The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1911, Image 6

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    Murray Department
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f u o.! tkc readers of the Journal know of a social emd or an. item of interest in (Au vicinity and will mail mmt to this office it will u,j,,ear umkr thi, htaain
" ' ....
Murray State Bank
Cipilll $10,000 Smplis $5,000
CI IAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
Solicit Your Banking
tttf'Our Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
You Can Pay Your Taxes Here
Mrs. Addie Stokes was shopping
in Omaha Monday.
Miss Huelah Sands spent. Sun
day willi home folks.
Fred lit' i 1 of Kenosha was a
PlattsiNoulh visitor Saturday.
Miss Kerlha Nickels was a
Plattsniouth visitor Tuesday.
fi. I). Nickels was transacting
business in Plattsinoulh Friday.
fieorgo Shrader of Nehawka was
visiting friends in Murray Sunday.
J. I). Slirader and family spent
Sunday with Charles Creamer and
w il'e.
Mrs. Frank Hhoden was
patronizing Union merchants
F. Trimpe spent Thurs
Mrs. James Hrown at
Filch was at tending to
mailers in Platlsinouth
Hhoden and
wife were
in Omaha
(). V. Mailey was a county Heat
visitor last Saturday.
Don't forget the bargains at the
store of IYI. H. Davis.
firandma Campbell has been
sick for the past week.
Mrs. O. A. Davis was shopping
in Plallsmoiilh Tuesday.
Lee Nickels was a l'latlsmouth
visitor Saturday evening.
Hubert Filch was calling on Hie
Fnion merchants Saturday.
Pearl Dugny spent Sunday with
her grandparents al Kenosha. I
E. 11. Ouecu was t ransacting J
business in Union Thursday.
Mrs. John Cliall'anl attended
the funeral of lle. I'olden al
1 1 ri if nt Thursday.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Fli
Sin it li , near Union, a girl, on Hie
I Mil of December.
Miss Flla Nickels spent Thurs
day in Union looking al Ihe Spir
ella corset business.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Long and
daughter, (ierlrnde, were in
Plallsmoulh Tuesday.
Itock Kind's and Ml. Pleasant
ruecincls mav nav their taxes at
Hi,. Mmim iv s!l l,i It nil I
in", Ki 1 1 I I II n i i I'uiin,
Fveretl Thoiiiaseu, who has
been sick for I lie past few days,
is some belter at this time.
Adam SchaiTer was looking af
ter some business matters in the
county seal last Saturday.
Civile Russell, car inspector for
llm H. & M., was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Y. C. Drow n Tuesday.
L. F. Filch and wife spent, Sun
day with Ihe former's parents, R.
II. Filch and wife, at Kenosha.
Mrs. West Wolfe was a pas
senger for Omaha Thursday,
where she will visit friends a few
The little sou of Mr. ami Mrs.
C F. Harris, who hns been
seriously ill for some lime, is im-
Mrs. Lucille Young and sister
were Plattsniouth visitors last
Saturday. Also their father,
William Rice.
Make arrangements to enter
lain ynur friends at the Trier SiH
ters' concert New Year's night. 11
mill add much to your holiday
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. V. Hailcy has been mini
hered with the sick for the past
few days. j
i Mrs. W. F. Moore and daughter,
Francis, were shopping and visit
ing friends in Omaha Thursday
and Friday.
Frank Dugay went to Nehawka
Saturday afternoon, where ho took
pnrt in "The Turn of the Tide," a
home talent piny Murray.
; Remember that M. H. Davis Is
now making a genuine clearance
sale. . Anyone looking for bar
gains In good goods at bottom
prices will profit by buying now.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hrown and
Pauline and Fay Oldham enter
tnlned at cards last Saturday
averting at the Drown home for
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, who
will leave soon for Texas, where
they will spend Ihe winter. High-
tvf, was (he game played, Albert
Toung w inning (he king prize. Al
11 o'clock refreshments were
Mrved. "
Miss Edith La Rue, was in Oma
ha Tuesday.
M. C. Davis was a Plattsniouth
visitor Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. 0. H. flilinorc were
in Omaha Wednesday.
Alf Nickels was a l'latlsmouth
visitor last Saturday.
Mrs. Addie Stokes and son, (itiy,
were in Omaha Monday,
Dr. ami Mrs. Hrendel were
shopping in Omaha Tuesday.
William I'tils, sr., was a coun
ty seat visitor last Saturday.
Miss Villa fiapen was a Plat I s
nioulh visitor last Saturday.
William Oliver and family were
l'latlsmouth visitors last Salui
Ilarrv MaiiMieaker was a busi
ness visitor in the county seat
last Saturday.
Sleighing is now in full swing.
Doe Long was the first to break
the snow Tuesday.
W. II. I'ulsv was looking after
some business mailers in Plaits
month last Saturday.
Dr. J. F. Hrendel was in Platts
inoulh Thursday, going up to hae
some denial work done.
