terI surra n2wrQi kf mm ran n n - en i A QU LA) ti ? ft ft Vi ft ft ft ft 8 ti ft 8 ft ft I ft ft i 1 . Will Last tl: -a n: I R I llib O il luU A mm Sale includes all our M n's ari'l Boy's Overeats that we carry. o Hen's and Boy's Suits sold at a Jreat Sacrifice (luring Vf this Creat 1 -j price sale .lens Overcoats! $1.1.10 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale. $J.7C $12.50 Men's Overcoats, Half pi ice sale o.2.S $ll.h() Men's Overcoats, Half price sale 7.25 $11.75 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $7.35 $15.(10 Men's Overcoats, Half price sal. $7.75 $1(5.00 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $3.00 J17.n0 Men's Overcoats, Half sale price $8.75 i ,-...,. Ladios' Goats 3 HiindMUiK'ly Tailoml and in Mixt'd Colors. $-5C.Cv. I.iiili''' 'J'ailni'eil I'.i.M-. v, ill ;.'u in this (MM' hall' pi-ic.' s:i!.' al $3,00 $lr.ZQ I. ailirs' Tailnreil C,n.:i-, will jii in this i.ii.--liair iiiee sal', iil..$7.D3 $17. CO l.il.lies' 'I'ililnlM'll C.nals, will a,, in lliis his sale, ill just line-half $8.50 $3.00 $10.03 $11.03 $11.50 $12.50 $2o.C0 Ladies' Tailored Cdiils will p in Ihis liip s;ile iit jusl one-hiilf price . .' $13.03 $23.00 Ladies' Tailored Coals will rii in Ihis bin sale al jusl one-half price $14.00 $29X0 Ladies' Tailored Ciiats will k in this bin sale al jusl one-half price $14.50 GENTS' AND LADIES' SWEATERS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE I V. ZUCKER, UZIl MANAGER EH3 price $18. CO I. ailies' 'railoreil C.niils will Kd in this liin sale at jtisl one-half price '. . . . $20. CD l.ailies' Tiiiloreil (loiils will K'i in Ihis Ihr sille al, .jtisl dlie-liillf price ' '22.00 .iiilies' Tyilon-.l ('oals will in in this hin sale al jnsl diie-lialf price $23.C0 Ladies' Tiiildred Coal - will pi in Ihis bin sale al jnsl one-half price $25. GO Ladies' Tiiiloreil C.niils will ko in Ihi bU s;ile ill- jusl one-li;ilf price Until Every I vi n ft S we have tolcl our patronS ali thisFal1' tl,atit woul(1 be contrary t0 iX'oo(ls from one season to another, the house. The tim3 has now arrived for us to make the sale of the year, and everything in the following lines of goods will go at just price. We positively will not allow stock to accumulate from one season to another, and everything must nnve at this time. The entire lines are all new Fall goods, and the prices we are offering to you will prove the greatest value you ever heard of. All we ask of you is to call and let us show you that we are speaking the truth when-we announce a 'z price sale. . . $10.50 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $9.75 $21.50 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale. .; .... $10.75 $2:153 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $11.75 $28.50 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $14.75 Jt,S.OO Men's Ovtrco its, Half p ice sale $3.00 $22 00 Men's O credits, Half price s ile. $11.00 $17.00 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $10.00 Men's Overcaats, $3.50 Half price sale - . , 0.50 Half price sale $10.50 .i Ladies' Serge- I W J H W in all the late styles and new patterns. $14X0 Ladies' Save Dres- ' Ms. in Ihis rreal half price siile al $7-25 $15X0 Ladies' Sele lll'es- ses, in Ihis foiil half price side al $7.75 $17.00 Ladies' Sere I ires price sale al $3.50 Ladies' Rain Coals and Cravenclles. $D.53 Ladies' Uaiucoals and Cravenclles, in Ihis reiit half-price sale ... .$4.75 $12.50 Ladies' llaincoats and Cravrnelles, in this nreal half-price sale $8.25 $13. CO Ladies' Haincoals it ti 1 1 C.r;ienetes, in Ihis HTcat half-priee sale $8.53 $13.50 Liidies' Haincoals and C.ra enel les, in Ihis meal half-priee sille $8.75 $14.00 Ladies' llaincoats and Cravenclles, in Ihis ureal half-price sale $7.00 $1S.C0 I. mlies' Haincoals and Cravenelles, in Ihis Kieal half-price sale $9.03 $19.00 Ladies' Haincoals and Cravenclles, in Ihis ureal half-price sale $9.50 $30. CO Ladies' Taliored Coals will m in this bin sale al jusl one-half price $15.00 $32.03 Ladies' Tailored Coats will ro in Ihis bi sale al jusl one-half price $16.00 Garment of and that we would make prices mw- f-T.-n-i.,-'riU XtT if7 V"-? $22.50 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $11.25 $20.00 Men's Overcoats, Half price sale $14.50 $3.50 Day's Overcoats, Halfpii-esak! $2.75 7.00 Boy's Overcoats, Half price sale $3.50 7.5!i B)y's Overcoats, Half price sale $3.75 8.00 Boy's Overcoats, Half price sale $4.00 O On P.:iv'a fWovpuni a Hall price sale $4.50 ' 11 " fill of Furs! uv3if l.tl.iT.t . iiU ittidllo uiu u hf Prise; $ 5.50 Sets $2.75 12.50 Sets.. $2.25 11.00 Sets 12.50 Sets 58 2 J icon Sets S5.'J3 15.00 Sets $7.53 17.00 Sets $3.53 18.00 Sets $3.C3 18.50 Sets: $9.25 21.50 Sets $13.52 11.00 Scarfs $5 50 4.50 Muffs $2.25 9.00 Muffs $4.53 eurCarieule Sets and, separate muffs all Jo at half price. Ladies' Tailored Suit $18.C0 Ladies' Tailored Suits will p in Ihis bin sale al jusl one-half prie , .