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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
THRONE AGREES TO CONFERENCE Decides to Accept PropDsal c! Yuan Shi Kal. FIRST SUIT UNDER NEW LAW Reagan Safety Act Comes Into Play PACKERS' TRIAL AGAIN HALTED EDICT FOR ASSEMBLY ISSUED National Conference Will Decide on Future Form of Government for China Emperor end Manchu Reti. nue Will Abandon the Capital. Peklnp. China, Dec. 2'J. The throne has nsreed to Premier Yuun Shi Kai 8 eugKestinu to refer the question of the future government of China to a j national conlorenee and to abide by its decision, whatever it may be. Premier Yuan Jinked the pr'neoa to empower him to obtain money, Ho explained that $10,0.-0,000 would meet the payments for the so'.dk-rs for five months. The princes pleaded lack of money, although most of them are weal thy. The debute waxed ho warm that fltuilly Yuan arose and efforod his res-1 ignatlon. Tliis, however, was r fused. The decision taken by the meeting I of the Imperial dan and Premier Yuan Shi Kal to submit the question 1 of the future novornine nt of China jo a national convention was followed quickly by nn imperial edict, in the following terms: "Dr. V.'il TliiR Fail!!, the chief of the revolutionary deb-pates to the peace conference nt Snanchnl, and others contend that the people of China do Hire a republic. This question neither the government nor a section of the "pet-pie Is able to decide. A national conference is necessary. The empress down nor sanctions the enll'n to-rether of n conference. n she Is elos'iois to avoid bloodshed and to brim; happi ness to the j.cople of China." j Debati Lasts All Morning. The dowager empress, Premier Yuan Phi Kal and the Manchu price? of the Imperial clan debated through out tho entire nnunlni? the scheme for cnlllnp; together n convention o'' dele gates from all parts of the empire to decide on the form of novernmont which shall prevail In tho future In China. The cabinet, has been instructed to Safety Act Comes Into in Carron Action. Omaha, Dec. 29. Kstranped from her husband at the t'me of his d-'ul'.i and livin with her relatives in Co.ii cil Bluffs, Mrs, Viola Cameron, wife of Clifford C. Cameron, the painter w ho fell eighty elsht feet to his death In the new county building a inorih aso, start'-d suit for $i:,niN) dainai-s ngainst Caldwell & Drake, Ren-ial contractors on the county building The painting subcontractors on th building, for - whom Cameron wa1 working when the accident occurred, and Douglas county as owner of the biiihliiiK also are made defendants to tho suit. The suit Is the first to be started under tho stringent new law, known as Ueanan's safety law, which ro-s to unusual length in providing for the 'r ' by consel for tlie defense to evidence win riiijuv; up jii ft ii h i w. n damages by wives or children in cusps Delanse Otjacts to Evidence on Kenwood an j .etna Cancarns. TEST COST FIGURES TOO LOW Government Contends That Profits Are H.dden by Inadequatj Allowance for By-Products Firms Dealt in Oleomargarine and Casings. Chicago, Dec. 29. Objection inado of death. RAILROADS ARE 3a Cperaiiai Expens Hilbr cn Tim Ilea's, GEN. BERNARDO REYES. former Commander of Mexico's Army. Who Has Surrendered as Rebel. X: which the government seeks to intro duce regarding the operations of the Ktnwood company and the Aetna Trading company halted the packers trial and caused Judge Carpenter to excuse tho jury pending the hearing of legal arguments. The government contends that the Kenwood company, which was organ ized 'by the packers in PJ00 and con tinued in business until 1905, was one of the alleged pools used to market the packers' byproducts. It is r.l le?c-d that the Kenwood company dealt in oleomargarine and the Aetna Trading company in the same period dealt in c asings. The government expec ts to show that th.i Kenwood company's profits wie $1,oiv00i) In one year, despite the fact that it was only incorporated , with a capital" stock of $14,000. The profits of the Aetna Trad'ng company fire nKo nllcped to have been propor tionately large, by counsel for tho gov ernment. j Profits Hidden. Py