The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1911, Image 7

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'! ! I
Commencing Wednesday Horning
we will give you a .discount of twenty per cent on Furs.
Remember our's are the ANNIS Make--the depend on
kind. Bear in mind the 20 per cent
J (Special Correspondent.) !
Wayne Propst is on the sick
Thayer Propst of Ralston, Neh.,
spent Christinas in town.
B. F. Livingston and wife took
dinner Sunday with W. T. Rich
ardson and wife.
Frank Richardson and family of
South Omaha spent Christmas
fvith the family of W. T. Richard
son. Mrs. .1. A. Keiser of University
on the evening train !
Place came in
Tuesday and
stayed over night
with friends.
During: the holidays not much
is doing along the line of market
ing grain or stock and Uncle Bill
is enjoying a much needed rest.
Mrs. Myrtle Marks, after several
weeks' residing in Council BlufTs,
has returned home to spend the
Christmas holidays with her par
ents. J. A. Kiser is spending the holi
days in the south. Last accounts
of him he and Peter Halmes were
having a fine time in Galveston,
Mr. and Mrs. Test of Mitchell,
8. D., visited Luke Wiles and wife
Wednesday. Mrs. Test is the
oldest daughter of R. L. Propst
and wife.
Frank Jean is spending' the
holidays with his parents, C. S.
Jean and wife. Frank is proof
reader of hulany at the Peru Stale
The stork visited My nurd and
left a Christmas present for Pete
Lair and wife in the form of a 10
pound hahy hoy, and Pete thinks
It the nicest gift in town. Mother
rind bahe doing fine.
The recent fall of snow has
made sleighing ideal and joy
riders have improved the time. A
nbsled load from town went to
Ihe county seat and attended the
moving picture show.
Boyd Porter and wife are spend
big the holidays in Arkansas City,
Kas., visiting with a sister of Mrs.
Porter's. W. B. Porter, sr., is
acting as agent for the M. P. dur
ing the absence of Boyd.
This is the verdict of R. J. Howell,
Tracy, 0., who bought Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for his
wife. "Her case was the worst I
have ever seen, and looked like
a surce case of consumption. Her
lungs were sore and she coughed
almost incessantly and her voice
was hoarse and weak. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound brought
relief alo nee and less than three
hollies effected a complete cure."
For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. rirnssman and children
Alliance arrived last evening
visit her parents for a time.
G. A. R. Reception.
Last Saturday night at fi
hall the members of the W
tendered a reception to the mem
bers of the O. A. R. and their
families and to the .members of
the W. R. C. and their families,
the occasion being in honor of the
retiring o Ulcer, Colonel J. II.
Thrasher, who has been com
mand of the post for the past two
years, retires and is succeeded by
Edwin Bales. A program was
. prepared by Mrs. L. A. Moore and
I Comrade Windham was placed in
I charge and presided during the
I','"flil inn ',f .,h" P'W'"- Th
! auuress 01 me evening was de
livered by L. W. CSade, his theme
being, "The Soldier." During Ihe
course of his discourse Rev. Hade
paid a glowing tribute to the vet
erans of the army. The little son
and daughter of Mrs. Stenner sang
a beautiful selection, which was
heartily cheered. Miss Violet
Freese rendered several line in
strumental numbers, which were
much appreciated. A reading by
Miss Maude Kuhney, in her usual
'talented style, brought forth much
hand-clapping. All of the old
soldiers and their wives joined in
many of the old-lime war songs,
such as "Marching Through
Georgia" and the like. FxcellenI
refreshments were served.
That strikes terror to Hie entire
household is the loud, hoarse and
metallic cough of croup. No mis
taking it, and fortunate then the
lucky parents who keep Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound on
hand. II. W. Casselman, Canton,
N. ., says: "It is worth its weight
in gold. Our little children arc
troubled with croup and hoarse
ness, ami an we give mem is
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
I always have a bottle of it in the
house." For sale by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
Henry Donat
Plattsmoulh v
of Omaha
silor Ibis
was a
The Dcst Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
I (Special Correspondent.)
