The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1911, Image 7

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    I !,j!
I ill
Courier. J !
ioK'wi rAl
'1 ' ' Al A 'JJJ
Buy a roan:
A man's gift at a man's store. There's no other
way to figure it out. A man appreciates something
practical something useful. Look over the list of
useful things we offer you herewith and note the rea
sonable prices. Remember this is strictly a "man's
store" the place where he would naturally but it
himself, and the place "Where Quality Counts."
4 (Special Correspondent.)
Leo Allison df Murray visited-at
the l'rnpst homo Saturday night.
Mrs. (iooduin made a (lying trip
lo her farm, eight miles west (if
town, Friday.
The high price of corn has the
tendency to cause farmers to sell
ami deliver their corn .
A. S. Will shipped a line car
load of fat cattle to the South
Omaha market recently.
Mrs. C L. Jean visited in Oma
ha during the last week, the guest
of Mrs. V. It. Murray, formerly
of this place,.
Farmers are rejoicing; on ac
count of the rain. It will be such
a benefit for fall wheat that was
so badly in need of midst are.
Lewis C.rahlroe has had a very
severe attack of appendicitis.
However, lr. Brondol thinks an
operation will not be necessary at,
the present lime. A speedy re
covery is hoped for.
Frank Richardson and son,
(larwood, visited over Sunday
with his brother, W. T. and fam
ily. Frank's home is in South
Omaha, and he is an employe at
Swift's packing- plant.
The M. 1 has a large force of
men and a steam shoveler widen
ing; the long fill just north of town
When this is completed large en
gines and heavier trains will be
used to move the increased freight
t raffle.
Wm. Fight is experiencing con
siderable trouble in supplying his
herd of horses and cattle with suf
ficient water. In sinking wells the
ground seems to be of such a
nature that it is impossible to go
a sufficient depth without the
earth caving in.
The home of Mrs. Win. .Weton
kamp was the scene of a merry
nrowd on last Friday evening. The
occasion was in the form of a sur
price for Orant Wetenkamp's il'd
birthday. Refreshments were
served and a good time was en
joyed by all. Some seventy-five
or eighty plates were laid.
Lightning Kills Few.
In 1900 lightning killed only
169 people in Ibis whole country.
One's chances of death by lighln- j
ing are less than two in a million.!
The chance of death from liver
kidney or stomach trouble is vast
ly proalor, lut not if T oclric Bit-
. . j i .
r.. .' . ' ,
vosi iiurimgion, la
proved. '
Four doctors gave him up after
eight months of suffering from
virulent liver trouble and yellow
jaundice. He was then complete
ly cured by Kleclric Biltters.
They're the best stomach, liver,
nerve and kidney remedy and
Mood purifier on earth. Only Hflc
at F. (J. Fricko, & Co.
Leader-Echo. J
John (Souales visited his sis
ter, Mrs. Baker, al Crete. Sunday
and Monday.
Sid West has moved back into
his properly, which was occupied
by Joe Hopkins
Dr. Alton writes from Monter
rey, Mex., that the climate is ideal
and that he is getting along fine
with his work. ' '
Mrs. Asa Fellows is seriously
ill as Ihe result from an attack of
pneumonia, the malady making its
symptoms apparent on Sunday
last. Following this, on Monday,
a baby daughter ciiine (o cheer a
sorrowful household, but its ad
vent oniy causes a situalion more
niM.mci I,. IIi.l ..,.,11,,..,
""'" , ' . .
