The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1911, Image 6

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We show a full line of Table Linens and Napkins.
them out. Call and see them. As a special we offer
a beautiful all linen napkin, at per dozen
We have
SILKS! We are closing out a lot of remnants of Silk.
the thing for fancy work. Ask to see them.
Several Important Jury Cases on the Docket, the Principal One of
Which Is That of McCann, Doud and Lytic, Charged With
Robbing the Jewelry Store at Louisville and Attempted
Robbery of the Wabash Bank.
Dial rid court enlivened this
morning fnr Hie jury work nf Hie
term. Some cry important
litigation will conic up at the
presscnt session of the court. On
next Thursday morning the case
of the State against McCann,
Doud and Lytic will he, called for
trial. The defendants arc charged
with attempted robbery of Hie
Hank of Wabash on inc. night of
September 28, uud the blowing
open with uilro-glycerine, on the
night oT September 2'J, last, the
iron safe of Mike Trilsch, a jewel
er nl Louisville.
The evidence against I he de
fendants is wholly circumstantial,
and one of the strong points of
the stale's case against them is
that Ihey were seen in I lie vicinity
of Louisville on the evening of the
!!llh of September and in South
Mend, eight miles from the scene
of the Wabash crime, the night
before I he attempted rohherv of
the, bank.
Tin1 bank robbers effected an
''iilraiue iuln the bank building
and charged the vault door, in
which the .safe containing the
funds of Ihe bank is kept, with
three separate loads of nitro
glycerine, but failed to blow the
dnor oil'. II is said that safe
blowers skilled ill the nrl usually
fail on a safe door which does not
yield to Ihe lirsl shot. This was
the nte at Wabash, and all hough
throe, attempts were made, yet no
one was suHleienlly awakened by
the reports In get nut after Ihe
In looking about for evidence of
the men who had made Ihe at
lempl it was discovered that
buggv tracks led In South Head.
Here it was soon ascertained thai
a span of horses belonging In Cms
Thimgau and carriage belonging
to Charles Hill, had been used
duritrr the night and returned rv
the owners without their knowl
edge. The horses were wet with
sweat at ti o'clock in Ihe morn
ing, when Ihe owner .went In the
barn In feed I hem. The harness
were noticed to be disarranged,
and Ihe men had taken one har
ness from two different sets and
happened In gd botli fnr Ihe oil
Id 111
' were
or near horse, which wni
dicale that the "yeggmen
no farmers.
II appears the, defendants left
for Louisville as soon as the team
was restored In the owner's barn,
for Ihe three strangers were seen
in dilTeernt stores in the village
during Ihe afternoon previous to
Ihe robbery of Ihe jewelry store.
They were not to be foiled on this
occasion, ami put in suflicient
glycerine to blow the door from
ils hinges and hurl it some feet.
Over 1,000 worth of jewelry was
taken from the trays in Ihe safe,
one tray being taken with the con
tents. The robbers were tracked
Inward Omaha by a small amount
of Mr. Trilseh's slock being
found on the north side of Ihe
river, near Ihe railroad track.
Also a band-car was found miss
ing Irom the M. p. station,' which
was afterward found near one of
Ihe suburbs of Omaha.
vvillnn a week after the crimes
were commit led, two of the men
seen at Smith Mend and at Louis
ville McCann nml Doud were
aires t I'll in Omaha, but Ihe third
was more cautious and was not
ipprehemled until a few days ago.
Two of Ihe men have been resi
dents of Omaha for some years,
while the third is a new man in
criminal circles in Nebraska. They
will be defended by Attorney fi. W.
Drill of Omaha, while County At
torney (',. II. Taylor will prosecute.
While the county attorney does
not make any claims, yet it is
generally believed that a strong
case will be made out against the
Grant Wetenkamp Enjoys One of
the Happiest Events of His Life,
With Assistance of Neighbors
(irant Wetenkamp, who, from
his crippled condition, is unable
to get about among bis neighbors,
was most agreeably surprised last
I'riday night by about seventy-five
or eighty of his most, congenial
neighbors ami friends coming in
at his home for an evening's
chat. The callers brought well
filled baskets of lunch and before
the evening was far gone a man
rpiet was spread for seventy-seven
guests. It was a grand evening,
the weather was ideal and the
social spirit prevailed. The oc
casion was the 42nd birthday of
Mr. Wetenkamp, and the good
natured company almost num
bered two for every year of their
host's age. To say that it was an
enjoyable aiTair is putting it too
mildly, for everybody had a tine
I ime.
To show the appreciation of Ihe
guests for their friend and neigh
bor a neat sum of money was do
nated to purchase him a suitable
birthday present. After a very
late hour the happy company
dispersed, wishing Mr. Weten
kamp many returns of the day.
