The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1911, Image 6

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any of the readers of the Journal hww of a social event or an item of interest in
'Ye want all items of interest. Editor Jour mL
3 C
Murray State Bank
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F. L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Solicit Your Banking
JW'Our Dejiosits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
You Can Pay Your Taxes Here
James Nelson was in Nebraska
Ctty Saturday.
Mrs. Bert Crawford came homo
for the holidays.
Albert Young was a Platts
mouth visitor Thursday.
Mrs. Fred llamgo lias been on
the sick list for the. past few days.
A. M. Holmes spent the holiday
with his daughter at Plattsmouth.
Lena ami Clara Young are
spending their vacation with home
Mrs. Wade Poller of Plainview
came in to spend a few weeks with
home folks.
Mrs. I). G. Klioden took Christ
mas dinner at (he Troop home In
Mrs. William Hakes, from near
Union, has been quite sick for Hie
past few days.
Robert Young is here from
Oklahoma to visil his daughter,
Mrs. Meek Davis.
Mrs. McDonald returned home
from Kansas I his week, where she
spent Christmas with hep mother.
Mr. and Mis. M. (1. Churchill
spent Christmas with Mr. Church
ill's sister and family at Lincoln.
Miss Yenui Traeey came down
from Omaha ( spend the holi
days willi the family of Frank
Don'l forget that Monday even
ing. January 1, is the night for
the iiig number in Hie Lyceum
Chas. llalrlilV stopped olV on his
return home from Lincoln, where
he 'attended the Shepard-Rcyiiobls
Waller Woliver of Moorliead,
la., came Tuesday morning for a
visit with his uncle, D. A. Young
ami family.
Miss Eunice Fergerson return
ed home Friday. She was niaid-of-honor
at the Slokes-Copen-haver
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Gobcliiian
spent Christmas with Mrs. Gobcl
man's grand-parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I. S. White.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Brown spent
Sunday and Christmas with
friends and relatives in Omaha
and Council Bluffs.
A. C. Carey anil wile of Collyer,
Kas., arrived in this locality this
week for a holiday visit with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. F. Brendel
went down to Weeping Wider
Christinas to impend the dav with
Mrs. Brendel'h parents.
Mrs. A. F. Doedeker and son,
Eddie, look Christmas dinner at
Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Boedeker, south of Murray.
Dr. W. K. Loughridge of Mil ford
was in Murray Christmas, spend
ing the dav at the home of his
mother, Mrs. William Loughridge.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rutherford
ami Mrs. Bauneister of Platls
inoiilh were Christinas guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. V, E.
shop for the past few days.
Mrs. Fred Kunsmaun of Platts
mouth and daughter, Mrs. Guy
Burton and children of riainview,
Neb., came down from Platts
mouth Wednesday to spend the
day with Mrs. ,T. 11. Burton.
Murray Department
Steve Copenhaver and wife at
tended services at Murray Sunday
George Shrader is visiting his
grand-parents and other relatives
at. Murray this week.
G, S. Ray and family took
Christmas dinner with G. W.
Shrader and family.
Bruce Stone was looking up a
gang of stray horses which got
awav from him at Nehawka in this
vicinity Tuesday.
William Wherbien and family
spent a few days the latter part of
the week with Hie former's sister
at Falls City, Neb.
Charles Creamer was a Union
visitor Tuesday, going to see his
brother-in-law, Charles Wolfe
who has been sick the past few
Mr. ami Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mr.
ami Mrs. O. A. Davis and Mr. am
Mrs. Glen Perry took Christmas
dinner under the parental roof of
Mr. ami Mrs. D. J. Pitman.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
sr., entertained Mr. and Mrs. .las
Brown, Jas. Loughridge and fam
ily ami Grandma Loughridge
Christ mas day.
The liltle daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Yerner Perry lias been sick
for the past, few days as the re
sult of a fall she received a few
days ago and injured her arm.
