OuTIrom their ne,u 0j foulneBS io desert s?engers wtr coming .j Hi' Conl imit'tl.) L HANDKERCHIEFS! IE ITALIAN HAND OF THE NEBRASKA STANDPATTER SALE NOW OH Sy Prof. Vccal H. S. Austin's Class Music at His Home Last Evening. in mm RiftilMlFfil) HO DELIGHTFU 7U! 1 - W (Copyright, CHAPTER XXXVI. The Duel In the Desert. Keith rode straight forward Into the (sandy desolation, spurring his horse jlnto a swift trot. After one g'ance Ibackward as they clambered up the steep bank, a glance which revealed Hope's slendor form in the cabin door, bis eyes never turned again that way. He had a man's stern work to do out (yonder, and his purpose could not be swerved, bis flrmnebS of hand and keenness of eye affected, by any thought of her. His Hps coniprensed, bis fingers gripping the rein, he drove all regretful memory from his mind, until every nerve wlthlu him throbbed In unison with bis present purpose, lie was right; he knew he was right. It was not hate, not even revenge, which had set him forth, leaving love v-r-'s. hul hziiujjw-the honor of the Bomn, and of the frontier, of his an- oestry and his training honor mat drove him now to meet Ilawley facel to face, mun to man, to settle the feud (between them for all tinio. And he rode smiling, gladly, as to a tryst, now thnt he was nt last alone, free in the desert. The hours patmed, the sun rising (higher In the blazing blue of the sky; the horso, wearied by the constant (pull of the sand, had long since slowed (down to a walk; the lust dim blur ol the cottonwoods along tho Fork had disappeared; and the rider swayed in the saddle, the dead ltfelessucss of sky and desert dulling his brain. Yet he had not forgotten his errand rous ing constantly from lethargy to sweep bis shaded eyes about the rounded horlson, keenly marking the slightest shadow across the sands, taking ad antage of every drift to give hlra wider viewpoint, rising In bis stirrups to scan the leagues of desolation ahead. Twice he drew his revolvei from out its shoath. tested it. and slipped In a fresh cartridge, return ! lng the weapon more lightly to its! place, the flap of the holster turned : back and held open by his leg. The jsun beat upon him like a ball of lire the hot sand dinging the blaze back Into his face. He pushed back the upper part of bis shirt and drank a awallow of tepid water from a can teen strapped behind the saddle. 1 1 Is jeyea ached with the glare, until h taaw fantastic red and yellow shape Idanclng dizzily before him. The (weariness of the long night presseo upon his eye-balls; be felt the strain jof the past hours, the lack of food the need of rest. Ills head nodded, land be brought himself to life again (with a jerk und a muttered word, star dng out Into the dim, formless dis tance. Lord, If there was only some 'thing moving; something be could concentrate his attention upon; some thing to rest the straining eyes! Hut there was nothing, absolutely nothing Just that ieemlngly endless 'stretch of sand, circled by the blazing ky, the wind sweeping Its surface (Boundless and hot, as though from 1 he pits of bell; no stir, no motion, no movement of anything animate or In animate to break the awful monotony. 'Doath! It was death everywhere! his aching eyes rested on nothing but what was typical of death. Even the 'beat waves seemed fantastic, gro tesque, assuming spectral forms, as though ghosts beckoned and danced In the haze, luring him on to become 'One of themselves. Keith was not a dreamer, nor one to yield easily to such brain fancies, but the mad dellrl vm of loneliness gripped him, and h bad to struggle back to sanity, bent lng his hands upon bis breast to stir janew the sluggish circulation of bit blood, and talking to the horse to strange feverluhness. With every siep of advance the brooding silence seemed more pro found, more deathlike. Ho got tc marking the sand rldses, the slight vn rlatlons giving play to the brain. Way It to the left was the mirage of I lake, apparently ao real that he had to battle with himself to keep from turning aside. Hi dropped forward In the raddle, his liesd hanging low, so blinded by the Incessant sun gUr fc wiM no 1niT'r V"r tho c'Hter '! bat horrible ocean of sand. It wm boon now noou, and he had been rid ing steadily