The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 28, 1911, Image 4

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The- Plattsmouth - Journal
rr-n Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska crm
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
And I ho next day it snowed.
Did you enjoy a "Merry Christ-
flie high nasi of wood and coal i
w-a-days is a burning shame.
The new congressman, like the j
bumblebee, is often biggest when ,
Orily a few days in which to
make up your mind about that
good resolution for 1!M2.
Jury brining should cease or the
lawyers will Hud it. dillieult to ac
quire their usual liberal slice.
The tortoise used to be con
sidered the, synonym of slowness,
but that was before they set out
Ko jail tin! packers.
"Teddy calls on the president."
That settles it. Teddy will not he
a candidate, only ho far as to help
ml, the nomination of Tuft.
"Vic llosewater visits Taft and
'assures him thai lift will curry Ne
braska." That was probably be
fore the grand Taft convention
fizzle at Lincoln.
The Christinas Irado in Plalls
tiouth was much belter than lasl
year. It is a fact, however, that
Ihe advertising merchants din
mast of I he husintss.
Kx-Senalor Clark of Montana
... .
says that, liarinou is tne onlyi
democrat thai can defeat Roose
velt if he is nominated. And Clark
ii a prclly good politician.
It is now intimated that Roose
velt may receive the support of
Wall street fo:- president. Next
we shall learn I hat Anthony Com
toek has carried hull.
:o :-
There are but two candidates
that stand the least show of re
reiving I he democratic, nomina
tion for president Wilson and
Harmon and either one will suit
the Journal.
The. wreck of the battleship
Maine is to be broken up into
pieces and given as mementoes to
the cities and patriotic societies
of the United States. "Hemember
rhe Maine" is now assured. '
- :o :-
There can no longer lie any
doubt that, Cliina has awakened
and become progressive. The
American cigarette is succeeding
the opium pipe and there is one
bar in Shanghai 127 feet long.
"Ik Iloosevetl avoiding Tuft?"
Nol much, Mary Ann! Neither is
Taft avoiding Hoosevell . Hut just
put it down in the front of your
ID 12 day book that, Teddy will do
all in his power to re-nominale
Christmas passed
mn'elly in Plattsmouth.
was duly celebrated
oil' very
The day
in true
Christmas spirit in partaking of
fine turkey, chicken, goose or
duck at I lie old home, surrounded
by Mieir family ties.
We have known Champ Clark
ever since he entered the Mis
souri legislature in 1888. We
have always had the greatest, ad
miration for him and can readily
support him for president, but we
hellovc he is making a groat inis
takfl In allowing the use of his
HWfi for IhM. pOHidon.
I Senator La Follette says lie will
! soon devole one week of his lime
to his presidential candidacy.
'Fanners will use dynamite."
This it should he understood, is
not any extension of the Mc
Namara plot, hut the adoption by
the farmers of an up-to-date
niel hod of preparing I he soil for
A Chicago woman has a scheme
Cor having divorced women wear
a ring on the little linger. It
would be a shame if they failed
to gel into smart society merely
because their qualifications were
not generally known.
A Kansas prisoner weighing
V'.'O pounds wriggled through "a
hole twelve inches square arid
escaped. And yet there are some
persons who insist on not believ
ing I he camel-through-eye-of-needle
:o: .
"Another reason why women
should do (he proposing," says a
Boston lecturer, "is that they are
gelling better educated than the
men, and therefore will select
more intelligent ly." Hut what has
education got to do with court
ing? :o:-
The Chicago meal packers are
at last facing a jury on charges
of criminally violating Hie anti
trust laws. They put it oil', how
ever, nine years through technical
lli'l 1 1 it 1 1 1'til'i ii Cr ltir llwitu I ii (ii mi If
"""" "' ,"'" "
lain nroof is needed Ihnl lech.
nieaiilies mav le used to su overt,
the purposes of the law, it can be
found in this one case alone.
When one looks upon the happy
little hearts on Christmas morn
ing lo see how they enjoy the
presents from Old Santa, it makes
the old man almost wish he were
a child again. Christmas is truly
intended for Ihe children, yet the
long established custom of giv
ing and receiving present is still
so prevalent thai if grown people
do not receive a present Christ
mas appears a dull one for him.
North Dakota will afford the
in the campaign for presidential
candidates next year. A direct
primary election will be held in
that state March 19, and under
the law each voter will express his
llrst and second choice for his
party candidate for president.
Nebraska will express the will of
Ihe voters on the same qncslion
one month later Tuesday,
llrst real test of public sentiment
pril 17.