Remember that Monday evening
will be the best number on the
Lyceum course. The Triers Sis
ters' Concert company is giving
splendid success throughout the
M. S. Davis and family, George
Young and wife of Oklahoma and
Mrs. George Carroll of Oklahoma
were Here to spend i.nrisimns ai
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Frank Gobrlinau and wife of
Plattsinouth, Mark White and wife
from Rock Bluff, and William
Dailey and wife of Omaha took
Christ mas dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. I. S. White in Murray.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John
Porter, a ten-pound baby girl, on
Wednesday morning of this week.
Bolh mother and the little one are
getting along nicely and John is
just a little happier than usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Worl have a
very sick baby at their home this
week. The little one is suffering
with pneumonia, and a trained
nurse arrived from Omaha Wed
nesday to take care of it.
Rex Young has returned home
from Montana and will make his
home in Murray for Ihe present.
He has been assisting James
Loughridge in the blacksmith
L. A. Laniard and wife of Coun
cil BlulTs, parents of Mrs. Rev.
Ross Williams, and R. 11. Kidney
and wife of Minnesota, were in
Murray for Christmas, guests at
Hm home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liams. Glen Boedeker, Waller Sans and
Ted Barrows enjoyed the usual
Christmas rabbit hunt this year.
We are informed that they killed
DO rabbits and one dog, and the
pow-wow will he held next week,
if the weather continues cold so
that dog does not spoil.
this vicinity and will viad same to this
Mrs. Chas Creamer is listed
with the sick this week.
William Nickels was a county
seat visitor Wednesday.
Andy Camphell and family were
Plattsinouth visitors Friday.
E. V. Colo and wife were Sunday
guests of Olin Cole of Mynard.
Nick Klaurens drove to Platts
inouth Friday to meet Old Santa.
Levi Slagle was looking after
business in (he county seat Fri
day. G. W. Parks and wife spent
Sunday with William Wiley and
Henry Sans was attending to
business matters in Plattsmouth
Alf. Nickels and family spent
Christmas day with H. II. Nickels
ind family.
George Hay, wife and daughter,
Esther, were Sunday guests of H.
C. Creamer.
Mrs. Julius Asch was shopping
and visiting friends in Platts
mouth Friday.
' Miss Edith l.allue has been
numbered with the sick for the
past few days.
The Thimble Bee meet al the
home of Mrs. C. I). Spangle-r on
Friday of this week.
Ah Boedeker, member of the
jury, relumed Home via Murray
last Friday evening.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. S. Smith were
Christinas guests at the Rawls'
home in Plattsmouth.
William Oliver was among
those in Plattsmouth Friday do
ing Christmas buying.
Alf. Nickels and wife drove to
Plattsmouth Saturday, where they
were looking after business.
E. F. Queen and wife and Pearl
Dugay spent Sunday with L. I
Fitch and wife, near Union.
Frank Rhoden and wife spent
Sunday witli the lalter's parents,
G. W. Shralder and wife.
Glen Davis and Miss Ida
Boedeker look in Ihe plav in
Omaha Christmas evening.
Lee Farris and wife, from near
Union, were Sunday visitors with
Steve Copenhaver and family.
L. B. Urown and family drv
io rial isniouin isaiurnay, warn
they enjoyed the Christmas sights
Mr. and Mrs. James Hatched
ami daughter look Christmas din
ner with relatives in Weeping
Mp. amf Mrs. Sam Pitman wil
depart January 2 for Texas, when
they will spend the balance of
miss Agnes Kennedy, who is
.leaching school at Eagle this year
is home In spend her vacation with
home folks.
John llobschiedl left Friday for
Burlington, Iowa, where he wil
spend the holidays visiting friend
and relat ives.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Minl'ord, Mi
and Mrs, M. G. Churchill took
Christinas dinner with friends am
((datives in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. James llohm
and son, llama, were in Omaha a
few days this week, eating Christ
mas dinner with relatives.
