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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1911)
XL T T 111 VJITV 1WU Tih Set of Cooking Ware FREE IfyouJbuy This Range The South Bend Mai laable Thj Week " - ""f in m n- .- V.v,: Combination Lava Enameled WareCercalCook- -y-.. er. Pudding Pan P and Stew Kettle. I The laree bot- f Covit1os9 DuasliT 4m ni... . , Nn. t His a l .ii'iitL'il i-miwiI win- ' , ' - Ciivo tMl'T mm water- well wliu-li supply me stamped stew pot The piece which aeta rr.-iiiirr;:.. nt.i n. .v.sary in it to , lra heavy .tamped Pud fur p.-r:.'t roastmit and .. . . , . climiiiati! all tint ohjco ""K ' an. wun noies urouna mo up jur Uuusul ifilmior meuious. itcununi:, when it U used in that capa city. Thia veSBel ia equipped with heavy tin "New Kink" Pot Cover. 18 ot. Copper Handsomely Nickel plated Komi Tea Kettle, heavily tin ned on inside. t" j Lnrce, Maslin Kettle for alewiiiK, equipped with a heavy tinned "New Kink" Pot Cover. Two Patent Anti- Burn Drip Pane, 9" -! x 18", madeespe- J ciully for this set. d 1 L"' N Anti i Pan. 3 ree P atent -Burn Drip Pan. 14 1-2" x 20", mode especially for tliu aet. . 1 )3 Two large cloaeta, with aanitary drop doora. Reinforced tea ahelve. f umiak J ln7'm fT.ri lev.- J;ti, i S M Ti Ud ree- kjtarJ WmuJ I erroir, ( . or one rn.-vwiij,r.w. mJ with top TjU '? ' if" if Buh L&-. '! J ;rf w.thtop fcv Willi 'Sf l'-ivl ofr.nM , , M SiTITV' Mla7T;T Fifteen Large pouch feed for coal or broiler. Fnd draft, perfect Fluea com pletely aur rounded with aabeatoa insulation. Under ash-pan lining of aiibestoa for floor Insulation, warming closet Large lower 14-oz. C op- per Handsomely Nickel -plated 5 -pint Krnni Coffee Pot, heavily tinned on inside. December 18th. w. n HI 1 J I ' W- 9 "Uncle Kli in 1 siruigm .mu narrow path. Key. W. A. Taylor iinajiiiu'tl hf had succi'ssfully conccalcil the fact that Tuesday was his i-M hiilh.lay, lml when he called for his mail he discovered his mis take, for the hi? hunch of hand some birthday cards he received reminded him that his friends knew and remembered. Mrs. Mary Allison departed "i MmihImv for TYcilMseh to visit a dauubler who resides in that city, i She was accompanied bv another 'of her daughters, Mrs. Charles S. i Stone, of Yampa, Colo., who visit ed several weeks in this county, . Mrs. Stone yoinu from Tecumseh . i i.. In Her home in i.ninr,! II, IF. Ueed and family, who bad char.iv of tin' hotel here for three weeks, threw up the sponge" on Tuesday and left for Syracuse to invest inate a business opening in that town. I'd I. each bobbed up a;aiu as landlord al "We-ot-a" and is niiain showiiiLr that the bulel is a navintr proposil ion. W. II. Crawford and Will Xiday arrived Monday iiilil from Cole ridge to make a isil with rela tives and numerous friends in F'ltion and vicinity. They look udoil to us, for we are always plad to meet the "boys" who have moved away from here, and to n .i - : i .. il...:.. learn ot i neir prospers m i m-n new locations. ilii fmm f lour! v 4 -JKn - that you have, whether il he pump j feed, makini! electric lights, etc., the taking the place of any other power cropi pr iipQ 800i m HO 10 jS,Ml.-"VJC.TJ.3 iiiiiiiiiiiiriTOirrnffiiTiiTriTmrrTT-T-iTfflmaiVT ...,.,.,-,r-.-.anigaiJ H-l -l-W-W -M-H-l-W"!-!-' .j. ELWWOOD. .J. F.eailer-F.chn. ! Mrs. John lehlerkiiirT of Atkin son came in yesterday to visit, friends anil relatives. Cliarle liekson of )es Moines visited over Sunday with his mother. Mrs. . W. Hicksoii, and oilier relatives. Mr. mid Mrs. Ralph Kecklcr, son, llichard, and Mrs. Sid Keck er, of Louisville were in town Tuesday cvciiintr. (ieorKe P'rishec and family vi.siled the Henry Krisbee family at. Raymond, and Charles MeUin and family al Fremont, the fore jmrt of I he week. Mrs. .1. K. hicksou of Collins, Iowa, and Mrs. Frank Dickson of I'lallsiiHMilh attended the funeral of Mrs. Slapely last week. County Attorney Howard Saxlon of Thurslon county was in the :ily a couple of days last week visit iimr his parents and nllendin to tttisiness matters. (irandpa and (iramlma Davis ani rejoiciui.' over the arrival of n buliy boy al their house yester day al 1 o'clock p. in., Mr. and Mrs. (luy Adems beiiiK the hapiy parents. Regular services will be hold at the church next Sunday A. M. Ferguson will leave the first of next, week for New York to accompany his brother back to Klinwood. The latter claims that the, climate there does not agree with him; thai he feels much bet tor nnd will be glad to take up Fits abode with us again. C. (I. Shreve and A. M. Fergu son returned from Texas Wednes day evening. Itotli gentlemen imn based lot in the new