The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 11, 1911, Image 4

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    I The- Plattsmouth - Journal
- Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CUD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Senator Moorohead of Richard-I
son county lias filed for governor.
Anyway, the MeNamaras didn't
"break down and confess." They
.hist simply confessed.
:o :
The flurry in the paper market
may he caused hy I he largo quan
tity used by President Taft in
xvriling his message.
:o :
Spring weather in Hocember al
ways reminds us of the good
natured look in the eye nf a mule
.just before lie uulilnliers.
;o ;
llul Aldrieh Tor senator! lon'l
I hat heat you ? And lie. is just
cgol isl ieal enough lo lliink Ihal
he can heat, Noiris llrown fur the
repuliliean nominal inn.
John Marred, wants the Panama
canal free In all nations. I'ncle
Sam may he a Santa Clans, hut we
douhl. if he tries lo make such ex
pensive Christinas presents to
t he enl ire planet.
:o: -
Now if all prisoners would
kindly plead guilty like I he Mc
Nuinara brothers and save all this
bother, some, of us would he wil
ling to perform our duly as
citizens hy serving on juries.
f :o:
There are some xvorkinginon
.who will feel in fulure that a
$1'.MI,0lli) luiid would look much
heller in shoes and stockings for
their children Hum in defending
Mr. llonM'vell extends con
urululal ions In IM.cHivc Munis
on his "signal service lo Aincri
enn cil izenship," II may he sug
gested Ihal Mr, Hums has alxvaxs
worked wilh the weerel serxice
rather Ihan I he signal service.
It used lo he regarded good
politics for congress lo pursue a
do-nothing policy. There is a
growing feeling that the con
gressmen xvere sent lo Washing
ton lo do something oilier than
furnish speeches lo till the Con
rressional Record.
Iteporl has it that National
Committeeman llosewalor lias ad
vised Senator Broxvn I hat if lit
will let the national commil lee-
man name the federal ollieers who
. have headiiuarlers at Omaha, the
national committeeman will not
oppose Senator Brown's re-elec
lion. Here is a slick-up in xvhich
there is not even a hint of n lorig
man. Lincoln Star.
fcenalor Simon Ouggenhoini ex
plains that "private business in
terests" xxill prevent him from
seeking re-eleclion in Colorado
next year. Mr. (luggenhoini's
"private business interests" urn
tickle. They nre xvhat proinpled
him to go lo the senate in the first
Many people are loo careless in
burning waste paper ami trash.
Carry the wasle stuff to some,
vacant lot to burn it. It will bo
some trouble and work to do this,
hut will be lots safer than burn
ing it right in the business part of
town. A little caution now and
then may save much loss by lire.
ill. ..J I ..I
liiuisi oi.ii is oniy a lime xvay
off, and Santa Clans will be a
great xvay off to lots of I i Itlo tots
in Plallsniouth xvho won't know
Mm at ull unless by the kind hand
of charitable neighbors. Please
hour litis in mind.
The I. a Follettc league suc-
ceeds the
I.inooln league in Cali-
Buy your Christmas supplies of
those who advertise. Always
cheaper and belter.
All hough 223 stone-throwing
suffrage! les have been arrested in
London, it is doubtful if any of
them hit xvhat I hey aimed at.
A magazine of poetry is to be
established in Chicago and our
poels can no doubt get their stuff
printed on paying I he. space rales.
We may mil be able lo gel I In
beef packers nilo a prison cell
but anyway I hey have had to spend
a lot of time chiseled wilh their
:o: .
lo you remember a profound
constitutional lawyer among your.
acquaintances? If so, perhaps he
will explain the president's nies-
to you.
Taft declares he will "be glad
to abide by the people's verdict."
This, however, is more than H9
per cent of the federal oflioc
hohlcrs can say.
:o ;
"I'ollard Mysliliedl" is a head
line in some of the papers. Not
I he lirsl time, however, and prob
ably not the last.
As a good star! has been made
in the meal packers' cases, we
haxe hopes that it will be possible
lo jail the grand-children of Hit
present defendants.
:o ;
In x iexv of I he temper of Con
gress, several carloads of limber
for gavels should ' be at once
shipped lo Washington, care of
Speaker Champ Clark.