seven hours. The thought jbrought his blurred eyes again to the portion. Where could he be, the man jfce Bought In the heart of this soil lludeT Surely be should be here by now, If be had left the water-bole at Elwd. Could be have gone the louger ute, south to the Fork! The possi lit of such a thing seared through iblm like a hot Iron, driving the dull 'Mil from his brain, the leth..igy from IblB limbs. Oodl no! Fate could never play such a scurvy trick as that! The man must hsve been do.ro nl; had failed to lenve camp mu. some where ahead, yonder wheie i le blue base marked Uio union oi i id aud jaky, be was surely coming, r. ig half (dead, and drooping in the t,a v Again Keith rose In bi-t s rrcps, cubbing the mist out of hi. . (bat ihe might see dearer, u.i'i -tuieU fcnead. Wbat u tbut aw a; o you liarf a. shadow t a eeot dunclnti WJore ATALE Of T1IC PLAINS Cfiy Pahdall Padpish uthor Of"My Lady Or The South Vhem Wilderness Was King. 'Ttfrc Illustration Dv Dearborn Mclviix a UcClurs & Co.. lilt.) ins' tortured vltilou? or a moving, nV lug something which be actually saw 7 Ho could not tell, ha could not be sure, yet he straightened up expect antly, shading hlu eyes, aud never losing sight of the object It moved, grew larger, darker, more real yot how It crawled, crawlod, crawled to ward him. It deemed aa 1 the vague, ihapeless thing would never take form, never stand out revealed against the sky so bo could determine the truth. He had forgotten all ehse the silent desert, the blazing sun, the burning wind all bis soul concen trated on that speck yonder. Sudden ly it disappeared a ewale in the sand probably and, when it roue Into view again, be uttered a cry of Joy It was a horse and rider! Little by little (hey drew nearer one another, two black specks in that vast. auxin, of, sund. Lha oniv moving, living imngs under Che brazen circle of the sky. Keith was ready now, his eyes bright, the cocked revolver gripped hard in bin bund. The space between them narrowed, and Hawley saw him, caught a glimpse of the face under the broad hat brim, the burn ing eyes surveying him. With an oath lie stopped his borne, dragging at his gun, surprised, dawd, yet Instantly understanding. Keith also halted, and across the intervening desert the eyes of the two men met in grim defiance. The hitter wet his dry lips, and spoke shortly: "I reckon you know what this means, Ilawley, and why I am here. We're Southerners both of us, and we settle our own personal affairs. You've got to fight me now, man to i man. The gambler glanced about him, and down at his horse. If be thought of lllght it was useless. His Hp curlod with contempt. "Damn your talking, Keith," he re turned savagely. "Let'a have It over with," aud spurred his horse. The gun of the other came up. "Walt!" and Ilawley paused, drag ging at bis rein. "One of us most like ly Is going to die here; perhaps both. uui it either survives bell need a hnrf)e tQ get out of th,8 gl,ve mount; I'll do the same; step away so the horses aro out of range, and then we'll tight It out is that square?" Without a word, his eyes gleaming with cunning hatred, the gambler swung down from bis saddle onto the sand, his horse Interposed between him and the other. Keith did the tamo, his eyes peering across the buck of his animal. "Now," he said steadily, "when 1 count three drive your horse aside, and let go are you ready?" "Damn you yes!" "Then look out one! two! three!" The plainsman struck his horse with the quirt In his left hand and sprang swiftly aside so as to clear the flank of the animal, his shooting arm flung out. There was a flash of flame cross Iluwley's saddle, a sharp re port, and Keith reeled backward, dropping to Lis knees, one band clutch ing at the sand. Agnln Hawley fired, but the hoiBe, startled by the double report, leaped aside, and the ball went wild. Keith wheeled about, steadying himself with his outstretched band, and let drive, pressing the trigger, un til, through the haze over his eyes, he saw Ilawley go stumbling down, shoot ing wildly as he fell. The man never moved, and Keith endeavored to get up, his gun still held ready, the smoke circling about thorn. He had been shot treacherously, as a cowardly cur might shoot, and he could not clear his