It would be a good thing for a
few knockers here in Plattsmouth
lo resolve lo cease Iheir avocation
with Ihe advent of the New Year.
Hut, of course, it would be almost
impossible for them lo do so. They
have got no used lo knocking on
everything that is proposed for
the benelll of the (own. They
might enjoy heller health if they
would lurn over a new leaf with
the dawn of 1!H2.
- :o ;
As soon as John Yeiser had tiled
that fake Hoosevell candidacy for
president, his political caplain,
Victor llosewater, fell instilled in
again assuring the president that
the state will send a Taft delega
tion to the national convention.
Hut if Theodore Hoosevell can
draw any more votes away from
a Follette than lie will from Taft,
the intelligence of Nebraska has
been vastly over-rated by the
oansus men. Lincoln Star.
Th Arnold Massag
Vibrator removes
Wrinkles, Crowsfeet,
Pimples and all Irregularities.
V -TV 7
Correcting the Hip )
Olieslty. reduces
fat formations.
BtrenpthenH the Spine,
Cures HheumatMm.
Pioinnrh and Bowel
After Bhnvlnff Mnks
Hkln Hoft and Vol
vv. relieves sore-
Dont' forget
lat good resolu-
The "Hack lo the Farm" move
ment does not seem to be very
popular in Nebraska.
:o :
Congress may suggest lo
President Taft that the best lime
to take progressive tarilT legisla
tion is when he can gel it.
Detective Hums may have got
the McNamaras, but could he go j
into school and llnd out who "frew j
dat apple
when teacher
wasn't ,
Two million dollars annually
from Ihe government for a period
of ten years will put the banks of
the Old Missouri in a perfect
solvent condition.
What the housewives want to
know is how much more they have
got to pay for meat lo settle the
lawyers' bills for keeping the
packers out of jail.
The Y. M. C. A. fund is crawling
up. It has now over-reached the
$1,000 mark, and it is now an al
most nssurred fact that, the full
amount will be raised.
The cases against the indicted
beef packers in Chicago have been
pending eight years, notwith
standing that three of the de
fendants are named Swift.
The suffragettes advise women
to practice throwing stones
straight, but for some time at
least we would choose lo be Ihe
large! rather than the instructor.
Fx-(iovernor Shallenberger is
now a full-Hedged candidate for
I'niti'd Stales senator, having
Hied with Ihe secretary of state
and paid the $"i0 fee for so doing.
Politics is blamed for the bad
water furnished in Lincoln, which
.resulted in some sort of an epi
demic. Well, politics are lo blame
for a good many bad things about
A few more days and then leap
year. If you don't want to get
married, boys, you had better
learn to sidestep. The girls have
the right to do the proposing act
in 1012.
It X
It -.f "f.
ft. ? Jr
- , -.: " i v,
fciwiiJtUe V-'.' ".'.r,'.
- fa
Msage for Weak and Lame
Back, strengthens the Spine.
Is it worth anything to
ycu to havo perfect health?
Five in nutea a day wit i an AROLpJ4AS-
SA GE Vi D HATOR is all h a : is wg.-gssary.
There la nothing In life bo important bs a healthy,
vigorous, well kept body, full of life, strength an.l am
bition. If the lungs, heart, nerves and every vital organ
of the body are kept in uniform strength, there Is no
need for drugs or medicine.
Arnold Mnesnge Vibrator is Invaluable in th-3 home.
For pcor circulation, ailments of the nervea, brain,
heart and vital or, ana; rheumatic, neuralgia anl para
lytic affections Produces health. si.rinth, vigor and
vitality. Able your physician about the Arnold Mas
sage Vibrator.
ln Km
Eelng this
"Mxuibulevs ct Arnold Moflinso Vlbr.-.tors."
;;25 flo. Uth fit., Onir.ha, Neb.
Tolpjihone, Douslnn HZOX
Gut of town jicop'.o write for froo 80 paje boeklet.
Keeps the Hntr and Scalp
healthy, prevents Baldness,
Dandruff, etc.
The primary election is only a
little over thee months off and no
move has even been made lo or
ganize Ihe democratic party in
this stale. What's the matter,
Taft is Ihe only person entitled
lo send special messages to con
gress. This doesn't feaze Teddy,
however. He writes his rip-roaring
messages as usual, but sends
them lo the Outlook.
The government savs naval
elliciency would be promoted by
silling I luce navy yards. The
politicians will say that this will
impair their elliciency in carrying
the next, caucuses.
The New York police advise
women to carry money in their
stockings. This is secure, but we
fear it would arouse too keen
curiosity among the men in
methods of safe deposit.
