u 0 0) in a n pii(p F m r3 LJ3 (eh ns n Lfl 1 II I W zJ Wuu 0 U U lyj IL9 vJJ; u o ii heS atisfied vomers oncreasin o O Me, O n O n and the real. Sale rows IQore Onterestiog Every "bay o n u o n Bear in mind that the Closing Days of this great buyinc oooortunitv are number 3nH f , . . . your Fall and W.nter goods, at lhe unheard of prices-prices that mean a groat saving to you. Make it a point to visit this store within the next few days; it will pay you to buy a Suit or Overcoat, even if you do not need it at the present time. This opportun y wil? not bc 2 ed you agam th.s season. Cemo in and compare our quality with the price, and you will see wo are speaking the truth mm ear in mind that we have almost unbroken lines in Hew Coats, Suits and Dresses for Ladies, Misses and Children; Mew Clothing for U O n u O n tin rt: $ mm TYS! -FB ALU u O U O We have just unpacked and placed on display one of the largest lines of Holiday Goods to be found in Plattsmouth this season Christ mas Boxes, Toys of every description, and handsome Drcsents for h Included in this Great Sale and are going at Challenge Prices. " " Branamo,ncr' ana a" arc Remember We Clothe Every Member of Your Family "THE HOME OF VALUE GIVING PRICES" anager o TRY US FIRST F V. zuom STORE TRY US FIRST w v 1 inr- iQt Plattsmouth, Nebraska ILW) DEPARTMENT tems of Interest to Journal Readers Will B Received at the Drug Stoie J. II. StrotMiier retuj'iii'd from Omaha Tuesday morning on No. 13. Charles Suavely went to Lincoln Monday evening to witness the wrestling match. S. 0. Ilnyles was the recipient of a line Thanksgiving turkey. It came by express incog. Mr. John Miller returned Mon day evening from Omaha, where he had been on business. Miss Orayce Foreman took siek the first of last week, but is re ported much improved at Ibis writing. Mrs. Ivan elites and baby came in Tuesday evening from Scrib- ner, Neb., to visit, her mother, Mrs. Mary Skinner. James Cook of Heaver City, Neb., is visiting his Aunt Nina Kitzel and other relatives here and at Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone enter tained Sunday William Kitzel and family, Aunt Hina Kitzel and son, Hert, and Oramlma Stone. T. N. Hobbitt was a passenger for Lincoln on No. 17 Monday to visit his wife, .who is sick at the home of their son, Charles rtob bitt. J. A. Shaffer was in Lincoln Monday evening to attend a meet ing of the Lincoln Poultry as sociation. He returned home Tuesday on No. 18. Mrs. Han Williams was quite ick Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. Henry Suders, of Clalonia, came up and staved several days with her. She is better at present. William DobbiH and family of Tckamah, Neb., autoed to Lincoln Friday to see his mother, return ing home Sunday, slopping a few moments in Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobbin of Lincoln accom panied them to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Jordan autoed to Ashland Monday. Mrs. Oeorge Curyea went to Lincoln Tuesday on No. 13. Grandpa Keefer is visiting his son, Chris Keefer and family, this week. Mrs. Ella Prouty and daughter, Hessie, visited in Lincoln a few days last week. Henry Snoke went to Lincoln Saturday morning, reluming Tuesday morning. Harry I'arsell and family ale Thanksgiving turkey with Joe I'arsell and family. Mis Stella Swacker and Calter Marshall of Greenwood were mar- i l ied Wednesday at Lincoln. Art Prouty of Falls City is visit ing nt the home, of his mother, Mrs. Ella Prouty, this week. The M. V. A. will give a supper Friday' evening to the members and their families at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rasp went to Omaha Saturday morning to visit their sons for several days. Miss Floss Strain and brother, Elmer Strain, spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, Mrs. I). A. Vin eent. C C. Rucknell and family spent Thanksgiving in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hovles. Mrs. nuck- nell remained until Sunday. Harry Vickers came in from Omaha Saturday evening to visit until Monday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Vickers. Harvey Rasp returned Monday evening from Omaha, where he visited bis broathers, Albert and John Rasp and wives. L Th AIo urhool gave a program 'and box social Tuesday night at the hall. The proceeds, which nmr.imlcd to $24, will be used for I rillPnhtuiiirv ......... . i '-'"k necessary sriiool equipments. Mrs. E. M. Stone and son were in Lincoln Saturday. Albert Foreman of Lincoln is spending Ibis week at the home of his parents. Miss Mae Prouty of Dunbar, Neb., visited her molher, Mrs. Ella Prouty. last week. Mrs. Alice Riner of University Place spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Joe Parsell. Mrs. Joe Prouty of University Place spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of University Place spent Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mares of Dennett visited last week with Mrs. Mares' parents," Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hite. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsell and daughter visited a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parsell, Mrs. Alex Skiles returned Mon day from University Place, where she has been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Joe Prouty. Miss Alta Linch visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Linch, last week during her Thanksgiv ing vacation. She returned to York Sunday. Mrs. Charles Kirlipalrick re ceived a telegram Sunday from Craig staling that her brother had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk patrick left Monday to attend the funeral. Mrs. William Newkirk went to ( Plionu'm nt Tn.ii-.l.... f i i , to visit hor daughter, Mrs. Paling, I remaining until last Sunday. Mr.