making an inadequate allowance i for these byproducts In flguriti'.; the test cost of fie animals slaughtered, the packers were enabled to keep U'e profits of tho parent concerns within reasonable limits, ac -iling to coun sel for the povernment. This lino of testimony came when Albert TI. Veeder was questioned in regard to the bus'noss transacted by these subsidiary companies. "We have a right to know what the povernment intends to prove by going L'ncoln, Dec. 29 The nnnnal report of the Missouri Pacific, lilt d with tin railway commission, shows a material decrease in ppsscnger earnings, while, at the same! time operating expense hhow a cieciced increase!. The in crease in the latter is die In a lug" measure to improvements nr. d bott-r-nieiits made in the trackage at the in stance of the railway commission. Tho only increases in revenue shown by the report conies from mall nnd express. The Rock Island shows a slight In crease In freight eirnlngu and a email decrease In passenger receipts, tho grand total lie 'ng about the same- lor tin two years. The operating ex penses ihow a material Increase. The Ft Joseph and Ornnd Is'nnd re port shows a decided increase In b- t'l freight nnd passem-'er earnings, and also tint more money was spent In j operating expenses. Into the business of these companies j Bryan Candidate for Fourth Time. an(, wn,(t r(.liltI() it has to tns rr,m I Omaha, Dec. 2'.'. A petition to place pnny," said Attorney Levy Mayer, the nam.! of William J. Rryan on the C0UIW,i f0r the defense. Democratic primary ticket as a candl I .Tne Kenwood company dealt In t! I' - i ' V I ' '- FoyStry Wanted! ZUCKWEILER & LUTZ wants a car load of Poultry to be delivered at the B. &. M. depot, in Plattsmouth, on -i ran n m sn UUUUIII IIIIU IIUUIIUUUIII B V CLfcMENCY FUR HEYtS the iinuf nn tho re "illations uhlch shall irovern Iho nat'onal convention and to date for president In 1912 Is being clr-'0iP0 0's and the Aetna Trading com f..., ,i!,rnt..u in (ho neneo eon- cubited by A. A. Arter, nnd he has so- JIIIWI in Hl' H' '(-' - M .' - . , cured more tnan nait ine requueu number of signatures. According to law a man's name nviv ho placed on forence at Shanghai that the throne Is willing to abide by tho decision of a renresentatlve convention no matter mhnt form of government it ma choose. In view of tho activities of tV Shnni'hai revolutionaries. Imnerlal government olTlc la's consider M to be doubtful whether the rebels will airee to the loii!? ddnv Inseparable from tho calling of a nat'onal convention. The action of the! throne b-ives no room for doubt that the ndvlsers of the rece nt and the emperor are pro pared for abdication should that course to he the only way of settlement. i ELECT DR. SUN AS HEAD ' Insurgents at Nankin.) Uanimously Eler.t Their Head. Nanking, Dee. 20. Dr. Sun YatSen luip been elected un.iulmously presi dent of Chln i by the rebel conference Emperor to Leave Peking. London, Dec. 2!). A telegram from Tientsin says that the Imperial fam Hy has decided to leave Peking. TURKS ARE CONCENTRATING Kalian Army Near Tripoli Is Expect Ing Another Onslaught. Tripoli, Dec. 29. According to In formation gathe red by the nlnnm at luchod to the Italian army nnd by Hcouting parties tT cavalry, tho Turks and tlie Arabs are i once titrating In Breat force to the soith of Alnzara. The Italians do not proceed far ii'vay from tho Italian camp, us anoth er oas'aiii'ht by the Turks is feared. The position of the 'lurks is tlie( Hum form In which they made their i last att' c-k, whic h resu't-.'d In a so-1 vere fight, lulling six hours, and tlie j p-tlrenic nt of the Italians. A correspondent with tlie Ultoman armv nt Azlzla says that thousands of olentet rs ate belli-; enrolled daily. The! army, he nays, Is In excellent con dltlon and possesnes ample arms nnd ainmunltln, most of which has been nptuivd firm the Italians. Russia to AsMime Control in Persia. St. Petersburg, Dec. 29. The np Itointnient of a Russian Hoveinor and chief of police for the city of Tabriz, In Persia, and the assumption of municipal affairs there, together with the institnpnn of exclusively Russian courts of law. Is for'shadowed In the noiiil olllelnl Novoe- Vremya. "Punishment will be meted out to the Persians. Th's Is not the most difficult problem to be solved. A task which Is more complicated and equal ly importpnt Is the Introduction Into Petsln by Runslun authority of n se ere. hut just administration." 