The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 01, 1912, Image 5

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Vr?o iff-- o - n o
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By itANDALL IPamosm
NOT far beyond the comer which
I judged marked the limits of
the Denslow plantation the
road dipped sharply over a
rocky bank and descended Into the
narrow valley of the creek. This ap
peared to me a spot well fitted for nn
ambuscade, and I came to a halt, lean
ing against a stunted tree, listening
anxiously. Overhead not so much as
a single star was visible, and as 1
glanced uneasily behind no gleam of
Bght shone forth from any window of
the great house. I was upon the very
edge of the battlefield, well within the
Confederate lines.
1 must have dlsthmulshed the ap
proach of that orderly's horse's hoofs
fully a mile away, first the faint ring
of steel on an exposed stone and then
a little later the dull thud of a steady
ennter. I must act quickly, merciless
ly, or there would certainly be firing,
the spread of alarm.
What followed was strain, confu
sion, struggle. 1 had him by the Jack
et collar, dragging him to earth, and
. we went down together, clinching des
perately. His revolvers were In the
saddle holsters, and we fought It out
wHta bare hands. I recall blows
struck, the fierce wrestling, n snioth
ered oath, n grappling at the throat,
the rolling over and wer. our limbs
twisted together, and then my throt
tling him until he lay prone and help
less. There was u derringer in his In
ner jacket pocket. Wrenching it
forth. 1 pressed the round muzzle
against his forehead.
Using little enough ceremony. I strip
ped him of jacket and trousers, fling
Ing down In return beside his prostrate
body my own fragments of uniform
As I hastily donned the garments thus
feloniously appropriated, my fingers
ebanced to touch the braided Insignia
" of rank on the Jacket collar.
"Who are you. an orderly?"
"No, n lieutenant of cavalry."
A flash of light came to me; I bad
waylaid the speeding bridegroom.
"Oh. Indeed," I said, the surprise of
discovery rendering me careless.
Tbeu 1 suppose you must be Colvert
1 nm."
Of Johnston's staff, I believe, but
what regiment?"
"The Tenth Georgia. But who are
you? What do you mean by this at
tack? How do you happen to know
my name?"
1 took ample time to consider my an
swer, buttoning the tight fitting Jacket
to the throat; then said coldly:
"1 hardly suppose it will do nny barm
or you to know, as 1 propose tying
you up safely and leaving you here out
of sight and sound. Have your pickets
been withdrawn from the fond loading
Ho remained silent until I pressed the.
tps of the derringer against his check.
"Yes, blame you; I wouldn't tell, bu
1 believe yon know It already. What
f want to know Is who you are!" -
"I am a Yankee artilleryman, who
was left for dead on the Held yonder.
I have been hiding on Hie Denslow
plantation, waiting for night to afford
tue opportunity for escape beyond your
Hues. While s-crcttd there I overheard
enough of a conversation to learn your
name as well as your purpose. I'ut I
Was not in hiding here expect Inn to In
rercept you. for Colonel Icuslow be
Mt'ved that, owing to (he sudden move
ment of the army, you would lie unable
to escape from your stall' duties lona
enough to keep your engagement, lie
wpected. however, the arrival of an
orderly at any moment, ordering his
immediate return to his regiment."
"Do you mean to tell me that you
Iniow what our plans of operation
"1 know enough of them, nt least, to
make me particularly anxious to get
dwny. Now stop that, lieutenant not
another move! Doubtless you know
Wltjrt this derringer contains. 1 will
&i mm
assuredly use it If necessary, and 7t
feels to me like a hair trigger. I'ut
out your hands no, hold them close
together so."
The utter uselessness of resistance,
was very plain, and l greatly disliked
gagging him; yet at nny moment the
orderly might ride past.
I led the horse slowly forward ami
must have advanced a hundred feet or
more, scarcely making a rustling in the
short grass under foot, when n horse
neighed shrilly to our right. Instantly
a dim figure rose up.
"Who nm dar?" It was the voice of
the negro, startled, trembling, yet loud
with alarm. "Massa George. Masse
George, sah!"