( Newkirk and Miss Cecil spent Thankisgiving there. Mr. and Mrs. J. . Maker entertained at dinner Thanksgiv ing Mr. and Mrs. William Frank of Rennett, Miss Pearl Woodard and Messrs. Guy Shrewe, H. L. Clapp, jr., of Elinwood, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Johnson and children and Miss Grayce Hailey. James Jordan went to Omaha I luesday. Mrs. Oscar Suavely was a Lin coln visitor Tuesday. Sam Cashner had business at the capital city Tuesday. Mr. ami Mrs. Ed Casey were trading at Lincoln Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpal rick were in Lincoln last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Casey were in Lincoln Thanksgiving day. John Skiles of Mount Rose, la., is here visiting his brother, Alex Skiles. Miss Mary Suders is here from Clalonia visiting relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moss at Eagle. Mrs. William Higgins went to i ..... i.mcoin last Wednesday evening to visit relatives. Chat Mo-micy of Mtirdock, with his force of men, were in the rail road yards at Alvo Tuesday. ' Mrs. George Hobbitt. went to Lincoln Tuesday evening on No. 17. Miss Genevieve Horsh of Uni versity Place visited from Friday until Sunday with Miss Pearl Keefer. Mrs. George Condra, Miss Cor delia Condra and Mrs. Hill emever of Lincoln visited Friday at the home of Mrs. S. C. Hoyles. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hoyles enter tained at dinner Thanksgiving Miss Russell of South Dakota, Mr. Somerville of McCook, Neb.; Mrs. Joe Prouty of University Place, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keefer and family. The A. O. U. W. elected officers tor the ensuing year as follows: Charles Ayrs, P. M. W.; A. I. Hird, M. ; Charles Suavely, foreman; Hob Johnson, overseer; J. A. Shaffer, R. F.; Harry Parsell, R.; Harley Wolfe, guide; Dean Kainm, I. W.; Henry Hanson, O. W.; Ed Hurlbut, W. W. Hird and A. J. Friend, trustees. .MI'S. Joe Hie lardsnn is visit inir ! Vli.ui..., ' ".B I "in. ii m lowa. Mrs. Charles Sbelton went lo Lincoln Monday evening. Harry Parsell was in Green wood Monday on business. J. II. Miller was in Lincoln Wednesday on business. J. P. Rouse was attending lo business at Lincoln Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac WolTc were trading in Lincoln Wednesday. Mrs. McCurdy is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hud Grove and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Foreman were in Lincoln Saturday on busi ness. Miss Orpha Mullin was calling on friends at, Murdock on S;ilm-- day of last week. Mrs. E. D. Friend and daughter are visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Skinner. mv. and Mrs. Jacob Cook of Old are visiting with Aunt Hina Kitzel and Frank Cook and fam ily and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and Mrs. Ed Stone autoed to Lincoln Tuesday, spending the day there. J. H. Ouellliorst went lo Octavia Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with bis daughter, Mrs. Hirkhold er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hird and his brother, Clark Hird. of In diana, look dinner Saturday with A. I. Hird and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of University Place and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stone. Mrs. Hina Kitzel entertained on Thanksgiving day her brother, J. D. Cook and family of Ord. Neb.: her nephew. Frank Cook, of Have lock, and James Cook of Heaver City, Neb.; her children, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weichel of Elmwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone and son, William Kitzel and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kitzel, Hert Kitzel and Mrs. M. P. Slone. The Hrotherbood of American elected olllcers fur I ho ensuing year as follows: Fore man, George D. Hobbitt; M. C, J. E. Parsell; C Mrs. Clo O. Shaf fer; M. A., Ed Slromer; chaplain, J. H. Slroenier; overseer, A. J. Foreman; watchman, Alfred Slroenier; sentinel, Henry M. Han- son; guard, A. If. Klyver; Lady Rowena, Mrs. W. E. Newkirk; Lady Rebecca, Mrs. A. J. Fore man. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Coin spent Thanksgiving day with her folks, Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Foreman, re turning Thui-Kday evening to their luime at Havelock. . Visit Hospital. Mrs. linns Sri vers, Mrs. Jacob Tritsch and Mrs. John Albert went lo homaniiel hospital at Omaha this morning to visit Miss Emma Albert and A. II. Roessler for a tew hours. John Albert call ed on these patients yesterday and found his daughter improved considerably, the inflammation of the wound being considerably re duced ami it is hoped that Miss Emma is now on the way to re covery. Mr. Roessler is able, to Bit up and his physician allows him lo go about with a crutch, but riot far as yet. Injured at the Shops. Frank 'Slalinsky, an employe of the Hurlington, working on the freight car repair track, had the misfortune lo step on a nail while working on his job Ibis morning, esulling in quite n painTuI wound. His injury was dressed by the company physician and Mr. Slalinsky will lay off for a short lime, Without opiates or harmful drugs or any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Cornnpnd slops coughs and cures colds. Do not accent any substitute. For sale bv F. 0. Fricke K Co. n