The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1911, Image 5

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Funeral Will Occur From
John's Catholic Church
Tomorrow Morning.
Worn Friday's Dally.
Martin McUuire, who (lied sud
dimly yesterday at I he homo of his
parents, Mrr and Mrs. Charles
McGuire, in this city, was in his
eighteenth year, having hecn born
in Astilaml, Neb., eighteen years
ago next March, l'p to the age of
18 months he was a healthy child;
at that time Martin had a hard
seigo of cholera infantum, since
which time he was never in his
normal condition of health. When
yet an infant Martin's parents
moved to IMaltsmoul h, where he
has spent all his life. His health
would not permit him to attend
The funeral will take place to
morrow (Saturday) morning at
St. John's' Catholic, church at 10
o'clock. The procession will leave
I ho home of the deceased's par
ents at. 9:30. The funeral will be
conducted by Hev. Fattier M. A.
Shine, pastor of St. John's church.
The. pall-bearers will be: Hugh
Riley, Louie Kgenherger, Francis
Whelan, Emil Proege, Frank
Srhuldice and Fd F'lrcrald, jr.
Tnlerment will be made in the Holy
Sepuli'her cemetery.
The out-of-town relatives at
tending the funeral will bo the
young man's grandfather, Martin
Dolin; his aunt, Mrs. Nellie Wag
ner, and his cousin, Miss Nellie
Ryan, all of Gretna, Neb.
From Thursday's Dally
I'. E. Ti'itsch and wife drove in
from the farm this morning and
hoarded the early train for
Mrs. William (iilinore and
daughter, Mrs. Miller, visited
Omaha for the day, going on No.
15 this morning.
Sam Long of South Hend trans
acted business in Plattsniouth this
morning, returning home via
Omaha this afternoon.
J. V. Huhge of Avoca, who is
serving on the jury this term of
court, was -an Omaha passenger
on the morning train today.
George Shrader of Liberty pre
cinct drove up from his home this
morning and boarded the after
noon train to Omaha, where he
was called on business for a
couple of days.
Farms For Sale.
160 acres of Cass county land,
located 3 miles south of Nehawka
This place is in excellent condi
ton with 100 acres sowed to fall
whe at, 4 acres of alfalfa, 30 acre?
of meadow and remainder in
pasture, 7 acres being fenced hog
tight. Improved with 8 room
house, fine new large barn with
accommodations for ten head of
horses and fifty cattle; cribs and
granary, 4 acres orchard and a
splendid well with new mill. He-
side the well there is a good spring
and two small running streams
Would make a fine proposition for
stock of diversified farming.
Also 1 GO acres rich Otoe coun
ty land adjoining the above farm
135 acres under cultivation, most
of which is bottom land and pro
duces bumper crops; and 2f
acres is in meadow. This is n
good buy for somebody. For
further information communicate
with .
C. Beadon IIa.lI. Nehawka, Neb
Jail Population Reduced.
There is now only one occupant
of the county jail at Glenwood
Alex Hunter whose trial for the
murder of John Wagner has been
postponed till February.
Mrs. Alex Hunter, arrested
suth of Glenwood last week in
company with Green Roach, on a
charge of lewdness, has been
sent to the county home. She
was in a destitute condition, and
this seemed to be the most hu
raano solution of the matter
Roach was discharged. Glenwooc
Mrs. Creamer Improving.
Rev. W. L. Austin and wife are
ia receipt, of news from the bed
side of their daughter, Mrs
Creamer, of Red Cloud, which is
wry encouraging. Mrs. Creamer
rs improving nicely, much to the
gratification of her parents and
many friends in this city.
Herman Breeder,
Graduate Vctcniary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska Stale
Calls Arswcrcd Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmoutl
Prom Friday's Dally.
A. W. Smith and wife visited
Omaha friends for the day, going
on No. 15 this morning.
Philip Horn drove in from his
farm this afternoon and boarded
the train for the metropolis.
Charles llula visited his broth
er, Anton, at SI. Joseph's hospital
at Omaha this afternoon.
Henry Sjm ck of Weeping Water
was an over-night visitor in the
ity, returning this morning via
W. T. Adams and F,d Schulliof
isited the metropolis this after
noon, where they were called on
J. A. Doughty and wife and
laughter of Nehawka were in the
city today and registered at the
Perkins hotel.
Miss Anna Fgenberger, who has
een ill for some time, was on the
street yesterday for the first lime
for three months.
