The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1911, Image 7

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    The Avoca Department
We're Ready for the Final Rush
Newt Itemi Gotiered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thi Department of tlie Semi-Weekly Journa
(lus Ruder was an Omaha visit
or last week.
tii) to Copes' drug store for
Christmas presents.
F. Nutzinan, sr., was a business
visitor at Omaha Monday.
Miss Kinma Marquardt was at
Weeping Water Saturday. I
Miss Louise Ruhge was at ller
lia several days this week. j
A large crowd was in town Sat
urday doing Christinas shopping, i
John Retts, our expert hunter, I
has killed several rabbits this
week. 1 j
Mrs. ltrunson ot Colorado is
visiting her daughter, Mrs.' J. II.
F. Huhge.
O. IV IT I was a business visita
nt the state capital the first of
the, week.
It. A. Nut .man and Robert
Mickel were at Omaha Tuesday
with stock.
Mrs. I.undy came home from a
stay of several weeks at Dunbar
lust Wednesday.
Mrs. L. W. Fahnestoek has re-wer
tinned from a several weeks'
visit with relatives at Kansas
Joseph C. Ziminerer, our jolly
banker, was attending to business
matters at the state metropolis
Jewelry and silverware make
nice presents, flo see the line
that Copes, the druggist, has on
L. F. Dunkak and family have
returned to Cass county. They
now reside on their farm south of
We can bear the faint, far
away linkle of wedding bells,
e served, a very pieasuui
evening was passed. l nose
present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
.Marquardt, Mr. and Mrs. 0. F.
Copes, Mr. and Mrs. M. (i. Keedy,
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Rrendel, Mr. and
Mrs. Kokjer, Mr. and Mrs. Morley,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hoback, Mr.
Iiusch and Miss Louise Ruhge.
Totten, the Magician, appeared
Tuesda evening as the third
number of the lecture course. He
was greeted by a large and ex
ceedingly appreciative audience,
who are still puzzling over bis
tricks. He is certainly at the
head of his class in that line of
work. He succeeded in unmask
ing one villain in our midst, when
I ii iv i tii if it -1 1 n i n i i n i i ci i n n u n n 11 . . . - .
MMriMMr. l.v v.. . i. ..i..-, iip ,0,.,,., Asa Jolmson, manager
New Year's chimes. of the Avoca Supply company,
I The next big attraction at the biding a chicken under his coat.
I town hall will be the entertain-j The lecture which prefaced the
ment and play given by the Avoca magic was replete with wit and
Commercial club on New Year's j humor. His impersonations were
nichl. fine
l The subscription list for the
i new opera bouse, is increasing
enjoyed a visit
who resides at
ret; and program
both churches
daily. Thirty-six hundred dollars
have been subscribed. Let the
good work go on.
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
society held a bazaar at the opera
house Saturday from 10 a. m. un
til evening. The ladies had
everything imaginable for sale,
quills, aprons, doilies, every kind
of fancy work, candy, popcorn
and lunches. A very enjoyable
program, which was given free,
was a feature of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Nutzman in
vited a few friends in Monday
J evening to play soin-er-set. In-ci-cide
' ridenlally it leaked out that it
er to cut his crop of wuisk- i was the tenth anniversary of their
Chas. llinze
from a brother,
Krock, last week
A Christ mas t
will be held at
Saturday evening.
Peter Jorgensen, the cattle
king, was at Omaha Tuesday with
a carload of cattle.
Mrs. T. W. Malcolm and son
returned Saturday from a visit
with Cook relatives.
We are selling tin; 85t; and 75c
lates for 50c. (Jet one before
tfiey are gone. Copes'.
Jack Dells is trying to
fs or to let them go to seed.
Dainty refreshments
(Too Late for Last Week.)
There was quite a large attend
ance at Ihe Myers' sale west of
town last, Monday. Kvcrylhing
stdd for a good price.
Fire destroyed Ihe home of (ins
Rudder, southeast of town, last
Saturday evening. The lire was
caused from a defective Hue. Most
of Ihe household goods were destroyed.
Dr. Hrcudfl reports Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Nutzinan and little
girl nearly recovered from I heir
shock and injuries received al Ihe
lime they were struck from the
rear with an automobile several
weeks ago, causing a total wreck
of their liuu'gy ami experiencing a
narrow escape with their lives.
Everything possible has been done to make
your choosing easy. Bath Robes, House
Coats, Neckties, Silk Sox, Suspenders, Gloves,
Handkerchiefs, Tie Stirrups, Fur Caps and
the many other useful gifts we show are put
out in plain sight with the price tickets on
them, so you can help yourself. We have
engaged an extra force and you will find our
clerks ready and competent to assist you in
selecting suitable gifts for men and boys. Shop
by phone if you cannot come down. Our num
ber is 150. A great many have done this suc
cessfully here.