town of Sea Drift on the coast, and a llve aore tract in the near vicinity thereto. Mr. Shreve expects to move to bis new possession some time before next fall. Mr. Fer guson will build a winter cottage on his Sea Drift lot. The A. (I. V. W. lodge elected officers Wednesday evening for the eusufng term, as follows: I'. M. W., Henry Irons; M. W C. (5. llailey; foreman, James Turk; overseer, J. It. Iloyce; recorder K 'I'. Comer; financier, l.ouis W, Roe) Igor; treasurer, William Deles-Dernier; guide, Albert Thiol; I. W C. D. Clapp; O. V., II. A. ltragg; trustee for three years, Henry Irons. Cured In Her Own Homo Town. Kearney, Neb. Mrs. Hello llar- lan, i :i I H 81 h Ave., tells the way for her ftdlow townsmen to be cured of their kidney and bladder ailments, as she was cured. "I had a severe attack of kidney trouble when F heard of Foley Kidney Hills and took them. I had n severe pain across my back and fell, miserable and all playei out, hut afler taking Foley Kidney I'ills the iain left my back and I fe t greatly unproved ami once more full of life. Today I am glm to sav I am free from kidney trouble and gladly rceoi end J'olev Kidney I'ills to all who suf fer. as lliev cured me." For sale V EAGLE. lleacoll. Arthur Caddy was t year old on Thursday of lasl week, and one of bis bil l Inlay presents was a bank account in the Hank of F.agle. C. II. Welenkamp, sr. v departed the tlrsl of the week for (irand Island, where he will spend about, two weeks visiting with relatives. Miss Agnes Kennedy, graiumar teacher in the hagle schools, was called lo Wabash Wednesday morning to attend the funeral of a relal ive. James A. Talkinglon of Sur prise came in l uesiiay aileruoon to look after some property ho owns here, and made a short visit with the editor and family. August, Hergnian departed Wednesday noon for Kansas City, where he will spend several days reviewing the horse market, after which he will go to Texas. Henry Wilford Wachler, 18 I'oler Opp. The two ladies came across the Atlantic together from (iermauv thirty-live years ago and hail in t seen each oilier since. Mrs. Seise relurned to her home yesterday accompanied by Mrs. Opp as far as IMallsmoulh. The Missouri Pacific depot was entered .some time Friday night and four cans of peaches, a few crackers and an 8'.)-cent revolver taken. The money drawer was broken open, but the conlenls, about a dollar s worth of pennies and some stamps, were not, molested. I'.viileiitly it was the work of Iramps and they wanted something to eat. Clark Tavlor, who has been working for some lime, was un fortunate enough lo get a collide of ribs broken Tuesday morning while helping grade the extension to Ihe cold storage switch. Ho was helping handle one of Ihe w heel scrapers and w as si ruck wit hlbe "Johnson" bar. The in jury was ipiite painful and will Kidnay Troubles Attack Platts rr.cuth and Women, Old pnd Young. Kidney ills seize young ami old. Come tpiiekly willi little warn ing. Children MilTcr in Iheir early ears Can't control the kidney secretions. i lii'ls an fer pain. Women work. Men hacks. The child Is Is Yci"- Plainly Scon to He a (iasoline I'.ngine .No matter what the work i: ing water, sawing wood, grin ill in gasoline eugiii" is very rapidly tor t his class of work. We don 1 believe It ere i.; ,i person iii this community that would .end aw; v fer ai: i ngine. IT be didn't think lie could save money. You will certainly have no I could" in timling a cheap engine if price is wiia! ou are looking for, ami ;! you will look them over carefully, Ink" note o the few piece.-- thai they put on them to operate the me chanism, o;i c;ui very plainly see why they are cheaper. The fact is, if they piii more part.-' u their engine they certainly would have to get mine money. Tin re is im patent on the device of simplicity (as il is so called , on cheap ent ines. il is jul simply making an engine jus! a.-- cheap as possible in order to undersell his competilor. If you ever have a,i opportunily ju.-l lake a look al the machine shops, railroads, large power plants, etc., and see if you can find any cheap grades of engines in their use. They certainly ought lo be good judges of engines. We are agents in Ilii- par! of the county fur l-'a irbans-Morso eiuiiies and would only be lm. glad to show von the ililVerence be tween llii-; i ngine and any engine of inferior make and cheaper price and show von where Ibev make the dillerence in price. I bis i ngine can be bad in any horse-power from I II. P. lo 500 II. P., and upi ighl or bore, ontal. and can also be had lo burn any kind ni' fuel, Mich as illuminating gas, natural gas, kerosene, naplha, giisoln ". e!c. I'.el'oie von fully uecii e o buy you had better see Ihe Fairbans Morse ; ; iiit if Mm don't tbmk il belter than the re-l, we cannot Ihen exii.'el v o.i to lm v 1 1: i ma ke. e cal alogue and prices. Write i r cal! for a (':- languid, nervous, suf vvorry, can't do daily have lame and aching curt; for man, woman or !L.n r l. 