... .inn ,.rs. v,ray were ,n
flititinit turn in I..,..),,. .1 T ,
V . '" 'V metallic cough or croup. No mis
day with then- lillle son, Arthur, ,aking iti am, fm.limill , l(
upon whose eye If xports again IllcUv ,,,.,., wlm k , F(),(v.s
perfornied an operation T o ,Iull,.y am Tap ,,,,, mi
" " av..iK
.uy ... Mio,, i mm. pracucai as-
I K I . "M ( iim , po,() 0up (.ljI(1.()n nrp
nol be replaced by an arlillcial ,.ou,,., wilh crou. and hoarso
nn0, ness, and all wo give I hem is
The Degree of Honor elected Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,
officers for Ihe ensuing years al I always have a bottle of it in Ihe
their regular mooting Wednesday
"veiling as following: 0. of 1L,
Mrs. 1.. F. I.anghorsl; L. of H.(
Mrs. W. A. Clark; C. of C, Henry
Irons; financier, Mrs. It. Deles
Dernier; receiver, Mrs. II. (1. Pon
lerman; usher, Mrs. Henry Irons;
secretary, F. T. Comer; I. W.,
Mis. A. W. Neiharl; O. , Mrs.
F. T. C or.
Mrs. J. F. Hoover went to Lin
coln Tuesday evening for a visit
with her son. F. D. Clark and fam
ily, and to assist in packing their
goods preparatory to moving lo
Sargoant, Nob., Fd having boon
transferred by the Burlington to
fire over a different division. The'
change is accompanied by a raise
in salary and better working!
hours. j
Orace L. Dickinson Slapely was;
born at Hochelle, in Ogle county, j
Illinois, April '., 18Hi, was mar- j
, rieed to Fdward L. Slapely in
! 1 8'.)3, died at her borne in Flm- !
, wood Monday, December i, of pul- '
mmiary I ubereulosis, being buried j
bv a largo and sorrowing assemb-i
lage of her relatives and friends1
and neighbors Wednesday after-
noon al 2 o'clock. Since her mar- '
riago to Mr. Slapely .she had lived,
on their farm southeast of town '
mi I i 1 tin1 death of her husband!
live years ago, when she removed'
lo Flmwood, purchased a home'
and has resided here until her'
Ends Winter's Troubles.
To many, winter is a season of
trouble. The frost-bitten toes and
fingers, chapped hands and lips,
chilbrains, cold-sores, red and
rough skins, prove, this. But such
troubles fly before Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. A trial convinces,
(ireatest, healer of Burns, Boils.
Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises,
F.eenia and Sprains. Only 2oc at
F. i. Fricko & Co.
Lewis Foid, one of our prosper
ous farmers, living southeast of
town, is I he owner of a new auto
mobile, lit having purchased a
new "Hudson .'13" Tuesday,
M. ,, Mrs K K Masters and
S01l ()f ijiiu.0n, and Mr. and Mrs.
Maslors ()f ;ienwood, Iowa,
vNil,.,, Sutay wilh Mr. and
m,. i in,ntn
Fd and
II. Oelschlager inov-
i ml Ihiiin lit m mhIh .lit o-ii.ul j fiirn1-i
t . ir. , , ... , J
.to Hickman, whore nv w make
their hoiin
io two gentlemen
having purchased a saloon.
Mrs. Dopp, Mrs. Hovers and
Bert Dopp departed Wednesday
for St. Petersburg, Florida, where
Ihey will spend Ihe winter. Anson
Dopp of Fairbury accompanied
Will Sack went to Lincoln last
Saturday and returned home with
Mrs. Sack, who has boon taking
treatment al Ihe hospital. We are
pleased to note that Mrs. Sack is
; very much improved.
Mrs. L. llboteii of Carlisle, ().,
who has been visiting Tor some
lime with Ira Rhoton and family,
departed Monday for Oltumwa,
Iowa, to make a visit with rela-
, lives
bofore returning lo her
, home in the east
Fred Wenzcl, one of our ener
getic young fanners, living north
of town, is jusl completing a new
barn on bis farm. J. (!. Johnson
and Charlie Burns are doing the
carpenter work, John Root the
cement work ijml J. Adams &
Son furnished the material. We
also learned that last week Fred's
neighbors all turned out and gave
him valuable assistance.
Thai slrikes terror to the entire
household is ii.o loud, hoarse and
I '
iaiuI. h. v. Casselman, Canton,
N f ttH. js js W(j?h
& Co.
For sale by F. C. Fricko
Men's Bath Robes..
Men's House Coats.
Men's Pajamas
Men's Silk Hose...