Mrs. A. L. Baker and daughter
Opha. departed last Saturday for
Clay Center, Neb., where they will
spend the holiday season visiting
with Mr. Baker's sister, Mrs. E. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lewis enter
tained J. F. Lewis and wife, Lloyd
and Wayne Lewis, Mae Lewis, Lil
lian Kersey, May Creamer and Joe
Creamer Monday at Christmas
G. S. Ray hail the in is fortune to
upset Sunday morning while turn
ing a corner, caused by 111 rig
sliding. Mrs. Ray was pretty had
Iv shaken up. Esther Ray and
Yera Moore were slightly hurt, but
none of I hem seriously.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ouecn and
daughter, Pearl, and R. H. Filch
jr.. and family, Joe Campbell am)
family and James Fitch and fam
ily were guests of R. II. Filch, sr.,
and wife Christmas day for din
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Filch, while
gelling along in years, enjoy the
old-fashioned reunion of the home
folks at Christmas tjme.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiner and
daughter of Lincoln were in Mur
ray for Christmas, joining the
family reunion at the Berger
home. Will Berger and children
of Nebraska City, Mr. and Mrs
James Brown of Murray and Geo.
Berger of Nebraska City were also
present to take dinner under the
parental roof. It was a very en
joyable time for Mr. and Mrs.
office it will appear umkr this headin
Pay your
taxes at the Murray
State Bank.
Frank Reed wa
a Plattsmouth
isitor Friday.
Automobile and carriage paint
mg. crank iiuucirnan.
Don't forget the bargains at the
store of M. H. Davis.
Mrs. Joe Hathaway was
atronizing Union merchants Fri-
John Hendricks and wile were
ailing on Plattsmouth merchants
Henry Creamer and family
pent the day in Plallsmoulh last
Miss Mary Bobscliiedt will
pend her vacation in Plattsinouth I
wilh relatives.
Rock Binds and Ml. Pleasant
precincts may pay their taxes at
ie Murray Stale Bank.
H. C. Creamer and family, Harry
igner and wife were guests of
Byron Reed and family Christmas
Nick Klaurens and family drove
o ienrasKa inly Monday, where
they partook of Christmas dinner
with friends.
Frank Campbell drove to Platts
mouth Friday after his daughter,
Miss Elizabeth, who will spent her
neat ion al honfr.
Mr. ami Mrs. The. Amiek, Mr.
aid Mrs. Fred Patterson and J. W.
Thomas look Christmas dinner
with Mrs. Addie Ferris. A most
njoyahle time was had.
Mr. George Shrader is reported
on the sick list this week. Mrs.
Shrader is suffering with a lame
inn and shoulder, caused by
neuralgia of Ihe muscles.
Remember that M. H. Davis is
now making a genuine clearance
8He. Anyone looking for bar
gains in good goods at bottom
prices will profit by buying now.
G. . Shrader journeyed to
Lincoln Wednesday, where he al-
nded Ihe wedding of Oscar Rey
nolds, the youngest sun of Dr.
Reynolds, formerly of Hock Blull's.
The Christmas tree al Kenosha
was well attended, and a nice pro
gram was uiven b Hie Kenosha
school children. Santa Clans was
I here in all hi.s u lury, and a grand
tree, heavih laden, gladdened Ihe
hearts of young and old alike.
On Wednesday, December "JO, at
the Presbyterian church, a very
nrelly wedding occurred, when
Miss Tressa SLokes was united in
marriage to Mr. Arthur Copen
haver. Shortly before 8 o'clock
Mrs. G. H. Gilmore took tier place
al Ihe piano, while Mrs. James
Holmes sang "The Melody of
Love." As Ihe wedding march
sounded the bridal parly began to
enter the church from Ihe vesti
bule. The bridesmaid and the
ushers, Miss Isabella Young with
Harrv Creamer, Miss Edith LaRue
with Tom Tilson, Miss Villa Gapen
with Vance Todd, the groom wilh
his best man, Guy Stokes; the
bride with her maid-of-honor,
Miss Eunice Fergerson. Rev. Ross
Williams performed the cere
mony. The bride wore a beautiful
dress of white chiffon over while
silk wilh pearl trimming, wore a
veil and carried ' bride's roses.