Mr. llollingsworl h is a very able
speaker. Come out and hear hint
at the Christ ian church.
August llasl eante in from Wil-
i i t l
cox aim is arranging io snip uis
household goods to that place.
The Clearing Sale closes Jan
uary 1st at M. H. Davis' store. You
will save money by calling before
that date.
Cal Suavely and Hert Lloyd took
the noon train for Nebraska City
Wednesday, returning in the
Howard, the .1-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Philpot, is suf
fering from a severe attack of
.1. W. Merger has been engaged
to rebuild the barn of Surveyor
Patterson, which was burned
some time ago.
Our blacksmith, James Lough
ridge, has been quite busy these
days horeshoeing. Jim knows
how to fit 'em.
Mr. and Mrs. W. fi. Hi-own
entertained Mr. and Mrs. James
Holmes and Albert Young at din
ner Wednesday.
James McReynolds returned
last week from northern Ne
iraska, and will spend the win
ter in Cass county.
Mrs. J. V. Merger and Mrs.
Charles Carroll spent Tuesday in
Omaha, where they did sotno
Christmas shopping.
Frank Dugay and Etta Franco
left Thursday morning for an ex
tended visit with their aunt, Mrs.
Ed Rigg, at Hrewsler, Neb,
Miss Margie Walker returned
home from Nebraska City Satur
day evening, where she had been
visiting Miss Mary Wilson for a
few days.
Word has been received here of
the death of Mrs. Mallie Rankin
Ryarson. She had been visiting
in Colorado, and died there very
Visions of a coast ing carnival
will wo take a spin down High
school hill, Plattsniouth will wo
ho contented with a hand sled on
Walker's hill here?
Mrs. L.
day with
Sat unlay
Sal urday.
(liiy Stokes was an early morn
ing passenger for I'lall sinoiil h
Chas Creamer was looking after
business mailers in l'latlsmouth
llenrv Ost and wife of Nehawka
were calling on Murray menus
fi. W. Shrader shipped to Ihe
Omaha market 32 dressed geese
Miss Margie Walker spent, Sat
urday and Sunday with friends at
Nebraska City.
William Nickels was looking af
ter btrsiness in the vicinity of
Union Tuesday.
The lilllu baby of Mr. and Mrs.
John Durman has been tpiile sick
the past few days.
Mrs. Robert flood spent Tues
day in Plallsnioulli looking over
I be Christ mas goods.
Miss Ella Nickels, Spircla cor
set ier, was lonkin gafter business
in I'lallsnioul h Friday.
Misses Margaret and Vera Moon
and Pearl Dtigan were guests of
Ihe Nickels' Tuesday evening.
John llobschiedl, jr., was lb
popular auctioneer at M. II. Davis'
parcel sale in Murray Saturday.
Arthur Hansen of Colorado ar
rived this week to spend Christ
mas with home folks ami friends.
Little Fulton Harris, who has
been seriously sick for Ihe pas
two 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lis, is slowly improving
Mrs. Mallie lies and son,
(Hen. of Mvnard. attended the
entertainment here Momlay even
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ulrich, a girl, on December Kith.
Mother and little one are doing
L. H. Hrown ami niece, Miss
Delia Tucker, of Kenosha, were
calling on Plallsmoulh friends
Mrs. L. F. Queen and daughter,
Pearl, were passengers for Omaha
on the early morning M. P. Tues-
Miss Hazel Tuey is preparing
an excellent program for Friday
night, December 22, at the school
house in district No. 7.
Despite the inclement weather
a good crowd was out to hear the
Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union, who
delivered an excellent sermon last
Mrs. W. F. Moore and Mrs. Mira
McDonald will leave Saturday or
Sunday for Narka, Kas., to spend
Xmas with their father, Levines
The K. N. K. are preparing for
a Christmas tree at Kenosha Sat
urday evening, December 23. Miss
Mary llobschiedl will furnish tho
program with her pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. Hrown entertained
at dinner Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Pitman. Mr. and Mrs. Old
ham, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. -Walker
and Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Hrown.
The Sunshine Hand home talent
plav met with fine sueeesx at Ne
hawka last Saturday evening. The
door receipts were M7. The mem
bers of the hand and company feel
very grateful to the people of Ne
hawka for their kind treatment.
Ciilhcrt Lee Ehlredge, imper
sonaler and entertainer, gave an
entertainment at the Presbyterian
church Monday evening. Mr,
F.ldredge's impersonal ions were
perfect, from the old lady with
(he nsthnta to the young school
girl. The changes were as com
plete as though given by another
actor. Mr. Fldredge was even
belter in his classical readings.
"The Cobbler." by Tennyson,
certainly proved the ability of the
Colonel Jenkins auloed
Plallsmoulh last Saturday.
Automobile and carriage paint
ing. Frank (iobelman.
M. II. Davis spent Monday in
Omaha ordering new goods.
The gun, the boy and the rabbit,
and his funeral may be tomorrow.
William Raiuey of Plallsmoulh
spent Monday in Murray visiting
with his old friends.