Mrs. L. Neit.el was in Lincoln
Arthur Boreninier was in Lin
coin Friday. i
Dan Boellers of Ithaca spent
Christinas with his parents here
Miss Marie (lieseker is spending
tier vacation al her Home in Lin
Frwin Gill house of Iowa is
holiday guest at the Bornemier
Miss Georgia Moon is a guest o
her sister, Mrs. hdna Jones am
Miss Ft la Sorick of Lincoln
pending her vacation at her par
nts' home here.
Mr. ami Mrs. H. M. Beall of
Omaha visited relatives here Fri
day and Saturday.
Mrs. C. Worth and daughter,
Rose Waile, were in Plaltsmouth
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Monroe and
children spent Christinas with
relatives at Fremont.
Miss Verda Thorpe left Friday
evening ior Broken Bow, Ncd.,
where she will spend her holiday
vacation with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and
daughter, Marvel, left Sunday
morning for Council BlufTs, where
I hey will visit relatives during the
Mr, and Mrs. Sisson and daugh
ters of Ainsworlh, Neb., spent
several days last week with their
daughter, Mrs. Henry Guthman
and family.
Bills are out announcing that
there will be a dance in Ihe M. W
A. hall on Friday evening, Decem
ber 2!). Everyone come and enjoy
yourselves. An Omaha orchestra
will furnish the music
Mr. and Mrs. Turner McKin
non and children arrived in Mur
dock last week from Kansas with
their household goods and w
make Iheir future home on the
Gorder farm, seven miles west of
here. They are al present at tin
home of Mrs. McKinnon's father,
E. T. Tool.
Farm for Sale.
Eighty acres, three and one
half miles southwest of Mynard
and three and one-half miles
northwest of Murray. Also twen
ty-flve head of goods horses. For
particulars call or write T. L.
Amick, Mynard, Neb.
For Sale.
Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male
pigs. , V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are
due to impure blood. Burdock
Blood Milters is a cleansing blood
Ionic. Makes you clenr-eyed,
clenr-brained, clear-skinned.
The undersigned will sell at
Public Sale at his farm, 10 miles
southwest of Plaltsmouth, 3 miles
east of Cedar Creek and 2 Mi miles
southwest of Cullom, on
The Following Properly, To-Wit:
One bay mare, weight 1,150, and
with foal by jack.
One bay mare, weight 1,400.
One gelding, weight 1,450.
One gelding, weight 1,400.
One team of spotted ponies,
weight t.HUd.
One bay yearling colt.
One black colt.
One bay suckling colt.
Farm Implements.
Three lumber wagons.
One Milwaukee binder.
One Milwaukee mower.
One Sterling riding plow.
On disc.
One John Deere 2 -row machine.
One hay sweep.
One Force seeder.
Two cultivators.
One three-section harrow.
One hay rake.
One hay rack.
One Western Belle riding
One combined walking lister.
One stalk rake.
One corn elevator and power.
One bob-sled.
One top buggy.
Two sells of work harness.
One sett of single harness.
Two setts of fly nets.
Many other articles too num
erous to mention.
Salo Commences at 11 O'Clock.
Free Lunch at Noon.
All sums of l? 10 and under
cash in hand; over $10, a credit of
ten months will be given, t lie pur
chaser giving good bankable nape
bearing interest at 8 per cent from
date. No property to leave the
premises until settled for.
WniDUNN, Auctioneer.
J. G. MEISINC.ER, Clerk.
Take Your Time and Road This
Do You Want to Buy? Do
You Still Want to Pay Rent?
Do you want to buy a farm, or
do you still want to pay rent for a
farm and give everything you
raise to Ihe oilier fellow? If you
want lo buy call on me, and if
there is anything that, can be done
for you it shall come you way
Land this side of North Platte at
$5.(10 per acre, in 010 acre lots,
where you can go into cattle rais
ing and keep all the chickens you
want. Wake up I go to llgureing,
and find out how much you was
worth 10 years ago, and then look
at yourself al. the present time.