, Wescoftti's Sons
'we w s:::c ji mirry chrisimas"
Items of Interest to Journal Readers Will Be Received at the Drug Stoe
John Manners was at Havelock
Harry Candy was in Lincoln
Charles Stout went to Lincoln
J. P. Rouse went to Lincoln
Mrs. John KHiolt was in Lin
coln Monday.
Miss (irace Rucknell went to
Lincoln Friday.
Albert Foreman went to Omaha
Friday on No. 18.
Henry Suoke relumed Wednes
day from Lincoln.
Mrs. R. A. Slone was a Lincoln
visitor Saturday.
Ii. D. Mullen was a capital city
visitor Saturday.
Miss Mundl was shopping in
Lincoln Saturday.
Joe Vickers was trading in Lin-
trad -
coin last Thursday.
Mrs. Charles (iodley was
ing in Lincoln Saturday.
C. R; Jordan and John Elliott
went, to Omaha Sunday.
Miss Teresa Donnelly is
dangerously ill in Omaha.
Mrs. Charles Rosenow was
shopping in Lincoln Saturday.
P. J. Linch was transacting
business at Lincoln Saturday.
Dale Ttoyles was home Wed
nesday evening between trains.
f. D. Hull look dinner Monday
at Mr. ami Mrs. Jake .Shaffer's.
Harry Parsell went to Lincoln
Tuesday, returning Wednesday.
Harry Parsell was doing the
capital Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hud drove Sun
dayed with her folks at Palmyra.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leidig were
shopping in Lincoln Wednesday.
Prof. C. llulcheson was trans
acting business in Lincoln Satur
day. Mrs. Fred Dreamer went to
Lincoln Friday, returning Satur
day. F. If. Candy and wife were tak
ing in Ihe sights in Lincoln Tues
day. Sam Jordan was home Saturday
anil Sunday from University
Mr. Huff of Lincoln was here
looking after bis farm interests
Mrs. Charles
visiting relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Charles (iodby
unci daughters were in Lincoln
Pal unlay.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond West
lake returned lo Munlock on No.
1 Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hud drove were
passengers on No. 1 for Lincoln
Rosenow was!
near Flmwood
her parents.
Mrs. John Weichel and Mrs
John Fllioll were trading at Lin
coln Tuesday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas stout and
daughter, f'.lsie, were trading at.
Omaha Saturday.
The SI roeiner Lumber and
drain company shipped hogs Fri
day of last Week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Franks at Fagle.
Mrs. Charles M. Jordan and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Vickers were trading
in Lincoln Thursday.
Hud drove and Charles Dulofz
bought a black spa ii of horses at
Havelock last Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Vickers and children
and Mrs. John Vickers were shop
ping in Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. William Coinplon of Iowa
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
, deorge Sheesely (his week.
l tU Oil, 11. I lllnfill ll-'l lli.lllil
.lll.-i.-l I I (II 111 1 11 llll.l flllllll.
Saturday and Sunday from her
music studies al University Place.
Mrs. A. J. Foreman and daugh
ter, Hazel, went to Lincoln Friday
evening, returning home Sunday
on No. 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Krank Afaves of
Bennett, visited over Sunday vvilli
Mrs. Maves' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bite.
The M. K. Ladies' Aid society
well attended and netted them
Airs. Walter llardnoek, Miss
Miasia Mini, itos Mini ami Mrs.
William Kilzel went lo Omaha
Tuesday to visit their brother,
Warren Bird, who is yet confined
in Hit hospital.
The wrestling match held at
Kagle December 10, between Bly
of Lincoln and Suavely of Alvo,
resulted in Suavely carrying off
the medal, Ibrowing Bly twice.
W. O. lioyles came down from
Lincoln Wednesday, returning
Thursday evening accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsell and
son, (leorge, who visited at the
Boyles' home until Saturday.
On Tuesday evening, December
IL Ihe Ladies' Reading club, com
posed of Mesdaines Fd Casey, M.
C. Iveefer, S. C. Boyles, Harry Par
sell, William Copple. deorge Hall
and husbands and W. O. Boyles
and Miss Stella Sheesely, met at
Ihe home of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles
Suavely lo celebrate their tin
wedding. Mr. Suavely was so
surprised to see them lhat he im
mediately began practicing
tii r. si n v ir:i v iitvi i: vr.
tll'nt K til' OMI'TId :.' THN
( I ItlM.M V.
Wnslilntftim, ). i; ri-mlKr 12, 1911.
II I'M: i:.VS, Ily siitlpfartnry evidence
ri'xenti'l to the unili'islKaiiMl, It lias
been inmlo to iiip'iir tlmt
The l'lr-1 Nnlluniil Hunk
of I'ltlttMllllllllh,
lorntort In tln I'lty of I'liit tsmoitl h In
tlie t'ounty of t'ass uml Slate of Mo
liruxku, lias compiled with all the pro
visions of the Art of CoiiRlesM, "to eil
ahle National Mankind Associations to
extend tlieir eoi'ponite existence, and
for other piirimscw." approved July 12,
1SS2, ax amended ly the Act, approved
April 12, 1H02;
Kime, Iteptity and Acting Comptroller
of the Currency, ilo herehv certify that
'Thp Klrst National Itank or I'liitta
monlh " located In tho City of I'latts
nionth, In the County of ('huh and State
of Nehiiifika, Is authorized to have
HiieceKKloti for the period Bpeelfled In Its
amended artlcleH of axxoclntion;
namely, until clone of biiHinexH on Do
cemlier 12, 1931.
