The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1911, Image 8

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The Contract for Remodeling and Reconstruction of the Same Will
Be Let as Soon as Possible, and Work Completed With a Rush.
The building coininillee of the
Modern Woodmen local lodge yes
terday received from Archil ret J.
P. Ouctli of Omaha I ho specifica
tions for Hie remodeling and re
construction of the properly re
cently purchased al I he corner of
Sixth ami Pearl streets. This
building, when completed accord
ing to plans adopled by 1 he com
mittee, will be one of Hie finest,
in the city, and one in which every
citizen can feel a pride. The
second story is to be raised and
tho building on the south and east,
wall venered wilh pressed brick,
tho first story to be of dark and
tho second story of light colored
brick with dark trimmings. The
ceilings will be of steel ami Hie
building rendered as nearly fire
proof as possible. The floor of
the ball will be of bard maple ami
all of the rooms will be equipped
with modern fixtures and furnish
ings. There will be a ball or lodge
room above, i 2 x i 5 feet, which is
as large ns the Coalcs' hall which
will probably be occupied by I be
Y. M. C. A. ( In I be fi rst floor a
large dining room and a roomy
kitchen, with necessary equipment
Cure for Death Dealing Collisions
Urged by Railway
Referring to the wreck record
for October, the Railway Age
Gazette says of I he collision near
Gibnore Junction between Mis
souri Pacific trains on Octo
ber 15:
The most disastrous accident in
this list is I he collision which oc
curred at (lilmore Junction, Nidi.,
on the fifteenth, in which seven
persons were killed. This ac
cident was reported in the Railway
Arc, Gazelle of October 20, page
802. The circumstances were in
vestigated by a coroner's jury, and
we have the somewhat unusual
result, of a verdict in which the
main cause of Hie collision is
correct ly slated. It will be remem
bered thai, according lo Hie
original nrrounl, the conductor
and cngineman of the freight ef
South Omaha without examining
the train register. The coroner's
jury finds Dial, in addition to this,
these men perhaps mistook train
No. 155, at South Omaha, for No.
105, which was lo be met at Gil
more Junction; and "We further
find that the mere keeping of a
register, as now maintained at
South Omaha, is not a sufficient
safeguard." The verdict goes on
to Rive further particulars, and in
some respects shows a lack of
neoessary knowledge of railway
practice; but everyone who has
had experience wilh train regis
ters, and who has seen the dif
ference (in results) between Ibis
means of preventing collisions
and the use of an efficient block
system, will recognize the force
and the exact accuracy of I be
main statement quoled above."
E. Wurl Displays Goods.
If you have not seen K. WuiTa
shop w indow as I rimmed up and
decorated by thai prince of win
dow decorators, (loorjjo Morrison,
you have missed a beautiful ex
hibit. The window front mp north
haB been partitioned by I lie artist,
half beinw devoled lo Ihe at
tractive dress troods for sale by
Mr. Wurl and Ihe other depart
ment to furs and fancy articles.
In the design one can see the idea
of a skilled advertiser who knows
how to display his wares lo the
bust possible advantage. Colors
aro artistically blended, lending a
pleasing and allraclive air to the
scene, and suggesting articles of
beauty which would make an
elegant Chrislmas present for a
Fined $2 and Trimmings.
C It. Keir, an apph-pirker from
south of (ilenwood, was in Ihe cily
yesterday and was run in by the
police as a plain drunk. When
sobered up the police judge took
bis temperature, looked at bis
tongue and pronounced ? and
oosls. Mr. Kier explained bis
business in Ihe city by saving thai
he bad run out of apple-picking
and chanced lo be near Ihe Junc
tion in Mills county when he was
soized wilh a terrible I hirst and
for serving1 banquets, will be ar
ranged. Toilet and dressing rooms
with every convenience will be ad
ded, anil being on the ground floor
will add very materially to the
convenience of the dining room.
Should the bulge decide to rent
their dining ivkiiii and kitchen to
other lodges or organizations in
the city it will have no difficulty
in doing so, the convenience to the
heart of the business district and
the added advantage of being on
the ground floor is a most desir
able feature for such purpose.
