, and if some thing should go wrong he places himself in readiness for im mediate action in the way of suf ficient water supply. Ice harvest Commences. From Turfldny'fl lMlly. The ice harvest began today, with George Poisall and his force of men cutting for F. (J. Egen berger. The ice is all right for stnrnge imrnnscu tint Afr Poiunll said today that the location would be changed immediately. The ice is from a foot to sixteen inches, and if a clear field can be located the finality will be fine. Mrs. Seaton, who guest of her sister, lias been n Mrs. R. D. Windham, jr., departed for Fort Worth, Texas, yesterday after - noon, where she will visit rela - ' lives for a time. ill ii leiiie you mm- LESS: I WILL HUE ID YOU." r Fine New Year's Sermon Delivered terian Church in the Presence of The following extract of the sermon of Rev. Gade, delivered last Sunday, was unavoidably rowded out on account of the ocniow oi news yesieruay oc casioned by the issuing of no n - i - . . paper Monday. Hut like all good tilings, it is, in sentiment, as well as other good things uttered, interesting, if it is a little late in publication: "The Untrodden Path." "Ye Have Not Passed This Way Heretofore." Josh. 3:1. Among other things Rev. (Jade said: "Joshua and the host of Israel had come to Ihe banks of the Jordan. The people of find had braved difficulties, dangers and unknown trials, through the long wilderness journey, and now they stood upon the banks of Ihe river looking over into the promised land. Just before I hem lay the sweeping stream of the Jordan; beyond it the land filled with enemies, which they were soon lo take possession, behind tlieni stretched a weary waste of not, be afraid, hut we hesitate, rocky wilderness, where seldom a The promises of Cod sneaks corn flower ever grew or a tree lent its fort and rood cheer, lie promises sheltering shade. to go with us all Ihe wav. Around "The forty years of wandering us shall be His presence and uri- Irom place to place in a bare, un- 11 " 1 's,m oesen. wit n its wittier- ing heat and blinding glare, where no green and beautiful plains fol lowed winding rivers, and the air void of the freshness of the morn ing and evening zephyrs, was in deed a great discipline for people, lbit this is nil over now, (, and a new way opens before them, tor they were lold, have not that time is passing awav re passed tills war herein fore.1 Thcv ever, like the Waving of a pendu did not shrink back from the un-jli,,ii. like the fading of a shadow trodden way. They were not I on Ihe floor.' Willi some of von afraid to trust God. Had He not j here, v(i are yet young, just a lil fed them with His own hand. and'lle bevond the eloi v of the morn led them with the pillar of cloud in- wili.rhi Willi ..r by dav, and the pillar of (ire all night? "1 Ihink I can hear Ihe com - maud or Joshua as it rings out through the assembled host, 'Gel ie,in, sancinv yourselves for I God is about to do great things for us.' And true, Ihe morning's light revealed the waves of the swifl-runninur river piled no like solid rock, and they crossed over NEW YEARS FORTY- EIGHT YEARS AGO Illustration of Some of the Hard ships Scldiers Endured in the Groat Civil War. From Tuesday's Dully. Judge J. W. Johnson recalled yesterday that forty-eight years ago, or on New Year's eve preced ing January 1, IKlii, he, with about 300 cavalry comrades, were ordered mil lo do scout duty and were directed lo proceed to Roland, Arkansas, a distance of many miles. It began to rain soon after Ihe troopers were started on their march, and shortly turned very cold and their garments were frozen on them. The squad reach ed Ihe town for which they had set out the previous night, about daylight. They found the enemy housed five or six in every house. The rebels ran in every direction for Ihe timber, although, Judge Johnson said, if half a dozen had stood their ground with muskets the Union forces must have been vanquished, as Ihe frozen condi tion of their clothing prevented I hem from drawing revolvers from Iheir holsters. Nevertheless, they gave chase lo the fleeing Johnnies and took possession of the town. Judge Johnson, took- his men into a large building formerly no- "T' 0? a, ha"' wit h an old- fashioned box stove in it. and several cords of wood piled near, which was used to thaw Ihe boys oul. The thermometer stood 13 below zero in a window outside the building. That afternoon Ihe long roll was again sounded and Ihe boys placed on the march. i That was one of the coldest 1 winters of the war. The Red river in Arkansas was frozen over, and by Rev. Gade at the Presby a Large Audience Sunday on dry ground. "We need to prepare ourselves as we enter upon 'the untrodden path' of the New Year. The sins, temptations and evil habits which have been growing stronger and stronger upon us, crushing out one by one every noble resolution of the heart, should be put aside, "It is good to make resolutions, It is better lo resolve than not to resolve at all. You had heller try a thousand limes though you fail, than not to try at all. But, make your resolutions in God's name, put them worlhwith into exeru- t ion. If they are made in reliance upon God helping you, you cannot fail, and Ihe solemn purposes of your lives will be realized, "A new year lies before us. We are as those who are entering upon an 'untrodden path.' We have not passed this way here tofore. We have before us a pilgrimage of which as yet we have not taken one step. We look out with deen anxiety. We- may dernealh us the evcrlasl iiic arms. ihe latherlv, companionable :, will go with us into the unknown way of the days that are yet, to come." In closing Rev. (iade said: "Soon Ihe great clock of eternity win sound l lie knell ot tile pass- jng year and its deep, solemn j , ones vi ring on the ccrtmnlv the sun is already low down in e western sky. Muling Ihe clouds (above with sunset glow. Thank j Cod this looming. I can tell von ! that through change ami decay. , through urrim care and life'- viscissiludew. if oi will only jH len. you will hear Die voice of in finite love saving unto vou, '1 will not leave you comfortless; I come lo you.' " the cnvalrv crossed on the ice. The Judge had been in the service three vears and was toughened to hardship, and he observed Hint, a man does not know what he can endure until he has had a trial (if it. R"turns From Memphis. . From Wmlnrpilnv'R Pnllv. Miles Slandish returned from Memphis (his morning, where he went, Monday to visit relatives! Mr. Slandish was nicely enter tained while at Memphis, having attended a parlv given in his honor, which he euiosed very much. He readied Omaha yes terday and visited his sister over niglil, arriving here em No. 21. In company with James Dclhs Derm'er and K. Shoemaker. Mr. Slandili paid Ihe Journal oMre a pleasant call. Messrs. Dclles Deriiier and Shoemaker are pros perous farmers, Mr. Deles-Der-nier having purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr. Slandish near Murray. C8S County Jail Condemned. Plattsmouth last week received a present she was not expecting. A few days ago one of the as sistant state lire commissioners went lo Plattsmouth and con demned a number of the old shacks, and among them was the Cass county jail. He said it was dangerous and pronounced it a fire trap. Last year an cITort was made to vote bonds for the erec tion of a new jail, but they were defeated. Now Cass countv will have to do something or turn her nrisoners loose. Nebraska City News. Forest Hose Flour. The next lime von need a sack of flour try a sock. You will find il Ihe best ion the market.