'LZ 1 PLUMBING! iVa 1 t3 y j IIEATINi ;! HARDWARE! LOUISVILLE. Courier. 1 : i.... i.: r , il..,,. il i I, i il i J it II I I till MM il line . months and 15 days old, son of ' , ., .,,,, .Ill, aiHI, lI I ? . lieiMfi' i ii' I'i'Mi left Monday evening for Now York Mr. and Mrs. Fd Wachler, died al. 7 :.'( p. in. on Thursday evening of last, week, afler an illness of only live days. Lesley NA'nlch went lo Omaha on Monday to visit his father, who is taking treatment for his eyes at Ihe hospital. Reports from there say that ho may lose his sight, but, his many friends hope that such may not he the case. Another big deal was made on Thursday of last week, when Aug ust Hergnian traded ?r head of hogs and an automobile for 320 acres nf land in Sherman county, Kansas, The deal was made through A. 1,. McDonald. lo cure Ihe cause Ihe kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for sick kidneys Have brought relief lo Plat I s inoulh people. Plallsnmuth testimony proves il. J. F,. McKinney, Lincoln Ave., Plaltsmoulh, Neb., says: "Doan's! Kidney Pills, procured at Rynott, & Co.'s Drug Store, have boon used in my family and have brought prompt relief from kid ney disorders afler other rem edies have failed. In lfOli I pub licly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills for the benelll of other kid ney sufferers, and al Ibis time f! have no reason whatever to with draw one word from that slate inent. l or sale bv all dealers. Price 50 rents. Foslor-Milburn Co., HulTalo, Now York, sole agents for the United Slates. Remember the name Doan's Charles Feter and wife have gone to Wisconsin for an extended visit with relatives. Miss Alice Slander has been seriously ill with tonsilitis, but is mending al present. Charles Housel of Chicago, who has been viisting hero, with his uncle, Charles Phelps, returned home Tuesday. C. (i. Maylield and family moved to town Ibis week and are now comfortably located in I heir prop erly in Iho northeast, part of town. Their son, J. It., will conduct the farm. The dance at the opera House on It was purchased from a New York factory and was supposed to ar rive as a Christ mas present , but the railroads made a mistake and it came through ahead of time. An announcement of the corn ing marriage of Miss Mao Steele, formerly of this place, but now of Crand Island. Xeb to Karl It. Watson on Wednesday, December 20, has been received al, this oflice. The happy event will occur at the homo of the groom's parents in (irand Island at 2 o'clock on the above date. The Courier extends congratulations. A wresiling match between Frank Kehinarderer and (ieorge Holler, si able boys at Murphy's quarry, was pulled off al (ho pic ture show Thursday night. Holler was lo throw Schmarderer in an hour,' but apparently he couldn't uirsday night was just a repeli- iu.,,vv him in a week. A few of sports lost, a few bucks. and Now Kngland, where they ex pect to spend Ihe next month or six weeks visiting relatives. They intended lo slop at Knoxville, 111., foe a brief visit with Isadorc Shel don, who is attending school nnd lake no other, there, slop a day or two in. Chi cago, and from there go direct lv to Springfield, Vermont. They will allend the wedding of Mr. Shel don's sister, which event, is to take place on the 27th at I'.llons- mrg, N. Y. lion of the good social limes as sured when Colonel C. F.. Wood announces an event of this kind. , i The music was furnished by the Jacobs orchestra none better anywhere. Iho local howeevr. .V.-!- "BEST ON EARTH." This is Iho verdict of R. J. Howell, TVnnv ii wlin liiinrht Foley's Hill We ml I. believes that a good ; u'' , TllP r,imiminii fP hi wife. "Her case was the worst I automobile deserves being irop- Wlth the Coming of Middle Age I'hcre is a letting down in the jdiysical forces often shown in an noying and iainfiil kidney and bladder ailments and urinary ir regularities. Foley Kidney Pills are a splendid regulating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try I hem. For sale by 1 (J. Fricko & Co. rOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic in action, quick in results. Will cure any case of kidney or bladder disorder not beyond thf reach of medicine. No need to say more. For sale bv V. O. Fricko & Co. ...jj. .j..jj-m .thM"I !-!-! UNION. ! . Leduror. ! j..IH:H--K!