The building committee met
last night, and considered the
specifications and plans of the
new structure and will be gov
erned somewhat by the weather as
to proceeding at once with let
ting the contract, but. it is to be
hoped that. I he work can be com
menced soon, as a large and com
modious hall will be sorely need
ed, if the floafes' hall, as is ex
peeled, should be devoted to other
purposes. The M. V. A. is the
leading fraternal order of the cily,
and its in planning to
own its home is to be commended
and I here is no doubt, but the hall
will receive a liberal patronage
from other organizat ions.
immeilialcly set. out for Plalts
moulli, where be beard that, his
I hirst, could be quenched, and
when he got here he took on more
than was really necessary, which
sort of paralyzed bis pedal ex
tremities, and in Ibis condition
the police look him lo jail, lie
was allowed to go lo his brother's
and will bring Hie Hie next
time be is in I own.
Ready for Holiday Trade.
The interior of John Crahill's
jewelry store look on a holiday air
early this week, and the skilled
hand of ail arlist controlled in the
decoration of the shelves and
jewelry cases. A profusion of
holly, autumn leaves, lilies and
ferns lined the glass cases and
extended suspended through the
center of the slore room. Over
the doorways and windows Hie
rich foliage of autumn and Hie
blossoms are seen, all arranged
with arlist ic taste. In I be show
cases ami glass cases in the rear
end and al Hie sides of the slore
are Mr. Cniliill's large slock of
fancy gold watches (ten dozen
gold walches), beautiful clocks,
numerous designs of cut glass
and a large assortment of solid
silverware. All or any of Ihese
will make a beautiful and prac
tical -Christmas present. The
store is a scene of beauty when
the brilliant 32 c. p. electric lights
are turned on and the eye is daz
zled with the brilliant display.
Rod Cross Stamps on Sale.
Kvcryono nearly knows the
object of the sale and use. of Ihe
Red Cross Seal, and they all know
that it is a worthy movement to
a jil in the establishment of a home
for those who become afflicted
wilh tuberculosis. In the pur
chase of these stamps everyone
can help a little, even to the ex
tent of 5 or 10 cents' worth of
They cost lml lillle
and everyone can afford lo pur
chase a few. When you send a
package of presents away lo dis
tant friends be sure and use a
number of Ihese stamps lo show
lo the outside world that you be
lieve in supporting a most worthy
and laudable movement. lied
Cross Seals will be found on sale
at Ihe following places:
John Crabill.
F. O. Kricke & Co.
K. A. Wurl.
Wyrick & Hadraba.
C. K. Wescotl's Spns.
Itynolt & Co.
Falter & .Tbeirolf.
Matthew llerold.
John Hauer & Son.
H. A. McKlwain.
"The Acorns," the popular So
olqars. Made by PUk A Bajeck.
The following section of a
law regarding the disposi-
lion or placing of legal ad-
verlising in newspapers was
passed by the Nebraska
legislature of 1'JOi), and we
desire the friends of the
Journal lo make a note of J
ils provisions and govern
themselves accordingly: J
"That from and after the
! nassae ami nnnrnvnl of Ibis !
act it shall be I lie law ful
right of any plaiulitf or
J petitioner in any suit, ac-
J lion or proceeding, pending
-I or prosecuted iu any of (tie
'district courts of Ibis slate,
in which it is necessary lo
publish in a newspaper any
notice or copy of an order,
! trrowiiiLr out. of. or connected 4
wilh such action or proceed-
ing cither by himself or his
attorney of record, to desig-
mile in what newspaper
such not ice or copy of order
shall be published. And it
shall be (he right of the
widow, widower, or a ma-
jority of the heirs-al-law of
legal age, of the estate of
any deceased inleslale or
the widow, widower, or a
majority of the legatees or
devises of lawful age, of
I he estate of deceased
lestalein to designate the
newspaper in which the
notices pertaining to the
settlement of I lie estates of
such deceased persons shall
be published. And it shall
be the duty of the Judgos of
the district court, county
Judges or any ether officer
charged with the duty of or-
derlno, directing or super-
intending the publication of
any of such notices, or
copies of orders, to strictly
comply with such deslgna- J
Hons, when mado In ac-
cordance with the pro-
vision3 of this act."