Those present were: J. K. Wiles
and wife, (',. JI. Warner and wife,
W. H. Foster and wife, D. L.
Propst and wife, II. L. Propsl and
wife, W. F. Oillispie and wife,
Mrs. Mai lie Wiles, Nelson Mur
ray and wife, H. W. Long and wife,
J. M. Meisinger and wife, (luy
Keiser and wife, Mrs. Maud Test;
L. C. W. Murray and wife, (Men
Vallery and wife, Chris Murray
and wife, Peter Lair, Albert Mur
ray and wife, A. A. Wetenkamp
and wife, Hoy I". Howard and wife,
Mrs. William Wetenkamp, (Suy
Murray and wife, 0. E. Darker and
wife, P. P. Meisinger and wife, C.
It. Vallery and wife, Mrs. O. W.
Snyder, Mrs. W. A. Fight. Elbert,
(lien and Myron Wiles, (ieorge
and Andrew Snyder, Jessie and
l'aul Long, Dennie and Freddie
Speck, Wayne Propsl, Will Rich
ardson, Albert Vallery, Will Meis
inger, Willie, Elmer, Arthur and
Clean Wclcnkainp, Dernard Meis
inger, Wallace Warner, Charles
Howard, Howard Darker, Irani
Wetenkamp, Mildred and Norah
Snyder, Faust ine and Ferrine
Murrav, Florence, Pheine and
llnhin Itichardson, Lellie, Laii
Crace Low, Florence and Dorris
Vallery, Emily Warner, Crace and
r.slhcr right, Martha Darker,
Delle Speck, Deunita Porter, Pearl
ITenton. Mary Wetenkamp, Hazel
Darker. Lvdia Shaw. Helen Val
lery, Mabel Howard. Marie Meis
Public Auction
The undersiirned will sell at
Public Auction at the obi Donelan ;
farm, two miles west of Platts
moulh and across the road from
the County Farm, on
the following property, to-wit:
Horses and Cattle.
Two geldings, 5 and 9 years old,
weight :t,200.
One horse, middle aged, weight
1,300. .
One mare, 3 years old, weight
One yearling colt.
Five yearling heifers.
Three milch cows.
Two lumber wagons.
One seeder.
One plow.
One gang plow.
One cultivator.
One fanning mill.
One hay rake.
Two hay racks.
, One disc sharpener.
One combined walking lister.
One double stalk cut ler.
One boli-sled.
One set work harness.
And other articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terrr.j of Sale.
All sums under $10, cash; over
$10, twelve months' time will be
given, purchaser giving good
bankable notes bearing 8 per cent
interest. No property to be re
moved until settled for. Sale to
begin at 11 o'clock a. in. Free
lunch will be served.
llobl. Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
J. P. Falter, Clerk.
Tonic in action, quick in results.
Will cure any case of kidney or
bladder disorder not beyond the
reach of medicine. No need to say
more. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
All Heating Stoves will be sold
at a discount from now on, as we
must have the space. Also special
prices on Quick Meal Ranges.
These prices are subject to stock
on hand. Come early and take
your choice. John Bauer.
Every family has need of a
good, reliable liniment. For
sprains, bruises, soreness of the
muscles and rheumatic pains
ere is none better than Cham
berlain's. Sold by F. 0. Fricke
& Co.
Depart for Weeping Water.
From Saturday's Dally.
The Platlsinoulh High School
Mandolin club, accompanied bv
Prof. O. Larson, departed for
Weeping Water on the M. P. this
morning, where the Cass County
I'eachers' association will convene
today. The mandolin club is
composed of the following: Wal
(leniar Soenniehsen, pianist; Mil
dred Cook, violin; Mollie Coil
win, Sophia ririch, WTIIa Moore
and John Fradv, niandolinisls.
Superintendent N. C. Abbott also
accompanied the Plaltsmoiilh
educators to Weeping Wafer.
Closing Out Sale!
I have decided to sell all Fancy China below cost, as I do
not intend handling it any longer owing to shortage in floor
space. I still have a nice assortment of Fancy Cups and Sau
cers, and many tther useful pieces.
I have a fine line of Mechanical Toys, Dolls and many
practical and useful gifts too numers to mention. Come and
see me, I know I can please you.
Ba.nk of Cass .County.
of Plattsmoutli, Nebraska.
Charter No. 642.
tucorixiratcd In the state of Nebraska, at the
dose of business December .'. Mil.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured..
Bonds, securlt les, judgments, claims,
Kunkinir house furniture and fix-
I u res
Iteal estnleollier than banking house
Current excuses and taxes paid...