8panlards Defeat Riffian Tribesmen Madrid. P'T. 29. Advices from Melilla. Morocco, say that the whole ' Spani. h army advanced nnd "repulsed and do imated" the Riffian tribesmen One Spanish geneial, named llos, was wounded. Special correspondents, In Ihelr dispatc hes, say the Spanish ran itlnu iot-'l il vfnt' pevi-n kl'le-1 nnd the ticket on the petition of nt lemt twenty Ave citizens. It Is snld t lint tbero Is no law by which a name can he drawn a'ter It Is once placed on the? ticket, rnd so Pryan will brro-iie n cnnel'dato again, whether he wishes It or not. Bank Ca?o StUl Before Court. Beatrice , Nel)., Dec. 29. The litiga tion In the Huge county district co n t for the purpose of testing the law rel ative to the requirement of bonds for depositories of county funds Is still up In the nir. Judge Peinberton he.ird the arguments In the case nnd decided that the bond question was 1 .9 It yd before the court ami couici noi n nrfnri iimn lint il the c ouiitv board bad! desU-nated a state bank as ti deposi tory nnd nrter the treasurer had de I munded a bond. j Girl Charged With Forgery. Broken Bow. Neb., Dec 29 Ma-igie Myers, a young woman residing in me country near here, has been arrested charged with obtaining money fro-n Tnvlor & Son's general merchandise m m 1 I stove at Berwyn by means or a loigeu order. The order has the name of Perrv Smith attached to it and Mag- i Revolutionary Leader to Escape Death Penalty. Mexico. City, Dec. 2'J That Presl dent Madeto will not insist upon th" death penalty for Reyes and his fol lowers was shown when tho father of David Reyes Retana obtained execu tive clemency for his son. Young Retana was a prominent lawyer here until he took up the fight with Reyes. He was captured at Burgos. Hearing of his son's predicament the father went to Madero and tstat"il alter the conference that tlie president had promised to spare his son's life. JANUARY 9th and 10th, 1912 for which we will pay the following prices, either in cash or trade: (craws to be empty) Hens 10c Pullets 10c Ducks 10c Geese 8c Old Roosters ' 5c Young Roosters 8c Clarinda Poultry, Butter Egg Go, LADES IRON AND STEEL onucniiic cinPT OUIILUULL II no i . . .. 1. -1.. l,. K'e Cla'lllS It. was seui 10 ncr iii ii n i ter, s't wb taken before Count v ,Tud"o Holcomh, who he'd her In JHi1 bonds for preliminary hearing later. Par Members Oathcr at Capital. 1 ineo'n, Pec. 79 The state liar as sociation met here for Its tw-dl'th nn nu ll sov-len. Judge B. F. flood presl dent. iM vcred the annual address, do plctTn th" tr'nls and tribulations of a rouptrv lawver. Arran-'ements have bee-n cemti'et.-d bv the local members of the bannnet committee for the sm-'il-ers at the banquet this evening. rorre A. Adams, president ot ino 1 ui.cTFtr Rnr association, will bo toast master. Short Course to Begin. Dinco'n, Dee. 29. Tho winter short course In sHentllle agriculture will ue- p'n nt the slate farm next Tuesday These courses are he-Id each winter to Klve farmers an opportunity to study scientific fanning at a time when they can best spare the time, from their farm labor?. Files Alienation Suit Against Coker. New York, Dec, 29 Richard Croker and his two sons were made Joint do fendauts In a civil action begun by J. J. Preen lo recover $100,0110. Breen marrie d Miss Ethel Croker, daughter of th former Tammnny chieftain, on April 2S. 1910, and alleged that his wife's aff 'ctlons were alienated by Crokoi and his sons. Crew Taken Off Stranded Ship. Block Island. 