Miss Fergerson was gowned in
light blue silk and carried pink
roses. The bridesmaids wore
dresses of white serge.
The church was beautifully dec
orated hy friends of the young
couple. Th" p"ws were moved
Against the wall, leaving a wide
le in the cenier, hy which tin
bridal party advanced to the alter.
The colors were while and green.
large palm was used for the
center, with smeller ones i n the
ends. Holly made a background
and candles (winkling through the
green made a p-ctlv picture.
he minpv coiipb mil on I lie
midnitiht tram, amid showers o
rice, for Gir.inl, Kansas, end will
likelv visit Virginia, the birth
place of Me. Copenhaver, b.'lore
their return.
Mr. and Mrs. Copenhaver wilt
be al home to their friends after
March I on a farm south of
Dance at Murray.
The Murray Dancing club will
give one of their social dances in
Murray on Saturday evening, De
cember 30. The music will be
furnished by the Nebraska City
orchestra. A cordial invitation is
extended lo all and a good time
V (Special Correspondence.)
The shooting match at Schaf
er's was well attended last Thurs
day. Cameron Cathey of the state
university is spending Christmas
with friends in this locality.
A Christmas tree and a line pro
gram was held at the Preasant
Hill school house Friday night.
A Christ mas tree was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Hild Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Herren
spent Saturday at the county seat.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Lutz spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Zuzkweiler at Plattsmouth.
W. H. Puis received a notice
from the secretary of the Ne
hraska Farmers' congress of hi
being appointed delegate to their
convention, to be held in Omaha
January 10 to 13.
A fine Christmas tree was had
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug
ust Engelkemeir Sunday night.
There were about sixty present,
all being relat ives.
Miss Birdie Johnson, I he Pleas
ant Hill school teacher, is spend
ing the holidays with home folks
in Nebraska City.
A sleighing party from this sec
tion went to the Cottonwood
school house to attend the Christ
mas exercises Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Shepherd
son made a business trip to the
county seat, last Friday.
Mr. Alfred Gansemer is down
with the grip.
. Charles Tilson sold his fine
driving team last week for the
sum of $.125.
Arnold Fit.pat rick is spending
the holidays with home folks.
Christmas at Old Rock Bluffs.
Some people have formed an
opinion that Old Rock Blull's can
not celebrate Ihe Christmas sea
son in grand style, and I went
down lo the Christmas entertain
ment. At an early hour the house
began to fill with men, women and
children, and the first thing I knew
the seals were full, the house was
full, the tree was full, everything
seemed to be full except the men,
who were simply filled to over
flowing with happiness and con
tenlinenl. An excellent program
was given, consisting of musical
numners. alter, wnien the com
mittee on the Christmas tree took
charge of Ihe program and pro
ceeded lo distribute the many
gifts, which were in great
iiuanl it ies. 1 found that the Rock
BlulTs people never do things by
the halves, and I found them to he
a mighty line class of people.
Want a Carload of Chickens.
As will be seen by an advertise
ment in another column of this
issue of Ihe Journal, Zuckwciler &
Lutz, in connection with the
Clarinda Poultry, Butter and Egg
company, are going to buy a car
load of poultry in Plaltsmouth on
Tuesday and Wednesday, January
9th and tOth. They want them
delivered al Ihe B. & M. depot in
Plallsmoulh, ami as may be seen
by their advertisement, they will
pay the top price, either in cash or
trade. These people buy and ship
by the carload and are able to pay
tlie top price at all limes. You
will find their advertisement in
another column of this paper.
Arrives From Garnett.