Men's Initial Hand
chiefs Men's Wellington
Knitted Muffler.
Men's Satin Full
Dress Muffler. . .
Men's Suspender
Men's Garter Sets . .
Men's Christmas
Men's Dress Gloves, SI.25
(guaranteed not to rip)
Men's Gray Flannel Ci rn
Shirts Oli JU
J Republican. l-
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Leyda and
children of Imperial, Nob., are
visiting her parents and friends.
Miss Margaret Donelan was
I over iroin riaiisiiioui n (luring ine j
I vacation lo visit with her many
young friends.
i uc Kiimn ii!)inip in in
eacner in nn
Rosowaler school, Omaha, was the
guest of Mrs. F. II. Oorder, the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. Ohas. Spohn returned Sat
urday evening from a short visit
with her parents, other relatives
and friends at Diller, Nehi
Wesley lianiiu came in lasl
week from Filer, Idaho, lie had
slopped al Alliance, before com
ing here, lb; reports Ihe folks
gelling along first, rale.
Fli.a and Albert Miller and
Chas. Lilihtner, jr., are all sick
wilh typhoid fever at the, Mrs.
John Miller home. A special
nurse has been secured to care
for them.
F. Ratnour left Tuesday for a
two weeks' trip to New Mexico,
and different places in Texas,
and will view his land at Fran
cilas. He will enjoy that trip
W. T. Foster and wife of Saint
Xavier, Monl., arrived lasl Fri
day and will spend a month here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. I. Armstrong and relatives in
Ihe slate.
Mrs. S. Snider was splitting
kindling one day last week and a
j slick Hew up and struck her in
the mouth, knocking out a tooth
and culling one lip. It is pos
sible that hereafter Mrs. Snider
will let the job of culling kindl
ing to some other member of the
family, or else burn cobs.
When Tom Wiles gets busy he
gets very busy. He has boon gel
ling his lots on Fblora avenue
graded in Dm1 shape, and has had
a Ireo puller taking out the sur
plus growth. There is a big
change already and a $10,000
house will just about fit the
AfLer partaking; of a Thanks
giving fest J. M. Fowler went out
into the yard and was doing a lil
lle work when, without warning,
his right side became paralyzed.
He has boon confined lo the home
since except a lit I In exercise,
which he lakes and which also de
notes his recovery. There ar
some things lo be thankful for,
but paralysis is nol of the mini
J. S. Hall of Ihe cash slore. was
a business caller nt Omaha this
James Torr berry and family I
left Tuexlay morning for a visit!
j at Tabor, Iowa. I
I H. F. Thielo went to Berlin
I Saturday evening and spent Sun
' dav wit h his familv.
Clarence Forsing and Hubert
Voegler of Lincoln visited Peter
Yoegler and family the latter part
of last week.
Fnclo John Schlater's condition
remains unchanged. . He is suf
fering from paralysis and but lit
tle hopes are entertained for his
The little daughter of Harry
Minert is a very sick child. No
hopes are offered by I he attend
ing physician for her recovery.
Mrs. F. V. F. lloehford return
ed home from Lincoln Tuesday
and will assist Hie Osscnkop
brothers in their store during I ho
holiday rush.
Wolves are numerous this win
ter ami unless Iney are thinned
out before the extreme cold
weather sets in there is sure to be
great loss lo the farmers. On
Tuesday of Ibis week a wolf hunt
was pulled off southeast of town
and four wolves were killed.
Two railroad velocipedes col
lided on the M. P. Plalte river
bridge early Tuesday morning.
Clarence Ackels and wife were
coming lo town, and Then. Koop
and Sam Fduorlon were going lo
work on the north side of the
river. The two cars met on the
bridge. Koop and Fdgortou did
not see the other car coining, ami
were running al a high rale, of
speed. Mrs. Ackels was thrown
from the car and fell under the
wreckage, but luckily escaped with
no serious injuries. Mr. Koop
would have fallen into the river
had not Ackels caught and pulled
him back. Dinner buckets were
smashed and the contents fed lo
the fish in the river below. It
was indeed a narrow escape for
all concerned.