His words awoke within me a sud
den hope. Possibly amid that Intense
darkness I might pass muster, for long
enough at least to gain some advan
tage perhaps even to escape without
being compelled to do him bodily in
Jury. It must be either that or else
an Instant struggle which could only
A l
wv. Kouiiur rr our with bank hands.
add to my danger, no tuotter how It
terminated. 1 was very uearly Dunn's
size, for his uniform titled nu- us
though made to my measure, and 1
was sulllcleutly versed lu local con
ditions for all Immediate requirements
of such a masquerade.
"It's nil right. Joe; my horse Went
lame back yonder, and the night Is so
d irk I didn't even know I was here
yet. What is the matter with the
house that you don't show any light?"
"Fore de l.oid. Massa Calvert, dat
was stnih a good Joke on you. 'Cause
de YanhecH done look all de oil. It
am Massa Calvert. Massa (jeorge, an'.
kJiuoi" as you'r alive, he was poln' rlglu
by .! house. If I hadn't a -slopped him
- neber even lomwt il lie was yore yet."
Yoi'.i'g !'.; I w. li e dim outline of
his p rv tint of a mere stripHm:,
l.ehl out l:i ; hand
! l.-i-t you sue : eedi'd In making it,
Calvert. We were becoming afraid
yoti might not t'ct away owing to the
sudden :slv; ii e of l he troops. Is It
true we li;io started on a movement
by the llankV
"Yes, that report Is alt true enough."
I replied si l iving to hold my voice as
low ns possible, as I could recall n
marked pecull-irlly In the tones of my
late antagonist to Imitate: "the ahU
are riding lu every direction with or
ders for n forced match. I went In
nnd saw Cetieral Johnston ns soon n
I first heard the rumor, and explain
ed to him exactly tho situation here
The old man was very sympathetic,
and as he bad already met Jenn, he ar
rauged to send me out In this direc
tion with his orders, and gave nie a
furlough of tweny f.'ur hours in which
to attend to my own affairs. I am to
be in MiiK-rsville at the expiration of
that time, no matter what it may cost
lu horsetlesli."
"What about t lie Tenth Georgia'"
"They take up the march at mid
night, guarding Coyne's battery."
"Then that means a hard ride for
both dad and me. with little enough
time to spare. Hut dismount, Calvert,
and come up to the house."
In the excitement of swiftly suc
ceeding events I had entirely forgot
ten that particular errand which had
brought Lieutenant Dunn to this neigh
borhood. Here was a most awkward
predicament. Indeed the prearranged,
hurried wedding between him aud that
young, sweet faced girl, with the gray
blue eyes. The pleasant memory of
her came before me Instantly, the
musical sound of her soft voice, with
its delicate southern accent, the pa
thetic pleading of her girlish expres
sion, the carelessly milled hair, the In
dignant tone with which she had
spoken of her coining lover.
There appeared to mo no path lead
ing out from this labyrinth now. but
through the killing of some one; yet
every manly instinct within nie revolt
ed against cold blooded murder. I was
u soldier, hut never an assassin. And
surely there was yet an opportunity
for escapethe very lateness of the
hour, the urgent requirement for haste
on the part of all concerned, the pos
sibility that the necessary vipers had
not been procured, the girl's strong op
position to the ceremony.
We were at the steps, and I could
perceive the outlines of two black tig
tires rising up to greet me. it was the
deep voice of the elder Denslow which
spoke, his outstretched band warmly
grasping mine.
"The last minute, Calvert, my boy, I
the last minute. So we are to march
at midnight, you say? Well, we cau
make it with hard riding, and I can
po now with n relieved heart, know-
Ing Jean will be well looked after comprehend now how I met the out
while we are away. Come up, my boy. stretched hands of congratulations,
The thieving Yanks have not left us a what inane words I mumbled. I was
light about the house, nor very much conscious merely of regret, humillu
of anything else. However, we can tlon, Intense shame. She never spoke,
get along In the dark. I reckon the but I heard her sob chokingly as she
parson knows his lines without rt book, t hid her face on her father's shoulder.
