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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1912)
tit l1 1 $ J l" I i! 1 I I Kim 1 " ": : ALCOHOL 3 PER LI0NT Acge(al)cPn'p:inHioiirorAs siiiiilaiiii5!i:crociian(IKcH Hnglltc Squads andBowclstf Promotes Didestaflireifu! ' ness and cshContairis neither Opium.Mcrphinc nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. y ' .St..m S'zsc&ctl 'tomtit. Ulra "( ( hm'xit S:?tT hu-rjmi it. r.T Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa ticn , Sour SloruadUHarrta AVorrasi'Dm-ulsionsJevcriil! nussaiulLossorSLLLR Fac Smile Si$iarnr of NEW YORK. ji Exact Copy of Wrapper, PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Public Sale at his farm, 0 miies wouthwest of Plattsmouth, 3 miles ast of Cedar Creek and 2Vi miles aouthwest of Cullom, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1912, Tde Following Properly, To-Wit: Horses. One bay mare, weight 1,450, ana ifith foal by jack. One bay mare, weight 1,400. One gelding, weight 1,450. One gelding, weight 1,400. One team of spotted ponies, might 1,800. One bay yearling colt. One black colt. One bay suckling colt. Farm Implements. Three lumber wagons. One Milwaukee binder. One Milwaukee mower. One Sterling riding plow. . On disc. One John Deere 2-row machine. One hay sweep. One Force seeder. Two cultivators. One three-section harrow. One hay rake. One hay rack. One Wo? lorn Belle riding Nftter. One combined walking lister. One stalk rake. One corn elevator and power. One hob-sled. One top buggy. Two setts of work harness. One sett of single harness. Two setts of fly nets. Many other articles too num erous to mention. Sale Commences at 11 O'clock. Free Lunch at Noon. TERMS OF SALE: All sums of $10 and under, eh in hand; over $10, a credit of ln months will he given, the puc- i wswffisswi a a m o tx Ha nil y n Referee's Sale! THOMAS E. PARMELE, Plaintiff, vs CHARLES V. DOEDEKER, ET AL., Defendants. Notice is hekchy (,ivcn, That by' virtue of an order entered in the fore ()iiii entitled cause by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, I, the undersigned, sole Referee, appointed by said Court, will, on the 10th Day of January, 1912, rfl 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the south front door of the Court House in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: The S of rtte SWi of section 2G; tho EJ-i of section 35, all in town 12, north range 11, east of the Gth p. m., in Cass Cnunty, Nebraska, excepting the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Rail way Gimpany, and known us the Theodore Boedeker farm, lying south of Louisville, in said county, and containing 200 acres, less railway right of way.. Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., December 11, 1911. Utyron Clark and ittnrnn,to . A. Robertson, j Attorneys. PR Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 80 For Ovi "hilly Years on TMI OKNTAUH COMNNTi NCW VO CITY. chaser giving good bankable paper bearing interest at 8 per cent from date. No property to leave the premises until settled for. PETER MEISINGER. WmDUNN, Auctioneer. J. O. MElSIXfiER, Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF RE-EXTENDING CHARTER. THKASinV nK.PAnTMKT. OFK1CH UV C'OMI'TIUM.LKH OF THE CIHHKCV. Wnshlnton, I. C, December 12, 1911. WH UREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the underHlRned, it has been miide to appear that The Firxt Nntlonal llnnk of I'lnttnmouth, located In the City of Hlattsmouth In the County of Cas and State of Ne braska, has complied with all the pro visions of the Act of Congress, "to en able National Hanking Associations to extend their corporate existence, and for other purposes," approved July 12, 1882, as amended by the Act, approved April 12, 1902; NOW, THKREFORK, I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that "Tlie First National Hank of I'latts mouth " located In the City of Platts mouth,' in the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, is authorized to have succession for the period specified In Its amended articles of association; namely, until close of business on De cember 12, 1931. IN TESTIMONY WHEItOP witness my hand and seal of otilce, this 121 h ilav of December, 1911. (SEAL) T. P. K.VSK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency. Charter No. 1914. Extension No. 1074. A Problem for You. If you are guml at arithmetical "jokers" maybe you can figure this one: A man was hired to do a job for a year (3(55 days, Sun days to count as week days). For every day he worked ho was to re ceive $7 per day; for ?very day he was idle ho was to lose $3. At the