Miles Slamlish, a former prom
inent Cass county citizen, arrived
from his home at Garnet, Kas., to
day. On account of a wreck two
miles and a half north of Union
the early train on the M. P. line
was detoured through Weeping
Water, Louisville, West Side and
South Omaha, and instead of ar
riving at Plattsmouth at about, fi
o'clock, Ihe schedule time from
the south, Mr. Standish did not
gel lo Plattsmouth until about 11
a. in. The Mynard and Murray
passengers from Hie south had to
make the same detour, and were
taken south from Platlsmoulh lo
their destination.
Miss Mable Rood, teacher in the
Culloin school district, went lo her
home over in Randolph, Iowa, last
Saturday. She was accompanied
by Miss Honor Sevbert, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Sevbert,
where they will spend Christmas.
They were lo lake part in an
entertainment Saturday night,
also one during the holiday week.
They will return home after the
holiday vacation.
C. F. Harris and wife and babe
were Omaha passengers on the
fast mail today, where they went
In consult Dr. Allison regarding
the babe's health, the little fellow
having been in Ihe hospital for
some weeks, and only last week
was able to be brought home.
Amos Worl Died at the Home of
His Son in South Omaha
Amos Worl, who for more than
twenty years was a resident f
Rock Blull's precinct, died yester
day at the home of his son iu
South Omaha.
Amos Worl was born March 28,
i 83i, at Kerchoten, Indiana, and
died December 27, 1911, aged 79
years, 8 months and 29 days. He
moved west and settled at Linden,
Mo., where, in 1852, he was mar
ried to Miss Lucy Tipton. From
Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Worl
moved to Iowa, and resided for a
time, and later settled in this
county, where Mr. Worl engaged
in tanning. Later he moved to
Lancaster county and settled on
a farm near Lincoln, and resided
I here for a few years, when the
family moved to Plattsmouth,
where Mr. -Worl resided two or
three years. From Plattsmouth
Mr. Worl moved to a larin near
Creighton, Neb., and about twi
years ago went, to South Omaha lo
reside wilh his son, Theodore
He is survived by three sons,
three daughters and five grand
children. His sons are Theodore
and Grant of South Omaha and
Ed of near Murray. The daugh
ters are Mrs. Emma McKassen,
Mrs. Isabel Patterson and Mrs.
Delila Spencer. The grandchildren
are Guy, Chase and Robert Pat
terson, Mrs. W. A. Baker and Mr6.
Ed Baker. The funeral will oc
cur tomorrow (Friday) from the
M. P. station, and interment will
be in the Young cemetery, with a
short service at the grave.
Lands for Sale.
acres in southeast Green-
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 80 acres of rich
creek bottom land in cultivation,
balance finest native prairie grass
(limesoil). Fair 5-room house
stabling, etc. Some bearing or
chard. Lots of fine living water,
which is furnished by a large
creek which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirted
wilh timber; cattle come off grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed to be one of the best liltle stock
ranches in the county. School
close by; fine smooth road to
town. Just 5 1-2 miles from
ranch to town; a nice well im
proved country all the way. For
quick sale $18 per acre buys this
440 acres; no trade taken on this,
lias a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet three years to run. $4120 buys
the equity. Nothing better for the
money. Give me to your friend if
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Reai Estate
Broker, Fall River, Greenwood
County, Kansas.
Visits Friend at Grand Island.
Mrs. W. R. Gardner and hue
band departed Christmas day to
visit, their daughter and two lit
tle grandchildren, one of them
but 2 years old and the other but
5 months old. Mrs. Gardner or
dered the Journal sent to her
Grand Island address so that she
may be informed as to Ihe news
from Plaltsmouth.
Miss Sarah White and Miss
Carrie Becker left for Alvo on the
morning train today, where they
will visil Miss Becker's aunt,
Mrs. Miller, for a few days.
We Have It for You!
Jusl What You Want
Ycu need it!
Geme to us for it!
LHLm.xJ the j'3
Guaranteed not to saj. It
is cheaper than steel and will
last fully as well. Come and
get one.
Murray, Nebraska