The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 18, 1911, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Seral-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postollice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as eecond-clasa
The lime fur
drawing near.
swearing olT is
And the democrats have carried
Arizona, loo.
The recall nonius lo have lieeu
smothered in Arizona by a largo,
Washington is Tiill of politics,
our .statesmen are doing their
presidninal shopping early.
-:o :
'1'he MoNamaras are now m the
penitentiary at San (Jiicnlon,
where they can associate with two
thousand others of (heir stripe.
Andy Carnegie says 'i7t a week
is enough lo get married on.
Guess he never bought any house
hold furniture on the installment
:o :
The dollar-a-day pension bill
has passed the bouse, and it is
somewhat of a question as lo
whether or not it will pass the
Some captious persons say the
seven governors now touring the
ast are over-ealing. We main
tain that even a governor is en
titled to a square meal.
A member of the New York
legislat lire wants lliiiing made a
penitent iary offense. ' For which
fine? It lakes two lo make a
1 trial ion, you know.
A good man for governor one
who has ncer been mixed up with
the factions - the democrats can
carry Nebraska just, as sure as
the election rumen ulV in Novem
ber. :o:
Our people are huying more
Christmas goods al home this
year t tin n ever helore Tor many
years. A good sign I bat they are
"Tobacco trust is dissolving."
lint not going up in smoke.
Whet up your swearer. New
Year's is only a little over two
weeks away.
A cheerful giver Is the happiest
person on earth. Remember the
poor of our city at Christinas
Don t tell a child there is no
Santa Clans simply because you
don't want
to buy it a Christmas
:o :-
This Irusl-busling business has
about busted up the harmony of
tin; congressional t rust-investi
gating commillee.
learning that
not gold."
'all that gliders is
Shady liend, Kas., wauls to
change ils name on account of
the recent larring party, but lar
always was shady.
: :
The election in Arizona was a
pretty severe blow to Hilly Taft
but not nearly so much so as wil
be the election next fall.
There is liable lo bo several re
publican candidates for governor
The republicans are not so wel
satisfied with Aldrich as I hey
might be.
The forty-eight politicians win
omposc lhe republican national
'ommillee may not be statesmen,
but I hey e iilenl ly know a "forlorn
hope'' w hen I hey see it .
There will be no opposition o
lion. John A. Maguire for the
democratic nominal ion, and there
should not be. lie has done his
duly in congress, ami done it well.
Parcel post spells ruination to
the small home dealers and a
boost for "Hig Inisiness." The
man who advocates parcels post
is not a sincere friend of the
home dealer.
:o :
Only eight more days in which
to do your Christmas shopping,
and be sure and do that shopping
with vour home merchants.
Attorney Oeneral Wickersham
admits that he doesn't know
ver thing about trust problems.
Hut there are a certain few trusts,
however, who are convinced that
what little he does know he has
lint to mighty active use.
Never in the history of the old
town did Plattsmouth merchants
have so many pretty and useful
Christmas presents on display.
And more people are buying
arlier this season than ever be
Some fellows should have
thought of the future when they
bolted (he democratic nominee
wo years ago and went over
the stale making speeches in
favor of the republican candidate
for governor. The democrats do
not easily forget such things.
:o :
The Journal would be more
I ban elated to see the democrats
uninale someone for governor
who has not been mixed up with
the factions engendered two years
ago. Such a candidate can be
Lights th
) If - L 4
e Moment Yob l?onS
HE Pilot Acetelyne Gas Machine is entirely aut-
matic in operation and requires no attention what
ever. Every light is started with an electric spark,
which does away with the use of matches, and also
makes it impossible to open a gas jet without the gas being
ignited at the tip.
This machine makes gas just as it is needed and posi
tively no more. This it m alone is a great saving over other
machines that have a different style of mixing, which leaves
a quantity of gas in the resivoir, which loses its burning qual
ities the longer it stands.
Gas from this machine can be run to any of our out
buildings. This is absolutely the only machine that is giving
perfect satisfaction at all times and under all conditions with
out any extra expense after installation. This machine can
be seen any time at our store.
O A 0 n f KB
Acording to the latest returns
from the Arizona election it would
seem that the democrats hint
captured everything in sight
Thai indicates that everything is
poing the right way.
The complaint is made that
President Tail's message was not
properly listened to. The con
grossmon may have been having
their hair cut so they could up
pear in Washington society
The Y. M. C. A. fund is not
growing as fast as it, should. Per
haps the commillee is not shoving
it as rapidly as they should. Make
it a thousand dollars anyway,
boju, before the tlrsl of January.
Preliminary maneuvers In
bringing the leu indicted Chicago
beef packers to trial havo cost the
government $710,000. Under the
circumstances tho packers must
not be astonished if the court is
severe and linos them several
thousand dollars.