;o ;
If has been found at I be Cin
cinnati kindergarten traminif
school that a girl can live on 7
conl s worth of food a day. Mut
never in the ice cream season.
Alroady it had cost California
$LM)l),00i) to prosecute the Mc
Namaras. However, it is not often
that the taxpayers get such n.
g I run for their money.
The Y. M. C. A. fund is groxv
ing right along and most of our
business men are giving without
a murmur, That's the xvay Ihey
should support a good movement.
And now if is said that Con
gressnian Norris will step out of
the senatorial race and give xvay
r .. n i
ior ine present governor lo run
against Senator Brown. Oh.
Alfred Tennyson Bickons of
F.nglaml says our railroad Irains
are the best in the world. Our
railroad men can't believe this, or
they wouldn't get mad and smash
Ihein up so freipienlly.
A trunk with valuable slate
papers has been stolen from ex
Ambassador Hill. This saxes us
Hie bother of reading; them
verbatim, when Dr. Hill xvrites his
You may talk about Platts
mouth as you please, but in nil
our career xve have never lixed in
a cuy xxnere mo citizens xvere
more liberal in giving lo institu
tions that were destined lo benefit
the community. Nolo how rapid
ly the Y. M. C. A. fund is crawl-
ing upward in dollars.
Metcalfe lias been induced to
announce for governor.
:o :
Speaking of monopolies, Taft
has a monopoly of the belief that
the anti-trust law is all right ex
actly as it is.
. :o:
Help a good cause by buying
lied Cross Stamps lo put on your
Christmas packages.
Let it be u free-for-all for gov
ernor. Just as well. The way
things are going the democrats
will stand no show, anyway.
:o :
Only one thing keeps us from
believing this to be the finest time
of the year for egg-nog. That one
thing is the price of eggs.
The newspapers of the day. af
ter Thanksgiving reported "At
rocities by the Turks." In our
country the lurks xvere the victim
of many atrocities.
:o :
They are still engaged in or
ganizing La Follettc clubs in
various sections of the stale, not
withstanding the efforts of llose-
w ater, Pollard
ov Co. to capture
every! hing.
Now Ilia! the usual yearly dis-
cussioii about keeping t he Hoys on
Hie farm has bobbed up again, we
would simply suggest that I he xvay
lo solve the problem would be to
liml a way to keep the girls on
the farm.
:o :
The labor unions will have to
kick out the dynamiters. If this
country is to he ruled by bombs,
instead of ballots, it is about time
for good citizens to lake (he first
train for some progressive plan
like Patagonia.
Some of these fellows who hast
been dynamiting buildings be
longing to people they didn't like,
would be terribly aggrieved if a
neigniiors Mock ol liens riiin-1
maged around in Iheir back yards.
I'.xeryone can assist Hie clerks
in I he wind-up rush of I he Christ -mas
shopping by purchasing their
supplies right now, xxhen you
have plenty of time and they have
plenty of time to xvail on yon.
It is not nearly so trying lo
worry aboul the xvay the country
is hiking down hill these days, as
it to xvorry about hoxv you are go
ing lo make good at the end of
the your. There's xvhere the shoe
Some auloists have been seen
gliding along the streets after
dark without lights. This fact has
been called lo our attention
several times. Now, xve cannot
see xvhere Hie eyes of I lie ollieers
nre when such things arc allowed
right here in the streets of Plaits
(.nrisinias conies nut onco a
year, and let us do all we can to
bring forth good cheer to every
body. There will be many heart
aches right here in Plattsmouth
on Christmas morn if there is not
some move made to relieve tins
void in many households.
:o :
The validity of the commission
plan will be attacked in Omaha.
There is no question hut those
x ho were so instrumental in hav
ing the commission form govern
inent adopted, have a great desire
to gel control of the government
of the city, and had this intention
in mind trom I lie start.
If it xvere possible for the demo
orals to 11 x upon some good man
for governor one who has never
been mixed up with factions
mere would no no trouble m
electing him. Wo have them, but
they havo not appeared upon the
surface yet. There use
talking about electing; a candidate.
xvho took an active part in the
campaign two years ago. It can'l
be done
Speaker Clark is a frank and
impuhive leader, and he lias the
weakness as well as the strength.
that goes xvilh those qualities.