end of the lime ho had nothing to recivc, as his fines were exactly equal to his earnings. How many days did ho work and how many i days was ho idle? Mrs. J. S. Hall returned from Omaha on No. 4 this morning, where she had been called on business for the store. NVV4' and the NW4' of the NWtf of JOHN M. LEYD1, Referee, M m.m II ft4 0 IF PRESIDENT SUN FORMING CABINET Flotation Outlining Policy Wi I Fcllcw Imrr.e diateiy. TANG Yl REFUSES PORTFOLIO. Ceneral Le Yuen Heng and Chen Chin Tao Are Appointed Headquarters Will Be Moved to Nanking Within Next Few Days. Shanghai, Pee. 30. Dr. Sun Yat Sen, after having received a definite repot t of his election to the presidency oi the republic of China, by the dele gates of the eighteen provinces, in convention at Nanking, spent the day lere ln close conference with his ad visors. There is reason to believe the per sonnel of a cabinet will be announced alnidst immediately and that it wil. be representative of all sections hold ing tho confidence of the people. Amonj those selected is Chen Cain Tao, who has accepted the portfolio ol minister of finance. it is un open secret that Sun Yat Sen offered the foreign ministry to Tans Shao Yi, who declined to enter the first cabinet. It is believed, how ever, that hit) name will be found on the next page of the history of the re organization of China. The president will select General Li Yuen Heng as minister of war. After the selection of the cabinet the president's proclamation will be issued. This wIP outline the policy of the new government; offer terms to the Manehus for restoring order throughout the country, encourage the reopening of trade everywhere and guarantee the safety of foreigners Within a day or two President S in will move to Nanking, where all oiii clal buainof.e will be transacted. Abdication Will Come 'Soon. Peking, Pec. 3.1. The news of the election of Dr. Sun Yat Sen as presl dint of the Chinese republic reached the members of the cabinet by means of the press. No communication of nnv nature arrived from Tang Shao Yi, who is at Shanghai attending the peace conference as the representative of Premier Yuan Shi Kai. It is said Ih it the members of tho court will re main In Peking until the abdications of the empress downeer and the child cnu"vor are announced, which is con filtered onlv a matter of days. It Is snid that some princes have taken hows within the foreign concessions at T!( nt.dn and it is probable tint n secret arrangement has been made for the tT.irro" and the emprniS dowager to t-l r fMg- In hT legation quarter of I'd Ing. Attitude or Urittd States. Wi :';!' ! -n, Dee. n.- -The United Ftft?. will rot reco'nive new Chi n-t." jenblY fo;.-"y''!v at t Ii l-i incni.nt or entil it becrme clrar'y apparent that the Itopeila'.IsM r: c r.o lenger ij-aV.v of tintiir'n ih """fives in ;o'tr. r,ut th's ntt'l'.rh "-: 1 not pro vi ft tVe represent' tivo.5 n t;e state de; t ;tnirj:t In Chim fran doing bust ii': w'th the niovlsi'-nrl "vuiblle to the extent of safeguard'ng American Uvfs and nioprrty. C1NDENSEH NEWS The Itiver Shannon, ln Ireland, is fciutein feet above its normal level nr.d 'oito areas through which it flow are flooded. Orlando Harrlaian, the only brothei of the late K. H. Ilarriman, died at a private sanitarium in New York from n complication of ! (senses. Captain Edward T. Sheldon," a pio neer of St. Ijiwrence. S. I)., member of the first state loglElnture, died at Colo rndo Springs, aged seventy three years. Gilford Pinchot, former chief of the forestry bureau of the United States, made a political speech at Medina, O.. In which he attacked bosses and boss tsin. While the total population of the United States Increused'.t It per rent if the -ist six yearn, the number of hisiao people vis augmented dur Ir.S toe same period by 25 per cent. Members of the family of John W Pranhm, president of the Newburg (Mo ) State han't, who h; s been miss- In from Ills home for two weel-s, of- fnicd a 8." Ml reward lor the r: i ery of his tody. Fight, ii? n revolver duel with two diamond thieves, Patrolman I'M ward Ko hler nrrcMed Wil.iam Sehultz and Kdwaid f'lo.-by Just alter they had thrown a tin1' throush a Milwaukee jewelry stor window. Se retarle? MncVeanh, Nape! and V- 1 ..u' who eompn.