Cash hems
Hue from niiL'l, state and private
Checks and Items of exchange
Iiold coin
Sllver.nickels and cents .
I. .V.I 41
!.:w no
:U7ii 75
..';! iw
a.)i i-:
:is.7 ;:.'
i:i.7oi iki
3 :iw :.:)
Total J4J1.320 Hi
Capital Mock paid In $ 50.000 00
Surplus fund Si.OnO 00
I'ndivldcd profits ni.4sii III
I ndlvldual deM)sltssuhject to chirk. I47.H7H Ml
Time ccrlltlcHtcsof tlcixisll ... 14I.M3 t
Certified Checks 2.0(10 TO
Cashier's checks oiitstandlnir'l ill
Due toother national, stale and pri -
vule hanks 4.17 04
Kills payable 15,000 HO
leiositoiV guaranty fund 701 35
Ride on Cannon-Bail Train.
The Armstrong cannon-ball
special, with Gene Denson, en
gineer; Sandy Andrews, fireman;
William Andrews, brakeman;
Harry Pierson, newsboy, and Jos.
Reynolds, conductor, with two
passengers, made a rerord-break-
t.M 42! . . .i ... ...
in I "in run to (neiiwooti iasi. nigiu,
Ihe exact lime being 15 minutes
and no seconds. The pace was so
rapid that the conductor was in
happy dreamland by the time the
Junction was reached, where he
laid over until the crew (lew over
to Glenwood with their passengers
and returned. Some trouble with
melting out of the brass boxing
about the axis of the drive wheels
was experienced on the return
trip, and some time lost at Pacific
Junction in cooling thorn off. The
crew was all ready for business
at their old stands this morning,
none of them having gone fast
enough to catch cold.
Total 4:JO,3:!0 m
State or Xkhhahka, I
County ok Cass f I, T. M. Patterson
cashier of the almvo mimed hank do herehy
sweur that the alKive statement I" cor
rect and a true copy of the reiiort made tolhe
State Itaiiktnir Hoard. T. M. Pattkkson.
,, ..JCiias.C. Paiimki.e. Il rector.
iVUISI . ( u Kubxhehuu,,, Director.
Subscrllicu and sworn to he fore me this hth
day of December, lull. VeiinaIIatt,
Notary I'uhllc.
Scall Mycomnilssloiiexplrcs.luly Kith. IMI7
The quicker a cold is gotten rid
of the less (tie danger from pneu
monia and other serious diseases.
Mr. H. W. L. Hall of Waverly, Va.,
savs: l nriniy nciievts i.naniner-
Iain's Cough Remedy to bo abso
lutely the best preparation on the
market for colds. I have recom
mended it to my friends ami Ihey
all agree with me." For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Without opiates or harmful
drugs of any kind Foley's Honey
and Tar Comopnd stops coughs
and cures colds. Do not accept
any substitute. For sale by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
"I had. been troubled with con
slipalion for two years and tried
all of the best physicians in Bris
tol, Tenn., and they could do noth
ing for me," writes Thos. F. Wil
liams, Middleboro, Ky. "Two
packages of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets cured me."
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A healthy man is a king in his
own right; an unhealthy man is
an unhappy slave. Rurdoek RIood
Hitters builds up sound health
k"ns you well.
Return From York.
Kvan Noble, Mill on McMakeu
and Don Arries, returned from
York last night on No. D, where
they bad been as delegates rep
resenting Plaltsmoiilh High
ischool at the Y. M. C. A. confer
ence. The young men report the
attendance of about. 300 deb-gales
from the numerous High schools
of the stale, and a most interest
in tr and enjoyable conference. The
meeting yesterday afternoon was
addressed by "Dad"' Elliott, sec
ri tary of the Y. M. C. A. of New
York City, and by Dean Fordyee of
the Nebraska university. A strong
plea was made by both speakers
for a stronger young manhood
ilong all moral lines, and Ihe ap
peal met I lie approval of the
oulhs present, for when the
piestion was put if they would
not take higher grounds for mor
ality and right living, every young
man in the room sprang to his
D. F. Dill of South Hend was
looking after some business mat
ters in this city Saturday and
called at this office and renewed
liis subscription.
The Journal office carrres
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Distributes Xmas Cheer.
Thursday afternoon Mr. Me
Cullough of near Murray brought
his sister, Mrs. P. Fvers a quarter
of beef, and in order that the meal
might properly cool olT Mrs.'s father, F. Olenhausen, cut
Ihe quarter in two and hung half
of it in the shed adjoining the
house. When lie went to get it
the next morning it had vanished,
no one knows where. Mr. Olen
hausen now blames himself for
placing the temptation to steal in
the way of some weak mortal.