O. P. Monroe and wife, visited
the metropolis this morning,
where they looked after business
matters for a few hours.
Mrs. John Schulliof and daugh
ter, Miss Marie, and Mrs. Ed Fitz
gerald were Omaha passengers on
the afternoon train today.
Mrs. F. W. Nolling was a pas
senger to the metropolis on the
morning train today, where she
visited friends for the dav.
Mrs. Anna (loos and Mrs.
Milium were Omaha travelers this
morning, going to look after
business matters for the day.
Julius Pitts the Shorpshire
sheep man from south of the city,
was a Plattsniouth visitor today
looking alfer business matters.
Mrs. II. G. Vanllorn and Mrs.
Thomas Wiles were passengers to
Omaha on the morning train to
day, where they spent the day.
Christ Parkening and wife and
son, Leonard, went, to Omaha on
the afternoon train today to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Hafka, over
J. W. SI oil and F. Cox of Ne
hawka were county seat visitors
today, Mr. Cox having come to
town to have some dental work
Martin Dolin, father of Mrs.
Charles McGuire; Mrs. Nellie
Wagner, his daughter, and Miss
Nellie Ryan, all of Gretna, arrived
last evening, called here by the
sudden death of Martin McGuire.
i.ih; ti otick.
TIi State of Nebraska, Cuss County, ss.
In t!f f'cM'tity Court of Cass County,
Nelu'iisku. in tin .Matter of Uie.
Kstale of William llarsravis,
!Je. 'eased.
Notice Is hereby niven to all poisons
Interested in said estate that a petition
li.ts been Hied In t lie County Court of
I'ass'Coimty, Nebraska, on the 2.1th day
of November, lit 1 1. ullt'Klnff that Wil
liam Hat-graven, late of Cass County,
Nebraika, departed this life Intestate,
seized and possessed of real estate in
said county and that he left surviving
him n widow, who Is now Kmily KW-li-nrds,
and that he left no other heirs
That the deceased left an estate or
Inheritance consist intf of real estate;
described as follows, to-wlt: Lots
twenty-seven and twenty-nine (27 and
29), in the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion Iwentv-iilne (2). Township
twelve (12), ItaiiKP fourteen Hi), east
of the 6th V. M in Cass County, Ne
braska: said property Is of less value
than $2,000.00 and Is wholly exempt
from attachment, execution or other
mesne Process, and Is not liable for the
debts of the deceased; and that said
property be assigned to the said Emily
You will lierebv take notice that on
the 20th day of December, 1911. at 9
o'clock A. M. a hearlnpr will be had
upon Raid petition In the county court
room of said county, at Klattsmouth.
Nebraska, and that unless good cause
Is shown nualnst snld petition the
prayer thereof will be granted, and the
estate of the deceased be assigned as
prayed for, and further administration
thereof bo dispensed with. It Is further
ordered that notice, of the pendency of
said petition be given to all persons In
terested In said estate by publishing a
copy of this order for a period of three
weeks prior to said 20th dav of De
cember, Hill, In the Semi-Weekly
Journal, a newspaper published and of
general circulation In t ass county.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court of said county this 27th
day of November, 1911.
Allen J. Tieeson,
(Seal) County Judge. 'it) snow ( i si:.
County. Nebraska.
In Hie Matter of the Kstate of Lena
Weishclt, Deceased.
This cause came on for hearing upon
the petition of Herman I.uetchens, ex
ecutor of the estate of Lena Welshelt,
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the northeast (uarter of Section 12,
Township 10, linage 10, East of the 6th
I'. M., In Cass County, Nebraska or a
sufllclent amount of the same to bring
the sum of $1,200.00, for the payments
of debts allowed against said estate
and cost of administration and special
devises In the will of said deceased
there not being mi flic lent personal prop
erty to pay such debts, expenses and
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In snld estate annear
betore me at my olllce in the Court FJ
riouse at I'liuisinouin, ictrasKa, on me
20th day of January. 1912, at 10 o'clock
A. M to show cause why a license
should not be granted to said executor
to sell said real estate as above de
scribed of said deceased or as much
thereof as may be necessary to pay
such devises, debts and expenses.
It Is directed that this order be pub
lished four weeks prior to said date In
the I'lattsmonth Journal, a newspaper
published semi-weekly at I'lattsmonth,
Nebiuskn, and of general circulation
In said Cass County.