He is too outspoken and it might
be added too much in earnest,
ever to be a great diplomatist, but
hy (lie same token the public al
ways knows xvhere to find him,
even though it may occasionally
liml him in the wrong. Because
people as a i;ule admire sincerity
and courage they are ready to for
give a public man such mistakes
of judgment as Champ Clark has
made in his Canadian utterances,
more especially since they can
feel sure that there are no mis
takes of the heart which he is
carefully concealing in his breast.
We do not know whether Speak
er Clark's Washington interview
of last Monday was impulsive or
carefully studied. Kilher xvay, we
like, it. lie grasps firmly in his
powerful hand the neltlo consist
ing in the charge that there has
been loo much harmony among
democratic congressmen and
because he grasps it firmly it does
not hurl, him. This is his answer,
and his position:
"After seventeen years of fac
tional fighting the democrats are
united and by I lie blessing of Cod
will remain so. F.very
democrat who participated in that
troublesome, laudable xvork de
serves his full share of the honor.
Where there xvas once despair in
democratic hearts there is high
hope noxv.
"The most important feature of
the extraordinary session of con
gress from a political, standpoint
was the fact that xve pulled to
gether, xvorked together, fought
together and xvon together. We
replaced the old habit of defeat
xvilh the new habit of victory, the
bail fashion of quarreling among
ourselves xvilh the belter fashion
of taking counsel together and
then present ing a solid front to
the astonished enemy."
Mr. Clark shows bis wisdom.
loo, in adding that it is evident
thai Hie country is with the demo-
rat ic parly ou the larilT issue and
in declaring ihal it will inevitably
be I he leading issue next year.
d w ill be nol only I he lending
sstie, but the xxinning issue if the
leiuocrals in congress, under the
leadership of Speaker Clark and
Chairman Underwood, shoxv in the
oniing session the same will and
he same ability that they shoxved
in I lie extra session lo pull to
gether, xvork together, fight to
gether and win together." It is
not to in; expected (hat the people
will trust the democratic parly to
govern I he country if it shows
plainly that it cannot even govern
The people elect od a democratic
house lo reduce the larilT in con
formity willi the democratic tariff
doctrine. The house must meet
Ihal duly, and do it in the very
best xvay possible. It is impossible
that all democratic members
should think alike on the details
of larilT making. Hut it is pos
sible, and it is essential, that
I hey reconcile Iheir differences,
agree on a common democratic
ground on which all can stand,
and then do the xvork Ihey xvere
elected to do. A mere debating
society, showing the party divided
into factions, impotent and undis
ciplined, accomplishing nothing
but the utterance, of high-sounding
phrases, xvould disgust Hie
country. What is demanded is re
sults, results that will shoxv the
party competent lo govern, "and it
is such results that Speaker
Clark's statement encourages us
to look forward to. World
Herald. :o:
An old democrat,, one xvho has
resided in Nebraska since I ho. 50's,
says he never saw the lime when
the democrats stood as good a
shoxv of carrying the slate as
Ibis year, but that everybody
wnnled (o run for governor, and
(hose who did not care (o run
some of (heir friends insisted on
(heir running anyxvay.
Pierson takes in washing for a
1 It's iood Souse I
to take good care of a good car. Have your
Painted or Varnishd each season. It will lengthen
its life and improve its appearance.
"' i J
(' I'!
To a foreigner one of the things
thai seem strafe in our ical !
seem strange in our political
habits is the comparatively slight
at lent ion given by our people to
the proceeding's of our congress.
Those of us xvho read the Knglish
newspapers are impressed by Hie
columns and columns given to
verbatim reports of parliament.
Over there a political reporter
must be a good short-hand man,
and the papers often take several
columns of a good speech.