Chaplain Mordaunt. you must be ac- ' George bad disappeared, but I could
quninted with Lieutenant Dunn, as you hear the sound of horses being led for-
are both stationed at headquarters?"
"I have seen him occasionally, al
though, as you may recall, he Is but
newly assigned."
"True; only your second week of
staff duty, isn't it. Calvert? Jean
A swift hope thrilled through me
that she might have already (led or
have hidden herself within the dark
ened house The hospitable colouel
had half forced me back Into a vacat
ed chair and remained facing inc.
standing shoulder to shoulder with his
son on the upper step. The chaplain
remained seated close upon my left.
All alK)tit us was latticework thickly
ovcred with trailing vines. Tin only
way of escape would be by fll'igln-j
both fill her and son headlong t the
walk below, or perhaps a suddoi dash
back Into the unknown Interior
I neither saw nor heard her as slie
came forward. When she answered
her slight figure suddenly api'Mi'ivl
stat'din-: between her father mil the
haplaln a mere Indistinct outline, yet
so woin '.n!y as to send a sudden thri'l
to my heart.
"Very well, father. I nm here to keep
my word with Lieutenant Dunn."
It had come. The urgent necessity
for Instant action, for immedlrte de
cision was uimhi me. and-1 failed. I I
sa w
the chaplain rise deliberately t
lit, font tmri I ktriirrp-torl nil nluo (If.l'rn- !
Iv erhmtne the back of mv chair, half
tempted to use It ns a weapon with
which to sweep the steps before me
! clear. Vet 1 hesitated, swayed by
doubt. Influenced by many emotions.
What was right? What was best?
What ought I to do? Would even the
license of war exonerate me? The op
portunity for an easy escape lay clear
before nie; merely a few brief words
spoken in the darkness, the silent act
ing of a simple part, the riding away
together, the others departing unsus
pectingly to their several commands,
tho leaving of the uninjured girl within
easy reach of Falrvlow. which could
not be far distant, then the spur, the
river, and Itosocrans.
I could not distinguish a feature of
her averted face, but a vagrant
breath of air blew a strand of soft
hair against my cheek. Could I sac
rifice hor. even for such n cause?
Suddenly, ns If It were the whisper of
the devil In my ear. came th con
trolling thought she despises tho man
Dunn; she Is being driven Into this
marriage against her will. Possibly
this very fraud on my part will best
serve her, will eventually result in her
final happiness. We would be togeth
er merely for an hour or two hours.
i Then she would be left safe In the
j cure of friends, comprehending the
deceit, nnirry with nie no doubt, yet
nothing the worse for the adventure.
It might even be thai the marriage
contracted under such peculiar clr
I cnnistanccs would not he held ns legal,
while If It was a divorce could be
most easily obtained on the ground of
"You will Join rlrht hands."
ITow soft nnd small her hand was!
ITow cold to the touch, and how It
trembled beneath the clasp of my fin
gers! Once the drawling voice ap
peared to nsk nie something, repeat
ing the question somewhat sharply
before 1 could force my dry lips Into
the few necessary words of response.
Then I heard her distinctly say, "I
do." yet with nn effort, as though the
utterance nearly choked her. Tho
very sound of tliese two words as she yesterday and visited hor parents,
thus spoke them, filled with ntter Foster nnd wife, over night, ro
bopelessness. shocked me even then. ( turning to Omaha on the fast mail
... today.
and I loosened my clasp, permitting
her hand t drop as 1 stared toward
her. The hot blood rushed to my
head, every neive tingling. I would
not le guilty of this cowardly thiuj;!
1 would them all first:
"And now I pronounce yon husband
and wife; whom Cod hath joined to
gether let no man put asunder."
It was already too late! Too late!