Mrs. Mark Filrlong, who has
been seriously ill for some time,
is now considered out of danger.
Dr. Hrown, veterinarian, from
Myuard, passed through here Sat
urday i'ii a professional trip east
of town.
Frank Yallcry returned front
Ogallala, Neb., where he was call
ed to see after bis ranch interests,
a few days ago.
Dwyer Todd, who is attending
High school in Plallsmoiilh, was
compelled to return home last
week owing to sickness.
Charles Freeze and M. !.
ChurrhilUhad a blue-rock shoot
ing route's! Tuesday. Charley
was the winner. Slakes, if 1,000.
more or less.
The Lutheran church, seven
miles northwest of Murray, will
give a special program service,
conducted by Rev. Spriegel, for
Christ mas.
M. S. Davis is having the willow
hedge on the north side of his
farm cut out. This will greatly
improve the road west from
The Trier Sisters will be at
Murray January 1. This is a very
highly recommended concert.
IVVV.)' i"' . - v
Next dumber of the P.lurray Lecture Course on
January 1, 1912.
ItulValo Orpheus rooms, under Ihe
local inanagemenl, of Carl
Mischka. Holh the performers am
Ihe manager had reason to con
gratulate themselves for the audi
ence was large and enthusiastic.
HufTalo Express.
Dozens of other enlhuisalic
comiiiendalions for the Trier
company. He sure and see them
Januarv i, U.M2.
I'here are five of these ladies and
Dance at Murray.
The Murrav Dancing club will
give one of their social dances in
Murray on Saturday evening, Do- j
eemher 30. The music, will be i
furnished by the Nebraska City
orchestra. A cordial invitation is
extended lo all and a good time
The novelty of!
Cnine and see
four are twins,
this makes th
quite attractive
them January 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oopen
haver left on the midnight train
Wednesdav amid a shower of rice.
Their destination is unknown, but
we wish llieui a deliirhl ful trip. A
full account of I he wedding, which
occurred Wednesday, will be given
in next week's paper.
Miss Helen Spriegel returned
front Chicago last Saturday,
where she had sp"itl eight, months
in post -graduate work as a nurse.
Miss Spriegel has had several
years' hospital training and litis
special work in Chicago places
her in the highest rank as a nurse.
For S?.la.
One span of good work horses,
weighing 2."00 pounds, 8 and 0
years old. Also wagon and har
ness. Inquire of A. II. Craves,
Murray, Neb.
Hogs Wanted.
I wish to buy a few hogs,
weighing not less than 00 pounds.
Inquire at the restaurant rear of
Donaf's saloon. Frank Zetopek.
For Saie.
Pedigreed Dumc-Jersey male
pigs. V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
: Watch This Space
iem Week
Edmunds i
I & Brown i
To the Lyceum Audiences.
'I'o Ihe lyceuni audiences of this
season we wish lo introduce the
Trier Opera Quineflc. Their
ability to please has been demon
strated by their increasing pop
ularity each successive season. A
new program has been arranged
lo meet the special arrangements
of this circuit.
The Trier company is composed
of live sisters really-lruly sis
ters two pairs of twins and with
but 35 months between the oldest
and youngest. However, their
success does not lie in the fact
that they are related, but in their
merits, collectively and in
dividually. Several of the num
bers this season will be from light
operas and given in costume,
several scenes having been
especially arranged for them.
They are all charming ladies and
most pleasing singers and are
now in their sixth season.
Personel Heulah Trier, first
soprano; Lulu Trier, second so
prano; Clara Trier (violinist)
first alto; Marie Trier, second
alto; F.dna Trier, reader, accom
panist. The Management.
The Trier Company.
the irier Company is com
posed of five sisters, among them
two pairs of twins. Their pro
gram for this season consists of
popular songs from light opera,
vocal quartets, solos and violin
selections. One of the sisters is
a reader of most excellent ability
'ill ilfift
Christmas Time is Joy Time
All the Time is Good Clothes Time!
We have made great preparations for Yuletide at this store. Good
cheer and good clothes abound in great qualities. We'll sell you Clothes
or Hose, Shirts or Ties, Hats or Caps. Anything and everything you need
for dressing appropriately and smartly during the Holidays, then well
They are all charming ladies ami start yu on yur way rejoicing. We want mothers nnd sisters to come
here and select gifts for father and brother. We are also displaying many
bright new models in
"Miller-Made" and Sincerity Clothes,
most pleasing singers. This will
be their eighth concert season.
You owe it lo yourself to'hear
these accomplished sisters. They
are scheduled here January 1,
Kven standing room was at a
preinuim Ihe other night at the
Trier Sisters' entertainment. The
company is composed of five sis
ters, four of whom are twins.
They are perfect ladies and made
many friends during their short
stav here. Norfolk, Neb.
Tho Trier Concert Company, a
novel combination of five sisters,
gave a concert last evening in the,
Suits and Overcoats
Plattsmouth, Neb.