-H!-H--H"H I NEHAWKA. I- News. ! H..:H-W!"I..HW:-H"!-K- Henry Kchrns is building a barn the benelll of those who drive in lo visit nun. The farmers' elevalor hero has hipped out 51 cars of wheat, 17 of corn ami I of oats the last year, and shipped in 1 1 cars of coal. Mrs, II. F lladlev joined a party of ladies Saturday, who with well tilled basket were on Iheir way lo F.agle, where they surprised Mrs. Harry (iraves, the occasion being her birthday. Mernl Sheldon called on this olllee Thursday morning vvitb a ciuar and Ihe information thai a voting gentleman hud registered at their lioiio llie night iieiore as "Vilas Peltigroy, jr.;" that he was about as line a little brother as any boy ever had. Mrs. Caroline Seise of Dexter, Iowa, has been here visiting Mrs. Jack Lovvther, a Former citizen of this village, arrived last Sunday from Cedar county lo visit among relatives and friends here and in others parts of Ibis county. Chris Dreamer and his daugh tor. Miss ltlauche Dreamer, came from I''.linvvooi on Ihe Wednesday evening train to visit Norman Deles-Dernier and family. A report from Magnet. Nob., in forms us that ltvo Lalluo and wife are the parents of a new son that registered at their home on December a. Cigars by mail, Davey. Cluster Hugo, a member of the Applegale iV. Hugo show company that is spending the winter hero, departed Sunday for his homo in Oklahoma Citv. to remain until the opening of the next show sea son. Faton departed on Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives in Oklahoma, intending to spend some time with bis brother, Wil liam Falun, at Tcxiino. Roy Younker went with him -to see !-M-M MIM HH"M ! .J. MYNARD PICKUPS. ,j -h-H W-i-H M-rrrv W Volerenary Dr. Hrovvn is very busy in his professional line. Mrs. J. II. Adams drove in from her home west of town yesterday. number of. Mynardilos did shopping in Iho county seat Sat urday . Mrs. Carrie Newcomer of York is visiling with Fdna and Mayola Propst. Since the snow of Saturday night hunting seems to bo the chief occvijial ion. John Anthony is busy shooing horses since the rain and freezing weal her of last week. lieorge Snyder is on the sick list, and confined to his home. A peedy recovery is hoped for. The little folks are looking for- wiiril lo the coming oi Kris Kriugle with much anticipation. The Missionary societies of the Foiled Hrelheren and Mellioiiisi churches met at Ihe homo of Mrs. R. L. Propst last Thursday John Swart, has bid adieu to his family and friends and will lake a two weeks' vacation, ,x isit ing the homo of his boyhood am parents, whom he has not seen for twelve years. John is an Iowa boy and you can rest assured be has the Havvkeye vi n about him. erly housed when not in use. Ac cordingly he engaged John Koop, who recently completed for him a garage thai not only protects il from Ihe sun and rain, but is also proof against lire and frost. Hill believes he has the best, garage in Iho county. The young folks out al the homo of our old friend, Stephen Jochim, are happy over Ihe receipt of a !?500 grand uprighl pianola. have over seen, and looked like a surce case of consumption. Her lungs were sore and she coughed almost incessantly and her voice was hoarse and weak. Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound brought relief ato nee and less than three hollies effected a complete Cure." For sale by F. (5. Fricko & Co. "The Acorns," tne popular 5o cigars. Made by Ptak & Bajeck. Referee's Sale! Without opiates or .harmful druus of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Comopnd stops coughs nnd cures colds. Do not accept any substitute. For sale by F. O. Fricko & Co. Subscribe for the Dally Journal THOMAS E. PARMELE, Plaintiff, CHARLES V. DOEDEKER, ET AL., Defendants. Notice is hereby c.iven, That by virtue of an order entered in the fore going entitled cause by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, I the undersigned, sole Referee, appointed by said Court, will, on the 10th Day of January, 1912, nt 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: the bj ot the SW! of section 2G; the lv'.j of NW,1' and the NW.'i of the NWtf of section 35, all in town l:'.,iv rth range 11, cast of the Gth p. m., in Cass County. Nebraska, excepting the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Rail way Company, and known as the Theodore Boedokcr farm, lying south of 1ji'isville, in said county, and containing 200 acres, loss railway right of way. Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb.. December 11, 1911. bvi-nclakkam, Attorney3. J3H11 H, LEYDH, Referee. Wm. A. Robertson, S by F. P.. Fl icke & Co.