The evil was done, the act consum
mated. In darkness. In masquerade,
pretending to he another. I stood there
"RD hkii distinctly say "i do
aud married Joan Denslow. I do not
ward over the grass below
"Well, goodhy. little girl." It was
the colonel's voice. "The ride isn't a
! long one. nnd you can scarcely under
stand how greatly It will relieve me to
know that you are safe In the care of
I remember assisting the girl Into the
saddle, slipping her little foot into tho
stirrup. All at once I apprehended the
sweet charm of her young womanhood,
coupled with an odd feeling of per- j
sonai liiiercsi. i mm never even
spoken to tier; sue naa never once
spoken to me yet she was my wife.
Some way the thought thrilled me ns
if 1 had received an electric shock.
Jean Denslow was already actually
mine; I could claim her by law; she
bore my name why, she didn't even
know what my mime was.
To my Immense relief she drew rem
sharply to the right, and we headed
eastward, ll was like riding blindfold
ed, so black was all ahead, with what
appeared to be thick forest on either
side. At a slemly stride we rode on
ward through the gloom in silence, an
etuliiiiTass'ng io:islra!nt upon us boln.
Again and again I glanced toward her.
my lips opening for speech, yet unable
to utter the tirsl syllable. I had In
my heart the fear of a coward.
I wanted her to respect my motives
lu luciei ,,., n ...... ......
i i ...i.... u ...i. i.. i.
Unveil me mio sui u an nci oi ueccu.
N" 'v, .I'HtiHcd in my own mind. I
yet dreamed I might possibly Justify
myself lu some small degree before
her. Once, as If the const rained si
lence had become unbearable, she ven
tured a commonplace remark upon the
black stillness of the night, to which I
must have replied stillly enough, for
both Immediately relapsed Into Hllenee;
the only sound was made by our
horses' hoofs now pounding along a
read grown hard and rocky as we
steadily rose Into higher altitudes. -In
the narrow bed of n stream we drew
rein to permit the animals to drink
"I rather expected lo encounter pick
ets along the road." I began, staring
about Into the nlglit. "Have they been
I Imagined she glanced toward mo
as if In surprise nt my words or ren
dered suspicious by tho sound of my
"All pickets In this direction were
recalled hist night, when Ceneral Hus
ton returned to his brigade," she re
plied Indifferently.
"Then wo are already between tho
"Neither army has ever been east
on this slope of tho mountains, so far
as 1 know."
"Haven't I heard there was n ford
at Coulter's?"
"Just below tho landing, yes; but It
Is narrow and never safe when the
water Is at nil high. Why, we crossed
it together only last summer on our
way to Fra'nklyn."
"To be sure, so we did. I have pass
ed through so much since then that I
have grown forgetful."
The horses lifted their heads, their
wet nostrils dripping, and we rode up
the opposite bank, noticing n star or
two peeping shyly out from among Ho
rn frged Clollils
(To He Continued.)
Miss Agnes Foster of Omaha
catno down from the metropolis
From Thursday's Dally
Mike Tritsch of Louisville was
a Plattsmouth visitor today.
.Tmlire It 11 Trnvii rel ni-ned
from Papillion last evening, whore ' (,)mah!J ,m t "'"ining train lo
be has been holding court. ; !la'. wl,Pn U,7 wt,lll ook
. business matters. Mr. Horn had
air. and Mrs. ll. v.. t osier and
little daughter came up from
Union Sunday evening and spent
i.nrisunas at uie l.arson nonie. t
Miss Fern Long, of Lincoln, is
in the city, having come to her
former home to spend Christmas
with old time friends.
C. J. Hajscr and wife, who have
been visiting John Joss and fam
ily over Christinas, departed for
their home this afternoon.
John S. Vallery of Mynard was
a visitor in the city today and
took time to call at this ollice and
renew his allcgience to the Old
Reliable for another year.
W. J. Woffe and wife and babe
arrived last evening on No. 2 from
Sheridan, YVyo., and will visit Mr.
Wolf's parents, Adam Wolf and
wife, for a time.
George Spangler and wife, of
Lincoln, came down Saturday ev
ening on No. 2 to spend Christ
mas with Mrs. Henry Spangler
and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson
and son, Walker, from near
Weeping Water, drove up Sunday
to take Christmas dinner under
the parental roof nt tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson.