mind of the thought that this last act hid treachery also. Put be could not raise himself, could not stand; red und black shadows danced before his eyes; he believed he saw tho arm of the other move. Like a snake he crept forwurd, holding himself up with ono hand, his head dizzily reeling, but his gun held steadily on that black, shapeless object lying on the sand. Then the revolver band began to quiver, to shake, to make odd circles; be couldn't see; It was all black, all nothingness. Suddenly he went down face first into the sand. They both lay motionless, the thirs ty sand drtuklng In their life blood, Hawley huddled upon his left side, bis hat still shading the glaring eyes, Keith lying fiat, his face in the crook of an arm whose hand atlll gripped a revolver. There waa a grim smile on his lips, as If, aa he pitched forward, he knew that, after be had been shot to death, he had gotten hia man. The riderless horses gated at the two fig ures, and drifted away, slowly, fear fully, still held In mute subjection to their dead masters by dangling reins. The sun blxied down from directly overhead, the heat waves rising and falling. b dend, desolate desert streteblag to the sky. An hour, two passed. The horses were now a hun ri& v-o-ii rwsv, nof to nose: ull else was changeless. Then Into ti. far uortberc sty there rose a bl.es speck, growing larger axi Isitci, v. It ers came from the east and ''vt, t ant ing the air with widely ou.viead Klnis. area beeks trtuliH ."-- r,i Is Displayed in His Effort to Invoiglo the Insurgents Into the Taft Camp. A special from Lincoln, under a! icccnl dale, says: Tin- fact that' K. AL I'ollanl, prominent y bb-nti-lied willi I lit Tafl movement, in tin's stale, should come out and issue an invitation to all repub licans in the slate to attend the Tafl. mass convention lien? le cemher 1!), has created a ripple of excitement in the progressive camp. Hut the move by the Ne liawka standpatter is beinpr dis sected by the insurgents with con siderable acumen and there is lit tle probability that the play will result in any particular gain for I lie react binaries. "It is nothing more nor less I ban a scheme to get some of our number into the ('(invention, as many as they possibly can, and then come out with exhaustive, statements as lo the number of Taft, men thai, attended Ihe afl'air and who I hey were," said a pro gressive. "They are a shrewd bunch, we will fiive them credit, for Ibal much, but, I hey cannot by any ins get away wilh such a move as Unit," he conlinued. "A plea of thai kind is a veritable insult lo our sincerily and if every pro gressive in I lie stale does not re sent il by gelling mil and light ins not only Tafl, but, the men who are boosting him, then I am badly mistaken as to Ihe caliber of the men who have declared them selves foe parly political free dom," he declared vehement ly. The man who was speasing thus depreciatingly of Ihe oppos ing wing of Ihe party is a man who has long been one of Ihe en thusiastic workers of the slate and is at, the present time enjoy ing fruits of gubernatorial patronage under the Aldrieh ad minis! rat imi. Public Auction The undersigned will sell at Public Auction tit the old Donelan farm, I wo miles w est of Plat ts inoiilh and across Ihe road from Ihe County Farm, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, Ihe following property, to-wil: Horses and Cattle. Two geldings, 5 and 9 years old,; weight. 3,200. One horse, middle aged, weight 1,300. One mare, 3 years old, weight 1 .100. One yearling roll.. Five yearling heifers. Three milch cows. Machinery. Two lumber wagons. Ono seeder. Ono plow. One gang plow. One cultivator. One fanning mill. One hay rake. Two hay racks. One disc sharpener. One combined walking lister. One double stalk culler. One bob-sled. One set work harness. And other articles loo numer ous to mention. Terms of Sale. ,ll sums under $10, cash; over ?I0, twelve months' lime will be given, purchaser giving good bankable noles bearing 8 per cent interest. No property (o be re moved until settled for. Sale to begin at 1 1 o'clock n. in. Free lunch will bo served. AUO. STF.PPATT. Robt. Wilkinson, Auctioneer. J. P. Faltep, Clerk. Numerous Witnesses. The following named persons from Louisville