You will find that a change be
comes necessary for your better
ment. I have land from the graz
ing land to the best alffalfa land
in the state. 1 will bo in Plalts
mouth for a week, and if you are
interested 'phone 13 E., or write
lo C. n. Schleicher,
Brady, Neb.
Meeting of Insurance Company.
The annual meeting of the
Farmerss' Mutual Fire and Live
Stock Insurance company of Cass
county, Nebraska, will be held at
the Ileil school house in District
No. 88, on Saturday, January 6th,
at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of the election of ofllcers for
Ihe coming year and to transact
such business that may come
legally before Ihe meeting.
J. P. Falter, Secretary.
1 per pound
il 1 FOR FT"
Springs Hens
Until Monday, January I
Elaii & Son,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J" 1 H I M. wmmmm mm m mm m m m
ivl AS K
Saturday Night, January 13
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
Six Big Prizes Will Be Given!
Frank Swoboda will take nollce
that on the Oth day of November,
1911, M. Archer, a justice of the
peace for Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for
the sum of $i!.35, in an action
pending before him, wherein the
Omaha Iron Store Company is
plaint ilT and Frank Swoboda, de
fendant, that property of the de
fendant, consisting of wagon
tongue, fellows, spokes, rims,
singletrees, painted and plain,
neckyokes, doubletrees, bolsters,
buggy tongues, horseshoes, buggy
spokes, plow handles and numer
ous oilier articles of merchandise
have been attached under said
order. Said causo was continued
until the Slh day of January, 1912,
at 9 o'clock A. M.
Omaha Iron Store Company,
By D. O. Dwycr,
Its Attorney.
onni:ii to snow cusk.
Count v, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of Adam
Ingram, deceased:
ThlH cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Kdwnrd Ingruin, admin
istrator of the estate of Adam Ingram,
deceased, praying for u license to Hell
tho went liti I f of the nortliwoHt quarter
and the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter In section 19, township
13, range 12, In Cass county, Nebraska,
or r sudlclent amount of the saino to
bring the sum of JfiO.OO for the pay
ments of debts allowed against said
estate and the eost of administration,
and also to pay the expenses of these
proceedings, there not helm? Hiilllclent
personal property to pay such debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me at mv olllre In the court
house, nt I'lat tsmoutli, Nebraska, on
the 20th day of January, lit 1 2, at 10
o'clock a. in., to show cause why a lic
ense siisould not bo granted to such ad
ministrator to sell so much of the nhove
described real estate, or all of the same
of said deceased as shall be necessary
t.x w. unl.l ,ll,lu ml ovtwinuav
HI ltlf PMMI iiriiis iimu rinnin.
It Is further directed that this order
be published for four successive weeks
prior to said day In Ihe I'lntlsnioiith
Semi-Weekly Journal, a newspaper
published at l'lattsmoiitb, Nebraska,
and of general circulation In said Cass
Hated thlH 4th dnv of December. 1911.
Jodn-e of the District Court.
D. O. DWYKU. Attorney
Oltni'.lt TO SHOW CAI SK,
County. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Kstnte of
Welshelt, Deceased.
This causo came on for hearinK upon
the petition of Herman Luetchena, ex
ecutor of the estate of Lena Welshelt,
deceased, praylnir for a license to sell
the northeast quarter of Section 12,
Township 10, I'ntiKO 10, Knst of tho 6th
IV M In Cass County, Nebraska, or a
suMlclent amount of tho same to bring
tho sum of $1.200. 00, for tho payments
of debts allowed HKalnst said estate
and cost of administration and special
devises In the will of said deceased
there not being suMlclent personal prop
erty to pay such debts, expenses and
It is therefore ordered that nil per
sons Interested in said estate appear
before me at my olllce In tho Court
House at I'tattsmnutli, Nebraska, on the
SOth day of January, 1912. at 10 o'clock
A. M., to show causo why n license
should not ho granted to said executor
lo sell said real estate as obovo de
scribed of said deceased or as much
thereof as may be necessary to pay
such devises, debts and expenses.