11 I.. Dec. 29. The four masted schooner Mary Adelaide Rnndi.ll of Port Jefferson, N. Y., coal laden, was burled on the lerges wc-st of Block Island by a terrific northwest erly gule and four bonis and a half later Its crew of t-n men was rescued bv the Rlock Island life saving crew. pnny dealt in casings and we cannot understand what relation this has to the allegations made In the Indictment thnt there was a combination for the control of the price of fresh meat and the price paid in the purchase of cat tie. For this reason we contend that this testimony Is incompetent and ask to have It excluded." "Standing alone I do pot see the relevancy of this testimony, but It may lend to something connected w'th the acts charred In the Ind'ctment ." snld Judge Carpenter. "I think the p-iveriimert should at this time state Just what It expects to prove by this testimony." Special Counsel Pelrce Butler said tho government expected to show by revealing the business of these com panics that the packers made nn In adequate allowance for by-products in figuring the test cost of anlmnls B'aughtered, which had a direct be-nr-Ing on the workings of tho alleged combination. The argument of counsel on these points was continued when court re convened this morning. National Company Organized. Albert H. Veeder pave the details of the organization of the National Pack ing company, which was formed March 18, 190H, and which the government contends was the instrument used by the Indicted packers to fix the price of meat Tlie witness said this corpora tlon, which was capitalized at $15,000. 000, wan formed by the merging of thirteen companies and their Hiibsld- lares nnd that the properth were paid for in slock of the National Pack ing company. Air. Veeder said these companies were all purchased by Armour, Swift and Morris before Michael Cudaliy wns taken Into the combination. He paid all the men who sold their plants agreed not to engage in tho packing bus'ness for fifteen years. Have you any more contracts or agreements used In the organization of the National Packing company asked Butler. "About three busbe's, but nothing you would want," replied Veeder. Wad to Be Postponed lor S'.orJy cf Tariff Board Report. Washington, Dee. 29. Revision of the Iron at!d .-teel schedule! will be the first thing on the tariff legislative pi o gram of the- house- after confess con venes next week, according to P.eere tentative t'nderwood. The ways un 1 menus committee wi'l postpone con sider.ition ot tlie wojI seh-'diile until everv feature of tlie t.niff hoard's r.5 ort on the s-ibj'-ct has be mi ht ulied TURK'SH TOWEL GOWN Fashion's Next Call Will Help Curtail High Cost of Living. Chicago, Dec. 29. Milady's, next govn will be simple of attainment and It will accord well with the household nil tallm -rit due to the high cost of fivlug, It was said nt the exposition of coining fashions held here by dry goods trade papers. The bathroom, which supplied bathrobe (otherwise known as blanket cloth) coat, now will furnish her dress and the material In it will lx Turkish towels. Two or three towels, with or with out the red stripes, and tasselecl bor dor, as "cults the weirer's Individuality a llttlo dab of Irish lace, a slit her and there for nn arm to come through nnd the gown Is complete. A simple silk underskirt, toned to show off the towe-1 fringe left at tho bottom of the skirt nnd costing slight ly In excess of the overdress, coin OF SECURITY MEET Members Enjoy a Nice Time Last Evening and New Mem bers initiated. l-'rom Wednesday's Dally. Tlie Knifrlils ami I.aelie's of Se curity last niilil lie-Id tli last iiii-e-liiiK eif Hie uuarler and the! last iiH'i-l iiif.r eif Hie ye-ar, A class eif eleven ineiubiTs haei applica- lons acic-ei on lavuramy aim six eif tliein were initialed last niglit, lii-iiifiiny Hie ineiniVrsliip up to 2(1 lieiieliciary nioniluTs. At the end of Hie week District Deputy Powell will depart for Min neapolis, Minn., to take up Hie work lor me order mere ana pin on a booster campaign. Mr. Powell's inaiiiiKcinent of tlie work is superior to any Held man who has ever worked in Nebraska, ami Hie national council, in n-eonni-tion of his ability, have- promoted him to a bigger lie-Id, with several assistants under his direcl ion. At the ineeliiin' last ninht, on motion , of 11. 