are in the city ns witnesses in the (rial of tho State vs. Frank McCann: C. J. Pankon in. Frank Ross, 11. A. (Jess, Frank Nichols, John Kopp, Harry Thompson, T. C. Amick, Oeorge Schullz, Charles Andreas, Andrew I.yilen, L. F. lladden, Jerry Mc Hugh, Claude Kitlrell. Mrs. Fred Martens, Mabel Ossenkop, Mrs. fins Thompson, John Creamer, Jim Schlalep, Charles Hill, Charles Anthony, drover Otte, Mrs. I,. F. AlcOinnis, A. R. Noble, George Yogle, Alike 'frit sell. Mrs. Henry Spiuigler and (laughter, Miss Klizahcth, were Omaha passengers on the morn ing I rain today, w here I hey look ed nfler business matters for a ' few hours. From Friday's Dally. Prof. 11. S. Austin stave a de lightful .sony recital at his home last evening, the numbers being furnished by his pupils in vocal music. Tiie program consisted of solos, duets and (piarlets, the first beins; sunn' by Miss Dorothy llrill, a contralto number; the winds and music were by II. S. Austin, the smifjr beinp entitled, "Two Little dasrpies." .Mrs. Mar garet falter was accompanist for .Miss llrill. This number was followed by a duet by .Misses C.relclicn and .Marie Donnelly, Aliss (irelclicn siiifiiiiK soprano and Aliss Mario contralto, the number being "(Sray Days," by Noel Johnson. The I bird number was a musical ar rangement of live Chinese pro verbs, by II. N. Austin, and was entitled, "Siring of Heads," and was beautifully wing by Airs. II. S. Austin. Aliss Llarbara Clement, who possesses a mezzo soprano voice, of much power and sweet ness, sang fourth on Ihe program, 1. "Pat MeCec," by Jesse (iryno; 2. "Caw, Caw, Caw," by J. Nathan. (Ilen Scot I, was then called on for two tenor seleclions. "Autos nnd Airships," words by K.lwapi Vance Cook and music by a pupil of Air. Austin's, and "Chance by Mischance," words by II. S. Aus tin and music by one of his pupils. Aliss llacht'l Livingston, mezzo i soprano, sang "A (iypsy Maiden I." by Henry Parker, ami "The O'l March Win', " by Catherine Slock well llazzai'd. Miss Livingston's numbers were followed by All's. If. S. Austin, who sang "Carissi ina," by Aiihui' Kern, and I lie "Moon Drops Low." Aliss C-relrh-en Donnelly then sang, in a beautiful lyric soprano, "The Slave Song," by Terse Draego, and "Yon and Love," bv (iuy D'llarde lol. The l'lallsnioiilh Ladies' Quar tet I licit delighled Ihe audience wilh two highly appreciated num bers. The members of the quar tet, are: Aliss (Irelchen Donnelly, llrsl, soprano; Aliss Rachel Liv ingston, second soprano; Aliss Marie Donnelly, llrsl contralto, and Airs. II. S. Austin, second contralto. A large number of Ihe friends of Air. and Airs. Austin were in vileil to be present at the recital nnd many compliments have since I"'0" expressed of I lie exceedingly high nieril of ie sume s who participated in the peril al. L'aeh performer showed much careful training, and the skill of Prof. Austin as an inslruclor was very evident from Ihe splendid man ner in which his pupils acquitted themselves last evening. Punch was served bv Misses Harriett and Janet Clement. Wedding Neap Union. From Friday's Daily. A large number of relatives and friends gathered at the prelly country home of Air. and Mrs. K. J. Aloiigey, near Union, last even ing and witnessed Ihe marriage of I heir daughter, F.rma Blanche, lo Air. Carl fl. Cross, which occurred at 8 o'clock. The bride was at tended by Aliss Haltie Taylor as bridesmaid, and the groom by Reuben Frans as best man. The bride was born und grew lo wom anhood in this county, having re sided near Union, and is quite well known throughout this vicinity. She all ended Ihe High school in litis city for a number of years and has a large circle of friends here, whose best wishes will ever attend her.. Mr. Cross is a young man of sterling worth and has a host of firends, who will join 1 he Journal in wishing him and his estimable wife a long and happy wedded life. Those from this city in attendance at the wedding were Alisses Alberta Thomas, ("Jertrudo Morgan, F.lsa Thierolf, Willa Moore and Villa Oapen. Journal Ad Does the Work. Aliss Zona Zuckep lost her pet bull pup and placed a lost notice in the Journal, and within an hour after Ihe paper was off tho press Tena was overjoyed to have the pup brought to her attached to the end