Jesse McYey, who has been
visiting old-time friends and rela
tives in Illinois, Fort Jefferson,
Ohio, and other states for several
months, came in a few days ago
and will remain for some time..
Miss Helen Clark arrived from
Lincoln today and will visit
Plattsmouth friends a few days.
She is attending; a young ladies'
seminary in Illinois, and went to
Lincoln to visit hor parents, Hyron
Clark and wife, over the Christ
mas holidays.
Dr. T. J. Todd and wife and son
of Wahoo arrived Saturday to
spend the Christmas season with
Mrs. Todd's parents, Henry
Mauzay and wife. The doctor left
for his home Tuesday afternoon,
his wife and son remaining for a
longer visit
jjlf( Anna
Goos and two
daughters Mrs. Marousek and Mrs
Peter Munim, Mrs. John Joss and
Mrs. Joseph Fetzer, departed for
Omaha on tho early train today to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Goos'
niece, Miss Minnio Goos, who died
at her homo in Omaha a few days
C. F. Whiltackor and wife of
Craig, Nob., arrived in the city
last Saturday evening lo spend
Chrislmas at the homo of Mr. and
Mrs. O. C. Hudson. Clarence, as
everybody in Plallsmoulh knew
him a few years ago, is doing
nicely in Craig, whore ho is en
gaged in the harness business.
Lewis Lambert and wife of Al
berta, Canada, who, with Mrs.
T, ,, . , , i ,
,amborl s parents, J. . King and
wife, ato Christmas dinner with
C. II. Rist and wife, eight miles
west of Plattsmouth, today went
to Glenwood to visit with Mr. nnd
Mrs. King for a few days. Mr,
Lambert and wife expect to return
to Alberta in March.
H. Ruff nor of Columbus came
Saturday to spend Christmas with
his parents, P. E. RulTnor and
wife. Horace is now located at
Columbus, Nob., and is well pleas
ed wilh his situation, and thinks
much of tho Y. M. C. A. organiza
tion of that city, which owns its
wi building, a flno two-story
truoturc made of brick.
From Friday's Imliy.
Al Nicklos was called lo Omaha
on business this afternoon.
Fred Patterson, county survey
or, was called to Omaha this aft
ernoon on counly business.
Andy Soyborl, from near Cul-J
lorn, was looking after some busi
noss mailers in Ibo city today.
Mrs. W. II. Soybeil of Cedar
Crook was a Plallsuioulji visitor
today, having conn' down on No. I.
Mrs. Philip Albert or Cedar
Creek arrived today on No. i lo
spend Hie day wilh l'lal Ismoul h
George Sayles went
to Ced
Crock on No. 2'J Ibis morning,
whore bo was called on business
for I ho day.
Mrs. Meyers of Louisville came
in on No. t this morning to visit
her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Hoover,
for a lime.
Roy Cole drove in from the farm
foe I ilii.Iii t (i f I onTifvrvTi tin I miil.t n
(lying I rip to Omaha on business,
returning on No. 2.
Hert Satchel of near Murray
was a Plattsmouth visitor today,
having been called to Platts
mouth on business.
Mrs. Mary Riekard of Ohio
rived today and will be a gnewt
oT Mrs. Henry Spangler a4
daughter. Miss Elizabeth, for a
George Horn and Councilman
Will were passengers to Sontk
stock on the market.
Fred W'orl, Theodore Worl and
E. (1. Spencer of South Omaha
l came down on tho M. P. this
morning to attend the funeral of
A. Worl at the Young cemetery,
returning to Omaha on tho fant
Deputy Manspeakor left fbr
Lincoln on tho morning train lo
dav wilh George Lytic, where Lytle
will spend the balance of tho holi
days and twenty days of January
at the penitentiary with his friend,
L. C. W. Murray and sons,
Chester, Albert and Guy, of near
Murray, drove in today nnd Mr.