$9.03 $17.50 Ladies' Tailored Suits will xo in Ihis bin side al jusl one-half price $S.75 $19.03 Liidies' Tailored Suit will s;o in Ihis hi sale ill jusl one-half price $9.50 $20.03 Ladies' Tailored Suits will fit jn this hiii sale al just one-half price $10.00 $22.00 Ladies' Tailored Snils will po in this bi sale al jusl one-half price $11.00 $28.00 l.aides' Tailored Suils will no in this bin sale at jusl one-half price $13.00 $27.03 Ladies' Tailored Suils will ko in this big sale al jusl one-half price $13.50 the beasors, is &olds g our business methods to carry that would clear out every garment ! 9.73 Bov's Overcoats, Half price sale. .... $4.35 17.50 Boy's Overcoats, Half price sale $5.30 l.'1.50 Boy's Overcoats, Half jiric; sale $3.50 ij'o 'Jlslars! $2l.0!)Men's U'sters, Half piic: s ite. . . . $10.50 at almaiit your own price. Knee Pants at . 1JC Juvenile Overcoats at a sacrifice price. j '.?"'. 10 Ladies' Tailored Sliils a ill 'O ill I ilis lli'4 i't i'i-l oiie-half ,,,!. 513.75 C : L.idi-s' Tailored m.O l. i 1 1 y.o in Ihis Id- si'l" ill jllsl dlie-i:lf ii-ii'i' 1'".C0 $20.rO Liidies- Tail,, red Miils w ill ;.o in this biir ;ie ill jllsl dlle-Jlillf price ' $15.00 $33.C0 Ladies' Tiiiloreil Suils will y, in this hi, side ill jusl one-half price $10.50 $35. CO Liidies' Tailored Suils wiiL jro in this, bin sale al. jusl one-half , price $17.53 $3C.C0 Ladies' Tailored Suils will fro in this bis.' ' sale iit jusl one-half price $18.00 $37.C0 Ladies' Tailored Suils will K' in Ihis biir sale at jusl one-half price $18.50 $37.50 Ladies' Tailored Suils will ko in Ihis bisr sale al jusl. one-half price $18.75 $33.00 Ladies' Tailored Suils will p in Ihis hi',' sale at jusl one-half. price $19.00 $39.03 Ladies" Tailored Suils will no in Ihis bi'i sale iit jusl one-half price . . $19.53 $26.C0 Plush Coals will go al jusl hair price $13.C0 $2.00 Plush Coals will pro al just hair price $14.00 $30.C0 Plush Coats will fro at jusl half price $15.00 $38.00 Plush Coals will ro ill jusl half price $19.00 $20.00 C.ariacul Coals will no at jusl half price $10.03 $24.C0 Cariaeul Coals will fro at just half price. . . .$12.00 $20.00 Hlack Tailored Coals will po at just half price $10.00 $17.00 Black Tailored Coats will go at just half price $8.50 1?1 Si o r o over I jllg A (Jg in Clearing Sale 3 the women of Plattsmouth and real price clearance sale. Boy's Corduroy Suits, different col- j ors, worth $7 to $8, will be sold at Children's Goals! (Ali Styles and Colors) $3.00 Children's Coats, V: sale pi ice SI.53 SI. I5 3.50 Children's Coats, 'i sale price '4.50 Children's Coats, Y-i price sale $2,25 5.00 Children's Coats, Price sale $2-50 '"Ladies' Tailored made skirts, latest styles and colors, made to fit everybody. g :2.C3 lllaek . Ti.ilored 1 Coals will jro al jusl half price . . . . $11.03 lilitek Tiiiloivd Coats will p al jusl half price $12.03 T.CG.CO P.lack Tailored i '. v l I trill . nl It . I f c ium,- mi m i ri.i hi jtnt iicii i I price $13.03 $27.C3 lllaek Tailored Coals will ii ill jusl half price $13.53 $2X9 lilack Hailorcd . Cdiils will pi at just half price $14.00 $27.53 Hlack Tailored , t liial s will fro at just half price $13.75 $29.50 Hlack Tailored Coals will po at just half priCe $14.75 $38.00 Hlack Tailored Coats will po at just half price $19.00 Sweaters al a very low price. Men's and Hoys' Soils sold al a ureal sacrifice. Men's lleece-lined Underwear, worth 50c to ('.fie, at 3.k Fur Overeoals and Sheep-lined Coals iit a frrcal sacrifice. This Half Price Sale includes all our Men's and l!os' Oserioals. Liidies' Velvet Hut ton Shoes w ill he sold durinp this sale at .l.(55. worth 3. 00. Ladies' ( inn Metal .Mutton Shoes, worth will he sold for !?I.C.:.. In order 10 clean up our fall and winter Shoes we will clean llieni up al a very low price. Ladies' Patent, Hutton Shoes, worth $3.50, wilr-be sold duritiK this sale at 1.1)5; different styles. Ladies' Tan Russian Calf But ton Shoes, 10 hutton, worth .?i.50, will he sold during tihs sale at a frreat sacrifice. Bear in mind that this sale opens Tuesdiy morning, Jan uary 2, at 8 o'clock. EJTHE HOME g Guaranteed Values! ft ft ft ft w 8