We waul I he friends of
Hie Journal throughout Cass
county lo understand that
! when they have district
court, indices or county
court indices lo publish they
aro empowered wilh Ihe
right lo designate the paper
! in which such notices shall
be published.
t.VAi.M. XOTK'i:.
The Stale of Nehrnskn, Cass County, s.
In the County Court of Cuss County,
Nebraska. In the Matter of the
Instate of William llargroves,
l (eoeased.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested In said estate t lift t a petition
Ii.ih been tiled In tho County Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, on the Hiith day
of November, 11111, alleging that Wil
liam Margraves, late of Cass County,
Nebraska, departed this life Intestate,
seized and possessed of real estate In
said county ami that he left surviving
lit mi n widow, who Is now Kmily ltlcli
ii nls, and that he left no other heirs
That the deceased left an estate of
Inheritance consisting of real estate;
described an follows, to-wlt: Lots
twunty-seven and twenty-nine (27 and
29), In tho Northwest quarter of Sec
tion twenty-nine (29), Township
twelve (121, Itange fourteen (14), east
of the till) l M., in Cass County, Ne
braska; said property Is "of less value
than 12,000.00 and Is wholly exempt
from attachment, execution or other
mesne process, and is not llalile for the
debta of the deceased; and that said
property he assigned to the said Emily
You will hereby take notice that on
the 20th day of Oecemher, 1911, at 9
o'clock A. M. a hearing will be had
upon wild petition In the county court
room of said county, at I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, and that unless good cause
Is shown against said petition the
prayer thereof will he granted, and the
estate of the deceased he assigned as
prayed for, and further administration
thereof he dispensed with. It In further
ordered that notice of the pendency of
sum petition lie given to all persons In
terested In Maid estate by publishing a
copy of this order for n period of three
weeks prior to said 20th day of Ie
ceniber. 1911. in tho Seml-Weeklv
Journal, a newspaper published and of
general circulation In CasH County,
Itncs.M my hand and the seal of the
County Court of said county this 27th
day of November, 1911.
Alien J. Ileeson,
(Seal) ' County Judge.
nitmoit to snow i sk.
County, NebniHka:
In the mailer of the etute of Adam
I nr. in in, deceased:
TIiIh eiuiHo rnnif on for bearing upon
the eetltion of Kdvvard Ingram, udmln
iMtraloi' of the estate of Adam Ingram,
ileeeaNed, praying for a lieenao to sell
the wext half of the luirthwext quarter
and the HoutheitHt iiuarter of tho north
weNt iiuarter In neetloti 19, townahlp
1.'. runge 1, in Ciikh county, NubriiMka,
or a Hiilllclent amount of tho Kama to
bring tlm mini of f l'50.01) for tho pay
luentM of debtM allowed agninut mild
chIhIo and the eoxt of administration,
and iiImo to pay the expene of theae
proceeding, then not being miltlelent
peruana! property to pay Mich. debt
and evpeuxeH.
It Ih therefore ordered that all per
houh IntercNtcd In fiild estate uppear
before me nt my olllce in the court
house, at IMaltsmouth, Nebraska, on
Ihe :.'0th day of January, lit 12, at 10
o'clock A. m., to ahoiv cause why a llc
ense xhsould not ho grained to audi ad
ministrator to sell ho much of tho above
de rllied real estate, or all of the. name
of said deceased as shall he necessary
to pay said debtx and expenses.
It Is further directed that this order
be published for four succesxivo weeks
prior to said day In the I'lattsmouth
Sentl-Weekly Journal, a newspaper
published nt I'latlsmoiith, Nebraska
and of general circulation In said Cass
CO II 11 1 V.
Inte! this Ith dav of liecemher, 1911,
Jiidsre of the Mlstrlet Court.
It. O. liW'YKU Attorney.
County, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of tho Kstute of l,eiia
Welshelt, lieceased.