of a siring and a small bov at Ihe other end. Charles Dreamer of Alvo and his daughter, Aliss Blanche, drove lo C. K. Cook's residence, outside tho city limits, last evening and visited the Cook family over night. Air. Dreamer looked aftep busi ness .iMltops in Plaltsmouth today. You will want some of these. They are all of the latest de signs. Stock especially selected for the Holiday trade. You will miss it if you fail to see them. We believe we can furnish"the best value in Handkerchiefs ever offered in the city. ZUCKWEILER LUTZ ACTUAL STARVATION Facts About Indigestion and Its! Relief That Should Interest You. Although Indigestion and Dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly under stand their cause and cure. Then; is no reason why most people should not eat anything I hey-desireif I bey will only chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves inlo sickness through fear of eating every good-looking, gonil-smell-ing, and good-lasl iug food, be cause it does not agree wilh them. The best thing to do is lo lit yourself to digest any good food We believe we can relieve Dys- pepsin. We are s.-o confident of! this fact that we guarantee and' promise lo supply Ihe medicine V ..it t i i iree oi an cosi id everyone who will use it, who is not perfectly satisfied with Ihe results which it produces. We exact no promises, j and put no one under any obliga tion whatever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here and our reputation should be suQicient assurance of the genuineness of our oiler. We want everyone troubled with Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form to come lo our store and buy a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give I hem a reasonable trial, ac cording lo direct ions. Then, if not salistfed, come lo us and get your money back. They are very pleasant to lake; they aid lo soothe the irritable stomach, to strengthen and invigorate the di ucslive organs, and to promote a healthy and natural bowel action, thus leading lo perfect and healthy digestion and assimila FOR CHRBTM8- BUYERS You will save minutes and money by visiting our store. OUR NEW HOLIDAY STOCK offers in great variety really desirable and useful presents for people of all ages, and is a most popu lar stock in every respect, because of its choice se lections, trustworthy values and fair prices. A Few Selections: . Handsome Gold Watches Lockets and Chains Gold Beads Cuff Buttons Belt Pins Bracelets and Rings Bar Pins Mesh Bags Sterling Silver FREE ENGRAVING! i tion. A 25c package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treatment. In ordinary cases, this is siiliicient to produce a cure. In more chronic cases a longer treatment, of course, is necessary, and depends upon the severity of Ihe trouble. For such cases, we have two larger sizes which sell for 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can oblain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. F. 0. Fricke & Co, Can't Fill Their Orders. (1. R. Wescolt's Sons have had trouble in tilling- their orders for Alen since their ad of the first three days of Ihe week, "Huy a 1 Alan," was inserted iu the Jour Inal. The ladies have junmed at, Ihe chance and have been visiting Ihe store by twos and by threes, and the last day or two coming by doyens ami by scores. The now assortment just ordered will come in assorted colors, lints and pat terns most popular to meet the demand. The last order is entire ly Christinas patterns suitable for the most fastidious taste. The lady that shops early will secure the cream of this lot . These are no pully men, but the pure quill. Lucky Juryman. From Saturday's Dolly. Fred Slock, one of the prosper ous farmers of Elinwood precinct, is in the city on the regular jury panel Ibis week, and has been fortunate in being elected on both cases tried. Air. Slock is one of the old-timers in his precinct, having resided there I wenty-nine years, having come direct from the Fatherland to Cass county. Air. Stock called yesterday and added his name to the Journal's Murdoek list of patrons. Diamonds Cut Giass Hand Painted China Umbrellas Fountain Pens Clocks Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Military Brushes BIL Watchmaker and Jeweler