IN TKSTIMONY WlinitOl' witness
my hand and weal of olllee, this 12tl
da v of I lecemher, 1911.
(SKA I.) T. V. K A N 13,
lieoiitv and Acting Comptroller of the
Charter No. 1914. Kxteuxlon No. 1071
Miss Flossie Hitchman went lo gave a supper and bazaar Tues
Weeping Water Sunday to visit day evening in the hall, which was
! w7 n n r n I
mil i mini
t r.A
mm. i VjJ IM
1 I
you will find a Yellow Ticket with a cut price for this evening, Friday and Saturday. These prices will look
good to you, Be sure and look them over. . Look for the Yellow Ticket.
I wi-7r",,'rJ',T""1r -
,ar,a r-'i iii-ii i -fi i.'t tar, twi
Serlou3 Accident Near Eagle.
A special from Fagle, under
dale of December 10, gives the
following account of a serious ac-
for cidenl near Dial, place on Tuesday
the wresl lintr match, and in a few
seconds had Messrs. Casey, Oip
ple, 1arsell and ftoyles llled in a
heap on Ihe Hour. Many useful
articles of tinware and granite
ware were presented, and well
Ill led baskets also were brought,
and afler a very jolly evening the
guests departed, wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Suavely many more happy
wedding anniversaries.
Lane? a for Sale.
lid acres in southeast (Ireen
wood county, Kansas; fenced and
cross-fenced; 8(1 acres of rich
creek bottom laud in cultivation,
balance finest, native prairie grass
(liiuesoil) . Fair !-rnoin house
stabling, etc. Some, bearing or
chard. Lots of line living wafer,
which is furnished by a large
ci k which runs through north
side of ranch. Creek is skirled
vvilli timber; cattle come o(V grass
into deep water. This is consider
ed lo be one of the best litlle stock
ranches' in Ihe county. School
close by; line smooth road to
I own. Just 5 1-U miles from
ranch lo town; a nice well im
proved country all the way
evening: Harrison I.. .Scatter
good, one of Ihe prosperous farm
ers of this vicinity, and his oldest
son, Fester, were found in an un
conscious condition at their farm
about (i o'clock last, evening. They
had gone to the barn lo do the
chores, and while lying up a
young heifer the animal became
infuriated and charged on the
men. Lester was thrown some,
distance, and fell on a pitchfork
and one of llie prongs was run
Ih rough his jaw. The elder Mr.
Scatterg'od was badly bruised
and remained unconscious after
the physician from Fagle arrived.
Moth men managed to reach the
bouse after the accident, but
neither one remembers what
transpired during the time.
Mihi'I let Ihe baby suffer from
eczema, sores or any itcnlng of
the skin. Point's Ointment gives
instant relief, cures (piickly. Per
fectly safe for childvcn. All drug
gists sell it.
quirk sale $1H per acre buys this
HO acres; no trade taken on this.
Has a mortgage of $3500 that has
yet three years lo run. $ii20 buys
Ihe equity. Nothing better for tho
money, (live me lo your friend if;
you don't want me, I must sell.
W. A. Nelson, Ileal Kstale
Hroker, Fall Iliver, (ireenwood
County, Kansas.
I'hilip Stoehr of Cedar Creek
and Henry O'llrien of Weeping
Water were looking afler business
Forj mailers al the court bouse today.
I-M-M 'H!-M -M-J-M"
The Dancing Trio will
give a grand mask ball at
Coates' hall on Saturday
evening, December 30. There
will be several very hand
some prizes awarded, which
may be seen in Ihe window
2 sS&s-
m M i 3 i
Applied Into th nostrils
U qulohly absorbed.
of Hdvvard Ilynott fi Cn.'s ' iuUm- .mw vi ..i ."u.n.-
drug store, dents' tickets difwnHed manibnine rmulUnn fmm Cntnrrh
,t. i mid driveij awuy ft Cold iu the Head quickly.
; ItKtori tho Honsos ot Tiifita and SmnU.
i It in euxy to wo. Ooutainn no itijurioua
T druis. No DMiiwirv. no eociiino. o mor.
J casiniis of the winter. J phiun. The bouueliolil rumody. f
.j. .j. i l'rioe, 50 conts at DrtiiHta or j mail.
.JJ..J.J..J.JJJ..J.j.j.j..j.,t....j. LV BROTHERS. C6 VVrrn St., New Yor
will be 50c and ladies' 25c.
This promises lo be one of
Ihe pleasant dance oc
casions of Ihe winter.