It is directed that this order bo pub
lished four weeks prior to said date In
the I'lattsmnuth Journal, a newspaper
published semi-weekly at I'lattsinouth,
Nebraska, and of general circulation
In said Cass County.
Dated this nth day of December, 1911.
.lodge of tho District Court.
I). (. HWVHH Attorney.
C. H. ALDKIC1I, Attomoy.
Horses and Mules for Sale.
Twenty-three head of extra
good horses and mules for sale.
All are good bone, well broke and
ready for immediate service. I
wish to sell them at pivale sale,
and they may be seen at the farm
of filen Vallcry, one and one-half
miles west of Mynard. If you are
needing any good horses or mules
call early, for they are going to be
sold at a right price and will find
ready buyers. Frank Vallery.
If you haven't Ihe time to ex
ercise regularly, Dunn's Regulets
will prevent conslipalion. They
induce a mild, easy, healthful ac
tion of the bowels without griping.
Ask your druggist for them. 25
Kdwin Fricke was called to
Omaha yesterday afternoon to at
tend to a matter of business.
The Dancing Trio will
give a grand mask ball al
Coates' hall on Saturday
evening, December .10, There
will be several very hand
some prizes awarded, which
may bo seen in the window
of Edward Rynott & Co.'s
drug store. Gents' tickets
will be. 50c, and ladies' 25c.
This promises to be one of
the pleasant dance oc
casions of Ihe winter,.
Throe Steps.
For the nutrition of the body
three steps are absolutely neces
sary, that is, loa ccepl Ihe proper
quantity and quality of food, to
tligesl it well and lo drive out
from the body all waste matter.
You must have a good appetite in
order to accept food, a sound
stomach and working bowels to
digest and excrete. As soon as
this natural progress of food
through I lie body is slopped you
feel indisposed or sick and you
need speedy relief. In this re
spect, Triner's American Elixir of
Miller Wine is the best, remedy, as
it quickly cleans out Ihe whole
sysleni, strengthening it al the
same time and making it able lo
digest all foodsluIVs without any
inconvenience. In loss of ap
petite, weakness, constipation,
colic and cramps. backache,
llaluleifl'e, nausea and vomiting,
. ,
1 as uiso ill nervousness aihl in
many female disorders, Triner's
American Elixir of Miller Wine is
a dependable remedy. Al drug
stores. Jos. Triner. m:t-l.'l.')9
So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
Itching piles provoke profanity,
but profanity won't cure them.
Bonn's Ointment cures itching
bleeding or protruding piles nfter
years of suffering. Al any drug
Henry Burrows Arraigned.
Henry Burrows, who is held for
the murder of William A. Sayles,
which was committed last Sunday
afternoon, was arraigned before
County Judge Beeson this morn
ing and a complaint lor murder
read to him, to which he pleaded '
not guilty. Fpoii being asked by
Judge Beeson if he desired an at
torney, Burrows replied thai he
did. and inquired if Myron ('lark
was in town. After consulting
with the county attorney and the
accused it was concluded that Ihe
preliminary could proceed by next
Saturday morning, lis which time
Ihe defendant is expected to have
a lawyer, and Ihe preliminary was
accordingly postponed until that
Slops earache in two minutes;
toothache or pain of burn or scald
in five minutes; hoarseness, one
hour; inuscleache, two hours; sore
throat, twelve hours Dr. Thom
as' Fclectic Oil. monarch over
For Sale.
One span of good work horses,
weighing 2,300 pounds, 8 and 9
years old. Also wigon and har-
ness. fnquire
Murray, Neb.
of A. . Oraves,
Mrs. Sarah Snoal
Kas., is in the city, bei
day guest nt I In home r
and wife, Mr. and M
Snead. Yesterday Mr
Snead and son, Kenneth
Snead all wont down I
where Ihev spent the. (
home of Mrs. Joseph A
I Sitlinii.
t a lioli
' hep son
. John
ml Mrs.
md Mrs.
al the