This is. the verdict of 11. J. Howell,
Tracy, ()., who bought Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for his
wife. "Her case was Hie worst I
have ever seen, and looked like
a surce case of consumpl ion. Her
lungs were sore and she coughed
almost incessantly and her voice
was hoarse and weak. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound brought
rcliel alo nee and less (ban three
bottles elTcelcil a complete cure."
For sale by F. (I. Fricko & Co.
.J. .J..J..J..J.... ,J.jM..j..j.
liOiiger. i
Mrs. M. II. Shoemaker and Mrs.
Vauline departed last, Friday for
Albion, Neb., lo make a visit of
several days.
Mrs. Margaret Applegale came
lasl Friday from Villi sea, la.,
when she spent several weeks
visiting her relatives and friends.
Samuel Slot lor arrived last Fri
day from Brown county lo make a
visit wilh his parents and other
relatives and friends oast of (own.
Mrs. James Faster went on the
Monday evening train to Lincoln
to moot Mr. Fasler's aunt, Mrs.
John Oault of Holyoke, Colo., who
came to make I hem a visit.
B. L Walkins and wife depart
ed last week for Sterling, Neb., to
visit n short lime, going from
there to Louisville, Ky for an
extended visit, lo be gone about a
W. T. Wolfe and son Wesley,
who had boon visiting relatives
ami friends in and near this vil
lage, departed last Friday for
I heir home al Lusk, Wyo., but
Mrs. Wolfe remained for a longer
Mrs. Foldcn and Mrs. Flizabeth
Calvert, Ihe latter a sister of Rev.
A. L. Foldcn, arrived mi Monday
from Cilenwooil, Iowa, and have
been visiting A. J. Anderson and
family and other relatives.
James T. Reynolds went up lo
Plattsmouth last evening with Ihe
avowed intention of taking all the
obligations and punishment
necessary to become a member of
Ihe Improved Order of Rod Men.
Clyde Loveless and wife, resid
ing noi l boast of town, are re
joicing over the first addition lo
I heir family circle, a fine new
daughter weighing
eiudil and
Hi roc
I heir
-(piarlor pounds, arriving at
home Tuesday morning.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bo'tglit
Bears the
Rlgnature of
Who would
for Christmas?
Tl A Eeautiful Line to Select freni
c to
c n nnwcv v.
. til 17. 1 1 1 If I
Big Horse Deal.
One of the largest deals ever
made in this section of the county
was "pulled oil" last week, when
local parlies traded K0(l acres of
land for 'J50 bead of horses. The
parties lo Ihe deal were Dr. I. C.
Monger, who traded 'i HO acres of
land located in Cheyenne county,
Kansas; August Bergman, who
traded 100 acres located in Per
kins ronnly, Nebraska, and (1. J.
Roil lor, who traded (00 acres
located in Sherman county, Kan
sas, and the parlies furnishing
Ihe horses reside al Colby, Kan
I 1 ,..:
Christmas Time is Joy Time
All the Time is Good Clothes Time!
We have made i grout preparations for Yuletlde at this store. Good
cheer and good clothes abound in great qualities. We'll soil you Clothes
or Hose, Shirts or Ties, Hats or Caps. Anything and everything you need
for dressing appropriately and smartly during the Holidays, then we'll
start you on your way rejoicing. We want mothers nnd sisters to come
here and select gifts for father and brother. We are also displaying many
bright new models in
"Millcr-Madc" and Sincerity Clothes,
Suits and Overcoats
Plattsmouth, Neb.
I I'll
NOT like a
I Vv.
sas. This is indeed a big deal, as
Ihe land involved was valued at
? 11,000. 'The horses are at pres
ent on a government reservation
in Arizona and will reman there
for some yd. Mr. Bergman ex
peels lo leave next week to visit
Ihe important horse markets and
will also go to Houston, Texas, to
see what disposition can be made
nf them. A. L. McDonald, our
wide-awake real estate man, "en
gineered" the deal. Fagle
The Journal office carries all
kinds of typewriter supplies.