While there may bo lots of
trouble to get anyone to take
Sherman's place as vice president,
it would bo inhuman to compel
any man to sit around doing noth
ing for more than four years.
There is much opposition to
arbitration on the ground of na
tional honor, it having been set
tled long ago that the way to settle
a dispute honorably is to create
a new lot of widows and orphans.
The complaint is frequently
made t lint there are no ruins in
this country to attract tourists.
Hut most of our graft-ridden
cities are pulling up buildings
that promise lo supply. Ibis de
niand in a few years.
Congressman I.obeck of Omaha
has certainly hit upon' a new and
unique idea of keeping himself in
remembrance by Ihe school chil
dren of Ihe Second congressional
district. He sent out from Wash
ington over 5,000 Christmas cards
to school children of his district,
lie has hit the right spot with the
:o :
A Chicago minister has formu
lated a list of commandments
which he says all women should
obey. A number of Chicago wom
en in reply have catalogued a list
of commandments which they in-
Massage for the Face, Neck
and Bust
week by
Cures Weak and Lame Back,
Lumbago, ticlatica and Khsu
matlsm. sist ministers should obey. Just
this observation: It is mighty
easy to make rules for somebody
else to follow.
The impression seems to pre
vail in various sections of Ne
braska that the now acting
lieutenant governor of Nebraska
is the proper man for the demo-
crats to nominate for governor,
He is a self-made man and has
mnile overv rli il t:i r ho nnis;uia liv
i honest pursuits. Ho is able, con
scientious and possesses all the
retpiirenienls necessary to make
an honest, etllcient and faithful
chief executive of the slate. His
name is Hon. John II. Morehead of
Falls City.
It would appear from Ihe num
ber of democratic candidates an
nounced for governor that they
feel almost positive that Nebraska
will go democratic next fall. We
never did believe in "counting
chickens before they are hatched,"
but this paper does believe thai if
the right man is nominated for
president and the democrats are
united and harmonious, there is
nothing surer than a demo
cratic victory in Nebraska. And
that reminds us that we think it is
about lime to begin organizing.
There is but one way in which
the democrats can expect to carry
Nebraska in 11112, and it is just as
well to look the proposition square
in Ihe face now as at any time.
First, every county in the stale
should be thoroughly organized.
Second, we should see that pop
ular and able candidates are nom
inated for Fniled Slates senator,
governor and every other stale
olllce. Willi this done, and the
proper man for president, you will
be able to carry the stale with a
"whoop." Hut we cannot fritter
away any time, and must let all
past differences be bygones and
all get together in peace and har
mony. :o:-
Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter is a season of
trouble. The frost-bitten toes and
lingers, chapped hands and lips,
chilbrains, cold-sores, red and
rough skins, prove this. Hut such
troubles tly before Hucklcn's
Arnica Salve. A trial convinces.
Createst healer of Burns, Boils,
Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises,
Eczema and Sprains. Only 25o at
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Arnold Massage Vi
brator for Weak and
Growing: Children.
Strengthens and De
velops. for Deafness, Head
Klnff jj? In the Kurs
'Works so xlinple s
child can operate an4
give as good a mas'
sage as an expert
Curs Neural gl
Many a Plattsmouth Reader Witt
Feel Grateful for This
When your back gives out;
becomes lame, weak or aching;
When urinary troubles set in,
Your kidneys are "in a bad
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sick
Local evidence proves their
J. S. Hall, S. Sixth St., Platts
mouth, Neb., says: "In 1896 I
strained my back and soon after
that I began to suffer from kidney
trouble. I had severe pains across
the small of my back and on this
account it was difficult for me to
stoop or rise from a chair. I tried
several remedies, but to no avail,
and finally when I had the good
fortune to hear of Doan's Kidney
PiJIs, I procured a box at Rynotl
& Co.'s Drug Store. Within forty
eight hours after I took the first
dose I felt better. Since then I
have always kept a supply of
Doan's Kidney Pills in the house."
(Statement given June 6, 1906).
On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall
said: "I cheerfully verify my
former endorsement of Doan's
Kidney Pills. I know that this
remedy is a reliable one for kid
ney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co.,
Hufl'alo, New York, sole agents for
the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Ira Bate,
8 Miles South of Plattsmouth
(the Old Martin Farm)
has installed a Saw Mill on his place,
and is prepared to furnish hard lum
ber of all kinds, posts and chunk
arAll orders promptly filled, and
also soiicited.
-The 0. K. Reslauranl-
and Short Order House
Rear of Ed. Donat's Building
Regular Meals at All Hours
Short Orders
We solicit a share of your patron
fge and will try to please you.
KRHUT & ZATOPEK, Proprietors