11. Windham, a standing' vote ! of thanks was tendered Mr. Powell j for his ellicienl work in tliisi council. j An informal prom-am was given ; by some of the members ef Ihel lodge- ami members of Iheir fam ilies. Francis Whelan Rave some lino piano numbers, Vesta and Marie Douglass gave readings, Ralph Marshall two piano num bers and Andy Moore's jubilee singers favored the audience with two or three fine selections and were heartily encored and the on core repeated. There are some fine voices in this aggregation of singers. Mr. Windham had a pocket full of conundrums, which caused a great deal of amuse ment before all were satisfactorily answered. It is the expectation of the lodge to get a dispensation from the now field loan and continue tbe campaign for members, the list already having been increased al most a hundred during the. eiuarfer. Horses and Mules for Sale. Twenty-three head of extra troocl horses and mules for sale. All are good bone, well broke and readv for ' immediate service. I wish to sell them at pivate sale, nnd they mnv be seen at the farm of filen Vallerv. one and one-half miles west of Mvnard. If you are needing nnv good horses or mules call enrlv. for they are going to be sold nt a riuht price and will find ready buvers. Frank Vallery. Mat MeOuinn of Union was t county seat, visitor today and looked after business matters at the court house. EREWER ASKS EXPLANATION Pastor Whose Name Was Connected With Explosion After Facts. Kansas City, Dec. 29. A on.:rega- tlon in Quanah, Tex., was hearing Rev. Charles M. R rower preach a sermon on "Practieiil Christianity" at the time of the blowing up of the govern ment bridge ut Fort Riley, Kan., in which the pastor's name was impli cated through a confession of Pi hate Michael Quirk, according to a state ment made hero by Rev. Mr. Ilrewer, who passed through this city on his way from Olustoe, Okla., his home, to Fort Riley, where he will Investigate the conditions leading up to his ar rest and demand an explanation of povernment officials. . "My solo mission In life," he said. "Is to clear my name of this awful hnrge made nvalnst me. It was ahso lutelv un warranted, as the federal an thorltles found out after they had in vestigated it. Rut that does not sat Isfy mo. I want to know who was re sponsible for mixing my name In the dynamite plot." Dies Aftei Fifteen Years In Bed. Kvansvill", lnel., Dec. 29. Mrs. Finina l.niignr.oi, seventy years old, who refused to pet up from her bed for fifteen yeiirs, died at the county Infirmary. A reversal of her fortunes which drove her to the county asylum, caused iH-r icso.ntioii never to leave her bed iifte: sho arrived there. Re centlv she d'-velop.-d paralynis. T?ft to Speak In Ohio. Washington, Dee. 29 President Tnt'i has decided to extend his trip in Ohio, next month, lurther than was tontemplntod In the original program. Senator la Fol let te Is now cam- palguiiig there snd some of Mr. Toft's friends profess to see a politlcul sig nificance In the announcement that his trip has boon enlarged. Snakes and Parrots Roasted. Sun Antonio, Dec. 29 While cop- rerheads, rattlers and adders writhed over th floor, nnd tarantulas and oth er poisonous Insects darted here and there. Hi omen fought a blazo In the bird and snake store of W. O. Iearn. Five hendivd parrots were suffocated and 3r0 snakes were roasted. Hon. J. C. Watson Critically III. . Nebraska City. Dec. 29. Hon. John C. Wutson, one of the best known at torneys In the state, la quite 111 at his home In. this city nnd fears ore enter tained for Ms recovery. Christmas Time is Joy Time All the Time is Good Clothes Time! We have made great preparations for Yuletide at this store. Good cheer and good clothes abound in great qualities. We'll sell you Clothes or Hose, Shirts or Ties, Hats or Caps. Anything and everything you need for dressing appropriately and smartly ('uring the Holidays, then we'll start you on your way rejoicing. We want mothers nnd eisters to come here and select gifts for father and brother. We are also displaying many bright new models in "Millcr-Madc" and Sincerity Clothes, Suits and Overcoats THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT! WM. HLLY 9 Plattsmouth, Neb. MEN'S OUTFITTER 105 wounded. The Rlfllnns lost 409 pletes the costume. II I , III HI II 111 llll L .. T'-f-"