Don't you know thai the people
ho buy their supplies of the
borne merchant always feel more
Joyful than those who go to Oma
ha? Now, you uolico the man
mho tomes in on the train with
packages under his arms, and if
he doesn't feel like ho had done
something that he ought not lo
have done wc will give you our
head for a football. It Is simply
a notion that goods can bo bought
io Omaha cheaper than in Plaits-
mouth that's all.
I'or a period of several weeks
before Christmas a large force of
recruits assembles in Sundav
school and studies with en
Ihusiasm the doings of llabakkuk
and Melchiscdck.
Theodore Roosevelt, jr., Pacific
coast manager for a carpel firm,
has had a salary raise. The fact
that he neither writes for the
papers nor lakes photographs
probably counted in his favor.
The Hyde trial al Kansas City
has come suddenly to a standstill
all on account of the disappear
ance of one of the jurymen. And
if he can't bo found they will havo
to commence nil over again.
Santa Clans has lo take so
much time now fixing himself up
with asbestos whiskers and other
modern improvements that he
may not get around to make the
usual number of gifts.
Congressman Dies of Texas de
nounces the dollar-a-day pension
bill as a $50,000,000 campaign
contribution, and accuses con
gross of cowardice- in the matter
Heing from Texas it is very easy
for Dies to bo brave on the sub
jeel of pensions.
Paul Clark is a standpatter of
the worst type, and tho repub
lican insurgents nro trying to get
out a candidato against him for
tho nomination. Therefore, Paul
is not likely to have everything his
own way.
Watch lhe Journal for Christ
mas otl'orings. The merchant who
has the goods always wants the
people to know what he lias in
store for them. Uy a glance over
this paper before coming to town,
will save you much trouble in
finding the store that has just
what you are looking for.
There is a gentleman ami
scholar out in Nuckolls county
whose record is as bright as a
newly made silver dollar and one
f the ablest men in the state, who
would make an ideal candidate for
governor. His name is 11. I).
Sutherland, lie is an able lawyer,
as served two terms in congress,
nd, all in all, is a grand, good
man, beloved hv all who know
him. A man of this character can
be elected governor of Nebraska,
but he does not desire to get. up a
big strife for the nomination.
:o :
The next local event of iniport-
inee, aside from the usual holi-
lay festivities, is the band con-
ert, and this is something that
none of our people should lose
sight of. The boys are practicing
twice a week regularly for,, lhe
event, nmf it is an occasion that is
worthy of the support of every
citizen. We should, and no doubt
lo, all of us feel a great pride in
our band and a desire also to aid
them in every possible way. These
concerts, lhe first one of which
will be given on Thursday night,
December L'H, al the. Parmele
theater, are given for the sole
purpose of buying uniforms for
o boys, and rather than solicit
amounts from individual business
men, they have concluded to give
series of concerts during the
winter, in which everyone can add
their little mite by purchasing
tickets and attending these con
certs, every one of which will
be more than worth the admission
price. Remember,' the first, con
cert takes place Thursday night,
December 28.
In going up High school hill the
other day with a little tot going
to school, she asked me the ques
tion: "Do you think there is a
Santa Clans?" I looked at the
little girl a moment, and then
wanted to know who told her there
was no Santa Claus, and she re
plied that one of the big girls told
her going home from school one
day. So many children in this
day and age have gotten this idea
into their heads. Hut there is a
Sanla Clans. He exists ns cer
tainly as love and generosity and
devotion exist, and you know they
I abound and give to your life its
highest beauty and joy. Alas
How dreary would be tho world i
there were no Sanla Claus? It
would be as dreary as. if there
were no little, girls and boys.
There would be no child-like faith
then, no poetry, no romance to
make tolerable this existence. We
should have no enjoyment, except
in sense and sight. The eternal
light with which childhood fills
the world would be extinguished.
No, don't tell the children there is
no Santa Claus.
The Lincoln News is smacking
ils chops over the trouble it
eagerly anticipates in the demo
cratic party because of Hie Met
calfe candidacy for governor. II
takes particular pains lo remind
the 'Dahlman camp" (hat Met
calfe bulled Mayor Dahlman'sj,.w.t- ('..,. I,... ..i,,. .... .....I
i iiililliliii , iim'i, tiuu ill. ,
"Hitchcock wing" of the historic
Metcalfe ul terances al the Hryan
banquet last March concerning
"the clement of the party which
unlimited the (Irand Island con-!
legislature he bellied to carry out
the pledges of the democratic
platform, and in the recent cam
paign Mr. Hryan, when he came
to Falls City, took pains to make
it plain that he counted John
Murehead one worthy of recogni
tion as a democrat. In fact, Mr,
Hryan put himself out, in the
recent campaign, to let a great
many good democrats who op
posed county option know that he
has no furl her fight to wage
against them on that account.
The prospect, in a word, would
seem to be for harmony and not
discord in the democratic parly.