-ic the pure food 'card, h'ld a eonieience on the re 1 1, i f i :' mi'iinfnet.irer of saccharine or : notification ot the l.naru s rui-ii- prohihillnir the use of saccharine. That J. J. Caddesan, accused of swlnd inn II. V. Chaffe of Amenla, N. I out of $25,0.0 by a gold brick sthenic, still Is alive, is the declara tion of u detective afiency. A reward of $."i,onii lias been offered for Caddo :;rui's rapture. After a twelve hour search In a IdindliiK snowstorm, V. D. Nifton, a fanner living near Fowler, Kan., found the body of his wife buried in a snow drift. She had been frozen to death. CllnKlng to her breast was her five year old son. The hoy was still alive, He may recover. LOUIS W. HILL Great Northern Head, Who Is to Retire From Business Life on May 1. DELZELL REPLIES TO STATE AUDITOR swsrs Barton's Le tcr, Lincoln, Dec. 30. In a letter writ ten in repiy to one sent to him by State Auditor Barton, Superintendent Delzell practically admits that the in spection of the four normal schools of the state and the university "has been for the purpose of securing a standard by which they could Inspect intelligently the twelve private and denomijiati'iiml schools of the state. He further states that a rule govern Ing the granting of state and life certificates was passed by the board of ed "ration of state normal schools ln which it was set out that diplomas and certificates shall be granted not alone upon the recommendation of the facu'ty and principals of the various schools, but upon the recommendation of the board of examiners for state and Pfe certificates as well. Tho letter Superintendent Delzell sets' out as sufficient authority for the pavniont of expenses to the three mem heis, Superintendents Rodwell of Bo ut-Ice. Fisher of Aurora and water house of Fremont. This, he avers. Is ncces.iry because of the fact that "the inspn'tion ol the normat schools as a I Hf,ls for liistiertlng the other schools Is used as a basis for the granting of state certificates and diplomas by the state normal schools." $5,000 PACKAGE 10 T Money was Sent Throuqh Mall to York From Lincoln. Uneoln. Dec. 30. A mall shipment nf t.vooo from the First National bank of Lincoln to the First National Dan of York has disappeared and althouRh the dlstanco between the two towns is hut slxtv miles and diligent investiga Hon has been made, no trace of the money has been found, according to statements made by omcers oi me iin rrin hnnk Piid the postoffice authorities The money, In currency, enclosed in the usual bank envelope and regis tered, left here on the morning Bur llr.cton train last Tuesday, me mm flrat'on card was received by tho bank at York and according to the mail messencer at that town, the pouch supposed to contain the money was delivered to the postmaster at York, but the pnekace was not in the pouch. nnth banks and the rostal authorities hove hernn an Investigation, hot thus far, they admit, without success. Powll Held for Perlury. Lincoln, lice. 30 John F. Rowel!, the t incolM mtpln? nrom"tnr a'-resfd In Mi'vs'iVeo In connection with the sudden d'th of Mrs. N'eVon. is tiffiiT hdd at thrt pl-iee on the ehar"o of PM'I'irv. ct nreept. He is nl'eed lo 1-nve t't'tin. d nt the Inniiest thi't the dead wonvui v.-as his wife, which Is not the lad. Few Eridee Across Misrourl Opened. Kansas Citv. Tee. He. W lien liar 'en brlil--'e. Krnsns C'ly's n w $2 000, 000 structure rcioss the Missouri riv er, was opened the first man to pass ever it was Prions W. Frumbold, "pro fessional first, crosser of bridges." Fn'mlHd performed a similar service for the Rails bridge In St. Fouls. Committee to Make Probes. Washlngttn, Pec. :(!. The shipping lo.nblne, the International Harvester company and the money trust are to he Investlasted in the house of rcpre rontatlvoB at thin session of congress by one special committee, the creation of which will he recommended by the committee or. rules. jf; .V- OS The. mm Is Very Plainly Steu to He a (iasoline Engine. ) matter what the work is that you have, whether it be pump ing water, sawing wood, Krimlina feed, making electric lights, etc., the gasoline engine is very rapidly taking the place of any other power lor I his class ot work. W e don t believe tt ere is a person in this community that would send awry for uu ( ngine, ii be didn't think he could save money. You will certainly have no t.-oubl" in finding a cheap engine if price is what you are looking for, and ti you will look them over carefully. take note ot the few pieces that lliey hanism, ou can eiy plainly sec if I hey put. more pai ls ! liicir engine they certainly would have to get more money. 1 In re is no pr.lent on tho device of simplicity (aa it is so called,, on cheap, eii(.' ine.-. just a.