Dated this fth dav of December. 1911.
Judge of the District Court.
D. O. DW VKK Attorney.
C. S. ALDK1CI1, Attorney.
Christmas Entertainment.
A Christmas entertainment and
tree will be held at, Pleasant Hill
school, four miles west of Murray,
on Friday evening, December 22,
promptly at, 8 o'clock. The pro
gram will consist of songs, recila
I i his, dialogues and several
ininature plays. One of the
features of the evening will be a
girls' chorus and a boys' chorus.
Santa Clans will also be there lo
make everybody happy. The pub
lic is invited. There will bo no
Mirdie O. Johnson, Teacher.
-The 0. K. Restaurant
arid Short Order House
Rear of Ed. Donat's Building
Regular Meals at All Hours
Short Orders
We solicit a share of your patron
go and will try to please you.
KRHOT & ZATOPEK. Proprietors
There will be a mixed program.
consist ing of Christmas dialogues,
songs and recitations, and also
one play entitled, "The Sweet
Family," (Ma Sweet and Her
Sweet Daughter), given by and for
the benefit of district No. 13, Fri
day evening, December 22, 1911,
at the Mount Hope church, two
and one-half miles northeast of
Union. Everybody invited. Ad
mission, 15 cents.
Mrs. L. F. Queen, Teacher. to snow cm si:.
County, Nebraska:
In the mutter of the estate of Adam
I n v, ni m. deceased:
This cause ciuno on for hearliiR upon fi
the petition of Kdward Ingram, admin- 4
Istrator 1 the estale of Adam Ingram,
deceased, praying for a license to sell
the west half of the northwest quarter
and the southeast (UPiter of the north
west (ii!irter In section 19, township
12, ran ire 12, In Cuss county, Nebraska,
or it sullhient amount of the same to
brill!? the sum of $2."ili.00 for the pay
ments of debts allowed against said
estate and the cost of administration.
and also to pay the expenses of these
pioreedlnKs, there not belntr sutllclent
personal property to pay such debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested in said estate appear
before iue at mv olllce In the court
house, at riattsniouth, Nebraska, on
the 20th day of January, l'.ll J, at 10
o'clock a. m., to show cause whv a lic
ense sbsould not he k rii n ted to such ad
ministrator to sell so much of the above
described real estate, or all of the same
of said deceased as shall be necessnry
to pay said debts and expenses.
It is rurtlier directed tbnt tills order
he published for four successive weeks
prior o seld dnv In the riattsniouth
Semi-Weekly Journal, a newspaper
published at I'lattsmonth. Nebraska
and of neneral circulation In said Cass
Dated this 4th dav of December. 1911.
Judee of the District Court.
D. O. nWVHll Attorney
A for Axminster, of which we have Rugs of many sizes and patterns, prices
$1.15 up to $32.40.
B for Brussels, which we have in Tapestry Brussel Rugs, room sizes; prices
$9.50 to $22.00.
B for Bissels Sweepers from $2.70 up to $4.75.
C for Carpets of excellent grade; C also Chairs Morris chairs, Dining
chairs, Youth chairs, High chairs many different styles on my floors,
and the prices are right.
for Divans of different styles and grades in stock, at $19.50 up to $24.00.
D for Dressers of many styles and designs, at $10.50 up to $27.
for Everything in my store you will find to be of excellent quality.
for Furniture of up-to-date styles always in stock.
for Go-Carts large and small, many to select from, at $1.25 up to $14.50.
for Housefumishings our main line.
for Iron Beds, many styles and colors to make your selection from, should
you be in need of one at $2.00 up to $23.G0.
J for Jardinier stands; we have them both large and small, in Golden Oak
and Early English at low prices.
K for Kitchen Cabinets; of which we have a large line, from $5.75 up to $25.50.
L for Lounges or rather Couches in Leather, Plush and Velour, at prices
from $9.00 up to $54.00.
for Mattresses The Dixie Felt &. Spring, The Stearns &. Foster Cotton
Felt, and others; also, Sanitary Couch Pads, at from $2.95 up to $16.20. '
W for New up-to-date furniture in stock.
O for Other furniture, such as Sideboards, Buffets. China Closets, Combina
nation Book Case and desk, and Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases.
P for Parlor Suits, of which we have a nice line to select from at $18.00 up
to $43.00.
for Quality, always found in our lines.
for Rockers of many styles and sizes, always found on our tioors.
for Sanitary Couches, Spring Beds, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machine
Needles, Shuttles and other supplies, and Oil; also Sewing Needles in stock.