There will bo sharp contests for
the nominations, naturally, since
next year's prospects look so
good. Hut these differences
caused by ennllielitiK ambitions
are always a hopeful rather than
a discouraging sign. World-Herald.
sable and ideal fur the use of chil
dren, old folks and delicate per
sons. We cannot too highly re
cuinniend theni to all sufferers
from any form of constipation and
its attendant evils. That's why
we back our faith in them with
our promise of money back if they
do not give entire satisfaction.
Three sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents,
3(5 tablets 25 cents, and 80 tablets
50 cents. Remember, you can
obtain Ilexall Remedies in Platts
nioulh only at our store The
Rexall Store. F. (i. Fricke & G.
At toll same lime the Slate
ourual, morning edition of the
News, hastens lo proclaim that
olm Moi'chead, another demo-
ralic candidate for governor, isi
not a "progressive" or Hryan
stylo of democrat." while the
News dovetails in the added in
formation thai the candidacy of
these two eminent democrats
means that the democratic party
will again be divided over the
liquor question, with Metcalfe
'presenting tho "Hryan wing."
These thoughts, it may bo re
marked, most likely havo no
father but a wish. The Journal
uid News, like republicans gen-
rally, continue to live in tho past.
Die democrats, content to let the
dead past bury ils dead, with their
faces turned toward the dawn, arc
iving in the present. Attached to
the Metcalfe petition are tho
names of several democrats who
supported Dahlman for governor,
and conspicuous in the list, too, is
the name of the distinguished
chief bartender at that famous
"bartenders' reunion" at Grand
As to whether there is any
onger a "Hryan wing" to the
liquor question, wo aro not at all
sure. As wo understand it, Mr.
Hryan now takes precisely the
position that was taken by the
Clrnnd Island convention, and be
lieves that this annoying problem
should bo settled under the in
itiative and referendum, and that
meant imo it has no placo in party
politics. Mr. Hryan, therefore, in
stead of being a "wing" of his
own, has fallen in lino with his
party on this issue.
As to John Morehead not being
a "progressive," he was accounted
a mighty good democrat by Mr.
Hryan for twenty years, until the
liquor quarrel came up. His
home in Falls City was often
Hryan's headquarters. In tho lalo
i A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee immediate and
positive relief to all sufferers
from constipation. In every case
where our remedy fails to do this
we will return the ;noney paid us
for it. That's a frank statement
of fads, and we want you to sub
si an itato them al our risk.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten just
like candy, are particularly
prompt and agreeable in action,
may be taken at any lime, day or
night; do not cause diarrhoea,
nausea, grilling, excessive loose
ness, or other undesirable effects.
They have a very mild but positive
iclion upon the organs with which
they come in contact, apparently
acting as a regulative tonic upon
the relaxed muscular coat of the
bowel, thus overcoming weakness,
and aiding to restore the bowels
lo more vigorous and healthy ac-licily.
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpas-
Buys Arkansas Farm.
T. L. Amick, who returned from
Arkansas a few days ago, was in
the city yesterday evening, and in
conversation with him he tells us
that bo believes it is the coming
country, and purchased a good
farm of 225 acres, and expects to
move thereto just as soon as pos
sible for him to close up business
mailers bore. He tells us that he
has a great deal of personal
properly that he wishes to sell, in
cluding twenty-five head of good
horses; also his eighty-acre farm
near Mynard. Ho wishes to dis
pose of everything at private sale
if possible.
Injures Hand.
William firobo, the genial
deputy game warden, injured his
left, hand quite severely Tuesday
by having il pinched between two
heavy barrels. The hand was so
badly crushed that the power of
moving bis little finger is entirely
wanting. A surgeon was inter
viewed and the hand dressed, but
Mr. Orebe will not use it for some
Hogs Wanted.
I wish to buy a few hogs,
weighing not less than 00 pounds.
Inquire at the restaurant rear of
Donat's saloon. Frank Zctopck.
Fop Sale.
Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male
pigs. V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
For Sale.
One span of good work horses,
weighing 2,300 pounds, 8 and 9
years old. Also wagon and har
ness. Inquire of A. II. Graves,
Murray, Neb.
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an order entered in the fore
going entitled cause by the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, I, the
undersigned, sole Referee, appointed by said Court, will, on the'',
10th Day of January, 1912,
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the south front door of the Court House,
in the city of Plattsmouth, in Cass County, Nebraska, offer for sale to the
highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to-wit: The SS of
the SWJ-i of section 23; the EJi of NW'f and the NWtf of the NWtf of
section 35, all in town 12, north range 11, east of the Gth p. m., in Cass
County, Nebraska, excepting the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Rail
way Company, and known us the Theodore Boedcker farm, lying south of
Louisville, in said county, and containing 200 acres, less railway right of
Dated: Plattsmouth, Neb., December 11, 1911.
Byron Clark and ) Kttnrnn,to
Wm. A. RoramoN, I Attorneys.
JOHN M. LEYDA. Referee.