Murrav went to Omaha lo inter
view Dr. Clifford rogardinif his
eyes. His sons visited the county
seal during the afternoon.
1'. S. CofTnian and wife of Falls
Citv are in the oily, guests of Mr.
ColTman's mother, Mrs. Eliza
Cofl'inan, over tho holidays. P. S.
Coffin an went to Omaha on the
morning train today to visit his
brother, Perry, nt the hospital for
the day.
Mrs. Ed Slamni and son, Ed, of
llavclock and George Slamni and
wife of llavclock, who have heen
gnosis of Mrs. Christine Rein
hackle, departed for llavclock this
afternoon for Mrs. Stamm's home
for a visit. Louis Reinhacklo of
near Murray drove in to visit with
George Stainm for a short time.
Mrs. A. J. Engolkonioior came
in from her homo last evening and
spent tho night at the homo of hfip
f at hor, J. Albert, and boarded No.
15 this morning for Omaha-, where
she visited with hor sister, Mins
Emilia Albert, for tho day. Miss
Albert's condition yesterday was
slightly improved.
Dovio by Which the Hollow 8tripa of
Dough Art Produced.
naven't you often asked. "How do
they get the holes In macaroni?" Yea.
you undoubtedly have, and unless yon
have visited a macaroni factory you
aro probably still lu doubt. Interest
ing methods are employed In bringing
this food Into the form In which It Is
placed before the public.
After the dough has heen well mixed
and knended In n powerful machine It
' is ready to form Into macaroni, which
Is of a tube shape about one-fourth,
Inch In diameter, or spaghetti, which
Is n solid stick shape of about one
eighth inch lu diameter. This Is done
by forcing the dough under hydraulic
pressure through a cylinder with n flat
circular bronze die or mold at the bot
tom. The macaroni die Is full of holes
about one-fourth Inch In diameter, and
each hole has a small pin In tho center
of It, which la attached to one side of
thu hole. This pin forms the hole in
the mncaroul nnd divides the dough
on one side ns It starts through the
hole, but before tho dough reaches the
L-IIU VI 1.11.- u.riu I.,..- I.. 111.,'.. vf.i.Tm
(0K((ll)r nm, ron)ln8 R0 mnklnR ()Cr.
fw.t tul)t, The spaghetti die contains
' m,lv nhilu holes about, ono-elirhth Inch
.wl .1.,. I,,. I., l,n o t.l,
In diameter arranged In groups. When
macaroni and spaghetti come from the
presses or cylinders they are cut Into
certain lengths, the length depending
upon whether the curing or drying Is
to bo done on trays or by hanging over
In curing or drying macaroni tho
length of time varies according to tbo
process employed and to atmospheric
conditions outside tho factory and tho
standard of quality maintained. Boino
makers reipilre only three days, while
others take as many as sli days.
Omutia lice.
Performed In Town Squares With the
Crudest Kind of Scenery.
From the beginning of the pageant
In tbo old mystery aud miracle ploys
of the twelfth century to tho elabo
rate and highly artistic productions ot
the twentieth Is indeed a fnr ,ry. Not
only wus the work of these early ac
tors fur below modern histrionic stand
ards, but the stage setting, although
the most complicated effects were at
tempted, was of the crudest. The mys
terles were performed lu the town
squares on two story scaffoldings.
Saints and angels descended from
above on very . Islble ropes. The Hood
aud the Red sea were represented by
a hole dim In the suuare aud tilled
ir' wltl1 wn,,'r nm1 80 N,lm" """ " row'
uoni migui oniy Wlltl tlllliruiiv mm
around therein. Here sea voyages
were made troin Marseilles to Pales
tine with one shove of the oar. These
were the properties. Irrepressible me
dieval Imagination dill the rest.
The mystery plays were dramatiza
tions of the Ulble performed by the
different trade guiids or the town,
each guild giving the part of the story
established as Its own by Immemorial
custom. Tho fishwives and prentices
from all the country round thronged
luto York or Chester whenever a pag
eant was to be given. Royalty fre
quently graced the performances.
From the Four Seas.