This cause cam on for hearing upon
Lights tho
Ju - :' i
i. " " .. - ill I i v. i
L. J'L.....
tlie petition of Herman Luetchens, ex
ecutor of the estate of . Lena Wel.shelt,
deceased, praying for a license to seli
the northeast quarter of Section 12,
Township 10, Itange 10. Kiist of the 6th
I'. M In Cass County, Nebraska, or a
Kiillicient amount of the same to bring
the sum of 1 .200.110, lor the payments
of debts allo'wed against said estate
nml cost of admlnisti a, ion and special
devises In the will of Haid deceased
there not being sulllclent personal prop
erty to pay such debts, expenses and
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me at my olllce . In the Court
House at I'lal tsmoutli, Nebraska, on the
I'Otli day of January, 112. at 10 o'clock
A. M to show cause why a license
should not b. granted to said executor
to sell said real estate as above de
scribed of said deceased or as much
thereof as may be necessary to pay
such devises and expenses.
It Is directed that this order be pub
lished four weeks prior to said date In
the riattsmoulh Journal, a newspaper
published semi-weekly at I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, and of general circulation
in said Cass County.
I'ated tills 5th day of lioeember, 1911.
Judge of the District Court.
I). O. DWYHIt. Attorney.
Frank Swoboda will take notice
that on Ihe 9th day of November,
19H, M. Archer, a juslice-of the
peace for Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for
the sum of $05.35, in an action
pending before him, wherein the
Omaha Iron Slore Company is
rait S liy for
Here you will find a suitable present for the most hard-to-please friend or
relative. And all our goods are priced right. Many of the most attractive
presents cost but a small sum. The only way you can really appreciate the
Christmas buying opportunity at this store is to pay us a visit.
Locket Chains
Ladies Solid Gold
Plain Band, Seal and
Solid Gold Brooches,
14k Gold Filled Brooches, new designs. . .......
Souvenir Spoons
Silver Thimbles,
Solid Gold Links ,
Gold Filled Links
Solid Silver Teaspoons, per set.
Mantle Clocks
Cut Glass Pieces
i C.,B.&Q. WATCH
TJIoment You
iHEPilct Acetelyne
matic in operation
ever. Eveiy light is
which does away with
makes it impossible to open
ignited at the tip.
This machine makes gas just as it is reeJed and posi
tively no more. This hi m alone is a great saving over other
machines that have a different style of mixing, which leaves
a quantity of gas in the resivoir, which loses its burning qual
ities the longer it stands.
Gas from this machine can be run to any of our out
buildings. This is absolutely the only machine that is giving
perfect satisfaction at all times and under all conditions with
out any extra expense after installation. This machine can
be seen any time at our store.
plaintiff and Frank Swoboda, de
fendant, that property of the de
fendant, consisting of wagon
tongue, fellows, spokes, rims,
singletrees, painted and plain,
neckyokes, doubletrees, bolsters,
buggy tongues, horseshoes, buggy
spokes, plow bandies and numer
ous other articles of merchandise
have been al l ached under said
order. Said cause was continued
until the 4th day of January, 1912,
at 9 o'clock A. M.
Omaha Iron Store Company,
By D. O. Dwyer,
Its Attorney.
Ladies' Auxiliary Meets.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the
First Presb.N lerian church held a
very pleasant meeting yesterday
afternoon in the club room of Ihe
church. The regular business
session was held, during which
matters of much importance were
transacted. After this a most en
joyable social time was indulged
in by the ladies, some of thein
bringing fancy work and devoting
a few of Ihe hurrying moments to
stitching on dainty needle work.
Refreshments were served at Ihe
usual hour.
Set Rings
Chased Rings
latest designs
75C tO $12.50 I
mtatwBKfumz 1 1 1 n n ima gang
Wb L?yHEJa!Llian and JFWFLI
S f hem
Gas Machine is entirely auto
and requires no attention what
ention what- i
lectric spark, C
lies, and also
he gas being J
started with an electric
the use of matches,
a gas jet w ithout the
The Qest Flour in tho
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
A Terrible Blunder
to neglect liver trouble. Never do
it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills
on Ihe first sign of constipation,
biliousness or inactive bowels and
prevent virulent indigestion,
jaundice or gall stones. They
regulate liver, stomach and bow
els and build up your health. Only
F. (S. Fricke & Co.
Tv W
SI.OO lo $7,00
SI.50 lo $155,00
g,5() 0 $7i50
75C 10 $2i50
S2.50 lo $10,00
fg SI a50
q ft) S1.00
$2,00 10 $15,00
5flC 10 $2,00
. $3,5010 $5,50
S3.50 to SI8.00 2