-' cheap as possible m order von ever hao an opoi lunily jus! ailroads, large power plains, ( lc grades of engines in their use. judges of engines. We arc agents in this part of ngiiios ai.d would only be too glad tween this engine nisi any engine show ou where lliev make the This engine can bo bad in any II. P., and upi ight or horiHnlol, and of fuel, such as illuminating gas, gasolir.e, etc. Itetore you lolly ieeno to buy Morso and if you don't think it belter than the rest, we cannot then xp"et yo.i lo buy this make. W rite ( r call lor a Oa-pngo catalogue and prices. JOHN PLUMBING! HEATING! mm ed THE OMAHA GAYETY Vaudeville's Greatesf Entertainer- Ben Welch, Brings His Own Company to Omaha. The New Year's week attraction at the popular (iayety theater, Omaha, will be "Hen Welch's Hurles(uers," under the direction of Jack Singer (Inc.) Particular al lent ion has boon paid to the costuming and mounting. The olio is a special feature, and is headed bv Hen Welch. All in all (lie performance will give you j pleasure and satisfaction. The sunshinging personality of the players will warm Hie cockles of your heart, the music is jaunty and fetching and the surround ings are brilliant and attractive. It demands recognition from the theater-going public, nnd its un paralled success has shown that the stamp of approval has been afllxed already. The company, headed by Hen Welch, who, will appear at every performance, as well as the olio, includes Lew Kelly, Lou Mascall, Vic Hasinore, Hen Turbill, fleo. II. Siegman, Ella Wilson, Hose (lilday, Patsy De laney, Etlle Western, West Sisters and the Three Chest ers. Hon Welch has been announced and accepted as a headline!1 in his especial sphere for years and surely needs no introduction to the tho reader; he is admittedly vaudeville's greatest entertainer and "his entrance to extravaganza gives him a wider Hold to exercise his versatility. There will be a ladies' dime matinee, every week day. December Travel Bulletin O THE PACIFIC COAST. Inquire about tho personally conducted throug tourist excursions to Los Angeles, via Denver-Santa Fo Route a route of sunrhine and mild climate. Frm Omaha and Lincoln every Tuetday night; fiom Denver WcdncBclava. WINTER TOURIRT TICKETS. Tho attractive south-land is claiming its own in Winter t unst patronage. Frum the Missouii Valley the Winter excurh sion fares to southern resorts ure extremely favorable and .nvslvo but a modest outlay for a tour of the south. HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSION TICKETS on tho first and third Tuesdays o each month to the Big Horn Badn, the Northwost, West and tho South. AMERICAN LIVE STOCK MEETING, Denver, December 12th and 13th, 1911- NATIONAL SHELP SHOW AND WOOL GROWERS' CONVENTION, Oma- na, December nm mm L. W. WAKELY, . .... nn s iinri i 3m d put on tliein to operate ttie me- why they are cheaper. 1 lie fact is. il is just simply making an engine to undersell his competitor. If take a look at tho machine shops, and see if you can lind anv cheap They cerlainlv ought to bo good the county lor ! airhaus-Morse lo show you the dilVerence be of inferior make and cheaper price dilVerence in price. horse-power from 1 II. P. lo 500 can also be had to burn any kind natural gas, kerosene, naptha, you had better see the l-airbans- E3. HARDWARE! Meeting of Insurance Company. The annual meeting of the Farmerss' Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insurance company of Cass county, Nebraska, will be held al the Heil school house in District No. 88, on Saturday, January 6th, at 1 :M0 o'clock p. in., for the pur pose of the election of olllcers for Iho coming year and lo transact such business that may come legally before the meeting. J. P. Falter, Secretary. 12-2i-5nt-wk. A. J. McKlnney Better. J. McKinney, who has been A. suffering with lung trouble for some weeks and has been confined lo his bed, is considerably better now. Ho has regained his ap petite ami his cough has abated and the pain which has troubled him so much has ceased. J. H. Muck and wife of Hamburg, who have been visiting Mr. McKinney for two weeks and nursing him through his sickness, departed for their homo this morning. Very Poor Show. Kriiest M. Pollard is still being seriously considered as a can didate for congress in the Firet district. Ernest stands abous as much show of being elected lo congress from the First district as tho writer of these lines (Ioch, and that isn't half as good show as the Cherry sisters had. Ne braska City Press. II. C. Oldham and wife of Pide bury, Canada, arrived Thursday to be the guests of Mrs. Dora Moore and her brother, George G. Oldham, departing this morning for Murray and Alvo to visit rela tives there, and later Mr. Oldham and wife expect to return to Plattsmouth before returning to their homo. to nun, tun. R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. General Passenger Afient, Omaha. Neb BMJE