Here our newspapers boil down
ex en the heller congressional
speeches to half a dozen sen
tences. And yet there is a com
plain! that Hie day of oratory "is
gone by. Why should a congress
man allow I he (ire of patriot i.sin
to express itself in burning orat
ory, when his colleagues are out
talking about post masterships in
i lie cloak rooms and the news
paper reporters trying to liml out
xvho w ill gel I he niinina! ion for
II has always been our belief
Ihal Hie press associations lend lo
misjudge the temper of the people
in this respect. In congress xve
have warring against each other
Hie interests of conflicting classes
and sections, and to the news
paper reporter who knoxvs hoxv to
select dramatic material from a
mass of verbiage it is a human
interest story that heals most of
our theater plays.
Is 'he Case With Many
Plattsmouth People.
Too many Plattsmouth citizens
are handicapped xvilh a bad back.
The unceasing pain causes con
stant misery, making xvork a
burden and stooping or lifting an
impossibility. The hack aches at
night, preventing refreshing rest
and in the morning is si ill' and
lame. Plasters and liniments may
give relief but cannot reach the
cause. To eliminate the pains ami
aches you must cure the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills help sick
kidneys. Can you doubt Plaits-
mouth ex idence? ;
Frank S. Hrinkman, Eleventh SI,,
Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: 'I can
vouch for Doan's Kidney .Pills,
knowing them to lie a good
kidney remedy. My back at limes
become so lame that the simplest
movement xvas painful and had
frequent headaches and dizzy
spels that caused me no end of
annoyance. Mornings on arising,
1 could hardly drag myselff aboul.
In spile of the many remedies I
tried, I found no relief until I be
gan using Ooan's Kidney Pills,
procured at Hynolt & Co.'s Drug
Store. They etTeoted a prompt and
permanent cure."
For sale hy all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the t'nited States,
Remember (he name Doan's
md (ake no other.
For Sale.
One span of good xvork horses,
weighing 2,300 pounds, 8 ami 9
years old. Also wagon and har
ness. Inquire of A. II. Graves,
Murray, Neb.
Yon take no chances with
us. We are experts in our
line and do only first-class
! J
Fifty-three per cent of those
killed in railway accidents during
the past year xvere trespassers on
the roads.
Superintendent K. Bignoll of
the Burlington Lincoln division
will leave on Monday for an ex
tended trip to the norlhxvost.
A new freight depot is well un
der xvay at Aurora. II is under
stood the Burlington may build a
noxv passenger station at Auraro
next year.
' A special from Nebraska City
sax s: The work on the noxv Bur
lington station, which will cost in
the neighborhood oT StiO.OOO, in
cluding new terminals and sub
way, is about completed and it is
planned lo have Hie dedication
ceremonies early in January, at
which lime a number of the
officials of the company will be
Missouri Pacific carpenters are
at xvork at Plattsmouth moving
the passenger station fifty feet,
back from the tracks, xvhere it will
slaml in Hie future. They will
enlarge the structure, building it
all over, adding one large room
for a baggage department, and an
other for increasing the capacity
of the xvailing rooms. There will
also be placed in the yards ad
ditional trackage for Hie better
accommodation of the business
for the caring for trains which
have to do switching, and for the
passenger trains. Lincoln Jour
nal. All the railroads in the United
Stales are getting ready to com
ply xxith the recent ruling of the
interstate commerce commission,
xvhich provides that a pass bureau
must be created hy every railroad
lo handle all the free transporta
tion issued by (ho road. This is
done lhat. the commission may
have a better check on (he trans
portation issued. The pass bu
reaus xxill bo in charge of a super
intendent, and all requests for
passes must bo made through this
channel. The order takes effect
January I, 1012.
For Sale.
Pedigreed Duroc-Jersey male
; P's-
V. E. Perry,
Mynard, Neb.
5 isi
Applied Into lh notlrllt
Is quickly absorbed.
ft I'loaiiMCM, soothes, liciils ond protwtu the
ii is, iitt-tl iin'iiilirniio ri'- nlting from CutnrrN
nn.l drivi siiwiiy n 'M iu tin; Howl quickly. '
it ,-itoii's tUo Soncs of IVto ami Smoji.
It is oa'-y to ukc. Contains tin iiijurieii.
ilnig. No incr.'iny, no coouino, no tnor.
Jiliinr. '1 lmuKflieM romnly. (
l'rii i', 50 cciitd lit liruvJb'Hts or j iiuiil.
0.V BROTHERS. CO ' vrin St., Now Yor.