Frank Swohoda will take notice
that on the 9th day of November,
1911, M. Archer, a justice of the
peace for Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for
the sum of $05.35, in an action
pending before him, wherein the
Omaha Iron Store Company Is
plaintiff and Frank Swohoda, de
fendant, that properly of the de
fendant, consisting of wagon
tongue, fellows, spokes, rims,
singlelrees, painted and plain,
neckyokes, doubletrees, bolsters,
buggy tongues, horseshoes, buggy
spokes, plow handles and numer
ous other articles of merchandise
have been attached under said
order. Said cause was continued
until the 4th day of January, 1912,
at 9 o'clock A. M.
Omaha Iron Store Company,
By D. O. Dwycr,
Its Attorney.
fcr Tables, Dining Tables, all styles and sizes; Library Tables and Parlor
Tables. We have many styles to select from.
for Uniform, and that is what our prices are to all cash customers, no
matter whether your purchase be large or small.
Respectfully Yours,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears ths
Signature of
T H T. S l It V 1 ) V. V A It T M K T.
oi ri i: i i Mii mn.i.i:it ok the
i it it i:ev.
WnsliinKton, I). C, December 12, 1911.
WHUItUAS, lly HiitlHfmtory evidence
prcHetileil to the umlerHlKned, It liua
been nimlo to nppear tbnt
The Pinal mi limn I llnnk
if llnt turnout h,
lornled In tbo City of l'lnttsmouth In
the County of Ciihb anil Stnle of Ne
braska, linn compiler! with all the pro
vIhIoiih of tbe-Act of Coniren. "to en
able National llankliiK AnHoi-latlong to
exteno their corporate exlHlence. and
for otlier purionen," approved July 12.
1NX2, ax emended by tbe Act, approved
April iz. muz;
Kane, Deputy and Actinic Comptroller
or 1 lie ( urrency, do hereby certify that
"Tbe Klrnt National Hunk of I'lattn
mouth " located In tbe City of Platte
mouth, In tbo County of Cuhh and State
of NebriiKkii, Ih authorised to have
HiiccenNlon for the period epcclfled In Its
amended articles of nsNoclatlon;
nntnelv, until close of business on De
cember 12, 1931.
my bnnd ami seal of olllce, tills 12th
ilnv of December, 1911.
tNKAi,) T. P. KANR,
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the
Charter No. 1BU. Kxtenslon No. 1074.
for Volume of money invested in an up-to-date Furniture Store, therefore
a volume of business we would like to do.
w for Wardrobe, which we have to show; also the Chiffo-Wardrobe, some
thing quite new.
for Xmas Toys and Furniture, which you certainly could select from our
excellent lines.
Y for Yes we have as complete a line of Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, etc., etc.,
as you can find, no matter where, far or near.
Z the last letter in the Alphabet, so I must close, but sincerely hope that
we may have the pleasure of seeing many of you who read these lines,
and wishing you in advance a Merry Choistmas and a Happy New Year.
Furniture and
3Qt ii.'JQ1
Bear In mind that tno journal
carries the only complete line ol
typewriter supplies in the city.
We guarantee our prices to b.
less than elsewhere.
Tho Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
Hroker, Fall River,
County, Kansas.
Horses and Mules for Sale.
Twenty-three head of extra
frond Horses and mules for sale.
All are good hone, well broke and
ready for immediate service. I
wish lo sell them at pivato sale,
and I hey may be seen at tho farm
of Glen Vallery, one and one-half
miles west of Mynard. If you arc
needing any K"'d horses or mules
rail early, for they are poinf? to bo
sold at a risrht price and will llnd
ready buyers. Frank Vallery.
Farm for Sale.
Eighty aeres, three and one
half miles southwest of Mynard
and three and one-half miles
northwest of Murray. Also twen-ly-flve
head of goods horses. For
particulars call or writo T. L.
Aiuick, Mynard, Neb.
Box Social.
Program, box social and Christ
mas tree at I he Cottonwood
school, three miles west of My
nard, Saturday night, December
2.1. l-'.verybody invited lo come
and bring a box.
Oood barn for rent. Call on
the Journal for particulars. tf.
Do You want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, tlcb.
Dates made at thia office or tha
Murray State Bank.
Rates Reasonable