Special Qjj
Suit Sale!
When you have a cold. get a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It will soon fix you up
all right, and will ward off any ten
dency toward pneumonia. This
remedy contains no opium or
other naroctie and may he given
as confidently to a baby as to an
adult. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co
The thing that you, like most men, are interested
in is money-saving, that's why you'll be in terestedin
this sale of suits at $15; you'll save from $5 to $10 per
suit. There are models for men and young men, all
the new ones the latest patterns and newest color
effects. These garments are from our own high grade
stock, and not especially bought for sale purposes.
These suits will be sold for cash only. See our west
window. Sale last this week only.
toTThis 13 the Xmas Store for men and those who buy
gifts for men. Beautiful display of Holiday Goods.
In County Court.
The hearing on the probate of
the will of Thomas Single, which
had been continued from a former
dale, was before the court this
morning. The contest and objec
tions entered by the daughters of
the deceased. Ida May Good and Belle Fitch, was withdrawn
and the decree probating the wil
was entered on the testimony o
T. Frank Wiles and Ada Graves
which was introduced at the
former hearing.
Cpjrrlkt Hart ScbHnt fc Mart
&r VJhicxctt
SUtxon lints
Manhattan Shirts
Accidents will happen, but
best regulated families keep
Thomas' Fried in Oil for .
emergencies. It subdues the pain
and heals Ihe hurls.
"Suffered day and night the tor
ment of itching piles. Nothing
helped me until I used Doan's
Ointment,. It cured nie perman
ently." Ron. John R. Garrett,
Mayor, Girard, Ala.
No. 1914
At riattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
December 5, 1911.
When your feet are wet and
cold, and your body chilled
through and through from ex
posure, take a big dose of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, bathe
your feet in hot water before go
ing to bed, ami you are almost
certain to ward off a severe cold.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Spirella Corsets.
Miss Etta Nickels wishes to an
nounce to her patrons and to the
ladies of Plattsmoutli that she
will be at Miss Meyer's Millinery
Store on Tuesday and Wednesday,
December 12 and 13, and day and
evening, with Spirella Corsets.
Harsh physics react, weaken the
bowels, cause chronic, constipa
tion. Doan's Regulets operate
easily, tone the stomach, cure
constipation. 25c. Ask your
druggist for them.
Loans and discounts... &.X.M4U1-
Ovenlrafts. secured and iinoonred.. 7.;'ii4.oa
l S. Immls to secure circulation ....
Oilier IniihIs to secure l'ostnl Sav
ings I'renilunis on I'. S. bonds
Knnds. securities, etc
Hanking lioue. furniture, fixtures. ..
Oilier real estate owned
Due from national banks (not re
serve agents) . .
Due from approved reserve amits. ..
('becks and other casli Items
Notes of oilier nntionnl banks
Fractional paiwr currency, nickels
and cents.
Lawful money reserve in bank. Tlx:
Specie SM.WUK)
Leiral-tender notes 4.S.U.UO 20,509.00
Redemption fund from V.S. Treas
urer (5 percent of circulation).. 1,300.00
. T,ti7.SH
Total fUO,040.44
Capital slock paid In I 50O00.00
Surplus fund 25,1X10.00
I ndivlded profits, less expenses and
taxes paid.... 3.310.01
Nnllonal bank notes oiitstandlnir 4s.hiki.ini
Individual deixwlts subject to check lltl.i.:ti
Demand ccrtlllcates of delimit.! H.lii.W
Time certificates of deposit IH7,2nr.fi7
DeiKmltsof Postal Savings
Total l4tfl.MO.44
Stale of Nebraska iM
County of Cass I I, II. X. lovey. casliler
of the above-named bunk, do solemnly swear
that the almve statement Is true to Hie lira! of
my knowledge anil liellcf.
II. N. DovcT.Caslilur.
Correct -Attest: Oko. K. ltovRY.
V K. Scm.ATieii. Directors.
E. W. Cook.
Subserled and sworn to liefore mo tills
mil day of December, l'.'ll. Itessle Shea
ISeall Notary Public.
My commission expires June !kl lWf.
Roman Maier and Frank and
John Schniarterer of Louisville
arrived on the morning train to-
day nml will remain in the city a
few ti'ivs looking after matters in
the district court. I
Henry's Motion
as the place to make your selections. The largest line of Christ
mas Goods to be found in the city, is now on display. Many very
, beautiful gifts, ranging in price
FROM 50c TO $4.00
Christmas Post Cards
Christmas Candies
General Line of Toys and Holiday Goods.
Pay us a visit before you buy.